Conversation with #dkap_amber

Conversation with #dkap_amber on Tue 18 Aug 2008 08:05:02 PM EDT:
(08:06:15 PM) dkap has changed the topic to: Game as usual tonight.
(08:06:19 PM) current topic is: Game as usual tonight.
(08:06:28 PM) Auricle: That's a gm
(08:06:39 PM) dkap: It is. GM Sign is here.
(08:06:50 PM) Cagliostro: woo
(08:07:01 PM) Cagliostro: explains the sandworms.
(08:07:20 PM) dkap: Yummy, yummy sandworms.
(08:07:32 PM) dkap: My are my eyes are blue.
(08:08:22 PM) Cagliostro: in the books the spice is blue too.
(08:08:40 PM) dkap: Hrm ... really?
(08:08:47 PM) Cagliostro: btw, there is a serial-numbers-mildly-altered game called "Burning Sands: Jihad", which is Dune role-playing.
(08:08:48 PM) dkap: I seem to remember that it was brownish in nature.
(08:09:05 PM) Auricle: I don't recall offhand
(08:09:09 PM) Cagliostro: I believe it's blue, which explaisn the eyes. But it's been a while since I cared to check.
(08:09:26 PM) Auricle: All my books are in the bedroom.
(08:09:38 PM) dkap: Mine are up on the third floor, not worth the stairs.
(08:10:37 PM) dkap: in Dune Messiah when he notes that Guild Navigator Edric "swam in a container of orange gas ... His tank's vents emitted a pale orange cloud rich with the smell of the geriatric spice, melange."
(08:10:41 PM) Auricle: I'm sure the internets could tell us.
(08:11:03 PM) dkap: in God Emperor of Dune when the character Moneo notes, "Great bins of melange lay all around in a gigantic room cut from native rock and illuminated by glowglobes of an ancient design with arabesques of metal scrollwork upon them. The spice had glowed radiant blue in the dim silver light. And the smell — bitter cinnamon, unmistakable."
(08:11:38 PM) dkap: So, perhaps even Frank H. was ... unclear.
(08:11:54 PM) Cagliostro: or perhaps the books are set in two different shadows
(08:12:16 PM) Cagliostro: it's a great trap. It's a highly addictive psyche booster that only grows in one small area of Shadow. ;)
(08:12:51 PM) dkap: in Children of Dune, when Leto II passes "the leprous blotches of violet sand where a spiceblow had erupted."
(08:14:21 PM) Auricle: Now if we can find red, yellow, and green, we'd have Skittles!
(08:14:52 PM) dkap: Indeed.
(08:14:56 PM) dkap: MMmmm ... skittles.
(08:15:10 PM) dkap: So ... I ran a chunk of back-story with the folks at Pennsic.
(08:15:38 PM) Auricle: yay?
(08:15:42 PM) Cagliostro: that's... good?
(08:15:49 PM) Cagliostro: "any new deaths?"
(08:16:05 PM) dkap: Umm ... a few, but none that would be significant to you folks.
(08:16:26 PM) dkap: So, when we last left you folks is still ahead of them.
(08:16:45 PM) dkap: But at least I know more about the horse's designer. *grin* It's amazing how some people cross paths.
(08:17:16 PM) Cagliostro: mmm. time.
(08:17:37 PM) dkap: Time is most powerful, when it doesn't.
(08:17:50 PM) dkap: Oh, we get Mike at about 10ish.
(08:18:07 PM) dkap: Provided his performance goes well.
(08:18:14 PM) Auricle: kay
(08:23:00 PM) dkap: Right. Where _did_ we leave off?
(08:23:20 PM) Auricle: I believe we're in jail. Or rather, debating being in jail.
(08:25:09 PM) Cagliostro: good question.
(08:27:05 PM) dkap: Umm ... OK, I'm lost.
(08:27:28 PM) dkap: Something about a distance assassination, and a few deputy-deaths, but jail?
(08:27:35 PM) Cagliostro: I'm hunting for logfiles. I don't recall.
(08:27:36 PM) dkap: Let's see if I can find the log.
(08:33:44 PM) dkap: Right... you walked into the safe-house.
