Conversation with #dkap_amber
Conversation with #dkap_amber on Tue 08 Dec 2009 08:24:08 PM EST:
(08:24:08 PM) The topic for #dkap_amber is: Game as usual, logs at: ; wiki-wiki at:
(08:25:46 PM) mode (+o dkap) by ChanServ
(08:26:49 PM) dkap: AhhhHA! I am here again.
(08:26:54 PM) dkap: Hopefully more stable this time.
(08:26:57 PM) dkap: Rebuilt machine.
(08:27:29 PM) dkap: No Nos this week, though.
(08:27:35 PM) Delna: Well, I'm only two episodes in. Currently I think it is very intriguing and want to know more of what is happening in the background
(08:27:49 PM) Delna: Yay for having a gm
(08:31:39 PM) Cagliostro: yay GM
(08:32:00 PM) dkap: Two episodes into what, if I might ask?
(08:32:38 PM) Cagliostro: I never got far enough into Dollhouse to see too much of the backstory.
(08:33:29 PM) dkap: Oh ... yeah, I really don't like the premise of Dollhouse.
(08:36:23 PM) Spot [] entered the room.
(08:38:55 PM) Cagliostro: hello, Spot
(08:39:36 PM) Spot: hiya!
(08:40:00 PM) dkap: Then there were three.
(08:41:08 PM) Delna: What about it do you dislike if I may ask?
(08:42:29 PM) dkap: Well ... the whole you are distinct from your shaping, piece.
(08:43:11 PM) dkap: From my point of view, you are the sum of your memories. If you throw someone, with skills and habits into a body that is wired even slightly differently, all those skills and habits are going to fail, miserably.
(08:43:46 PM) dkap: And I'm not expecting the memories to be truly locked in the muscles either, just in the wiring that controls the muscles in the memories.
(08:45:03 PM) dkap: So, if you trained to be a Navy Seal, it is a combination of your body and your mind that is that Navy Seal. Putting another's consciousness into your body won't make them automatically a good swimmer or sniper, and putting your consciousness into another body won't give that body those skills, either.
(08:46:38 PM) dkap: It's a combination of the body-mind that operates. Which is why, when we remember our bodies of our youth, and expect to be able to do something, that we no longer can, we still fail, because the body is not up to what the memories expect. But being able to navigate through your bedroom in the dark is a combination of memory, and expected feedback. Imagine if you will, your body shrunk down to the size of an 8 year old. It would take much longer for your feet to hit the ground, when you got out of bed in the dark ...
(08:46:57 PM) dkap: And that would begin to throw off your native knowledge of the room itself.
(08:47:07 PM) dkap: You'd all of a sudden become really clumsy.
(08:47:29 PM) dkap: Not lithe, and elegant, like someone who has been in their body, practicing, all their life.
(08:47:33 PM) dkap: But I'm ranting.
(08:49:11 PM) dkap: Farmer's riverworld dealt well with it.
(08:49:34 PM) dkap: Which, if I recall correctly, was the inspiration for Lost, I think?
(08:55:29 PM) Delna: I'm not sure as I haven't seen Lost. But I agree with you on the above.
(08:56:16 PM) Delna: I just finished the first two episodes tonight, so I haven't begun yet to deconstruct it quite yet.
(08:57:00 PM) Cagliostro: I am not sure about Lost and Riverworld. Something in common, certainly.
(08:57:38 PM) dkap: I don't know ... I saw one episode of Lost, and thought, my that's very Riverworld-ish, all those people from all those different times, all showing up at once?
(08:58:12 PM) Cagliostro: perhaps you saw an episode from a different season I did. I just watched the first coupleof seasons.
(08:58:33 PM) Cagliostro: they didn't get into time travel till later.
(08:59:01 PM) dkap: Ahh ... I don't know.
(08:59:52 PM) Cagliostro: there was an element of purification in Lost, where people tended to die just after their plot was resolved.
(09:01:19 PM) dkap: That is ... awfully convenient ...
(09:01:26 PM) dkap: I'm glad my game doesn't work that way.
(09:01:35 PM) dkap: Then plots might actually have to resolve.
(09:01:39 PM) Cagliostro: no, people die before resolving their plots.
(09:01:50 PM) dkap: Which is a sneeky way of saying: "Game, run."
(09:01:50 PM) Cagliostro: Usually after saying "Watch this!" Or "It can't be -that- bad."
(09:02:01 PM) dkap: True enough.
(09:02:13 PM) Cagliostro: so, yes,game.
(09:02:13 PM) dkap: Or something like "I will defend her to the death ..."
(09:02:23 PM) Cagliostro: there is a speechification, I believe.
(09:04:29 PM) dkap: Indeed. Vamps, on the whole, seem to be anti-local wolf.
(09:04:39 PM) dkap: I believe we had several folks speaking out about that.
(09:04:46 PM) dkap: And the Ventru Council wanted that as well.
(09:05:07 PM) dkap: They, of course, think the population would be better controlled by what they set, rather than in reaction to the wolves.
(09:05:35 PM) Cagliostro: but there was some flexibility about the Nos's friend, yes?
(09:05:46 PM) Cagliostro: of course,werewolves come in sets. Like hot dogs and hot dog buns.
(09:05:59 PM) Spot: that's packs, cagliostro.
(09:06:01 PM) Cagliostro: Elsewhere, Cagliostro is trying to figure out some specs and run some power to the Serenity Shed.
(09:06:02 PM) Spot: packs.
