Conversation with #dkap_amber
Conversation with #dkap_amber on Tue 15 Apr 2008 09:12:16 PM EDT:
(08:12:17 PM) arkhonII: Happens all the time.
(08:12:25 PM) Auricle: my one clock says it is 8:25 pm
(08:12:26 PM) dkap: Sorry about that ...
(08:12:34 PM) dkap: Mr No Time Sense strikes again.
(08:12:39 PM) dkap: Thank you Mike.
(08:12:49 PM) Auricle: greetings!
(08:12:51 PM) arkhonII: Heh
(08:16:57 PM) dkap: So ... where were we? World destruction? Devestation? Horse-wrangling?
(08:17:08 PM) Cagliostro: dinner
(08:17:27 PM) Cagliostro: being paid for by the knife-thrower what doesn't want bucephalus to stomp him
(08:18:01 PM) Auricle: therefore we should all have dessert
(08:19:10 PM) Cagliostro: good plan
(08:19:21 PM) Cagliostro: at least he's not paying for Corwin.
(08:19:30 PM) Cagliostro: "I'd like four whole fried chickens." "Corwin!"
(08:19:37 PM) arkhonII: Four. Fried. Chickens.
(08:19:44 PM) Auricle: giggle
(08:20:31 PM) Cagliostro: Caine, of course, always orders slices of dry white toast
(08:20:54 PM) arkhonII: LOL
(08:22:58 PM) dkap: We're putting the family back together?
(08:23:04 PM) dkap: And we aren't leaving without them?
(08:23:18 PM) arkhonII: Don't you blaspheme in here! Don't you blaspheme in here!
(08:23:33 PM) dkap: I'll have Nun of that.
(08:23:35 PM) Auricle: hee
(08:24:11 PM) Cagliostro: so, we have characters, a setting, a plan (dessert) and blues brothers references.
(08:24:11 PM) Cagliostro: hit it, GM
(08:24:13 PM) dkap: Desert it is. I believe the Randoms ordered Baked Alaska?
(08:24:57 PM) Cagliostro: yes, they did
(08:24:57 PM) dkap: (and a pair of (pair of sunglasses))
(08:25:36 PM) dkap: Auricle wants anything that isn't covered in a fine white powder, right?
(08:25:44 PM) Auricle: yup
(08:25:52 PM) Auricle: something gooey
(08:25:57 PM) Auricle: sounds good right now
(08:26:46 PM) Cagliostro: a biegnet-free zone
(08:27:04 PM) dkap: Involving hot cinnamon, perhaps, some cream-cheese, some heavy pastry, perhaps a touch of chamboart?
(08:27:33 PM) dkap: Although the chicory and coffee does smell nice, this time of year.
(08:27:49 PM) Auricle: that sounds lovely
(08:28:18 PM) dkap: The Jager want some live game hens.
(08:28:30 PM) dkap: They say that the feathers help floss their teeth.
(08:29:17 PM) dkap: And for Jean?
(08:30:02 PM) Cagliostro: spanish style super-thick hot chocolate, with some nice pastries for dipping
(08:30:24 PM) Auricle: mmmmm
(08:30:30 PM) dkap: Done. The desert comes and goes without issue.
(08:31:46 PM) Auricle: excellent
(08:32:40 PM) dkap: There are fortune cookies delivered to your table.
(08:32:53 PM) dkap: Not by your regular waiter.
(08:33:38 PM) Auricle: hmmm.
(08:33:47 PM) dkap: One of the Randoms decide to detain him until after the cookies are all open, with a subtle hand on his wrist, and subtle pressure that increases to rock-crushing pressure, as he tries to move away.
(08:33:59 PM) Auricle: "What happened to our waiter?"
(08:34:06 PM) ***Auricle does not reach for a cookie.
(08:34:12 PM) dkap: The other Random asks him which cookie he thinks each should choose.
(08:35:22 PM) dkap: The waiter mumbles something about them being placed in order.
(08:35:45 PM) dkap: It is somewhat obvious, which cookie is closest to each person.
(08:36:03 PM) dkap: (There is no cookie for Gargoyle)
(08:36:32 PM) Auricle: highly suspicious, that
(08:36:46 PM) dkap: (Well ... there was no food for Gargoyle either)
(08:37:04 PM) Auricle: (true, but that's okay. It doesn't eat. :P
(08:37:20 PM) dkap: Well ... it doesn't eat anything but raw power ...
(08:37:21 PM) Auricle: (I refuse consistency as a means of understanding shadow restaurants.)
(08:37:36 PM) Auricle: anything unusual about the cookies?
(08:37:58 PM) dkap: The individual who threw the knife is nowhere within sight.
(08:39:15 PM) dkap: (The knife being returned to him on a tray, he picked up the whole tray, didn't touch the dagger, and ran out.
(08:39:37 PM) dkap: (Out of the room, that is. You have no idea how far after that he ran.)
(08:41:04 PM) Auricle: GM: anything unusual about the cookies?
(08:42:01 PM) dkap: Define "unusual".
(08:42:44 PM) Auricle: weird power signatures, etc. strange ingrediants.
(08:43:24 PM) dkap: Well ... they are fortune cookies in a restaurant, that already offered you desert ...
(08:43:59 PM) dkap: As for strange components, you would need a baseline, yes?
(08:44:17 PM) dkap: And something to annalize it with?
(08:45:02 PM) Auricle: Gargoyle: Anything weird with the cookies?
(08:45:19 PM) Auricle: To the waiter: And where is our previous waiter?
(08:45:19 PM) dkap: Specific gravity consistent with foodstuff.
(08:45:32 PM) dkap: No radiations of powers detectable.
(08:46:17 PM) dkap: It appears that there is a substance, of a non-food-like material within the outer confines of the object, apparently within an inner cavity.
(08:47:04 PM) Cagliostro is now known as Jean
(08:47:09 PM) Jean: Jean is ignoring the entire situation
(08:47:43 PM) dkap: Reasonable. There are always more interesting things going on elsewhere. Including the argument going on on the steps of thelbane at the moment.
(08:49:21 PM) dkap: (Over which copy of the head of the Mathematicians Guild gets to go first.)
(08:50:47 PM) Jean: Also, I don't think Jean would parse the fortune cookies as 'cookie', much less 'food'.
(08:51:05 PM) dkap: Probably not, until someone else does.
(08:51:14 PM) dkap: Neither do the Jager.
(08:51:41 PM) Auricle: Auricle is less concered with the cookie and more with the fortune.
(08:52:39 PM) Auricle: "Random? Is his wrist broken yet?"
(08:53:19 PM) dkap: Random holding: "I'm not that careless." Random not holding: "I am, give him to me."
(08:54:15 PM) Auricle: "I wouldn't have thought it carelessness, I would have considered it a good idea. Because he WON'T answer my perfectly reasonable question."
(08:55:04 PM) dkap: Random: "Oh, in that case, a moment, while I wrench off the hand and give that to you. Unless, of course, you want to use him to open the cookies to see what happens ..."
