Conversation with #dkap_amber

Conversation with #dkap_amber on Mon 09 Feb 2009 09:56:51 AM EST:
(09:58:43 AM) mode (+o dkap) by ChanServ

(08:16:38 PM) The topic for #dkap_amber is: Game as usual, logs at wiki-wiki at:
(08:18:39 PM) Cagliostro: ?
(08:19:36 PM) mode (+o dka1) by ChanServ
(08:19:55 PM) dka1: Apparently I can't kill my ghost.
(08:21:38 PM) You are now known as hel1
(08:23:06 PM) dkap left the room (quit: Killed (* (Ghost kill on account dkap (requested by hel1).))).
(08:23:29 PM) You are now known as dkap
(08:23:37 PM) dka1 [] entered the room.
(08:23:40 PM) dkap: There we go!
(08:23:42 PM) dkap: Much better.
(08:23:46 PM) dkap: So, what did I miss?
(08:23:48 PM) Cagliostro: yay.
(08:23:53 PM) Cagliostro: a ghost, it seems.
(08:24:03 PM) Cagliostro: which I thought only seventh sons could see. I've been reading about ghosties.
(08:24:29 PM) dkap: Those pattern ghosts, not only don't exist in my Amberverse, but they apparently were so upset they didn't exist, they ghosted me.
(08:24:29 PM) Cagliostro: oh, apparently I burst a blood vessel under my tongue coughing. Pressure differential. That was a lot of coughing recently, but I didn't know you could do that.
(08:24:44 PM) dkap: Umm ... ick?
(08:25:16 PM) Cagliostro: yes, ick sums it up.
(08:25:24 PM) dka1 left the room (Kicked by dkap (dka1)).
(08:32:23 PM) Auricle [] entered the room.
(08:32:32 PM) Auricle: Hello!
(08:33:59 PM) dkap: You hallooooo.
(08:34:32 PM) Auricle: Indeed. But more like Hello!
(08:35:23 PM) dkap: Ahh ... that works as well.
(08:35:39 PM) dkap: Mike is at a Tech Rehearsal, and Anise hasn't yet shown up. I got to kill a ghost.
(08:36:12 PM) Auricle: that's....good?
(08:39:59 PM) Cagliostro: as long as no one's table starts shaking, probably so.
(08:40:16 PM) dkap: Or tongue starts bursting ... oh, wait ...
(08:40:49 PM) Auricle: ew.
(08:41:05 PM) Cagliostro: yes.
(08:41:27 PM) Cagliostro: (I went to the dentist today. Apparenlty I burst a blood vessel coughing.)
(08:43:37 PM) Auricle: eeeew. Poor you.
(08:44:20 PM) Cagliostro: it doesn't hurt at all. The coughing sucked, that was for sure.
(08:45:01 PM) Cagliostro: the dentist is a little worried about an infection spreading back to the salivary gland, so I've been told to partake of sourness every so often to keep the gland going.
(08:46:48 PM) Auricle: wow.
(08:46:55 PM) Auricle: I still feel badly for you.
(08:46:58 PM) dkap: Doing a saline rinse as well>
(08:49:07 PM) Cagliostro: not as yet, but it's an idea.
(08:49:38 PM) dkap: It does help. I know it helps with my bloody noses, and keeps them from getting infected, something about most of those buggers don't like saline ...
(08:49:41 PM) Auricle: yeah, that's usually a good one.
(08:50:05 PM) Cagliostro: changes the environment for the bacteria.
(08:50:12 PM) dkap: Which always confused me because blood is salty. I mean, it tastes salty ... umm ... hypothetically speaking of course, not that I would know from personal experience or anything.
(08:50:41 PM) Cagliostro: game, run
(08:51:30 PM) dkap: Right.
(08:51:49 PM) Auricle: yup
(08:51:56 PM) dkap: I'm slightly distracted, I'm running one of the remote players ... not that that ... particular ... qualification has any real meaning anymore ...
