I saw that Dave Kern was missing notes, and I'm waiting for my co-workers to return from lunch, so... ---------------------------- Jean is cautioned not to tell Flora about the Unicorn's change in status. ("Don't tell mom the Unicorn's dead!") Caelin tells Jean to get Flora decontaminated. Flora gets a description of House Cara's current location, makes a few disparaging remarks about Amarath, and shadowwalks off. Shortly thereafter, Flora arrives at House Cara. Hubert complains about his leg. (I believe at this point he is told it'll grow back, and Flora vouches for the Amberite healing capacity.) Hubert declines a more permanent prosthetic, figuring that he'll just whittle down his wooden leg as his real leg grows back. Flora pulls in Spam Gerard (the last person to see Oberon alive) and Tate, who was trapped underneath him. Two wolfhounds follow Tate as he goes away to find Zack's Amber wing and wash the spamminess off. Jean takes the stairs to Tir to the dungeons of Amber, and bricks them into a cell. He uncovers the moon, and Tir doesn't make an appearance (hopefully he checked the wine cellar, or wherever Tir would have stretched to). The moon fails to bleed, much to Jean's relief. Jean searches for Zorro (for some reason which escapes me). He finds a source of oppression - a damsel in a tower. Jean cries out, "Will no one save this poor woman from oppression!" A knight appears, and is eaten by the tower. Wash, rinse, repeat. Shortly, a knight is fighting off the tower, and it is pointed out to Jean that the damsel is just a lure, not actually alive. "Won't someone save this poor knight from oppression!" Zorro arrives, is given a message by Jean (from Caelin? re: contamination?), and persuaded to attack the tower. He asks for a tank, and one is provided. Neither Jean nor Zorro can make the tank work. Jean (with transport from Ilk) brings in a Jean tank, which Zorro uses to destroy the tower. Zorro expresses surprise that the tank is Jean, and Jean explains unlife to Zorro. This gives Zorro an idea, and he tells Jean he will need to ask his help in the future. Jean promises to help the Savior of Swayville, and Zorro is off. Jean offers to replace the battered knight's charger, which was consumed by the castle. The Jean hovertank and the knight zoom off into legend, at least locally. The bear mage speaks with the small dragon in House Cara very politely, and makes the appropriate translations. The dragon's name is "Kintani", and he is very upset about being blue. He blames Cailin for this incident, which occurred in Pride's Folly. (For some reason, Ilk creates gates between Jeans - 'hobbit billiards'. I have no recollection why this is; my notes tend to be light on context, as Jean is.)