(08:33:46 PM) dkap: *grin*
(08:34:10 PM) dkap: Auricle: shrug, we're shielded, walk forward through the blue men.
(08:34:18 PM) dkap: dkap: You walk through them.
(08:34:22 PM) Cagliostro is now known as Jean
(08:34:29 PM) dkap: dkap: Some of them get off a shot or two, but nothing else.
(08:34:39 PM) dkap: dkap: There is a bit of a walk, then he guestures you through a barred door.
(08:34:42 PM) Jean: Can you email me a copy of the log?
(08:34:48 PM) dkap: Auricle: stop.
(08:36:29 PM) dkap: Right ... sent to you both.
(08:38:07 PM) Jean: got it
(08:38:21 PM) Jean: oh, right! mad science.
(08:38:25 PM) Jean: much becomes clear.
(08:39:29 PM) dkap: *grin*
(08:39:44 PM) Auricle: does a quick scan...
(08:40:00 PM) Auricle: (duh, Auricle and Chef D, of course there's mad science...)
(08:40:17 PM) Jean: oh, right.
(08:40:33 PM) Jean: we're using Ilk's technique, and they're taking us to their leader.
(08:40:36 PM) Auricle: (Damn, why is it everyone always shoots me and Jean?)
(08:40:50 PM) dkap: You seem to inspire it in them?
(08:41:38 PM) dkap: People think that shooting makes them powerful, and important, and are upset when it means nothing to you.
(08:41:56 PM) Auricle: We're like, the two nicest Amberites/Chaosians/shapeshifters/real people there are.
(08:42:54 PM) Auricle: Oh, yes, the "What makes you think we're stupid enough to walk into a jail, just because you say you've got a deputy mayor in there?"
(08:43:02 PM) Jean: I still stick with my theory that throwing small pieces of metal is a greeting in some shadows
(08:43:10 PM) Jean: which I think, again, is Ilk's theory
(08:43:34 PM) Jean: "Jail?"
(08:43:47 PM) Auricle: Auricle's theory is that your theory has yet to be proven.
(08:44:11 PM) dkap: Indeed.
(08:44:56 PM) dkap: I believe the offer was for "one of your monsters" to go and check to see the Deputy Mayor was where they were indicating.
(08:45:50 PM) Auricle: Auricle frowns, then gestures forth one of the Jagers.
(08:46:14 PM) Auricle: "If there's a deputy mayor in there, don't eat him. Or her. And ask first."
(08:49:34 PM) dkap: The Jager goes, in and doesn't come out.
(08:52:13 PM) Auricle: How long?
(08:53:20 PM) dkap: Going on 10 minutes now, according to the Gargoyle.
(08:54:27 PM) ***Jean appears to be unconcerned.
(08:54:37 PM) Auricle: "It's taking too long."
(08:55:06 PM) Auricle: glares at the blue man.
(08:55:59 PM) dkap: The blue man has the grace to look discomforted, but I'm not sure you would notice.
(08:56:39 PM) Jean: to Auricle: "Is there a problem?"
(08:57:23 PM) Auricle: "Jagers aren't this slow."
(08:57:31 PM) ***Jean hms.
(08:57:37 PM) Auricle: pauses. "Well, unless he stopped to eat."
(08:58:01 PM) Jean: "You didn't stop him from eating other people, just the deputy mayor."
(08:58:56 PM) dkap: Chef D: "I wonder ... if there is a spice or something we can sprinkle on those people we don't want the Jager to eat."
(08:59:03 PM) Auricle: "I'll give him a little more time."
(08:59:28 PM) Auricle: chuckles a bit. "The Jagers won't eat anyone I tell them not to."
(09:00:23 PM) dkap: Chef D: "Yes, but you might not be available for consult, every time. Perhaps, some arrangement, that, if they have that spice on them, they have to be brought to you, before being eaten?"
(09:01:26 PM) Auricle: "Too easy to circumvent. If someone makes it, someone will subvert it."
(09:02:22 PM) ***Auricle starts tapping a foot unconsciously.
(09:02:48 PM) dkap: Chef D: "Yes, but, if, instead of simply not eating them, they bring them to you, and then you can decide if they legitimately have been spiced."
