Where we turned away ...

Divergent point: First series, Courts of Chaos end of chapter 10.

Corwin fights his way through Shadow Storms, eats Hugi, makes his Pattern, loses the Jewel, and arrives at the battle at the far end of Chaos to see the shadow storm approaching. Fights Borel, approaches the battle, chases Brand and sees the impasse of Brand holding Deirdre. (Side note, _all_ the Amberite children are there, Oberon didn't leave Gerard behind to guard Amber during this time of trouble, only himself and Dworkin.) Brand tells the group to accept him as their king and surrender to him, and threatens to let the storm wipe them out if they don't. Fiona confirms that the Jewel is necessary for them to survive the storm, but thinks she can do it if she can get the Jewel. Brand threatens Deirdre. Corwin, remembering what Brand did to Benedict in Tir-na Nog'th tries to freeze him. He succeeds, but Brand's last convulsive twitch slices Deirdre, badly, and she jerks away, just as Caine's arrows pierce Brand. They topple over the edge, Deirdre holding on with her last strength till they rescue her.

Deirdre is mortally wounded, but the Jewel does not go over the edge due to her efforts. Corwin scoops her up and carries her off to his tent, allowing no one near her. Fiona recognizes Corwin's efforts in saving them, and talks Caine out of killing Corwin on sight. When Fiona, leading the rest of them, manages to convince Corwin he is needed, he deputises Gerard to guard Deirdre. Then, with the support of those surviving, Corwin turns aside the first wall of Shadow storm. People start to rejoice and finish cleaning up after the battle, but Fiona warns them that it isn't over. They all go to rest for the short period of time before the second wall of Shadow storm approaches. This one lights up with Oberon's face, and he gives his "final words". Through draining most of their power, Fiona and Bleys manage to give Corwin enough strength to turn the second wall. On the heels of the second wall came Oberon himself, leading a force of arms that Dworkin gathered after Oberon succeeded in fixing the Pattern. Dworkin approaches Corwin and in a touching scene, accepts the Jewel back, and walks off with it.

Oberon is a semi-invalid after repairing the pattern, but is at the head of fresh troops from the new Shadow, and turns them over to Benedict, so they all can march on Chaos. As they arrive, King Swayvill comes out to meet him, accompanied by what appears (to Oberon's children) to be the rest of his court. Some arrangement was made (from the strength of Oberon's bargaining position) and for some reason (that is speculated to be Corwin's Pattern) Chaos is weaker and accedes to the conditions of limiting its tampering on the other side of Ygg. Oberon congratulates Corwin on his efforts and they seem to share something private. He also confirms that the "first" wall was from Corwin's pattern. Oberon invites Merlin and Dara to his court for as long as they wish.

The victory party begins, with all sorts of politicking, side swapping, alliances both made and shattered. Corwin is not in evidence for any of this for he has gone back to his tent, politely asked Gerard to leave, and continued to care for his sister. Gerard isn't too optimistic about her chances for survival and isn't hesitant about telling people that when he joins the celebration.

Later Corwin informed the people outside his tent when Deirdre died and then he went off to mourn on his own. He told people that she would be buried with the proper ceremony.

Dworkin: missing again.

Oberon: back on the throne in Amber.

Benedict: Knight-marshal of Amber and at Oberon's side Eric: dead Corwin: gone off to his own reality to mourn for Deirdre Caine: looking for Dworkin (with Fiona) as per order of Oberon Deirdre: dead Fiona: looking for Dworkin (with Caine) as per order of Oberon Bleys: living it up in Amber Llewella: back in Rebma Brand: dead Florimel: hosting Amber functions for Oberon Julian: in Arden with his troops Gerard: alive, leading the trade in and out of Amber's waterways Random: ambassador to the Courts of Chaos (he liked it there)

Martin: learning about statecraft and his dad in Chaos Dara: Whereabouts unknown Merlin: In Amber, learning about that half of his heritage

You are (unless you wish to convince me otherwise -- I am open to ideas) a grandchild of Oberon. You have 120 points to spend and must have a movement power (Pattern, Logrus, Broken Pattern, whatever). I will let you know about the auction. Talk to me about contributions. If you have any specific requests for parentage, let me know. Your lineage may affect the point cost of things. For example if Oberon is in your heritage, getting Pattern isn't that difficult (~50 points, depending on how distant you are from him) but if he isn't it will cost much more. On the other hand, some powers aren't available to the Barimen family...

Much thanks to Scott Whitney for his help in defining the cosmography.