Conversation with #dkap_amber

(21:00:00) Auricle [] entered the room.
(21:00:18) Auricle: Greetings
(21:00:24) Auricle: Do we have Jean?
(21:06:02) dkap: We do ... but he's not on line yet.
(21:06:28) Auricle: Ah, k.
(21:06:51) Auricle: Since iirc we're both being attacked by crazy-arrow-fixated people
(21:07:16) dkap: Yep, and he was about to assault the castle via inertia.
(21:09:05) Auricle: Which sounds silly when you say it that way.
(21:10:53) dkap: Getting the rest of the crew in here ...
(21:11:00) Cagliostro [] entered the room.
(21:11:04) Cagliostro: woo and hoo
(21:11:11) arkhonII [] entered the room.
(21:11:23) arkhonII: test
(21:11:26) arkhonII: Good.
(21:11:30) Auricle: hello!
(21:11:36) arkhonII: How are things?
(21:12:23) Auricle: decent enough, considering I've been sick since Thanksgiving.
(21:12:30) dkap: That's not good.
(21:12:44) Cagliostro: ick. there has been cold and illness around here, but of more recent vintage.
(21:14:00) Auricle: I've had two rounds of antibiotics and a continuing prescription of cough suppressant and various other things.
(21:14:12) Cagliostro: more than a little unfun.
(21:14:18) Auricle: Indeed.
(21:14:29) arkhonII: So that you won't kill me, I won't tell you how long it has been since I've been ill.
(21:14:38) Auricle: Hee, that's okay.
(21:15:33) dkap: And I'm just coming off a bronchitus myself, on prendesone and antibiotics, so if I'm a bit scattered ... you might ... a fish!
(21:15:40) Cagliostro: mmm. fish.
(21:15:52) arkhonII: Throwing fish, or fighting fish?
(21:16:07) dkap: Coy.
(21:16:08) ***Auricle changes into a fish.
(21:18:31) Auricle: Is the whole game on internet now or are people in person playing AND just online as well?
(21:18:51) dkap: No ...
(21:18:56) arkhonII: we're all in one place
(21:19:15) dkap: Just in this one instance, and I have other remote players who are not in this channel, who are online at the moment.
(21:19:18) arkhonII: Although the first time we used irc, only dkap and I were in the same room.
(21:19:22) arkhonII: Right.
(21:19:23) dkap: They don't get the privelage of meeting the middle management.
(21:19:27) arkhonII: LOL
(21:20:01) Auricle: Hee
(21:20:05) arkhonII: that what the kids are calling it these days?
(21:20:45) arkhonII: Johnny reports a power spike on the monitor.
(21:20:52) dkap: That too.
(21:21:08) Cagliostro: "Well, that doesn't happen a lot. I tried something, it didn't work, and I didn't die."
(21:21:20) ***Auricle snickers.
(21:23:15) Cagliostro is now known as Jean
(21:23:19) Jean: "Okay. Plan C."
(21:23:32) Jean: "I'm going to see a guy about a mage."
(21:23:54) Auricle: *blink*
(21:23:57) arkhonII is now known as Johnn1
(21:25:01) ***Auricle stays Auricle.
(21:25:12) Johnn1: Don't know any mages offhand, sorry.
(21:26:30) Jean: (you're not there ;)
(21:26:39) Jean: although, you are where I am planning on recruiting mages from
(21:26:53) Johnn1: Heh.
(21:26:55) Johnn1: Sorry.
(21:26:59) Auricle: "A mage?"
(21:27:48) Jean: "Well, I think they're using magic on the wall."
(21:28:23) Auricle: "Gargoyle? Any signs of magic?"
(21:28:24) Jean: "And I want them to stop. At least long enough for me to get in."
(21:28:34) ***Auricle looks for pattern energy on the wall.
(21:28:51) dkap: There is, indeed, some pattern energy on the wall.
(21:29:13) Auricle: What's the pattern energy doing? Can I muck about with it?
(21:29:40) dkap: Just sitting there, and, it's not your (new) pattern.
