Conversation with #dkap_amber
Conversation with #dkap_amber on Mon 04 May 2009 12:33:15 PM EDT:
(11:35:40 AM) mode (+o dkap) by ChanServ
(08:00:45 PM) The topic for #dkap_amber is: Game as usual, logs at wiki-wiki at:
(08:00:50 PM) Cagliostro: woo, Gmness.
(08:03:54 PM) Cagliostro: just GM account or GM?
(08:11:17 PM) dkap: Gmness.
(08:11:31 PM) dkap: Still logging in, though.
(08:13:57 PM) mode (+o dkap) by ChanServ
(08:15:44 PM) dkap: There, logged in.
(08:16:14 PM) Caelin [] entered the room.
(08:16:25 PM) dkap: Greetings,
(08:16:32 PM) Caelin: hello!
(08:16:53 PM) Caelin: got until 9:30 your time
(08:21:16 PM) Cagliostro: we are nearing a start, I trust
(08:25:30 PM) dkap: Probably, where should we start?
(08:25:41 PM) Julianna: I'm going to have to brb, sorry
(08:26:06 PM) Cagliostro: not with Julianna in the lab
(08:26:16 PM) Cagliostro: what's Caelin up to in the underThelbane?
(08:26:22 PM) Julianna: I 2nd that, cag
(08:26:39 PM) Caelin: indeed
(08:30:35 PM) dkap: Does anyone remember where we left off?
(08:31:20 PM) Caelin: I am still underground.
(08:31:38 PM) Cagliostro: in the lab: Julianna, Zach, Auricle, and Deirdre had just made enough room for Martin to escape
(08:31:47 PM) Cagliostro: Cagliostro is still back at the remnants of the fight
(08:31:53 PM) dkap: Right, that's where.
(08:32:07 PM) dkap: (I had remembered you folks already encountering the lab guardian ...)
(08:32:36 PM) Cagliostro: nope, you're unstuck in time again
(08:32:55 PM) Caelin: (There will be a brief disconnection as I switch from phone onnect to wifi in a miute or two)
(08:33:03 PM) dkap: Understandable.
(08:33:19 PM) Cagliostro: for Caelin: Caelin: Auricle, a ranger, and some Jeans showed up under Thelbane. There was a ghostly hand that gave them the finger. They looked confused, asked where they were, and Jean led them out of Thelbane.
(08:33:48 PM) dkap: And I've been very unstuck in time. I was talking to someone about this year's Pennsic. Which, apparently, hasn't happened yet.
(08:34:00 PM) Cagliostro: are you did have fun?
(08:34:36 PM) Cagliostro: or "will you did have fun", I suppose. Darn tenses and time travel.
(08:34:54 PM) Cagliostro: Cagliostro is looking for survivors to read memories before the Jagers eat them
(08:36:34 PM) dkap: Right.
(08:38:04 PM) dkap: I did, by the way.
(08:38:13 PM) Cagliostro: Excellent.
(08:38:17 PM) dkap: It was about a class I had been giving.
(08:39:04 PM) dkap: Right ... Martin.
(08:39:06 PM) dkap: Rescue.
(08:42:06 PM) dkap: Martin.
(08:42:16 PM) Caelin_ [] entered the room.
(08:42:43 PM) dkap: Now, repeating for Caelin might be useful, I doubt he got the last.
(08:43:08 PM) Caelin_: reconnect! droid irc is da bomb!
(08:43:49 PM) Caelin_: and yes, caught the repeats.
(08:44:25 PM) Caelin left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
(08:45:28 PM) dkap: Count Cagliostro, the Ifrit who is watching the magic levels bows to you, to interrupt you.
(08:46:24 PM) Cagliostro: interrupt me from doing what?
(08:46:34 PM) Cagliostro: (i.e., at what poitn in the timestream is this?)
(08:47:49 PM) dkap: You are cleaning up from the battle, about 20 elapsed minutes.
(08:47:55 PM) Cagliostro: okay
(08:48:12 PM) Cagliostro: did I get the chance to find the memories of survivors, or am I still looking?
(08:48:30 PM) dkap: You were setting up to do so.