(08:55:36 PM) dkap: other Random: "Hey, we could just use his head to smash them to see what is inside, and it doesn'
(08:55:45 PM) dkap: t have to still remain attached ..."
(08:55:46 PM) Auricle: "I think he should open the cookies."
(08:57:02 PM) Jean: Jean will delicately wipe some hot chocolate aside with a napkin and ask Auricle "Is our meal being disrupted again?"
(08:57:34 PM) Auricle: "Fortune cookies."
(08:57:35 PM) dkap: other Random, stands, grabs him by the back of the neck, and smashes his head against one of the cookies, the one in front of him, to open it. It is, amazingly, just enough force to break the cookie, and nothing more.
(08:58:12 PM) Auricle: (Auricle is officially in love with the Randoms.)
(08:58:26 PM) dkap: The fortune flutters out, and reads "You will die yet, Mikail."
(08:58:37 PM) arkhonII: ROTFLMFAO
(08:58:47 PM) Jean: "Hm. Those don't look like cookies."
(08:59:03 PM) dkap: There is a black and purple discolouration spreading from the point of contact with the cookie, moving across his face.
(08:59:25 PM) dkap: His flesh is starting to rot in the wake of the discolouration.
(08:59:45 PM) dkap: Jager 2: "What's a 'cookie'"?
(08:59:56 PM) Jean: "See? Definitely -not- a cookie."
(08:59:56 PM) Jean: Jean resumes eating hot chocolate.
(08:59:59 PM) ***Jean is horrified and tries to flag down a waiter.
(09:00:09 PM) ***Auricle sighs.
(09:00:09 PM) Auricle: "Not those."
(09:00:49 PM) dkap: other Random: "But, we aren't Mikail. Really."
(09:00:58 PM) ***Auricle is impressed with the rate of decay.
(09:01:17 PM) Auricle: "Gargoyle, known agents to cause such fast decay?"
(09:01:24 PM) dkap: The skin is pretty much off of the metal skeleton at this point.
(09:02:13 PM) dkap: Gargoyle: "Covering material simply lost structural integrity, and failed."
(09:03:38 PM) dkap: Randoms: "Killer Robot in Disguise!"
(09:04:00 PM) Jean: "I don't remember anyone ordering that..."
(09:04:46 PM) Auricle: "We didn't. It showed up with the cookies. Random thought it odd and detained it."
(09:05:26 PM) Jean: "Okay. Fortunately the other guy's paying for it. I still say those weren't cookies."
(09:05:49 PM) dkap: The horse carefully threads between the tables and comes over.
(09:06:32 PM) dkap: Wuffles a time or two at the Randoms. They look at each other and say, "Sure" and sling the robot across the back of the horse.
(09:06:56 PM) dkap: Beaucephalous carefully moves to the exit with the robot on his back.
(09:08:32 PM) dkap: There is a bucking noise, and then a clatter like a bunch of tin cans falling down a cliff-side.
(09:08:48 PM) dkap: Beaucephalous comes back in, a little damp, and goes back to his table.
(09:09:13 PM) ***Auricle eyes the remaing cookies distastefully.
(09:09:28 PM) Auricle: "I think we're done here. Everyone agreed?"
(09:09:50 PM) Jean: "Sure."
(09:10:00 PM) dkap: One of the Jager is still flossing with the feathers, but the other two seem done.
(09:10:20 PM) dkap: Randoms, whipsawing the conversation again: "Looks like we are done."
(09:11:17 PM) Auricle: "Okay then." Stand up. "Where were we headed again?"
(09:13:29 PM) dkap: J&R: shrug
(09:14:00 PM) Auricle: Gargoyle?
(09:14:13 PM) dkap: City building, on Kolvir.
(09:14:57 PM) dkap: Gargoyle: Warning one of the "cookies" is rapidly changing in composition.
(09:15:04 PM) Auricle: "Right! Back to the City. We needed your help, Random. Excellent....what?"
(09:17:00 PM) dkap: Gargoyle: "Cookie, changing in Delta H."
(09:17:35 PM) Auricle: "To??
(09:18:00 PM) Jean: gm: can Jean hear this?
(09:19:48 PM) Auricle: (Well, at least anything Auricle says in "" is outloud)
(09:20:22 PM) dkap: Jean has no idea that the Gargoyle communicates at all.
(09:21:38 PM) Jean: Yep. and Jean is used to people who talk to themselves.
(09:21:42 PM) Jean: just making sure.
(09:21:55 PM) Auricle: (Well, actually, I talk to a box, but....)
(09:22:10 PM) Auricle: "Gargoyle, changing to WHAT??"
(09:23:00 PM) dkap: A graph of the delta H (the amount of heat) appears before your eyes, slowly ramping up, it looks like a constant change, not geometric or asymptotic.
(09:23:44 PM) Auricle: "Bomb. The cookie is turning into a bomb."
(09:24:10 PM) dkap: Jagers grab you and pull you out of the room.
(09:24:32 PM) Auricle: reach back and grab onto jean and the randoms
(09:24:35 PM) dkap: Somehow the Randoms manage to be right behind them.
(09:24:45 PM) dkap: Jean, something grabs you.
(09:25:00 PM) Jean: Hm. And I know what bombs are.
(09:25:10 PM) Jean: cast a shield spell. And I feel friendly toward all of my fellow diners.
(09:25:15 PM) Jean: but not the cookies!
(09:25:52 PM) dkap: Red shields for everyone!
(09:27:19 PM) dkap: The cookie doesn't exactly explode, it just sets the table on fire.
(09:28:04 PM) Auricle: "Damn. Wrong heat signature."
(09:28:27 PM) dkap: The corpse of the knife-thrower is in the entrance-way, and the robot is halfway back up the cliff-face.
(09:29:06 PM) Auricle: GM: Anything around I can drop on the robot?
(09:29:29 PM) dkap: Umm ... the corpse of the knife-thrower?
(09:31:01 PM) Auricle: Gargoyle, can you access the programming of the robot?
(09:31:36 PM) dkap: Gargoyle: No.
(09:31:47 PM) dkap: No obvious external interface.
(09:32:34 PM) Auricle: open up mouth on appendage that has hold of Jean. "The robot's on the way back. Any particular regrets about leaving here?"
(09:33:09 PM) Jean: "I regret we didn't have time for a second round of dessert."
(09:33:30 PM) Auricle: "Perhaps they deliver?"
(09:33:57 PM) dkap: The waiters have covered, smothered, grabbed and replaced your table, and are busy setting it for the next customer.
(09:35:06 PM) ***Auricle start shifting shadow away from here.
(09:35:14 PM) dkap: A large black bird swoops down, grabs the robot, and, in it's wake you can here "It is shiny, and will enhance our nest!"
(09:35:55 PM) dkap: The cave starts elongating, as you walk down it, becoming more regular, and smoothing out, the floor of the cave differentiating itself material-wise ...
(09:36:13 PM) dkap: You come out, on a sunny afternoon, of the mouth of a tunnel, with the road heading onward.