(09:02:48 PM) Auricle: "However, we may be able to improve communications between them and me."
(09:03:14 PM) Auricle: "Perhaps transmitters installed in their heads."
(09:03:22 PM) dkap: Chef D: "And if they have not ... then you have a line on whomever is spicing without permission."
(09:04:11 PM) dkap: Chef D: "Well ... if they bring them to you, they can wait in a waiting room, until you are ready to deal with their particular order, I mean, some sort of holding facility, until you can deal with their complaint."
(09:04:51 PM) Auricle: "Do you know how many Jagers there are? And how often they're hungry?"
(09:04:53 PM) dkap: Chef D: "Whereas, if you give them radios, they will be interrupting you all the time. One of my bosses did that once, I ruined more cakes by it going off at ... bad moments."
(09:05:22 PM) Auricle: "Although that's a good point."
(09:05:33 PM) Auricle: Gargoyle: Schematic of the building?
(09:05:47 PM) dkap: At that point ... there is a scream from down the hallway indicated.
(09:07:10 PM) Auricle: Jager or person or?
(09:07:12 PM) dkap: Gargoyle indicates that there is no available schematic. The only general schematic doesn't match here on a casual scan of what is line of sight.
(09:07:22 PM) dkap: Jagers don't usually scream.
(09:07:29 PM) dkap: Sounds human.
(09:08:24 PM) Auricle: looks at the blue man. "Tell them to stop trying to engage my Jager."
(09:08:35 PM) Auricle: "It's only going to get them killed."
(09:08:56 PM) dkap: Blue man: "Umm ... I can't leave my escort duty, do you mind if I call someone, and then instruct them?"
(09:09:21 PM) Auricle: "That's fine."
(09:10:17 PM) dkap: He goes over to a phone, dials and mutters into it for a moment, some sort of code.
(09:11:17 PM) dkap: A few minutes later, a bunch of armed individuals come rushing in.
(09:11:29 PM) dkap: Waving their metal throwers about.
(09:12:33 PM) ***Auricle sighs a long-suffering sigh.
(09:12:35 PM) dkap: They pause for a minute, and then charge down the hall, shouting something about "Defending the Deputy Mayor".
(09:12:49 PM) Auricle: "DO NOT SHOOT MY JAGER!"
(09:13:06 PM) dkap: Are you going to chase them? They didn't appear to hear you.
(09:13:15 PM) Jean: "Well, that appears to answer the question of whether the deputy mayor is in there."
(09:13:22 PM) dkap: (oh, and if you recall, your Jager is still currently covered in the red shield.)
(09:13:46 PM) Auricle: (Auricle? Recall something? Unless that was the Gargoyle)
(09:13:54 PM) dkap: Oh, right. Never mind.
(09:13:56 PM) dkap: Sorry.
(09:14:36 PM) dkap: So, are you going to charge after them to defend your Jager? Or just wait to see which one eventually wins.
(09:15:01 PM) Auricle: Recon! Auricle reaches out a hand, turning it into an eyestalk, and sends it zooming down the hallway after, looking for her Jager
(09:16:16 PM) dkap: The blue man goes a bit bibbilty at that.
(09:16:32 PM) dkap: Your eyestalk gets stepped on a few times, but you see a pitched battle.
(09:18:49 PM) Auricle: Who's winning?
(09:20:42 PM) dkap: Well ... the Jager isn't even paying attention to them, he's busy ducking a wrenched off arm that another person is swinging at him.
(09:21:32 PM) Auricle: look at our Blue man. "Do you people have any idea that doesn't involve shooting people on sight?"
(09:22:49 PM) dkap: The blue man looks at you, with some expression on his face, that you don't recognize.
(09:23:48 PM) Auricle: zwip my eyestalk back.
(09:24:39 PM) Auricle: "we have not harmed you. We have not attacked you. We have saved your entire city from a giant death ray. Idiots.
(09:25:20 PM) Auricle: looks at Chef D. "See, now, if I had a transmitter to my Jager, I could summon him back and we could leave this stupid shadow."
(09:25:36 PM) dkap: Chef D: "I'm not sure he would know a death ray, if it were baked into his lunch."
(09:25:46 PM) Jean: "Aren't we still following the thingy?"