(08:48:34 PM) Cagliostro: okay
(08:48:41 PM) Cagliostro: Acknowledge the Ifrit. "Yes?"
(08:49:25 PM) dkap: Ifrit: There seems to be a collection of magic growing.
(08:50:09 PM) Cagliostro: gm: can I detect said concentration?
(08:50:13 PM) Cagliostro: and does it seem similar to the earlier one?
(08:51:11 PM) dkap: It is not similar, and, now that you've started paying attention to it, it is there ...
(08:51:24 PM) Cagliostro: hm.
(08:51:24 PM) dkap: Very destructive in nature ...
(08:51:31 PM) Cagliostro: oh, dear.
(08:51:49 PM) Cagliostro: does it look disruptable with the existing magic eaters?
(08:52:15 PM) dkap: Ramping up. Not quite as fast since your magic eaters are still in place.
(08:52:22 PM) dkap: But still ramping up.
(08:52:36 PM) Cagliostro: hm. if the magic eaters were physically moved near the center of power, would that help?
(08:53:12 PM) dkap: Not .. especially.
(08:53:59 PM) Cagliostro: by "destructive" I presume you mean on this entity's power scale, to wit having an awful lot of damage to the whole realm?
(08:54:46 PM) Cagliostro: do I think that I could counterspell the magic myself, if I just concentrated ont hat?
(08:54:52 PM) Cagliostro: I haven't done any counterspelling before.
(08:56:42 PM) dkap: Not really?
(08:56:50 PM) Cagliostro: that's what I figured.
(08:56:59 PM) Cagliostro: The gardener departed, yes?
(08:57:06 PM) Cagliostro: and was summoned via Jean?
(08:57:16 PM) dkap: Yes to both.
(08:57:28 PM) dkap: You did some counter-spelling against the Sultan.
(08:58:03 PM) Cagliostro: Okay. If I think that counterspelling will significantly delay the buildup, or that moving the stones will help by a few minutes, we'll proceed in that direction.
(08:58:10 PM) Cagliostro: otherwise, I'll keep my head down
(08:58:42 PM) Cagliostro: and: "Jean? I believe there is a serious magical attack here which I cannot defend against. Can you find help?"
(08:59:01 PM) Cagliostro: Jean would probably check with Ilk first and his sister second
(09:01:41 PM) Cagliostro: I can check with Amaranth's player if you want, but she's not in touch withw hat her character's up to.
(09:01:47 PM) Cagliostro: so I think it's all you. ;)
(09:04:17 PM) dkap: Indeed.
(09:05:52 PM) dkap: And, if she is curious, running the Mages Guild, and recovering after the uphevals.
(09:06:01 PM) Cagliostro: k
(09:06:53 PM) dkap: You might be able to get some of the non-dead prisoners out of range, so you could still grab their minds.
(09:07:21 PM) dkap: And neither Ilk nor Aamaranth has a quick answer, would need much more structural information.
(09:07:41 PM) Cagliostro: too risky; I don't know what's been done to them or whether they can be tracked. I couldn't send them someplace that would then get blown up.
(09:08:00 PM) dkap: No, just move them further away from ground zero.
(09:08:53 PM) Cagliostro: hm, I think I don't want my signature on those guys yet. Sorry. ;)
(09:09:08 PM) Cagliostro: Jean would look for someone Amberish who knows magic and doesn't want Greater Arden to get blown up.
(09:09:18 PM) Cagliostro: and presumably Ilk is now around checking out the situation.
(09:11:26 PM) dkap: Indeed.
(09:12:04 PM) Cagliostro: so Jean may indesperation suggest the problem to Caelin, or Ilk may suggest that Jean do so.
(09:12:11 PM) Cagliostro: but I don't know that Ilk is likely to do that.
(09:14:28 PM) dkap: Ilk would not, but Jean might.
(09:14:50 PM) Cagliostro: probably not until Cagliostro reports that things are desperate
(09:14:55 PM) dkap: And Caelin _is_ very good at unraveling things.
(09:15:02 PM) Cagliostro: yes, where things = *
(09:15:37 PM) dkap: *grin* Right Caelin?
(09:16:03 PM) Cagliostro: so when things get noticeably worse, Cagliostro will tell Jean, and Jean will tell Caelin that there's a big magical boom coming in Greater Arden that Cagliostro and Ilk can't stop.