(21:29:41) Auricle: "I want to know why they dedicated their entire ecomony to arrows"
(21:29:51) Auricle: Is it the old pattern?
(21:30:12) Jean: "That is also a good question."
(21:30:15) dkap: Nope, at least, it doesn't match your (now fading) memory of the old pattern.
(21:30:21) Jean: "Perhaps they use them as currency."
(21:30:39) Jean: "Of course, in that case, they are throwing money at the problem. I hear that doesn't work."
(21:31:01) Auricle: "Jean, there's pattern energy on the wall, and it's not mine, and it's not the Old Pattern."
(21:31:48) Auricle: Gargoyle: any signature to the pattern-energy you can determine?
(21:34:39) Jean: Apparently out of nowhere, a humanoid figure appears. The figure is a 6'10" purple-skinned muscular woman wearing a thin but expensive black robe, with a dark leather backpack slung over both shoulders and a bejeweled long curved dagger sheathed at her belt. She assess the crowd in front of her, and bows deeply to Auricle.
(21:34:56) ***Auricle nods.
(21:35:05) Jean: "Oh Friend to Dworkin, the Creator bids me to enter your service. What do you require?"
(21:35:10) Jean: (that was her)
(21:35:23) Jean: (back to Jean, to Auricle, sotto voce: "A mage.")
(21:36:40) dkap: The Jager look at each other ... with raised eyebrows.
(21:37:09) Auricle: "We have a wall we can't get through, and some very excited people shooting arrows at us, and the wall has Pattern-energy on it, but it's not from my Pattern, or Dworkin's Pattern, and frankly, while I wouldn't mind shoving some of my pattern-energy at it to see what happens, blowing things up right this instance is premature. And Jean felt we needed a mage to get through the wall."
(21:38:38) dkap: The humanoid is ignoring the arrows that are, indeed hitting her.
(21:40:22) Auricle: Well, if she seems unconcerned about being shot, I won't worry either.
(21:40:34) Jean: The saucer revolves and Jean says "I was going fast, and I tried to break through the wall. It made me stop."
(21:40:47) dkap: "Which wall?"
(21:40:54) Jean: "Oh yes, and the locals seem to have an economy that revolves around arrows."
(21:41:12) ***Auricle points at the wall.
(21:41:34) Auricle: "Really, I'd move on, but I want to know why they feel the need for so many arrows."
(21:41:48) Jean: "On the other side of that wall, actually. An interior wall on the other side of that courtyard."
(21:44:25) ***Auricle takes a moment to shout, "REALLY! You can STOP with the arrows!"
(21:47:52) dkap: No change in the arrows.
(21:48:17) dkap: The only ones that are still flying are from inside the wall facing you, though, the Jager are now standing between the lady and the arrows, so they are bouncing off their reddish glow.
(21:48:26) Auricle: "Idiots." looks at the mage. "any ideas?"
(21:48:46) dkap: Well ... did you wish me to do something about the wall?
(21:49:02) Auricle: "Yes."
(21:50:15) dkap: Anything in particular?
(21:50:37) Auricle: "Well, we want to get past it. Can you just remove it?"
(21:51:35) dkap: Perhaps ... let me go and look.
(21:51:58) Auricle: "Jean, go show her, please."
(21:52:05) dkap: The lady looks at the Jager, "May I borrow one of these to keep the annoyances down while I do?"
(21:52:34) Auricle: "Sure." to the Jager: "Go with her and protect her from the arrows."
(21:53:20) dkap: "But she doesn't have a hat?"
(21:53:33) dkap: "Plans that lack hats might be dangerous."
(21:53:40) Auricle: "That's why she needs help."
(21:55:06) dkap: "Ahh ... Yes we will protect!"
(21:55:44) Auricle: "excellent"
(21:56:48) dkap: They are now climbing the wall, which protects them from the arrows, so they are simply hitting your shields ...
(21:57:15) Auricle: nod
(21:58:38) Auricle: looks incredibly bored by the arrows and starts calculating how many rooms the castle might have, and how many arrows they might have. Ponder. Arrows still coming from the forest?
