Conversation with #dkap_amber

Conversation with #dkap_amber on Tue 22 Dec 2009 09:26:48 PM EST:
(09:26:48 PM) The topic for #dkap_amber is: Game as usual, logs at: ; wiki-wiki at:
(09:27:26 PM) Hegara: street raised, fight to live, forced to steal and didn't like to follow orders
(09:27:50 PM) dkap: Hrm ... that was an ... odd blip.
(09:28:02 PM) Hegara: i'd say
(09:29:57 PM) dkap: Hrm ... perhaps, actually a street fighter?
(09:30:14 PM) Cagliostro: sure, that works
(09:30:14 PM) Cagliostro: sound like a shovelhead to you, meiglan?
(09:30:17 PM) dkap: That would win you a set of ... interesting bone deformations to begin with ...
(09:30:45 PM) Cagliostro: dkap: I mean, recruited by the Sabbat?
(09:30:59 PM) Cagliostro: they aren't big on backstory, and depending on what you mean by bone deformation...
(09:31:19 PM) Hegara: bone spikes of sometype?
(09:31:55 PM) Cagliostro: sure, that works.
(09:32:08 PM) Cagliostro: each nosferatu has their own unique deformity.
(09:32:44 PM) dkap: Bone spikes, obvious muscles, perhaps to an extreme degree.
(09:33:02 PM) Cagliostro: dkap: are you thinking viscissitude?
(09:33:06 PM) Cagliostro: or just deformity?
(09:33:06 PM) dkap: meiglan, you might want to describe yourself ...
(09:33:40 PM) Meiglan: hold on...let me refresh her description.
(09:33:55 PM) Hegara: kk
(09:35:19 PM) Meiglan: Meiglan has elephantine type skin, a bit of hair poking up, lidless brown eyes, a shark's mouth, complete with teeth and lips that peel back, boney spikes all the way down her back, each one which is pierced, tall pointy ears and overlong arms and legs.
(09:35:53 PM) Meiglan: and other assorted bumps and potrusions that are best not dwelled upon.
(09:36:01 PM) Hegara: lol
(09:36:53 PM) Cagliostro: you gots a purty mouth.
(09:36:56 PM) dkap: Quite a package.
(09:36:56 PM) Cagliostro: anyway.
(09:37:03 PM) dkap: So, I was thinking tusks.
(09:37:10 PM) dkap: WHat, exactly is viscissitude?
(09:37:15 PM) Cagliostro: Aha.
(09:37:30 PM) Cagliostro: Okay: in the world that the vampires come from, there are multiple vampire cults.
(09:37:37 PM) Cagliostro: meiglan, you're Camarilla?
(09:38:23 PM) Meiglan: yup, she is,
(09:38:25 PM) Cagliostro: one of those is the Camarilla. These are vampires that attempt to retain their humanity, have seven different bloodlines, and generally behave like sneaky angsty medieval dickweasels.
(09:38:41 PM) Meiglan: Vicissitude allows the vampire to change someone's body, shape it like clay.
(09:38:59 PM) Cagliostro: another is the Sabbat. These are collectivist anarchist vampires, who tend toward living fast, dying young, and recruiting cannon fodder.
(09:39:07 PM) Meiglan: HEYYYYYY, she's not medieval!
(09:39:19 PM) dkap: Yes, I think it was done to our new one ... so that he is a much more formidable-looking street fighter, but one that no one will bet on, you see ...
(09:39:20 PM) Cagliostro: meiglan is an exception ;)
(09:39:40 PM) Cagliostro: dkap: it's basically an infection that grants the ability to beastmaster
(09:40:18 PM) dkap: I'm thinking that a Nos lost a chunk of change betting on said street-fighter, and therefore, got some petty revenge.
(09:40:36 PM) Cagliostro: not just "Oh crap the world is ending, let's embrace some tough guys?"
(09:41:09 PM) Meiglan: sometimes we takes the purty ones and embrace 'em...just to see how they behave.
(09:41:23 PM) dkap: Yeah, otherwise, they would go after Marines, or Seals, or CeeBees.
