Conversation with #dkap_amber

Conversation with #dkap_amber on Tue 25 Mar 2008 11:11:25 PM EDT:
(10:11:40 PM) dkap: Suck, I crashed.
(10:11:43 PM) arkhonII: Naturally.
(10:11:43 PM) dkap: I'm back now.
(10:11:52 PM) dkap: Forgot to plug the damnable thing in... *sigh*
(10:11:53 PM) Jean: excellent
(10:12:07 PM) dkap: Got 2 and a half hours out of my battery, though.
(10:12:39 PM) Jean: not bad
(10:12:49 PM) arkhonII: Way better than I'd ever expect.
(10:13:07 PM) dkap: I've got a spare battery in my CDRom slot, though.
(10:13:15 PM) dkap: The last thing I sent/saw was:
(10:13:23 PM) dkap: Are you going to (plan to) mention it to Auricle, since, apparently, the white statues are a hot-button for her, as the Dancers' Guild reminds you?
(10:13:38 PM) Jean: and my answer would be "Yes, but not while she's in Thelbane"
(10:13:55 PM) Jean: and -not- in earshot of Norton, at least not initially
(10:16:37 PM) dkap: Good good.
(10:17:03 PM) dkap: Then, back to other projects?
(10:18:01 PM) Jean: then, who?
(10:18:35 PM) Jean: Jean is as Jean does, and Cagliostro considers this a crisis
(10:18:45 PM) Jean: and has decided to actively go look for help with Kinanti
(10:18:51 PM) Jean: er, Kintani
(10:19:42 PM) dkap: Kintani doesn't seem bothered by it in particular, since it is, as Cagliostro has noted, contained.
(10:21:15 PM) Jean: Cagliostro would like to bring in an expert to review the situation
(10:21:21 PM) Jean: at least the Roland situation
(10:21:37 PM) Jean: and a subject matter expert should be able to consult on the explosion as well
(10:22:17 PM) Jean: I don't want to let a potentially geometric progression progress - if the hand print pulsed and exploded, and the dust also starts pulsing and -it- explodes...
(10:22:22 PM) Jean is now known as Cagliostro
(10:23:00 PM) dkap: Exactly.
(10:23:11 PM) dkap: Might need to build some inertial dampers around the room.
(10:23:25 PM) Cagliostro: if they aren't already there, then yes
(10:23:40 PM) Cagliostro: but after that, I want to bring in a cleaner
(10:27:19 PM) Cagliostro: (I'm winding down, I think I'm good for about another 5 minutes)
(10:27:37 PM) arkhonII: Still here.
(10:28:32 PM) dkap: Well ... we should wind down then. I've not seen Auricle, and, really we need her to go forward with the Thelbane line.
(10:28:44 PM) dkap: And Ilk hasn't appeared.
(10:28:44 PM) Cagliostro: k
(10:28:48 PM) Cagliostro: any last requests?
(10:28:51 PM) dkap: Although his birthday is soon.
(10:29:05 PM) dkap: See you next week? Same bat time, same bat channel?
(10:29:16 PM) arkhonII: Yepper
(10:30:18 PM) Cagliostro: yepper
(10:30:21 PM) Cagliostro left the room (quit: Quit: Leaving).
(10:31:17 PM) Auricle [] entered the room.
(10:31:47 PM) Auricle: Hi!!
(10:31:52 PM) arkhonII: Lord.
(10:31:57 PM) arkhonII: Heya!
(10:32:03 PM) dkap: Timing is everything, I guess.
(10:32:11 PM) arkhonII: heh
(10:32:15 PM) dkap: We had just about called the run, due to Cagliostro falling over.
(10:32:36 PM) dkap: Literally one minute before you entered the channel.
(10:32:36 PM) Auricle: I was a little too in character apparently, and therefore forgot game, despite gargoylecalendar -- er, googlecalendar, and everything.
(10:32:48 PM) dkap: *grin*
(10:32:49 PM) Auricle: Sheesh, I have timing.
(10:33:12 PM) arkhonII: Not even a minute, by the log's timing.
(10:33:15 PM) arkhonII: 56 seconds.
(10:33:26 PM) Auricle: *bows*
(10:33:56 PM) dkap: Isn't that how close Superman and Clark Kent get sometimes?
(10:34:00 PM) Auricle: I actually just got home from the gym, turned on the computer, and got the logs, and went DAMN! GAME! I KNEW I was forgetting SOMETHING!
(10:36:07 PM) dkap: *grin*
(10:36:12 PM) dkap: That does happen sometimes.
(10:36:15 PM) dkap: So ... any actions?
(10:36:34 PM) arkhonII: lol
(10:36:42 PM) Auricle: laugh!
(10:37:33 PM) Auricle: Actually, I think I'm just gonna go shower and get ready for bed. It's been a VERY long day.
(10:37:40 PM) Auricle: night folks!
(10:37:55 PM) arkhonII: night!
(10:38:04 PM) Auricle left the room (quit: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.77 [SeaMonkey 1.0.1/2006040400]).
(10:38:19 PM) dkap: Right log-grafting, and I'm out.
(10:38:28 PM) arkhonII: *nod*
(10:38:30 PM) arkhonII: Done.
(10:38:33 PM) arkhonII left the room.

(07:53:37 PM) arkhonII [] entered the room.
(07:55:38 PM) dkap: And then there were two.
(07:55:45 PM) arkhonII: Yep
(08:03:37 PM) Cagliostro [] entered the room.
(08:03:42 PM) Cagliostro: greets
(08:03:48 PM) arkhonII: YOu
(08:03:53 PM) arkhonII: Yo, rather.
(08:04:06 PM) Cagliostro: both are fairly correct ;)
(08:04:23 PM) dkap: You, your the one ...
(08:04:29 PM) arkhonII: heh
(08:04:33 PM) dkap: Or is that Rubber Ducky, you're the one?
