Conversation with #dkap_amber
(08:35:10 PM) dkap: Where were we?
(08:36:49 PM) Cagliostro: disrupting a summons of Verra
(08:37:03 PM) Cagliostro: and informing Ilk that there was a Situation related to the g-person regarding the summoning
(08:37:10 PM) dkap: Actually, I believe you were heading through the spigot?
(08:37:25 PM) Auricle: I think we'd actually finished the disrupting.
(08:37:28 PM) Cagliostro: yes, that had just happened.
(08:37:34 PM) Cagliostro: both of those.
(08:37:35 PM) dkap: Good good.
(08:38:11 PM) Cagliostro: Jean was going to ask Ilk to search for similar statues
(08:38:22 PM) Auricle: I feel the need for new buttons for this game: "Jean and Auricle: We'll eventually get to...where are we headed again?"
(08:38:27 PM) Cagliostro: and was suggesting some sort of extremely prejudiced solution
(08:38:28 PM) dkap: Right ... when we have an Ilk, we can deal. In the mean time.
(08:38:38 PM) arkhonII: Feh
(08:38:47 PM) Auricle: Auricle is still worried about the spell on the statue.
(08:38:58 PM) Cagliostro: Boba Frog is in the chaos river, I believe
(08:39:06 PM) Auricle: Just because we disrupted them once doesn't mean they can't start over later.
(08:39:07 PM) dkap: In the mean time, to get people up to time. Caelin, did you decide what you were going to do with the cricket match on your lawn?
(08:39:26 PM) Cagliostro: Cagiostro is trying to fix Roland
(08:39:43 PM) Cagliostro: and there's a Jean parked near -that- statue, ready to disrupt any summonings. But I expect there to be more statues.
(08:39:46 PM) arkhonII: irc
(08:39:50 PM) arkhonII: Feh.
(08:39:50 PM) Cagliostro: possibly in other universes.
(08:40:18 PM) dkap: Yay multihoming.
(08:40:30 PM) dkap: Something wrong, Caelin?
(08:40:41 PM) arkhonII:
(08:40:46 PM) arkhonII: I'm just fine.
(08:41:26 PM) dkap: Then, I re-ask ... have you figured out what you are doing about the giant cricket match going on on your lawn?
(08:43:26 PM) arkhonII: WEll, as I recall, I was attempting to magically trace the source of the googler (pitcher...forget the correct cricket term)
(08:44:54 PM) dkap: And you had found that they were being thrown in from the Sea of Chance.
(08:46:08 PM) arkhonII: And I was trying to expand my perception to see the source in the Sea of Chance.
(08:47:17 PM) dkap: Right, not happening.
(08:47:22 PM) dkap: You are good, you aren't that good.
(08:47:31 PM) arkhonII: Damn.
(08:47:42 PM) dkap: And even your bad stuff won't let you dissolve the barrier that keeps the Sea out ...
(08:48:07 PM) arkhonII: that's because other people's GOOD stuff is keeping it up.
(08:48:16 PM) dkap: And are you sure, with what might still be inside you, even if you could, open up a connection to the Sea?
(08:48:51 PM) arkhonII: Anyway...let's devise a spell that reverses trajectory if it flies into Moonlight airspace, so as to relieve the giant who is helping us out.
(08:49:03 PM) arkhonII: good point, there.
(08:49:19 PM) arkhonII: And I mean perfect reversal of trajectory.
(08:49:33 PM) dkap: The problem is that the "reverse" of the trajectory is back into the Sea, which, if you could do ...
(08:50:30 PM) arkhonII: Alright then. Fuck it. Devise a 'zap-it' cage over house moonlight. Should be self expanatory.
(08:51:20 PM) dkap: So, you are going to try and have the rocks break into high-speed debris, instead of being nice, big, avoidable rocks?
(08:51:44 PM) arkhonII: No. They're being annihilated.
(08:51:54 PM) arkhonII: As in atoms.
(08:52:55 PM) dkap: So you are going to build a cage around your slice of reality that atomizes all visitors?
(08:53:06 PM) arkhonII: No.
(08:53:27 PM) dkap: Specify the spell a little?
(08:54:10 PM) dkap: Don't forget, often Querlon looks like a large rock.
(08:54:29 PM) arkhonII: Boulder sized and shaped intruders in airspace that are travelling at boulder speeds, and whose trajectory seems beyond general tracking.
(08:55:18 PM) dkap: Gets rendered to atoms. Got it.
(08:55:20 PM) dkap: Good good.
