- Natasha leads a shadow-walking contingent with Caelin, Tate, and Carolan heading toward House Moonlight. Caelin is surprised to be there already, possibly since he was distracted while talking to Carolan. Natasha points out that they just walked past Chaos a little while ago. - Kintani is outside Pride's Folly (still blucited, but with a hole) with the Serpent's Apprentice, Dalkantyr, Doom the Fringe Dragon, and a Jean. Dragons need: minions. The Serpent's Apprentice keeps Ubermjolnir between his cheek and gum to protect it from the sea of chance. - Kintani suggests creating a Serpentish minion - that guy who created a Fringe Dragon without being Fringy or Dragony is a good candidate. Ilk contacts Princess Chandra, who informs Ilk that -he- is the minion. Princess Chandra suggests that what Ilk is looking for is a 'flunky'. Ilk and Princess Chandra discuss Serpent power and what it would do to minions - apparently Serpent-power causes the aggregation of material, which is why Ilk has to scrape off every so often in the sea. A flunky wouldn't have the momentum to avoid just falling over. Princess Chandra is mildly surprised that Ilk doesn't accrete material in non-Serpent form. Eventually, she volunteers her apprentice as a flunky. Ilk is chagrined (and astonished) at having forgotten Zorro. Ilk accepts the loan of Zorro, and goes looking for him. - Caelin and Carolan discuss shadow-shifting as they walk along. Carolan would like to find a way to get someplace he hasn't been before. They speculate about Carolan's ancestry, and decide that shape-shifting probably precludes Amberite ancestry. Caelin and Natasha admit that there may be other ways of shadow shifting, but they don't know it. - The shadow-shifting crowd gets to House Moonlight. The person at the front door is still gone, having scarpered off when Pharaban arrived. Tate goes back to the lab to exercise, Natasha goes to the House Second to brief him, and Carolan wants to ask the Archvist just what records he has access to. Natasha points Caelin toward the ladies-in-waiting to make sure the invitation list was complete and so that he can choose flowers. Carolan points out that his family will need to be invited. - Ilk searches for Zorro, expecting to fail. He finds Caelin. Confused, he tries again - Caelin again. Ilk talks to Caelin, who is very clear about not having done anything. Caelin tells Ilk that Tate went back in the Lab to exercise with Zorro. Caelin goes back to the lab to check, and Ilk's tendril gets cut off at the lab door. - Caelin enters the lab, where there are signs of debacle. Tate is screaming his head off and trapped upside down by a tentacle, and Zorro's apprentice seems to be seriously injured. Caelin goes back outside and complains loudly at Ilk. Shortly thereafter, a rubbery tentacle phases through the wall and wraps around Caelin's waist and drags him into the room. Caelin conjures scissors to cut the tentacles, and the scissors skitter off without finding a purchase. - Ilk checks the wards on the lab - it's Zorro's signature, and it's blocked against just about everything. - Caelin tries to freeze the tendrils. Caelin fails. Caelin conjures a note in the Archivist's office asking for help. - In the Archivist's office, Carolan, Natasha, and the Archivist see a giant burning "HELP!" appear. Instantly, they know it's Caelin - because it's asking for help but offering exactly no useful information. Carolan conjures back the image of a burning bush and the message "What the fuck?" Caelin conjures back - "traps in Zorro's lab!" The crowd wanders down to the lab. Ilk creates a viewscreen in the hall outside the lab and displays the image of Caelin being grabbed and dragged. Carolan very much wants this to be shown at the wedding. Natasha starts handing out bottles of conjured hot sauce. She gives one to Carolan and tosses one to Caelin. Caelin levitates his bottle and cracks it. Hot sauce goes everywhere - if it hits Caelin, it -really burns-. If it hits the tentacle, that part hisses and turns black. If it hits parts of Zorro's lab, it does property damage. "It has a pour spout for a reason!" offers Natasha. Natasha tosses a second bottle at Caelin. Caelin looks at the bottle - there's a picture of a rooster and some strange characters. He pours the second bottle on the tentacle. Tate goes unconscious. Carolan goes over to cut him free from the tentacles holding him. Tate twitches back into consciousness at precisely the wrong moment, and loses a hand but is only held by one tentacle. Tate tries to beat his way out, and fails. Carolan tries to cut the other tentacle, and the tentacle twitches. A handless Tate runs out of the room at speed, and is snagged by Ilk. In the lab, the tentacles have grabbed Tate's hands and are filling into a Tate-shaped form. Carolan's ankle is grabbed by a tentacle. He tries to cut it, but his weapon skitters off. "Oh well, you asked for it." Carolan uncaps his bottle and shakes it