Conversation with #dkap_amber

Conversation with #dkap_amber on Tue 08 Dec 2009 02:31:10 PM EST:
(02:33:36 PM) mode (+o dkap) by ChanServ

(08:24:08 PM) The topic for #dkap_amber is: Game as usual, logs at: ; wiki-wiki at:
(08:25:46 PM) mode (+o dkap) by ChanServ
(08:26:49 PM) dkap: AhhhHA! I am here again.
(08:26:54 PM) dkap: Hopefully more stable this time.
(08:26:57 PM) dkap: Rebuilt machine.
(08:27:29 PM) dkap: No Nos this week, though.
(08:27:35 PM) Delna: Well, I'm only two episodes in. Currently I think it is very intriguing and want to know more of what is happening in the background
(08:27:49 PM) Delna: Yay for having a gm
(08:31:39 PM) Cagliostro: yay GM
(08:32:00 PM) dkap: Two episodes into what, if I might ask?
(08:32:38 PM) Cagliostro: I never got far enough into Dollhouse to see too much of the backstory.
(08:33:29 PM) dkap: Oh ... yeah, I really don't like the premise of Dollhouse.
(08:36:23 PM) Spot [] entered the room.
(08:38:55 PM) Cagliostro: hello, Spot
(08:39:36 PM) Spot: hiya!
(08:40:00 PM) dkap: Then there were three.
(08:41:08 PM) Delna: What about it do you dislike if I may ask?
(08:42:29 PM) dkap: Well ... the whole you are distinct from your shaping, piece.
(08:43:11 PM) dkap: From my point of view, you are the sum of your memories. If you throw someone, with skills and habits into a body that is wired even slightly differently, all those skills and habits are going to fail, miserably.
(08:43:46 PM) dkap: And I'm not expecting the memories to be truly locked in the muscles either, just in the wiring that controls the muscles in the memories.
(08:45:03 PM) dkap: So, if you trained to be a Navy Seal, it is a combination of your body and your mind that is that Navy Seal. Putting another's consciousness into your body won't make them automatically a good swimmer or sniper, and putting your consciousness into another body won't give that body those skills, either.
(08:46:38 PM) dkap: It's a combination of the body-mind that operates. Which is why, when we remember our bodies of our youth, and expect to be able to do something, that we no longer can, we still fail, because the body is not up to what the memories expect. But being able to navigate through your bedroom in the dark is a combination of memory, and expected feedback. Imagine if you will, your body shrunk down to the size of an 8 year old. It would take much longer for your feet to hit the ground, when you got out of bed in the dark ...
(08:46:57 PM) dkap: And that would begin to throw off your native knowledge of the room itself.
(08:47:07 PM) dkap: You'd all of a sudden become really clumsy.
(08:47:29 PM) dkap: Not lithe, and elegant, like someone who has been in their body, practicing, all their life.
(08:47:33 PM) dkap: But I'm ranting.
(08:49:11 PM) dkap: Farmer's riverworld dealt well with it.
(08:49:34 PM) dkap: Which, if I recall correctly, was the inspiration for Lost, I think?
(08:55:29 PM) Delna: I'm not sure as I haven't seen Lost. But I agree with you on the above.
(08:56:16 PM) Delna: I just finished the first two episodes tonight, so I haven't begun yet to deconstruct it quite yet.
(08:57:00 PM) Cagliostro: I am not sure about Lost and Riverworld. Something in common, certainly.
(08:57:38 PM) dkap: I don't know ... I saw one episode of Lost, and thought, my that's very Riverworld-ish, all those people from all those different times, all showing up at once?
(08:58:12 PM) Cagliostro: perhaps you saw an episode from a different season I did. I just watched the first coupleof seasons.
(08:58:33 PM) Cagliostro: they didn't get into time travel till later.
(08:59:01 PM) dkap: Ahh ... I don't know.
(08:59:52 PM) Cagliostro: there was an element of purification in Lost, where people tended to die just after their plot was resolved.
(09:01:19 PM) dkap: That is ... awfully convenient ...
(09:01:26 PM) dkap: I'm glad my game doesn't work that way.
(09:01:35 PM) dkap: Then plots might actually have to resolve.
(09:01:39 PM) Cagliostro: no, people die before resolving their plots.
(09:01:50 PM) dkap: Which is a sneeky way of saying: "Game, run."
(09:01:50 PM) Cagliostro: Usually after saying "Watch this!" Or "It can't be -that- bad."
