Conversation with #dkap_amber
Conversation with #dkap_amber on Tue 23 Sep 2008 03:07:07 PM EDT:
(02:07:07 PM) The topic for #dkap_amber is: Game as Usual
(02:13:24 PM) mode (+o dkap) by ChanServ
(08:14:37 PM) The topic for #dkap_amber is: Game as Usual
(08:14:54 PM) mode (+o dkap) by ChanServ
(08:15:00 PM) Caelin: Aha!
(08:15:09 PM) dkap: Sorry abaout that.
(08:15:17 PM) dkap: Problems logging in.
(08:15:24 PM) Caelin: So we had presumed.
(08:15:58 PM) dkap: Indeed.
(08:16:35 PM) dkap: Right ... where were we then? I've not had a chance to check the log.
(08:16:48 PM) Cagliostro: so, I think we speculated that Kintani is either with Cagliostro in Greater Arden or still in Darkover
(08:17:01 PM) Cagliostro: Norton was getting ready to knock out some uppity amberite spawn
(08:17:05 PM) Cagliostro: so that Jean could dish
(08:17:32 PM) Cagliostro: (11:30:56 PM) dkap: The lizard staggers it's way out of the fish ... looks around, Norton-ifies, wanders over to Mr. Zorg, and High-five's him.
(08:17:43 PM) Caelin: heh
(08:17:47 PM) Auricle: hee
(08:17:56 PM) dkap: Right.
(08:19:29 PM) dkap: I take it Chatzilla worked?
(08:19:41 PM) Caelin: Indeed
(08:19:47 PM) dkap: A good thing.
(08:19:51 PM) Caelin: For him, thta is.
(08:19:52 PM) Kintani: ChatZilla for the win.
(08:20:55 PM) Auricle: Yay Chatzilla!
(08:21:00 PM) Auricle: *hugs the chatzilla*
(08:21:09 PM) dkap: Yay! Two for chatzilla, two for pidgin ... what are you using Sam?
(08:21:25 PM) Cagliostro: pidgin
(08:22:03 PM) dkap: So ... we are almost in balance.
(08:22:27 PM) Caelin: No, I'm not using chatZilla. I'm using Gaim still.
(08:22:34 PM) Caelin: <---dino.
(08:22:44 PM) dkap: Right.
(08:23:47 PM) dkap: So ... Norton, recognizes Mr. Zorg, and looks for further guidance.
(08:28:04 PM) dkap: Looks to the gathered company of Caelin, Jean, Auricle ...
(08:28:52 PM) dkap: For what he is supposed to do again ... something about ... an amberite?
(08:30:47 PM) Cagliostro is now known as Jean
(08:31:17 PM) Jean: "We want him alive, but out of it. Auricle has plans for his head and his body. Separate plans."
(08:31:20 PM) ***Auricle is sketching out designs for keeping amberites alive without a body attached to their head.
(08:34:31 PM) dkap: Norton: "So ... umm ... do you need the body?"
(08:35:04 PM) Caelin: "So long as he is kept living, thus obeying Dworkin's edict, all is well."
(08:35:12 PM) Jean: "We were hoping it would regrow a less obnoxious head."
(08:35:23 PM) Caelin: "If. Only."
(08:35:25 PM) Jean: "Call it an experiment."
(08:35:26 PM) Auricle: "Theorectically?" She glances over her sketches. "Maybe."
(08:35:59 PM) Jean: "Anyway, keeping the body will make this easier to justify should such become useful."
(08:37:15 PM) ***Auricle resumes sketching.
(08:38:00 PM) Auricle: (OMG. Kitten emergency. There are sequins on the floor and he's offended. Must go sweep up. Sheesh.)
(08:39:16 PM) Auricle: (bak)
(08:39:26 PM) Caelin: LOL
(08:39:31 PM) dkap: Norton: "Well ... keeping a body going ... might be difficult. There is this thing ... umm ... against having more than one body."
(08:40:07 PM) dkap: Norton: "And ... umm ... amberites are not really ... umm ... good about not drawing attention to themselves."
(08:40:12 PM) Jean: "What if the body were getting the Dara treatment in a glass box?"