(09:16:11 PM) Cagliostro: presuming that things get noticeably worse before Ilk can fix them
(09:17:32 PM) dkap: Ilk does not.
(09:18:29 PM) Cagliostro: okay, Caelin, Jean will tell you about the problem.
(09:18:40 PM) Cagliostro: naturally, with insufficient context ;)
(09:20:36 PM) dkap: Of course.
(09:20:38 PM) dkap: Caelin?
(09:20:43 PM) dkap: Caelin_?
(09:21:48 PM) dkap: Ground control to Major Tom?
(09:22:26 PM) Caelin_ left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
(09:22:34 PM) Cagliostro: alas, no Bueller.
(09:23:27 PM) Caelin [] entered the room.
(09:23:52 PM) dkap: Possibly now?
(09:23:54 PM) dkap: Caelin?
(09:26:45 PM) Caelin: here now
(09:27:09 PM) Caelin: got jean's info
(09:28:43 PM) dkap: And your reaction is?
(09:29:04 PM) Caelin: That. Is. Scary. If I weren't trying to avoid capture by my mother, I'd be glad to help.
(09:29:38 PM) dkap: Or offer advice?
(09:29:41 PM) Cagliostro: Jean: "Well, it would be too bad if Greater Arden got blown up just because Zach got grabbed by a giant hand."
(09:29:44 PM) Cagliostro is now known as Jea1
(09:29:50 PM) Jea1 is now known as Jean_
(09:30:34 PM) Caelin: SHIT
(09:31:46 PM) Caelin_ [] entered the room.
(09:31:47 PM) Caelin left the room (quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer).
(09:31:58 PM) Caelin_: when did he get kidnapped?
(09:32:16 PM) Jean_: "Just a little while ago. He got teleported to the center of an army invading Arden."
(09:32:22 PM) Jean_: "Auricle went looking for him."
(09:33:48 PM) Caelin_: tell her not to go! I don't think a single person with power has successfully dodged the hand!
(09:34:12 PM) Jean_: "She disappeared. I don't know where she is."
(09:34:54 PM) Jean_: "Do you think Auricle's in trouble?"
(09:42:37 PM) Caelin_: she will be if she runs into that hand
(09:42:46 PM) Caelin_: if benedict didn't get away, what chance does she have?
(09:47:08 PM) Jean_: "Well, Benedict's died at least once. I don't know if we can trust his judgement."
(09:47:33 PM) Jean_: "So if we have a hand running around grabbing people with Power, what's our plan?"
(09:47:40 PM) Jean_: "Does Mandor know about this?"
(09:48:13 PM) dkap: Mandor does not, unless you've told him.
(09:48:34 PM) Jean_: Huh.
(09:48:44 PM) Caelin_: RUN AND HIDE. shield yourselfas best you can!
(09:48:55 PM) Jean_: "That's a pretty crappy plan."
(09:49:24 PM) Jean_: to Mandor: "Hey, apparently there's a giant hand grabbing people of power. It's gotten Benedict, and Zach, and maybe Auricle. Caelin's freaking out about it and hiding under Thelbane."
(09:49:32 PM) Jean_: "It seemed like the sort of thing you should know about."
(09:49:37 PM) Jean_: gm: has jean seen the hand grab anyone else?
(09:51:16 PM) dkap: Nope.
(09:51:30 PM) Jean_: k.
(09:52:06 PM) Jean_: "Oh, and someone's trying to blow up Greater Arden with magic. Ilk and Cagliostro can't stop it."
(09:52:07 PM) dkap: Mandor: That sounds ... unfortunate. Does Caelin know anything more about this? And should we all be hiding under Thenlbame?
(09:52:26 PM) Jean_: hm. Is Flora reachable? or is she off with some Amberite contingent jean-doesn't-know-where?
(09:53:07 PM) Caelin_: jean. check yourself to make sure you haven't already been taken, if you can.
(09:53:10 PM) Jean_: "Mandor, do you want me to ask him or do you just want me to fish you over there?"