(08:04:45 PM) arkhonII: You make bathtime so much fun...
(08:04:45 PM) Cagliostro: I am the one with a cat on my legs.
(08:04:54 PM) arkhonII: heh
(08:04:54 PM) Cagliostro: which would not, in fact, make bathtime any fun at all.
(08:05:06 PM) dkap: Umm ... no, that would be most correct.
(08:05:15 PM) arkhonII: Methinks the cat wouldn't much care to accompany you, no?
(08:05:32 PM) Cagliostro: well, Beatrice is fascinated by water.
(08:05:46 PM) Cagliostro: but the time when as a young cat she did climb into the bath, she was awfully horrified.
(08:05:57 PM) arkhonII: ha!
(08:07:37 PM) dkap: I wonder if some speculate that is why the Sea of Chance is not wet.
(08:07:44 PM) dkap: Schnarst objected.
(08:07:52 PM) Cagliostro: probably a few do.
(08:07:57 PM) arkhonII: lol
(08:08:04 PM) Cagliostro: most people are not aware of whether the Sea is wet or not
(08:08:08 PM) Cagliostro: or if so, only briefly
(08:08:18 PM) dkap: Indeed.
(08:08:36 PM) dkap: Reminds me of the song "Triangle Man" by they might be giants.
(08:09:09 PM) arkhonII: Ahh, yes.
(08:09:11 PM) arkhonII: good song.
(08:09:57 PM) Cagliostro: any word from Auricle or Ilk?
(08:12:19 PM) dkap: Not as to yet.
(08:12:25 PM) dkap: I just checked my email.
(08:18:01 PM) dkap: I'll be right back.
(08:22:23 PM) dkap: Fish Juggling!
(08:22:45 PM) arkhonII: Time for a quick network switch.
(08:23:19 PM) dkap: Oh, I figured out why you weren't getting on the Haven G ...
(08:23:27 PM) dkap: Bloody DHCP server is broken.
(08:23:34 PM) dkap: Pick a fixed address, and you should be fine.
(08:23:42 PM) dkap: (Between 160 and 175)
(08:25:45 PM) arkhonII left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
(08:31:01 PM) arkhonII [] entered the room.
(08:33:26 PM) arkhonII: It is officially now uncool that I can't seem to get a regular connection in the house that isn't via the internet on my phone.
(08:33:39 PM) dkap: Did you see my message?
(08:33:46 PM) dkap: Oh, I figured out why you weren't getting on the Haven G ...
(08:33:51 PM) dkap: Bloody DHCP server is broken.
(08:33:58 PM) dkap: Pick a fixed address, and you should be fine.
(08:34:02 PM) dkap: (Between 160 and 175)
(08:34:33 PM) arkhonII: Huh. Not going to bother with it now.
(08:34:37 PM) arkhonII: I'll deal later.
(08:35:00 PM) dkap: As you wish.
(08:43:09 PM) Auricle [] entered the room.
(08:43:31 PM) Auricle: Apologies! There was an unexpected birthday party.
(08:43:41 PM) arkhonII: Ha!
(08:44:31 PM) Cagliostro: no worries, good to have you
(08:45:03 PM) Auricle: I felt so silly last week, forgetting all about game. ^_^;
(08:47:30 PM) dkap: It happens.
(08:47:51 PM) dkap: So ... when we last left our intrepid explorers ...
(08:48:08 PM) arkhonII: We've been kicked out of middle mgmt?
(08:48:51 PM) dkap: Well ... you are about to explore Thelbane.
(08:49:00 PM) dkap: And see if you can spring the Randomi.
(08:49:50 PM) Auricle: YEs, I was following people claiming to know the way to go.
(08:50:02 PM) arkhonII: Yes, I believe we have someone along from the appropriate guild with knowledge of why they are here?
(08:50:26 PM) dkap: You have a guide, but not a guilded guide.
(08:50:48 PM) dkap: And Ilk, as Realms Lord is staying out of it, letting it be a House Head/House Member thing.
(08:51:02 PM) arkhonII: *sigh*
(08:51:26 PM) dkap: And has warned folks that just about all powers don't work down there. Nothing floats down there.
(08:52:09 PM) dkap: And he isn't clowning around?
(08:52:30 PM) Cagliostro is now known as Jean
(08:52:53 PM) arkhonII: Right. Let's go.
(08:53:00 PM) Jean: well, pharaban is the spider... i'm not sure who the turtle is.
(08:53:03 PM) Auricle: Okay.
(08:53:26 PM) arkhonII: Waitaminute...what do you mean by 'floats'?
(08:53:27 PM) dkap: And there are no rabbits.
(08:53:38 PM) arkhonII: Lack of rabbits is not a bad thing.
(08:54:11 PM) dkap: Steven King reference ... and a bad one. Let it go at "Just about all powers don't work down there."
(08:54:30 PM) arkhonII: Good.
(08:54:44 PM) arkhonII: Okay. I just didn't want to read too far into things.
(08:54:52 PM) arkhonII: So, down we go, all that are willing.
(08:55:56 PM) Auricle: Willing!
(08:56:09 PM) arkhonII: *starts walking*
(08:56:33 PM) ***Jean follows Caelin and Auricle
(08:56:46 PM) Jean: but not caelin alone ;)
(08:56:50 PM) dkap: Good choice.
(08:56:52 PM) arkhonII: Heh
(08:56:54 PM) dkap: The Jager go.
(08:57:04 PM) Auricle: *follows Caelin* who's name she can't spell for some reason without retyping six times.
(08:57:09 PM) dkap: (Am I missing anyone?)
(08:57:20 PM) dkap: Oh, right, Natasha goes too.
(08:57:20 PM) arkhonII: You're afraid. That's a normal reaction. :)
(08:57:23 PM) Auricle: (Auricle, Caelin, Jean, Jagers....)