(21:58:58) dkap: Nope. One of the Jager came back from there already.
(21:59:11) dkap: And the arrow cart that Jean dropped on them was never actually emptied.
(21:59:18) Auricle: kay
(22:00:32) Auricle: "Eventually, they have to run out of arrows."
(22:00:54) Auricle: Does the gargoyle have any matching pattern references from all those alternate ambers Zach and I visited?
(22:02:18) dkap: Nope. Gargoyle's discrimination between types of pattern is not ... precice.
(22:02:31) Auricle: okay, makes some sense.
(22:02:52) Auricle: How are Jean and the Mage doing?
(22:03:16) Jean: Jean is still hovering near you.
(22:03:27) dkap: They have reached the wall.
(22:03:32) Auricle: Sorry, thought you went with the mage.
(22:03:45) dkap: And she is staring at it intently.
(22:04:39) Auricle: What's the pattern-energy in the wall actually doing?
(22:05:17) Johnn1: Johnny reports yet anothe rpower spike...smaller this time by relative comparison to the first.
(22:05:20) dkap: Sitting there. Like it often does.
(22:06:43) dkap: There is a noise like "crackathoom" and she and the Jager get blown bodily into the front wall of the keep from the inside.
(22:06:51) dkap: The Jager, in their shields, are fine.
(22:06:58) dkap: The lady is not ... moving.
(22:07:10) Auricle: "I thought I said explosions were premature."
(22:07:32) Auricle: "Come on everyone."
(22:08:03) dkap: The front wall was, also, not damaged by said impact.
(22:08:08) Auricle: "JEan, will your shields expand with whatever is being covered?
(22:08:23) dkap: (and, from Gargoyle's analysis on displaced mass, it should have been.)
(22:08:26) Jean: "Maybe?"
(22:09:27) Auricle: Is the exterior wall open at the top?
(22:09:57) dkap: Well, they climbed over it, so, not exactly "open" but ...
(22:10:48) Auricle: good enough. grab the remaining jagers, and drag them up the side of the exterior wall. I'm going to ooze over it and reform on the other side where my jager and the mage are.
(22:11:10) dkap: Easily doable.
(22:11:55) Auricle: Do the idiots keep shooting?
(22:12:10) dkap: Nope, no targets, but you aren't out there to see it.
(22:12:38) Auricle: Interior wall still present?
(22:12:47) dkap: Yep.
(22:13:04) Auricle: Is the mage alive?
(22:13:17) dkap: How can you tell?
(22:13:18) Johnn1: There's something draining the Reality Engine.
(22:13:37) Auricle: Is she breathing? bleeding out?
(22:13:43) dkap: No, and no.
(22:14:36) Auricle: Damn. Okay, go try and figure out what's wrong with the mage.
(22:14:37) Jean: The Ifrit vanishes.
(22:15:15) Auricle: Did the mage just poof?
(22:15:32) Jean: yes, she vanished in the same way that she appeared.
(22:15:38) Auricle: k
(22:15:51) Auricle: Now I'm pissed. I go talk to the wall.
(22:16:36) dkap: Ok ...
(22:16:40) Auricle: "You're a very good wall, and you're really in my way, and if you don't want to explode, move."
(22:17:35) dkap: The wall does not respond to you, in any way you can detect.
(22:18:36) Auricle: reach out and try to touch the pattern energy in the wall.
(22:19:07) Jean: The mage reappears around that time.
(22:19:12) dkap: The pattern energy seems indifferent to you.
(22:19:24) Jean: Jean shields her in an Oh-Dear Orange bubble.
(22:19:56) Auricle: throw some of my own pattern energy at it.
(22:20:41) dkap: There is a splash.
(22:21:06) dkap: There is pattern energy flying about you. Nothing else seems to have changed.
(22:21:40) Auricle: Place hands onto the wall, and will a door into the wall.
(22:22:15) dkap: The wall is vaguely warm.
(22:22:45) Auricle: any other reactions?
