Conversation with #dkap_amber
(08:20:17 PM) The topic for #dkap_amber is: Game as usual.
(08:44:33 PM) dkap: Typing of shadow walking ... when last we left our investigating team, you were outside a lab, looking at food and a Deputy.
(08:45:19 PM) Cagliostro: yep
(08:46:21 PM) Auricle: yes
(08:46:39 PM) Auricle: Food which needs to be vivisected. Or disected. To find out which verb is correct.
(08:48:19 PM) dkap: Indeed.
(08:48:33 PM) dkap: And a space that the Jager needed to move out of, so he, too, did not become food.
(08:48:44 PM) Auricle: I already ordered that part.
(08:49:07 PM) dkap: Right ... good good.
(08:50:09 PM) Auricle: "We need to get that man into a Lab. I need to find out what's wrong with him."
(08:50:31 PM) Cagliostro: "There's a lab."
(08:50:35 PM) Cagliostro is now known as Jean
(08:51:09 PM) Auricle: "There's lots of labs at the moment."
(08:53:06 PM) Auricle: How many labs are there, actually, at the moment?
(08:54:24 PM) dkap: Well ... you are right outside the only active lab in question.
(08:55:30 PM) Auricle: heck, I want to know what's going on in there anyways. Open the door.
(08:56:05 PM) dkap: What are you doing about the Deputy that seems to be upset about Ed in the first place?
(08:56:31 PM) Auricle: Not much at the moment, he's pretty distracted.
(08:57:29 PM) dkap: Yes, but he, and Ed are, indeed, in front of where the door will open.
(08:57:56 PM) Auricle: "Deputy, you need to move."
(08:59:40 PM) dkap: Deputy: "Bu-bu-but ED!"
(09:00:43 PM) Auricle: "That's why you need to move. I need to figure out what's wrong with Ed."
(09:01:33 PM) dkap: Deputy: "Get EMS!"
(09:01:53 PM) ***Auricle sighs.
(09:02:03 PM) Auricle: "What's an EMS?"
(09:02:40 PM) dkap: Deputy: "Emergency Medical Service."
(09:03:02 PM) Auricle: "Well, then, go get them."
(09:03:37 PM) dkap: Deputy: "I can't leave my post."
(09:04:14 PM) ***Jean sighs
(09:04:19 PM) Auricle: "Look, Ed's DYING, and I'm new here, I've no idea how to find EMS! You go get them, I'll watch the door for you, and I won't let anyone in."
(09:04:19 PM) dkap: Deputy: "You go get them!"
(09:04:29 PM) Jean: "You know, there's something weird and shiny around Ed. You can see it if you stand here."
(09:04:43 PM) dkap: Deputy: "What? What?"
(09:04:47 PM) ***Jean indicates the spot the jager stepped away from.
(09:05:55 PM) dkap: Deputy, standing in that spot: "I don't see it?"
(09:06:19 PM) ***Jean sighs again.
(09:06:44 PM) Jean: gm: summon the Wolf
(09:06:53 PM) Jean: and have Fenris get him out of our way
(09:06:58 PM) dkap: Deputy: "Aaaaaa...."
(09:07:05 PM) dkap: Wolf: "Gulp, Burp"
(09:07:10 PM) dkap: Problem solved.
(09:07:16 PM) Auricle: "Or....that works."
(09:07:44 PM) Auricle: I pound on the door to the Lab again.
(09:07:58 PM) dkap: No response.
(09:08:13 PM) Auricle: What's the door look like?
(09:08:36 PM) dkap: A single door, opening outward, with a key-card-based lock.
(09:09:41 PM) Jean: does the food have a keycard?
(09:09:55 PM) Jean: and is there enough left of the deputy to search?
(09:10:25 PM) dkap: Not enough for the deputy to search ... Fenris Hungry.
(09:10:41 PM) dkap: And Ed has lots of things in his pockets, but nothing that seems to activate the lock.
(09:11:11 PM) Jean: anything that would make the lock and or the door go away?
(09:11:17 PM) Jean: and does Ilk have a Knock spell?