(08:56:02 PM) arkhonII: airspace=moonlight airspace, that is.
(08:56:34 PM) dkap: Yep.
(08:57:47 PM) dkap: The giant looks around, realizes that there are no more immediately coming in, and sits down, for a breather.
(08:58:14 PM) arkhonII: "Sir, I'd like to thank you for your very effective defense.
(08:58:59 PM) arkhonII: "I have since set up a magical defense that should keep the rest of the stones away, but if you choose to remain for a little while to make sure none are getting through, you may."
(08:59:52 PM) dkap: "Yah ... sounds good. Mind if I rest here for a bit?"
(09:00:41 PM) dkap: "Oh ... by the way ... I'm Phallup, who are you folks?"
(09:00:46 PM) arkhonII: "Certainly not. Feel free to stay as long as you like, and if you need anything, you may request at the door of the house for services."
(09:01:06 PM) dkap: "House? Where?"
(09:01:25 PM) arkhonII: "My name is Caelin, head of house Moonlight. This, *holding up her hand* is my intended"
(09:01:41 PM) arkhonII: Erm...are we not near the house, Mr. GM?
(09:02:26 PM) dkap: You are, but, remember the perspective. He's large enough that the house would look like a doll-house to him, and not a very elaborate one from the outside.
(09:02:40 PM) arkhonII: Ahh, right.
(09:03:03 PM) arkhonII: *points* "Right there. That house right there. It seems that it might have been the target of the stones."
(09:03:04 PM) dkap: The Archivest introduces himself as well.
(09:03:26 PM) dkap: "Oh ... I don't know ... I just sensed them coming at me."
(09:04:11 PM) arkhonII: "Sensed, did you say? How so?"
(09:05:05 PM) dkap: "Umm ... I'm not sure." I came from a not-place, to here, and ... well ... they also wanted to come from that place, but not in a good way, I think.
(09:06:03 PM) arkhonII: " can sense the source?"
(09:07:38 PM) dkap: No ... not quite ... I can sense their malice towards me.
(09:08:45 PM) arkhonII: "Does the malice get stronger when you move in certain directions?"
(09:09:06 PM) dkap: (Large GM hint, that you can't see, I just (virtually) glanced over at Jean when I said that.)
(09:09:32 PM) dkap: "Stronger? Not really. The bigger they are the stronger the malice."
(09:10:48 PM) arkhonII: "Do you sense a direction of the malice?"
(09:11:01 PM) dkap: "Ummmm .... to me?"
(09:11:12 PM) arkhonII: "Yes."
(09:11:38 PM) dkap: "I don't know if that counts as a direction, though."
(09:11:59 PM) arkhonII: "What counts as a direction?"
(09:12:23 PM) dkap: "I mean, it would to someone else, but, to me is ... well ... not really a direction for me."
(09:12:55 PM) arkhonII: "Well, take for example, the last stone you had to deal with."
(09:13:06 PM) arkhonII: "It was coming in from a certain direction, yes?"
(09:13:29 PM) arkhonII: "Was the malice you felt at the other end of that stone's path, or somewhere else?"
(09:15:28 PM) dkap: Oh, no, it's the stone's malice.
(09:15:53 PM) arkhonII: "The stones...have malice?"
(09:16:31 PM) dkap: Yar, indeed. Didn't you feel it?
(09:16:52 PM) dkap: Or, maybe, because the malice wasn't pointed at you, that you didn't.
(09:17:17 PM) arkhonII: "My friend, if I used your measuring stick for malice, I think I'd long have determined that this entire piece of fruit is out to annihilate me."
(09:17:34 PM) dkap: "Fruit?"
(09:18:11 PM) arkhonII: "Erm...just an expression, really. Pay it no mind"
(09:20:02 PM) dkap: Right.
(09:23:23 PM) dkap: He is sitting and resting. Are you heading into the house, which was your plan, originally?
(09:23:40 PM) arkhonII: Yes.
(09:24:12 PM) dkap: Right. And you were going to ...?
(09:24:31 PM) arkhonII: Yes, we are. I direct us into the house while he rests.
(09:25:16 PM) dkap: And which, of the list of things you had, are you going to do first?
(09:25:40 PM) arkhonII: Confirm time of meeting, first and foremost.
(09:27:12 PM) dkap: Right ... good good.
(09:28:00 PM) dkap: Meanwhile ... Bobafrog is currently on the Chaos side of the Spigot, and the flies are currently doing a strafing run when you get through.