(09:41:26 PM) Cagliostro: the Sabbat grab ten or twenty people, bleed them dry, put a little bit of vampire blood in their veins, then bury them. The strong ones make it to the surface the next night.
(09:41:45 PM) Cagliostro: you go to war with the mooks you have, not the mooks you want.
(09:42:27 PM) dkap: How hard would it be to get onto a military base? I get on them, often, with just a paper badge that no one checks.
(09:42:27 PM) Cagliostro: once they claw their way to the surface, a waiting Sabbat vampire conks them on the back of the head with a shovel, then drags them over where they're fed mixed blood from the vampire pack that spawned them. Hence, shovelheads.
(09:42:55 PM) dkap: Ahh ... no, that's too cruel for someone who is going to be able to survive in an Amber setting.
(09:43:21 PM) Hegara: what are you thinking then dkap?
(09:43:52 PM) Cagliostro: how many seals there?
(09:43:53 PM) Cagliostro: maybe they just hated squares.
(09:43:53 PM) Cagliostro: but you can run with the bet thing, it is your game
(09:43:53 PM) Cagliostro: so, yeah. street fighter, embraced by a sabbat nosferatu, then fleshcrafted into a betusked fighting hulk.
(09:44:07 PM) Cagliostro: and utterly clueless about wtf was going on. but hey, able to fight, doing a good job, getting some tasty blood out of the deal.
(09:45:19 PM) dkap: Actually, embraced a bit ago, and therefore failed as a street-fighter, since no one wanted to fight him, once modded, so he had to do some ... other work, to get by.
(09:45:24 PM) dkap: Sound reasonable?
(09:46:15 PM) Hegara: so I would be the underdog no one believed in and no one gave a chance, more or less
(09:49:03 PM) Meiglan: and we can call you ShoeShine!
(09:49:16 PM) dkap: Actually, not the underdog, the uber-dog.
(09:49:54 PM) dkap: You, being so well-muscled, and scary looking, no one would bet against you. Especially since, most of the time, you could simply smear your opponent.
(09:50:11 PM) Hegara: aaaahhhh, ok
(09:50:13 PM) dkap: Think Logan in the cage-fight in the most recent set of X-men movies.
(09:50:26 PM) Hegara: ok
(09:51:24 PM) dkap: So, with no money coming in, you probably had to either free-lance, or become a button-man for someone in ... say ... collections.
(09:52:15 PM) Hegara: Free-lance would be more to him style
(09:52:20 PM) Cagliostro: or chase off other supernaturals
(09:52:30 PM) dkap: Either would work.
(09:52:46 PM) dkap: Let's see, we'd have to make a connection between you and the others in the fight.
(09:53:01 PM) dkap: meiglan, is there a chance you overlapped with him?
(09:53:37 PM) Cagliostro: possible for either Meiglan or Spot.
(09:54:03 PM) dkap: I'd leave spot out of it. Maybe Meiglan's puppy friend, but not Spot.
(09:54:07 PM) Cagliostro: it's also been a few days. He could have been the last one standing of his home group, and then met other people in the waiting room at Chaos.
(09:54:35 PM) Cagliostro: there could also be a Nos that links meiglan & shoeshine. So one-hop, not a direct link.
(09:55:16 PM) Meiglan: There's always a chance. Nos tend to glom together, from what I've read of the WW tracts.
(09:55:39 PM) dkap: I'd rather a more direct link, and, had he been a "last standing" the "great rescuer" wouldn't have shown for him.
(09:55:44 PM) Cagliostro: Nos tend to be clan-first, not sect-first. This is unusual.
(09:56:10 PM) dkap: I'm thinking the Bone-gnawer might have introduced them.
(09:56:25 PM) dkap: Sort of a "you should know each other" thing.
(09:57:45 PM) Meiglan: possibly known of each other, even if they hadn't actually met, or just casually know each other.
(09:58:08 PM) Cagliostro: sure. either way, Nos are all about knowing the right thing.
(09:58:38 PM) Meiglan: indeed we are.
(09:59:48 PM) Cagliostro: time for stats?
(10:00:07 PM) dkap: Depends ... are you good with this, Hegara, or are we railroading you?