(09:25:53 PM) Auricle: "What thingy?"
(09:25:55 PM) dkap: Chef D: "Umm ... I don't see, mind if I go look?"
(09:26:56 PM) Auricle: "We're all going to go look. Because otherwise these fools will get themselves eaten."
(09:27:17 PM) ***Auricle starts heading down the hallway.
(09:28:17 PM) dkap: Chef D, the Jager and Horse follow.
(09:28:23 PM) ***Jean follows
(09:29:56 PM) Auricle: "Grab the blue man."
(09:29:57 PM) dkap: Down the hall you go, there is a pitched battle, all the blue men, shooting at the Jager, trying not to shoot the fellow in a suit, who is beating the Jager with a torn off arm, still with a blue man uniform on it.
(09:31:11 PM) ***Auricle is turning clothing blue, thinking maybe they'll respond better to that color. It's still her own clothes, though.
(09:31:35 PM) dkap: Still swimming with paisly?
(09:31:38 PM) Jean: does the suit fellow look amberish?
(09:31:43 PM) dkap: Nope.
(09:31:54 PM) Jean: hm. oh well. ;)
(09:34:10 PM) Auricle: of course paisley
(09:34:43 PM) Auricle: shouts for everyone to stop.
(09:35:21 PM) dkap: They don't listen.
(09:36:20 PM) Auricle: "Do you have some spell or something to put them all to sleep, Jean?"
(09:36:30 PM) Jean: "Um. Sleep?"
(09:36:36 PM) Jean: (checks spell list)
(09:37:36 PM) Jean: EX02 Liquify Metal
(09:37:36 PM) Jean: - manipulates shadow to allow metal to exist in a liquid state at its
(09:37:36 PM) Jean: current temperature, and then briefly forces all metal in the
(09:37:36 PM) Jean: specified area into the liquid state. This does not change the
(09:37:36 PM) Jean: temperature of the metal. After ~5 seconds, the metal reverts to a
(09:37:38 PM) Jean: solid.
(09:37:40 PM) Jean: - lynchpins of MoS, target region, local magic, shadow manip
(09:37:42 PM) Jean: - B8, C5
(09:37:44 PM) Jean: - complexity 17
(09:38:29 PM) Jean: oh, that might not work, since we're on a promontory.
(09:38:30 PM) Jean: true?
(09:38:41 PM) dkap: It might work to some extent.
(09:39:05 PM) Jean: but first: "Auricle, are the Jagers metal?"
(09:39:50 PM) dkap: The Jager has metal on his body, his armor, his hat, his jewelry.
(09:40:18 PM) Jean: oh. fooey.
(09:40:42 PM) Auricle: "A little bit. They carry it, anyways."
(09:40:43 PM) Jean: BA07 Flashcube
(09:40:43 PM) Jean: - Smile! You're blinded!
(09:40:43 PM) Jean: - directional, to avoid blinding self or companions.
(09:40:43 PM) Jean: - briefly opens a 1' diameter shadow gate to an extremely bright
(09:40:43 PM) Jean: place at the focus of a parabolic mirror, and closes it a second
(09:40:45 PM) Jean: later.
(09:40:47 PM) Jean: - lynchpins of MoS, target vector
(09:40:49 PM) Jean: - A1, B1, C1
(09:40:51 PM) Jean: - complexity 5
(09:40:55 PM) Jean: I'm not going to melt his hat. I have more sense than that.
(09:41:13 PM) Jean: The thing is, I know that no one is looking at us
(09:41:44 PM) Auricle: Gargoyle: Is there a auditory frequency we can create that would knock out the people but not us or the Jagers?
(09:42:00 PM) Jean: so I'm going to use the Fenris wolf on someone, then flashcube them when people turn to look
(09:44:53 PM) dkap: Sounds reasonable.
(09:46:20 PM) dkap: Gargoyle: "Insufficient data."
(09:48:00 PM) Auricle: looks at Jean expectantly.
(09:48:40 PM) Cagliostro [] entered the room.
(09:48:46 PM) Cagliostro: hmph.