(09:06:08 PM) Spot: not sets
(09:06:21 PM) Cagliostro: ooc snark, sorry, spot. ;)
(09:06:43 PM) Cagliostro: I figure we might as well start trying to figure out what tech works and what doesn't.
(09:06:53 PM) Cagliostro: and what tech works that Cagliostro isn't familiar with.
(09:07:39 PM) dkap: Tech that the Count is familiar with doesn't all work.
(09:07:50 PM) dkap: Nothing that he is unfamiliar with works.
(09:17:03 PM) Cagliostro: hm.
(09:17:26 PM) Cagliostro: I presume that the unfamiliar parts are key to making the ship not fall?
(09:19:22 PM) dkap: Probably many of them.
(09:19:29 PM) dkap: Or some of them. It's not clear.
(09:19:38 PM) dkap: They seem to be built on a whole different technology.
(09:20:36 PM) Cagliostro: hm. probably the Count's first experience with same.
(09:20:39 PM) Cagliostro: in specific or in general.
(09:22:20 PM) dkap: Not ... entirely, but mostly.
(09:22:37 PM) dkap: And the form doesn't really provide a function. And the wailing of Kaylee is not helping.
(09:23:53 PM) Cagliostro: so it's a suboptimal design built on unfamiliar technology that doesn't work locally,and the chief engineer's having a go-to-pieces.
(09:24:15 PM) dkap: More or less a good summation, yes.
(09:24:46 PM) dkap: Not necessarily sub-optimal, just build with a different set of logical assumptions than you currently have.
(09:38:34 PM) Cagliostro: hm. talk to the crew about the form, then.
(09:38:41 PM) Cagliostro: try to figure out the assumptions it was built on.
(09:38:49 PM) Cagliostro: perhaps we'll geek Kaylee out of her funk,perhaps not.
(09:39:04 PM) Spot: (or I could eat her)
(09:39:24 PM) dkap: She might taste bad, Spot.
(09:39:28 PM) dkap: She's covered in grease.
(09:39:30 PM) dkap: And dirt.
(09:39:56 PM) Spot: (True, I suppose I'll stay listening to the leeches argue.)
(09:45:01 PM) dkap: They seem to think that the Woofs would be better off far away from the Vamps.
(09:45:53 PM) Spot: That's because the vamps are boring. ;)
(09:46:45 PM) dkap: It could be. Or they could be trying to establish themselves in a new place.
(09:46:54 PM) dkap: Most vamps deal with change ... somewhat badly.
(09:51:22 PM) Cagliostro: especially a change in the ambient lighting.
(09:52:07 PM) dkap: Indeed.
(09:52:09 PM) dkap: *grin*
(09:52:16 PM) dkap: Which is rapidly approaching.
(09:57:00 PM) Cagliostro: so it sounds like Delna has a consensus, and hasn't pre-salted the audience with speakers whose opinion matches her (not that Cagliostro would do that, oh, no, never)
(09:57:06 PM) Cagliostro: and dawn is approaching.
(09:57:21 PM) dkap: Indeed.
(09:57:27 PM) dkap: Delna, are you going to call it to a vote?
(10:03:14 PM) Delna: Delna will wrap up the meeting saying that all testimonies will be taken into consideration and that we will begin negotiations with the garou. She will thank all for their contributions and encourage them to get some sleep before the sun rises.
(10:04:02 PM) dkap: Do you pause before the word "rises"?
(10:04:36 PM) Delna: Probably...
(10:09:19 PM) dkap: Good good.
(10:09:36 PM) dkap: People realize that it's not going to be a slow thing.
(10:09:48 PM) dkap: And there is a mass exodus out of the hall.
(10:10:07 PM) ***Spot stays puts and watches them all run, grinning.
(10:10:17 PM) dkap: One or two (who have ... is it "Solarity" the ability to day-walk, whatever it is called) stick around.
(10:11:19 PM) Cagliostro: Celerity
(10:11:26 PM) Cagliostro: is the ability to walk really fast
(10:11:32 PM) Cagliostro: fortitude is not really the ability to day walk
(10:11:44 PM) Cagliostro: it's the ability to survive more six seconds in sunlight
(10:11:53 PM) Cagliostro: not necessarily -much- more.
(10:13:22 PM) dkap: I just figured it was "Solarity" because of the name ... silly me.
(10:13:33 PM) dkap: Fortitude then. Yes, they are sticking around.
(10:13:44 PM) dkap: One of them asks "Can we vote now?"
(10:13:54 PM) dkap: (Probably Malkavian ....)
(10:14:02 PM) Spot: "Sure."
(10:15:39 PM) Spot: "I vote for pizza. Anyone else?"
(10:16:57 PM) Delna: "What would you like to add?" (to the Malkavian who spoke)
(10:18:31 PM) Delna: (I have Fortitude, so if that is what we go with, I expect I will have to use some of it to stay and respond)
(10:20:13 PM) dkap: Indeed, I remembered, which is why you woke first ...
(10:21:39 PM) Cagliostro: geeking out a bit - waking first is more of a humanity thing
(10:21:56 PM) dkap: Malk, points thumb at spot: "Really, I think they should be free-range, not all penned up in the city, here, with us."
(10:22:12 PM) Spot: Fortitude does let you withstand the sunlight a little bit.
(10:22:21 PM) Spot: Celerity lets you run out of it really fast
(10:24:36 PM) Delna: I agree with you. I am hopeful that we will be able to create a world that will suite their needs best, if we can not find one such as we have found here.