(10:00:45 PM) Hegara: lol, just need the complete rundown of what I am and what I look like, after that I should be good
(10:01:14 PM) dkap: Good good.

(10:07:17 PM) The topic for #dkap_amber is: Game as usual, logs at: ; wiki-wiki at:
(10:07:26 PM) Cagliostro: What's the next most important characteristic?
(10:07:40 PM) dkap: Hrm ... I lost connection after saying "Good Good."
(10:07:47 PM) dkap: What transpired?
(10:07:58 PM) Cagliostro: I typed in a description of the Amber stats
(10:08:03 PM) Hegara: Cagliostro: so, hegara: can you pick the most important characteristic out of this list:
(10:08:04 PM) Hegara: [10:04pm] Cagliostro: 1) Willpower and strength of personality
(10:08:04 PM) Hegara: [10:04pm] Cagliostro: 2) Raw physical strength
(10:08:04 PM) Hegara: [10:04pm] Cagliostro: 3) Your internal battery and the ability to keep going
(10:08:04 PM) Hegara: [10:04pm] Cagliostro: 4) Knowing how to fight and what to look out for
(10:08:04 PM) Cagliostro: Hegara picked Warfare as his highest stat
(10:08:05 PM) Hegara: [10:04pm] Hegara: 4
(10:08:06 PM) Hegara: [10:05pm] Hegara: for a street fighter and a free-lancer
(10:08:08 PM) Hegara: [10:06pm] Cagliostro: okay
(10:08:10 PM) Hegara: [10:06pm] Cagliostro: next important?
(10:09:09 PM) Hegara: would it be warfare or fighting knowledge?
(10:09:55 PM) dkap: Warfare is good, strength is probably also good.
(10:10:19 PM) dkap: I'd rate it Strength, Endurance, Warfare, Psyche.
(10:11:08 PM) Cagliostro: he went warfare first, though ;)
(10:11:12 PM) Cagliostro: so take it up with him
(10:13:11 PM) Cagliostro: It could be Warfare, then strength almost as high as warfare, then the other two
(10:13:52 PM) dkap: True enough.
(10:14:03 PM) Hegara: I was going off myself having the ability to end a fight fast and with minimal movement but maximum strength when I did strike
(10:14:19 PM) dkap: That works.
(10:14:51 PM) Cagliostro: where his glass jaw is if you wear him down, but no one's lasted long enough to do that yet, so that's not known.
(10:15:00 PM) dkap: That's probably more strength than warfare, but ... it works either way.
(10:15:12 PM) Cagliostro: close either way.
(10:15:29 PM) Hegara: ok
(10:15:35 PM) dkap: Any streak of nobility in you?
(10:15:40 PM) Cagliostro: it may be that he's got the ability to boost his strength even higher for short periods by spending blood
(10:15:47 PM) dkap: Anything you _won't_ do, no matter what the cost personally is?
(10:15:55 PM) dkap: Hasn't needed to.
(10:16:03 PM) dkap: So he wouldn't even know that trick, yet.
(10:17:12 PM) Kintani [] entered the room.
(10:17:44 PM) Kintani is now known as Ammon
(10:18:06 PM) Hegara: nobility maybe, but it would be very watered down. Would that grant me said trick?
(10:19:09 PM) dkap: Having (or not having) the trick is something you would find, in a pinch. I'm thinking about your upbringing ...
(10:19:17 PM) Hegara: ah
(10:19:36 PM) dkap: Like, would you care about, and be willing to risk yourself for, say, a battered woman? A parentless child?
(10:20:04 PM) Hegara: free lancers code of conduct?
(10:20:05 PM) dkap: The sanctity of a Dojo?
(10:20:19 PM) dkap: Holy ground?
(10:20:40 PM) Caelin [] entered the room.
(10:20:51 PM) Caelin: Sorry so late.
(10:20:53 PM) Cagliostro: coffee grounds... no women, no children...
(10:20:54 PM) dkap: Drawing on an inside straight?
(10:21:01 PM) Cagliostro: s'okay, we are inducting a new nosferatu.