(09:53:15 PM) ***Jean_ checks
(09:53:17 PM) ***Jean_ pauses
(09:53:24 PM) Jean_: "How would I tell?"
(09:54:37 PM) dkap: Mandor: Yes, please, I would like to be there.
(09:55:30 PM) Jean_: gm: fish mandor to Under Thelbane
(09:55:51 PM) Caelin_: remember hoe you figured out one of you was the g person's prisoner?
(09:56:41 PM) Jean_: gm: did I ever figure that out, or did I just feel her in my head?
(09:56:45 PM) Jean_: it's been a while.
(09:56:58 PM) dkap: Feel her in your head.
(09:57:21 PM) Jean_: "Yeah, I felt her in my mind. I can -definitely- tell there's nothing like that going on. Right?"
(09:57:30 PM) Jean_: gm: nobody here but us Jeans, right?
(09:58:35 PM) dkap: Well ... some Ilk, and maybe a bit of tree, and some sharing between the quadrumviate of Life, Dream, Unlife, and Undead. But beyond that.
(09:58:45 PM) dkap: Oh, and a bit of whale, some fish, and a whagon or two ...
(09:58:51 PM) Jean_: okay, just the usual menagerie.
(09:59:02 PM) Jean_: a bit of whale?
(09:59:08 PM) Jean_: that's not normal.
(10:00:06 PM) dkap: Her swimming through you is part of being able to find the right body through the mind.
(10:01:28 PM) Jean_: okay
(10:01:40 PM) Jean_: just a bit as in keeping a fin in, or a bit as in a torn fragment?
(10:03:19 PM) dkap: Keeping a Fin in.
(10:03:28 PM) dkap: And teaching the Whagons how to, as well.
(10:03:32 PM) Jean_: okay, excellent.
(10:03:43 PM) Jean_: unjustified moment of panic there. I'll put it with the justified ones.
(10:03:52 PM) ***Jean_ fishes mandor to caelin
(10:07:46 PM) dkap: Caelin, Mandor has joined you, after carefully pocketing his balls.
(10:08:09 PM) Caelin_: good. ;-)
(10:09:47 PM) dkap: Mandor: So, Caelin, what's going on with this hand thing?
(10:11:21 PM) Caelin_: "simple. the enemy is grabbing us one by one"
(10:11:37 PM) Caelin_: Benedict attacked the hand but failed to return.
(10:12:45 PM) dkap: Mandor: Right. And who else does this hand have?
(10:14:27 PM) Caelin_: my betrothed...
(10:14:53 PM) dkap: Mandor: Right, and what are you doing about that?
(10:14:55 PM) Jean_: "Zach of Cara"
(10:15:26 PM) dkap: Mandor: That's bad. Anyone else?
(10:16:09 PM) Caelin_: probably
(10:16:20 PM) dkap: Mandor: So, where's the rescue team?
(10:16:32 PM) dkap: Mandor: Why are you cowering down here?
(10:17:47 PM) Caelin_: I'm likely her primary target
(10:18:07 PM) Jean_: "Auricle went to rescue Zach. I lost track of her."
(10:20:37 PM) dkap: Mandor: Umm ... Jean, Don't you think something should be done? Like help to rescue them?
(10:21:05 PM) Jean_: "Probably. I was just trying to keep Zach's shadow from being blown up while he was gone."
(10:21:06 PM) dkap: Mandor: Or at least let the other Amberites know?
(10:21:25 PM) Jean_: gm: do I know where -any- other Amberites are?
(10:22:36 PM) dkap: Most of the Hampsterites, Dworkin was rumored to be on Kolvir.
(10:24:43 PM) Jean_: hm. pass the word about the giant hand, particularly to dworkin.
(10:26:12 PM) Caelin_: "also, Mandor, you should know that there were questionable people impersonating various house members of major houses. in thelbane"
(10:26:23 PM) Caelin_: My house second, for openers.
(10:26:41 PM) dkap: Dworkin is somewhat blaze until Auricle's dissapearance is mentioned.
(10:26:44 PM) ***Jean_ pauses.
(10:27:00 PM) Jean_: GM: do I know of any other mandors running around? and how long have I been around this one? Check my notes at the guild.