(10:25:10 PM) Delna: Thank you for your thoughts.
(10:25:42 PM) dkap: Malk: "Not a problem. Hey, I think they should flourish as we flourish."
(10:29:50 PM) dkap: Malk: "Although, I'd love to see them breeding at some point. That must be fascinating to watch ..."
(10:30:12 PM) ***Spot laughs.
(10:30:40 PM) ***Delna chuckles and refrains from commenting
(10:32:48 PM) Delna: If it seems that he (or she?) has nothing more to comment Delna will bid him a good day's rest and thank him again for his contribution.
(10:35:34 PM) dkap: Malk: "Actually, I'm serious. You could probably get the rest of us to vote the way you wish, and then say the vote was carried."
(10:40:43 PM) Spot: ((And bedtime for me. night!))
(10:41:20 PM) Cagliostro: ((night!))
(10:41:33 PM) Spot left the room (quit: Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.85 [SeaMonkey 2.0/20091017081335]).
(10:46:49 PM) ***Delna nods. "I will look to put this decision to a vote then so that everyone may have their say."
(10:47:44 PM) dkap: Malk: If "everyone has their say" we'll be at this for nights, if not weeks of nights.
(10:50:16 PM) Delna: "Were you then suggesting that I fabricate voting results?"
(10:53:36 PM) dkap: Malk: "Nope, just ask for anyone opposed, and count the opposition, express it as a percent, and you are done. Nothing to fabricate."
(10:57:44 PM) ***Delna nods, "That is reasonable. We will look into that."
(10:59:33 PM) dkap: Malk: "Good good. I think I'm going for a walk. There are these things called "flowers" that I want to see in this thing called "sunlight".
(10:59:58 PM) dkap: Any last actions?
(11:00:48 PM) dkap: Cagliostro ends catching up with Mal, who has gone a little crazy looking for Inara.
(11:00:56 PM) dkap: (who still seems to be missing.
(11:01:16 PM) dkap: Delna is off to sleep, while watching the Malk walk out into the sunlight, with no problems.
(11:02:35 PM) dkap: Spot is contemplating relocation plans.
(11:02:57 PM) dkap: Ammon is busy scoping out the new land to bring information back to Behbin.
(11:03:06 PM) dkap: And thus ends another episode of ...
(11:05:42 PM) You have parted the channel: "The GM turns his attention to another section of the muliverse."
(07:59:39 PM) The topic for #dkap_amber is: Game as usual, logs at: ; wiki-wiki at:
(08:02:47 PM) Cagliostro: hellos
(08:08:09 PM) Auricle [] entered the room.
(08:09:56 PM) mode (+o dkap) by ChanServ
(08:10:14 PM) dkap: A HA! I am here.
(08:10:27 PM) Auricle: Are you sure?
(08:10:33 PM) Auricle: We've heard that before
(08:11:03 PM) dkap: I think so.
(08:11:05 PM) Cagliostro: he does seem to be here.
(08:11:11 PM) ***dkap pats himself all over
(08:11:27 PM) dkap: I seem to be typing and you folks responding, so, unlike the other night ... I do think I'm here.
(08:11:30 PM) Auricle: hunh
(08:11:36 PM) Auricle: will wonders never cease
(08:11:41 PM) dkap: Indeed.
(08:18:40 PM) Cagliostro: indeed.
(08:18:46 PM) Cagliostro: we do seem to be missing some players, though.
(08:19:05 PM) dkap: We do. I've pinged two of them ...
(08:26:05 PM) ***Auricle watches the ping like a cat
(08:27:31 PM) dkap: POUNCE?
(08:27:38 PM) Auricle: Not yet.
(08:27:44 PM) Auricle: It's not ready.
(08:32:53 PM) ***Auricle POUNCES.
(08:35:28 PM) Cagliostro: I think game will speed up somewhat once shadow comes back
(08:35:42 PM) ***Auricle nods
(08:39:49 PM) Hegara [] entered the room.
(08:40:57 PM) Cagliostro: hello, Hegara
(08:41:02 PM) dkap: Greetings, my friend.
(08:41:04 PM) dkap: You made it.
(08:41:06 PM) Hegara: Greeting
(08:41:11 PM) Auricle: Hello
(08:41:13 PM) Hegara: :)
(08:41:16 PM) dkap: Good good. I was just trying to figure out how to get you the connection line.
(08:41:31 PM) dkap: Hegara, meet the gamers, Gamers, meet Hegara.
(08:41:41 PM) Hegara: Hello gamers :)
(08:42:11 PM) dkap: Welcome to my marvelous world of Amber.
(08:42:23 PM) dkap: Watch your step, someone seems to have spilled Shadow all over the place.
(08:42:35 PM) Auricle: I am sooooo not cleaning that up.
(08:42:42 PM) dkap: (Although Mike actually made Omega this past weekend ...)
(08:42:42 PM) Auricle: ....oh wait, my job.
(08:42:51 PM) Hegara: lol
(08:43:38 PM) Hegara: (how was it this weekend?)
(08:43:50 PM) dkap: It went really well. Omega is always a blast.
(08:43:53 PM) Cagliostro: I think we decided not to clean up shadow. We took the leftovers in the fridge and put them into NuShadow
(08:44:02 PM) Cagliostro: (Hello, Hegara)
(08:44:15 PM) Hegara: Hello Cag
(08:44:27 PM) Auricle: Oh good.
(08:45:55 PM) dkap: The Count Cagliostro is the power behind the shadow that currently all the activity is going on within.