(09:36:43 PM) dkap: Randoms: So, where are we going?
(09:37:10 PM) Auricle: "Kolvir. We need your assistance with the City."
(09:38:19 PM) dkap: Randoms, in the style of Bill and Ted: "Excellent!"
(09:38:33 PM) dkap: Randoms: "Shall we fly?"
(09:38:41 PM) arkhonII: (feed them to the iron maiden)
(09:38:58 PM) Auricle: (air guitars!)
(09:39:12 PM) Jean: (you're thinking of margaret thatcher, not Auricle)
(09:39:55 PM) Auricle: (heh)
(09:40:10 PM) Auricle: "We can fly if you want..."
(09:40:20 PM) Jean: (though maggie could be a shadow of someone. possibly deirdre. probably gwen.)
(09:40:52 PM) Auricle: (probably not auricle. I have no idea who would be a shadow of Auricle. I'm happy with that.)
(09:41:01 PM) dkap: Nah ... she's got too much ginger root up her ass. (Figging. Heh.)
(09:41:55 PM) dkap: The Randoms suggest they hitch to town, and come back with some hang-gliders, so the whole company can fly to Amber.
(09:42:52 PM) ***Auricle just turns into a large flying creature.
(09:43:12 PM) dkap: The Jager clamber aboard.
(09:43:33 PM) dkap: Gargoyle thinks that this would be a good way to be less distracted.
(09:44:10 PM) Auricle: Auricle's player thinks the gargoyle is so cute when it's being hopeful.
(09:44:13 PM) dkap: One of the Randoms look at Jean and say: "You want to ride, or fly yourself?"
(09:44:45 PM) Jean: "Hm? I can fly... no, wait, I'll get lost. I'll ride."
(09:44:59 PM) dkap: They offer to boost you on board.
(09:45:01 PM) ***Jean kicks the ground slightly dejectedly, then gets distracted by something.
(09:45:04 PM) ***Jean accepts the boost
(09:45:26 PM) dkap: With the randoms helping, it's a remarkably smooth trip back to Amber.
(09:45:47 PM) Auricle: We actually stay on track and don't get lost?
(09:45:52 PM) dkap: Unfortunately, you are going to Kolvir, not Amber, and noone bothered to tell the Randoms, that those places are currently distinct.
(09:46:01 PM) Auricle: ROFL
(09:47:19 PM) Auricle: (Jean and Auricle: We'll eventually get where we're -- ooh look at that!)
(09:48:19 PM) dkap: One of Zach's rangers wave you down.
(09:48:27 PM) Auricle: So we instead land in Amber?
(09:48:33 PM) Jean: Yes. We can put "ooh, shiny!" on the new Amber coat of arms
(09:48:38 PM) dkap: Well ... you are over Amber at the moment.
(09:48:43 PM) Auricle: "OOh, Yay Rangers to play with."
(09:48:48 PM) Auricle: Now we land.
(09:49:14 PM) dkap: Ranger: Excuse me, Ma'am, we were not told to expect you. What is the nature of the emergency?
(09:49:36 PM) Auricle: "There's no emergency. We just ended up here."
(09:50:28 PM) dkap: Ranger moves a look of surprised to one of neutrality on his face.
(09:51:12 PM) Auricle: "Although I'm not sure why. I wasn't leading the Walk, but..."
(09:52:35 PM) dkap: (Randoms are sneaky that way.)
(09:53:42 PM) Auricle: "Random? Why Amber?"
(09:54:41 PM) dkap: Randoms: You wanted to come here, right?
(09:56:28 PM) Auricle: "Amber is Zach's Shadow."
(09:56:46 PM) Auricle: "Not that I mind getting to visit Zach." turn to the Ranger. "Where's Zach?"
(09:56:47 PM) Jean: "*cough* Greater Arden *cough*"
(09:56:57 PM) dkap: Randoms: "Oh? So where are we headed."
(09:57:33 PM) Auricle: blink at Jean. "Right, forgot. Greater Arden."
(09:58:30 PM) ***Jean says, without a hint of irony, "We need to set a good example for the kids so they don't start thinking Zack's shadow is a place to congregate."
(10:00:24 PM) Auricle: "I'm allowed to congregate here, though."
(10:00:52 PM) Jean: "Well, of course! Auricle and Zack, Zack and Auricle. It's like... Random and Random. Only, not. But mostly."
(10:01:28 PM) Auricle: *grins* "but you are right, we don't want everyone suddenly appearing here."
(10:03:37 PM) Auricle: (Damn, I need a tshirt with that line, Jean.)
(10:03:48 PM) dkap: Right, what does it look like?
(10:04:25 PM) Auricle: (No, sorry, tpb Auricle needs that tshirt.)
(10:04:38 PM) Auricle: (Although I suppose Auricle could wear one too.)
(10:05:00 PM) Auricle: to Ranger: "So, where is Zach? Since we're here?"
(10:05:17 PM) dkap: Ranger: I don't know. I'm only on traffic today.
(10:05:40 PM) Auricle: "Can't you just ask one of the other Rangers? Or do you not have the telepathy upgrade?
(10:06:11 PM) dkap: Ranger: "Not my job today."
(10:06:34 PM) Auricle: *sigh* GM: Hey, is trump cold?
(10:06:37 PM) dkap: Nope.
(10:08:20 PM) Jean: gm: do I know where Zack is?
(10:08:29 PM) dkap: Nope.
(10:08:34 PM) Jean: k.
(10:08:35 PM) Auricle: "Useless, then." turn to the group. "Okay, um, Kolvir then. Not Amber."
(10:09:32 PM) ***Auricle is definately coming up with some method of tracking Zach that does not require trump.
(10:10:27 PM) dkap: Auricle knows the path from here to Kolvir, having walked it recently with Dworkin.
(10:10:36 PM) dkap: Matter of fact, so does Gargoyle.
(10:10:49 PM) dkap: So the Gargoyle can keep you on track.
(10:11:07 PM) Auricle: Which is it's primary job function, after all.
(10:11:31 PM) Auricle: "C'mon, follow me." start off in the direction of Kolvir.
(10:14:49 PM) ***Jean follows Auricle
(10:15:24 PM) Ilkndacian [] entered the room.
(10:15:30 PM) Ilkndacian: testing...
(10:15:32 PM) Jean: Ilk!
(10:15:41 PM) arkhonII: WOw!
(10:15:42 PM) Auricle: ILK!
(10:16:02 PM) dkap: Hi!
(10:20:54 PM) Auricle: (OOC: wonders if the test failed....)
(10:21:10 PM) arkhonII: (ooc hrm)
(10:21:41 PM) arkhonII: (well, I just got a notice that dkap idled for a moment)
(10:21:50 PM) dkap: I'm not idle.
(10:21:51 PM) dkap: Really.
(10:22:00 PM) arkhonII: Good.
(10:22:10 PM) Auricle: Good
(10:23:12 PM) Auricle: Sooo...with ilk present, are you going to run the house head meeting?