(09:11:22 PM) Jean: it seems like something he would rack.
(09:11:35 PM) dkap: Ilk doesn't really worry about doors.
(09:11:42 PM) Auricle: Can the Gargoyle identify what the door would scan for?
(09:11:47 PM) dkap: Yes.
(09:11:48 PM) Jean: hm. fair point.
(09:12:09 PM) Auricle: turn my hand into a key card using the data from the Gargoyle.
(09:12:22 PM) dkap: Door opens.
(09:12:44 PM) dkap: Lots of machinery. Some of it humming, some of it drawing power, and others of it just sitting there.
(09:12:51 PM) dkap: There is nothing non-mechanical moving in the room.
(09:12:59 PM) Auricle: No person?
(09:13:04 PM) Auricle: Gargoyle, life signs?
(09:13:06 PM) dkap: There are 11 bodies lying in various poses, and not moving.
(09:13:19 PM) dkap: Gargoyle lights up all the bodies with life-signs.
(09:13:19 PM) Auricle: Ooooh, creepy.
(09:13:28 PM) Auricle: Oooh, even creepier.
(09:13:45 PM) Auricle: "Hey Jagers, are they food too?"
(09:14:31 PM) dkap: Jager: *Sniff sniff* "Yep, food."
(09:14:47 PM) Auricle: "Nifty, they have life signs, but are all food."
(09:15:13 PM) Auricle: Gargoyle, any energy emenations having an effect on us now that the door is open?
(09:15:35 PM) Auricle: "Jean, can you tell what all the equipment is supposed to do?"
(09:15:41 PM) Jean: hm.
(09:15:52 PM) Jean: is the machinery available on the unalive spectrum?
(09:15:56 PM) Auricle: "Before I start playing around with dials. Just in case."
(09:16:23 PM) ***Jean concentrates.
(09:16:25 PM) dkap: Not complex enough. The individual parts, maybe, but not the machinery as a whole.
(09:16:39 PM) Jean: are there any parts I can get in touch with quickly?
(09:16:44 PM) dkap: Yes, the emenations are effecting you.
(09:17:07 PM) dkap: Sure ... any or all of them, but the are basically seperate pieces.
(09:17:29 PM) Jean: Well, if I can make friends with them, I can try to convince them to stop.
(09:17:32 PM) Jean: "Nope, no idea."
(09:17:44 PM) Auricle: What effect is the stuff having?
(09:17:45 PM) dkap: True.
(09:17:53 PM) dkap: You have no idea what the effect is.
(09:18:00 PM) Auricle: "Well, whatever this is, it's affecting us, too.
(09:18:31 PM) dkap: Power sources would be probably the best place to bud into first.
(09:18:46 PM) Auricle: Gargoyle, describe the effect please?
(09:19:01 PM) Jean: I'm not budding yet, I just want to make friends.
(09:20:17 PM) dkap: Gargoyle: "Energy, similar to that spot outside the room, in a varying field across this room, in a general pattern focusing on the area in front of the equipment.
(09:20:57 PM) Auricle: Gargoyle: Can you determine the purpose? Is it just a giant killing machine? Let me see the pattern it's creating.
(09:21:27 PM) dkap: Gargoyle: "It seems to be a side effect, being that the full power draw is not yet activated."
(09:22:35 PM) Auricle: Gargoyle: You mean it will stop killing once it's fully powered?
(09:23:27 PM) dkap: Gargoyle: "Not necessarily."
(09:25:30 PM) Auricle: Gargoyle: How long before it kills us if we remain in the field?
(09:26:13 PM) dkap: Gargoyle: "Uncertain data. Not sure that the others are dead, they show life-signs."
(09:29:43 PM) Auricle: "Kay, Gargoyle says this is possibly killing... or suspending animation, I suppose, is a better term -- well, everyone in contact with the energy field including us. No data on how long it takes. And, since it affects us, we should go...make it stop."
(09:30:09 PM) Auricle: "Well, stopping it is my opinion, anyways."
(09:30:43 PM) Jean: "Sure."
(09:31:23 PM) Auricle: Can I get a display where the fields are weaker?