(08:57:42 PM) Auricle: (Natasha. Everyone in alphabetical order?)
(08:57:52 PM) arkhonII: Awesome.
(08:58:07 PM) dkap: Mouseferatu, and Norton are busy making up.
(08:58:17 PM) arkhonII: o_O
(08:58:18 PM) arkhonII: oh, right.
(08:58:20 PM) dkap: Or at least, trying to find Balance between them.
(08:58:29 PM) dkap: Ilk is staying to referee.
(08:58:34 PM) dkap: So is Mandor.
(09:00:48 PM) dkap: Hrm ... I can't tell, did the Archivist come with?
(09:00:58 PM) dkap: I know the Giant didn't.
(09:01:04 PM) arkhonII: I believe he remained in the main chamber.
(09:01:18 PM) dkap: (and of course Gargoyle is on Auricle's hip)
(09:01:35 PM) dkap: The main chamber is where you all are leaving from.
(09:01:45 PM) arkhonII: Right.
(09:01:46 PM) Auricle: Of course it is.
(09:01:55 PM) arkhonII: Well, have him come along then.
(09:03:53 PM) dkap: Right then. Archivist first? Or are we abandoning the whole alpha thing?
(09:03:55 PM) dkap: *girn*
(09:03:59 PM) dkap: *grin* even.
(09:04:00 PM) Jean: a Jean is staying in the main chamber as well - the one with the ring is being house head
(09:04:05 PM) dkap: Right.
(09:04:09 PM) arkhonII: What?! is this a dungeon crawl?
(09:04:22 PM) arkhonII: Head down, and follow the guide.
(09:04:44 PM) arkhonII: Caelin will stick close to the guide. Everyone else with sense will use it. :)
(09:04:52 PM) dkap: Yes, literally, you are going into the Dungeons at Thelbane.
(09:05:25 PM) dkap: So, if I'm running a dungeon-crawl ... I should GM like it, sorry "DM" like it, right?
(09:05:45 PM) Jean: ah, then we need to sort out a death order
(09:05:46 PM) dkap: *busily setting up screens, and getting dice out*
(09:05:54 PM) Jean: I mean, marching order
(09:05:59 PM) dkap: *grin*
(09:06:02 PM) Auricle: DEath order will not be alphabetical then.
(09:06:07 PM) Auricle: Let's abandon that idea.
(09:06:23 PM) Auricle: I also refuse to crawl.
(09:06:46 PM) dkap: RIght.
(09:06:54 PM) Auricle: Unless it's along the ceiling, the better to drop down on people unsuspecting...
(09:07:17 PM) dkap: Yeah, but you never know who has stuck their used chewing gum up there ...
(09:07:28 PM) Auricle: mmm, extra munchies.
(09:07:45 PM) arkhonII: So, down we go...
(09:08:04 PM) Jean: the used chewing gum of which all used other chewing gum is merely shadows.
(09:08:06 PM) ***Auricle will follow Caelin and the guide....and have the gargoyle map, which will actually resemble the way out, with any luck.
(09:08:21 PM) ***Jean doesn't worry about getting lost
(09:10:02 PM) dkap: Jean, Auricle ... when you pass the archway, you change.
(09:10:28 PM) Auricle: Do I actually even notice?
(09:10:59 PM) dkap: Jean, you revert to the base-you (5-year old) who walked the pattern. Auricle, any of your shifting you have done, since you redrew the pattern is undone. (I believe you were unclothed ... since you shift your clothing.)
(09:11:29 PM) dkap: Caelin. Your magic (magic site, self-monitors et al) all go away.
(09:11:38 PM) Jean: hm. that's from a saucer?
(09:11:49 PM) dkap: Jean: Yep.
(09:11:56 PM) Jean: "Huh."
(09:12:04 PM) arkhonII: Does anyone in my head make a break for it?
(09:12:05 PM) Jean: "I don't think I've been down here before."
(09:12:13 PM) Jean: Make a note in the dancer's guild about this behavior.
(09:12:14 PM) dkap: All: Anything you have on your person that is conjured by someone other than a realms-lord disappears.
(09:12:21 PM) arkhonII: "I KNOW I've not been down here before."
(09:12:37 PM) arkhonII: Huh.
(09:12:41 PM) dkap: Jean, you have no problem making said note, in the dancers guild. You have not lost your mental connection.
(09:13:01 PM) Jean: it doesn't occur to me that I would. ;) (It might to the player, though.)
(09:13:19 PM) dkap: Caelin, that includes your instruments, your instrument case, notes et al which were conjured.
(09:13:39 PM) Auricle left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
(09:13:56 PM) dkap: There is a rumbling breath, as a large dragonlike form coalesses out of Caelin.
(09:14:24 PM) arkhonII: "BACK OFF NOW! EVERYONE!!!"
(09:14:35 PM) arkhonII: :turn into a yeti.
(09:14:41 PM) Jean: In the tree: "Ilk? We have dragonsign in the basement."
(09:14:54 PM) arkhonII: "Jean! Get Ilk. NOW!"
(09:15:19 PM) Jean: "Riiiight."
(09:15:19 PM) dkap: In Thari, the dragon says the equivalent of "Bugger it."
(09:15:33 PM) dkap: (or dragon-like being)
(09:15:39 PM) dkap: The Archivist is missing.
(09:15:53 PM) Jean: To the dragon: "Are you familiar with Dworkinetics?"
(09:16:02 PM) dkap: Caelin, you cannot seem to change into anything.
(09:16:47 PM) dkap: Natasha looks constipated for a moment, and then draws her sword.
(09:17:16 PM) dkap: Dragon: to Jean "Vaguely".
(09:17:37 PM) Jean: "Are you interested in a more prolonged truce-like discussion?"
(09:17:45 PM) dkap: Ilk to Jean in the tree. "Yes, It's a dragon."
(09:18:02 PM) Jean: In the trea: "I think it's straight out of Caelin."