(09:28:13 PM) arkhonII: Second, get message to Princess Chandra that the house appears to be under attack. Source of attack seems to be from beyond this piece of fruit.
(09:28:19 PM) arkhonII: gotcha.
(09:29:07 PM) Cagliostro: I will provide a quick Jean-style orientation for Auricle, depending on what I see
(09:29:11 PM) Cagliostro is now known as Jean
(09:29:33 PM) Jean: Can we see House Moonlight, or any other Chaos landmarks? Like the moat?
(09:29:50 PM) Auricle: Did everyone including the jagers make it through?
(09:30:04 PM) Auricle: (and their hats?)
(09:30:05 PM) dkap: What you see is a sort of river, flowing by, with flies powering their hang-gliders with their wings, dropping explosives on Boba-frog's emplacement.
(09:31:12 PM) dkap: There is a field of free-range brocolli to the left. and some gregarious jub-jub trees to the right.
(09:31:26 PM) Auricle: Ah, Chaos.
(09:34:04 PM) dkap: Indeed.
(09:34:39 PM) dkap: Yes, indeed, it would take more than that to challenge the Jager. They even made it through mostly without getting their hats wet.
(09:34:45 PM) dkap: Quite a trick.
(09:34:53 PM) Auricle: Excellent.
(09:35:32 PM) Auricle: "So. We're....where now?"
(09:35:33 PM) dkap: Of course, one of them managed to get the "water" hatted? Is that a word? The opposite of getting the water on the hat, making the hat wet, the hat got on the water, making it hat-ish.
(09:36:44 PM) Auricle: Weird.
(09:37:08 PM) dkap: Welcome to Chaos.
(09:37:43 PM) dkap: I think Jean has to come up with the answer of "where now".
(09:37:51 PM) dkap: Or, being chaos, you could resume your walk.
(09:37:54 PM) Auricle: Do I feel unsettled? Am I shapeshifting?
(09:37:59 PM) dkap: No, and no.
(09:38:20 PM) Jean: do I know how to get to Moonlight from where we are? Or more accurately, do I think I do?
(09:38:38 PM) dkap: You are, however, watching the fly's bombs explode near Boba-frog, the frog that is esteemed by your friend Dworkin.
(09:39:03 PM) dkap: Umm ... Jean, not really. You would know it when you approach.
(09:39:27 PM) Jean: well, yes. but it's boba frog. he's probably enjoying himself.
(09:39:42 PM) Auricle: Does he seem to be getting hurt at all?
(09:40:22 PM) dkap: No, he's avoiding them ...
(09:40:55 PM) Jean: Jean will suggest to Auricle that she could try walking there from here, and he can describe the House as helpfully as he can
(09:42:59 PM) Auricle left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
(09:43:51 PM) arkhonII: doh!
(09:44:57 PM) dkap: Boom, shakalaka.
(09:47:17 PM) dkap: In the meantime ... Cagliostro is knitting together the bits of Roland, when one of the people given the job of looking in at the tapes occasionally, on the uniform comes and waits for you to come to a break-point.
(09:47:52 PM) Jean is now known as Cagliostro
(09:48:03 PM) Cagliostro: okay, look up when I reach a stopping point
(09:48:19 PM) dkap: (I do remember you solved the "this really doesn't want to reassemble" problem, right? I can't remember your precise solution, but I think you found one, right?)
(09:48:35 PM) Auricle [] entered the room.
(09:48:47 PM) ***Auricle kicks her computer.
(09:49:08 PM) Cagliostro: lemme check
(09:49:35 PM) Auricle: Sorry about that. Windoze verrrrrry slooooooooowly crashed.
(09:49:51 PM) dkap: Sounds painful.
(09:49:55 PM) Cagliostro: (I can believe that)
(09:50:19 PM) dkap: My only comment on windoze is ... that it hasn't given ME problems recently ... *grin*
(09:50:22 PM) Cagliostro: my solution involved a fluid bath, alchemy, electricity, and mystic inertia concentration to try to get the pieces moving back toward Roland-baseline
(09:50:31 PM) Cagliostro: it was at the "good place to start" stage last we left it
(09:51:00 PM) dkap: Right ... I actually dreamed your solution, then.
(09:51:34 PM) Cagliostro: that's depressing
(09:53:19 PM) dkap: Well ... it was quite creative. It involved the inverse of the "increase Mystic Inertia spell" your philosopher's stone, and creating bridging parts out of as low-inertia stuff as you could make, and still make it "real" so the reality of Roland would have to bleed off to bring that up to his normal level.
(09:53:21 PM) dkap: Sorry.