(08:52:18 PM) dkap: Umm ... I'm running one of the "Young, idealistic heros".
(08:52:32 PM) Cagliostro: you're running a PC :)
(08:53:40 PM) dkap: Right.
(08:53:42 PM) dkap: That.
(08:54:15 PM) Auricle: Poor PC.
(08:54:45 PM) Auricle: There's no room for idealism in Amber.
(08:56:03 PM) dkap: Well ... they all start idealistic, they want to do good or be something. And then ... they run into their relatives ...
(08:56:06 PM) Cagliostro: I can just imagine Tom hanks saying "There's no idealism in Amber!"
(08:56:55 PM) Auricle: And we...that being their relatives...set them straight. Unless we put them up on the ramparts as a warning.
(08:57:12 PM) Cagliostro: I like to think of that as setting them -extremely- straight.
(08:57:15 PM) dkap: Indeed. He's working on a new character.
(08:57:40 PM) Auricle: *laugh* well at least we didn't scare him off
(08:57:43 PM) dkap: Sadly, he thinks he knows what he did wrong, and is putting more points into things and strength ...
(08:57:58 PM) dkap: I'm ... not sure he's a good fit.
(08:58:11 PM) Cagliostro: well, he can be entertaining and/or an example to others.
(08:58:42 PM) Cagliostro: I don't think that most of the remote players are willing to consider the implicaitons of players who've been in the game for a decade or more -and- will work with each other.
(08:58:52 PM) dkap: Indeed.
(09:00:52 PM) Auricle: Yeah.
(09:01:04 PM) Auricle: Even those of us who went on hiatus and then came back. :)
(09:01:10 PM) Cagliostro: there's a line - on one side of the line, the powers that be will just ignore you.
(09:01:14 PM) Cagliostro: on the other side, y ou'll get stepped on.
(09:01:24 PM) Cagliostro: there are some players -really- good at finding that line. ;)
(09:01:25 PM) Auricle: On the other side, we DON'T ignore you.
(09:01:31 PM) Cagliostro: like the Caliph. He was a good villain for a while.
(09:01:55 PM) dkap: He still is.
(09:01:57 PM) dkap: I mean ... was.
(09:02:02 PM) dkap: *grin*
(09:02:09 PM) Cagliostro: heh.
(09:02:39 PM) dkap: He, in the end, realized that the path his character took was ... a little _too_ confrontational. His new character ... well ... is a lot more subtle.
(09:03:04 PM) Auricle: subtle is better.
(09:03:22 PM) Auricle: Jean and I completely miss subtlety, we're not good at that. ;)
(09:03:54 PM) dkap: Indeed. I think he was hung up on the Zach and Auricle show part of the logs, and recently has gotten into more of the ilk/Cagliostro sections lately.
(09:04:23 PM) dkap: And he realized that this game is for the long-haul, not one of those "everything must happen now" "but we are immortals" conflict games.
(09:05:16 PM) Auricle: Yeah, Zach and Auricle are a weird vibe.
(09:05:25 PM) dkap: They are.
(09:05:33 PM) dkap: Powerful though, and quite successful.
(09:05:52 PM) dkap: Although Zach and Laetatio were ... and interesting pairing.
(09:06:06 PM) dkap: BLASPHEMER!
(09:06:09 PM) Auricle: I'm never going to forget walking around a corner with TPB Zach, and you suddenly pointing at us yelling "THEM! THEY'RE THE ONES I'M TALKING ABOUT!"....right before the GM horror stories panel.
(09:06:27 PM) dkap: *grin*
(09:06:28 PM) Cagliostro: heh.
(09:06:39 PM) ***Auricle is proud of being a GM horror story.
(09:06:45 PM) Cagliostro: as well you should be. ;)
(09:07:52 PM) Cagliostro: Poor Malachai always felt like a refugee from a different game, I think.