(09:48:53 PM) Jean left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
(09:49:00 PM) Cagliostro is now known as Jean
(09:49:07 PM) Jean: last I saw was Auricle looking at me expectantly
(09:49:13 PM) Jean: and I was waiting for my action to kick in
(09:49:15 PM) Auricle: that's last that happened
(09:49:58 PM) dkap: Indeed.
(09:51:14 PM) dkap: Oh, So you are using Fenrik, and then flashing them? Or were you just consulting with the folks there?
(09:51:29 PM) Jean: nope
(09:51:38 PM) Jean: no quotes, I was just going and doing it.
(09:51:47 PM) Jean: the only part out loud was checking the jager metal content.
(09:51:53 PM) Jean: but the metal includes the hat, so that's not safe
(09:52:53 PM) dkap: Right ... Fenric takes a bite out of a bunch of the blue men, belches, and then disappears, they all turn and fire at where he was, the flash goes off from right there, they stagger blinded, and start shooting wildly.
(09:53:11 PM) dkap: Unfortunately, some of the stray bullets hit the Deputy Mayor (guy in a suit).
(09:53:38 PM) Jean: huh.
(09:53:40 PM) dkap: Oh, and incidentally slide right down your red inertial shields.
(09:53:49 PM) dkap: (the stray bullets, that is.)
(09:54:48 PM) Jean: how's the deputy mayor doing?
(09:55:31 PM) ***Auricle looks slightly confused. "Not really sleep."
(09:55:59 PM) Jean: "Sorry, sleep is single-target. This seemed more effective."
(09:56:17 PM) Jean: "I, uh, hadn't expected them to shoot the guy they were guarding. That's either impressive or awful."
(09:57:34 PM) dkap: Chef D: "Or both."
(09:58:03 PM) Jean: "True, true."
(09:58:15 PM) Jean: gm: how badly is the deputy mayor hurt?
(09:59:56 PM) Auricle: "Oh. Hadn't realized how sleep worked. Zach always just did stuff."
(10:00:44 PM) Jean: "Zack may have a different spell. Or something else. I can ask Ilk for a multi-target sleep."
(10:00:51 PM) Auricle: GM: Are they still shooting?
(10:00:57 PM) dkap: He's bleeding from multiple gun wounds, but still beating the Jager somewhat listlessly.
(10:01:00 PM) dkap: Yep.
(10:02:53 PM) dkap: The Jager is still apparently trying to ask him a question.
(10:03:06 PM) dkap: But the noise of the guns going off is ... somewhat hard to hear over.
(10:03:16 PM) Auricle: "Okay, new plan." Gestures at a new Jager. "Grab the man in the suit who isnt shooting."
(10:03:26 PM) dkap: Oh, and the Jager put himself between the bullets and the Deputy Mayor, once he figured out what is going on.
(10:03:27 PM) Auricle: "Bring him here inside our sheilds."
(10:03:40 PM) dkap: Chef D has pulled out what looks like a pipping bag from his kit.
(10:05:41 PM) Caelin [] entered the room.
(10:05:52 PM) Auricle: Hello!
(10:05:55 PM) Caelin: Heya
(10:06:55 PM) dkap: Yay, Caelin-sign.
(10:07:07 PM) Caelin: Took a sec, but here I am.
(10:07:59 PM) dkap: YAY!
(10:08:03 PM) dkap: Haven G working for you?
(10:08:21 PM) Caelin: Not trying, presently. Actually. Lemme check...
(10:08:41 PM) Caelin: Yep. Currently on Haven WRiters Guild.
(10:09:18 PM) dkap: Not Haven G. Ok.
(10:10:43 PM) dkap: Chef D has pulled out what looks like a pipping bag from his kit.
(10:11:07 PM) dkap: And then he proceeds to squeeze it in the direction of the blue men between you and the Deputy Mayor.
(10:11:08 PM) Jean: This fails to faze any of us.
(10:11:47 PM) dkap: There is this thick white goop that seems to oxidize to a nice purple tone as it sets, quite firmly on those that are moving between you and your target.
(10:12:04 PM) ***Auricle claps in delight.
(10:12:21 PM) dkap: Chef D: "Instant Fondant. I find it useful on some occasions. But there must be something wrong. It's supposed to be green, not purple."