(08:40:43 PM) Caelin: "The ones who have died at least once and remembered it are actually pretty good at it. At least, they learn."
(08:41:02 PM) Jean: "Counter examples: Julian, the G person."
(08:41:27 PM) dkap: Norton: "Well ... if I just get rid of the body ... if you need him to grow another one ... it might take a bit, but could be managed."
(08:42:08 PM) Jean: "But if we keep the body, we could bribe him with it to keep the head in line."
(08:42:17 PM) Jean: "One false move and the body gets it... that sort of thing."
(08:42:43 PM) Caelin: "He hasn't displayed that level of humility where such a thing would work."
(08:42:45 PM) Jean: "Auricle's going to do it. We just want you to knock this guy out before he manages to kill himself."
(08:44:14 PM) ***Auricle has several pages now of sketches with gears and tubes and stuff that looks more like a head connected to a body with a lot of cool wiring in between. a LOT of wiring and stuff. Possibly even a pocket watch.
(08:44:43 PM) Jean: ("What time is it? Time to grow a new body...")
(08:44:56 PM) Caelin: (*snicker*)
(08:46:32 PM) dkap: Norton looks at your diagrams, and is somewhat horrified.
(08:48:10 PM) ***Auricle has not seemed to notice.
(08:53:31 PM) dkap: Norton: "Those won't work, it doesn't mimic the pattern that is in him."
(08:54:17 PM) Caelin: (*wonders if we just crossed the streams philosophically with Norton and Auricle talking shop*)
(08:54:50 PM) ***Kintani is glad the Dragon isn't seeing this. ;-)
(08:55:51 PM) Auricle: in the midst of mumbling to herself about blood flow regulators and time-synching the distance between the body and the head as an slight variation on the time issues as you get further from the center of reality and compensating for possible issues and feeding tubes and butterfly wings says, "No one but me and Dworkin have the new Pattern yet. I can compensate."
(08:57:00 PM) ***Jean sighs petulantly.
(08:57:10 PM) Jean: "Can someone knock him out so I can ask some questions?"
(08:57:15 PM) Jean: "I could get a rock, but this is a new suit."
(08:57:31 PM) Jean: "Although I guess I already did bleed in it a little..."
(08:57:34 PM) ***Jean starts looking for a rock.
(08:57:37 PM) Caelin: " magic isn't known for subtlety."
(08:58:13 PM) Caelin: "At least, not anymore."
(08:58:30 PM) ***Auricle begins mumbling about the fact that he'll be able to see and should therefore be an early warning system to boot so at least he'll finally be useful and starts a whole other set of drawings branching off the first set.
(09:00:22 PM) dkap: Norton starts correcting the paths in the drawings.
(09:01:06 PM) Auricle: (Now you've crossed the streams, Mike. )
(09:01:36 PM) dkap: The lines Norton is re-drawing are, indeed gathering power inward.
(09:01:46 PM) Caelin: (_I'VE_ crossed the streams??!)
(09:02:56 PM) Auricle: (Well, okay, not YOU, but, we've)
(09:03:27 PM) Auricle: GM: Cool, if he makes it work better, he can keep it up.
(09:03:41 PM) dkap: It's making you somewhat queasy.
(09:03:54 PM) Auricle: GM: Queasy how?
(09:04:24 PM) dkap: Like it's a pattern, but wrong.
(09:04:38 PM) Auricle: "Hey. Stop that. You're messing it up."
(09:04:49 PM) ***Auricle tries to reclaim her drawings from Norton.
(09:05:13 PM) Auricle: "That's totally not how the power ought to flow."
(09:05:21 PM) dkap: Norton: "Nope ... if you don't do it this way ... you are going to have a conflict problem. His systems will just reject it. Stupid amberites."
(09:05:43 PM) Auricle: "Maybe, but if you do it this way, you're going to make people sick."
(09:06:26 PM) dkap: Norton: "Yes, but I can fix people."
(09:06:40 PM) dkap: Norton: "Or give them sick-sacks."
(09:06:44 PM) Auricle: "Yes, well, you won't always be here. We need a solution that doesn't do that."
