Conversation with #dkap_amber

Conversation with #dkap_amber on Tue 11 Mar 2008 09:01:19 PM EDT:
(08:01:31 PM) Auricle: GReetings
(08:02:09 PM) dkap: Greetings, we might not have Sam (Jean/Cagliostro) much if at all this week.
(08:02:20 PM) Auricle: shame
(08:07:33 PM) Auricle: I actually found the house copy of the Amber rulebook a few days ago.
(08:09:33 PM) dkap: Most cool!
(08:09:47 PM) dkap: Does it resemble at all anything like what we've been using after all this time? *grin*
(08:10:21 PM) Auricle: I have no idea. I don't even know what Auricle's character sheet resembles after all this time.
(08:10:50 PM) dkap: *grin* And yet, we soldier on.
(08:10:55 PM) Auricle: Indeed.
(08:11:12 PM) Auricle: Frankly, I'm very happy with where Auricle is and what she's doing.
(08:13:59 PM) dkap: *grin* A good thing.
(08:15:00 PM) Auricle: Although somewhat sad that forevermore, Ilk and Auricle will creep each other out.
(08:16:58 PM) dkap: Not creep each other out, just be a warm presence to each other, wherever they may be.
(08:17:39 PM) Auricle: Well, yes.
(08:18:24 PM) Cagliostro [] entered the room.
(08:18:38 PM) Cagliostro: hi, 12 hour workday, turning into a pumpkin early
(08:18:45 PM) Cagliostro: next week will be worse, I fear
(08:18:46 PM) Cagliostro left the room (quit: Quit: Leaving).
(08:20:45 PM) Auricle: Well, that answers that.
(08:20:47 PM) Auricle: poof!
(08:21:28 PM) dkap: Indeed.
(08:21:40 PM) dkap: So, we are waiting on Caelin and Ilk.
(08:22:41 PM) Auricle: nodnod
(08:23:08 PM) Auricle: So, while we wait, is there anything Auricle/Gargoyle is SUPPOSED to know about being Patternmaster I should, perhaps, have myself knowledge of?
(08:24:37 PM) dkap: *grin* Probably. Have you found it out yet? Probably not. It _is_ Auricle after all.
(08:24:56 PM) Auricle: Yes, but she's not ENTIRELY hopeless, either.
(08:25:03 PM) dkap: You did things like spread religions, and Jager without thinking about it, and were unsurprised when you found them.
(08:25:11 PM) Auricle: True
(08:25:37 PM) Auricle: And things are showing up as expected -- like the city, and so forth.
(08:25:45 PM) dkap: You also did things like spread the tradition of being aware of strange wanderers, throughout shadow, which might have been a good or a bad thing.
(08:26:14 PM) Auricle: Which fits.
(08:27:13 PM) Auricle: All this, and no memory still. :)
(08:27:47 PM) dkap: Well ... it's not like you did it deliberately.
(08:28:15 PM) dkap: Oh, and you made Titania's access easier, simply by wanting to help Zack.
(08:28:43 PM) Auricle: That would make sense too, even though Auricle personally was not fond of Faerie.
(08:28:56 PM) Auricle: But Zack, most bets are off when it comes to Zack.
(08:29:30 PM) Auricle: (Hey, iirc, Auricle DID erase her own memory. First command in Gargoyle, purge of memory, ordered by Auricle).
(08:29:42 PM) dkap: Yep.
(08:30:16 PM) Auricle: Currently player theory=whatever I needed to hide from, I needed to hide so badly I redid myself shapeshifted and let the decided upon personality take over.
(08:30:45 PM) dkap: Indeed.
(08:30:51 PM) dkap: Sounds a lot like Cagliostro.
(08:30:56 PM) dkap: He did a similar thing.
(08:30:57 PM) Auricle: Which means, probably best to let that be.
(08:32:47 PM) Auricle: Much as the player would love to figure out parentage and stuff....
(08:32:52 PM) Auricle: :)
(08:32:52 PM) dkap: *grin*
(08:33:26 PM) dkap: It might have been the only way you could have transited from Tir Ghost to Real Individual.
(08:33:46 PM) Auricle: Possibility at well.
(08:33:52 PM) Auricle: Not something I'd considered.
(08:34:07 PM) Auricle: But would explain the affinity to the Tir Pattern.
(08:34:37 PM) dkap: *grin*
(08:35:12 PM) Auricle: Or could just be some long-lost Amberite.
(08:36:04 PM) dkap: Or any other of a number of different possibilities.