(10:21:08 PM) Hegara: :D
(10:21:16 PM) Caelin: AnOTHER one?!?! ;-)
(10:21:20 PM) Hegara: lol
(10:22:09 PM) dkap: *grin* We are working on his character at the moment.
(10:22:23 PM) dkap: What motivates, and/or limits him.
(10:22:30 PM) Caelin: *snort*
(10:22:57 PM) dkap: Are the rules, once agreed to, sacresanct?
(10:23:23 PM) Cagliostro: don't forget family, the neighborhood, your roots...
(10:23:58 PM) dkap: Are organizations, whatever they may be, immediately suspect, simply because they are organizations?
(10:23:59 PM) Hegara: raised as a street fighter, he wouldn't have know his family.
(10:25:19 PM) dkap: A thing for (or against) sailors, soldiers, tramps, trollops, cutpurses, circuses ...?
(10:26:59 PM) dkap: Mimes? Street musicians?
(10:27:01 PM) Hegara: was never one for order or being ordered around
(10:27:15 PM) Hegara: so military would be an enemy
(10:27:19 PM) dkap: Standing in lines?
(10:27:43 PM) Hegara: forced views that aren't his own
(10:28:26 PM) dkap: So, a particular delight with getting in the ring with 'professional soldiers' so you can take the polish, and their "better than you" feeling out of them.
(10:29:02 PM) dkap: Sailors and tramps, probably, living the casual life, going whatever way they are going at the moment, are probably friends to you.
(10:29:03 PM) Hegara: :)
(10:29:14 PM) Hegara: yes
(10:29:28 PM) dkap: Hobos are probably a touch to insular for your taste, but you don't mind them too much.
(10:30:06 PM) dkap: Organized crime is right out. You'd go out of your way to stomp on one of them, if you saw them muscling into, say, a place that was poor to begin with.
(10:30:39 PM) Hegara: correct
(10:30:55 PM) dkap: You are probably suspicious of the do-gooders, the Salvation Army folks, the like.
(10:31:19 PM) Hegara: question their motives
(10:32:02 PM) dkap: Exactly. What do they want from you, why are they trying to help you.
(10:32:16 PM) Hegara: right
(10:33:12 PM) dkap: How do you feel about dogs? I mean, they do tend to form packs, but ...
(10:33:31 PM) Hegara: they are good eating in a pinch
(10:33:33 PM) Hegara: lol
(10:33:54 PM) dkap: Gotcha.
(10:33:59 PM) dkap: (Spot, look out.)
(10:34:18 PM) Hegara: lol
(10:34:33 PM) dkap: The loaners, and the crazies?
(10:34:40 PM) dkap: The winos?
(10:35:44 PM) dkap: The "invisible people" all just scraping to get by?
(10:35:59 PM) Hegara: no problem with them
(10:36:41 PM) Ammon: ((Invisible people aren't very filling anyways.))
(10:36:56 PM) dkap: True enough. *grin*
(10:37:07 PM) dkap: Would you rob from them, if you had any other choice?
(10:37:13 PM) Caelin: (Naturally low in cholesterol, though)
(10:37:36 PM) dkap: Not really, too much processed food in their diet.
(10:38:18 PM) Hegara: no, they would remind me of myself and I know how hard it is for them to get by
(10:39:01 PM) dkap: Good good.
(10:39:05 PM) dkap: We have a profile then.
(10:39:17 PM) dkap: Let's take a quick poke at your childhood.
(10:39:44 PM) dkap: No memories of your parents? Or did they die at the hands of one organization or another? A church, a crime syndicate, or something?
(10:40:15 PM) Ammon: ((Jimmy ate 'em))
(10:40:51 PM) dkap: Nah ... Jimmy only goes after vamps, and he wasn't one, at the time.
(10:41:08 PM) dkap: Jimmy's very particular about it. He says humans are too easy.
(10:42:57 PM) dkap: Let's see, we have you at about 6'7" before your embrace, and 7' even afterward. Before you were somewhat solid, well-muscled, although, not very kempt. Afterward, you bulge with muscles, have tusks coming from your lower jaw, a lowered forehead, almost a perpetual stoop.
(10:43:25 PM) Cagliostro: and bone spikes. like a 3.5 dire vampire.