(09:09:10 PM) dkap: Norton: "Then ... why have all the connector bits. Just keep the head, throw away the rest of the garbage."
(09:09:34 PM) Auricle: "Cause he'll just grow a new body and if he's got an attached body he can't.
(09:10:04 PM) Auricle: "And, um, this seems kinda fun."
(09:10:05 PM) dkap: Norton: "No he won't."
(09:10:31 PM) dkap: Norton: "I'll just make it normal for him to just be a head. With a bellows."
(09:12:00 PM) Auricle: "That's so...boring."
(09:12:01 PM) dkap: Norton: "And cat ears."
(09:12:10 PM) Auricle: "And a pocket watch?"
(09:12:17 PM) dkap: Norton: "Sure."
(09:12:27 PM) dkap: Norton: "It can serve instead of a heart."
(09:12:34 PM) Auricle: "Okay then."
(09:12:50 PM) dkap: Norton: "Do you have a particular pocket-watch you want to use?"
(09:13:06 PM) Auricle: "No, I was just going to build one."
(09:13:29 PM) dkap: Norton: "Oh. Right then. When you have it done, let me know, and I'll re-modify to include it."
(09:14:00 PM) Auricle: K.
(09:14:02 PM) Auricle: "K."
(09:14:04 PM) dkap: Norton: "In the meantime ..." he goes over and puts his hands around the Rider's neck.
(09:16:56 PM) dkap: The skin of his neck starts elongating, he starts shouting again about visiting doom, and breathing very hard.
(09:17:25 PM) dkap: Then gills start forming on his neck.
(09:18:56 PM) dkap: After about 20 minutes, Norton looks up at Mr. Zorg, who has been holding him pacified this entire time, with just his knee, and asks if Mr. Zorg would break him, right "here" pointing to where his shoulders meet his neck.
(09:19:49 PM) dkap: Mr. Zorg stiffens his hand, without shifting it, and moves suddenly downward. There is a sharp "crack" noise, and his body goes limp.
(09:20:07 PM) ***Caelin applauds.
(09:20:08 PM) dkap: Norton: "Does anyone have a pocket knife? I have to cut some extraneous flesh."
(09:20:36 PM) ***Caelin conjures a knife and levitates it over to Norton. "Will that do?"
(09:22:00 PM) dkap: Norton looks at the knife: "Yes, just fine, thanks." And without letting go with his hands, he realizes he can't grab the knife. An awkward moment later, he asks Mr. Zorg, if he would finish cutting away the body. Mr. Zorg complies.
(09:22:57 PM) ***Auricle looks momentarily puzzled, as if wondering why Norton doesn't just make extra hands, forgetting temporarily that not everyone can.
(09:22:59 PM) dkap: The body is on the ground, the head, with a long tube descending is now loose in Norton's hands.
(09:23:40 PM) dkap: Norton turns the head so that the neck is facing the group.
(09:24:44 PM) dkap: Norton: "See, if you attach a bellows here, he can talk. There is this lovely socket here, that is fused from what used to be his spinal column so you can attach him to walls or the like."
(09:25:22 PM) dkap: Norton: "He doesn't need circulation at the moment, it's now an open system, with the gills oxygenating his brain, so he won't die."
(09:25:23 PM) Auricle: "Awesome. Does anyone have the bellows?"
(09:25:50 PM) ***Caelin conjures some appropriate-sized bellows.
(09:26:00 PM) dkap: Norton: "The green patch on his head," Turning the head around so you can see the top, "will give him energy when he is exposed to the sun."
(09:26:48 PM) dkap: Norton: "So you can 'starve' him by keeping him in the dark, or well shaded."
(09:27:37 PM) dkap: Norton: "And I think that Gerard could do something with what's left of his body."
(09:28:26 PM) ***Caelin Hms! "I think Gerard would be right appreciative if he had more amberite material with which to heal himself a new body..."
(09:29:14 PM) dkap: Norton: "Something about beginning to hate the smell of rotted spam ..."
(09:29:44 PM) Auricle: "who doesn't?"