(09:18:50 PM) ***arkhonII turns to Jean
(09:19:05 PM) dkap: Dragon: "Truce? I just hit my head on the ceiling, I'm not going to declare war on it or something silly like that. Caelin, tell him I'm not at war with anyone."
(09:19:14 PM) arkhonII: "Well, he hasn't killed us yet..."
(09:19:39 PM) Jean: "You seem unusually sensible for a dragon. Greetings, my name is Jean."
(09:19:42 PM) Jean: introduce people.
(09:19:51 PM) arkhonII: "hrm..."
(09:19:52 PM) dkap: Dragon: "Jean. It's me."
(09:20:04 PM) Auricle [~chatzilla@] entered the room.
(09:20:04 PM) Jean: gm: do I recognize the dragon?
(09:20:18 PM) arkhonII: Does Caelin recognize the dragon?
(09:20:19 PM) dkap: Nope.
(09:20:21 PM) dkap: Nope.
(09:20:23 PM) Auricle: OMG stupif computer
(09:20:28 PM) arkhonII: Oops
(09:20:30 PM) arkhonII: Better now.
(09:20:43 PM) Jean: "Hmm.... sorry. I figured you were one of Caelin's head people by all the hyperventilating."
(09:20:51 PM) Jean: "I can't quite place the scales?"
(09:20:57 PM) arkhonII: "As did I."
(09:21:54 PM) arkhonII: Well, give a moment for the GM to recover...I can hear him cursing in the other room.
(09:21:56 PM) arkhonII: Aha!
(09:22:04 PM) Jean: I'll resend what auricle sent via private msg
(09:22:05 PM) Auricle: (I missed everything after Auricle's naked, and I have a question: since I have no idea what I actually really look like, would I really be naked or would I just be whatever the last shape I was at the end?)
(09:22:13 PM) Jean: s/sent/missed/
(09:23:02 PM) dkap: Ok ... sending a large block of text drops me offline ... *sigh*
(09:23:20 PM) arkhonII: Aha. Break it into segments.
(09:23:28 PM) dkap: I dropped after:
(09:23:29 PM) dkap: (09:20:43 PM) Jean: "Hmm.... sorry. I figured you were one of Caelin's head people by all the hyperventilating."
(09:23:29 PM) dkap: (09:20:51 PM) Jean: "I can't quite place the scales?"
(09:23:29 PM) dkap: (09:20:57 PM) arkhonII: "As did I."
(09:23:59 PM) Jean: yes, in a public channel
(09:24:01 PM) Jean: break it into 4-5 line blocks.
(09:24:02 PM) dkap: You were just the shape you took as walking the Pattern.
(09:24:03 PM) Jean: arkhonII "Who are you?"
(09:24:05 PM) Jean: is all you missed.
(09:24:21 PM) dkap: I did it as a private message to Gleep, and it shot me out.
(09:24:32 PM) Auricle: (Which would make me probably not naked. Since I'm all shapeshift.)
(09:24:37 PM) Jean: (That reminds me of my suggestion that "Who's your daddy?" is the human equivalent of "Who are you?"/"What do you want?")
(09:24:58 PM) Jean: hm, weird, I sent a bunch of stuff to her and didn't get booted.
(09:25:05 PM) dkap: How about "How can I make money on that?"
(09:25:12 PM) dkap: It could just be my client.
(09:25:26 PM) dkap: For it booted me EVERYWHERE not just IRC.
(09:25:44 PM) arkhonII: I've had this issue before, but only on IRC.
(09:26:42 PM) dkap: You are all shape-shift, but your base-form (according to my notes, from when you woke up naked, and then took over the shadow) is chandroid in nature.
(09:26:43 PM) Auricle: (I don't honestly care if naked or not, Auricle wouldn't notice. Just curious what I got fixed into place as.)
(09:27:02 PM) arkhonII: Methinks we're all pretty much naked.
(09:27:16 PM) arkhonII: I know I don't have any clothes off the Realms Lord rack...
(09:27:31 PM) Jean: in the tree: "You sent some tendrils along with us, didn't you?"
(09:27:39 PM) Auricle: (ahhhhh. Okays, I wasn't thinking Auricle paid that much attention -- but the gargoyle might. Very good, play through.(
(09:27:41 PM) dkap: Only the conjured things, as opposed to shadow things, or the like, which were manufactured.
(09:28:05 PM) arkhonII: Ahh, okay. That's different.
(09:28:19 PM) dkap: Right ... hence why Natasha has sword.
(09:28:29 PM) arkhonII: yep.
(09:28:46 PM) dkap: (09:12:05 PM) Jean: "I don't think I've been down here before."
(09:28:55 PM) ***arkhonII definitely noticed Natasha pulling out the sword.
(09:28:58 PM) Auricle: Okay, so, we're being faced by a dragon...
(09:29:05 PM) dkap: Caelin: "I KNOW I've not been down here before."
(09:29:17 PM) arkhonII: Who hasn't yet moved to destroy us.
(09:29:31 PM) dkap: There is a rumbling breath, as a large dragonlike form coalesses out of Caelin.
(09:29:45 PM) Jean: dkap - I already sent that to auricle
(09:29:49 PM) arkhonII: Just recalling?
(09:29:51 PM) Auricle: DKap: Jean gave me a synopsis, I'm caught up
(09:29:54 PM) arkhonII: We have all that.
(09:30:12 PM) dkap: Right. Never mind then.
(09:30:30 PM) dkap: Dragon, dworkenetics, unknown scales.
(09:30:53 PM) ***arkhonII looks at the Dragon, then to Jean. To the dragon he says, "You know him?"
(09:31:18 PM) dkap: Of course, everyone knows the ex-Realms Lord.
(09:32:16 PM) dkap: The Archivist is back, a bunch of armed guards in tow.