(10:43:27 PM) dkap: Your fists look like they've been put through a meat-grinder, then tenderized, then tanned (like leather, not like in sunlight).
(10:43:45 PM) dkap: Definitely bone-spikes.
(10:44:09 PM) Hegara: on the outside of the arms?
(10:45:03 PM) dkap: Intense, set-back eyes, that often gleam, just before you are about to make someone into shoe-paste.
(10:45:33 PM) dkap: You look like you are slow, and lumbering, and, probably go out of your way to help that illusion along, but really, when you want to, you move lightning-fast.
(10:46:56 PM) dkap: You prefer to settle things quickly, instead of drawing out a flight. The fewer times you have to hit someone, the happier you are.
(10:47:08 PM) Hegara: yep
(10:48:02 PM) dkap: Hrm ... let's say you don't remember your parents.
(10:48:21 PM) Hegara: ok
(10:48:56 PM) dkap: Your first active memories are living and working in a sweat-shop, as a child, until one day, you just snapped, when the overseer was riding you, you reached out, and killed him with whatever tools you were using for your job.
(10:49:13 PM) dkap: One shot, and he was dead.
(10:49:43 PM) dkap: You then got out of whatever shackles they had on you to keep you at your work, and, somewhat in a daze wandered out of the factory.
(10:50:03 PM) Hegara: a few bodies in the background?
(10:50:05 PM) dkap: You do have some regrets about not going back and helping the other kids, but ... well ... with the overseer dead, they could pretty much, help themselves.
(10:50:27 PM) dkap: No real memory of your parents.
(10:50:43 PM) Hegara: nope
(10:50:53 PM) dkap: No idea how you got there, in the first place, just, day after day after day of the same, until you were pushed just a little too far.
(10:51:53 PM) dkap: Probably watch the boats, and figured you could help with the unloading of them, and get paid for it, so you could eat.
(10:52:15 PM) Hegara: do what I had to to get by
(10:52:22 PM) dkap: That got you a job, and food for a bit, until someone realized you weren't with the Union, and probably should be in school, some meddlesome do-gooder.
(10:52:43 PM) dkap: You were always a big child, and they never asked your age.
(10:53:04 PM) dkap: But when the union found out, they came after you to join, and didn't want to take "no" for an answer.
(10:53:29 PM) Hegara: they didn't like the wrench or my fists either
(10:53:45 PM) dkap: After that fight, one of the other dock-workers came to you, and talked to you about making a lot more money with less effort, fighting people for money.
(10:54:24 PM) dkap: He introduced you to the circuit, where you were, happily beating folks, for fairly decent money, until the Nos bet against you, and then decided to punish you for his loss.
(10:54:27 PM) dkap: Sound about good?
(10:54:35 PM) dkap: We can fill in other gaps as necessary?
(10:54:41 PM) Hegara: kk
(10:55:04 PM) Cagliostro: disciplines is probably a good starter question now that the background is worked out, true?
(10:55:28 PM) Hegara: disciplines?
(10:55:56 PM) dkap: Your particular vamp powers.
(10:55:57 PM) Cagliostro: vampiric abilities that vary depending on the type of vampire
(10:56:05 PM) Hegara: ok
(10:56:38 PM) Cagliostro: for instance: nosferatu can hide from people's sight, but not from technology.
(10:57:06 PM) Cagliostro: it's pretty common to be able to hide, but quite a few of them can walk while invisible, as long as they don't attract attention
(10:57:12 PM) Hegara: ir, sonar?
(10:57:15 PM) Hegara: ie*
(10:57:20 PM) dkap: Video cameras.
(10:57:30 PM) Hegara: ah
(10:57:32 PM) Hegara: ok
(10:57:35 PM) Cagliostro: and also ir
(10:57:51 PM) dkap: Of course, it doesn't have the draw-back that the door-sensors ignore you.
(10:57:59 PM) Cagliostro: different clan. ;)
(10:58:19 PM) Cagliostro: there's also potence, which is vampiric strength
(10:58:21 PM) dkap: (unless they are IR sensors, in which case, lacking appropriate body heat could be a problem, being undead and all ...)