(08:36:35 PM) Auricle: shrug. Caine's kid, Dworkin's kid (wouldn't THAT be freaky), Tir Ghost made Flesh (which is a pretty nifty idea, although why a Tir Ghost would care), Part of the Pattern itself (aka the damaged part from the old pattern, which attempted to fix itself or something..)
(08:38:40 PM) Auricle: I'm just Auricle.
(08:38:41 PM) dkap: Or some combination of them, for, perhaps, were you Caine's kid, via a Tir Ghost ...
(08:39:30 PM) Auricle: Indeed.
(08:40:56 PM) Auricle: so many options, no real way to know.
(08:41:18 PM) Auricle: At least, under current conditions, with safety of the subject a priority, no way to easily determine.
(08:42:08 PM) dkap: Indeed. And, possibly, even under the best of circumstances, due to shape-shifting, and beast-mastery, and the gargoyle's being wiped as well, no actual way of finding out.
(08:43:16 PM) Auricle: Right
(08:44:13 PM) Auricle: So for the most part, Auricle doesn't think about it. It's a fact: I have no memory other than the three: Castle Amber, falling through the Pattern when a cloud passed over Tir, Being given a cloak and the Gargoyle. Everything else is backed up on Gargoyle.
(08:44:27 PM) Auricle: I had reasons. Therefore, I move onward.
(08:45:07 PM) dkap: Indeed.
(08:48:40 PM) Auricle: I'm gonna afk and shower, so as to stay up later if Caelin and Ilk appear.
(08:48:40 PM) Auricle: BBiaB
(08:49:11 PM) dkap: I think, they aren't showing up ... we can call it a game here ... if it changes, I'll email you?
(08:49:26 PM) Auricle: Fair
(08:49:36 PM) dkap has changed the topic to: "Echoing Silence, from a lack of players this week."
(08:49:45 PM) Auricle: See ya later, then!
(08:49:49 PM) dkap: Have a good evening!
(09:13:07 PM) Auricle left the room (quit: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.77 [SeaMonkey 1.0.1/2006040400]).
(09:56:03 PM) Auricle [] entered the room.
(09:56:17 PM) Auricle: yup.
(09:56:21 PM) Auricle: echoing silence, all right.
(09:56:26 PM) dkap: Indeed.
(10:28:32 PM) Auricle left the room (quit: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.77 [SeaMonkey 1.0.1/2006040400]).
(10:36:19 PM) arkhonII [] entered the room.
(10:36:33 PM) arkhonII: D'oh!
(10:36:59 PM) dkap: Yeah ... sorry.
(10:37:18 PM) dkap: I chatted with Auricle a while, but Sam couldn't make it, and Ilk didn't show up.
(10:37:27 PM) arkhonII: got it.
(10:37:58 PM) dkap: Matter of fact, I was just about to log off, and give up the ghost.
(10:38:06 PM) arkhonII: Aww. Okay. Byebye
(10:38:09 PM) arkhonII left the room.

(07:58:01 PM) Auricle [] entered the room.
(07:59:28 PM) dkap: And then there were two.
(08:00:29 PM) Auricle: Yay!
(08:01:21 PM) Auricle: We can hope for me.
(08:01:24 PM) Auricle: er, mnore.
(08:01:26 PM) Auricle: more
(08:01:27 PM) dkap: Indeed.
(08:01:29 PM) Auricle: I can't type today
(08:01:45 PM) dkap: S'ok. I'm a bit overtired myself.
(08:04:41 PM) Auricle: Are we actally expecting more?
(08:07:02 PM) dkap: I'm hoping.
(08:07:50 PM) dkap: Mike's not logged in anywhere, and he should be here ... and, while I don't have large hopes for Sam, Dave (Ilk) said he should be free ...)
(08:09:13 PM) Auricle: that's cool
(08:11:50 PM) Auricle is now known as gleep
(08:12:21 PM) gleep is now known as Auricle
(08:16:39 PM) arkhonII [] entered the room.
(08:16:44 PM) arkhonII: Boo.
(08:18:08 PM) dkap: EEeeek.
(08:18:10 PM) dkap: *grin*
(08:18:15 PM) ***Auricle faints.
(08:18:29 PM) arkhonII: Alright, which head person killed her?
(08:19:04 PM) ***Auricle blinks.
(08:19:12 PM) Auricle: "I'm not dead. I'm pretending."
(08:20:00 PM) arkhonII: Death is never a finishing statement in this game anyway.
(08:20:15 PM) arkhonII: Can I even count the number of times I've WANTED Caelin dead?
(08:20:16 PM) arkhonII: No.
(08:22:15 PM) Auricle: Hee
(08:22:18 PM) Auricle: Indeed.