(08:46:05 PM) dkap: Well ... the shadow, within the shadow ... as it were.
(08:46:14 PM) ***Auricle laughs.
(08:46:27 PM) Hegara: hahahaha
(08:46:39 PM) dkap: And Auricle is masquerading as "Spot" the very ... umm ... happy werewolf.
(08:46:58 PM) dkap: From one of the white-wolf shadows, just before the collapse.
(08:47:10 PM) Cagliostro: yes, someone ordered a takeout box for Cagliostro's shadow, which was fortunate.
(08:47:13 PM) dkap: Did we ever determine what the plural of "Apocalypse" is?
(08:47:41 PM) Cagliostro: "Caelin"
(08:47:47 PM) Hegara: ?
(08:47:58 PM) Cagliostro: Mike Belle's character ;)
(08:48:11 PM) Hegara: ah
(08:48:21 PM) Auricle: Caelins
(08:48:22 PM) Cagliostro: There was a period of time when he was walking around with 10x - 20x all the magical energy normally contained in Shadow.
(08:48:31 PM) Cagliostro: that is true. we've had duplicates sometimes.
(08:48:34 PM) Hegara: nods
(08:48:36 PM) Auricle: That would be the plural of apocalypse
(08:48:39 PM) dkap: Not just "a" shadow, but _ALL_ shadow.
(08:49:30 PM) Hegara: *looks behind at the ground* ALL shadows?
(08:49:32 PM) Hegara: lol
(08:49:33 PM) Meiglan [~chatzilla@] entered the room.
(08:49:36 PM) dkap: I feel a pricking in my thumbs. Something scary this way comes ...
Meiglan meiglan
(08:49:58 PM) Meiglan: I am the perfect flower of Nosferatu beauty.
(08:50:00 PM) dkap: meiglan, meed Hegara, Hegara meet a lovely, shapely Nosferatu ...
(08:50:26 PM) Hegara: Greeting lovely lady
(08:50:35 PM) Hegara: :D
Meiglan meiglan
Meiglan meiglan
(08:53:41 PM) Cagliostro: So there was a meeting, which was I think either inconclusive or consensus-negative on inviting the werewolves to be anywhere near the vampires
(08:53:50 PM) dkap: So, to catch Meiglan up ...
(08:54:00 PM) Auricle is now known as Spot
(08:54:08 PM) Spot: They don't like us, silly leeches.
(08:54:09 PM) Cagliostro: and Cagliostro has created a huge shed in front of the castle in order to hide the wrecked Serenity, which is being poked through, whilst Kaylee continues to wail.
(08:54:13 PM) dkap: Exactly. It looks like a relocation is in order. The question, of course, is relocate to where?
(08:56:46 PM) dkap: And day has "fallen" so most of the vamps are safely abed.
(08:57:48 PM) dkap: Why is it that "night" has "fallen" when it's the sun that fell?
(08:57:58 PM) dkap: Of course ... not in this case, but ...
(08:58:24 PM) dkap: Oh and Mal is still poking about, desperately trying to find Inara.
(08:59:31 PM) dkap: That's pretty much in front of you, Count.
(08:59:48 PM) Cagliostro: The Count will inquire
(09:00:16 PM) Cagliostro: and will, if given useful information, put out a information query about anything matching the other shuttle
(09:00:17 PM) dkap: Remember, Mal is in ... not so good shape, but is too stubborn to stop and heal.
(09:00:28 PM) dkap: Neither shuttle is there.
(09:00:54 PM) dkap: They lost the other one when they spaced someone, and then shadow-walked away.
(09:01:02 PM) Cagliostro: so Cagliostro would need shuttle descriptions to track it down
(09:01:07 PM) Cagliostro: which would require Mal being helpful and useful
(09:01:14 PM) Cagliostro: hence why we haven't had this search before now ;)
(09:01:23 PM) dkap: Indeed.
(09:01:33 PM) Cagliostro: I could just read his mind, but yeesh. He -thinks- in there.
(09:01:36 PM) dkap: Since he's convinced she's just somewhere ... unexpected, in the ship.
(09:01:44 PM) dkap: Not often, apparently.
(09:01:52 PM) dkap: And you'll end up with all sorts of ... odd things.
(09:02:03 PM) dkap: But River doesn't seem to mind.
(09:03:22 PM) Cagliostro: mind me reading her, or mind mindreading Mal?
(09:03:28 PM) Cagliostro: I think we've gone off the edge of English again.
(09:03:34 PM) Cagliostro: Thari may be better for this kind of thing.
(09:04:08 PM) dkap: Probably. But River doesn't seem bothered by reading Mal's brain-box.
(09:07:13 PM) Cagliostro: so does Cagliostro manage to get a description of Inara and the shuttle?
(09:07:27 PM) dkap: From Mal? Not really, from River? Not a problem.
(09:07:30 PM) Cagliostro: and can he find out from Brand whether it could have gone out over the desert?
(09:07:57 PM) dkap: Brand says it could be anywhere, he wasn't paying that close attention to things, beyond trying to get the ship on the ground with most of the contents intact.
(09:09:38 PM) Cagliostro: And a good job he did, too, I will let him know.
(09:09:50 PM) Cagliostro: Are there radar tracks I can check?
(09:10:21 PM) Cagliostro: not Serenity's, of course, but I presume a number of places are monitoring the air, inside and outside the shield.
(09:10:48 PM) dkap: Hrm ... that's a good point. Yes, there are radar tracks. Several big pieces fell off quite high in the shadow, and others, lower down.