(09:53:28 PM) dkap: It was quite creative.
(09:53:47 PM) Cagliostro: I still haven't actually figured out how to use the philosopher's stone yet for anything useful, btw.
(09:54:23 PM) Cagliostro: but making him less real so that I could work on him would be something that might occur to Cagliostro. Eventually.
(09:54:28 PM) Cagliostro: it does seem unaesthetic, though.
(09:55:11 PM) dkap: Ok, then ... I'll leave you to come up with a different solution, in the mean-time, we have Auricle back, so ...
(09:55:23 PM) Cagliostro: so what are the results for what I'm trying?
(09:57:50 PM) dkap: The fluid makes it easier for the parts to gravitate away from each other, the alchemy is not more real than he is, so ... it doesn't do much, the electricity is fun, and makes the muscles twitch, in the semblance of life, without being life, and the Mystic Inertia concentration makes the repulsion greater, rather than lesser.
(09:58:10 PM) dkap: The pressure towards the Roland baseline, however is a good start, and might, eventually make headway.
(09:58:41 PM) Cagliostro: hm. I need to find a way to calibrate things so that the pressure apart ends up pressing other pieces together
(09:59:03 PM) Cagliostro: sort of a jujitsu thing, where I'm pushing and also using the pushing frmo the other parts to overcome their desire to be apart
(10:00:54 PM) dkap: Mystic JuJitsu? Is that another Band Name?
(10:01:06 PM) arkhonII: Oh gawd.
(10:01:07 PM) arkhonII: It is.
(10:01:42 PM) Auricle: *hides*
(10:04:01 PM) Cagliostro: be that as it may...
(10:04:17 PM) dkap: Indeed. Be that as it may ... House Moonlight-wards?
(10:04:27 PM) arkhonII: Yes?
(10:04:47 PM) arkhonII: WE've gone inside, and we've confirmed the meeting time, yes?
(10:04:57 PM) Auricle: I think he means us. In our ongoing attempt to get there...
(10:05:03 PM) dkap: Indeed.
(10:05:07 PM) arkhonII: Excellent.
(10:05:11 PM) dkap: The latter, not the former.
(10:05:41 PM) Cagliostro: oh, confused me too.
(10:05:58 PM) Cagliostro: Jean suggests that Auricle pattern-walk to Moonlight. I don't know where they've put anything these days.
(10:06:02 PM) dkap: How in character, Jean.
(10:06:14 PM) dkap: Right ... Pattern-walk away.
(10:07:19 PM) Auricle: "It's as good an idea as any."
(10:07:26 PM) Auricle: Pattern-walk away.
(10:08:17 PM) dkap: You leave BobaFrog and the strafing flies behind.
(10:08:20 PM) Auricle: Gargoyle, have I actually ever *been* to House Moonlight?
(10:08:50 PM) dkap: "No, we are walking toward Jean's description of it."
(10:09:04 PM) Auricle: "Well, that should work."
(10:09:58 PM) dkap: Indeed. Off you go.
(10:10:10 PM) dkap: Chaos is much more malleable than shadow.
(10:10:14 PM) dkap: You make good time.
(10:10:16 PM) Auricle: Start working on changing scenery to match up with Jean's description.
(10:10:19 PM) Auricle: Nice.
(10:10:30 PM) Auricle: I could like it here. Except, like, my pattern would miss me.
(10:12:15 PM) Auricle: Do we start to see anything looking like House Moonlight?
(10:12:25 PM) dkap: Not really. Your experiments not giving you reliable results would drive you nuts after a while.
(10:12:31 PM) Auricle: Or less like broccoli?
(10:12:59 PM) dkap: Jean, you get past Chaos proper, onto the stretch that is the shadow between chaos and the Logrus Atol.
(10:13:11 PM) Auricle: "JEan, does anyone at Moonlight need to know we're actually coming?"
(10:13:19 PM) dkap: Auricle, the shifting gets less easy again.
(10:14:05 PM) Cagliostro: "Need to? Not that I know of."
(10:15:07 PM) Auricle: "Okay. We getting closer?"
(10:15:08 PM) dkap: Across that spit is where Dworkin and you (Auricle, and Jean) were hanging out, talking about the Pattern.
(10:15:17 PM) Auricle: AH!
(10:15:54 PM) Auricle: "I have no idea where house moonlight is from here, but at least I know where I am. Sorta."
(10:16:11 PM) Auricle: continue working on the walking and the shifting.
(10:17:42 PM) dkap: Having been told that that was the spot near where your destination was, Gargoyle was leading you there, first, for familiarity sake.