(09:31:52 PM) dkap: Yes.
(09:32:09 PM) dkap: It's in circles, emenating from some of the antennas.
(09:32:19 PM) dkap: Overlaying and building on each other.
(09:32:29 PM) Auricle: "Okay, follow me, I'm trying to stay where fields are weaker, I'll tell you if you wander too far into something more powerful."
(09:32:35 PM) dkap: The "beam" coming out of the back of the lab is stronger than the one that was by the door.
(09:33:04 PM) dkap: And the one going mostly up is even stronger.
(09:33:38 PM) Auricle: go on into the room, sticking to the weaker places, and start trying to figure out how to shut down the equipment. And see if I can figure out what it's supposed to do at the same time.
(09:34:05 PM) Auricle: Have the gargoyle direct folks so they stay out of the overlapped areas where the field is stronger.
(09:34:28 PM) dkap: No idea what it is supposed to do, and no one in a state where they can enlighten you.
(09:35:06 PM) dkap: Power leads are easy to trace though (that's what brought you to this lab in the first place.
(09:35:22 PM) dkap: And Chef D's eyes have got that feverish "Tool!" look to them.
(09:36:09 PM) Auricle: We so love Chef D.
(09:36:30 PM) Auricle: Well, then, since I can't figure out what it does, just start shutting it down.
(09:36:59 PM) dkap: Looking for switches, or just stopping or diverting the power leads?
(09:37:22 PM) Auricle: Stop or divert the power leads.
(09:37:38 PM) Auricle: Unless there's a clearly marked "OFF" switch.
(09:37:58 PM) dkap: Right. Doable, some of the equipment stops humming, other equipment stops emitting ... whatever it is that it is emitting, and the fields begin to dissapate.
(09:38:10 PM) Auricle: Excellent.
(09:38:20 PM) dkap: They don't instantly disappear when the power is shut down, but ... they do start diminishing immediately.
(09:39:14 PM) Auricle: "Oh good, field strength diminishing."
(09:39:36 PM) Jean: "Yay?"
(09:39:47 PM) Auricle: upwards, the beam that was up, is it going outside? through solid ceiling?
(09:39:59 PM) Auricle: "Well, *we're* not going to end up as food, so yay."
(09:40:58 PM) dkap: Yep,
(09:41:10 PM) dkap: And the ones going out are going through solid doors, walls, and what-have you.
(09:41:45 PM) Auricle: "Either someone purposefully wanted those beams going through the walls and ceiling, or someone should not be allowed to play in a lab."
(09:42:04 PM) Auricle: start investigating the food on the floor, anyone look like they could be in charge?
(09:42:20 PM) Jean: "Don't forget 'both'."
(09:43:13 PM) dkap: A few are in lab coats, most dressed like the students in the hallways.
(09:44:12 PM) dkap: The two closes to the machinery are wearing eye-protecting goggles.
(09:45:11 PM) dkap: None of them, once no longer exposed to the energies, start moving or doing anything again.
(09:45:28 PM) Jean: pick one. is he buddable after the energy is down?
(09:45:29 PM) Auricle: Do they still have life signs?
(09:45:36 PM) Jean: (he, she,'s jean)
(09:45:37 PM) dkap: Yes.
(09:45:49 PM) dkap: Nothing to bud into. He's just meat.
(09:45:58 PM) ***Jean hms.
(09:46:03 PM) Auricle: "Hmm?"
(09:46:16 PM) Auricle: "They still register life signs."
(09:46:19 PM) Jean: "There's no 'there' there, even with it down."
(09:46:34 PM) Auricle: "This is so totally WEIRD."
(09:47:08 PM) dkap: Chef D has stepped forward, and has picked up a piece of the machinery, and starts ... well ... adjusting it.
(09:47:20 PM) Auricle: I know this is a real place. How real is it? Kolvir level real? Amber? Golden Circle? Shadow someone's been living in waaaaay too long?
(09:47:37 PM) Auricle: And how real is the food on the floor?
(09:47:41 PM) dkap: Muttering under his breath about field resonations.
(09:47:55 PM) dkap: Promentory real.
