Conversation with #dkap_amber
(20:25:07) Auricle: Yay GM!
(20:25:18) Cagliostro: woo
(20:25:24) arkhonII: Excellent.
(20:25:38) arkhonII: Dkap, lemme know if expected company arrives. If so, I'll head downstairs.
(20:25:51) dkap: My gaim seems to keep dropping the information for this server for some reason. I don't know why. Had to go back upstairs to pull the info.
(20:26:23) Cagliostro: you could always use xchat, true?
(20:26:26) dkap: In terms of game information. I have (potentially) talked Sam and Eric into being present for game on a (possibly) regular basis.
(20:26:34) dkap: xchat?
(20:26:36) Auricle: Ooh nifty.
(20:26:51) dkap: Then I won't have all my other players interfacing at the same time, and would have to run multiple clients ... *grin*
(20:26:55) arkhonII: Hrm.
(20:27:15) Cagliostro: oh noes, multiple clients ;)
(20:27:18) dkap: So their particular plot-lines should become more relevant, just so you are aware ...
(20:27:18) arkhonII: Gaim ported onto the mac via darwin ports seems to work just fine. *crosses fingers*
(20:27:37) arkhonII: Aha!
(20:27:42) dkap: Gaim has served me quite well, all this time, except for a small memory leak somewhere ... *grin*
(20:27:50) arkhonII: heh
(20:28:16) Cagliostro: have you tried pidgin instead of gaim, the new version(s)?
(20:29:35) dkap: Pigdin is running upstairs and remembered. This is on my (old and not yet updated) laptop. (Being that the stupid VPN doesn't compile in later kernels ... *sigh*)
(20:30:19) arkhonII: Erg
(20:30:29) Auricle: *rescues the raptor from the evil couch and decides to turn it off for game*
(20:30:42) arkhonII: Hee
(20:31:09) Cagliostro: speaking tangentially of game - "Jasper Morello" is interesting airship/steampunk animation
(20:31:35) Cagliostro: and when last we left, Cagliostro was putting Roland back together
(20:31:50) Cagliostro: aka reassembling him from an incomplete set of puzzle pieces
(20:33:49) dkap: Raptor?
(20:33:57) Auricle: I have a roboraptor
(20:33:59) dkap: Yes, indeed on Roland.
(20:38:14) dkap: What were you doing with the uniform?
(20:38:18) dkap: And the hand-print?
(20:42:27) Cagliostro: off to the side, really.
(20:42:57) Cagliostro: probably isolated in a box, in case there's acid in it like there was last time
(20:43:14) Cagliostro: and not in the same room that I'm in, in case there's a tracker in it. observation room 3.
(20:43:30) dkap: Thank you. The last is important. Who is watching it?
(20:44:25) Cagliostro: it's in a monitored room, so whoever's on duty in alarm control
(20:44:35) Cagliostro: there would be at least two people on duty at any given time
(20:44:48) dkap: But just people? Thank you.
(20:45:21) Cagliostro: I mean, video monitors, people watching the video
(20:45:28) Cagliostro: there's probably a tape but no one is watchign it on tape delay
(20:45:54) dkap: So, no actual observers? Hrm ...
(20:46:00) Cagliostro: yep, none in the room.
(20:46:03) dkap: Ok.
(20:46:13) Cagliostro: it's a potential biohazard, after all.
(20:46:17) dkap: Indeed.
(20:47:08) dkap: Roland's parts don't seem to want to go back together. As if someone with more mystic inertia than you (or him, for that matter) sundered him.
(20:47:30) Cagliostro: hm.
(20:47:38) Cagliostro: how much of him do I have, percentage-wise?
(20:47:40) dkap: The closer to the place that the hand print was on his chest, the greater the resistance.
(20:47:54) dkap: Oh, a good 75-80 percent.
(20:48:01) Cagliostro: hm, okay.
(20:48:36) dkap: Most of what is missing is the fluids, and a few bits here and there that were apparently vaporized, or otherwise blown off and not recovered at where the parts go together.
(20:48:54) dkap: Nothing extraordinary missing, like an arm or toes or anything.
(20:48:55) Cagliostro: can I set up some sort of alchemical attraction process, to gradually cause the pieces to change their attitude about rejoining?
(20:49:08) Cagliostro: that's much better than expected, then.
(20:49:14) dkap: How would you go about such?
(20:49:37) dkap: What changes would you induce (Alchemy is about changes, right?)
(20:50:04) Cagliostro: yep. let me ponder...