(10:24:17 PM) dkap: Nope. You arrive at Kolvir.
(10:25:18 PM) Auricle: "Welcome to the City under Kolvir, which needs a better name still."
(10:25:47 PM) dkap: Randoms: "Cool."
(10:26:42 PM) dkap: They look around.
(10:26:57 PM) dkap: The Jager get off, and talk to other Jager, about death, not losing their hats, etc.
(10:27:06 PM) Auricle: "It lacks.....Gargoyle, what did we need the Randoms for?"
(10:27:22 PM) dkap: A city individual waves at you.
(10:27:40 PM) dkap: You notice, that the sign above his head reads something about "Military Consultants."
(10:28:29 PM) Auricle: wave back, look confused, shapeshift into Auricle so I can wave back properly.
(10:28:44 PM) dkap: "Hi, I'm Colonel Zorg, I'm here to help."
(10:28:48 PM) Auricle: (OOC: Aha! Clothes!)
(10:29:35 PM) Auricle: "Help what?"
(10:29:57 PM) dkap: He offers the letter from Flora, recommending he be added to the City Construction team.
(10:30:36 PM) Auricle: "Oh! Well then! Meet Random and Random. Although they are both delusions. They're going to be helping plan out the City."
(10:33:50 PM) dkap: Zorg: "Nice to meet you, and why are they both delusions?"
(10:34:10 PM) dkap: Randoms: "I'm not a delusion, he is."
(10:35:30 PM) Auricle: "See?
(10:35:58 PM) Auricle: "And this is Jean, who was helping me find people."
(10:36:29 PM) dkap: Zorg: "So ... I've been called in because Flora was thinking you needed some advice on fortifications ..."
(10:37:57 PM) ***Jean will make greeting-gestures at Zorg, while waiting for him to finish.
(10:39:08 PM) Auricle: "Fortifications?"
(10:40:09 PM) dkap: Zorg: "Flora had mentioned something about you possibly defending the city, which probably involves fortifications, or at least a plan."
(10:40:43 PM) Jean: "I think we were talking about starting with a palace, but I suppose that should fit into an overall master plan thing."
(10:41:11 PM) ***Jean as an aside to the Randoms: "Is villain laughter called for now or later?"
(10:41:20 PM) dkap: Zorg bows, the bow of son of the lord to whom you owe fealty to Jean.
(10:41:57 PM) Auricle: "I thought...." consult gargoyle " didn't we think a palace wouldn't work and we really just needed administrative stuff? Or taverns and places to meet but not a real palace to live in?"
(10:42:01 PM) Jean: return the bow as son of old lord to family retainer.
(10:42:06 PM) dkap: Randoms: "Later. There is always time for Villian Laughter, when the timer is counting down."
(10:42:17 PM) Jean: to the randoms "Thanks."
(10:42:37 PM) Jean: "Well, yes. Maybe we shouldn't call it a palace then, and try to distract the Amberites."
(10:42:40 PM) dkap: Zorg: "I hope you folks have read the 200 rules of the Evil Overlord. Very instructive."
(10:43:01 PM) ***Jean is, in fact, the designated five-year old.
(10:43:55 PM) dkap: Zorg: "So, did you have any plans of your own, yet?"
(10:44:10 PM) Jean: "Yes."
(10:44:23 PM) dkap: Zorg: "Ok ..."
(10:44:28 PM) Jean: "Our plans were to find people to recruit to design and build a governing center for Amber. And in this we have succeeded!"
(10:44:45 PM) Jean: "Oh, and along the way, we decided that a traditional palace like that in Greater Arden is a bad plan."
(10:45:25 PM) Jean: "We should have structures to house Deirdre's governing authority, but should disperse the royal family around various townhouses so that they are less obnoxious and combative."
(10:45:54 PM) Jean: "Oh, and I suppose that it's inevitable the city's going to be attacked a few dozen times in the next few thousand turnings, if the past is any guide."
(10:46:07 PM) Auricle: "Right. So fortifications make sense."
(10:46:56 PM) Ilkndacian: Why not just build a pop-up city, like neo-neo-neo-neo-neo-tokyo?
(10:46:59 PM) dkap: Zorg: "Thank you for a defense planner's nightmare."
(10:47:41 PM) Auricle: to Zorg: "Glad to Help!"
(10:48:31 PM) Jean: ilk: I think the point of the city is to have something to impress Amberites enough for them to squabble over but still respect Deirdre, which means tradition.
(10:48:41 PM) Jean: We can't build a place that would just wipe them all out if they attacked.
(10:49:02 PM) dkap: Zorg: "So ... we are in a shadow with ranged weapons, so we need to recruit a standing army, and probably an air-force."
(10:49:06 PM) Jean: (Reference earlier discussion of: false pattern made of contact poison drawn on a cliffside.)
(10:49:45 PM) dkap: Zorg: "We will have to figure out the range of local ranged weapons, so we can figure out emplacements around the city to our best advantage."
(10:50:00 PM) Ilkndacian: So no buildings that grow legs, stand up, and start trampling attacking armies?
(10:50:24 PM) Auricle: "Plus it needs to be sufficiently impressive and distracting so people don't try my patience with Kolvir proper."
(10:50:30 PM) dkap: Zorg: "No, probably not."
(10:51:21 PM) Auricle: "Not that there's real hope of stopping Amberites -- (reference conversation about contact poison pattern on cliff)..."
(10:51:28 PM) dkap: Zorg: "Yes, that's a problem. And I understand that we are not going to be able to put any emplacements up there."
(10:51:39 PM) Auricle: "Absolutely not."
(10:52:05 PM) Auricle: "You want something up there, run it past me and the Gargoyle, and we'll see what we feel needs adding."
(10:53:08 PM) Auricle: "Ooh! Has the new Pattern appeared in the reflecting pool yet? I just remembered!"
(10:53:47 PM) dkap: Zorg: "So ... well ... we could put a wall up. Of course that's not going to really help much, being that they have things analogous to artillary. Unless, of course, you can figure out a magical way to stop incoming attacks.
(10:54:05 PM) dkap: No, the pattern has not shown up there yet.
(10:54:25 PM) dkap: Zorg: "Also, why don't we come into my office, I have a nice conference room in there, with Tea, and Booze."
(10:54:54 PM) dkap: Zorg: "And, yes, before you ask, imported from House Cara."
(10:55:29 PM) Ilkndacian: Go, beer shadow!
(10:56:12 PM) Jean: "Auricle, I remember that you've done a shieldy domy thing before. But maybe we should save your stuff for Kolvir and delegate down here."
(10:56:58 PM) Auricle: "Agreed."
(10:57:10 PM) dkap: GM Reminder: During the Arrow Fling, the Ifrit had a shield as well.
(10:57:24 PM) Auricle: OOC: That was Jean, though.
(10:57:42 PM) dkap: Jean was there, so were the Jager and Auricle.
(10:58:09 PM) Jean: the ifrit broke, though.
(10:58:10 PM) Ilkndacian: Just warn me before putting up any Pattern-shields so I can minimize the amount of combustion in the vicinity.