(09:48:14 PM) Auricle: Given the beams, would any have travelled the shadow-path?
(09:48:16 PM) dkap: But not Kolvir-level promentory. Not a big one, just a little piece of fruit. Perhaps a grape.
(09:48:29 PM) dkap: You doubt it, but it is possible.
(09:48:53 PM) dkap: It probably didn't even cross this shadow, much less become cross-shadow-capable.
(09:48:59 PM) Auricle: What's the most-real place in this place?
(09:49:39 PM) dkap: It's all pretty real. Nothing in particular obviously stands out.
(09:50:20 PM) Auricle: "Gyah."
(09:50:43 PM) Auricle: "Why would someone want to build this...this...whatever it is and turn it on without realizing what it would do to themselves??"
(09:50:53 PM) ***Jean considers.
(09:51:03 PM) Jean: "Suicide, sabotage, or stupidity?"
(09:51:17 PM) dkap: Chef D: "Side effect?"
(09:51:22 PM) Auricle: start poking around the machinary, trying to trace the creative flow of how it was built to get an idea of what the actual purpose was.
(09:51:52 PM) ***Jean acknowledges D's point.
(09:51:56 PM) dkap: Well ... it was built by a group, that is obvious.
(09:52:05 PM) Auricle: "Stupidity, probably. I mean, I may be absentminded, but I've never accidently put myself into suspended animation.
(09:52:12 PM) dkap: They seemed to have a common goal, but what that goal was, is not so obvious.
(09:52:33 PM) dkap: Also, being that some things are better crafted than others, there might have been dissent in how to bring about whatever they were trying to bring about.
(09:52:40 PM) Jean: "I've done it intentionally. Special case, though."
(09:53:00 PM) Jean: (schism ;)
(09:53:30 PM) Auricle: "Hey Jean, do any of the lab people have name tags or pockets with notes in them or...what the heck is this piece supposed to do? know, stuff?"
(09:53:50 PM) Jean: sort any blue dots into a pile for Auricle
(09:54:21 PM) dkap: Well ... not much blue on the people, but there are blue dots all over the lab, some etched into the equipment even.
(09:55:02 PM) Jean: not even in pockets? hm.
(09:55:23 PM) Jean: look through for some concentrated amount of blue. journal, rant, 'how I did it' collage, etc.
(09:56:12 PM) dkap: Bits and pieces, here and there.
(09:56:16 PM) Auricle: "Hey, D, I think this piece needs to be over where what you're working on is..."
(09:56:56 PM) Jean: hm.
(09:56:58 PM) dkap: Chef D: "Hrm ... yes, that would work."
(09:57:08 PM) Jean: "Hey, isn't it suspicious that there's no blue, I mean, writing?"
(09:57:16 PM) dkap: Chef D: "And that would balance the field emenations ..."
(09:57:39 PM) Auricle: "Which might mean this thing could do what it's supposed to do without putting us into food status...."
(09:57:42 PM) dkap: Chef D reaches for a power-coupling that you decoupled earlier to test his repairs.
(09:58:04 PM) Auricle: "Although I still can't figure out what it's supposed to do."
(09:58:42 PM) dkap: Chef D: "Whatever it is supposed to do, it should do it, now ..."
(09:58:58 PM) ***Auricle says to Jean, "Well, I don't keep written they have datapads or anything?"
(09:59:09 PM) Auricle: "Hold on, D, I want to see if they have notes on what it does.
(09:59:12 PM) dkap: Chef D hooks up power to the bit he is working on.
(09:59:21 PM) dkap: Chef D: "What?"
(09:59:27 PM) Auricle: "Or not."
(09:59:51 PM) Jean: gm: anything unalive that feels like it stores information?
(09:59:55 PM) dkap: There is a loud crackling noise, a pop, and then there is a rapidly widening breach in the celing.
(10:00:08 PM) Auricle: "Woaah. Cool."
(10:00:19 PM) ***Auricle is immediately distracted by the ceiling.
(10:00:45 PM) dkap: Chef D: "See? It was intended to point up, not sideways, by overlapping the field-effects properly, you get full output upward, and the effect rises.