(10:12:53 PM) Auricle: "I am so totally keeping you. You are way too cool to be wasted in the City's bakery."
(10:13:24 PM) dkap: Chef D smiles proudly.
(10:13:41 PM) dkap: Chef D dips a finger into it, and tastes it.
(10:14:19 PM) dkap: Chef D: "Hmm ... and too sweet, as well. Do you mind if I take a few moments and experiment with this?" As he begins to get that mad look in his eyes, and starts reaching for his tools.
(10:15:32 PM) Auricle: Are we able to get the Deputy Mayor now?
(10:15:48 PM) dkap: Starts pulling out all sorts of tools and armatures, leaving the blue men to start filling in the space and now charging you.
(10:16:05 PM) dkap: The pipping bag is set down near him, unattended.
(10:16:46 PM) dkap: You still need to climb over several of the un-fondanted blue-men.
(10:16:52 PM) dkap: Umm ... I'm not sure that was a word.
(10:17:13 PM) Auricle: "Hmm. Let's try something else."
(10:17:25 PM) Auricle: "Deputy Mayor person! We just want to talk!"
(10:17:56 PM) dkap: He's still feebly beating your Jager.
(10:18:35 PM) Auricle: adjust vocal cords to be heard over the din of battle, and repeat.
(10:18:38 PM) dkap: Still screaming ...
(10:19:26 PM) Auricle: "JEan, do you remember why we're here? Because really, they are very annoying."
(10:19:56 PM) Jean: "It's something to do with a path through shadow, and a suspicious assassination, and a death ray."
(10:20:03 PM) dkap: Gargoyle: "You wanted to find a person in authority, after failing to find useful information at a laboratory building"
(10:20:36 PM) Jean: gm: Jean will using the piping bag to icing up the rest of the blue guys
(10:20:46 PM) Jean: but not the guy in the suit, nor any of us
(10:21:05 PM) dkap: Chef D: "Ah HAH! tHE oxidation VALUES are wrONg! I Must FIX thIS!"
(10:21:11 PM) Auricle: "Oh, drat, path through Shadow. Want to figure out who's making that."
(10:21:56 PM) dkap: The piping bag does not seem to get appreciatively emptier, and you manage to fondant the rest of them, nicely, since they are still blinded from the flash.
(10:22:09 PM) dkap: (Elapsed time from flash about 1 minute.)
(10:23:00 PM) dkap: Flour starts flying.
(10:23:20 PM) Jean: step away from the crazy man and head toward the deputy mayor.
(10:23:30 PM) Jean: "Sir? Sir? I think there's a stain on your suit."
(10:24:46 PM) dkap: Deputy Mayor: "Evil beasts, must be destroyed, death everywhere. Mayor needs me. Must defend myself. Down, evil beast. Begone."
(10:25:23 PM) Jean: hm.
(10:25:33 PM) Jean: does that sound more like a mantra or a program, GM?
(10:25:48 PM) dkap: There are several stains on his suit. Some from the blood from the wrenched off arm he is using as a, mostly ineffective weapon.
(10:26:02 PM) ***Auricle looks offended. "They aren't evil beasts."
(10:26:11 PM) dkap: Oh, they seem random utterings of an un-sound mind.
(10:26:18 PM) dkap: Auricle can't hear him yet.
(10:26:23 PM) Auricle: oh, nm
(10:26:28 PM) Jean: hm.
(10:26:33 PM) dkap: Some of the stains are from his bullet wounds.
(10:26:33 PM) Jean: hit him with the sleep spell.
(10:26:36 PM) dkap: None from the Jager.
(10:26:59 PM) dkap: The Jager looks at you somewhat helplessly and shrugs.
(10:27:04 PM) Jean: BA11 Sleep
(10:27:04 PM) Jean: - psionically contacts the target, puts them to sleep, and keeps them
(10:27:04 PM) Jean: asleep for ~1 hour.
(10:27:04 PM) Jean: - this does _not_ create a psionic connection between the caster and
(10:27:05 PM) Jean: the target, just the spell and the target.