(10:18:08 PM) Auricle: pat the Gargoyle. So helpful. I'd be completely lost without it.
(10:18:13 PM) dkap: The next several shifts are major jumps, similar to going from one golden circle kingdom to another.
(10:18:42 PM) dkap: Jean, are you going to go into the place that houses Moonlight, or are you going to ask to be set down just before the last crossing?
(10:19:26 PM) Cagliostro: I'm going along, it's part of the deal.
(10:19:48 PM) Cagliostro: The idea of Auricle being marbled is inconceivable, so I won't conceive of it.
(10:19:49 PM) dkap: So be it.
(10:20:02 PM) Cagliostro: anyway, how would I know what the last jump would be? :)
(10:20:16 PM) dkap: Good point.
(10:21:21 PM) Auricle: (great, now I worry)
(10:21:32 PM) dkap: There, in front of you is a large grassy plane, crossed by a mote of small grey marbles. The grass on the far side of the moat (which has no obvious ford, bridge, or other means of crossing, but it doesn't look too deep) seems scarred and torn up, as if there was a pitched battle there recently.
(10:21:52 PM) arkhonII: o_O
(10:21:58 PM) Cagliostro: "Moat bad."
(10:22:03 PM) Auricle: Stop, look at the field.
(10:22:07 PM) Auricle: "Bad how?"
(10:22:15 PM) Cagliostro: "Do you know what those marbles are?"
(10:22:21 PM) Auricle: "Like, ew, wet bad? Or RUN FOR THE HILLS bad?"
(10:22:37 PM) Auricle: "In specific? No."
(10:22:43 PM) Cagliostro: "Pop goes the Auricle bad, but we knew they were here."
(10:23:00 PM) Cagliostro: "Have you heard of those gray spheres that Clarissa was playing with?"
(10:23:13 PM) Auricle: "I don't want to pop."
(10:23:38 PM) Auricle: "In general, I know of the grey spheres. In specific, I can't remember if I've run into any before. Gargoyle?"
(10:24:00 PM) dkap: Gargoyle has only warnings on file, no specifics.
(10:24:16 PM) Auricle: "How do I avoid going pop?"
(10:24:19 PM) Cagliostro: "Well, those marbles are related to spheres, but they're contagious. If you touch one, you become one."
(10:24:24 PM) Cagliostro: "Don't touch the marbles."
(10:24:26 PM) dkap: Also a note that they tend to be associated with the Winged Statue.
(10:24:57 PM) Auricle: (Ohhh.....things come back to me from like.....what, 10 years ago?)
(10:25:03 PM) Cagliostro: "Or,really, anything marble-shaped you see in Chaos. Or gray and marbly around Chaos. Get a minion to touch anything borderline marbly first."
(10:25:16 PM) Auricle: "Okay. Flying all right, then, with everyone?"
(10:25:35 PM) dkap: *grin*
(10:25:42 PM) Cagliostro: "Well, sure."
(10:26:03 PM) dkap: Jean, just as a note, all the clouds are blue, and there is an aura of Magic around just about everything.
(10:26:25 PM) dkap: The Jager crowd around you, expecting you to turn back into the giant bird.
(10:27:24 PM) Auricle: "Hang, on, then." Shapeshift into large flying creature and grab ahold of everyone.
(10:28:22 PM) dkap: They grab hold.
(10:29:14 PM) Auricle: Up we go.
(10:29:20 PM) dkap: North: a small house, apparently 1 story, with a thatched roof, and a large, comfortable front porch. South: moat of grey marbles, East: Moat curves around this way, West: Moat curves around this way.
(10:29:56 PM) dkap: Umm ... the clouds are blue, not because they are coloured blue, but because they otherwise might be writing.
(10:30:17 PM) Cagliostro: Oh, that's an important distinction.
(10:30:21 PM) Cagliostro: "Don't read the clouds."
(10:30:28 PM) Cagliostro is now known as Jean
(10:30:34 PM) Auricle: "Don't read the clouds. Righto."
(10:30:36 PM) dkap: I realized that after a moment.
(10:31:00 PM) Auricle: Auricle tries very, very, very, very hard not to read the clouds.
(10:31:28 PM) dkap: The Gargoyle points out the mathematical relationships in the Thatching.
(10:31:46 PM) Auricle: Head for the porch, and...ooh, math.
(10:32:09 PM) Auricle: I probably now land on the roof.
(10:32:18 PM) Jean: no marbles on the roof, right?