(09:32:22 PM) ***arkhonII frowns. "Farbeit for me to -correct- a Dragon, but all of us are not quite familiar with you. My apologies."
(09:33:10 PM) ***Auricle is impressed.
(09:33:33 PM) Auricle: "You fit well into the available space. How do you manage it?"
(09:34:29 PM) dkap: Dragon: "I'm young yet."
(09:34:40 PM) dkap: Besides, I've not yet found an appropriate habitat.
(09:35:06 PM) dkap: Dragon: "Well, besides Caelin."
(09:36:13 PM) dkap: The guards are slowly closing on the Dragon-like being.
(09:36:32 PM) ***arkhonII bows low. "You are the last, I should assume?"
(09:36:49 PM) dkap: Dragon: "Hey! I didn't even DAMAGE the ceiling when I bumped it. Whats with all the cold iron?"
(09:37:05 PM) dkap: Dragon: "The last what?"
(09:37:32 PM) arkhonII: "Dragon in my head?"
(09:38:07 PM) Auricle: "Did you have a lot of them in your head?"
(09:38:17 PM) Jean: "Perhaps if you were to introduce yourself to those attending?"
(09:38:19 PM) dkap: Dragon: "In your head? Not anymore. Not since your promise to Her."
(09:38:40 PM) ***arkhonII turns to Auricle. "It's too long a story, and largely under wraps. My apologies."
(09:39:11 PM) Auricle: nods at Caelin.
(09:39:12 PM) ***arkhonII turns back to the Dragon. "Which promise would this be?"
(09:39:22 PM) dkap: Dragon: "I've not been in anyone's head since your promise."
(09:40:03 PM) dkap: Dragon, managing to look horrified: "You forgot a promise to Her? No wonder why you don't sleep much."
(09:40:33 PM) arkhonII: "No, I've made MANY such promises, and do not know to which you refer."
(09:41:18 PM) Jean: ("sold my soul? you'll have to be more specific...")
(09:41:31 PM) arkhonII: (LOL)
(09:41:43 PM) dkap: Dragon, shaking head: "Jean, you know Her. You balance Her. Set him straight."
(09:42:08 PM) Jean: "Her I know, you..."
(09:42:13 PM) Jean: does he seem faerieish?
(09:42:39 PM) dkap: The duck comes down and gives Sam a hunnred dollah!
(09:43:05 PM) Jean: (I can use that to buy a gallon of gas!)
(09:43:07 PM) Auricle: *glances between Jean and Caelin looking confused*
(09:43:17 PM) ***arkhonII sighs in relief suddenly.
(09:43:26 PM) arkhonII: "Not the one..."
(09:43:30 PM) arkhonII: "Ruby?!"
(09:44:00 PM) dkap: Dragon: "Hey! Don't be bantering my name about! That has Power you know."
(09:44:43 PM) dkap: The archivist is looking to Caelin for a clue. So is Natasha.
(09:44:44 PM) Jean: dkap: does the dragon seem rubyish?
(09:44:55 PM) Auricle: So is Auricle.
(09:45:06 PM) ***arkhonII smiles and puts his hand to his forehead. "We need to work on your entrances so you don't startle us like that again. YOu had us thinking you were...not who you are."
(09:45:18 PM) dkap: I think that was the name ... I'd have to go back and run the logs though, my name-recognition software is never the best.
(09:45:28 PM) Jean: lars was ruby
(09:45:37 PM) arkhonII: "Now what the devil were you doing in my head, and why was I not informed by Her?!"
(09:45:38 PM) Jean: and I think also faerie oberon, at least in glamour
(09:45:51 PM) dkap: Oh, nope, one of the other Faery dragons that Caelin was supposed to settle.
(09:46:07 PM) dkap: Sorry. No name-match. Ret-con.
(09:46:24 PM) dkap: At the name "Ruby" the Dragon spins around saying "Where? Where?"
(09:46:25 PM) ***arkhonII says to those gathered, "This is a dragon from the Faerie Realm. A friend."
(09:46:59 PM) Jean: ah, okay. I don't -think- we got names for them.
(09:47:01 PM) arkhonII: okay, retcon name and just realize what realm it is from.
(09:47:31 PM) dkap: Right.
(09:47:52 PM) ***arkhonII says to the dragon, "For the record, it isn't safe to stow away in one's head. You never know who you might meet up with."
(09:47:56 PM) Jean: "All right. Shall we continue?"
(09:48:09 PM) dkap: I wasn't in your head. I was enjoying your clothing.
(09:48:47 PM) arkhonII: "The warning doesn't change. especially considering that it's ME."
(09:48:48 PM) dkap: Dragon: "Especially the occasional rodent who seemed to delight in trying to gnaw on your foodstuff."
(09:49:16 PM) dkap: I'm not going anywhere with all this cold iron around.
(09:49:43 PM) arkhonII: "Hrm...will deal with rodents later. We should move on. Do you have issues traveling in any other form than that one?"
(09:50:10 PM) Auricle: "Perhaps you could have the guards back away some, Caelin?"
(09:50:16 PM) Auricle: "They seem disturbed by the dragon.
(09:50:35 PM) dkap: Dragon: "Not at all, I'll just pour myself back into your ... umm ... try and pour myself back int... umm ... where ARE we?"
(09:50:38 PM) ***arkhonII motions to the guards. "Not a threat. An ally, in fact."
(09:50:50 PM) arkhonII: "Right, that's what I figured.
(09:52:36 PM) dkap: Dragon: "What's _wrong_ with this place? I can't feel the Dreaming at all here!"
(09:53:09 PM) arkhonII: "The sooner we get to our business here, the sooner I can promise you that we'll return to a realm where the Dreaming can be felt."
(09:54:12 PM) dkap: Dragon, to Jean: "Oh Lord of the Unalive, Please, have mercy on me, and reconnect me to the dreaming?"