(10:27:31 PM) dkap: You've been around him for many turnings, because he's either been in Thelbane, or playing cards, and you've taken him both ways.
(10:27:36 PM) dkap: He's trying to lay low, remember?
(10:27:52 PM) Caelin_: The Ifrit helped me elude the imposter. but I think he escaped my attack before I retreated here.
(10:28:39 PM) Jean_: dkap: just making sure.
(10:29:06 PM) dkap: Indeed.
(10:29:08 PM) Jean_: to dworkin: so, as your apprentice, any tips on how I could find Auricle?
(10:29:32 PM) dkap: Dworkin: Pattern Teleport to her?
(10:30:53 PM) Jean_: "I haven't walked the new pattern - and is this a good time to try?"
(10:30:58 PM) Caelin_: most resources I have to use against her are either forbidden or completely expended.
(10:31:18 PM) Jean_: again to dworkin: "Also, the mes that can walk the pattern are kind of fragile."
(10:31:50 PM) dkap: Dworkin: Perhaps you should grab someone else who can walk, and have them walk, and then give them a fish.
(10:32:08 PM) Caelin_: I'm ready to stop listening to all the wonderful advice I've been getting. if I didn't know better, I'd say most would be happy to see me captured anyway.
(10:32:34 PM) ***Jean_ hms.
(10:33:01 PM) Jean_: "How do I give someone a fish after they walk the Pattern?"
(10:33:24 PM) Jean_: to Caelin: "How much of the advice you've been getting is from imposters?"
(10:33:31 PM) Jean_: "or your dad?"
(10:33:33 PM) dkap: Dworkin: You stand at the center of the pattern, and when they get there, you hand them the fish.
(10:33:35 PM) Caelin_: if I didn't think she'd increase her power significantly in capturing me, I'd oblige.
(10:33:54 PM) Jean_: "That would work."
(10:34:00 PM) Caelin_: I haven't seen dad in a bit. he got captuured too.
(10:34:03 PM) Jean_: gm: are any of the hamsterites game?
(10:34:27 PM) Jean_: to Caelin: "Anyone else you didn't mention?"
(10:34:33 PM) dkap: Well ... Corwin might be willing.
(10:34:52 PM) Caelin_: ahh, one other house member got nailed too. Zorro's assistant and page. *smacks forehead*
(10:35:06 PM) Jean_: "Did you tell Zorro?"
(10:35:31 PM) Jean_: gm: what would convince Corwin? This is going into great danger and all that, so Jean isn't pushing.
(10:36:00 PM) Caelin_: OF COURSE I TOLD ZORRO!
(10:36:51 PM) Jean_: to Mandor: "Well, there's your rescue party." To Caelin: "Right? THat's the plan? Hide down here and wait for Zorro to kill everyone bad?"
(10:37:57 PM) Caelin_: "mandor, everything I can throw against the enemy I have long been instructed not to use"
(10:38:33 PM) Caelin_: "My Pattern is outdated, and to use it continues to drain me."
(10:39:37 PM) Caelin_: "I still likely have a few high powered mental patients, so to speak..."
(10:40:16 PM) dkap: Mandor: Well ... stay there, I'll see what I can do to help my friends in Arden.
(10:40:52 PM) dkap: Mandor: Jean, would you transfer me to Arden?
(10:40:53 PM) Caelin_: "I don't know a damn thing about my mother except that she's looking for me and bad things will happen if she acquires me."
(10:41:14 PM) Jean_: "So the hand works for your mother?"
(10:41:33 PM) Caelin_ left the room (quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer).
(10:42:02 PM) Jean_: alas. we did get him for an extra hour.
(10:42:29 PM) dkap: Indeed.
(10:46:08 PM) Jean_: want to do something with Martin and Julianna?
(10:46:17 PM) Jean_: you could at least describe the poor schmoe.
(10:48:42 PM) dkap: Juliana, are you back?
(10:57:42 PM) dkap: See ... on that note, I think I'll hang it.
(10:57:47 PM) dkap: See you folks next week!
(10:57:58 PM) Jean_: I'm a question mark next week
(10:58:02 PM) Jean_: I'll be on travel. I'll let you know.
(10:58:17 PM) Jean_ left the room (quit: Quit: Leaving.).