(10:32:25 PM) dkap: (Gargoyle is successful in his Distract Auricle roll.)
(10:32:31 PM) dkap: Nope, all the marbles are in the moat.
(10:32:31 PM) Auricle: If I can do so without disturbing the mathematical relationships. And there are no marbeles.
(10:33:34 PM) dkap: Well ... it is straw, so landing on it will probably disturb the relationships, but might establish other ones.
(10:34:01 PM) Jean: no marbles, it's not my problem
(10:34:25 PM) dkap: Indeed.,
(10:34:27 PM) Auricle: Well, then, yay distracted auricle (like that's hard). Land on the roof.
(10:35:31 PM) dkap: You land on the roof. The texture is surprisingly smooth and silky. Your disturbance of the near straw causes the other straw to adjust, so the math is still balanced.
(10:36:02 PM) Auricle: "How fantastic!" Shapeshift back to me.
(10:36:22 PM) Auricle: start walking along the roof, shapeshifting as necessary to keep balance and not fall off.
(10:36:50 PM) dkap: Caelin: The "House is under attack" alerts are going off, just as you get into the Study where the paperwork is.
(10:37:15 PM) dkap: The Jager are busy climbing down from the roof, for it's not a very defensible position.
(10:37:21 PM) arkhonII: *sigh*
(10:37:32 PM) arkhonII: Visual, via spell, please?
(10:37:44 PM) dkap: The straw is quite nice to walk on, and doesn't cause you to need to shift to keep your balance.
(10:38:09 PM) Auricle: "This is great! I need a roof like this. I mean, just watch how it's realigning the formulas."
(10:39:19 PM) dkap: A view-screen of Jagermonsters, and a half-bird/half-chandroid clambering about trying to find a breach in your defenses.
(10:39:54 PM) arkhonII: Has Caelin ever seen the Jagermonsters before?
(10:41:35 PM) Auricle: Can I figure out what the math is actually accomplishing? If anything other than being a roof?
(10:43:26 PM) dkap: Not really, no.
(10:43:42 PM) dkap: The are about, but they are obviously combat-oriented beings.
(10:44:01 PM) dkap: Teeth, claws, weapons strung about them.
(10:44:15 PM) arkhonII: Open communication gate to Giant.
(10:44:18 PM) dkap: (obvious even to Caelin warfare)
(10:44:27 PM) Auricle: "JEan, do you know what the math is supposed to do?"
(10:44:34 PM) dkap: *SNOOOOOORRRRRRRR*
(10:44:44 PM) arkhonII: "shit"
(10:45:21 PM) dkap: No poo flinging.
(10:46:07 PM) Jean: "Not unless it involves grapes or jewels of judgement, no."
(10:46:21 PM) Jean: "Dworkin's the person to ask if you have a Math question."
(10:46:47 PM) arkhonII: Open comm gate to the enemy on the roof. "HALT. Identify yourselves."
(10:46:57 PM) Auricle: "This involves a roof." Nod. "He's eventually teaching us mathemagic. Although I don't need it for the Jewel of Judgement---!!"
(10:47:33 PM) dkap: A voice out of nowhere says, in Thari "HALT. Identify yourselves."
(10:47:37 PM) Auricle: look around for a moment for where the voice is from.
(10:47:45 PM) dkap: It doesn't _really_ sound like Ilk at all, maybe he's ill?
(10:48:11 PM) Auricle: "Ilk? Are you borrowing the Gargoyle again? Gargoyle? Where's that from?"
(10:48:43 PM) Auricle: does stop walking, though.
(10:48:49 PM) arkhonII: "This isn't Ilk. This is the owner of the house on which you are now climbing without permission."
(10:48:56 PM) dkap: Gargoyle: A semi-indefinite point in space, similar to what the individual identified as Ilkandacian uses.
(10:49:25 PM) Auricle: "I'm on...the house! OH! Sorry! I was trying not to read the clouds and your roof is very mathematical. It's fascinating."
(10:49:29 PM) dkap: So ... apparently someone pretending to Ilk-like communications.
(10:50:55 PM) Auricle: "I don't think I messed up your roof, though, I'm sorry if I have."
(10:51:34 PM) arkhonII: "Who ARE you? And what are you DOING here?"
(10:52:39 PM) Auricle: "Oh, right. Auricle of ...well, we're not sure if we're calling it Amber anymore because King Deirdre hasn't actually named it yet...And Jean, and my bodyguard, and my Gargoyle. We came to visit House Moonlight."
