- Cagliostro tries to affect Dalktonyr, and fails miserably. Princess Chandra *FWOMPS* out of the ship, and they compare notes. Neither one can affect the ship. - The Ifrit have not returned from boarding the ship, and Princess Chandra did not notice them on the ship. She says there was nothing living, and that the ship is unalive so normally she would ask Jean for help. However, she doesn't tend to pay attention to minions so she isn't sure what happened to the Ifrit. - Princess Chandra follows an Ifrit volunteer back onto the ship, and reports back that they are snipped out of existence an instant before their deaths. The people snipped out may be restored later - in theory. She believes that it was done by someone trying to gain access to Dalkontyr, not by someone who had access codes. - Cagliostro creates a total of 60 Ifrit and starts training three metaconcert teams of Ifrit mages to take over warding duties from Mistress Janice. This is workable, but takes time. Three Ifrit are non-mages, and there are three spares for each team. Eventually, Team Alpha and Team Aleph are ready, and Team Abjad is almost ready and still practicing. - Team Alpha takes over the ward defense, and Cagliostro works on Mistress Janice's hands and feet. - Jean realizes that something is trying to push him out of UberMjolnir. He tells Ilk, and starts the hammer flamenco in response. - In the lab, the assault force notices the lights flicker. - The wedge carves a path to the terminal, and Johnny fails to log in. Defense grid six is active, autodefenses are active, and the local terminal is locked out. The local terminal demands a login from a different terminal. - Johnny uses a Trump to log on to Gil, and is greeted with Julian-level access. - Johnny OK's his own local access (he still can't create a new user) and gets a split screen - each Johnny sees his own commands on the left and the other Johnny on the right. Johnny communicates with himself. - Johnny shuts down autodefenses and monitor's Llewella's process. - Johnny uses a virus to trojan Llewella's virus that is attempting to take full control of the reality engine. - Jean uses Ubermjolnir to flatten someplace. He also unracks spells three times to start destroying some machine that is holding him. - Johnny lets everyone know that Jean Protocol 3 has been initiated. - Jean believes he has a single set of perceptions and he is in his mother's library. His aunt is there, and he wants to help her. - Jean feels like he's in a dream, so he contacts Titania. Jean gains a second set of perceptions there. Jean talks with his balances, who convince him he's being lied to by Llewella. Jean pretends to agree to help Llewella, Llewella enters Jean's mind and tries to kill him. Jean and Llewella trade barbs and fight mentally. Llewella does not appreciate having images from the Sea of Chance stuffed into her mind. - With Titania's help, Jean connects to Llewella's perceptions for a moment - she is sitting on a chair made of pattern power at the center of a pattern, with a Jean saucer in front of her and a stone in her lap. - Norton makes Jean bleed Eric blood everywhere. One of the boxes in the lab in Pride's Folly begins to overflow with blood. Random can taste both the remains of his hallucinogens and Eric in the blood. - The library perception goes away, Jean enters Titania's realm as a brain in a jar. Faythe fixes him and falls over. Jean is sober for an instant, and then restoned by Random. - Norton tries his best to fix Faythe and barely keeps her alive. Snarsht arrives with Geryon and whisks Faythe away to the Overworld to help her. - Kintani is almost hunting Llewella. He's hunting her, but only following through if she moves. She moves. He follows. - She is in a cave where the potential for power is. The potential notices Kintani and hides from him. Kintani looks around and notices an upside-down castle at the bottom of a lake. - Kintani hunts Cagliostro and tells them about the cavern. At their suggestion, Kintani hunts Geryon to tell Snarsht about the cavern. - Kintani finds Geryon and Snarsht in the Overworld, working on Faythe. Kintani curls up and waits for his message to be passed along to them, and then brings Snarsht and Geryon to Llewella's new location. - Johnny realizes that Llewella has lost her access and must reauthorize at the main local terminal - the one that he's at. The team starts cleaning up the lab and preparing a trap. - The Johnnys want more crystals, so Cagliostro creates a third Johnny in Chaos and that Johnny enters the fringe where he rescues Hamster Benedict. Johnny starts passing Fringe crystals though. - Llewella's location seems to be an upside-down castle at the bottom of a lake. Geryon goes underwater, Snarsht becomes a lizard and jumps out and into Geryon to stay dry. - Snarsht and Geryon enter the castle dungeons, free a prisoner, and reach the edge of pattern power. Geryon stays behind and Snarsht goes forward. Elsewhere, Kintani feels a panicked Llewella flee, and pursues. - Johnny where Cagliostro is locks the local lab terminal. Johnny hides, as does everyone else in the room. - Geryon and Snarsht return to Cagliostro in the pink balloon shadow. - "LAB INTEGRITY BREACHED". Llewella appears, and unblucites herself. Llewella fights her way across the thickening fog, using blucite left right and center, but weakens and is blasted by energy a few times and lies on the floor. - Kintani realizes that Llewella has returned to the original, trapped location. He stops hunting her consistently, and just checks for changes in location. - Cagliostro finds out that magic rarely works on the Fringe, so he creates three new Ifrit to help Johnny on the Fringe. Snarsht makes them Fringeworthy. Cagliostro introduces them to Hamster Benedict, and they have the standard reaction of skepticism.