(09:54:52 PM) Jean: gm: I take it the way we came in is still visible?
(09:55:44 PM) dkap: Yep, right back through that archway, that the guards (and the Archivist) came down.
(09:55:52 PM) dkap: A few steps, maybe a whole yard.
(09:55:54 PM) Jean: thought so.
(09:56:14 PM) Jean: to the guards: "Would you do us the courtesy of showing Caelin's guest the way back to the main chamber?"
(09:57:31 PM) dkap: The guards first look to the Archivist for confirmation, and, at his nod, they put up their weapons, gesturing for the Dragon to move before them.
(09:58:06 PM) arkhonII: "If you stick around, I'll see you when I return."
(09:58:42 PM) dkap: Dragon, once passing the archway: "The dreaming, it returns, Thank you O Master of the Unalive!"
(09:59:01 PM) dkap: Dragon: "I'll await you, Caelin, for your promise is still unfulfilled."
(09:59:24 PM) arkhonII: "alright, that is fine."
(09:59:34 PM) arkhonII: "I'll see you when I return.
(09:59:50 PM) ***Jean shakes his head.
(10:00:05 PM) Jean: "Caelin, do you know what they say to people who make rash promises to faeries?"
(10:00:12 PM) ***Auricle is amused.
(10:00:19 PM) arkhonII: "It wasn't a rash promise.
(10:00:23 PM) arkhonII: "It was a needed one."
(10:00:42 PM) Jean: "Close, that's what -they- say."
(10:00:47 PM) Jean: "Anyway, shall we continue?"
(10:00:57 PM) arkhonII: "Yes, we shall."
(10:01:18 PM) Auricle: "Let's."
(10:01:24 PM) dkap: The Archivist is just thanking the guards for their diligence, and willingness to assist.
(10:01:33 PM) ***arkhonII mutters, "And maybe next time I'll get better detectors for faerie spies."
(10:02:06 PM) dkap: Natasha leans over to her fiancee, and mutters in his ear, "Another adventure you forgot to tell me about, dear?"
(10:02:51 PM) ***arkhonII whispers back, "No, this was the adventure involved in trying to get BACK to you."
(10:03:04 PM) dkap: Natasha sighs.
(10:04:27 PM) dkap: Natasha: "Does that mean it's been ... voyuristically enjoying our ... activities of late? No wonder why Titania thanked me for the amusement when last we were talking."
(10:04:53 PM) ***arkhonII grumbles. "Let's move on."
(10:06:17 PM) Auricle: "Agreed."
(10:06:28 PM) dkap: Right ... the guide stops hugging the wall ... straightens his clothing, and with a glance behind him to make sure you all are moving, starts forward again.
(10:07:25 PM) dkap: The headphones beep, and mention that this next painting coming up was done in the early blue per ... wrong tour.
(10:07:44 PM) arkhonII: (hits his headphones)
(10:07:56 PM) dkap: Oh, it almost slipped my mind. What are you folks using for a light source?
(10:08:17 PM) arkhonII: It isn't lit?!
(10:08:20 PM) Auricle: The gargoyle glows. Sometimes.
(10:09:12 PM) dkap: Of course it isn't lit. This is a Dungeon.
(10:09:23 PM) dkap: Some beings get stronger, absorbing light.
(10:09:28 PM) dkap: And some larger.
(10:09:34 PM) Auricle: Can I shapeshift to something glowing?
(10:09:37 PM) dkap: No.
(10:09:44 PM) arkhonII: "Hang on.
(10:10:19 PM) Auricle: Stupid Chaos-place.
(10:10:24 PM) arkhonII: "Crap. I can't conjure anything. It'll just be gone the instant I step back through. Let's get some torches/candles from the main hall."
(10:12:10 PM) ***arkhonII steps back through and looks for an attendant nearby.
(10:12:11 PM) dkap: The Archivist has pulled out his note-pad, scribbles a bit, looks hopeful, and then ... carefully, pulls a small braiser from his pack, crumples the paper, and lights it with flint and steel.
(10:12:16 PM) Auricle: "This is the longest walk for a half-yard I've ever seen."
(10:12:25 PM) dkap: And then holds that over his head, for light.
(10:13:16 PM) ***Auricle claps.
(10:13:19 PM) Auricle: "Well done.
(10:14:14 PM) ***arkhonII gives up and just uses whatever light the Archivist manages.
(10:14:18 PM) arkhonII: "Let's go."
(10:15:48 PM) Auricle: follows the guide
(10:16:16 PM) dkap: Archivist: "Sometimes I want to get rid of a piece of ... writing, and this is often the best, and sometimes the only way.
(10:18:11 PM) Auricle: "Added advantage of emergency light source."
(10:19:36 PM) dkap: Large burly guard: "Halt." Guide: "Hi, Nick. Got some House Head here to claim a member." Guard Bows low to party in general, not trying to single out any particular individual.
(10:21:06 PM) dkap: Not hearing any other action, you all pass by, while he is bowing?
(10:21:29 PM) ***Auricle is following their lead, they know Chaos better than I.
(10:22:44 PM) dkap: So too said Caelin (who is behind me, and not at the Keyboard)
(10:22:57 PM) Jean: it seems a bit suspicious, so if he doesn't stab the first person who passes, I'll pass. Not last.
(10:22:58 PM) Jean: :)
(10:23:18 PM) arkhonII: (back)
(10:23:23 PM) dkap: First person who passes is the Guide.
(10:23:29 PM) dkap: Not stabbed.
(10:23:32 PM) Auricle: (Yes, b/c you are following Naked!Auricle.
(10:23:53 PM) dkap: Naked Auricle doesn't get stabbed either.
(10:24:24 PM) Auricle: yay
(10:26:18 PM) arkhonII left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
(10:26:53 PM) Jean: it's always somethign
(10:26:57 PM) Auricle: Indeed.
