Conversation with #dkap_amber
Conversation with #dkap_amber on Thu 22 Oct 2009 10:34:53 AM EDT:
(10:37:18 AM) mode (+o dkap) by ChanServ
(08:29:38 PM) The topic for #dkap_amber is: Game as usual, logs at: ; wiki-wiki at:
(08:31:32 PM) mode (+o dkap) by ChanServ
(08:31:57 PM) Cagliostro: ahoyhoy
(08:33:58 PM) dkap: Yoo halooo.
(08:34:11 PM) dkap: Bad traffic on the way home. Some sort of nasty accident.
(08:34:27 PM) Cagliostro: unfortunate.
(08:35:13 PM) dkap: Indeed. Lots of flashing lights.
(08:35:38 PM) dkap: Right, where did we leave off? Oh, right, Delna, you were going to make a decision.
(08:35:39 PM) dkap: *grin*
(08:39:52 PM) dkap: Something about Spike and the pack.
(08:40:03 PM) dkap: Now that the ... ship is well in the Count's hands.
(08:41:23 PM) Delna: hmm, spike? Was there a game last week when I was away?
(08:41:32 PM) Delna: I didn't see a log for it
(08:43:20 PM) dkap: There was a game, but I was having severe technical problems.
(08:43:31 PM) dkap: But not spike ... umm ... spot?
(08:43:58 PM) dkap: You did the whole rescue thing, Jayne is mostly dead, hopefully the chocolate pill will help.
(08:45:21 PM) dkap: Simon and River are fine.
(08:45:26 PM) dkap: Mal is getting better.
(08:46:04 PM) dkap: Kaylee has had a melt-down, is hugging the engine, and has an Ifrit guarding her (not that she has noticed).
(08:46:16 PM) dkap: Book is long since dead, and so is Wash.
(08:46:31 PM) dkap: Zoe is a little worse for the wear, but better than she was, last time.
(08:46:51 PM) dkap: Brand is off, consulting with the Count.
(08:47:05 PM) Cagliostro: I sent last week's log to you, dkap
(08:47:15 PM) dkap: Ahh ... excellent.
(08:47:23 PM) dkap: Did I miss any of the crew?
(08:47:33 PM) dkap: Oh, and Inara is missing, and Mal is somewhat pissed about that.
(08:47:45 PM) Cagliostro: yes.
(08:48:01 PM) Cagliostro: yes that you missed Inara and then remembered, I mean.
(08:49:01 PM) dkap: I believe he fell from the ceiling, and just missed the Nos, and re-injured himself, in doing so.
(08:49:24 PM) Delna: heh
(08:49:29 PM) dkap: But, that means that all the crew is safely in the Count's hands, and he and Brand were negotiating a solution.
(08:49:46 PM) Delna: So, back to our wolfy problem
(08:50:00 PM) dkap: While Delna, was left to contemplate the dilemma of the furry-folk problem.
(08:53:05 PM) Delna: I believe I had the intention of gathering our hoard together in a sort of town meeting, letting people state their opinion on whether the pups stay or not, and then convening with my advisors.
(08:53:50 PM) Delna: In addition, I would like to consult the count if possible on the problem we had with the mayor and his little freak out previously
(08:54:58 PM) dkap: Makes sense. Do you want to set the time/location for the town meeting, and then find the count to consult him, or vice versa?
(08:56:19 PM) Delna: I'll set the time and then seek the count
(08:56:41 PM) dkap: Good good.
(08:57:08 PM) dkap: Just doing a general announcement? Or are you going to do something more subtle?
(08:57:39 PM) dkap: And are you going to poll them by clan? By world of origin? By age? Or just by aggregate?
(09:05:12 PM) Delna: I will have my advisors from each clan go to seek out and speak with those of their own clan, inviting any who have an interest in this topic. I will make sure that clan, world of origin and age are recorded for anyone who wishes to speak on the subject. If they wish to speak they will need to put in a request with the advisor who comes to speak to them.
(09:06:35 PM) Delna: There will also be an allotted time for any present who did not register to speak to state their opinion. And I will make sure to appoint a scribe for the event
(09:08:40 PM) dkap: Good good. Now, on to the tricky question I hid from you ... how are you going to name/call the World of Origin? And how are you going to differentiate?
(09:15:20 PM) dkap: *evil grin*
(09:23:01 PM) Delna: Well, the main thing I am interested in is whether or not their world of origin had werewolves, or a similar species. They can state their world of origin by whatever name they call it in addition to answering this other question.
(09:23:12 PM) Delna: Does this answer your question?
(09:27:28 PM) dkap: Most of them will call it "earth" or Gaia.
(09:32:29 PM) Delna: That is fine.
(09:32:38 PM) dkap: So, everyone is from earth.
(09:32:47 PM) dkap: And therefore ... not distinguishable?
(09:32:54 PM) dkap: Including you.
(09:36:53 PM) Delna: That's fine. We will go by clan and age then. Since we can't take an account of everyone's personal history with werewolves, that information will have to do.