(09:08:23 PM) Cagliostro: and Andrew couldn't manage to get his one-shot character killed. ;)
(09:08:56 PM) dkap: Yeah, and he tried so hard, as well.
(09:08:58 PM) dkap: *grin*
(09:09:13 PM) dkap: Sad to say, his one-shot characters outlasted him.
(09:09:30 PM) Cagliostro: it's a gift.
(09:10:10 PM) Auricle: A rare one.
(09:35:56 PM) dkap: Right then.
(09:36:32 PM) dkap: Auricle ... you are hunting up Zach, when the Ranger turns to you, and says: "I have an odd question, if you don't mind."
(09:36:50 PM) Auricle: "Not at all, ask away."
(09:38:21 PM) dkap: Ranger: "How do you know if ... well ... if ... a child is of your family's blood?"
(09:39:35 PM) ***Auricle thinks that over. "Do you mean, if one of *your* children is of your blood? Or if someone is of Amber's bloodline?"
(09:40:00 PM) dkap: Ranger: "Umm ... the latter, I think."
(09:42:57 PM) Auricle: "Well." She pauses. "Easiest way is to make them walk the Pattern. If they can walk it, they're an Amberite."
(09:44:18 PM) dkap: Gargoyle, directly to Auricle: "Not necessarily true, we still don't know if anyone not of your or Nevil's blood can walk it."
(09:44:45 PM) Auricle: Gargoyle: Theorectically true -- Dworkin did.
(09:47:25 PM) dkap: Gargoyle-tA: "Dworkin is special."
(09:51:23 PM) Auricle: Gargoyle: True enough, but... I agree it needs testing.
(09:52:26 PM) dkap: Gargoyle: "And this is one of Zach's trusted people, not, necessarily a good test case. He might not want to risk this one."
(09:52:37 PM) dkap: Gargoyle: "And he _is_ being helpful."
(09:54:16 PM) Auricle: (out loud) I wasn't planning on *him*!
(09:55:12 PM) dkap: Ranger: "You weren't planning on what?"
(09:55:30 PM) Auricle: "Making you walk the Pattern."
(09:56:50 PM) dkap: Ranger: "I don't think I'd survive ... frankly, I'd be afraid to try."
(09:58:03 PM) Auricle: "Well, that's fine then." *blinks* "Although, why do you want to know?"
(09:59:10 PM) dkap: Ranger: "I ... think ... well ... there is a young lady, who looks quite a bit ... well ... like Captain Zach, and ... well ... she seems quite ... capable, and we were wondering ... was there some simple, non-destructive way to test?"
(09:59:47 PM) Auricle: "Non-destructive is so much less fun."
(10:00:20 PM) dkap: Ranger: "She's a _nice_ girl."
(10:00:40 PM) Auricle: "I suppose I can run a blood test on her."
(10:01:57 PM) dkap: Ranger: "If we ... got you some blood? She's ... really very shy and doesn't like being near strangers much."
(10:02:44 PM) Auricle: *looks offended* I'm hardly a stranger to Zach.
(10:03:37 PM) dkap: Ranger: "Of course not! But you are to ... her."
(10:06:18 PM) Auricle: "Only because Zach is lost in this forest."
(10:06:46 PM) dkap: Ranger: "Umm ... Zach is also a stranger to her?"
(10:07:16 PM) Auricle: "No no no, I'm a stranger 'cause Zach is lost."
(10:08:19 PM) dkap: Ranger: "Zach is lost?"
(10:08:33 PM) Auricle: "Yes. After all, he's not here, is he?"
(10:09:15 PM) Auricle: (ooc: I have the feeling the Arden Rangers are developing additional 'Special Protocols for the Dealing With of Auricle' even as we talk.)
(10:09:38 PM) dkap: They already are.
(10:10:05 PM) dkap: Ranger: "Yes, but if he was lost, we couldn't be going to him, now, could we, because we wouldn't know where to go?"