(22:22:49) dkap: Nope.
(22:23:32) Jean: The mage looks somewhat embarassed at her return, and says "I am instructed that when my magical probe encountered the wall, the wall changed my substance so that I was immobile. The Creator bid me report this diagnosis to you, Lady."
(22:23:42) Auricle: "Hmmm."
(22:23:49) Auricle: "Fascinating."
(22:24:10) dkap: (The mage is covered in a red shield now, as well.)
(22:24:21) Auricle: *thumps the wall.*
(22:24:43) Auricle: "The wall changed your substance?"
(22:24:55) Auricle: "Not someone inside or something like that?"
(22:25:09) dkap: There is a ... momentary shift, and you find yourself wondering why there was no actual thump.
(22:25:23) dkap: "I believe it was the wall."
(22:25:45) dkap: "I am not all, knowing, so I might be wrong, though."
(22:26:09) Auricle: stares at the wall.
(22:26:10) Jean: Jean wonders "Maybe we could just move the wall, or the ground underneath it, and use it as a first line of defense for Amber. That's a good wall."
(22:26:31) Auricle: "It is a good wall. In fact, I don't think it's a wall. I think it's alive."
(22:27:46) Auricle: Gargoyle, what was the weird shift?
(22:28:16) Johnn1: REporting an unrecognizable login. Unfamiliar.
(22:28:59) Auricle: Someone tried to log into you?
(22:29:25) dkap: Gargoyle reports an absorbtion of inertia.
(22:29:41) Jean: (Johnn1 is not here.)
(22:29:54) Auricle: (is tired and drugged and missed who posted.)
(22:29:56) Johnn1: Yes. Elsewhere.
(22:29:57) Johnn1: Sorry.
(22:30:12) Auricle: no worries.
(22:30:26) Auricle: "Hmmm.
(22:30:50) Auricle: "I agree, this wall would be awesome for Amber. Not to mention the continual barrage of arrows."
(22:31:05) dkap: "It appears this wall has inertial dampers on it, might I suggest that Jean impacts again while we are close and monitoring it?"
(22:31:28) Auricle: "Agreed, if you are willing, Jean."
(22:32:08) dkap: At 2% of the speed of light, Jean impacts the wall.
(22:32:09) Jean: "Sure." Jean departs, and returns at ~2% of the local speed of light
(22:32:44) dkap: One would think there would be a large explosion, impact, or some effect, but, instead, Jean just stops, touching the wall.
(22:32:57) Auricle: Hmm.
(22:33:42) dkap: Gargoyle gives you several visual projections, as to various possible outcomes expected ... none of which match what actually happened.
(22:34:36) Auricle: reach out, touch the wall, and start to try and find my way through small cracks, if they are any. I assume it's not a sheer, smooth, surface.
(22:34:41) dkap: At 2% C, at least some of the wall should have vaporized, some actually splashed, and some just knocked out of the way.
(22:35:08) dkap: Nope, stones, dry-mason'ed together, so yes, there are cracks.
(22:35:24) Auricle: Can I ooze into and through?
(22:35:51) dkap: Well ... you can grab it's surface, but not into it.
(22:36:39) Auricle: "I was hoping that would work. Can't ooze through it. Either I can't get small enough, or...."
(22:37:05) Auricle: "Jean, why were you trying to get through this particular wall?
(22:37:08) dkap: No, it seems ... solid on the inside, the cracks are only part of it's surface material.
(22:37:57) Jean: "The arrow carts were coming through this wall. You know, through that archway over there, with the cart in it."
(22:38:24) Jean: "This part seemed far enough way from the entrance that it wouldn't have traps."
(22:38:31) Auricle: "And you didn't go through the archway because...ah. traps.
(22:39:04) Auricle: points at a Jager. "Go look for traps through that archway."
(22:39:17) dkap: "Yes Ma'am."
(22:39:32) dkap: The mage asks, "Do you want me to go with?"
(22:39:44) Auricle: "Not at the moment."
(22:39:54) dkap: "As you wish."