(20:50:33) Cagliostro: sympathetic magic dictates that like tends to like, and contagion means that once together, always together
(20:50:49) Cagliostro: but the parts that should be alike, and were once together, are now apart and intending to stay that way
(20:51:34) Cagliostro: so I'm trying to think of some fluid bath that would make them more 'like' and more connected (with the fluid connecting them and lowering the 'resistance')
(20:51:43) Cagliostro: this'll probably involve electricity
(20:51:49) dkap: Perhaps ... there is an undoing that needs to be done before the attraction could be initiated again?
(20:51:51) Cagliostro: I might even channel some lightning for power
(20:52:20) Cagliostro: yes, that is a reasonable place to start, cleansing, purifcation,and decursing
(20:52:27) Cagliostro: is there an active magical effect on the parts?
(20:52:28) dkap: When putting them in the fluid bath, they seem to want to float to disparate places within the bath, instead of hanging neutrally.
(20:52:47) dkap: There is an active effect. Magical? Hard to tell.
(20:53:04) dkap: Seems to be based in the fundamental existence of the matter involved.
(20:53:10) Cagliostro: well, I have the lens. ;)
(20:53:17) Cagliostro: that doesn't sound like magic.
(20:54:25) dkap: Well ... the mystic inertial changes you effect with magic might have a similar basis ... the changes themselves are not magical in nature, of course, but ...
(20:54:25) Cagliostro: can I try to work my will on one of the pieces, like I was trying to give it more mystic inertia, trying to make it more Roland-like?
(20:54:51) Cagliostro: ah, I see the distinction. magical process vs. magical effect.
(20:55:19) dkap: What is Roland like?
(20:55:39) dkap: I mean, what direction is that in?
(20:55:48) Cagliostro: toward the sampled baseline
(20:56:13) Cagliostro: which is probably a number of minor changes in a number of areas, but there should be one area of major deviation
(20:56:24) Cagliostro: or major resistance
(20:56:45) dkap: There is. That gives you a direction to work in. Good good.
(20:57:37) Cagliostro: so I'll focus on that major one, and not worry as much about the minor as that could be natural variation and/or progress
(20:58:00) dkap: Auricle: you have reached a mountainous realm.
(20:58:32) Auricle: Excellent! Mountains!
(20:59:04) dkap: There is an ... unusual structure in the distance.
(20:59:19) Auricle: "Hey Jean, any idea what that is?"
(20:59:26) Auricle: Gargoyle: analyze?
(21:00:04) dkap: It looks like:
(21:01:09) dkap: (a moment while I make it publically accessible.
(21:01:30) Auricle: k
(21:03:57) dkap:
(21:04:38) dkap: The guard pig on the right (the white one) is sort of howling at you.
(21:05:19) Cagliostro: "Looks like a house on a hill?"
(21:05:36) dkap: Yes, mostly.
(21:06:12) Auricle: Tilt head, trying to make more sense of it.
(21:06:31) Auricle: "That is a very weird structure. On the other hand, as long as they aren't actively attacking..."
(21:06:43) dkap: The fountain on the left, with the spigot seems to be pouring something ... not water into the world.
(21:07:01) Auricle: Is the pig coming at us?
(21:07:06) Cagliostro: "If that's beer, this may be affiliated with House Cara."
(21:07:27) dkap: The pig is setting up a ghods-aweful racket.
(21:07:37) dkap: You are sure that someone will be along in a moment or two.
(21:07:38) Auricle: "Let's find out." Head towards the spigot.
(21:09:56) Auricle: Well, I won't really wait, there's stuff to investigate.
(21:10:22) dkap: Indeed. There is a frog in the ... not-water.
(21:10:36) dkap: Jean, he is a familiar frog (the frog of judgement.)
(21:10:45) Cagliostro: I was going to ask that.
(21:10:58) Cagliostro: I will greet the Frog of Judgement warmly
(21:11:01) Auricle: Gargoyle, what's the composition of the not-water?
(21:11:24) Cagliostro is now known as Jean
(21:11:29) Jean: I am presuming he is not in his armor?
(21:11:30) dkap: Inconsistant.
(21:11:44) dkap: It seems to be changing from moment to moment.
(21:11:57) Auricle: Is even more thrilled with inconsistent water. I need a way to bottle some.
(21:13:18) dkap: Jean, there is a river similar to that, in the Courts. This might be connected through the silvery door.
(21:13:25) dkap: The frog is simply splashing about in it.
(21:13:44) dkap: There is an older gentleman (white hair, walks with Caine).
(21:13:48) dkap: Cane ... sorry.
(21:13:52) arkhonII: LOL
(21:13:59) arkhonII: That was going to be interesting.
