(I'm not positive about the order of what happened with Geryon and Snarsht, specifcally when the lab was breached.) - Note: The massed guilds of Chaos scattered when freed from the cavern. - Kintani is called away on #ERRAND - Geryon and Snarsht (the actual strike force) arrive at where the lab is supposed to be. There is blucite blocking the lab. Geryon moves the blucite wall out of the way, exposing the lab doorway. - Geryon tests the lab door with a fringe crystal, and is blown back with some effort. Snarsht suggests hiding, and does so by clawing a space out above the doorway. Geryon finds another hiding place. - A minion appears and checks the lab, and leaves apparently satisfied. Geryon stays hidden. - Near the surface, Carolan starts losing troops (and blood) to small wounds. He suspects sneaky sorcery, and warns his troops: "Jhereg!" One of his troops dies while he's telling them, but a Ifrit is able to push him out of the way of something. Whatever the attack is splits the Ifrit's blade lengthwise. The Ifrit's hand is cut (severed?) and the Ifrit bleeds fire. - Carolan goes back outside the underground area and is able to use sorcery to help al-Nasir finish climbing back up from the cliff. al-Nasir is cursing more than usual, and bleeding while swatting away something zapping around him. When al-Nasir swats, shards of metal are melting. - al-Nasir and Carolan politely curse at each other in obscure languages. - Natasha contacts Cagliostro, looking for Zorro (who has left a note asking them to be an audience as he shows Llewella the error of her ways). Cagliostro suggests Cyndia or Janus, but Natasha is unable to contact them via Trump. He brings her and Random through to the launching-off point, four shadows out from Chaos. - Natasha and Random are given a very brief briefing about the other side, and passed through a trump contact to al-Nasir rather than wait for Carolan to conact them. Random seems more than usually stoned. - Random plucks Carolan's mystery attacker out of the air, a small blade attached to something. He lets it go, and prepares to parry whatever that is (using a whippy Easterner blade that Carolan created for him) while the army moves further into the corridor. al-Nasir criticizes his form, he parries a golden needle into al-Nasir, and their relationship deteriorates from there. - Cagliostro notes that King Osric is looking unfocused, and decides that since the King is not observing those around him it's probably a Trump contact and not subversion. - After a time, Osric (in a different voice) says "We need a strike force, quickly." Cagliostro asks who "we" is, and it seems that the King is using the royal we for the first time. Cagliostro talks to Rainbow, who goes over to investigate. - Rainbow abjectly asks his most great and wonderful majesty what his humblest of servants can do for him. Instead of the expected "cut the crap, Rainbow" Osric says "Bring me someone important" so that he can get his strike team. - Rainbow kills Osric. Cagliostro politely informs Princess Chandra of the sticky political situation. - Cagliostro suggests redeploying, since their location has been discovered. Gil gains the ability to see in the local area. Rainbow loudly suggests "Run!". - Cagliostro (with Princess Chandra's help) opens a gate to a place he's never been, far away. The remaining crowd relocates (although it is undefined what happened to the booze the dragon brought). Rainbow opens a gate of his own and throws Osric's body through it. Gil can no longer see once she steps through. - The other side appears to be a connected set of fleshy pink balloons. Eww. - After some travel that doesn't match up with the map and seems to fold upon itself, Carolan's forces find Janus's army and a few guards that seem to have been stepped on by a horse. Carolan and Janus prevent their armies from coming to blows, and find the lab after Janus's army spreads out and starts moving in all directions. - One of the pictsies is standing at a place where Llewella's troops seem to be appearing, smacking a spot on the wall with his forehead. He says sometimes, a troop appears and he gets them. There are a few bodies already. - Random gives al-Nasir some analgesic after their argument concludes, and al-Nasir seems to operate fine even with part of his spine exposed. They join the group. - Janus, Carolan and Natasha meet Geryon and the lab is reopened. This also reveals a new door that starts disgorging troops. Battle ensues, but not before Geryon gets stabbed several times and clears out. - Moving the blucite reveals that Snarsht has clawed his way through the wall above the door, and created a transom gap large enough for Chandroids to crawl through. The group does so, joining a pitched battle between Snarsht, Zorro, and a thickening menace in the air. Zorro's horse is in the lab, dead. - Janus enters eventually by the front door, and is blucited. Geryon whacks him with a table to knock him out into the hallway, and the table is partially blucited. Janus is freed via Fringe Crystal, and Janus and Random enter the fray via the transom. - The Ifrit can have some effect on the menace, but after prolonged contact they stop moving. The pictsies cannot be blocked by the menace, nor can they affect it. - Geryon experiments and finds that the blucited table is an effective weapon against the thickening menace. - Rainbow realizes that Snarsht is inside, and plans are discussed. Mistress Janice opines that the plan is now "get them!" - In the midst of trump contacts with Carolan (tapped by the enemy), Cagliostro has a brief contact with Alice (not tapped by the enemy). The Spiral is acting strangely even with the net in place, and sending something in Cagliostro's direction. She worked her way down the contact list to Cagliostro, unsuccessfully until now. - Cagliostor tells the group, although he has to repeat a bit when Ferethyn shows up. Princess Chandra introduces Ferethyn, who goes off to investigate after giving Cagliostro a coin that can be used to summon him (since Old Lords tend to wait too long for this sort of thing). - Cagliostro passes more Ifrit and the remaining Chaosians, minus Gil, Mistress Janice, and Princess Chandra (and presumably a few assassins). Rainbow seems to take the form of an Ifrit as he passes through. - Attempts to blucite non-living objects fail, so an Ifrit is told to step near the doorway. After he is blucited, he is used as a seed to generate other blucited weapons to attack the menace. - Johnny sees a terminal across the room, and points it out. The crowd starts to clear a path. - Elsewhere, Cagliostro feels like he is being hunted. It's what he feels when Kintani is inbound. He tells Princess Chandra, who looks suprised and says that it's some-thing-, not some-one-. She suggests he clear a safe distance from his daughter, which he does. He also makes certain preparations in case the visitor is a member of the Black Council. - A galleon appears from no direction Cagliostro's mind wants to handle, and flies through the air directly toward Gil's head. Mistress Janice wards, and the ship slowly starts to break through her active wards. - Cagliostro actives the Ifrit generators, and conjures a net to bind the ship in the balloon. The ship shrugs off the net as Princess Chandra boards it. - Since Mistress Janice is busy, Cagliostro describes the ship at Gil's plaintive request. Gil recognizes the description, down to the name "Dalkantyr" on the prow. Gil curses, repeatedly. - Cagliostro makes a backup escape plan for his daughter, and creates grapping hooks for the Ifrit.