(10:52:40 PM) dkap: The Jager are now discussing amongst themselves, which body part of the older gentleman on the front porch they should use to knock on the door, and if they should still leave it attached, while knocking.
(10:53:07 PM) Jean: "Dworkin says Amber is where the Pattern is, so I think you're still Auricle of Amber."
(10:53:24 PM) Auricle: "Ah, great, then. Auricle of Amber."
(10:53:42 PM) Auricle: "That';s right, it's the city we aren't sure what she's planning to name it."
(10:53:43 PM) arkhonII: "If those are your troops, inform them that they are going to be destroyed if they attempt to enter."
(10:53:54 PM) arkhonII: "Amber?!"
(10:53:56 PM) Auricle: "That will only encourage them, probably."
(10:53:58 PM) dkap: (Actually, Dworkin said Kolvir is where the pattern is, Amber is Oberon's Power-mad dream-stuff.)
(10:54:01 PM) arkhonII: retcon what I said last.
(10:54:15 PM) Auricle: kay
(10:54:41 PM) arkhonII: "You are an Amberite, then?!"
(10:54:43 PM) Auricle: (Mmm, Auricle of Kolvir would work just as well.)
(10:55:00 PM) Jean: (I don't recall Dworkin saying that to -me-. Hence the discussion of Greater Arden vs. Amber or Amber-that-was)
(10:55:08 PM) Auricle: "Yes. We're lookgin for Lady Florimel. I was told she was here."
(10:55:22 PM) arkhonII: Flora currently here?
(10:55:35 PM) dkap: He didn't he said it to Auricle, when they were talking about stuff ... I should label my asides, sorry.
(10:55:58 PM) arkhonII: Ahh, got it
(10:56:00 PM) Auricle: That's okay, dkap.
(10:56:01 PM) dkap: Last you knew. Something about wedding planning, a gaggle of brides-maids, etc?
(10:56:22 PM) arkhonII: No, my understanding was that she had left the house soon after that.
(10:56:45 PM) Auricle: "If I can ask, who are you? And where are you?"
(10:56:58 PM) arkhonII: " Lady Florimel still on the premesis, that you know of?"
(10:57:46 PM) Auricle: lean over the edge, "Hey, Jagers. Don't destroy the house! They are friendly."
(10:57:46 PM) arkhonII: "I am Caelin, head of house Moonlight."
(10:57:57 PM) arkhonII: "thank you!"
(10:58:11 PM) Auricle: "You're welcome."
(10:58:12 PM) arkhonII: "As if we need ANOTHER army trying to destroy the house."
(10:58:13 PM) dkap: Well, she did to straighten out the ... issue with the Dancers and the shifters, but, when the head of the warriors (Cyndia) finished her assault. But when Chaos went under curfew, she headed back to the rooms she can call hers in Moonlight, as opposed to her rooms in Chaos Proper in the Dancer's Guild.
(10:58:26 PM) dkap: Which is why she was not swept up in the Guild Relocation Process.
(10:58:29 PM) Auricle: Gargoyle do we have an image of Caelin?
(10:59:10 PM) dkap: Sure, the Gargoyle brings up the image from the Trump card.
(10:59:39 PM) Auricle: which reminds me, any change in trump temperature?
(11:01:05 PM) dkap: Not yet.
(11:01:28 PM) Auricle: "I'm not trying to destroy the house. The math is just fine."
(11:02:22 PM) dkap: The Archivist returns and replies that Floramel is, indeed, in the side sitting room, reading a treaties on bows, and eating breakfast.
(11:02:27 PM) arkhonII: "You all may come down to the front entrance. I will seek out Lady Flora, if indeed she is on the premesis.
(11:02:54 PM) arkhonII: *waves off the archivist, whose voice probably carried over the comm gate."
(11:03:05 PM) Auricle: "Okay. Thank you."
(11:03:22 PM) dkap: No, his voice did not carry over the gate.
(11:03:27 PM) Auricle: Ooze off the side of the roof, to the ground, and back up into myself.
(11:04:08 PM) arkhonII: *turn to Achivist* "Can you lead me to her?"
(11:06:20 PM) dkap: He points through the doorway, and says "Second archway on the right."
(11:07:19 PM) arkhonII: *turns, goes*
(11:07:57 PM) Auricle: I herd the Jagers up onto the porch.
(11:07:57 PM) arkhonII: Get to second archway on right.
(11:08:59 PM) dkap: They are intent on their discussion about body parts.