on the tentacle. Sizzling happens. - Ilk does some tracing and finds a large tentacular thing under House Moonlight, in the Sea. It looks like it could be Pharabanish. It wants "FOOD. SQUISHY. SOFT." Ilk offers to find it better food. It follows Ilk's tendrils, dragging both Caelin and a Tate-shaped mass. - Ilk shares on the viewscreen in the fleshy nodule shadow. - Caelin tries to supersize himself magically, but runs out of power after simply doubling. He is confused - until he realizes he's in the Sea. - Carolan steps out of the lab and sees the viewscreen. Carolan is amused. - Ilk looks for a thriving city, something Neotokyoesque, and points the tentacular thing at it. Excited, it drops Caelin and runs toward its new (less resistant) food source. "So, do you want to let Pharaban know you're around?" "HUNGRY." "Right." Caelin is still out of magic. He realizes that he didn't test his magic after leaving the trap shadow. Ilk tries to take Caelin to House Moonlight, but Caelin wants to get back to the trap. To get his magic back. - Ilk brings Caelin back to the trap shadow - it's sealed with Realms Mage tape. Caelin admits to not being sure his magic is actually in the shadow. Ilk decides not to break Ferethyn's wards just yet. - Ilk splits the viewscreen in the hallway in half to continue tracking the tentacled thing. Elsewhere, the tentacular horror seems to have come across a problem. There is a young lady wielding Greyswandir. It's not Deirdre - Deirdre's not that clumsy. Ilk shares with the fleshy nodule crowd. - Caelin finds Zorro's apprentice (who is still unconscious and bleeding) and brings him out into the hallway. Carolan starts healing him. - Ilk checks the Sea - there is a blob of Caelin magic. Kintani says "Look! A minion!" Ilk checks with Princess Chandra about shaping Caelin's magic into a disposable minion, but she points out that Caelin's magic is already shaping itself. Into something dragonish. Oh, Black Councilish. Ilk grabs the magic and stuffs it back in Caelin. Caelin forgets why this might be a bad idea just after the magic comes back in. Carolan realizes that his healing attempts are failing. Caelin tries to fix the apprentice, but he's too real to affect. Carolan starts mundane first aid. Ilk tries to weld some blood vessels and fails - the kid's reality is resistant to this. Ilk realizes the kid is more real than Zorro. Ilk also realizes he has no idea where Zorro found this kid. - Zorro rides back in, having found the coloring book for his apprentice. Zorro is confused. Ilk replays what he saw. Caelin fills in the rest with some assertive guesswork. There is some discussion - the general consensus is that the tentacled thing is not powerful enough to have caused the damage to Zorro's apprentice. Caelin is placed back on a leaf for a few moments, and still not given a chance to make a threat of his own. Bickering happens. There is consensus that Caelin should not eat kraken, although Kintani does arrive and drops off a chunk of kraken. Kintani hunts for Max's daughter, and determines that she's still moving at speed and is definitely not Zorro's apprentice. - Ilk influences Zorro to go hunt the Alcalde in the Pride's Folly. Zorry asks Kintani for a lift. Kintani fails to pouch Zorro, and flies to Pride's Folly with Zorro riding him. Ow. Spurs. - Cagliostro notes Zorro climbing into the reality (via the Ilk telescreen), and asks Princess Chandra if they should shut the defenses down. Princess Chandra says that Zorro is having fun, but does admit it will be wise. Cagliostro asks Johnny1 and/or Johnny2 to shut down the defenses. They do so. - Zorro declares victory (because the enemy has obviously fled), and returns to his apprentice, who is still unconscious. - Ilk leaves a note at House Pharaban that one of his potential relatives is at thus-and-such-a-place in Shadow. - Caelin asks Ilk why the creature was in Zorro's Lab - Ilk checks, and determines that the lab is a soft place because Zorro keeps going in and out of the Sea. - Dalkantyr, seeing that the defenses are gone, dives into Pride's Folly. Ilk makes a token objection after Dalkantyr disappears.. Ilk and Kintani discuss what to do about the machine, and whether or not it's a pole (and therefore structural) or can be safely destroyed. There is speculation that it's logic, an opposite pole of emotion. Ilk checks the powers in the promontory - most things are off in most places, but back on in the lab. - Ilk sends in a red eye, the color of malediction, floating spirits, and the Jewel. - Elsewhere, Johnny3 has found his quarries. They are in the same place, but are not not in one piece per person. There is a vaguely bacta-ish tank with Malcolm in it - it doesn't seem to be dissolving him, nor healing him. Kaylee has a pressure bandage around her the bottom of her upper half, and seems to be missing her lower half. On top of the bacta tank is what seems to be an ice sculpture of Zoe's head and spinal