(21:14:03) Jean: I will follow the river in chaos and look for silvery doors
(21:14:32) dkap: Another Jean pops out, just under the spigot.
(21:15:24) Auricle: "Jean, do you know the...frog?"
(21:15:41) Jean: "I do. Auricle, this is the Frog of Judgment. Frog, this is Auricle."
(21:16:03) dkap: Frog: Ribbit.
(21:16:07) Auricle: (whoa, lagoramam)
(21:16:16) Auricle: "Greetings, Frog."
(21:16:24) Jean: "The frog made Dworkin's acquaintance back when Dworkin was... differently sane."
(21:16:25) Auricle: "Do you mind if I bottle some of the not-water?"
(21:16:47) Jean: "The river seems to be the same one that flows in Chaos."
(21:16:53) Jean: "I don't know if it's Pattern-safe."
(21:17:00) dkap: The frog just blinks.
(21:17:23) Auricle: "Well...hmm.
(21:17:24) Jean: (I will let the dancer's guild know about the river situation. I don't know - is this a Ways and Means concern?)
(21:17:32) dkap: It is.
(21:17:50) Jean: okay, do I know where to report this?
(21:17:53) dkap: The old guy hails you. "Welcome strangers. Are you here for the festival?"
(21:18:07) Auricle: "Festival...?"
(21:18:14) Jean: "I'm with the frog."
(21:18:25) dkap: Normally, yes, but at the moment, things are ... a little shook up with them, they are dealing with all the other problems of the recent chaos in Chaos. *grin*
(21:18:43) dkap: Old guy: "Frog?"
(21:18:45) Auricle: "I'm They Jagers are with me. Jean is with me and the frog at the same time, which is a nice trick he does."
(21:19:13) dkap: Frog: Ribbit.
(21:19:20) Jean: "Tell me of your festival?"
(21:19:46) Jean: (Okay, ask someone at the Dancer's Guild to pass along the information to the Ways & Means people as a lower-priority note)
(21:20:39) dkap: Old Guy: "Nice frog. It is the festival of the little moon. This is the season for connecting, becoming whole again, and the choosing of paths."
(21:21:16) dkap: Old Guy: "Since you did not know of it, I can presume that you are not here for it deliberately. But that is OK, guests are more than welcome."
(21:21:19) Auricle: "Becoming whole again?"
(21:22:00) Auricle: "You have people breaking apart?"
(21:23:02) dkap: Old Guy: "Well, across the year, people disagree. This is the time of becoming one people again, and to solve such. Do you not have such traditions where you are from, strangers?"
(21:23:46) Auricle: looks completely baffled.
(21:24:44) Jean: "Sounds like a nice party theme to me."
(21:25:00) Auricle: "You have to wait an entire year to resolve problems?"
(21:26:02) dkap: Old Guy: "One doesn't have to wait, but, they all have to be solved by the end of the festival, one way or the other."
(21:27:02) dkap: Frog: Ribbit.
(21:27:46) Auricle: "Ookay." looks at Jean. "weird. did you want to check out the fesitval? Or talk to the frog?"
(21:28:11) Jean: "I can do both."
(21:28:20) Jean: can I pop in another saucer through the spigot?
(21:28:23) dkap: Frog: Paddle paddle splash, and disappears through the silvery gate.
(21:28:33) dkap: Yes, you can.
(21:28:43) Auricle: "All right then." looks at the old man. "We're here for the festival, it seems."
(21:28:45) Jean: and now can I find the frog on the other side?
(21:28:53) dkap: Indeedy.
(21:29:03) Jean: excellent. keep an eye on Boba Frog.
(21:29:28) Auricle: "Besides, the Jagers will like a party."
(21:29:37) dkap: Seems to be enjoying himself. And occasionally using weapons against the fly emplacement on the side of the riverbank.
(21:29:56) dkap: Jagers: We get to Party? We never get to party.
(21:30:26) Auricle: "Well, we're going to a festival."
(21:30:33) dkap: Jagers; Do we get party hats? Shhh. Don't let them know the importance of the party hats!
(21:30:43) Auricle: to the old man: "Lead on, then, please."
(21:30:54) Jean: oh, so he -does- have his armor?
(21:30:54) dkap: Jagers: Umm ... Nice Party. We protect the guests. Even from each other!
(21:31:12) dkap: Of course he does, how else would you recognize him?
(21:31:21) dkap: Otherwise, he would just be a frog.
(21:32:13) Jean: well, it's me.