(10:58:36 PM) Auricle: "Going to your office sounds fine."
(10:59:07 PM) Auricle: (OOC: Is Ilk actually here, or jacked in through the Gargoyle?)
(10:59:39 PM) dkap: Ilk is here, he was hanging out here when you went walkies.
(10:59:42 PM) dkap: You returned to him.
(10:59:46 PM) Ilkndacian: (good question - ilk has tendrils on/through enough people that it could be either way)
(10:59:57 PM) Jean: here in a bodiless sense, no doubt
(11:01:07 PM) Auricle: To ilk: "I'll try to remember. Although you're hard not to notice."
(11:01:22 PM) Jean: ooc: this jean appears to be a third, naked, primal jean
(11:01:42 PM) Jean: (with a few hot chocolate dribs and drabs around his person)
(11:02:25 PM) Ilkndacian: "At least for you - most people aren't quite that perceptive."
(11:03:47 PM) Auricle: "Well, I rather doubt it's hard for you to avoid noticing me around, either."
(11:04:24 PM) Ilkndacian: "True enough."
(11:05:50 PM) dkap: In the conference room ... there is, set out, a hand of solitare, with trump cards.
(11:06:39 PM) dkap: There are charts of the current city up on the walls, and some secondary charts containing possible future setups also on the walls.
(11:06:55 PM) dkap: There is a nice solid table in the center of the room, with a diorama of the current city on it.
(11:07:13 PM) dkap: There is a side-board with various food-stuff on it.
(11:07:18 PM) dkap: And drink.
(11:07:52 PM) dkap: There are no extraneous powers in the room.
(11:08:48 PM) Auricle: No killer robots?
(11:08:59 PM) dkap: No killer robots.
(11:09:08 PM) Ilkndacian: Look around for unexpected powers or influences, extra souls, etc.
(11:10:09 PM) dkap: There is, however, one wall, hung on which is an interesting collection of (clean, use-worthy) weapons on it, worn enough to have been used by a familiar wielder, and yet, sharp, clean, or what have you to let you know that they are, indeed, ready for use at the drop of a hat. Any hat.
(11:10:48 PM) Auricle: The Jaegers would be displeased with dropping hats.
(11:10:57 PM) dkap: Indeed.
(11:11:51 PM) Auricle: Is the solitare a winning or losing hand?
(11:12:14 PM) dkap: All the cards are trumps, it's hard to tell.
(11:13:12 PM) Auricle: On a guess?
(11:13:18 PM) dkap: No clue.
(11:13:26 PM) dkap: You have no idea how it would even be scored.
(11:13:54 PM) dkap: And, you don't recognize any of the trumps, except for Flora's
(11:14:06 PM) dkap: Zorg: "Would anyone like a dry martini?"
(11:14:06 PM) Jean left the room (quit: Read error: No route to host).
(11:14:19 PM) Jean [] entered the room.
(11:14:24 PM) Auricle: "Are you winning or losing? And who are some of these?"
(11:14:24 PM) dkap: What did you miss?
(11:14:39 PM) Auricle: Eek.
(11:15:00 PM) dkap: Zorg: "Winning."
(11:15:01 PM) ***Jean doesn't think he missed anything, but if there was something between 'And, you don't recognize..." and "Are you..." I missed that.
(11:15:18 PM) dkap: Zorg: "Would anyone like a dry martini?"
(11:15:22 PM) dkap: is what you missed.
(11:15:55 PM) Auricle: "How can you tell?"
(11:16:02 PM) Jean: ah. Jean would decline.
(11:16:47 PM) dkap: Zorg points to the pile of stacked cards.
(11:17:03 PM) dkap: Zorg stirs his martini.
(11:18:00 PM) ***Auricle sits down at the table.
(11:18:04 PM) dkap: Some of the possible plans show things like magical walls, air force bases, based on animal and based on mechanical air force.
(11:18:38 PM) dkap: One has a comment in the corner that reads something about a house on chicken legs with a question mark.
(11:19:28 PM) dkap: Another note scrawled on a piece of paper on top of a pile reads "How can I make any death rays if they won't give me any bus bars?"
(11:19:58 PM) ***Auricle starts looking through that pile. Death rays sound fun.
(11:20:53 PM) dkap: The pile seems to be a collection of notes of someone named Niccola T.
(11:21:05 PM) Ilkndacian: Don't bother with magical walls - Cailin will wreck them without even trying. Shape the reality directly.
(11:21:24 PM) dkap: Zorg makes a note of that.
(11:21:44 PM) ***arkhonII wherever he is, scratches an itchy nose.
(11:23:02 PM) Auricle: "There's already a standing army, at least. Well, meandering and generally rowdy army. But an army."
(11:24:00 PM) dkap: GM: Where?
(11:26:02 PM) Jean: ooc: "Wherever there are Amberites, there you will find our army."
(11:26:29 PM) dkap: Do you mean the Jagers?
(11:26:40 PM) Auricle: GM: Jaegers. Not technically an army. More like a large, rowdy, mob. But they'll follow at least my instructions.
(11:29:19 PM) Auricle: (OOC: Actually, before we poor middle management types get completely into city planning, I'm beginning to fade out, and I know we're fairly close to Jean's pumpkin folks mind calling here?)
(11:29:29 PM) dkap: Zorg: "Right. So, we've got the Point and Shoot shock troops."
(11:30:40 PM) dkap: Right then... scene fades to black on the discussion of City Tactics ... light comes up, somewhere in Thelbane, It looks like the council room.
(11:31:25 PM) Auricle: Night, guys!
(11:31:37 PM) Jean: nigh!
(11:31:39 PM) Jean: t!
(11:31:52 PM) dkap: Present are Ilk, Jean, Caelin, Mouseferatu, Norton, Mandor ...
(11:31:59 PM) Auricle left the room.
(11:32:52 PM) Ilkndacian: nite
(11:34:58 PM) Jean: so, the meeting
(11:35:19 PM) dkap: Indeed.
(11:35:36 PM) Caelin: Meeting.
(11:37:57 PM) dkap: Sorry, food arrived.
(11:38:06 PM) dkap: Right ... Let's see, who else had arrived there?
(11:38:09 PM) Caelin: I was wondering if that was the doorbell.
(11:38:21 PM) dkap: The archivist, Natasha.
(11:42:36 PM) dkap: Who else? Does anyone remember?
(11:42:59 PM) Jean: not I
(11:43:05 PM) Ilkndacian: noep
(11:43:06 PM) Caelin: Hrm...we lost quite a bit of the entourage once we retrieved Random(s)
(11:43:16 PM) Caelin: Likely no more than that.
(11:44:16 PM) dkap: That's 6 out of 17 houses.
(11:45:49 PM) dkap: Ilk, do you have a list of house-rankings handy anywhere?
(11:46:06 PM) Ilkndacian: Not anything even vaguely recent
(11:46:26 PM) Ilkndacian: and trechnically, ilk is there as a realms lord, not a house head
(11:47:37 PM) dkap: Indeed, but we know better.