(10:58:31 PM) Cagliostro: and animalism, the ability to communicate with animals and the animal nature in people
(10:58:51 PM) Cagliostro: so it sounds like you're potence with some obfuscate and maybe not any animalism at all?
(10:59:13 PM) dkap: I don't know ... I think dogs and the like like him ...
(10:59:23 PM) Cagliostro: hm... could be
(10:59:27 PM) Hegara: obfuscate?
(10:59:46 PM) dkap: And a lot of the people he associates with by choice are much closer to their animalistic nature, and that would keep him from being shunned by them.
(10:59:53 PM) Cagliostro: obfuscate is the vampire invisibility power
(10:59:58 PM) Hegara: kk
(11:00:12 PM) dkap: Definitely obfuscate, can quietly become somebody elses problem.
(11:00:17 PM) dkap: It's not perfect of course, but ...
(11:00:24 PM) Hegara: yea
(11:00:27 PM) Cagliostro: there's also the ability to mask yourself as someone nondescript
(11:00:35 PM) Cagliostro: in addition to just becoming invisible
(11:00:54 PM) dkap: Someone comes into a bar, looking for the toughest son-of-a-bitch to pick a fight with, and will have their eyes just skate off of him, looking right by him.
(11:01:01 PM) Cagliostro: the basic animalism powers are telepathically communicate with an animal if you have eye contact, and summoning animals of a particular type to you
(11:01:18 PM) dkap: Does that sound in character?
(11:02:17 PM) dkap: Hrm ... can the Nos use that on various woofs?
(11:02:31 PM) dkap: I can just picture a woof being very uncomfortable with that.
(11:02:41 PM) dkap: Maybe ... that's where Jimmy's extreme reaction comes from.
(11:02:51 PM) dkap: You think, Ammon?
(11:03:32 PM) Hegara: brb
(11:05:58 PM) Hegara: back
(11:06:01 PM) dkap: So then Caelin, gets crowned prince, in the land, and is surrounded by his adoring subjects ...
(11:06:34 PM) dkap: Hegara: do the basic anamalism powers sound like something that would be in character for you?
(11:06:57 PM) dkap: Even if it is staring into their eyes, and telling them to leave you alone?
(11:07:54 PM) Hegara: no, the misdirection of aggressive emotions would be more me, I would prefer to pick my own fights and not be dragged into other people's
(11:08:58 PM) dkap: They are not exclusive.
(11:09:08 PM) Hegara: ok
(11:10:58 PM) Caelin: @_@
(11:11:13 PM) Caelin: Checking to see if I was paying attention?
(11:11:17 PM) dkap: Indeed, I was.
(11:12:19 PM) dkap: And Caelin, there is Tate, with the larger crown on his head, saying "And someday ... all this will be yours ..."
(11:12:51 PM) ***Caelin screams, then wakes up. "Ahh...only a dream...only a dream...!"
(11:13:44 PM) dkap: And Natasha gently reaches over, pats your arm, and mutters something about you not eating her kilbasa before sleeping again ...
(11:14:11 PM) ***Caelin (is not convinced he'd live if he DID eat some)
(11:15:04 PM) dkap: And there is a soft chuckle, somewhere in one of the recesses of your brain, as if by a hidden head-person ...
(11:16:00 PM) dkap: Right then.
(11:18:27 PM) dkap: So, let's see. Does the new Nos have a name? Going to go by Hegara?
(11:18:45 PM) Hegara: Hegara is fine
(11:20:09 PM) dkap: So, Hegara, you were in your world, doing your thing, stealing enough to get by, picking the fights you wanted to fight, when, pretty much, everything starts to go to hell in a hand-basket.
Meiglan meiglan
(11:20:58 PM) dkap: Meiglan: you are dealing with the end of times, and you hear of another Nos that might help the cause, nearby.
(11:20:58 PM) Hegara: Fire raining from the sky hell in a hand basket style?
(11:21:01 PM) Ammon left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
(11:21:48 PM) dkap: Water burning, fire in the sky, nuclear bombs being set off in cities, usually in the water-treatment plants ...