(08:22:29 PM) Auricle: Actually, I've never wanted Auricle dead.
(08:22:34 PM) arkhonII: His head people won't even LET him die.
(08:22:37 PM) Auricle: Others have, but not me.
(08:22:38 PM) arkhonII: Much too useful aive.
(08:22:44 PM) dkap: And neither will his bad-stuff.
(08:22:52 PM) dkap: The universe isn't done playing with him yet.
(08:23:04 PM) ***Auricle hugs her good-stuff. Gooood good stuff.
(08:27:11 PM) dkap: *grin*
(08:34:49 PM) Auricle: Okay, so what are head people?
(08:35:27 PM) arkhonII: Oh, you have not experienced it. Wow. Dkap, she MUST have good stuff.
(08:35:38 PM) arkhonII: extremely high good stuff.
(08:36:02 PM) Auricle: I always did go for good stuff during upgrades.
(08:36:59 PM) dkap: You might want to explain the head people to her ... I'm trying to figure out exactly the insertion point of a new player at the moment.
(08:44:17 PM) arkhonII: eheh
(08:44:32 PM) arkhonII: Umm...head people are ALWAYS an accident.
(08:44:42 PM) arkhonII: except where certain PCs are concerned.
(08:44:51 PM) Auricle: An accident?
(08:44:55 PM) arkhonII: And by the way, this describes two different experiences.
(08:45:02 PM) arkhonII: First, BEING a head person.
(08:45:08 PM) arkhonII: Second, HAVING head people.
(08:45:30 PM) arkhonII: Basically, a separate thinking entity exists in the head of another.
(08:45:50 PM) Auricle: Ahhhh.
(08:45:53 PM) Auricle: Ick.
(08:45:58 PM) Auricle: Can they be removed?
(08:46:19 PM) arkhonII: As far as can be determined, said head person exists in a mix of physical and mental existence.
(08:46:28 PM) arkhonII: Yes, and no, RE, can they be removed.
(08:47:05 PM) Auricle: Yay being a vivisectionist.
(08:47:08 PM) Auricle: *blink*
(08:47:38 PM) arkhonII: Some can be, others cannot. It depends on the head person.
(08:47:50 PM) arkhonII: And by whom, regarding who can do the removing.
(08:47:54 PM) dkap: And the Barcalounger in question.
(08:48:24 PM) Auricle: Are they bad or good?
(08:48:41 PM) arkhonII: Are WHO bad or good?
(08:48:47 PM) Auricle: head people?
(08:49:02 PM) dkap: Depends on the exact person ... and your concept of bad or good.
(08:49:15 PM) dkap: In a way, you might enjoy the Gargoyle being a head-person for you.
(08:49:28 PM) dkap: But, say, Corwin as a head-person? Probably not so much.
(08:49:33 PM) arkhonII: You'll have to experience it to know. Either end, really.
(08:49:42 PM) Auricle: Right.
(08:49:52 PM) Auricle: Yeah, the Gargoyle practically fits the definition.
(08:50:01 PM) arkhonII: Well, the stronger the headperson in you, the worse the expeirence is. At least, that has been MY experience.
(08:50:10 PM) Auricle: Except for physically being in my head.
(08:50:27 PM) Auricle: (At least til the next upgrade. This external thing? So done with that)
(08:51:24 PM) Auricle: At the very least, I should be able to work out a much more wearable version that looks cooler.
(08:52:02 PM) dkap: *grin* And fits in a fish.
(08:52:09 PM) dkap: And doesn't get trapped in cages.
(08:52:22 PM) Auricle: Exactly!
(08:52:55 PM) Auricle: If we upgrade it appropriately, as well as more permanently linking it to me, Auricle will be much happier.
(08:53:15 PM) Auricle: Oooh. I need to put a head-person of me in Zach so I can't lose him.
(08:53:29 PM) arkhonII: If only it were that simple.
(08:53:49 PM) Auricle: Bah, I can make anything
(08:54:05 PM) arkhonII: That I don't doubt.
(08:54:17 PM) arkhonII: And your good stuff will help things from getting worse.
(08:54:34 PM) arkhonII: Caelin's EARLY experiences with being a head person was an exercise in comedy.
(08:54:39 PM) Auricle: indeed
(08:54:56 PM) arkhonII: The middle experience with being a head person was an exercise in poor humor
(08:55:14 PM) arkhonII: And the most recent experience is an exercise in CURSE.
(08:55:36 PM) Auricle: poor Caelin
(08:55:46 PM) arkhonII: Eh, half of it he brought on himself.