(11:09:37 PM) arkhonII: *knock on door*
(11:11:20 PM) dkap: No door, just a doorway, and Flora is curled into a nice, large armchair, with some sort of egg and toast thing being held up and handed to her occasionally by domesticated brocolli.
(11:11:55 PM) arkhonII: *snort*
(11:12:12 PM) arkhonII: "Lady Flora?"
(11:12:37 PM) Auricle: survey the porch. Not as interesting as the roof
(11:13:45 PM) dkap: She looks up, nods to you, swallows her current bite and replies "Yes?"
(11:14:00 PM) dkap: The porch is static, and the old guy on it is cowering in a corner.
(11:14:56 PM) arkhonII: "There is a small assault force, headed by one who claims to be Auricle of Amber, here rapping, rapping at my house door, to see you."
(11:15:30 PM) Auricle: *GIGGLE*
(11:15:52 PM) arkhonII: (sorry, couldn't resist)
(11:16:17 PM) Auricle: (no, tis awesome. I've never been the head of an assault force before!)
(11:16:39 PM) Jean: (I have ;)
(11:17:04 PM) arkhonII: (Jean has BEEN the assault force, before)
(11:17:35 PM) Jean: (yes, but I wasn't in charge, then.)
(11:17:58 PM) Auricle: (That, I've managed to do. Superball of Pattern-energy, check! Bouncing on everyone, check! Gm whimpering in corner and using me as an example on his panels of GM horror stories, CHECK!)
(11:18:09 PM) arkhonII: hee
(11:19:07 PM) Auricle: (TPB Zach and I were walking down the hallway at Arisia, and there's dkap, who sees us, points, and almost yells, "THEM! They're the ones I've been talking about!"
(11:19:37 PM) arkhonII: ROTFL
(11:20:25 PM) dkap: Yes indeed. I love my players. Really.
(11:21:07 PM) dkap: Flora gently eases the brocolli aside, stands, straightens her clothing and goes to answer the door.
(11:21:26 PM) dkap: And I think, this is a nice, easy hang-point.
(11:21:41 PM) Jean: this is true
(11:21:47 PM) dkap: Because what happens next, of course, is going to be at least another hour's worth ... and it's just past 11 already.
(11:22:10 PM) Auricle: Agreed.
(11:22:12 PM) arkhonII: Good. I have a dress rehearsal in Providence tomorrow morning.
(11:22:25 PM) Auricle: although dkap I do need to talk to you about my haven email.
(11:22:27 PM) arkhonII: Call at 9:30, so I needz sleep.
(11:22:32 PM) Jean: night, all
(11:22:33 PM) Jean left the room (quit: Quit: Leaving).
(11:22:34 PM) Auricle: go sleepz then.
(11:22:37 PM) Auricle: Night folks!
(11:22:38 PM) arkhonII: Good night.
(11:22:41 PM) arkhonII left the room.
(11:23:20 PM) Auricle: The nice thing about being an absent-minded character is that not playing for several years doesn't actually affect me
(11:24:50 PM) dkap: *grin*
(11:24:54 PM) Auricle: Anyway, the forward on the haven email seems to be working
(11:25:07 PM) dkap: And the nice thing about my campaign, is I have these lovely hooks in slow-time shadows ...
(11:25:21 PM) Auricle: nodnod
(11:25:48 PM) Auricle: hate the gwen hate the gwen, I should have written her out of existence when I redid the pattern, hate the gwen...
(11:26:39 PM) dkap: *grin* She's not in the pattern.
(11:26:41 PM) dkap: Really.
(11:26:47 PM) dkap: At least not the new one.
(11:26:50 PM) Auricle: However, I haven't really used the haven email since about two or three years ago, when there was an insane amount of downtime due to some thing or another, and I eventually stopped checking to see if it had come back.
(11:27:00 PM) dkap: Unfortunately (as you might not remember) she is Dworkin's child.
(11:27:30 PM) Auricle: Ah, so we're stuck with her even with the Pattern rewrite, until we kill her again or something.
(11:27:31 PM) dkap: There should be a forward of the old email kicking off at about midnight tonight, so you will have everything left behind.
(11:27:50 PM) dkap: Well ... currently she is dead, presumed hunted.
(11:28:01 PM) Auricle: Oof, okay.
(11:30:11 PM) Auricle: I liked the math on the roof, btw.
(11:30:15 PM) Auricle: That was cute.
(11:30:21 PM) dkap: S'ok, with the forward in place, it's just another pointer.
(11:30:22 PM) Auricle: *likes this game*
(11:30:40 PM) dkap: *grin* Thank you. And thank you.