(22:40:34) Auricle: (I can see the log summary for this one. "Auricle and Jean fail to break through a wall."
(22:41:11) dkap: The Jager goes over to the archway, picks up a chunk of the cart and pokes it through. When it is poked through, it bursts into flame. The Jager shouts back "Found one!"
(22:41:56) Auricle: "Magic fire?" Auricle asks the mage.
(22:42:15) dkap: The mage looks, and replies "No, just hot."
(22:42:26) Auricle: "Disable it and look for others!"
(22:43:08) dkap: "Not good at disabling them, just finding them. Sorry."
(22:43:35) Jean: "I can take this one", says Jean.
(22:43:41) Auricle: "good."
(22:43:57) dkap: Jean flies into the archway.
(22:51:04) Auricle: does anything happen?
(22:51:33) dkap: Not as to yet.
(22:51:44) Jean: ("Jean disappears. Time passes.")
(22:52:43) dkap: Rocks start levitating and flying through the archway.
(22:52:51) dkap: They seem to be moving due to Logrus.
(22:53:04) Auricle: ah. logrus.
(22:54:22) dkap: Yes.
(22:54:31) Auricle: Do things just disappear upon going through the archway?
(22:54:35) dkap: Yes.
(22:55:15) Auricle: Well, I'm staying out of the way of the logrus energy, because so far as I know it won't like me. Then again, I don't think I've ever actually tried it.
(22:57:59) Auricle: why would he want rocks?
(22:58:23) dkap: You don't know ... but it might be Ilk ... you could ask.
(22:58:35) dkap: (Don't forget you have another Jean in your pocket, as a homoculi.)
(22:58:50) dkap: (From the Gargoyle.)
(22:59:00) Auricle: Oh, right!
(22:59:15) Auricle: (forgetful as ever) Hey, Jean, why rocks??
(22:59:38) Jean: The homonculi peeks out of the pocket. "Oh! I forgot I was here."
(22:59:55) Auricle: "That's okay, I forgot you were too."
(23:00:17) Jean: "So, it turns out that I got stuck on the other side. And there is an entire planet devoted to making arrows. They had a biiiiiig temple to someone that looks like Bleys in sun-god mode."
(23:00:22) Auricle: (Okay, and that SERIOUSLY needs to be a button)
(23:00:25) Jean: "So, what's that about rocks?"
(23:00:59) Auricle: "Rocks are floating through the archway. Bleys in sun-god mode? And an entire planet that does NOTHING but make arrows?"
(23:01:47) Jean: "Huh. You're right about the rocks. And the other stuff."
(23:02:04) Auricle: "Who's moving the rocks with logrus?"
(23:02:48) Auricle: "And was there some kind of holy order? 'Thou shalt make arrows'?"
(23:03:17) Jean: "Ilk is. He was checking to see if they went through to the other side. I need to go look."
(23:03:34) Auricle: "If you go I won't have a you to talk to."
(23:03:53) Jean: "I think maybe. They don't seem to be very bright or motivated, though. The populace didn't respond when I tried to convert them to Verra or nuked their temple."
(23:04:01) Jean: "Oh, I mean the me on the other side not the me on this side."
(23:04:10) Auricle: "Okay, good."
(23:04:21) Auricle: "And good on nuking the temple."
(23:04:24) Jean: "Okay, I can confirm the rocks are coming through."
(23:04:36) Jean: "No problem."
(23:04:39) Auricle: "Still doesn't explain the wall here, though. Unless part of this wall is also on that planet?"
(23:04:55) Jean: "No, I think it just doesn't explain the wall."
(23:05:23) Auricle: "no wall on that side?"
(23:05:34) Jean: "No, just factory."
(23:05:47) Jean: "Ilk says he thinks it might be grounded somewhere. He'll take a look."
(23:05:54) Auricle: "Why would a sun-god need arrows?"
(23:06:05) Auricle: "Religion never makes any sense."
(23:06:56) Jean: "I think that Verra does, but I will admit to being biased."
(23:07:14) Auricle: "You're allowed."