(09:02:01 PM) dkap: True enough.
(09:02:13 PM) Cagliostro: so, yes,game.
(09:02:13 PM) dkap: Or something like "I will defend her to the death ..."
(09:02:23 PM) Cagliostro: there is a speechification, I believe.
(09:04:29 PM) dkap: Indeed. Vamps, on the whole, seem to be anti-local wolf.
(09:04:39 PM) dkap: I believe we had several folks speaking out about that.
(09:04:46 PM) dkap: And the Ventru Council wanted that as well.
(09:05:07 PM) dkap: They, of course, think the population would be better controlled by what they set, rather than in reaction to the wolves.
(09:05:35 PM) Cagliostro: but there was some flexibility about the Nos's friend, yes?
(09:05:46 PM) Cagliostro: of course,werewolves come in sets. Like hot dogs and hot dog buns.
(09:05:59 PM) Spot: that's packs, cagliostro.
(09:06:01 PM) Cagliostro: Elsewhere, Cagliostro is trying to figure out some specs and run some power to the Serenity Shed.
(09:06:02 PM) Spot: packs.
(09:06:08 PM) Spot: not sets
(09:06:21 PM) Cagliostro: ooc snark, sorry, spot. ;)
(09:06:43 PM) Cagliostro: I figure we might as well start trying to figure out what tech works and what doesn't.
(09:06:53 PM) Cagliostro: and what tech works that Cagliostro isn't familiar with.
(09:07:39 PM) dkap: Tech that the Count is familiar with doesn't all work.
(09:07:50 PM) dkap: Nothing that he is unfamiliar with works.
(09:17:03 PM) Cagliostro: hm.
(09:17:26 PM) Cagliostro: I presume that the unfamiliar parts are key to making the ship not fall?
(09:19:22 PM) dkap: Probably many of them.
(09:19:29 PM) dkap: Or some of them. It's not clear.
(09:19:38 PM) dkap: They seem to be built on a whole different technology.
(09:20:36 PM) Cagliostro: hm. probably the Count's first experience with same.
(09:20:39 PM) Cagliostro: in specific or in general.
(09:22:20 PM) dkap: Not ... entirely, but mostly.
(09:22:37 PM) dkap: And the form doesn't really provide a function. And the wailing of Kaylee is not helping.
(09:23:53 PM) Cagliostro: so it's a suboptimal design built on unfamiliar technology that doesn't work locally,and the chief engineer's having a go-to-pieces.
(09:24:15 PM) dkap: More or less a good summation, yes.
(09:24:46 PM) dkap: Not necessarily sub-optimal, just build with a different set of logical assumptions than you currently have.
(09:38:34 PM) Cagliostro: hm. talk to the crew about the form, then.
(09:38:41 PM) Cagliostro: try to figure out the assumptions it was built on.
(09:38:49 PM) Cagliostro: perhaps we'll geek Kaylee out of her funk,perhaps not.
(09:39:04 PM) Spot: (or I could eat her)
(09:39:24 PM) dkap: She might taste bad, Spot.
(09:39:28 PM) dkap: She's covered in grease.
(09:39:30 PM) dkap: And dirt.
(09:39:56 PM) Spot: (True, I suppose I'll stay listening to the leeches argue.)
(09:45:01 PM) dkap: They seem to think that the Woofs would be better off far away from the Vamps.
(09:45:53 PM) Spot: That's because the vamps are boring. ;)
(09:46:45 PM) dkap: It could be. Or they could be trying to establish themselves in a new place.
(09:46:54 PM) dkap: Most vamps deal with change ... somewhat badly.
(09:51:22 PM) Cagliostro: especially a change in the ambient lighting.
(09:52:07 PM) dkap: Indeed.
(09:52:09 PM) dkap: *grin*
(09:52:16 PM) dkap: Which is rapidly approaching.
(09:57:00 PM) Cagliostro: so it sounds like Delna has a consensus, and hasn't pre-salted the audience with speakers whose opinion matches her (not that Cagliostro would do that, oh, no, never)
(09:57:06 PM) Cagliostro: and dawn is approaching.
(09:57:21 PM) dkap: Indeed.
(09:57:27 PM) dkap: Delna, are you going to call it to a vote?
(10:03:14 PM) Delna: Delna will wrap up the meeting saying that all testimonies will be taken into consideration and that we will begin negotiations with the garou. She will thank all for their contributions and encourage them to get some sleep before the sun rises.