(10:27:06 PM) Jean: - lynchpins of MoS, target, dispel word
(10:27:06 PM) dkap: (You, Jean)
(10:27:08 PM) Jean: - C10, D1
(10:27:10 PM) Jean: - complexity 14
(10:27:12 PM) Jean: (I gotcha)
(10:28:12 PM) dkap: Jager (to Jean): "He Ztillz not zay if 'Deputy Mayor'. Zorry."
(10:28:52 PM) Jean: "It's okay. I think it's a crazyocracy."
(10:28:59 PM) dkap: Psyonic contact fails, but he is heading towards unconsciousness, regardless.
(10:29:12 PM) Jean: okay. head back to auricle.
(10:29:24 PM) Jean: "I couldn't put him to sleep with magic. I say we let him punch himself out."
(10:29:34 PM) Auricle: "sad, but okay."
(10:29:50 PM) dkap: Horse looks at Jean and tries to communicate to the Master of the Unalive.
(10:30:05 PM) Jean: "What is it, boy?"
(10:30:12 PM) Jean: s/boy/horse/
(10:30:52 PM) dkap: Horse: "Am detecting large moving things of the sort The Rider was supposed to be warned about. They are coming this way."
(10:32:17 PM) Jean: to Auricle: "Something's coming. Possibly reinforcements for this crowd, in which case they'll probably start shooting their own people unless we leave ostentasiously."
(10:32:44 PM) Jean: "Can you have the Jagers drag suit-guy along with us?"
(10:33:09 PM) Auricle: "Fine. Jager, come here, you did a good job." pauses and looks at Jean. "Why?"
(10:33:41 PM) ***Jean looks thoughtful.
(10:33:58 PM) Jean: "He seems like he's in charge, and he's crazy. I've been around Norton enough to think that he's probably important then, I guess."
(10:34:15 PM) Jean: "Anyway, by Ilk's rules, we should grab the person in charge."
(10:35:15 PM) Auricle: "Ilk isn't exactly here."
(10:35:47 PM) dkap: GM rapidly checks to make sure.
(10:35:58 PM) Auricle: "However, in charge is in charge. Jagers, please get the suit-man? Chef D, are you done with that....icing yet?"
(10:40:12 PM) dkap: Chef D is in full inventor's flow. He is grooving his spark.
(10:40:41 PM) dkap: There are bits of machinery, smelling of burnt sugar, and eggs, beginning to accumulate around him.
(10:41:33 PM) Auricle: "Oh dear."
(10:41:48 PM) Jean: "We could always go look at the 'large moving things."
(10:44:11 PM) Auricle: "I think we'd better. Which way?"
(10:44:29 PM) dkap: The Jager waits another minute, the Deputy Mayor passes out, the Jager shoulders him, and walks back, carefully not getting his feet stuck in the fondant.
(10:45:27 PM) dkap: Jean, Horse did not (yet) indicate a direction.
(10:45:28 PM) Jean: "Horse, in what direction are the large moving things?"
(10:45:32 PM) Jean: great minds.
(10:46:16 PM) dkap: Horse (again, to the Master of the Unalive): "They are" indicates a direction with head "that way."
(10:46:38 PM) Jean: to Auricle, pointing in that direction. "The large moving things are that way. Toward or away?"
(10:48:57 PM) Auricle: "Um. Do we know what they are? Gargoyle? Any ideas?"
(10:49:46 PM) ***Jean shrugs. "Large moving nouns of the type that Horse was instructed to let his previous rider know about."
(10:49:50 PM) dkap: Gargoyle: "There are many things in that direction, none of which stand out, particularly on any wavelength that I am scanning."
(10:52:11 PM) Auricle: "That's...helpful. Okay, towards, I want to know what they are."
(10:55:12 PM) dkap: Are you asking Horse to lead you, or are you just going to wander off?
(10:55:35 PM) Jean: if they aren't immediately obvious, I would probably ask the horse for guidance.
(10:55:44 PM) dkap: With the Deputy Mayor slung over the shoulder of a Jager, and Chef D deep in his Spark?
(10:55:50 PM) Jean: where immediately obvious includes explosions, tanks, planes, etc.
(10:56:11 PM) dkap: Well, there are at least some walls (and defensive positions) between you and the outside, much less whatever is approaching.
(10:56:29 PM) dkap: They are not, for that value, immediately obvious, no.