(21:32:27) Jean: and you might want to mention to Auricle that he was wearing Frogdalorian armor. ;)
(21:32:49) Auricle: (A frog dressed like boba fett?)
(21:33:10) Auricle: (although auricle may not have actually noticed)
(21:34:08) Jean: (We believe that Boba Fett is actually a shadow of the frog. Blame Jareth.)
(21:34:12) dkap: He is wearing his Frogdalorian armor. And here he comes again, through the space under the spigot.
(21:34:15) arkhonII: Heh
(21:34:52) Auricle: (ahhhh. I shall.)
(21:35:03) Auricle: "Can the frog come to the party, too?"
(21:36:34) dkap: The Jagers look at the frog, look at his armaments and say "Wouldn't be a party without Froggy!"
(21:36:47) Jean: I'll keep one saucer on either side of the spigot, but outside the river, to keep an eye on the frog. and I'll hang around the party, and around auricle.
(21:37:15) Auricle: "Frog? Do you want to come to the festival?"
(21:37:48) dkap: Frog: Ribbit
(21:38:03) Auricle: "Jean? Is that a Yes or No?"
(21:38:47) Auricle: (How big is the frog?)
(21:38:49) dkap: Gargoyle: "As a point of information, since Jean knows what is on the other side of the fount, ask him if it is closer or farther away from our goal?"
(21:39:06) Jean: "Sorry, I don't speak frog, but I think he understands Thari. If he comes along, it was a yes."
(21:39:08) dkap: Normal frog-sized, about a double-hand worth, plus armor.
(21:39:26) dkap: Jean, you could try speaking to him in fish.
(21:39:35) dkap: Or, at least, in whale.
(21:39:42) Auricle: "Oh! Thank you Gargoyle!" looks at one of the Jeans. "Jean, what's on the other side of the fountain? And is it closer or further from our goal?"
(21:40:02) Auricle: Gargoyle? We're looking for House something or other in Chaos, right?
(21:40:11) dkap: Yes, Moonlight.
(21:40:16) Jean: "It's Chaos on the other side. Er, where are we going?"
(21:40:33) Auricle: "House Moonlight. Oh, right Moonlight! To talk to your Mom!"
(21:40:38) Jean: "I can see if I have a language in common with Boba Frog."
(21:40:52) Jean: Is House Moonlight in Chaos these days? It does move around a bit.
(21:41:06) dkap: It's a good first approximation.
(21:41:41) Jean: "Yes, it's closer."
(21:42:10) Jean: "Did I mention earlier that you shouldn't touch anything small and round around House Moonlight?"
(21:42:21) Auricle: "Excellent! Then if we all go through the spigot we'll be closer...Oh. The Jagers won't fit."
(21:42:22) dkap: It's actually on the far side of it, just beyond the peninsula of shadow stretching to what used to be the atol.
(21:42:30) arkhonII: *cough*
(21:42:59) Auricle: "Don't touch anything small and round around House Moonlight? No, but I'll remember it." Gargoyle, please remember that??
(21:43:38) Auricle: looks at the Jagers pondering how to make them squishable.
(21:43:56) dkap: The could fit. It's actually the space under the spigot, not through the spigot itself.
(21:44:17) dkap: The silvery bit?
(21:44:35) Auricle: Would I have to touch the not-water, which Jean believes will be bad for me?
(21:45:59) dkap: Yes, you would.
(21:46:31) dkap: But the pattern-based Frogdalorian armor seem to be unharmed.
(21:46:38) Auricle: Hmmm.
(21:46:54) Auricle: "Frog, can I examine your armor?"
(21:47:08) dkap: Frog: Ribit! and goes back through.
(21:47:23) Auricle: "I guess that's a no."
(21:48:06) Auricle: well, I'm willing to risk me, but not the Gargoyle.
(21:48:25) dkap: Steve, your bat-phone goes off.
(21:48:30) dkap: DHO! Wrong window.
(21:48:32) dkap: Ignore that.
(21:48:39) Auricle: (giggle!!)
(21:49:33) Auricle: "Okay, let's see their festival, and then see about testing the fountain somehow to get close to Chaos. Everyone agreed?"
(21:49:34) arkhonII: o_O
(21:49:48) Jean: "Sure"
(21:50:04) dkap: Jager:"Good, I've been limbering up my sword arm. Let's party!"
(21:50:33) dkap: Other Jager: Hits first one in the head "Don't give information away, stupid!"
(21:50:58) dkap: Jager: "Ow! Didn't say _which_ it was!"
(21:51:12) dkap: Other Jager: "The one with sword in it?"
(21:51:19) dkap: Jager: "Damn, you guessed."