(10:01:12 PM) dkap: Chef D: "Amatures should not be allowed near equipment. *sigh*"
(10:01:27 PM) Jean: "So... who lives up there?"
(10:01:34 PM) dkap: The ceiling is rapidly disintegrating.
(10:02:30 PM) Auricle: "A disintegrator ray!"
(10:02:34 PM) dkap: Along with the upper floors.
(10:02:43 PM) ***Auricle frowns.
(10:02:51 PM) dkap: And that's only with partial power hooked up.
(10:02:59 PM) Auricle: Gargoyle: Could this affect Amberites? Or say, Kolvir?
(10:03:20 PM) dkap: Gargoyle: "High probability of likelyhood."
(10:03:35 PM) Auricle: "Shut it down. Now."
(10:03:53 PM) dkap: Chef D blinks a moment, and kills the power feed.
(10:04:03 PM) dkap: The disintegration stops.
(10:04:18 PM) dkap: The residual fields start dying down.
(10:04:23 PM) Auricle: "This could be dangerous to Kolvir. Assuming it could be moved from here to there, or this miniaturized, or something."
(10:04:36 PM) Auricle: "Jagers, eat the food, you have my permission."
(10:05:18 PM) dkap: Jagers high-5 each other, and turn to the banquet before them.
(10:05:44 PM) Auricle: Yay eating the people who made the thing, there goes your chance to remake it. Hee.
(10:05:56 PM) Auricle: "Let's destroy it."
(10:06:26 PM) dkap: Chef D: "But ... it's such an interesting possibility!"
(10:06:49 PM) dkap: Chef D: "Research is always important."
(10:06:58 PM) ***Auricle taps him on the forehead. "And we can recreate one of our own if we really want. But I don't want one in someone else's hands."
(10:07:11 PM) dkap: Chef D: "Besides, I don't know if that was the intended effect or not, yet."
(10:07:33 PM) dkap: Chef D: "Oh ... right. I've seen it, I can recreate it."
(10:07:40 PM) Auricle: "Exactly!"
(10:07:58 PM) Auricle: "But it'll be OUR disintegrator-ray-thingummy."
(10:08:06 PM) dkap: Chef D: "Of course."
(10:08:26 PM) Auricle: start pulling apart the machinery.
(10:08:40 PM) dkap: Chef D rummages through his pockets, pulls out a few things, reconnects a few connections, and then, reconnects the power.
(10:08:57 PM) dkap: There is a rumbling noise, and then large parts of the machinery start disintegrating.
(10:09:52 PM) Auricle: jump back.
(10:09:55 PM) Auricle: "Niiiiice."
(10:10:32 PM) dkap: Chef D: "I set the field limitation to re-adjust to itself, it should be in a feedback loop about ... 3 ... 2 ...
(10:10:40 PM) dkap: Chef D: " ... 1 ...."
(10:10:51 PM) dkap: Chef D: "Umm ... duck?"
(10:10:58 PM) ***Jean shields
(10:11:09 PM) dkap: Machinery: "Krackathoom! Splatter."
(10:11:12 PM) Jean: (and ducks)
(10:11:16 PM) ***Auricle shields
(10:11:17 PM) dkap: Jean's shield catches it all.
(10:11:42 PM) ***Auricle can't type as fast as Jean. :)
(10:12:06 PM) dkap: Indeed.
(10:12:08 PM) dkap: *grin*
(10:12:31 PM) dkap: Chef D: "That was ... umm ... more spectacular than I expected."
(10:12:33 PM) ***Auricle claps. "Well done!"
(10:12:48 PM) dkap: There are siren noises approaching.
(10:12:59 PM) dkap: And crumbling noises from the structure around you.
(10:13:09 PM) Auricle: "Oooh, a cue to leave!"
(10:13:15 PM) dkap: And pinging noises from the metal cooling back down after the explosion.
(10:13:25 PM) Auricle: Still a hole in the ceiling?
(10:13:35 PM) Auricle: flight seems a good option...
(10:14:05 PM) Jean: "So... was that what we were following?"