(11:21:55 PM) Meiglan: I will follow that lead to find out who this Person of Interest is.
(11:23:16 PM) dkap: And there is a beautiful Nos (as beautiful as Nos ever get) trying to help the folks in his neighborhood get food.
(11:23:58 PM) dkap: Mostly because he wants food and water himself, but ... it's easy enough for him to carry more than he needs ...
(11:24:25 PM) Hegara: large burlap bag filled with mostly bread
(11:25:08 PM) dkap: And probably a 55 gallon drum of water, balancing out the bag, on the other shoulder.
(11:26:03 PM) dkap: You can tell, because, well, you can always tell, that he's Nos.
(11:26:16 PM) Meiglan: Strong Like Ox. Smart, hopefully more than a Refrigerator. A wide, friendly, albeit toothy grin. "hey, heard there was one of us helping out around here."
(11:26:31 PM) dkap: Hegara: You feel, some sort of pull to the individual talking to you.
(11:27:26 PM) Hegara: glancing over my shoulder to see who it is "someone needs to help these people in this time
Meiglan meiglan
(11:29:24 PM) Hegara: what brings you to be back streets?"
(11:29:39 PM) Meiglan: It's regretful that most of these people will be dead, but that's the way of it. "It's true, but there's a group of people in even more need of someone strong to help. I asked. I was sent to you. Think I can borrow you for a bit?"
(11:30:41 PM) Hegara: "Who needs the help?
(11:31:39 PM) Hegara: placing the barrel on the ground and the bag into the hands of one of the adults
(11:32:10 PM) Meiglan: "Relatives of ours, in a manner of speaking."
(11:32:44 PM) Hegara: "Ours?"
(11:34:23 PM) dkap: The bag is distributed amongst the people, including making sure some, but not the first bit, is in Hegara's hands. Someone has tapped the drum, and is sharing water around.
(11:34:49 PM) Meiglan: "Family" She answers without blinking. "Honestly, they're freaking out and I think a big guy like you could make them feel a little more reassured."
(11:35:56 PM) Hegara: "I have done what I can here so I am free to go, lead the way and I will see what I can do for you."
(11:37:30 PM) dkap: As you head off to where the Nos are gathered, that's about when a large fuel-air explosive goes off in the heart of the city behind you.
(11:37:39 PM) Meiglan: "Excellent." A look up at the sky. "fire raining from the sky, cats and dogs living together." Shakes head. "Never thought I'd see this. You know what's going on?
(11:38:49 PM) Hegara: "Not a clue." watching the sky
(11:40:51 PM) Hegara: "mind filling me in?"
(11:40:57 PM) Meiglan: By this point they'd left any interested ears behind and she feels she can speak freely. "Ragnorak, Armaggedon; not the movie, the End of Times...anything like that ring a bell? 'cause we're in it, my friend.
(11:42:26 PM) dkap: The cacephony of car-alarms, sirens, buildings burning, falling, etc does tend to underscore her point.
(11:43:01 PM) Hegara: "Do we run or stand here?"
(11:45:01 PM) dkap: When you get to the other Nos, Hegara, you feel a ... pull, almost a natural kinship with them, almost like the family you never knew.
(11:46:02 PM) Meiglan: I'm not one for heroic but ultimately futile actions. I'm looking for a nice, deep hideyhole and see if we can weather this one out. Trouble is my group, they're kind of scared. Actually, they're terrified. I need someone to help keep 'em calm.
(11:48:03 PM) Hegara: "I can't stop a missile but I will stay for as long as I can, I feel different here"
(11:49:32 PM) dkap: After getting down, into the shelter, and being introduced around ...
(11:49:40 PM) Meiglan: Well, you're surrounded by family. I mean, look at all of us.
(11:50:05 PM) dkap: Each disfigured in their own way.
(11:50:20 PM) dkap: Each seemingly drawn to the others ...
(11:51:21 PM) Hegara: a dumbfounded look crosses my face, "There are this many of us?"
(11:52:12 PM) Meiglan: Scratches an errant itch under an armpit. "Well, yeah, haven't you come around here before?"