(10:27:06 PM) Auricle: Although this evening has been more prone than most, lately
(10:27:20 PM) dkap: It does seem to be.
(10:27:42 PM) dkap: He was behind me a minute ago. He might have unplugged accidentally when he sat down.
(10:29:38 PM) dkap: And there went his curse.
(10:29:56 PM) Auricle: heh
(10:32:17 PM) Auricle: Does he seem to be coming back?
(10:33:06 PM) dkap: I don't know.
(10:33:11 PM) dkap: Huh ... that's interesting.
(10:34:23 PM) arkhonII [] entered the room.
(10:34:24 PM) dkap: Poof, here he is.
(10:34:40 PM) Auricle: Well done
(10:34:44 PM) dkap: *grin*
(10:34:49 PM) dkap: All righty then.
(10:34:51 PM) arkhonII: So, do I get stabbed?
(10:35:05 PM) dkap: As each of you pass the guard, nothing interesting happens, except, of course, when Caelin does.
(10:35:29 PM) dkap: His House ring flashes forth.
(10:35:44 PM) dkap: The Guard drops a deeper bow to him.
(10:36:16 PM) dkap: You pass on.
(10:37:20 PM) Auricle: We follow the guide.
(10:37:21 PM) dkap: There seems to be sort of a sound bubble in front of each holding area. The sounds of your passage seems completely muffled, and the closer you are to the center of the sphere of each holding area, the more normal sound is.
(10:37:48 PM) dkap: You notice many an individual, in many a shape look up, and note your passing. And do little else.
(10:38:02 PM) ***arkhonII turns to the guide. "Do you know which cells they are in?"
(10:38:14 PM) arkhonII: "Rather, holding areas?"
(10:38:18 PM) ***Auricle wonders if she recognizes anyone.
(10:38:19 PM) dkap: Except for a small dwarf, looking a lot like a garden gnome, just no red cap.
(10:39:09 PM) dkap: That one flings itself against some invisible barrier just as Caelin is passing, Natasha's sword is exactly where the individual's throat would have been, should there have not been an invisible barrier.
(10:39:34 PM) arkhonII: Does he/she/it look familiar?
(10:39:46 PM) dkap: Nope.
(10:40:07 PM) dkap: Except, it looks like the scraps of that ex-Houses colours on it's body.
(10:40:20 PM) arkhonII: Ahh, yes.
(10:40:32 PM) arkhonII: "move along."
(10:40:56 PM) Auricle: *shrugs and continues along.*
(10:41:07 PM) Jean left the room (quit: Read error: Operation timed out).
(10:41:59 PM) arkhonII: eep
(10:42:24 PM) ***Auricle sits down and starts laughing.
(10:42:32 PM) Auricle: We are now four for four.
(10:42:35 PM) dkap: *sigh*
(10:42:45 PM) Auricle: Every one of us has lost connection at some point.
(10:42:54 PM) dkap: At least, when we are physically present, this only happens when my players drift off to sleep ...
(10:42:56 PM) Auricle: Apparently teh internets are fiesty tonight.
(10:43:10 PM) dkap: Damnable gerbils, they should like their tubes!
(10:43:24 PM) arkhonII: indeed
(10:43:40 PM) Cagliostro [] entered the room.
(10:43:48 PM) Cagliostro: gah.
(10:44:00 PM) arkhonII: Feh
(10:45:00 PM) Auricle: The Internets are against us.
(10:45:13 PM) dkap: But we WILL PREVAIL!
(10:45:34 PM) Cagliostro: or at least persist.
(10:45:41 PM) Cagliostro: so, there was an attempted gnoming.
(10:46:01 PM) dkap: Maybe if we talk Hax0rs sp33k we would be indistinguishable from line-nose, and therefore not get pwned.
(10:46:01 PM) Cagliostro: from hell's heart, he gnomed at Caelin.
(10:46:32 PM) Cagliostro: sigh. brb.
(10:46:36 PM) dkap: Right ... moving along.
(10:46:41 PM) Cagliostro left the room (quit: Read error: EOF from client).
(10:46:59 PM) ***Auricle stands up to game....and sits back down again.
(10:47:32 PM) Cagliostro [] entered the room.
(10:47:38 PM) arkhonII: Woot!
(10:47:57 PM) dkap: And several butchers aprons. In other news ...
(10:47:58 PM) dkap: *grin*
(10:48:14 PM) arkhonII: and so...we move on...
(10:48:47 PM) dkap: Right ... I believe, Caelin was just pseudo-dwarfed, and asked about directions, and was shushed for his efforts by the Guide.
(10:48:50 PM) Auricle: We move from the attempted gnoming
(10:49:10 PM) dkap: Soon you come to a section that doesn't seem to be inhabited.
(10:50:39 PM) ***Auricle looks around.
(10:51:21 PM) dkap: The Archivist seems to have fallen behind. Matter of fact, he seems to have stopped at one of the empty sections.
(10:51:32 PM) Auricle: "Archivist?"
(10:51:34 PM) Cagliostro is now known as Jean
(10:51:37 PM) dkap: You notice at once, because, well ... he is holding the light.
(10:51:43 PM) ***arkhonII "ARchivist?"
(10:52:04 PM) ***Jean wonders if perpetually expecting the locals to turn on you and start a rebellion is because he's an Amberite or a Realms Lord (emeritus).
(10:52:29 PM) arkhonII: heh
(10:53:33 PM) Auricle: (Yes)
(10:54:01 PM) dkap: Umm ... or Middle Management?
(10:54:34 PM) dkap: Your voice either didn't carry back to him, or his voice didn't carry forward.
(10:54:59 PM) Auricle: walk back over to him. "Archivist?"
(10:55:28 PM) arkhonII left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
(10:56:15 PM) dkap: Auricle: You bump into the barrier between the two of you.
(10:56:26 PM) Auricle: "Uhoh.