(10:11:41 PM) ***Auricle rolls her eyes. "If he wasn't lost, I'd know where he was," she says patiently as if to a small child.
(10:12:41 PM) Cagliostro: (I fear I am falling asleep... early days yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Until next week!)
(10:12:44 PM) dkap: Ranger: "Oh, but you do know where he is. That's why you came here to him. Right?"
(10:12:51 PM) Cagliostro left the room (quit: Quit: Leaving.).
(10:12:52 PM) dkap: Until next week.
(10:13:35 PM) Auricle: "No, or I would have gone right to him."
(10:14:13 PM) dkap: Ranger: "You are. Right now, with me."
(10:15:27 PM) Auricle: "No no, I would have skipped the Ranger portion of this trip. Just teleported right to Zach. But he's lost. I have to rely on other methods of locating him, such as you."
(10:15:53 PM) dkap: Oh, but Arden is supposed to be teleport-proof.
(10:17:26 PM) Auricle: *blinks* It is?
(10:17:37 PM) Auricle: Gargoyle: I did pattern-teleport in, didn't I?
(10:17:44 PM) dkap: Gargoyle: "Check"
(10:19:20 PM) Auricle: "Well, I teleported in...."
(10:19:32 PM) Auricle: *looks around, wondering if she isn't in Arden after all*
(10:19:38 PM) dkap: Ranger: "Of course, but you are special."
(10:21:01 PM) Auricle: Well, yes, that's certainly true.
(10:21:26 PM) dkap: Ranger: "Ahh ... .I'd appreciate you not mentioning the little girl to Zach."
(10:21:37 PM) Auricle: "He doesn't know?"
(10:22:10 PM) dkap: Ranger: "Not ... yet. She's ... shy you see."
(10:22:46 PM) Auricle: "And you haven't told him?"
(10:23:28 PM) dkap: Ranger: "Well ... if she's not of Amber blood, why bother disturbing him, and if she is ... well ... then we can work on that, which is why I was asking if there was an easy way to tell ..."
(10:25:45 PM) Auricle: *shrugs* "Okay. Well, get me some of her blood, I'll see what I can do."
(10:27:45 PM) dkap: Ranger, pausing just before opening the secret door in the tree in front of you: "Thank you."
(10:28:23 PM) dkap: The Ranger sticks his head in the hole in the tree, and shouts down it "Captain Zach! Auricle is here to see you!"
(10:28:24 PM) Auricle: "Not a problem."
(10:30:06 PM) ***Auricle thinks the door in a tree trick is pretty cool.
(10:32:01 PM) dkap: A few moments later, Zach, himself, climbs out of the tree.
(10:32:09 PM) dkap: Zach: Auricle! Good to see you!
(10:32:21 PM) Auricle: "There you are! No longer lost."
(10:35:20 PM) dkap: Zach: "Good to hear. I hate being lost."
(10:36:31 PM) Auricle: "So...I'm here"
(10:37:25 PM) dkap: Gargoyle: You needed Zach's help to try and unravel things at Kolvir, and be in more than one place at once."
(10:37:53 PM) Auricle: "Oh! Right, trump doesn't work, and I need your help in Kolvir."
(10:38:12 PM) Auricle: "And none of us could figure out how to get you there without it being ... very long.
(10:38:57 PM) dkap: Zach: "Ok ... I could always go through Fairie, and open a fairie gate there ... that shouldn't take so long."
(10:40:26 PM) Auricle: "Actually, I wanted to try the teleport back. If you are willing. I need to make sure I can take someone with me. I'm testing the new Pattern."
(10:41:29 PM) dkap: Zach: "Sure, that's even easier. And if you don't succeed, I'll take a fairiy gate there.
(10:42:28 PM) Auricle: "Excellent...wait. Gargoyle, faerie gate will work?"
(10:42:56 PM) dkap: Gargoyle: "There is a distinct lack of data to be able to answer that question"
(10:43:14 PM) dkap: Zach: "People dream there, I'm sure a fairy gate is possible.