(11:49:32 PM) dkap: So ...
(11:51:32 PM) Jean: so, we didn't call the meeting.
(11:51:49 PM) dkap: The wiki doesn't (yet) have a full list of the houses, alas.
(11:51:58 PM) Caelin: Feh...
(11:52:12 PM) dkap: The meeting is about abolishing the curfew, according to Mandor (who called it)
(11:54:30 PM) dkap: Also, about the proposal for the Dualists' guild.
(11:54:53 PM) ***Caelin pays rapt attention.
(11:55:18 PM) dkap: Duelists' guild, in fact.
(11:55:23 PM) dkap: (Sorry)
(11:55:54 PM) ***Caelin fights the urge to whisper about ending it .3 skies ago to save him the excursion to the dungeon, and wins.
(11:55:58 PM) dkap: Caelin, currently the rapt attention is being given to the soothing of Norton and MF.
(11:56:14 PM) Caelin: Indeed.
(11:56:53 PM) dkap: Sooth the ruffled whiskers, as it were.
(11:57:24 PM) Caelin: *snort*
(11:58:14 PM) Jean: okay, I fear that I am fatigued
(11:58:26 PM) Jean: Jean will vote along with Pharaban, or with Sawall.
(11:58:29 PM) Jean left the room (quit: Quit: Leaving).
(12:01:53 AM) dkap: So, do we want to continue running?
(12:02:07 AM) dkap: Or should we wait? I think we should wait, personally ...
(12:02:14 AM) Caelin: Okay. We wait.
(12:02:49 AM) dkap: Right then. Game, set, and Match.
(12:02:54 AM) Caelin left the room.
(12:03:07 AM) Ilkndacian: nite
(08:48:07 PM) dka1: Right then ...
(08:48:19 PM) dkap left the room (quit: Quit: used jmIrc).
(08:48:19 PM) Caelin: dka1?
(08:49:01 PM) You are now known as dkap
(08:49:04 PM) dkap: Better?
(08:49:11 PM) Caelin: Heh.
(08:49:14 PM) Auricle: yes
(08:49:16 PM) Auricle: :P
(08:49:19 PM) Caelin: Not necessary, but amusing.
(08:49:52 PM) dkap: Ahh ... I switched from my phone back to my computer, you see ... so ... I needed to log in, and therefore then log out.
(08:51:34 PM) dkap: But now I'm back in the saddle.
(08:52:58 PM) dkap: So ... Zorg and Random are chattering away. Historical battles and such.
(08:54:37 PM) Auricle: is listening intently
(08:55:42 PM) Cagliostro: Jean will listen, but try not to chime in
(08:56:03 PM) Auricle: is mostly concerned with whatever in the city that could be turned on Kolvir above.
(08:56:31 PM) Jean [] entered the room.
(08:56:43 PM) dkap: Hence the talk about wall-emplacements, and how to deal with incoming ariel attacks.
(08:56:59 PM) Auricle: nod
(09:00:23 PM) Auricle: Kolvir is already set to handle aerial attacks, but I want to be sure anything they do in the City I can also handle.
(09:00:33 PM) dkap: A good choice.
(09:02:08 PM) dkap: And back in the courts ... well ... Ilk will be back at some point ...
(09:04:26 PM) Auricle: At some point I would remind them we need more than just military emplacements, but also administrative buildings, etc.
(09:04:42 PM) Cagliostro: yes
(09:05:15 PM) dkap: True enough ...
(09:05:26 PM) Jean: A lot of thought needs to be given into defending against amberites, distracting amberites, and keeping amberite tension low in the city
(09:05:31 PM) dkap: Hence the Jagers interest. City clearing.
(09:05:56 PM) dkap: And any other folks that want to muck around with Amberites, like the Hated G-person.
(09:06:36 PM) Jean: well, the G-person is a problem that urban planning won't fix
(09:06:43 PM) Jean: but there will probably be a line of micro-gs
(09:07:27 PM) dkap: Micro-gs?
(09:08:12 PM) Auricle: Right, we want to sure even if there are lots of places to congregate for Amberites, but not necessarily set up as "home" and then entrench.
(09:08:41 PM) Jean: microgwens, as it were.
(09:08:51 PM) Jean: yes, what auricle said.
(09:09:16 PM) Jean: a more civilized approach than simply not building bathrooms
(09:10:41 PM) dkap: So you don't want sections of town, like Roxburry, and JP, being Corwinville and Gerardtown?
(09:11:23 PM) dkap: Each gaining loyalties, building their power base, and then, the tensions rise between them, and you have the whole Romeo and Juliet problem, all over again?
(09:12:16 PM) Auricle: No, I think that would be bad overall.
(09:12:18 PM) Jean: hm. that does sound bad.
(09:14:04 PM) dkap: Zorg is the one pointing that out, btw ...
(09:15:39 PM) Jean: yes, obviously it doesn't occur to amberites...
(09:17:11 PM) Auricle: What's the alternatives, then? We don't want a strong central palace structure, and we don't want to portion out parts of the city to various sections of the Amberites.
(09:18:05 PM) Jean: Hm.
(09:18:10 PM) dkap: Perhaps guesting houses, in various parts of the city, with a rotation through?
(09:18:51 PM) Jean: I'm not sure that a rotation will be maintained through the centuries - there's a natural tendency not to want to move your stuff.
(09:19:27 PM) Auricle: I could set up nearby shadows for the various Amberites, but that's the same problem once removed.
(09:19:51 PM) dkap: Perhaps, the staff would be responsible for the rotation?
(09:20:48 PM) Auricle: Or the Jaegers. Actually, the Jaegers would think that fun, if they were in charge of that. Plus, anything not moved would get destroyed.
(09:22:14 PM) dkap: Are you sure you want the various amberites pissed at the Jager?
(09:22:28 PM) Auricle: mmm. point. probably not.
(09:25:16 PM) Auricle: Okay, a rotating set of guest housing then.
(09:25:36 PM) Auricle: Unless...Random, have you a better idea? Being more Amberite in thought than anyone else in the room?
(09:25:56 PM) dkap: GM: Perhaps the guest housing could rotate mechanically, the houses themselves get up and walk to other locations?
(09:27:32 PM) Auricle: Oooh Programmable housing!
(09:28:03 PM) Auricle: *grabs a random piece of paper and starts drawing out blueprints*
(09:28:23 PM) dkap: Well ... why not? Take a page from the wandering players from Girl Genius?
(09:29:26 PM) ***Auricle runs out of edges of paper and starts in on the table underneath.
(09:30:18 PM) dkap: Zorg carefully, before Auricle runs out, slips the next sheet of paper under where her next line will go.
(09:33:04 PM) ***Auricle is muttering things like "voice access" "randomized movement schedules" "rearrangement of rooms" "lockout access" "automated disposal facilities"...
(09:34:06 PM) dkap: Random: Make sure noone disposes of my drums, they are ... special.
(09:34:24 PM) ***Auricle doesn't seem to hear.