(23:07:24) Auricle: Is the wall still pattern-energized?
(23:07:29) dkap: Yes.
(23:08:07) Auricle: Who could have built a wall like this?
(23:08:44) Auricle: "Any theories on who could have built this wall?"
(23:08:44) dkap: Ilk's voice, coming out of nowhere, asks if you have pissed off Dierdre recently.
(23:08:55) Auricle: "Not to my knowledge..."
(23:09:12) Auricle: Gargoyle? did I upset Dierdre?
(23:09:19) dkap: Not on record.
(23:09:37) dkap: Ilk said: "I thought they were keeping Corwin's pattern pretty buttoned up?"
(23:10:04) Auricle: "Is that what this is??"
(23:10:28) dkap: Ilk: "yes, you are supposed to be the pattern expert here, not me ..."
(23:10:38) dkap: "I'm from the other end of reality."
(23:10:43) Auricle: "I've never played with Corwin's Pattern."
(23:11:02) dkap: "Well, you can't say that, anymore ..."
(23:11:10) Auricle: "Apparently not."
(23:11:38) Auricle: "Tell Deirdre it's too close to Kolvir. I'd barely started Walking before we stumbled on this."
(23:12:40) dkap: Gargoyle: "Noted, will convey, next time she is proximal, and available for communication."
(23:13:03) Auricle: "And apologize, I did not mean to upset her."
(23:13:33) dkap: Gargoyle: "She might be unaware of it's existence, she is not the only person with access to his pattern."
(23:13:48) Auricle: "Indeed."
(23:13:58) Auricle: ponder.
(23:14:02) dkap: Gargoyle: "Known Corwin pattern users: Corwin, Dierdre, Malachai, Cassandra."
(23:15:19) Auricle: "Jean, is the problem with the temple fixed?"
(23:15:51) Jean: "Yes, as far as I can tell."
(23:15:56) Auricle: "Okay."
(23:16:22) ***Auricle stares at the wall and memorizes the look of Corwin's Pattern so she doesn't make that mistake again.
(23:16:51) dkap: Hard to tell what makes it "Corwin's Pattern" as opposed to simply "Pattern" and "Not yours."
(23:17:50) Auricle: hmm. I was able to tell differences in other Ambers, is it because it belongs to this amber-reality?
(23:19:32) dkap: It could be.
(23:20:45) Auricle: Gargoyle, note: need to develop clearer methods of discerning between patterns. hypothesis: alternate - amber patterns are easier to discern because they are separate realities, interal "additional" patterns will simply register as not-mine.
(23:21:30) Auricle: interal=internal
(23:21:35) dkap: Yes.
(23:22:09) Auricle: "Okay, I'm willing to leave this alone for now, however, I want a watch on it to know whose it is."
(23:22:54) dkap: How do you wish it to be tagged? Shall we get a research team here?
(23:23:15) Jean: "Well, I'm still on the other side, so I can hang around and try not to look like a source of nuclear spells."
(23:23:18) Jean: "You know, fly casual."
(23:23:32) dkap: *grin*
(23:23:36) Auricle: "I think that would be good, from that side, at least, Jean."
(23:24:08) Jean: "Okay! Shall we continue, then?"
(23:24:18) Auricle: "On this side, we'd need another of you. I basically want to know if anyone other than locals OR the known corwin-pattern users are using it."
(23:24:42) Auricle: "And if someone is, for what, other than massive amounts of arrows."
(23:28:15) Auricle: "And then yes, we can continue."
(23:28:38) Auricle: Although at the moment, this seems a good enough stopping point, and I need to take meds and go to bed.
(23:28:47) Jean: Ilk will be logged on in a minute
(23:28:53) Jean: so if you have five minutes it may be worth it
(23:28:55) Jean: if not, we understand
(23:29:00) Auricle: I can wait for 5
(23:29:03) Auricle: Or so
(23:29:19) Ilkndacian [] entered the room.
(23:29:26) Jean: woo.
(23:29:28) Johnn1: It comes an Ilk.