(10:14:16 PM) dkap: Yep, larger than it was, apparently the machinery took out more than was just disintegrated, when it blew.
(10:14:44 PM) dkap: And you could put Chef D on the horse, because you already know he flies ...
(10:14:53 PM) Auricle: "Hunh? Following?"
(10:16:09 PM) dkap: Gargoyle: "Following to a lab to get information. Perhaps, labs are not the best source of local information?"
(10:16:28 PM) Auricle: "Right. Maybe not. But fun."
(10:17:08 PM) dkap: Gargoyle: "Noted."
(10:17:38 PM) Auricle: "we were following a shadowpath, Jean, that someone is making, that leads here."
(10:17:40 PM) dkap: Door bursts in. People wearing the uniform of the Deputy and Ed, the dead.
(10:17:58 PM) Auricle: "Well, not here, you know,"
(10:18:02 PM) dkap: Jager look up from their banquet.
(10:18:36 PM) dkap: And move between the hostile bursty-in folks and Auricle, Jean, Chef D and Horse.
(10:18:41 PM) dkap: Bringing their food with them.
(10:18:48 PM) dkap: Guns are drawn.
(10:19:30 PM) ***Auricle isn't sure she ever actually dropped the pattern-shield..
(10:19:32 PM) ***Jean looks at Auricle, and shrugs.
(10:19:37 PM) Jean: "Take us to your leader?"
(10:20:01 PM) Auricle: OOC: OMG, ROFL
(10:21:09 PM) dkap: Fat Jager, still gnawing on a ham of one of the food-lab folks: "Vant shom? Ve share goot."
(10:22:03 PM) dkap: One of the uniformed individuals not on the front line: "Take them DOWN!"
(10:22:18 PM) dkap: Lots of gun fire, none of which penetrates Jean's (or Auricle's) shielding.
(10:22:41 PM) Jean: to Auricle: "This is a good sign. Throwing small bits of metal is a greeting in some cultures."
(10:22:52 PM) Auricle: "Really? I didn't know that.
(10:23:02 PM) ***Jean nods. "Ilk taught me that."
(10:23:04 PM) dkap: Chef D: "Really? Should we greet them back?"
(10:23:07 PM) Auricle: "Should we be keeping it, then?"
(10:23:13 PM) ***Jean frowns.
(10:23:33 PM) Jean: "I don't know how it works, but we greeted them first, so we should wait until they reach a stopping point."
(10:23:50 PM) Auricle: "All right. You're better with people than I am."
(10:24:19 PM) Auricle: for varying degrees and definations of "better"
(10:24:24 PM) dkap: Same voice from the non-front line of the uniformed individuals: "Fall back, regroup, and reload."
(10:24:44 PM) Jean: "We have a leader."
(10:24:50 PM) dkap: They start moving back through the doorway.
(10:24:53 PM) Jean: gm: go and find the talky guy.
(10:25:05 PM) Auricle: "Oh, they'
(10:25:14 PM) Auricle: "Oh they're leaving, did we mess this up?"
(10:25:18 PM) dkap: Jager: "Gut. I'z got him."
(10:25:24 PM) Jean: "Well, we found out who's in charge."
(10:25:27 PM) Jean: "That's progress."
(10:25:39 PM) dkap: The Jager leaps, grabs the orders-giving guy, and leaps again, bringing him to Jean.
(10:25:44 PM) Auricle: "All right, let's talk to him then."
(10:25:53 PM) Auricle: "Oh! Well done."
(10:25:55 PM) dkap: Jager: "Dot iz him."
(10:26:03 PM) Jean: to the Jager: "Thanks."
(10:26:17 PM) dkap: Jager: "Ja" and goes back to his munching.
(10:26:18 PM) Jean: to the guy: "We greet you, talky person who sends flying bits of metal."
(10:27:45 PM) ***Auricle normally thought people shooting at her was a BAD thing, but Jean seems to have a handle on this, so.
(10:27:50 PM) dkap: Talky person over his shoulder: "Cease FiRE!" and back to you "Umm ... er ... Hi?"