(08:56:00 PM) arkhonII: The other half, he reacted poorly to and brought MORE on himself.
(08:56:26 PM) Auricle: heh
(09:00:41 PM) dkap: And the GM didn't help much, did he? *grin*
(09:01:11 PM) arkhonII: I remember when I thought bad stuff in the neighborhood of -1 was bad.
(09:01:20 PM) arkhonII: THen I invoked a blood curse. ;-)
(09:03:01 PM) Auricle: Oh my
(09:03:11 PM) Auricle: Don't do that unless, like, you know, dead.
(09:03:23 PM) arkhonII: Oh, there was a good reason to TRY it.
(09:03:40 PM) arkhonII: unfortunately, it's the blood curse that keeps on giving.
(09:03:42 PM) arkhonII: :)
(09:05:02 PM) dkap: You _did_ kinda make it open-ended. Anyone who declares enmity still might be included in the curse ... it's unclear.
(09:05:24 PM) Auricle: hee
(09:05:38 PM) Auricle: don't you hate it when that happens
(09:05:54 PM) arkhonII: Oh, no need to defend the consequences.
(09:07:53 PM) arkhonII: The PLAYER is well aware there would be major consequences. The PC was not.
(09:08:52 PM) dkap: Of course ... Caelin thought he could handle it. End of the world, hail mary, and get rid of the party crashers all at once.
(09:13:03 PM) dkap: I get worried when someone says "you play every week, for three hours?" They might not be up to my game. *sigh*
(09:13:57 PM) Auricle: three hours is not a long time
(09:14:12 PM) Auricle: well, a bit on a tuesday, mind you, but even then, not a long time.
(09:14:37 PM) dkap: No, it isn't. Nor do I expect people to put more time into my game, during their off-hours anymore (that never really worked out).
(09:15:30 PM) Auricle: I'm trying to figure who wants to rp and NOT have a good session of around three hours? That's like, a normal gaming run for practically anyone.
(09:15:57 PM) arkhonII: ah, well...
(09:16:19 PM) dkap: Indeed. It's like those people who think budgeting 7 minutes for sex is enough as well.
(09:16:42 PM) arkhonII: Not EVEN if you're in a hurry.
(09:18:23 PM) Auricle: nodnod
(09:18:50 PM) dkap: So, where did we leave our intrepid Middle Management?
(09:19:45 PM) arkhonII: Let
(09:19:46 PM) arkhonII: Let
(09:19:48 PM) arkhonII: Let
(09:20:02 PM) arkhonII: Let's hit the apostrophe instead of the return key.
(09:20:06 PM) arkhonII: And then let's see.
(09:20:27 PM) arkhonII: <---!touch typist.
(09:20:40 PM) Auricle: Auricle is making ....damn, I've blanked on the name....well, I'm in character, then, at any rate...someone saner, while Ilk is siphoning the logrus energy away in the area.
(09:22:31 PM) arkhonII: We're in Thelbane.
(09:23:11 PM) Auricle: Oh, yes, so we are. Looking for Random and distracted y bottles.
(09:23:39 PM) arkhonII: Fake curfew enforcers have been subdued, and the remaining forces have shoved us along --- that is escorted --- to Thelbane.
(09:23:43 PM) arkhonII: Right.
(09:24:03 PM) arkhonII: Meanwhile, Caelin was looking to actually make it to a called House Head meeting ON TIME.
(09:24:21 PM) arkhonII: With a sort of an entourage(though that wasn't the intention)
(09:25:48 PM) Auricle: I believe that is about right.
(09:25:48 PM) dkap: The Court Necromancer.
(09:26:11 PM) arkhonII: Right.
(09:26:19 PM) arkhonII: We were trying to convince him to leave the bottle.
(09:26:55 PM) Auricle: No, we got him out of the bottle, we're trying to Pattern him sane.
(09:27:07 PM) Auricle: Or, at least, saner.
(09:27:14 PM) arkhonII: Right.
(09:27:16 PM) arkhonII: Eek.
(09:27:23 PM) arkhonII: I remember that part now.
(09:28:27 PM) dkap: We need an Ilk ... sad for us. Let's see if this works ... Ilk?
(09:28:38 PM) ***dkap listens to the crickets ...
(09:28:51 PM) arkhonII: Feh.
(09:28:57 PM) arkhonII: *sigh*
(09:29:01 PM) Auricle: Indeed.
(09:29:29 PM) dkap: I had hopes.
(09:29:41 PM) dkap: At least, you could chat-up Mouseferatu.
(09:30:08 PM) arkhonII: Is this the hamster version of Norton? (Caelin thinks to himself)
(09:30:51 PM) Auricle: Well, I'm busy trying to keep crazy-boy in Pattern-energy, since it seems to be helping.