(23:29:32) Auricle: Or less. :)
(23:29:35) Johnn1: But I'm not here...waaaah
(23:29:38) Auricle: Hello the Ilk
(23:29:52) Ilkndacian: Howdy, all
(23:29:55) dkap: Yay!
(23:32:48) dkap: A few more of the tall humanoids step through from nowhere.
(23:33:11) Auricle: okay
(23:33:45) Jean: They regard the wall.
(23:34:15) Auricle: "We like the wall, now, you know. We didn't before."
(23:36:32) dkap: One of the mages responds with "I'm not sure we do. Is it ally or enemy?"
(23:37:15) Johnn1: The source is the wall? It's not any of our allies?
(23:37:28) Auricle: "It just seems to be."
(23:38:09) Auricle: "It certainly hasn't shown signs of allegiance."
(23:38:22) Auricle: "It doesn't like being hit, though."
(23:38:56) Jean: (dkap is catching up dave kern on local geography)
(23:41:18) Auricle: (k, brb)
(23:43:22) dkap: The castle levitates.
(23:43:40) dkap: The castle settles where it was.
(23:44:05) Jean: "Huh."
(23:44:38) Ilkndacian: Well. They remembered to pattern-saturate the floor of the castle as well.
(23:44:56) Ilkndacian: They usually forget that part, you see.
(23:45:16) Auricle: "Nice job."
(23:46:14) Auricle: Does the wall/castle seem to care about being levitated?
(23:46:20) dkap: Nope.
(23:48:32) dkap: Ilk asks about things appearing by Jean, and Jean denies that anything new showed up.
(23:48:59) Ilkndacian: Well, throwing stuff from the inside didn't work, either.
(23:49:19) Auricle: "It's very well made."
(23:49:34) Jean: "Well, we can leave it alone and move on, right?"
(23:50:11) Auricle: "Under sufficient watch. I do want to know who made it and put it here. I think it is too close to Kolvir for my liking."
(23:50:30) Jean: The Ifrit volunteer to be observers, as they wish to contact the person that is responsible for this place.
(23:50:45) Jean: (the new Ifrit, not the original one.)
(23:50:59) Auricle: "That will work."
(23:51:04) dkap: Or at least, observe, and determine status.
(23:51:11) Auricle: nod
(23:52:00) Auricle: "Unless Ilkandacian has any reservations about the castle?"
(23:52:50) Ilkndacian: Do you want the castle to be somewhere else?
(23:53:32) dkap: Ifrit "I believe that would interfere with our plans to contact the perpetrator of this mystery."
(23:53:47) Auricle: "Not..." Auricles pauses and thinks a moment. "No, I want to know who made it more, and if it's moved, we won't know."
(23:54:18) Ilkndacian: Sure.
(23:54:51) dkap: The Ifrit bows, and replies "Then, it seems our goals run in tandem. We will depend on those we are reporting to, to keep you informed, if such is desired?"
(23:55:00) Auricle: "depending on who it is, either I'll have them move it, or we'll negotiate, or we'll have to forcibly move it."
(23:55:18) Auricle: nods to the Ifrit. "Thank you."
(23:56:15) dkap: "A pleasure that our minds run in such parallel grooves."
(23:56:53) Auricle: pictures brains rolling in grooves. parallel.
(23:57:16) Ilkndacian: Brain races?
(23:57:37) Auricle: Maybe
(23:58:35) Auricle: Okay, now I really do need to go to bed, I need to wake up early.
(23:58:44) Jean: okay, sleep well.
(23:58:45) Johnn1: Heh.
(23:58:48) Johnn1: Good night.
(23:59:00) Auricle: night everyone! Thank you! See you next week!
(23:59:08) dkap: Same bat time, same bat channel.
(23:59:18) Jean left the room (quit: Quit: Leaving.).
(23:59:28) Auricle left the room (quit: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.77 [SeaMonkey 1.0.1/2006040400]).
(23:59:34) Johnn1 left the room.
(23:59:39) Ilkndacian left the room.