(10:27:57 PM) Auricle: "Hi!"
(10:28:54 PM) dkap: Talky person: "Umm ... thank you for accepting our greeting."
(10:29:21 PM) Jean: "You are welcome."
(10:29:36 PM) Jean: to Auricle: "So.... what information were we looking for, again?"
(10:29:51 PM) dkap: Talky person: "Might I ask what you are doing here, and why ... those (with a disgusted tone in his voice, and a dismissive wave toward the Jager) are eating people?"
(10:30:11 PM) Auricle: "Who's in charge of Not necessarily the school, the whole place."
(10:30:42 PM) dkap: Talky person: "Well, I guess the Deputy Mayor, since the Mayor was assassinated."
(10:30:47 PM) Jean: "We stopped a poorly configured machine from zapping people, and they" indicating Jagers " are cleaning up."
(10:31:12 PM) Auricle: to the talky man: "The Jager are eating the people who built the machine that was destroying, well, everything." gestures at the chaos and broken stuff all around.
(10:33:05 PM) dkap: Talky person: "Umm ... OK ... I guess. Umm ... how did you ... umm ... accept our greeting?
(10:34:37 PM) ***Auricle looks at Jean.
(10:35:03 PM) Jean: "In the spirit of comradeship."
(10:35:13 PM) Auricle: "And it was very pretty."
(10:36:58 PM) Jean: "Where can we find the deputy mayor?"
(10:37:05 PM) dkap: Talky person: "Well ... let me greet you personally ... " whips out a hand-gun, and shoots Jean.
(10:37:21 PM) dkap: Jean, that hurt.
(10:38:20 PM) Jean: "Let me return your greeting."
(10:38:25 PM) ***Auricle starts shapeshifting into something bulletproof.
(10:38:28 PM) Jean: Shake his hand. Squeeze hard.
(10:38:47 PM) dkap: How hard? Crunch bones? Liquify bones?
(10:39:07 PM) Auricle: "You know, Jean, I know Ilk said that throwing metal was a greeting, but I really don't think these people are trying to be friendly."
(10:39:09 PM) Jean: rough equivalent in hurtitude, as filtered through a peevish five-year old
(10:39:25 PM) dkap: Liquify the bones then.
(10:39:55 PM) Jean: "Well, it may just be that we're approaching this wrong. We're definitely talking to them my way, not Ik's."
(10:39:57 PM) dkap: He screams and passes out.
(10:40:09 PM) Auricle: Gargoyle: Does the local communication networks have an address for the mayor or deputy mayor?
(10:40:19 PM) dkap: Gargoyle: Will search.
(10:41:08 PM) Auricle: "No, I'm pretty sure in societies this high tech throwing metal is the trying to kill you side. I will admit I could be wrong, but...well, that's how it was in my old Shadows. Then again, no one would dare shoot at me there, so..."
(10:42:06 PM) Jean: "Hm."
(10:42:08 PM) dkap: Jager: "Ju broked dat vun. Ju vant odder?"
(10:42:13 PM) Jean: "I'll have to ask Ilk."
(10:42:21 PM) Jean: "No, let's try this Ilk's way."
(10:42:25 PM) Auricle: "Indeed."
(10:42:27 PM) ***Jean turns to the crowd.
(10:42:30 PM) Jean: "Who's in charge here?"
(10:43:50 PM) dkap: No one responded.
(10:44:08 PM) ***Jean huhs.
(10:44:10 PM) Auricle: Is anyone actually left here?
(10:44:15 PM) Auricle: Or did they run in terror?
(10:44:21 PM) Jean: "This never happens to Ilk. Someone always responds to him."
(10:44:35 PM) Auricle: "Who's in charge here?"
(10:44:42 PM) Auricle: will give it a try.
(10:44:55 PM) dkap: They are back through the doors, and have stopped shooting.
(10:46:03 PM) dkap: But they haven't responded, nor have resumed their "greetings"
(10:46:28 PM) ***Auricle looks miffed. "Dammit, I'm at least as important as Ilk."
(10:47:33 PM) ***Auricle starts heading towards the door.