(09:11:06 PM) dkap: And there are places that are burning because of the heat of some of the crashed pieces falling off the ship.
(09:11:40 PM) dkap: Its mostly under control, but ... if there were people associated with those pieces, they might not be so obvious.
(09:13:37 PM) Cagliostro: can I get those places checked?
(09:13:45 PM) Cagliostro: quiet-like, without distressing the locals?
(09:13:47 PM) dkap: Trackback being sent to you, via messenger, post-haste.
(09:13:51 PM) Cagliostro: if they find parts, I can work with those.
(09:14:10 PM) dkap: Well ... the locals in that area are already distressed (something about being on fire does that to a village ...)
(09:16:21 PM) Cagliostro: you did say 'places', though
(09:16:33 PM) Cagliostro: if there's just one place, it would be worth checking out in person
(09:16:40 PM) Cagliostro: a number, and I'd delegate.
(09:16:42 PM) dkap: Indeed. There are fires in several places, and bits that tracked down to several others.
(09:17:10 PM) dkap: Although the biggest bits, that show the most promise of possibly being a shuttle, perhaps, are over the wall.
(09:19:21 PM) Cagliostro: how many places are the big bits in, then?
(09:19:32 PM) Cagliostro: it could have been shuttle fragments. I do want people to look for charred flesh.
(09:19:46 PM) Cagliostro: but I'd rather it not be Mal et al doing the looking
(09:20:49 PM) dkap: Well ... he seems hell-bent on searching the ship, so I'm sure you can "sneak" off without him. Although River wants to go with you.
(09:23:17 PM) Cagliostro: sure
(09:23:30 PM) Cagliostro: I'll take River to the big sites, along with a couple of Ifrit
(09:23:36 PM) Cagliostro: but I want someone else to check the small sites
(09:23:45 PM) Cagliostro: and that seems like a job for minions
(09:23:56 PM) dkap: The Nos might be willing.
(09:24:11 PM) dkap: The wolfs might be willing, and equipped to smell out humans.
(09:25:03 PM) Cagliostro: okay, I think you're missing the point of minions
(09:25:12 PM) Cagliostro: Cagliostro's minions are trustworthy
(09:25:42 PM) dkap: Oh, right. Minions, not flunkies. Gotcha.
(09:25:58 PM) Hegara: hahahahaha
(09:26:04 PM) Cagliostro: (I appreciate that you want to pull the other players in, but 1) it's daytime, so the Nos is out and 2) Spot is not what Cagliostro would call.... Reliable and 3) some of the spots are Outside, so it's -always- sunlight)
(09:26:18 PM) Cagliostro: I run a country and a fair-sized secret organization. I can delegate people. That's what I'm trying to do.
(09:26:22 PM) Cagliostro: Except for some of the larger sites.
(09:26:28 PM) Cagliostro: Of which I still do not know how many there are.
(09:26:32 PM) Spot: Arroo?
(09:26:54 PM) Spot: Plus some of us woofs, while not likely to poof in sunlight, have been up all night long freaking out vampires.
(09:27:05 PM) Cagliostro: there is that.
(09:27:11 PM) Cagliostro: now is dawn, when is safer to sleep.
(09:27:18 PM) dkap: Right.
(09:27:22 PM) ***Spot nods
(09:29:40 PM) dkap: So, River is happy to go. Simon is happy to stay, Kaylee is staying, Mal is staying, Wash is dead, Book is dead, Jayne is in a Bacta tank, Brand is willing to go ... Did I miss anyone?
(09:30:11 PM) Spot: Inara, missing?
(09:30:30 PM) dkap: Inara missing, indeed, the whole point of the hunt, but I have a feeling I'm still missing someone.
(09:30:33 PM) dkap: Did Eric show up?
(09:30:33 PM) Cagliostro: Zoe
(09:30:45 PM) dkap: Oh, right Zoe is, I believe, under Simon's care.
(09:30:47 PM) Cagliostro: Eric has been in and out
(09:33:07 PM) dkap: So, I believe that's the lot. You want to hand-pick between them to take into the Desert to see the big pieces first?
(09:33:47 PM) Cagliostro: I'll take who's willing to go, as well as a couple of Ifrit, and go check out the Desert
(09:34:11 PM) Cagliostro: too much drama to pick ;)
(09:34:28 PM) dkap: Excellent. You, River, Brand, and a cadre of Ifrit go desert-ward.
(09:34:37 PM) dkap: Gate, fly, drive, walk?
(09:35:29 PM) Cagliostro: gate
(09:35:44 PM) dkap: Destination?
(09:38:22 PM) Cagliostro: ~1/4 mile from Impact Point Alpha
(09:38:48 PM) dkap: Mostly easily done.
(09:38:58 PM) dkap: (Not precise, but close.)
(09:40:11 PM) dkap: River, out loud to the Count: "Hrm, that's an interesting talent that I really can't just do. You impress me."
(09:40:22 PM) dkap: And then dives through your gate, just after it's formed and solid.
(09:41:02 PM) dkap: Brand shrugs, and says: "She said that about my ability to shadow-shift, as well. I think she enjoys being in company she can't match, one way or the other."
(09:41:50 PM) ***Cagliostro hms, and follows River after an Ifrit goes through.
(09:42:34 PM) dkap: All clear on the other side. River is making tracks toward the wreckage.
(09:42:48 PM) dkap: Brand is riding on a willing Ifrit.
(09:43:58 PM) Cagliostro: follow River.