(21:52:02) Auricle: looks for the old guy. "Which way to the festival?"
(21:52:31) dkap: Old Guy: "It starts in the square, of course."
(21:52:47) Auricle: "And that's ....where?"
(21:53:14) dkap: Old Guy: Looking at you a bit funny "The center, of course. Where else would the village square be?"
(21:53:41) Auricle: "Right." Starts heading towards the buildings. "I'll assume this way."
(21:54:19) dkap: There is a little path cut in the rocks to your right.
(21:54:39) dkap: Or you could change form and climb straight up. Jean, you can fly any way you wish.
(21:54:55) Jean: I'll stick with them
(21:55:07) Auricle: Or I could just fly over, that's just as easy.
(21:55:24) Auricle: "Hang on everyone..."
(21:55:29) dkap: There is a blorp noise, as a fly in some sort of baffle comes through, under the spigot, on fire, crashes and burns.
(21:55:39) dkap: Where it landed there are a few other charred spots.
(21:56:18) Auricle: grab hold of everyone, shapeshift into a large flying ceature, and take off towards the center of the village.
(21:56:28) dkap: Including the old guy?
(21:56:33) Auricle: Yup
(21:56:36) Auricle: Everyone.
(21:57:12) dkap: Good good.
(21:57:48) Auricle: Do I see anything looking like a square?
(21:59:30) dkap: This is from one of the other conversations: Our Hero: (hereafter referred to as OH) "OK, so I approach the strange old man in the forest."
(21:59:30) dkap: Master of the Hidden arts: (hereafter referred to as MH) "So, you are my new student, too unruly for your current master."
(21:59:30) dkap: OH: "No, I'm not. Really. You have mistaken me for someone else."
(21:59:55) Auricle: (laugh!)
(22:00:04) dkap: MH: "That's what they all say. Be prepared to indulge in the time-honored cliche of me kicking your ass, with little effort."
(22:00:41) dkap: OH: I use my (above Amber level) warfare and strength to beat the shit out of him.
(22:00:54) dkap: MH: "OW! Quit it!"
(22:01:08) dkap: OH: Go my merry way muttering to myself about stupid cliches
(22:01:17) Auricle: *snicker*
(22:01:30) dkap: It had to be shared.
(22:01:40) dkap: Right ... Town square, yes it's obvious from above.
(22:01:52) Jean: all those wacky things that happen during patternwalking. Too bad no one actually patternwalks at the meatspace game. ;)
(22:01:58) dkap: The Old Guy initially let out a squawk, and then was silent for the rest of the ride.
(22:02:28) Auricle: (Heh, my pattern. Go away, silly amberites. find the one Jean and I painted on a cliff....)
(22:02:31) dkap: Jean, you don't walk, Caelin is too magery-based (and bad-stuff based) to walk.
(22:02:58) arkhonII: ?!?!
(22:03:05) arkhonII: Did I miss something?
(22:03:12) dkap: You don't pattern walk much. Tends to get you in trouble.
(22:03:24) Auricle: (We were joking that if you painted a pattern on a cliff, amberites would try to walk it)
(22:03:24) dkap: Scroll back about a page.
(22:04:06) Auricle: K. Land in the square, shifting back to me, but more paisley, because there is a festival.
(22:04:44) Auricle: I may in fact have red paisley hair at this point.
(22:04:54) arkhonII: :-P
(22:05:25) dkap: Cool!
(22:06:25) dkap: Lots of people are gathering around the alter in the center of the square.
(22:06:29) Auricle: "Found it!"
(22:07:11) Auricle: go take a look at the altar.
(22:07:31) dkap: Gargolye politely reminds you to wait until you landed to shift forms.
(22:08:20) Auricle: "I did, didn't I? I thought I did. I didn't drop anyone, at least."
(22:08:33) dkap: This time.
(22:09:10) Auricle: "I'm getting better at it.
(22:09:18) dkap: The young man strapped to the alter seems quite willing to be sacrificed. Especially since it is one of Verra's alters, with a ... very revealing statue.
(22:09:47) Jean: "Ah... good likeness."
(22:09:50) Auricle: looks at Jean.
(22:10:29) dkap: He's still a saucer.
(22:11:04) Auricle: "I didn't know Verra had festivals of putting people back together."
(22:11:31) Jean: "It sounds like a local problem resolution festival. Two problems enter, no problems leave."
(22:12:00) Auricle: "Ah."
(22:12:18) Auricle: "So we're not actually reattaching body parts or anything?"
(22:12:29) Auricle: looks disappointed.
