Out Of Character

Answer from the player's point of view please. Answer in full, feel free to take as many pages as you wish.

  1. What do you like about the personality of your character?
  2. What do you dislike about his or her personality?
  3. What does your characters voice sound like?
  4. Did the development of your character go in the direction you expected it to from the beginning? Speculate wildly why this is so.
  5. How should you like to expand your character's role?
  6. What annoying little habits does your character have?
  7. What is your character's self esteem like.
  8. Does your character play well with others. Why or why not.
  9. Does your character think they play well with others. Why or why not.
  10. What do you think would actually satisfy your character the most, emotionally and physically?