(09:44:19 PM) dkap: The Ifrit offer you a "lift".
(09:45:18 PM) ***Cagliostro declines, politely.
(09:45:45 PM) dkap: The Ifrit flit just above the sand, then, keeping pace with you.
(09:48:03 PM) dkap: River reaches the smoking piece of metal before you get there, and has to wait, because it is too hot for her to investigate.
(09:48:28 PM) dkap: She's playing at the edge of it, encouraging the melted sand to be interesting glassite shapes.
(09:48:39 PM) Cagliostro: Good for her.
(09:49:02 PM) Cagliostro: I will draw the heat out of the area in a quick but not hasty fashion
(09:49:09 PM) Cagliostro: don't want to break anything more than it's already broke
(09:49:23 PM) dkap: Where are you dumping the heat?
(09:49:37 PM) dkap: Or are you converting it to something, like magic?
(09:52:38 PM) Cagliostro: sure, draining it to power if possible
(09:52:53 PM) Cagliostro: if not, just drawing it to a point further away, or conjuring cold at it to cool it down
(09:53:22 PM) dkap: You could "pearl" it easily, if you wished.
(09:55:12 PM) Cagliostro: sure
(09:56:15 PM) dkap: River looks at the heat, looks at the pearl, looks at you with admiration in her eyes.
(09:56:46 PM) dkap: And then seemingly careless, but effortless at the same time, picks the best path in, and goes on in, apparently without a care in the world.
(09:56:57 PM) ***Cagliostro follows.
(09:58:00 PM) dkap: Inside is more devastation, and what looks like a cortesan's nest, all torn up.
(09:58:29 PM) ***Cagliostro starts looking for parts
(09:58:39 PM) Cagliostro: and has an Ifrit circle around the outside of the fire to check for tracks
(09:59:22 PM) dkap: No tracks.
(09:59:39 PM) dkap: But there is a section of the craft missing.
(10:00:03 PM) dkap: And most of a left arm. Male. About 35-40, well muscled.
(10:00:15 PM) Cagliostro: anything salvagable from the nest, or is everything basically burnt and broken?
(10:00:25 PM) dkap: Fingers look like they are used to rings, but no rings in evidence.
(10:00:36 PM) Cagliostro: hm. Raise an eyebrow.
(10:00:42 PM) Cagliostro: Can I sense anything about the arm by examining it?
(10:00:45 PM) dkap: Lots of things still in usable shape.
(10:01:26 PM) dkap: Well ... whoever is missing it, probably bled quite a bit, but there isn't much evidence of it here. Matter of fact, there is little more blood than would have been contained in the arm, itself.
(10:04:17 PM) dkap: It's mystic inertia is lower than you are normally used to dealing with, lately, but not lower than some of the folks from your world originally were.
(10:05:12 PM) Cagliostro: *nod*
(10:05:22 PM) Cagliostro: would it be possible to regrow the rest of the person from this arm?
(10:05:27 PM) dkap: The tissue hasn't started degrading much, so it is fairly recent in removal, the blood is still wet, but warm.
(10:05:42 PM) dkap: Probably, but, the "person" part might not be there ... like Wash.
(10:06:45 PM) Cagliostro: true.
(10:06:53 PM) Cagliostro: This should make a hell of a focus for scrying, though.
(10:07:17 PM) ***Cagliostro has just realized that at this point in continuity, none of the Ifrit are mages.
(10:07:32 PM) Cagliostro: How long will it take me to scry using the arm?
(10:07:59 PM) dkap: Scry for what?
(10:08:07 PM) dkap: (And the blood would work better than the arm ...)
(10:08:59 PM) Cagliostro: the rest of the body
(10:09:13 PM) Cagliostro: sure, collect that too. I can conjure an appropriate syringe and container
(10:10:00 PM) dkap: Well, you could just pull a bowl, and ... encourage some of the blood into that, to do your scrying.
(10:10:08 PM) Cagliostro: sure
(10:11:13 PM) dkap: Casting your mind into it, and remembering the lessons the, now insane scrivner, taught you ... you cast your mind carefully along the connection between the blood and the current location of the body.
(10:12:13 PM) Cagliostro: and now I find out it was a trap ;)
(10:12:29 PM) Cagliostro: but this was the only way to find out what -kind- of a trap it was.
(10:12:53 PM) dkap: Actually, not a trap.
(10:13:29 PM) Cagliostro: That's vaguely disappointing.
(10:13:32 PM) Cagliostro: so what do I find?
(10:13:41 PM) dkap: The body is currently slowly being roasted alive, not that far from here. Apparently the structural integrity of the lump of metal failed as it hit lower atmosphere, and, not far from here (but not picked up on your radar map) is another chunk.
(10:14:09 PM) Cagliostro: huh. not expected.
(10:14:12 PM) dkap: And, had you not scried, you would probably never have gotten there in time.
(10:14:17 PM) Cagliostro: take the arm, and open a gate to the other location.
(10:14:22 PM) Cagliostro: closer than the last gate.
(10:14:34 PM) Cagliostro: I'm around to fix River in case there's a River-plus trap.
(10:15:12 PM) dkap: Do you let River know? She seems distracted at the moment with the nest of stuff.
(10:15:47 PM) Cagliostro: She can proceed at her own pace; we're looking for Inara, and this isn't her.
(10:16:06 PM) Cagliostro: I'll leave the gate open behind me. If she doesn't go through first, I'll send an Ifrit through. They are unlikely to burn.