(09:31:46 PM) dkap: Nope, he's the one who captured Norton (The Court Necromancer) in the bottle in the first place, and feels somewhat bad about it.
(09:32:05 PM) dkap: It was just that Norton, cat-ified, and started chasing him.
(09:32:44 PM) arkhonII: Ahh, now things make sense, relatively speaking.
(09:33:14 PM) dkap: He is, after all, a house head.
(09:33:27 PM) arkhonII: House head?
(09:33:31 PM) arkhonII: Of what house?
(09:33:36 PM) dkap: Oh, and Auricle is family, you might want to see about talking her into becoming a house-member.
(09:33:45 PM) dkap: House Mouseferatu of course.
(09:33:50 PM) arkhonII: Caelin recalls this coming up before.
(09:34:18 PM) Auricle: *forgets from time to time she's related to people*
(09:37:21 PM) Auricle: Okay, so, is crazy-boy less crazy? Do I have a way to tie off the pattern energy around him to keep him less crazy?
(09:38:29 PM) dkap: The trick is, of course, to get him less crazy, without making him not-crazy.
(09:39:12 PM) dkap: Bad things happen when he's not crazy. You see ... there was this one time, when he stuck the jewel of judgment in his eye ...
(09:39:26 PM) Auricle: Ugh
(09:39:28 PM) Auricle: Kay
(09:39:45 PM) Auricle: Well, shedding his skin and turning into rabbits seems a little too crazy for most.
(09:39:55 PM) arkhonII: :writes a note and hands it to Auricle. "As is recommended to all Pattern users, you are granted the option of joining House Moonlight in membership."
(09:40:37 PM) Auricle: Gargoyle: What House is Zack in?
(09:41:17 PM) Auricle: GM: I'm gonna just try and get crazy-boy to a level where everyone around seems to relax and think he's normal.
(09:41:28 PM) dkap: Right...
(09:41:42 PM) dkap: Gargoyle: House Moonlight.
(09:41:58 PM) dkap: He's actually a Prince of Farie, as well.
(09:42:14 PM) dkap: And Warden of Arden.
(09:42:18 PM) Auricle: Yeah, iirc, I belong to him under Farie's auspices.
(09:42:23 PM) dkap: And Vice Admiral of the Amberite Navies
(09:42:49 PM) dkap: And Vice Captain of the Kings Personal Guard
(09:43:01 PM) dkap: And Vice Captain of the Armies of Amber
(09:43:17 PM) dkap: ^Captain^Commander^
(09:44:11 PM) Auricle: :grows a third arm, and writes on the note, "What does that entail?" And hands it back to Caelin:
(09:45:16 PM) arkhonII: :replies on separate note: "Being shielded from the first layer of Chaos politics by decree of Princess Chandra."
(09:45:44 PM) Auricle: "IS there a reason we're passing notes?"
(09:46:06 PM) arkhonII: :passes a note. "Yes."
(09:48:14 PM) Auricle: :writes back, "What obligation does it place me under?"
(09:51:23 PM) arkhonII: :replies: "The obligation to be immediately free of membership requests from any pushy houses whose names are no longer pronounceable in Thelbane, for one. Additional responsibilities only come if you join the actual house heirarchy, which is neither required nor requested."
(09:54:52 PM) Auricle: Gargoyle, can you think of a reason why joining Moonlight would be Bad?
(09:55:26 PM) dkap: It changes your status here in Chaos.
(09:55:49 PM) Auricle: What's my status here in Chaos right now?
(09:56:04 PM) Auricle: Whatever the door said?
(09:58:39 PM) dkap: Indeed.
(10:00:02 PM) Auricle: :writes: What does joining House Moonlight do to my current status?
(10:04:23 PM) Ilkndacian [] entered the room.
(10:04:28 PM) Ilkndacian: ping
(10:04:33 PM) Auricle: hands note back to Caelin
(10:04:39 PM) arkhonII: Hang on..
(10:04:45 PM) Auricle: (YAY An Ilk!)
(10:04:47 PM) arkhonII: *waves to Ilk*
(10:04:59 PM) Ilkndacian: Hi, guys
(10:05:48 PM) arkhonII: :replies: "It grants you membership of a major house, and as stated before, protection from houses that may not be named."
(10:07:22 PM) Auricle: afk
(10:09:31 PM) Auricle: bak
(10:11:14 PM) Auricle: stares at a the note for a moment
(10:11:56 PM) dkap: So, Ilk, the scene is ... the saning of Norton.