(09:38:04 PM) dkap: Gotcha.
(09:38:39 PM) Delna: (Just fyi, unfortunately I can't stay too much later this evening. I had very little sleep last night, so I would like to try to get 8 hours tonight)
(09:39:24 PM) dkap: *grin* S'ok, I believe I can turn to the Count, now that I have a record of where we left off (thank you!)
(09:40:03 PM) Cagliostro: that works
(09:42:01 PM) Delna: (No problem. Sorry I can't stay. My show will be done soon though and I'll be back with more frequency :)
(09:42:05 PM) dkap: So, when you need to flee (said the fly) ...
(09:42:10 PM) dkap: Is it going well?
(09:42:18 PM) dkap: You notice Mike isn't here, for much the same reason.
(09:45:44 PM) dkap: I wonder how his bid for Chicago is going.
(09:45:51 PM) Delna: Yes, the show is going very well. I really like the play, which is important with as huge a critic I am ;)
(09:46:01 PM) dkap: *grin* a wonderful thing.
(09:46:14 PM) Cagliostro: excellent!
(09:46:16 PM) dkap: Although, I do hope it's only a pause between plays, as opposed to a cessation.
(09:46:42 PM) Delna: Well, I have already been asked to do one after the one I'm currently doing finishes.
(09:47:03 PM) Delna: Paying gig too, as is this one
(09:47:10 PM) dkap: Most excellent!
(09:47:14 PM) dkap: Is it up to your standards?
(09:47:43 PM) Delna: I turned it down as I need to focus on my project for a while, but I'm sure that there will be chances for others. My current director loves me and has been talking me up
(09:48:15 PM) dkap: Excellent.
(09:48:17 PM) Delna: It theatre, but well organized since the company has been around for a while
(09:48:30 PM) dkap: Good organization is a good thing.
(09:48:50 PM) Delna: Indeed. So, it is decent, long as I don't have to work on a musical :P
(09:49:36 PM) dkap: *grin* Not even "Into the Woods"?
(09:49:49 PM) dkap: I think you could give Bernadette Peters a run for her money.
(09:49:54 PM) Delna: Well, some musicals are an exception
(09:50:09 PM) Delna: haha, thanks. not sure about that, but it's a great compliment!
(09:52:10 PM) Delna: I'll be hanging around online for a bit longer, trying to plan a costume for a tea party friday :)
(09:52:58 PM) dkap: What type of tea party?
(09:53:29 PM) dkap: Poufy, pounce? Lingerie? Goth? Gothic? Victorian? Japanese?
(09:58:17 PM) Delna: A Madhatter Tea Party actually
(09:58:53 PM) Cagliostro: cool-o
(09:59:13 PM) Delna: I had a pumpkin with the cheshire cat's face carved just for the occasion...but it got very scary very quickly in the florida mugginess
(09:59:22 PM) Delna: So I tossed it today
(10:33:41 PM) Cagliostro: shall we call it a week?
(10:40:59 PM) dkap: Sorry about that.
(10:41:01 PM) dkap: Phone call.
(10:41:13 PM) dkap: Had to consult someone on ... particulars for a scene.
(10:43:06 PM) dkap: So, if Delna is still listening, is she going in a fur-suit? As the bunny?
(10:43:17 PM) Delna: Heh, no.
(10:43:21 PM) Delna: I am going as a flower
(10:43:41 PM) dkap: Ahh ... even better. I believe the Doormouse nibbles on a flower at one point ...
(10:44:30 PM) Delna: heheheh. Well, I wonder who will come as the doormouse then!
(10:44:54 PM) dkap: Hopefully, whomever will not have _too_ sharp teeth.
(10:44:56 PM) dkap: *grin*
(10:46:41 PM) Delna: But not too dull either : >
(10:47:40 PM) dkap: Ahh ... of course not, then where would be your fun in it.
(10:47:55 PM) Delna: mmhmm
(10:48:13 PM) dkap: Yay sensations.
(10:48:26 PM) dkap: Are you going to pollinate people? *grin*
(10:49:14 PM) Delna: Haha, ....actually, now I'm tempted to bring some sort of yellow dust to throw on people just for giggles...
(10:49:33 PM) dkap: Sparkles?
(10:49:49 PM) dkap: Glitter?
(10:49:57 PM) dkap: That might go over amusingly ...
(10:49:59 PM) Delna: I have some glitter dust that I could use
(10:50:04 PM) dkap: There you go!
(10:50:27 PM) Delna: Well, good. One more thing to add. Thanks!
(10:50:48 PM) Delna: I will pollinate the whole party!
(10:50:59 PM) Delna: I'll be the slutty flower I guess
(10:51:04 PM) dkap: I love my friends.
(10:52:41 PM) Delna: :D
(10:53:07 PM) Delna: well, it is long past my bedtime. I will see you next week hopefully
(10:53:15 PM) dkap: Until next week!
(10:53:21 PM) dkap: I think this is a game.
(10:55:22 PM) Delna left the room.
(11:00:00 PM) Cagliostro left the room.