(10:16:11 PM) dkap: No, but she might be with the owner of the arm.
(10:16:26 PM) Cagliostro: but she might not be.
(10:16:31 PM) dkap: The Ifrit goes through, without a problem.
(10:16:43 PM) dkap: Waves all clear to you, through the gate.
(10:16:51 PM) Cagliostro: step through afterward.
(10:17:16 PM) Cagliostro: Fix the fire that's doing the roasting, free the guy, apply first aid, survey the rest of the situation.
(10:17:57 PM) dkap: The situation is a chunk of material that blew off the shuttle, he's under it, there is two other bodies under it.
(10:18:31 PM) dkap: You will need Ifrit (plural) probably to get the piece off, if you don't just deconjure it.
(10:18:48 PM) Cagliostro: do I need more Ifrit than I have?
(10:18:52 PM) Cagliostro: I have probably two.
(10:18:57 PM) Cagliostro: and a rather burly hamster.
(10:19:18 PM) Cagliostro: I'd rather not deconjure it. It seems like it would be a waste of energy.
(10:20:19 PM) dkap: It would take the two Ifrit, and the Hamster, leaving you free to deal with the bodies.
(10:21:02 PM) Cagliostro: Make a request
(10:21:09 PM) Cagliostro: and then call out to River, and let her know I've found someone
(10:21:33 PM) dkap: River replies "I can hear you, but I can't _find_ you. Where _are_ you?"
(10:22:03 PM) dkap: The smell of burning hamster hair is ... intense, but it is shifted.
(10:22:33 PM) Cagliostro: "Through a gate." Give her enough information so that she can walk forward and see through it.
(10:23:32 PM) dkap: She sees through it.
(10:23:53 PM) dkap: River: "Now I can see you, but I still can't _find_ you. Very disconcerting."
(10:24:08 PM) dkap: And jumps through the gate, apparently rushing toward what she saw, behind you.
(10:24:32 PM) Cagliostro: saw comma behind me or toward what she saw behind me no comma?
(10:24:39 PM) dkap: They have the covering piece up. Inara is apparently one of the two ladies under the piece, and the armless guy, the other body.
(10:24:58 PM) Cagliostro: do we need to move the bodies out of the way, or can they move the chunk?
(10:25:06 PM) dkap: Umm ... she saw what was revealed, and ran past you, toward it.
(10:25:22 PM) dkap: They have the chunk moved (which is why she saw the tangle of bodies).
(10:25:23 PM) Cagliostro: if it's bulky, I can conjure some appropriate padding and pull them out
(10:25:30 PM) Cagliostro: (sorry, it's Cagliostro, he's paranoid)
(10:25:45 PM) Cagliostro: Okay, status check of the bodies
(10:26:29 PM) dkap: Three, living.
(10:26:37 PM) Cagliostro: yay
(10:26:44 PM) dkap: Damaged to various levels, but none more critically damaged than the missing arm.
(10:26:51 PM) Cagliostro: double yay
(10:26:54 PM) Cagliostro: reattach arm
(10:26:57 PM) Cagliostro: then start with other fixing
(10:27:07 PM) Cagliostro: "River, do you know who these other people are? Mal didn't mention them."
(10:28:02 PM) dkap: River: "Not yet."
(10:28:13 PM) dkap: River: "Inara is hurt, on the inside."
(10:29:31 PM) ***Cagliostro hms.
(10:29:44 PM) Cagliostro: gm: pull down Inara's recent memories, if possible
(10:29:48 PM) Cagliostro: no more than the last year or so
(10:30:07 PM) dkap: Inara's brain seems a bit ... knocked around for that.
(10:30:21 PM) dkap: There is pressure inside the skull, apparently.
(10:30:44 PM) Cagliostro: fix that.
(10:31:46 PM) dkap: You fix that, but the psychic trauma is still present, according to River.
(10:32:11 PM) ***Cagliostro isn't surprised.
(10:32:16 PM) Cagliostro: can I get to the memories now?
(10:32:17 PM) dkap: The arm attached, again without much problem at all. And the shock effects are diminishing. Although, you might have to explain the arm at some point.
(10:32:31 PM) Cagliostro: meh. I'll let Simon do it. ;)
(10:32:40 PM) dkap: Nope, that's exactly where the psychic trauma is effecting.
(10:33:00 PM) Cagliostro: can I find anything else physically wrong with Inara?
(10:33:03 PM) dkap: *grin* It's good to have a sawbones, with a good bedside manner, available to you.
(10:33:24 PM) Cagliostro: Actually, Cagliostro just dislikes doctors ;)
(10:33:31 PM) dkap: Bruising, mostly. The hairline fracture in her skull you got when you fixed the pressure.
(10:33:41 PM) dkap: Isn't that what I just said? *grin*
(10:34:59 PM) Cagliostro: perhaps so. ;)
(10:35:03 PM) Cagliostro: can I heal the bruising?
(10:35:25 PM) dkap: You can, trivially.
(10:35:39 PM) Cagliostro: okay. do another pretty detailed check for brain damage.
(10:36:04 PM) dkap: The organic damage seems to be fixed. The psychic damage, on the other hand ... is quite evident.
(10:36:09 PM) dkap: River is quite upset by it.
(10:36:16 PM) Cagliostro: hm.
(10:36:28 PM) Cagliostro: this seems like the sort of thing that is outside my ability to affect?
(10:36:31 PM) Cagliostro: as with Giso the seer?