(10:04:02 PM) dkap: Do you pause before the word "rises"?
(10:04:36 PM) Delna: Probably...
(10:09:19 PM) dkap: Good good.
(10:09:36 PM) dkap: People realize that it's not going to be a slow thing.
(10:09:48 PM) dkap: And there is a mass exodus out of the hall.
(10:10:07 PM) ***Spot stays puts and watches them all run, grinning.
(10:10:17 PM) dkap: One or two (who have ... is it "Solarity" the ability to day-walk, whatever it is called) stick around.
(10:11:19 PM) Cagliostro: Celerity
(10:11:26 PM) Cagliostro: is the ability to walk really fast
(10:11:32 PM) Cagliostro: fortitude is not really the ability to day walk
(10:11:44 PM) Cagliostro: it's the ability to survive more six seconds in sunlight
(10:11:53 PM) Cagliostro: not necessarily -much- more.
(10:13:22 PM) dkap: I just figured it was "Solarity" because of the name ... silly me.
(10:13:33 PM) dkap: Fortitude then. Yes, they are sticking around.
(10:13:44 PM) dkap: One of them asks "Can we vote now?"
(10:13:54 PM) dkap: (Probably Malkavian ....)
(10:14:02 PM) Spot: "Sure."
(10:15:39 PM) Spot: "I vote for pizza. Anyone else?"
(10:16:57 PM) Delna: "What would you like to add?" (to the Malkavian who spoke)
(10:18:31 PM) Delna: (I have Fortitude, so if that is what we go with, I expect I will have to use some of it to stay and respond)
(10:20:13 PM) dkap: Indeed, I remembered, which is why you woke first ...
(10:21:39 PM) Cagliostro: geeking out a bit - waking first is more of a humanity thing
(10:21:56 PM) dkap: Malk, points thumb at spot: "Really, I think they should be free-range, not all penned up in the city, here, with us."
(10:22:12 PM) Spot: Fortitude does let you withstand the sunlight a little bit.
(10:22:21 PM) Spot: Celerity lets you run out of it really fast
(10:24:36 PM) Delna: I agree with you. I am hopeful that we will be able to create a world that will suite their needs best, if we can not find one such as we have found here.
(10:25:10 PM) Delna: Thank you for your thoughts.
(10:25:42 PM) dkap: Malk: "Not a problem. Hey, I think they should flourish as we flourish."
(10:29:50 PM) dkap: Malk: "Although, I'd love to see them breeding at some point. That must be fascinating to watch ..."
(10:30:12 PM) ***Spot laughs.
(10:30:40 PM) ***Delna chuckles and refrains from commenting
(10:32:48 PM) Delna: If it seems that he (or she?) has nothing more to comment Delna will bid him a good day's rest and thank him again for his contribution.
(10:35:34 PM) dkap: Malk: "Actually, I'm serious. You could probably get the rest of us to vote the way you wish, and then say the vote was carried."
(10:40:43 PM) Spot: ((And bedtime for me. night!))
(10:41:20 PM) Cagliostro: ((night!))
(10:41:33 PM) Spot left the room (quit: Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.85 [SeaMonkey 2.0/20091017081335]).
(10:46:49 PM) ***Delna nods. "I will look to put this decision to a vote then so that everyone may have their say."
(10:47:44 PM) dkap: Malk: If "everyone has their say" we'll be at this for nights, if not weeks of nights.
(10:50:16 PM) Delna: "Were you then suggesting that I fabricate voting results?"
(10:53:36 PM) dkap: Malk: "Nope, just ask for anyone opposed, and count the opposition, express it as a percent, and you are done. Nothing to fabricate."
(10:57:44 PM) ***Delna nods, "That is reasonable. We will look into that."
(10:59:33 PM) dkap: Malk: "Good good. I think I'm going for a walk. There are these things called "flowers" that I want to see in this thing called "sunlight".
(10:59:58 PM) dkap: Any last actions?
(11:00:48 PM) dkap: Cagliostro ends catching up with Mal, who has gone a little crazy looking for Inara.
(11:00:56 PM) dkap: (who still seems to be missing.
(11:01:16 PM) dkap: Delna is off to sleep, while watching the Malk walk out into the sunlight, with no problems.
(11:02:35 PM) dkap: Spot is contemplating relocation plans.
(11:02:57 PM) dkap: Ammon is busy scoping out the new land to bring information back to Behbin.
(11:03:06 PM) dkap: And thus ends another episode of ...