(09:30:13 PM) ***Caelin nods. "He'd smell better, heal faster, be more real to start. And this guy might learn a lesson. I see no downside here."
(09:30:34 PM) Auricle: "Agreed."
(09:33:28 PM) dkap: Norton looks around ... walks over to Jean, and newts himself.
(09:34:14 PM) ***Jean fishes Norton back to Chaos, while still holding onto his rock.
(09:34:33 PM) ***Jean contemplates his rock.
(09:34:42 PM) Jean: "Caelin,can you set up the head with a soundproof terrarium?"
(09:35:01 PM) Caelin: "Yes, I believe so."
(09:35:28 PM) Auricle: "Mr. Zorg? Is this satisfactory?"
(09:36:17 PM) ***Caelin attempts as Jean has specified. Make it a space in which Norton and Auricle may enter and exit freely, with a slight ethereal outline to demarcate the soundproof region.
(09:37:31 PM) dkap: Not trivial, but doable.
(09:38:06 PM) dkap: Mr. Zorg: "Satisfactory? Hrm ... is the terrarium mobile? I want to mount his head on the city gates."
(09:38:42 PM) ***Caelin turns to Mr. Zorg. "I believe I can anchor it on his head, if need be."
(09:39:48 PM) dkap: Mr. Zorg: "And I don't believe it needs to be sound-proof, unless we pump the bellows, he isn't going to be making much noise ..."
(09:40:04 PM) Auricle: "Actually. I do want to know his name."
(09:40:13 PM) Jean: "I want to talk about him behind his ears."
(09:40:13 PM) dkap: Mr. Zorg: "Actually, what is the point of the terrarium again?"
(09:40:45 PM) Jean: "I could just use the rock first, but I figured you'd want to the head to be fully recognizable."
(09:40:52 PM) dkap: Mr. Zorg: "Ahh ... the containment is so that _he_ can't hear. I understand now."
(09:43:34 PM) dkap: Mr. Zorg places the head right in the center of the etherial area that Caelin has provided.
(09:43:50 PM) Caelin: "Yes.
(09:44:13 PM) Jean: "Is it safe?"
(09:44:35 PM) dkap: Mr. Zorg seems to be saying something, but you all can't hear him.
(09:45:00 PM) Caelin: "Yes. It's safe. It's breathable, just silent."
(09:45:03 PM) ***Jean nods.
(09:45:06 PM) Jean: "I meant for us."
(09:45:15 PM) Jean: gm: is Zorg coming back, or staying with the head?
(09:45:16 PM) Caelin: "Yes, that too."
(09:45:31 PM) dkap: Mr. Zorg walks back, and says "You were talking, not just moving your lips, right?"
(09:45:43 PM) Jean: "Yes."
(09:45:54 PM) Jean: "So, judging from what Horse remembers, he's one of Cassandra's."
(09:46:02 PM) dkap: Mr. Zorg: "Then, the sound is stopped."
(09:46:24 PM) Jean: "But an old Cassandra, known as a mage. This doesn't sound like the Cassandra we know, so I wonder if it's an alternate Cassandra, or if her standards have slipped."
(09:46:42 PM) Auricle: "Cassandra?"
(09:50:22 PM) Caelin: "YOu not familiar with Cassandra?"
(09:50:24 PM) Jean: "Corwin and Deirdre's daughter."
(09:50:37 PM) Jean: "For a time, Princess Chandra's apprentice."
(09:51:00 PM) ***Caelin nods, acknowledging Jean.
(09:51:07 PM) Jean: "Also the object of the Book of Cassandra, an interesting and embarassing sect that has made little progress, thank Verra."
(09:52:28 PM) Auricle: "Oh! I remember her now."
(09:52:29 PM) dkap: Gargoyle provides pictures from Dierdre's investment, of the woman sitting near Corwin.
(09:53:08 PM) Auricle: "Wasn't there something about cats?"
(09:53:17 PM) Jean: "Yes, the Sha'um."
(09:53:24 PM) Caelin: "Do NOT remind me about the cats."
(09:53:26 PM) Jean: "Which is another reason to suspect that this isn't our Cassandra."