(10:12:08 PM) Ilkndacian: That's always exciting.
(10:12:13 PM) arkhonII: Always a huculean task.
(10:12:18 PM) Auricle: But not too saning.
(10:12:22 PM) arkhonII: herculean, even
(10:15:17 PM) Auricle: peer at Crazy-Boy, and wonders if he's saner.
(10:21:05 PM) dkap: How do you tell?
(10:21:44 PM) Ilkndacian: Peer hard enough through a Pattern Lens, and it might just work. ;)
(10:22:06 PM) Auricle: "So, he is more normal now? Anyone?"
(10:22:17 PM) arkhonII: "What's he saying?"
(10:22:21 PM) Auricle: Well, he doesn't seem to be turning into rabbits now.
(10:22:27 PM) Ilkndacian: Does he still claim to be a head person?
(10:22:42 PM) arkhonII: "Oh, that's hardly a fair measuring stick, RE Rabbits."
(10:23:39 PM) Auricle: "I have no idea what a fair measuring stick IS for him.
(10:23:59 PM) arkhonII: "I ask you again, what is he SAYING?"
(10:25:03 PM) dkap: He's muttering to himself something about the betrayal at Castle Amber.
(10:25:15 PM) dkap: And how he needs his wife.
(10:25:29 PM) arkhonII: "Hey norton? Which Betrayal you referring to?"
(10:26:33 PM) dkap: When Amber betrayed me. Bloody King, wanted my body! He's never going to get it. I control the head!
(10:28:32 PM) Ilkndacian: That wasn't all of Amber -- just the grenade formerly known as a prince of amber.
(10:28:56 PM) Auricle: "Soooo....any verdict?"
(10:28:59 PM) arkhonII: (wonders if this is the Norton that was HIS head person for a time)
(10:29:13 PM) dkap: "WHERE
(10:29:16 PM) dkap: IS
(10:29:22 PM) dkap: my
(10:29:25 PM) dkap: umm ...
(10:29:34 PM) dkap: woman-thingy. FAITH!
(10:29:39 PM) dkap: That's it.
(10:29:41 PM) arkhonII: "Hey Norton!"
(10:29:55 PM) dkap: Yes, Bert?
(10:30:58 PM) arkhonII: "By any chance, did this bloody king get beat with a pattern sword though him while thinking he was fighting dragons?"
(10:33:09 PM) dkap: Umm ... Sure?
(10:33:43 PM) dkap: You know him? YOU must be IN LEAGUE with him! Kill!
(10:34:38 PM) arkhonII: "Not so much.
(10:34:44 PM) arkhonII: "In fact, never."
(10:34:59 PM) arkhonII: :to others assembled. "Nope, not sane yet."
(10:35:03 PM) dkap: Oh. Are you sure?
(10:35:12 PM) arkhonII: "Positive."
(10:35:19 PM) dkap: Do you have a pattern blade on you?
(10:35:26 PM) arkhonII: "No."
(10:35:44 PM) Auricle: continues to increase the pattern energy around Norton.
(10:36:15 PM) dkap: Wanna borrow mine?
(10:38:26 PM) dkap: HEY! Who stole my pattern blade?
(10:38:36 PM) dkap: It was here a moment ago ...
(10:38:45 PM) dkap: I'm sure I ... umm ... is that a mouse?
(10:38:47 PM) arkhonII: "*sigh*"
(10:38:57 PM) arkhonII: "What, is he immune to Pattern now?"
(10:39:01 PM) dkap: I remember that mouse! He had me in his house.
(10:39:40 PM) Auricle: "Ah. We've moved on to rhyme."
(10:40:00 PM) arkhonII: "That's actually an improvement."
(10:40:03 PM) dkap: Why did you pen me up? And how did I get out of the cup?
(10:40:36 PM) arkhonII: "I would not, did not, pen you up. Would not, did not, remove you from the cup."
(10:40:40 PM) Ilkndacian: "It appears to have been due to a misunderstanding."
(10:41:15 PM) dkap: Oh. Umm ... on his part or mine? Or crafted divine?
(10:41:51 PM) arkhonII: "His who? God? You?"
(10:42:10 PM) Ilkndacian: On his part. He didn't know that you already had a House, and thus couldn't be trying to take over his.
(10:42:38 PM) arkhonII: Got it.
(10:42:46 PM) dkap: Oh. That would have saved some time. My house is sublime.
(10:43:12 PM) dkap: (To MF) As Head to Head, do you wish me dead?
(10:43:15 PM) Auricle: slows down the pattern-energy-increasing rate...but keeps letting it increase.