(09:34:37 PM) Jean: "You know, that could work..."
(09:34:55 PM) Jean: "But if we're doing that, why just the amberite townhouses? Why not set up the whole city to reshuffle?"
(09:35:08 PM) Jean: "That could be handy in a war. If nothing else, the city could run away."
(09:35:27 PM) dkap: Zorg begins to make notes.
(09:35:57 PM) Auricle: "Anything left behind can be sent straight into Shadow, so the previous occupants need to fetch..."
(09:36:10 PM) ***Auricle continues to write.
(09:36:10 PM) dkap: Zorg looks at Auricle's scribbles for a moment, predicts where she is going to head next, and writes "Is the pattern-temple mobile?" where she will see it.
(09:36:29 PM) ***Auricle stops dead.
(09:36:31 PM) Auricle: "Whoa.
(09:36:37 PM) Auricle: "How'd that get there?"
(09:37:14 PM) dkap: Zorg: It's a valid question, if the whole city is going to be mobile ...
(09:37:34 PM) Auricle: "I'm not discussing Kolvir's defenses."
(09:38:18 PM) dkap: Zorg: "Jean suggested that the whole city could reshuffle, and might be able to run away, in case of bombardment.
(09:39:04 PM) Auricle: "Good idea!"
(09:39:59 PM) dkap: Zorg: So, we need to know if the Pattern-temple is mobile? Or do we have to presume it's a fixed point in our defending it?
(09:41:02 PM) Jean: "I don't think the city is here to defend the pattern-temple; I think the city is here to get people to concentrate on it and ignore the pattern temple."
(09:41:09 PM) Auricle: *frowns* I comprehend the need but the more people that understand Kolvir the harder it will be to keep its defenses secret and therefore harder to defend against.
(09:42:03 PM) dkap: Zorg: Well, yes, but if the city is busy reshuffling itself, and running away, and there is a fixed point, it is good strategy to take the fixed point, to proceed with your attack, so ... if it, at least doesn't seem to be a fixed point, it is probably safer.
(09:45:13 PM) Auricle: "Hmmmm."
(09:46:50 PM) Auricle: "A fair point." sighs "No, without massively restructring reality I couldn't really move Kolvir."
(09:48:01 PM) dkap: Zorg: Perhaps ... the movement here could simulate movement above. If there is no fixed reference point ...
(09:50:38 PM) Jean: "Hm. Move the army, not the target."
(09:50:55 PM) Auricle: nod to Jean. "A much preferable solution."
(09:54:30 PM) Auricle: "We can easily build the City to reshuffle at random intervals. We could even build the City to reshuffle based on Random's drumming, if desired. However, Kolvir and the Reflected Pattern are going to remain constants for the most part. "
(09:54:36 PM) Jean: "It could also be a way of dealing with obnoxious amberites. Move their townhouse to a suburb near a garbage dump."
(09:54:59 PM) Jean: "What if the reflecting pool moves? Or rotates?"
(09:55:10 PM) Auricle: "Plus their townhouses will automatically send belongings to random Shadows if they overstay."
(09:55:38 PM) Jean: "That's... interesting. Socks, especially?"
(09:55:57 PM) Auricle: "Oh, yes, socks, of course. First to go, along with hangers and forks."
(09:56:10 PM) dkap: Zorg: The sending might be a bit difficult. Perhaps, instead there are a larger number of residences than are present at any particular moment, and they rotate in and out of the Golden Circle?
(09:56:23 PM) dkap: Zorg: Or, might that be a "backpack" way into the city.
(09:56:47 PM) Auricle: "That would be too open to entering the city."
(09:57:17 PM) Jean: "Also, people could replace their houses. Probably best to keep them together, rotate them, and just move the whole city away?"
(09:57:26 PM) dkap: So you would have to build a "unused belonging attractor" ... perhaps logrus would be the better tool for that?
(09:58:17 PM) dkap: Or magic? (Caelin feels a slight disturbance in the force.)
(09:58:48 PM) ***Caelin blinks for a moment before his head people tie off the ganglion.
(09:59:00 PM) Auricle: "Or we could just send the houses entire to Shadow, and build new houses."
(10:00:29 PM) Jean: "Hm. Constant urban renewal. Wouldn't that make it hard to keep the population in the city up?"
(10:00:43 PM) dkap: One of the Randoms: "The houses could lay eggs ... that would become the new houses. And the old ones could migrate to shadow ...
(10:04:40 PM) Auricle: "Okay, I think we need some basic things decided. 1: What is the point of the City? 2: What kind of population do we want? 3: We need to make sure Deirdre can govern from here without needing to *stay* here."
(10:06:27 PM) Auricle: "What activities and events do we expect on a regular basis?"
(10:06:32 PM) dkap: Zorg: You might want to make the governmental buildings potentially migratory, but not necessarilly migratory.
(10:07:13 PM) Jean: " I think the point of the city is to be the focus of the ambition of Amberites and the hatred of its enemies."
(10:08:28 PM) dkap: Randoms: And for a place to call home.
(10:08:36 PM) dkap: Randoms: Oh, and a place for the King.
(10:09:10 PM) dkap: Randoms: We need a king, otherwise my siblings just collect armies and attack each other.
(10:09:26 PM) Auricle: "That's Deirdre's job."
(10:09:46 PM) dkap: Randoms: Right. And she needs a place to do it from.
(10:10:27 PM) Auricle: "And what is the ambition of the Amberites?"
(10:11:32 PM) dkap: Randoms: Depends on who you ask. Gerard would probably give you the best answer.
(10:12:22 PM) dkap: Randoms: Me? I don't know ... to keep amused over the long haul, to find things to love, to build beautiful memories of, and then, to have time to enjoy the memories. Oh, and to piss off Julian, but I can't do _that_ one anymore.
(10:13:11 PM) dkap: Randoms: Also, to manage to forget past mistakes. Like, umm ... sleeping with Princess Chandra by mistake.
(10:14:20 PM) Auricle: "Hmmm."
(10:14:50 PM) dkap: Randoms: Not, mind you, that it wasn't a good time. I'd never say that being with Princess Chandra isn't a good time.
(10:14:54 PM) Auricle: *blinks* "How do you sleep with someone by mistake? Do you accidently fall on them or something?"
(10:14:55 PM) dkap: Randoms: Reall.
(10:14:58 PM) dkap: Really.
(10:15:50 PM) dkap: Randoms: No. Umm ... Have you ever thought someone was someone else?
(10:16:22 PM) dkap: Randoms: And you really wanted to sleep with the someone else?
(10:16:50 PM) dkap: Randoms: So you seduced them, and, of course they said yes, because you are a Prince of Amber, after all.
(10:17:06 PM) dkap: Randoms: And then, they weren't ... umm ... exactly who you thought they were?
(10:17:18 PM) dkap: Randoms: Well ... it wasn't like that at all, but you get the drift.
(10:17:21 PM) Auricle: "I've never wanted to sleep with anyone. So I guess, no."