(09:53:31 PM) Jean: "Did he have local pattern?"
(09:53:38 PM) ***Caelin grumbles about missing limbs.
(09:53:57 PM) Auricle: "He hasn't got the new one. His Pattern might be the old Amber, but...."
(09:54:00 PM) dkap: Somewhere, in reality, Hunter is grinning.
(09:54:13 PM) Auricle: "I'm not entirely sure."
(09:54:16 PM) Jean: "Might it be another Dworkin pattern, from an alternate Amber, though?"
(09:54:25 PM) Jean: "And it would be Pearl's pattern if it were our Cassandra."
(09:54:29 PM) Auricle: "I haven't got a database on the Patterns; Gargoyle can't store them."
(09:54:52 PM) Auricle: GM: It was more likely a Dworkin than a Pearl, right?
(09:55:35 PM) Jean: gm: elsewhere, I'll ask Norton if he could tell if the guy was local pattern, pearl, etc.
(09:56:00 PM) dkap: Norton: "Corwin's pattern, of course, couldn't you tell?"
(09:56:14 PM) dkap: Norton: "Or ... maybe you can't tell ... Hrm ..."
(09:56:52 PM) Jean: "Nope, not I. Our Corwin?"
(09:57:09 PM) Auricle: "Which is why I wanted to upgrade the Gargoyle again...Oh! Upgrades! We were supposed to go to tech way to upgrade Gargoyle! And we got sidetracked by...stuff."
(09:57:14 PM) Jean: to the Auricle group at large: "Oh, he -did- have Corwin's pattern."
(09:58:13 PM) dkap: Norton: "Yes ... local Corwin, I've not walked any other Corwin pattern. Oh, by the way, when will I get the body delivered?"
(09:58:50 PM) Jean: "I'll ask."
(09:59:03 PM) Jean: to the crowd: "Anyone want to volunteer to deliver the body to Norton?"
(10:00:18 PM) Auricle: "I'd have a Jager do it, but they'll eat it."
(10:00:31 PM) Jean: "Caelin?"
(10:01:01 PM) Caelin: "What?"
(10:01:08 PM) Caelin: "You wish me to deliver it?"
(10:01:29 PM) dkap: Caelin, you should be getting back to the Council Chambers, regardless ... although you might want to check on Cagliostro's progress on your way.
(10:02:16 PM) Jean: "Well, if you wouldn't mind..."
(10:02:28 PM) Jean: "The body won'tfit in a fish, and it's a long walk."
(10:03:13 PM) ***Caelin will take the body with him when he reports back to the Council Chambers.
(10:06:41 PM) dkap: Pip begins making a harness so that Caelin can carry it.
(10:07:09 PM) Caelin: (GM, do I think I can carry it sans harness as a yeti?)
(10:07:53 PM) dkap: Yes, or you could simply create harness on the fly.
(10:07:57 PM) dkap: But Pip doesn't know that.
(10:12:16 PM) ***Caelin let's Pip continue, just in case.
(10:13:17 PM) Auricle: "Mr. Zorg, well done defending the test city."
(10:13:26 PM) Auricle: "By the way."
(10:13:40 PM) dkap: *yawn* Your GM is falling asleep. Too many 8am meetings this week (and another tomorrow and Thursday).
(10:13:59 PM) dkap: Does anyone mind if I call it here? It seems like a good place to stop.
(10:14:06 PM) Caelin: Nope.
(10:14:10 PM) Caelin: Perfect.
(10:14:18 PM) Auricle: I'm good.
(10:15:05 PM) dkap: Same bat-time folks?
(10:15:11 PM) Caelin: *nod*
(10:15:16 PM) dkap: And YAY for Kintani joining us.
(10:15:32 PM) Jean: k, night
(10:15:37 PM) Caelin left the room.
(10:15:39 PM) Jean: yay kintani indeed
(10:15:40 PM) Auricle: Night!
(10:15:44 PM) Auricle left the room (quit: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.77 [SeaMonkey 1.0.1/2006040400]).
(10:15:49 PM) Jean left the room (quit: Quit: Leaving.).