(10:44:06 PM) Auricle: "Then let's test this."
(10:44:44 PM) ***Auricle reaches out, takes a hold of Zach, walks the Pattern in her mind, and teleports back to the City under Kolvir, with Zach.
(10:46:44 PM) dkap: Zach is looking at you with a slight look of interest, as if he is waiting for something.
(10:47:39 PM) Auricle: "Ummmm.. Now, that's NOT good."
(10:48:02 PM) Auricle: "Gargoyle: Analysis."
(10:49:36 PM) dkap: Garoyle: "Waiting for pattern teleport to commence"
(10:50:04 PM) Auricle: "I already tried."
(10:50:25 PM) Auricle: GM: What happened when I tried? Anything? Am I powered up from walking the Pattern in my mind?
(10:51:26 PM) dkap: You have plenty of power.
(10:51:35 PM) dkap: Apparently, nothing happened, though.
(10:51:48 PM) Auricle: "Do you have a Pattern teleport block up?"
(10:51:55 PM) Auricle: scan the area, is it blocked?
(10:52:34 PM) dkap: You have no idea if it is blocked, because, your scan goes through ...
(10:52:42 PM) dkap: Possibly because you just walked the pattern ...
(10:55:00 PM) Auricle: "That didn't work."
(10:58:09 PM) dkap: Zach: Are you sure you did it right?
(10:59:10 PM) Auricle: "I've done it plenty of times before. It worked just fine *getting* here."
(10:59:42 PM) dkap: Zach: Maybe you are standing wrong. Try it again?
(10:59:54 PM) Auricle: *lets go of Zach* You may need to faerie gate; let me see if this works. *tries the teleport again, without holding Zach*
(11:00:44 PM) dkap: Zach: Sure, just let me know when to begin.
(11:03:06 PM) ***Auricle does something Zach has never, ever, seen her do in all the time he's known her: blushes.
(11:04:02 PM) dkap: Zach, knowing that random colours, and even paislies swim randomly across Auricle from time to time, doesn't even really seem to notice.
(11:04:51 PM) Auricle: "This embarassing."
(11:05:05 PM) dkap: Zach: What is?
(11:05:21 PM) Auricle: "Dworkin must have done something new to the defenses. That's the most reasonable explanation."
(11:05:45 PM) dkap: Zach. "Of course. Let's go ask him what he did."
(11:07:11 PM) Auricle: "Well, you'd better gate, because my teleport isn't working."
(11:09:21 PM) dkap: Zach: Oh. Right ... This way ...
(11:09:36 PM) dkap: Walks a few hundred feet to a clearing with a ring of stones in it.
(11:09:42 PM) dkap: Zach: Remember the rules?
(11:10:58 PM) Auricle: "Don't eat people's spleens."
(11:11:19 PM) Auricle: "And I belong to you while we're there."
(11:12:20 PM) dkap: Zach: Good enough. Oh, and try _really hard_ to not wander off and get lost.
(11:14:04 PM) Auricle: "I'm not the one who gets lost. You're the one who gets lost."
(11:14:32 PM) dkap: Zach: "Right, and I'll try not to wander off and get lost as well."
(11:16:02 PM) Auricle: "That's fair, then." *grins*
(11:17:16 PM) dkap: He stands in the center of the circle and holds his hands out to you.
(11:18:01 PM) Auricle: *takes Zach's hands*
(11:19:23 PM) dkap: He winks at you, and the world around you changes, and becomes Fairy.
(11:21:15 PM) Auricle: And I think this might be a good stopping place.
(11:23:09 PM) Auricle: It is getting a bit late.
(11:24:00 PM) dkap: Good thought. Until next week then!
(11:24:03 PM) dkap: Sleep well!
(11:24:37 PM) Auricle left the room (quit: Quit: Chatzilla [SeaMonkey 1.1.14/2008120416]).