(10:56:34 PM) dkap: You cannot see any of that from here.
(10:57:58 PM) ***Jean hm.s
(10:58:33 PM) Auricle: "Hey, Chef D. Wakey wakey."
(11:00:07 PM) dkap: Chef D: "... Formula MUZT maTCh the VARIABLE density of EGG to ... Sugar MELTING poINt nOT RIGHT ..."
(11:01:10 PM) Auricle: "D. I need some focus right now. Worry about the eggs later."
(11:02:19 PM) dkap: Chef D: "... Focus, yes! FOCUS the eGGs through to POWDER! Eurika! NUTMEG! Must have more NUTMEG ...
(11:02:48 PM) Jean: to Auricle: "Is it dangerous to interrupt him?"
(11:03:21 PM) Auricle: shrugs. "Maybe? Depends on what he's going to end up with."
(11:03:59 PM) ***Jean nods and fails to do anything drastic.
(11:04:10 PM) Auricle: "although I have problems perceiving nutmeg as dangerous..."
(11:04:36 PM) ***Auricle snaps her fingers in front of Chef D's face. "C'mon D, focus on me for a moment, 'kay?"
(11:05:00 PM) Auricle: Gargoyle: What do you do when I get like that?
(11:05:17 PM) dkap: Gargoyle: Overload your input stream.
(11:06:06 PM) dkap: Chef D: "... vAT. I need a MIXING VAT. Where is my VAT? Oh, THis skULL will DO ..."
(11:06:46 PM) Auricle: Can you overload his?
(11:07:32 PM) dkap: Gargoyle: Bring me in contact with him. I will contrive.
(11:08:39 PM) ***Auricle unstraps the box from her leg and touches it to open skin on D, probably his forehead.
(11:09:10 PM) dkap: Chef D pulls on a glove, from his kit, scoops up some of the miscoloured fondant, and starts filling in the holes in the skull he just ripped out of one of the blue men's heads.
(11:09:31 PM) dkap: His back would make a much better target.
(11:09:39 PM) dkap: And larger to boot.
(11:09:46 PM) dkap: He is a portly individual.
(11:10:07 PM) Auricle: (thought the gargoyle needed skin contact?)
(11:11:39 PM) dkap: His shirt ... umm ... gaps before his waistline starts.
(11:11:55 PM) Auricle: Excellent, will use the back, then.
(11:12:48 PM) dkap: Oh, and that particular blue man has stopped shooting (or doing much, for that matter.)
(11:13:08 PM) dkap: There is a brief gap in his ... mutterings, and then ...
(11:13:25 PM) dkap: Chef D: "What? Umm ... did I miss an order-up or something?"
(11:14:16 PM) Auricle: "There we go." starts attaching the gargoyle to her leg.
(11:15:34 PM) dkap: Jean. That looked very familiar for a moment.
(11:16:35 PM) Jean: hm. weird. i don't recall anything like that.
(11:16:37 PM) Jean: ;)
(11:17:02 PM) dkap: Indeed.
(11:17:50 PM) dkap: Chef D: "Right, what is going on? And may I have my pipping back back?"
(11:18:02 PM) dkap: Chef D is rapidly pushing all the bits back into his pack.
(11:18:16 PM) ***Jean returns the piping bag
(11:18:29 PM) Jean: horse: The moving things are still in the same direction?
(11:18:47 PM) Auricle: "We're investigating nouns that are approaching us. Needed you mobile."
(11:19:46 PM) dkap: Horse: Yes.
(11:20:19 PM) dkap: Chef D: "Right, mobile. Do we need to call a clean-up crew for here?"
(11:21:49 PM) dkap: OK, we are all about to embark. This might be a good hang, point, seeing that it's 11:30.
(11:21:56 PM) Auricle: Good idea.
(11:21:58 PM) Caelin: Right.
(11:22:00 PM) Caelin: Good night.
(11:22:03 PM) Caelin left the room.
(11:22:23 PM) Jean: okay
(11:22:24 PM) Auricle: G'night!
(11:22:27 PM) Jean left the room.
(11:22:45 PM) Auricle left the room (quit: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.77 [SeaMonkey 1.0.1/2006040400]).