(22:12:57) dkap: Old Guy: finally getting his composure (and his stomach) back together, "So, I will be your host. If you have any questions, feel free to ask."
(22:13:26) Jean: "You might get an opportunity later. He probably wouldn't mind being sacrificed multiple times. More power to Verra."
(22:13:26) Auricle: "Sure. Do you have a name?"
(22:13:51) dkap: Old Guy: "Ahh ... yes?"
(22:14:04) Auricle: "What's your name, then?"
(22:14:30) dkap: Old Guy: "I can't tell you now, I've agreed to be your host!"
(22:14:49) Auricle: Gargoyle, did I miss something?
(22:15:14) dkap: Gargoyle: "Specifically? Or pertaining to the local custom?"
(22:15:26) Auricle: Yes
(22:16:53) dkap: Lots of information starts scrolling past your drop-tac.
(22:17:36) Auricle: stands there reviewing for a few minutes...
(22:17:40) dkap: Composition of the air, dirt, houses around you, approximate densities, what can and can't be used for weapons, artwork, scientific equipment ... etc.
(22:18:49) Auricle: Anything interesting?
(22:18:55) dkap: Lots, you could be distracted for hours.
(22:19:23) Auricle: Awesome. I probably am.
(22:19:25) dkap: "Estimated time of completion 11 days, 4 hours, 21 minutes.
(22:19:38) dkap: Provided no further information is gathered in that time.
(22:20:58) dkap: Jean, Auricle is obviously communing with the Gargoyle.
(22:21:29) Jean: okay. I'll mingle. They're Verra-worshippers, so I should be able to work with them without namedropping.
(22:22:11) dkap: Jean, the sacrifice (in response to your multiple times statement) says "What do you mean, multiple times? I get to wear the purple after this!"
(22:22:11) Jean: (even without, I mean)
(22:23:00) Jean: "Well, probably. But 'this' might be a little more extended. All to Verra's honor, of course."
(22:23:56) Jean: (sacrifices get to wear the purple? is that local doctrine? I thought the purple-robes were people who didn't qualify for reincarnation at the present time.)
(22:24:06) dkap: I hope not, I've been training for this for years. One night of blissful pleasure with the Goddess, and then, I get to wear purple.
(22:24:19) dkap: That is your understanding of it, yes.
(22:24:51) Jean: my understanding is that the whole "sex with verra + wear purple" is technically heresy?
(22:25:01) dkap: Probably.
(22:25:15) dkap: And probably won't actually happen. He might simply die.
(22:25:28) dkap: And his anima would add to the glory of your Aunt.
(22:25:36) Jean: yep.
(22:25:53) Jean: so of the four categories of heresy, which one does this fall in?
(22:26:01) dkap: Hubris?
(22:26:16) dkap: Presumption upon what your Aunt might do.
(22:26:43) Jean: The four categories are, of course 1) minor ('hey, they're only chandroid') 2) trying out a new strategy 3) worthy of the torc of correction 4) somethign to tell Verra about
(22:27:16) Jean: I'm thinking it falls into category 1, but I'm a little concerned about the model for the statue.
(22:27:24) Jean: does it really look like a Verra pinup?
(22:27:28) dkap: This is the 4th category, except, well ... you remember what Verra is off doing at the moment, right?
(22:27:48) dkap: It is lovingly sculpted, down to the last curl of the pubic hair.
(22:27:49) Jean: no, I think she was specifically not telling me
(22:27:57) Jean: huh.
(22:28:09) Jean: In the tree: "hey, Ilk, don't you owe Verra a favor?"
(22:28:30) dkap: Ilk: Why?
(22:29:06) Jean: "Someone has been making inappropriate statues and inappropriate doctrine, and I don't know where Auntie Verra is right now."
(22:29:49) dkap: Right, you don't want to know, either. Can it wait?
(22:30:42) Jean: "Well, you should take a look."
(22:31:30) Jean: "It's near Auricle."
(22:32:11) dkap: Ilk: Looks about right from what I remember.
(22:32:44) Auricle: without stopping what I'm watching, say distractedly to the Host, "You do realize the corners of your square aren't right angles. You'll need to rename it." And continues watching the datafeed.
(22:34:56) Jean: to Ilk: Yeah, but how did they get that? And where did they get the idea that if you get sacrificed to Verra, you get to have sex with her and wear the purple?
(22:35:23) Jean: to the host: "So, if it's not a rude question, who is your sculptor? That's a rather detailed sculpture."
(22:36:52) dkap: Old Guy: "We don't know. It is said, it appeared in the town square, one night. With a list of demands and rituals."