(10:43:17 PM) arkhonII: "Indeed. Proceed."
(10:43:22 PM) dkap: MF: No, sorry. I'm good.
(10:45:56 PM) dkap: Right then. Wasn't I supposed to be doing something? People to build? Places to fix?
(10:46:10 PM) arkhonII: "ahh, much better."
(10:47:05 PM) Auricle: stops the energy build.
(10:47:09 PM) Auricle: "Saner?"
(10:47:30 PM) arkhonII: "as far as I can reason, yes."
(10:47:49 PM) arkhonII: "He's making sense in relative comparison to what he was saying earlier."
(10:48:17 PM) dkap: I'm always sane, it's just that sometimes, you people just don't understand me.
(10:48:26 PM) dkap: (MF just shakes his head.)
(10:48:49 PM) Auricle: "I have that problem in reverse.Sometimes people think they understand."
(10:48:58 PM) arkhonII: "Well, don't you LIKE being a mystery from time to time?"
(10:49:25 PM) Auricle: GM: So if I start to release the Pattern energy, does he start to talk in Rhyme again? Or does the sanity-level seem to be holding?
(10:49:58 PM) dkap: Why? Too many mysteries out there, already. LIke, why does blasted dragon taste almost exactly like knochtverst soaked in kimchee?
(10:50:12 PM) dkap: (Sanity Level holding)
(10:51:01 PM) Auricle: GM: Kay, I'll slowly power down the pattern energy around Norton but if he starts rhyming again I'll stop.
(10:52:34 PM) dkap: Right.
(10:53:03 PM) dkap: Now that you've straightened this bit out, weren't you looking for Randoms?
(10:53:53 PM) Auricle: as if Auricle will remember at this point.
(10:54:04 PM) dkap: Caelin?
(10:54:27 PM) arkhonII: :is not. Or rather, he is searching on Auricle's behalf.
(10:54:46 PM) dkap: Yes, but you might remember, whereas Auricle and Jean would not.
(10:54:52 PM) dkap: And Ilk doesn't know.
(10:55:23 PM) Auricle: (Although the gargoyle does eventually remember these things. It is it's purpose, after all.)
(10:58:21 PM) Auricle: GM: I can eventually stop all the pattern energy, yes?
(10:58:52 PM) arkhonII: GM: Random's location was given as being in the next room, was it not?
(10:59:16 PM) dkap: No, somewhere in Thelbane, where they are dungeoning up the Curfew Violators.
(11:00:03 PM) arkhonII: :walk over to Mandor. Bow to him as head of house to his proper and preferred recognized rank.
(11:00:07 PM) dkap: Stopping all the pattern energy ... now, that's an interesting question ... I'm not sure Dworkin ever managed it.
(11:00:36 PM) Auricle: GM: Okay, I wouldn't actually WANT to do that. I mean, I can stop throwing pattern at Norton.
(11:00:43 PM) arkhonII: "Lord Mandor, by any chance would you know if a certain house member has been detained for 'curfew violation'?
(11:01:29 PM) dkap: Oh, that. Yes.
(11:01:48 PM) dkap: Mandor: Umm ... no, I wouldn't know. Why, did you lose one?
(11:02:16 PM) arkhonII: "very possibly. Might I ask how one would go about freeing house members from detention?"
(11:03:00 PM) dkap: You might ask, but that question would have to be directed to the King's staff, which, fortunately or unfortunately, I am not part of.
(11:03:43 PM) arkhonII: "Oh, my apologies. Would you then know where any member of the King's staff might be?"
(11:04:29 PM) dkap: There are some, out front, where the king set up his informal court.
(11:06:09 PM) dkap: And, I think, before we descend to Random, we should do a floon-check. It's after 11, do people want to keep going, or are they going to pumpkin soon?
(11:06:25 PM) Auricle: looks at Caelin. "Detention?"
(11:06:46 PM) Auricle: (OOC: Sheesh, I cannot TYPE today, I originally wrote that as Detonation."
(11:07:03 PM) arkhonII: :turns to Auricle. "A theory only. I'll only know if and when I find him."
(11:07:06 PM) dkap: No Boom today. Boom tomorrow, there is always Boom tomorrow.
(11:07:50 PM) Auricle: OOC: I'll pumpkin generally at about 11:30
(11:08:14 PM) arkhonII: OOC: I'm good for now.
(11:08:24 PM) Ilkndacian: Am sick and heavily congested, but will likely be up for a while longer
(11:09:07 PM) dkap: Good good. Random-wards, then!
(11:09:18 PM) dkap: (Not that you being sick is good, mind you ... but ...)