(10:20:16 PM) Auricle: "I begin to think a palace isn't a bad idea after all. If the city doesn't have a focal point, Kolvir will become that point."
(10:21:29 PM) dkap: Zorg: I think, if we move the city about, the most that will be the focal point will be the city entire. They might not be able to figure that the reflecting pool is also stationary. Especially if we arrange for a few others, to be scattered across the city and move with the rest of it.
(10:22:31 PM) Auricle: "And if the current pool also rotates."
(10:22:45 PM) Auricle: "Not about, mind you, but changes orientation.
(10:23:29 PM) dkap: Zorg: Indeed. That sounds very workable.
(10:24:50 PM) Auricle: "Agreed. Then, we can manage that much."
(10:25:10 PM) Auricle: "Random is also right, the Amberites will want to be able to call it 'home'."
(10:25:48 PM) Auricle: "So 'assigned' townhouses and such, that change location but otherwise remain the same, seems a reasonable compromise."
(10:26:38 PM) Jean: "And other houses will need to move, otherwise the Amberites will evict their occupants."
(10:26:46 PM) dkap: Zorg: I know that other folks who consider themselves "Citizens of Amber" have been trickling in for the last little while, setting up shops, rebuilding their lives, with some division between here and "Greater Arden". They are a proud people, and also wish to call it "home".
(10:27:35 PM) dkap: Zorg: and if only some of the city can "run away" or shift about, the rest becomes targets much too easily.
(10:27:38 PM) dkap: All should be able to.
(10:27:47 PM) dkap: Zorg: Now ... how to control it.
(10:27:59 PM) dkap: Zorg: And the rate of change.
(10:29:10 PM) Auricle: "Time is NOT my strong suit."
(10:29:44 PM) dkap: Not time, but rate.
(10:29:57 PM) dkap: Seasonal? Daily? Weekly? Yearly?
(10:30:25 PM) dkap: All at once? Gradually over time? Constantly shifting in small bits? Or scuttling about, in mad bursts of speed, every once in a while?
(10:30:57 PM) dkap: GM: Thinking about the Bazaar at Deva ...
(10:32:56 PM) Jean: "Gradually has some appeal. Less likely to run over slow children or favored housepets."
(10:33:37 PM) Auricle: "How gradually, then?"
(10:36:15 PM) Jean: "Less than all the time."
(10:36:23 PM) ***Jean thinks.
(10:37:08 PM) Jean: "Maybe so that a street will be somewhat different after a turning, so that residents can find their way home but strangers can't map out invasion routes?"
(10:37:54 PM) Auricle: OOC: Great, we're trying to create the One True Boston.
(10:38:11 PM) Caelin: Egad
(10:38:28 PM) dkap: Zorg: Perhaps ... there might be a way to increase or decrease the movement level within a particular house, but it must move, on average, the same amount a year. That way some people could have active and passive seasons, and others could be more stately about it.
(10:39:02 PM) dkap: With variances possible to be petitioned for, in both directions, and granted.
(10:40:24 PM) Auricle: "That seems reasonable...."
(10:43:22 PM) Auricle: "Petitions to go through whomever we're putting in charge of city administation.
(10:43:30 PM) Auricle: "Since I don't want to be in charge of it."
(10:43:32 PM) dkap: Zorg: Good good, and the movement randomized, so that there can be betting pools for entertainment, and the like.
(10:43:53 PM) dkap: Zorg: I believe there will be a branch of the King's Government that will deal with it.
(10:44:29 PM) Auricle: "Good."
(10:44:43 PM) dkap: Zorg: We can call it HUMD: Housing Urban and Movement Development.
(10:45:48 PM) Auricle: "We need an acronym?"
(10:46:12 PM) dkap: Zorg: Governments like acronyms. How else can they get acrimonious?
(10:46:53 PM) Auricle: "aaahhh..."
(10:47:02 PM) ***Auricle looks completely uncertain.
(10:47:53 PM) ***Jean pats Auricle on the hand. "That's why we brought in experts."
(10:47:57 PM) dkap: Zorg, in a comforting manner: "You aren't running it, don't worry about it."
(10:48:22 PM) Auricle: "We want the government to be acrimonious?"
(10:48:39 PM) dkap: Zorg sighs, "It's a government, right?"
(10:49:00 PM) Auricle: "Right."
(10:50:35 PM) dkap: Zorg: So it has every right to be bitter about being the one responsible for the city that will, inevetably be invaded by Amberites ...
(10:51:33 PM) Auricle: "Oh. Okay, that does make sense."
(10:52:42 PM) dkap: Zorg: Now, onto the next step. What do you consider your first line of defense?
(10:53:28 PM) Jean: "Denial?"
(10:53:31 PM) Auricle: "Of the City?"
(10:53:43 PM) dkap: Zorg: Are you going to set up at all similar to what used to be, with the closer-in shadows to be used and occupied for protection? Or are you going to spread out further, through the lower Golden Circle cities?
(10:54:16 PM) dkap: Zorg looks at Jean: "Denial only works if you are Caelin."
(10:54:26 PM) Auricle: "Shadow should definately be the first line of defense, and I think further out through the Lower Golden Circle cities is also a good idea.
(10:56:13 PM) dkap: Zorg: Excellent. I've begun to liaison with the network the Great Protector set up. Hopefully we will have something in place soon.
(10:57:34 PM) Auricle: "Good."
(10:58:42 PM) Auricle: "So what's the second line of defense? The city itself? With a possible "war mode" that would start the changes Jean mentioned? Streets changing rapidly, etc?
(11:00:31 PM) dkap: Once we have the prototypes built to your specification, then we can test the various possibilities.
(11:00:54 PM) Caelin: Alright. I need to fall over. It has been a long day. 'Night all.
(11:01:32 PM) Auricle: night, mike
(11:01:38 PM) Caelin left the room.
(11:01:42 PM) dkap: Zorg: Also if you include pride as a factor, you can probably have the levy of the various Golden Circle armies to protect as the second circle of defense.
(11:01:59 PM) Auricle: "Cool."
(11:03:40 PM) dkap: One of the objections to the way that the ... eherm original King ran things, was that he subjugated the Golden Circle, and therefore, they were, more oft than not, on the side of the invaders.
(11:05:18 PM) dkap: The Great Protector's work was reversing this. We may never know his True Identity, but he did good work for the Future of Amber.
(11:06:02 PM) Auricle: nods
(11:06:16 PM) Auricle: "That's good, then."
(11:06:27 PM) dkap: The GM thinks Mike had the right idea ... and thinks game should be called about now.
(11:06:43 PM) Auricle: I can handle that.
(11:07:13 PM) dkap: All in favor?
(11:07:21 PM) Auricle: Aye
(11:07:56 PM) dkap: All Opposed?
(11:08:13 PM) dkap: Going once?
(11:08:27 PM) Jean: sounds fine
(11:08:28 PM) dkap: Going Twice?
(11:08:36 PM) dkap: The motion carries for lack of opposition.
(11:08:44 PM) dkap: Good night, folks.