(22:38:12) Jean: "That's very interesting! Is it permitted to examine this list."
(22:38:35) Jean: "I am, you see, also of your faith. From a certain point of view."
(22:39:06) dkap: Old Guy: "Sure, they are chisled into the base of the statue. As soon as the sacrifice is over, we will clear away the debris, and you can read it to your heart's content.
(22:39:13) Jean: pass that tidbit along to Ilk, and mention that we're close enough to Chaos that someone's set up a way to redirect part of the everychanging river out there
(22:39:16) Jean: "Okay, sounds good."
(22:39:39) Auricle: (Anything in the feed about the statue?)
(22:40:40) dkap: Nothing extraordinary. Seems to be made of the common stone about from it's density-response from the pings from Gargoyle, carved with both sharp and blunt tools, not cast. Oh, and mostly Chandroid in shape. (Amberoid?)
(22:41:05) Auricle: K
(22:42:17) dkap: With a toodle and a clash, the parade begins.
(22:42:46) Auricle: look up, crossly. "What's all the noise?"
(22:42:59) dkap: It's a short parade, from the side of the square to near the center, but to extend it, they circle the alter and the statue twice.
(22:44:58) dkap: The description of the noise, it's composer, guesses as to the intent of the music et al are added to your informational scroll.
(22:45:14) dkap: By the time the parade is done, the square is thronged with people.
(22:45:14) Auricle: Mmmm.
(22:47:43) Auricle: gets lost back in the data.
(22:48:53) dkap: Jean, they have begun the sacrifice. It sounds very much like a summoning spell.
(22:49:08) Jean: hm. that's bad form.
(22:49:14) Jean: are they summoning Verra?
(22:49:27) dkap: It sounds like it.
(22:49:34) Jean: that's -definitely- bad form
(22:49:39) dkap: From whatever it is that is too heinous for you to even know what she is doing.
(22:49:48) Jean: okay, launch into heretic speech #1
(22:49:55) Jean: the repent or be destroyed
(22:50:01) Jean: full prophet of Verra mode
(22:50:14) Jean: and the first guy who talks back gets the Fenris Wolf treatment
(22:50:44) Auricle: start reading the speech as it scrolls past...
(22:50:53) dkap: Noone seems to be paying attention, much less talking back.
(22:51:19) Jean: hm. do I have any sonic spells?
(22:51:52) Jean: like earth-shattering krakaboom types
(22:53:22) dkap: Umm ... let me check my list of Ilk spells.
(22:53:32) dkap: (I don't think so, but I could be wrong.)
(22:53:56) Jean: I didn't think so either.
(22:54:13) Jean: We'll go ahead and move to Plan B, which is "kill everyone participating in the ritual except the sacrifice"
(22:54:26) Jean: and he gets off with a stern lecture and some correct pamphlets to Verra
(22:54:42) dkap: Nope, the closes I can find is some note about developing a spell that will cause people to chant Mikail's name.
(22:54:44) Jean: and tell Ilk that someone's trying to summon Verra - and can he check to see how many more of these statues tehre are?
(22:54:52) Jean: okay, plan B it is
(22:55:40) Auricle: (ooh, is a bloodbath enough to get me out of data?)
(22:55:54) dkap: The sacrifice is the one chanting, everyone else is just cheering and shouting encouragement.
(22:56:04) Jean: oh, okay.
(22:56:06) dkap: Give it a minute ... *grin*
(22:56:19) Jean: then I'll just feed him to the fenris wolf, but dedicate that to Verra
(22:56:45) Jean: the statue might get some wolf slobber, but I don't think he'd eat it.
(22:58:23) dkap: Right! One Fenris Wolf later ...
(22:58:36) dkap: Old Guy: "That's never happened before."
(22:58:39) arkhonII: DOH
(22:59:08) Jean: "Yeah, it might start happening a lot in the near future. When's your next sacrifice scheduled for?"
(22:59:29) Jean: (Imagine that a gate appears, and the Fenris Wolf sticks its head out and eats the guy, then the gate and the wolf disappear)
(22:59:31) dkap: Old Guy: Umm ... the next Little Moon festival?
(22:59:44) Jean: "And that's a while away, right?"
(22:59:53) dkap: Old Guy: "Maybe he did it wrong?"
(23:00:06) dkap: Old Guy: "Next turning of the year."
(23:01:05) dkap: Auricle, the Fenris Wolf does, indeed get your attention.
(23:01:30) Auricle: (It showed up and ate the sacrifice?)
(23:01:54) Jean: "Could be. I prophesy that you will receive a messenger from Verra before that time."