(10:56:52 PM) dkap: And apparently, so has Caelin.
(10:57:06 PM) Jean: "Yep. Typical."
(10:57:17 PM) dkap: He holds up his ring, there is a shattering noise, and he walks forward.
(10:57:55 PM) dkap: Caelin: to guide "The archivist needs to be released as well."
(10:58:05 PM) dkap: Guide seems startled.
(10:58:16 PM) dkap: Guide: "So, release him."
(10:58:46 PM) dkap: Caelin: "I don't know how."
(10:58:46 PM) Jean: gm: did the guide seem startled at the shattering, or the question?
(10:59:01 PM) dkap: Guide: "Use your ring" (ahduh.)
(10:59:28 PM) dkap: Caelin and the Archivist compare notes.
(10:59:38 PM) dkap: After Caelin frees him with his ring.
(10:59:39 PM) Auricle: "Wait, I'm in a barrier?"
(10:59:50 PM) ***Auricle looks confused more than normal.
(10:59:51 PM) dkap: GM: not anymore.
(11:00:15 PM) dkap: Caelin: No, you are not in a barrier, because we hear you.
(11:00:48 PM) dkap: All move further down the corridor.
(11:01:16 PM) dkap: You get to a demarcation point. There seems to be many more folks here. It seems that some means of communications is being attempted.
(11:01:58 PM) Auricle: *mumbles* I have decided I don't like it here.
(11:02:02 PM) dkap: Caelin is checking for members of his house, and otherwise ignoring them.
(11:02:33 PM) dkap: Caelin to Auricle: "I'm guessing the vote is unanimous."
(11:03:12 PM) Auricle: "I'm fairly sure we don't even need a vote."
(11:03:30 PM) dkap: All move.
(11:03:51 PM) Auricle: We move on.
(11:04:24 PM) dkap: There is a huge crowd in front of the area where the guide finally stops.
(11:05:29 PM) Auricle: looks at the crowd.
(11:06:25 PM) dkap: Caelin conceals his ring, and moves to the front.
(11:07:34 PM) dkap: Caelin: "Note to everyone, the dungeons are not properly soundproofed."
(11:07:46 PM) Jean: I'll hang back and dangle with Auricle.
(11:08:07 PM) Jean: (as the five year old Jean was wearing pants when he walked the pattern, but shifted out of a saucer.)
(11:08:27 PM) dkap: Yep.
(11:08:27 PM) Auricle: Heh
(11:08:52 PM) dkap: Caelin announces the possibility of really loud iminant noise.
(11:09:03 PM) ***Auricle has not noticed she is naked. She may not have noticed ANYONE is naked. Or, she possibly doesn't seem to think this is anything but personal preference.
(11:09:22 PM) dkap: Caelin tries to enter the holding cell, and hits the separating wall.
(11:09:52 PM) dkap: The cell wall goes down. The wash of noise is tremendous.
(11:11:40 PM) dkap: Caelin catches the tossed drumsticks from one of the Randoms.
(11:11:42 PM) Auricle: reaction-shift to modulate how loud the noise is, fail (I'm assuming), and claps hands over ears.
(11:11:53 PM) dkap: He shakes his head, smiling. "I'm good, but not that good."
(11:12:28 PM) dkap: Not that noisy, but still, from distant, muffled sound, to the equivalent of being in the near bleachers to a drum corps.
(11:13:06 PM) dkap: Caelin joins Random in the drumming.
(11:13:45 PM) dkap: Five minutes, the roll to the wrap, and go out to massive applause.
(11:13:45 PM) Auricle: "We're having a drum party?"
(11:14:05 PM) Jean: gm: who else is in the crowd? general size of crowd?
(11:14:20 PM) dkap: Caelin shakes hands, Random says "I believe, that's the end, folks, no encores."
(11:14:28 PM) dkap: About 25-30 people.
(11:14:55 PM) dkap: Crowd starts disapating, chattering amongst themselves.
(11:15:09 PM) dkap: Caelin and the Randoms, join the group.
(11:15:20 PM) dkap: Caelin bows, and thanks the Guide, for his indispensable assistance.
(11:15:47 PM) dkap: The Guide bows back, quite low, and thanks Caelin for taking care of his Housemembers as apporpriate.
(11:15:53 PM) Auricle: (It's a new Group: Caelin and the Randoms.)
(11:16:18 PM) dkap: Mike is laughing.
(11:16:38 PM) dkap: Exiting, the way folks came, making sure there are no boggles.
(11:17:10 PM) Auricle: yay exiting, we hates this place.
(11:18:16 PM) dkap: Exit without a problem (You already had your Wandering Monster Encounter.)
(11:18:55 PM) Auricle: (Hee!)
(11:19:25 PM) dkap: And you know the difficulties.
(11:20:01 PM) Auricle: And we're very familiar with the entrance/exit doorway, having spent hours there. ;P
(11:20:27 PM) dkap: And, with the signing out of the Randoms with the Guard, you are free to go, and we should hang it here, being 11:30.
(11:20:56 PM) Jean: okay, excellent
(11:21:10 PM) Jean: are we limited to a 8:00 start time, or could we roll it back earlier now that we're virtual?
(11:21:13 PM) Auricle: excellent
(11:21:53 PM) Auricle: I can't make it much earlier than 7:00
(11:21:55 PM) dkap: Well ... I set it for 8, because that's usually when I can start.
(11:22:11 PM) dkap: But if folks want to congregate earlier, it's not like you need your GM to run.
(11:22:28 PM) Jean: k.
(11:22:32 PM) Auricle: It's usually polite, though.
(11:22:35 PM) Jean: I might show up at 7:00 and see what happens.
(11:22:48 PM) Auricle: K
(11:23:38 PM) Jean: night!
(11:23:39 PM) Jean left the room (quit: Quit: Leaving).
(11:23:48 PM) Auricle left the room (quit: Read error: EOF from client).