column. River is helping to hold Kaylee's innards in while Kaylee works on the tank. Kaylee looks at Johnny, looks at the Ifrit, and faints. The bacta tank starts to fall apart. Johnny3 talks to the Ifrit about bringing in Cagliostro. The Ifrit trumps Cagliostro, and gives the Count a view of the area. The Count has the Ifrit talk to River, who passes through the three mangled crew members and comes through herself. River says that they were in such pain, and seems somewhat unfocused. Cagliostro suggests that she sleep, but she's not doing well. Whatever Random did to her is wearing off. Cagliostro conjures another dose of the meds, and administers it. It still works, but not as well as the first dose. River asks the assembled Ifrit to tell her brother that she's fine, and passes out. - The Ifrit regroup around Johnny3 to shield, and head back to the Assassin's Guild with Johnny. - When Ilk checks into the lab, he sees that Dalkantyr is stuck in a net of raw power. The net seems to be anchored to the reality itself. - Zorro's apprentice regains consciousness, sees the coloring book, and scurries into the lab and fetches his crayons. Kintani compares the kid's Kintani passes that information to Orm, who tells Kintani about alternate realities. - Ilk checks with Johnny1 and 2 - are there are any defenses active? "No." "Are you sure?" "I just deactivated them." "Why don't you check?" Johnny checks, and finds out that Dalkantyr defenses 1 and 3 are activated. "Query - Dalkantyr explusion?" "I'M SORRY, JULIAN, THAT IS NOT WITHIN THE SCOPE OF THE REALITY ENGINE." - Query other Dalkantyr defenses? "1 THROUGH 11". There's a warning after Dalkantyr 11 - use only in EXTREME danger! Dalkantyr 7 appears to assume there's a fleet of Dalkantyr. - "GWEN REINCARNATION CONTINGENCY 7 ON-LINE". Johnny shares. People are unhappy. Ilk goes looking for a Gwen-beetle. He doesn't see them, but he does see Julian beetles. Johnny checks - the computer informs him that Gwen is required to deal with Dalkantyr. Jean tells the computer that the G-person is no longer required to deal with Dalktyr. Jean tells Dalkantyr that his presence has caused Gwen to become reincarnated - and Dalkantyr freaks out and bails. Jean says "See?" to the computer, and gives it a good hard vibration along the unlife channel. The reality engine detects the return of normal conditions. "FLUSHING EXCESS POWER DRAIN. VENTING... VENTING..." Ilk sees a bunch of white dust spraying out into the Sea. The dust does not survive well in the Sea, but Ilk makes sure it is destroyed anyway. - Ilk has Jean check if Dalkantyr knows white dust destruction techniques - not only does Dalkantyr not know them, it did not know about white dust. Jean briefs Dalkantyr, who is distressed to realize it has a hold full of white dust. By design, Dalkantyr has no way of manipulating the contents of that hold. The hold is sealed, and cannot be manipulated by Dalkantyr, and can only be accessed by someone with the key. Ilk warns Dalkantyr that it carries its enemy within itself. Dalkantyr determines to destroy itself! Dalkantyr is talked down. Dalkantyr still wants to do rash things. - Ilk adds a post-it note to Shiryu's pile. Shiryu has sorted the notes and dealt with a couple. Shiryu ah-ha!s and asks for leaf-shaped post-it notes last time (to verify the sender). Ilk briefs Shiryu on Dalkantyr. Shiryu waters the Jean and Ilk tree while he decides whether to help. - Kaylee is conscious again and is happy to help with her own finishing touches (because it both horrifies and fascinates her). Kaylee prefers mechanical bits over organic bits during the finishing touches. Cagliostro lets Kaylee know that her friends are alive, and will remain such, and asks for her help healing Al-Nazir. Kaylee agrees, as long as her friends will be fine. - Cagliostro pokes around in Al-Nazir's head, searching for a suitable reward for not being a -useless- tool. Al-Nazir wants: his father's respect (that'll take a while), for everyone else to know he's better than they are (even longer), for his spine to stop hurting (working on it) or fighting lessons from Random (hmm...) Random has left, so Cagliostro asks Gil. Gil has a particular phobia about being burned, since friends of hers were burned to death in front of her. Cagliostro sympathizes. Cagliostro checks with Calla and Janus, and Calla agrees to offer some lessons. Cagliostro and Calla agree on rules. ("Don't make me work too hard fixing him.") Johnny1 checks if there is a connection between the reality engine and Dalkantyr. "I'M SORRY JULIAN, THAT IS A RESTRICTED PIECE OF INFORMATION." - Dalkantyr is heading out into the deep Sea. It doesn't want to be found, so it doesn't want Jean near it since the reality engine just needs to find one Jean to find all Jeans and Dalkantyr. Jean is displeased by this thought. - Kaylee and Cagliostro have fixed Al-Nazir. Cagliostro issues Kaylee minion-level armor (in the guise of Kaylee-appropriate