(10:36:47 PM) dkap: She mentions that the man was Inara's client, before they had to scat. The woman is apparently a stow-away, or unknown to the man.
(10:36:54 PM) dkap: Indeed.
(10:37:49 PM) Cagliostro: "She will need someone else's care to recover from the trauma. But let us see if the others require more assistance..."
(10:37:57 PM) Cagliostro: check the other two
(10:38:05 PM) Cagliostro: for brain damage firs,t thence for other damag
(10:38:09 PM) dkap: The arm and a few broken bones are the extent on him.
(10:38:24 PM) Cagliostro: and if by that point River doesn't know who the woman is, try to read her memories
(10:38:30 PM) dkap: His brain-box seems mostly clear, at least, that's where River is reading, and there doesn't seem to be any more than shock trauma.
(10:39:31 PM) dkap: The woman, on the other hand, is very traumatized, all you can get from her memories is the loop of the piece of the shuttle coming off, her reaching for the man, and his arm being sheered off.
(10:39:50 PM) Cagliostro: hm. save the loop, try to wipe it.
(10:41:46 PM) dkap: To wipe it, is to wipe all current memories, because that's filling her memory-stack at the moment. Granted, she might end up writing over her stack, with the trauma, if it goes on much longer, giving herself a nice case of amnesia.
(10:42:31 PM) Cagliostro: all short-term, you mean?
(10:42:36 PM) Cagliostro: I think that's a reasonable trade-ffo.
(10:44:47 PM) dkap: It's already wiped her short-term, and is worming it's way through her long-term.
(10:45:08 PM) Cagliostro: I am just checking that you don't mean "all long-term memories"
(10:45:10 PM) dkap: (I had to check before I said that. Thankfully, one of my resources on nero-psychology is online at the moment.)
(10:45:37 PM) Cagliostro: I want to be sure what 'all current memories' mean before I wipe
(10:45:54 PM) Hegara: Be well everyone
(10:46:08 PM) Cagliostro: be well, Hegara.
(10:46:11 PM) Hegara left the room (quit: Quit).
(10:46:15 PM) dkap: Good night, good sir!
(10:46:21 PM) dkap: Too late. *sigh*
(10:47:28 PM) dkap: You will lose her some of her long-term memories, at this point as well. Your wipe, or hers, it might not matter.
(10:48:53 PM) Cagliostro: wipe, then
(10:49:05 PM) Cagliostro: my way may be reversible by someone like Cemen
(10:49:05 PM) dkap: Wipe it is.
(10:49:29 PM) dkap: Umm ... he's not good at _reversing_ things gone. Not his speciality, as it were. *grin*
(10:50:12 PM) Cagliostro: he's done it before with Cagliostro's memories.
(10:50:35 PM) Cagliostro: he may not be -good- at it, but he's displayed the ability, and it's good practice.
(10:51:00 PM) dkap: But you have Inara, with some psychic damage, an unsub, with just some physical damage, now healed, and a woman with unknown petegree.
(10:51:10 PM) dkap: True, he might relish the opportunity.
(10:53:10 PM) dkap: And you are in a known location, with more than those who seemed to be missing from the ship.
(10:53:50 PM) Cagliostro: true.
(10:54:07 PM) Cagliostro: I will ask people to keep an eye on things momentarily, and go see if I can borrow Cemen.
(10:54:23 PM) Cagliostro: Who I don't mind introducing to River, but would rather keep away from Mal.
(10:56:31 PM) dkap: Indeed. A wise plan.
(10:56:36 PM) dkap: And yes, he is available.
(10:56:42 PM) dkap: He's currently consorting with frogs.
(10:56:58 PM) dkap: Apparently, he's enjoying watching the ripples they cause, as they hop from pad to pad.
(10:57:11 PM) Cagliostro: excellent. Bring him up to speed on the situation, and ask if he would like to try smoothing mental trauma.
(10:57:25 PM) Cagliostro: Since he has demonstrated the ability to know himself very well, and to generalize that, at least from him to me.
(10:58:06 PM) dkap: He is willing to try, but is uncertain of the outcome on someone who's mystic inertia is not as high as yours.
(10:58:57 PM) Cagliostro: "We will hopefully not make things worse, and we might succeed. There is someone there who may also be able to offer perspective."
(10:59:04 PM) Cagliostro: Return, introduce Cemen to River and vice versa.
(10:59:07 PM) Cagliostro: Names only, I think.
(10:59:35 PM) dkap: River looks at Cemen, turns white, and dives through your gate(s) to get as far away from him, as possible.
(10:59:49 PM) Cagliostro: "Perceptive girl."
(11:00:00 PM) Cagliostro: "Shall we...?"
(11:01:07 PM) dkap: Cemen blinks, and says "what? What was that?"
(11:08:36 PM) dkap: And then turns to the memory-storming person./
(11:12:01 PM) dkap: She becomes very quiet in the mind.
(11:12:25 PM) dkap: Cemen: "Umm ... I think I pressed too hard."
(11:14:22 PM) Meiglan left the room (quit: Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.85 [Firefox 3.5.2/20090729225027]).
(11:15:10 PM) dkap: Cagliostro: She seems to not have much cognition left.
(11:15:35 PM) dkap: Cemen: "Shall I try on the other one?" Gesturing toward Inara.
(11:16:42 PM) dkap: Hrm ... perhaps I should hang it here?
(11:22:26 PM) dkap: Lack of consensus, either I've dropped off the net again, or we do hang it. Resume next week, when we deal with Cemen, the mindless woman, and the rest of the circumstances.