(23:01:56) dkap: a gate appears, and the Fenris Wolf sticks its head out and eats the guy, then the gate and the wolf disappear
(23:01:58) Auricle: "Okay, the wolf was cool. Was that supposed to happen?"
(23:02:29) Auricle: Gargoyle, halt the feed, please? I forgot what I was trying to find in it.
(23:02:54) dkap: Old Guy: "Really? An actual messenger? I just figured, when she inhabited the statue next, she would tell us directly, as she always has, opposed to trusting some second-hand messenger."
(23:03:06) dkap: Gargoyle: Halted.
(23:03:11) Jean: "Huh. Inhabiting the statue directly, eh?"
(23:03:21) Jean: "Does she by any chance manifest wings when that happens?"
(23:04:06) Auricle: "Inhabit the statue?"
(23:04:07) dkap: Old Guy: "Wings? No. Why?"
(23:04:27) Auricle: push through everyone to look over the statue and the pedestal.
(23:04:29) Jean: "Just wondering."
(23:04:53) dkap: Everyone is cheering, toasting, and carting away bits of festivity that were on the alter.
(23:04:56) Jean: make sure that Ilk knows about that 'inhabiting the statue' bit. It appears that the G-person is impersonating verra. verra naughty.
(23:04:58) dkap: You can push through easily.
(23:05:34) Auricle: What's it say on the base?
(23:05:49) arkhonII: *made in China*
(23:06:06) Auricle: (laugh!!)
(23:06:09) dkap: A bunch of things, including the "Summon Verra" spell, the care and feeding of what it takes to be as sacrifice to Verra, and the like.
(23:07:03) dkap: A recipe for some sort of soup/stew thing that is what is to be available to her when she is in this form.
(23:07:27) Auricle: Hmmm.
(23:07:31) dkap: And some sort of umbrella protocol, when she is not.
(23:07:49) Auricle: "Hey Jean, have you read the base of the statue?"
(23:08:03) Jean: "No."
(23:08:11) Jean: "Have you?"
(23:09:28) Auricle: "It's weird. and it has the summon spell on it."
(23:09:41) Jean: "Hm."
(23:09:44) Jean: tell Ilk.
(23:10:05) Jean: and suggest that we throw Caelin's apprentice at this, if he's free.
(23:10:37) Auricle: "It just seems very stupid, to leave a spell like that out where anyone can use it."
(23:11:12) Jean: "It was left as a form of attack."
(23:11:35) Jean: "There's over a minute of heresy involved here."
(23:12:09) dkap: Do you read the base?
(23:12:19) Jean: I can't ;)
(23:12:52) dkap: Oh, right ... never mind. Yes, it is blue.
(23:13:12) Auricle: "Well, I don't like leaving it where people have access to it like that."
(23:13:55) Jean: "It's probably a spy device as well."
(23:14:24) dkap: Auricle: There is nothing subtle or covert about the summons.
(23:14:25) Jean: "But I don't want to blow it up just yet."
(23:14:39) Auricle: "Then I really don't like it. Do you care if it's -- why not?"
(23:15:13) Jean: "I don't want to tell you in front of the statue?"
(23:15:38) Auricle: "Fair enough."
(23:16:32) Auricle: "All right, so do we just want to leave? Their main part of the festival seems over."
(23:16:49) Jean: "I think so, yes."
(23:17:45) Auricle: "Back to the spigot, then." to the host: "Thank you, it was totally lovely." grabs the Jagers, grabs Jean, up up and away.
(23:22:03) dkap: I'll be back in just a moment.
(23:27:04) Jean: estimated time of pumpkintude: 3 minutes
(23:27:19) Auricle: nodnod
(23:27:28) Auricle: *is not far behind on that estimate*
(23:27:58) arkhonII: Will need to crash fairly soon.
(23:29:02) Auricle: I hate this working thing, it eats into gaming.
(23:29:27) arkhonII: Heh
(23:30:50) Jean: okay, I believe we have reached a stopping point, even a vaguely natural one
(23:30:52) Jean: night!
(23:30:53) Jean left the room (quit: Quit: Leaving).
(23:31:16) Auricle: Which pretty much puts me offline as well.
(23:31:28) arkhonII: *nod*
(23:31:35) Auricle: Could you let the GM know we went to pumpkin?
(23:31:48) arkhonII: absolutely.
(23:32:06) Auricle: Night!
(23:32:45) Auricle left the room (quit: Read error: EOF from client).
(23:35:55) arkhonII left the room.
(23:37:12) dkap: Right ... everyone pumpkined. It's a run.