Osric loose ends: ------------------ Etiquette Guild - still in the pocket stop Mystifer is head - no guild head Snarsht's pissy mood Beastmaster's Guild is having an all-hands meeting Healer's guild refounded *Fringe* Not being King Reality Engine Caelin's missing report on antidragons The marble moat in Chaos around House Moonlight (Ferethyn) Neville loose ends: ------------------- Tap on the Primal Pattern Return of Llewella (in the assassin's guild) Surprising lack of patterns Rebman aftermath Brendyn is missing Reality Engine *Keeping tabs on Dara Oberon's funeral Julian's funeral The lack of people to fill positions in Amber Steward (Jean) Arden Army Fleet Getting Zack back from Cobalt; finding Zack a permanent position (navy or arden) Oberon's (missing) cache of pattern artifacts The results of /loot Oberon Ferro and Oberon's head Dworkin and the primal pattern-based insanity