(10:47:52 PM) ***Jean follows, explaining "I think we what we do now is start killing them until they respond to us."
(10:47:56 PM) dkap: They start shooting at you, once you approace.
(10:48:15 PM) Auricle: "Hello? anyone with brains? The shooting, it isn't really working, haven't you noticed?"
(10:49:05 PM) Jean: "Man, this is just like the arrow place."
(10:49:16 PM) Auricle: "So, kindly stop with the flying metal and find me someone in charge who has a BRAIN, before I get upset."
(10:49:19 PM) Jean: "Can the Jager fetch us a candidate for questioning?"
(10:49:33 PM) dkap: They have not stopped shooting, but ... they are much more ragged about it.
(10:50:00 PM) ***Auricle folds arms over chest and taps her foot.
(10:50:59 PM) dkap: Jager jump over the head of Auricle, grab one apparently randomly, knocks the gun out of his hands, and then jumps back with the nice man in blue.
(10:51:18 PM) Jean: "Who's in charge here?"
(10:51:51 PM) ***Auricle is beginning to glare at the blue men with flying metal.
(10:51:54 PM) dkap: The man stutters, and reaches for his side-arm, at which point the Jager wrenches off his arm.
(10:52:10 PM) dkap: Jager: "Voops. Dey broked easy."
(10:52:26 PM) ***Jean is sympathetic. "It's a learning experience for all of us."
(10:52:43 PM) dkap: Jager: "I'z geted ju anodder."
(10:52:50 PM) dkap: And does the jumping thing again.
(10:53:34 PM) dkap: This time they shoot at the Jager when he lands, and end up shooting much of their own, apparently in panic.
(10:54:10 PM) dkap: Many of them go down. The Jager grabs one who has not, and jumps back.
(10:54:33 PM) ***Auricle sighs.
(10:54:35 PM) dkap: Jager: "Ja, try dis vun."
(10:54:53 PM) Auricle: "This entire place is full of stupid people."
(10:55:47 PM) Jean: "Who is in charge here?"
(10:56:09 PM) dkap: New blue man: "Umm ... not me. Really.
(10:56:19 PM) Auricle: "Well, then, who is?"
(10:56:31 PM) Auricle: "Surely SOMEONE must be."
(10:56:33 PM) dkap: New blue man: "I'll take you to our leader."
(10:57:07 PM) ***Jean chirps "Thanks!"
(10:57:15 PM) Auricle: "Finally."
(10:57:27 PM) ***Auricle gestures for the blue man to lead on.
(10:57:45 PM) dkap: He guestures forward.
(10:57:53 PM) dkap: Through the other blue uniformed men.
(10:58:14 PM) Auricle: shrug, we're shielded, walk forward through the blue men.
(10:58:56 PM) dkap: You walk through them.
(10:59:10 PM) dkap: Some of them get off a shot or two, but nothing else.
(11:00:19 PM) dkap: There is a bit of a walk, then he guestures you through a barred door.
(11:00:51 PM) Auricle: stop.
(11:01:14 PM) Auricle: Big building, lots of barred rooms?
(11:01:16 PM) dkap: New blue man: "No, no, through there.
(11:01:38 PM) dkap: Yes, big building, lots of barred rooms.
(11:01:51 PM) Auricle: "Like I said, everyone here is stupid."
(11:02:03 PM) Auricle: "Do you think I don't know what a jail looks like?"
(11:02:35 PM) Auricle: turn around and walk back away from the jail-dentention area. There must be offices, someone in charge will be in those.
(11:02:50 PM) dkap: New blue man: "It's not a jail, it's the safest building, where we can keep the Deputy Mayor safe.
(11:03:23 PM) Auricle: "Yeah, right, you put your deputy mayor in a cell? I doubt it."
(11:03:49 PM) Auricle: keep walking and looking for offices.
(11:04:00 PM) dkap: New Blue man: "No really. Send one of your beasts in there to check, if you don't believe me."
(11:04:24 PM) dkap: The offices are all emptied, and barracaded.
(11:04:58 PM) dkap: Defenses pointing outside the building.