(11:09:26 PM) dkap: Hey! You never get sick. What happened?
(11:09:29 PM) Auricle: (OOC: Sorry you're sick.
(11:09:47 PM) Auricle: nods. "Okay, then."
(11:09:56 PM) Auricle: to gargoyle: Who is he looking for?
(11:09:58 PM) arkhonII: OOC: I've seen him sick, just never debilitatingly so.
(11:11:15 PM) dkap: Random. For city design.
(11:12:38 PM) Auricle: "Oh! Right!" look at Caelin. "So are we going back outside to talk to the King's staff people?"
(11:13:08 PM) arkhonII: "Or wherever they are present."
(11:13:53 PM) dkap: Caelin, knowing that Ilk is here, you could get him to find wherever Random actually _is_.
(11:14:10 PM) dkap: That was your original plan, but it involved having an Ilk ...
(11:14:18 PM) arkhonII: <---had figured that wouldn't be polite. But...
(11:14:22 PM) Auricle: "Where the Randoms are, you mean?"
(11:14:27 PM) dkap: Indeed.
(11:14:34 PM) arkhonII: '"Ilk, might you find Random's exact location?"
(11:14:41 PM) Ilkndacian: So... where are the Randoms?
(11:14:43 PM) Auricle: focuses slightly, then gestures. "Thataways."
(11:15:05 PM) Auricle: (since I've been tracking them all along anyways...)
(11:15:13 PM) Ilkndacian: Check with the Logtus...
(11:15:34 PM) arkhonII: :shrugs.
(11:15:51 PM) dkap: He's in the holding cells, below the presentation chamber, where prisoners are held before they are brought into court. You know this because one of the few channels that are open down there is the Realms-Lord channel, even other Logrus is locked out (if it doesn't have Suhuy's signature)
(11:15:54 PM) Ilkndacian: (being careful t oavoid sending logrus-energy near cailin)
(11:16:20 PM) Ilkndacian: "Strange - he's in one of the holding cells."
(11:16:34 PM) Auricle: "Just one?"
(11:16:39 PM) dkap: So is every other power known ...
(11:16:41 PM) dkap: Both.
(11:17:17 PM) arkhonII: :nods. "Let's go. And we're probably going to need to find those responsible for putting them there as well."
(11:17:39 PM) Auricle: "Okay." will follow Caelin.
(11:18:15 PM) Ilkndacian: "Do we know why they're down there?"
(11:18:53 PM) Ilkndacian: "Both Randoms"
(11:19:31 PM) Auricle: "Curfew violation?"
(11:19:35 PM) arkhonII: "Other than possible 'curfew violation', none that I know of."
(11:20:32 PM) Ilkndacian: "How could the folks enforcing curfew actually take/hold the Randoms?
(11:21:26 PM) dkap: Hold them? Those cells might even hold Rainbow or Shnarsht.
(11:21:41 PM) Ilkndacian: I mean get them to the cells in the first place.
(11:22:00 PM) dkap: For that, you'd have to ask Randoms.
(11:25:05 PM) Auricle: "Does this mean you're joining us, Ilkandacian? to find out how they got there?
(11:26:46 PM) dkap: Did I crash?
(11:26:50 PM) Ilkndacian: "And possibly to get them out..."
(11:27:05 PM) arkhonII: OOC: I don't think so.
(11:27:18 PM) dkap: *grin*
(11:27:50 PM) dkap: My compile paused for a _really_ long time, and then, picked up again/
(11:27:58 PM) Auricle: "Seems like a plan, then."
(11:28:36 PM) Auricle: OOC: However, now I have hit pumpkin time. Which is good, as this sentence originally read: However, now I have hot pimpkin tome.
(11:28:38 PM) dkap: Down first, or out>
(11:29:17 PM) Auricle: night folks...
(11:29:39 PM) Auricle left the room.
(11:29:42 PM) dkap: Will they find the Randoms?
(11:29:54 PM) dkap: Will Auricle and Jean ever remember their mission?
(11:30:07 PM) dkap: Will Ilk become King?
(11:30:28 PM) dkap: Stay tuned, true believers, and find out next time, same bat time, same bat channel.
(11:30:28 PM) arkhonII: Tune in next week for another episode in this gripping drama...
(11:31:19 PM) Ilkndacian: Hell, no - that's a downgrade from Realms Lord. :)
(11:31:32 PM) arkhonII: Ha!
(11:33:22 PM) dkap: That's a wrap! Feel better, Dave.
(11:33:40 PM) Ilkndacian: Later
(11:33:46 PM) Ilkndacian left the room.
(11:33:54 PM) arkhonII left the room.