clothing). He asks her to keep an eye on the tanks while he has a good nap, or perhaps a full fleshy night's sleep. - Now that the Pride's Folly situation has reached a lull, Kintani decides to return to his charge. Cagliostro fluffs his pillows, and gets sniffed by Kintani. Janus tells Calla: "Right. Kata 6, 8, and 12 intermixed". "Intermixed? Are you sure?" Janus shrugs. "It's more fun that way." There is a clash of blades. Kaylee asks Al-Nazir, "How did you get so many cuts? They were fighting each other." Cagliostro drifts off to sleep. Kintani watches for a while, then offers to spar with Janus again. Janus points out that they should move before they do that, so Princess Chandra doesn't critique them. - Johnny3 reaches the Assassin's Guild, and his curfew escorts suggest that he stay here because of the Chaos curfew. After consultation, Johnny agrees. Johnny3 approaches the guild, but the Ifrit stop at the door. Johnny makes sure they're fine, which they are, but they haven't been invited in. Johnny3 calls in, and gets permission to enter from Simon. He enters, the Ifrit stays outside. Simon wants to go to River, or have River brought to him. Simon won't go outside - he's been advised not to leave. Simon is insistent that he and River be reunited. The Ifrit trumps Cagliostro, who is asleep and dreaming of the sea and seagulls. Cagiostro talks to the Ifrit for a bit, and realizes he's asleep. Cagliostro talks to the Ifrit a bit longer, then wakes himself up. He tells Kaylee that Simon wants River to be where he is, and passes River through the trump connection. - Cagliostro goes back to sleep. As he sleeps, he sees Kintani curl around him and wrap a wing over him. - The Ifrit ask Johnny to ask Inara to ask River to either hold back on her wandering or wander in Benedict's service. Johnny blanks, shrugs, writes a note to that effect. Johnny enters the Guild, and sees two women building card houses with a gentleman made of sand. He talks briefly to them, then wanders into other rooms looking for Inara. In the first room, he encounters Roland who menaces him and trumps Cagliostro to validate the message. Cagliostro is asleep and dreaming again. Roland is somewhat taken aback - Cagiostro is floating in mid-air above his lens. (Dragons are apparently playing in the lens. Cagliostro does not see this.) Cagliostro talks to Roland about River's message Roland points out where Inara is, and goes to vouch for him. He knocks on the door, and is greeted by "We're busy!" There is some conversation through the door, but when Johnny mentions that Malcolm is hurt, Inara slams the door open and demands to be taken to Malcolm. She's surprised that Simon isn't dealing with Malcolm, since that's the ship's doctor's job. Inara demands to be taken to Malcolm, or his grave. Johnny3 agrees to do this, with some trepidation as to her reaction. Johnny3 brings her outside the guild and informs the Ifrit of her request. The Ifrit have some discussion back and forth, and open a magical gate to where Hamster Benedict is. They announce that the route is not direct, and they must make one stop first. They walk through the gate, and the Ifrit speak briefly with Hamster Benedict. Hamster Benedict greets Inara, who warmly greets him as Brand. Inara is distressed to hear there is more than one of them, but gamely struggles to cope. "My entire family." "That... makes sense. Men and women?" "Yes." Benedict offers to arrange for transport to where Malcolm is. Hamster Benedict pulls out cards. - In the midst of the duel, Janus says "Go easy on me, I'm getting a Trump contact." Calla swears at him. Janus says "Okay, you're really going to have to go easy on me, I'm pulling someone through." Calla pulls back and salutes, and Inara comes through. Janus is, strangely enough, standing between Inara and Malcolm's tank. Janus tells her that no matter how bad it looks, he will get better. Inara just wants to sit beside him and hold his hand. Janus says that she can sit beside him, but he's in an advanced medical tank. Janus steps aside, Inara goes up to the tank. She sits beside it, looks around to be sure no one is watching, and quietly weeps. Kaylee is off at another tank bending over, and Inara did not notice her. Zoe's skull and backbone are not recognizeable as Zoe, and so do not freak out Inara. + Jayne is in a full-support double-waterbed cushion, and not recognizeable as Jayne. Not that Inara would care. Hamster Benedict hands the card to one of the Ifrit, and goes through. On the other side of the connection, Benedict jumps on top of Al-Nazir, does some damage, and comes back through. Benedict takes the card back from the Ifrit and shuts down the connection. Benedict turns to Johnny3 and says "Our work continues." - Johnny4 is asleep. Johnny1 and Johnny2 are sleeping in shifts. - Geryon is in the fleshy nodule shadow, goldbricking, watching the viewscreens and the duel. - Eagleton is waiting on a plane. Presumably, stuff happens.