(11:53:09 PM) Hegara: "No, the surface people are the closed I have had to any family"
(11:55:19 PM) Meiglan: "Well, it may be a little late, but welcome home." She appears to be genuinely glad to have him around.
(11:57:05 PM) Hegara: noticing the relaxed stance "Is my presence really that reasuring?"
(11:59:31 PM) Meiglan: Everybody is scared. I'm no delicate little flower, but you're big, really, really big and you look strong. I think both of those make 'em feel a little less threatened.
(12/23/2009 12:00:54 AM) dkap: Indeed, you seem to be tonic to their nerves. Up until the "whomp" noise of the ground above you being annihilated, and a sticky burning substance beginning to splash down, around you.
(12:00:54 AM) dkap: It is beginning to fall, apparently but caught in the act, as a hole is ripped in space-time itself, and a place, with sunlight beyond, that doesn't belong in the cavern, is on the other side.
(12:01:42 AM) dkap: Through the hole strides an individual, who offers your company the chance to evade almost certain death and destruction, to go to a place where the End of Days is not happening.
(12:01:52 AM) dkap: And promises you that the sunlight will not hurt.
(12:02:24 AM) dkap: Those who choose to follow (I believe that is all of you) find that, indeed the clean, cool air, and the unmoving sunlight does not bother you, in the slightest.
(12:02:34 AM) dkap: Even though, time passes, the sun does not move in the sky.
(12:03:15 AM) Hegara: "No this is not weird at all."
(12:04:17 AM) dkap: Some other time passes, and you are all encouraged through another tear in the universe to a much more comfortable local, that seems to be in a castle, hosted by ... well ... Mouseferatu.
(12:04:37 AM) Meiglan: "Never look a gift Savior in the mouth."
(12:04:39 AM) dkap: (He's a mouse. Really. With wings, and a cape, and fangs, and the whole nine yards ...)
(12:06:11 AM) dkap: After quite the feast, and a nights sleep, you are transferred once again, to outside a small house, where Delna is holding informational court. There are many here, of all shapes and sizes, and they all feel like family some more distant than others, but all, family.
(12:06:17 AM) Hegara: raises an eyebrow
(12:06:21 AM) Caelin: Alright. Time for me to fall over.
(12:06:25 AM) Caelin left the room (quit: EOF from client).
(12:06:27 AM) dkap: And she seems to have the ability to feed those who are hungry without needing to take it from a person.
(12:07:51 AM) dkap: When sunrise here is approaching, you are all encouraged to a castle, nearby, apparently set up for all to bunk down in, for the suntimes.
(12:08:57 AM) dkap: For whatever reason, the leader of the group is a most reluctant leader, and would rather, apparently, anyone else doing it, but she seems to be the only one willing to take the risk, to unite the people, until they can all re-form in their standard patterns, and let her go back to simply worrying about her friends.
(12:09:42 AM) dkap: She seems to enjoy the company of your little group, though. As if the others are ... more off-putting, and your group, who look worse than the others, seem more kindly to her style.
(12:10:21 AM) dkap: There is the day, and the next night, which includes the introduction of DeathWalker, and the Woofs (read about it in the logs, if you please).
(12:10:55 AM) dkap: And then, that brings us to the next dusk, which is where I will hang it, with the passing of the sun, and the awakening of those, after the second night in the castel.
(12:11:00 AM) dkap: castle even.
(12:11:08 AM) dkap: Sound like a good plan?
(12:11:19 AM) Hegara: yep
(12:11:30 AM) dkap: In the meantime, the Count has had a touch of adventure himself, during that day.
(12:11:59 AM) Meiglan: (and I need to be getting myself to bed as well)
(12:12:14 AM) Cagliostro: apparently.
(12:12:41 AM) Hegara: sleep well all and see you all next week
(12:13:11 AM) dkap: Until next week.
(12:13:19 AM) dkap: Hrm ... sleep.
(12:13:23 AM) dkap: Ahh ... I just noticed the time.
(12:13:37 AM) dkap: Count, are you up to further, or shall we put it off, as well, with your ret-con?
(12:13:37 AM) Meiglan: perchance to dream...or snore...
(12:13:45 AM) dkap: Oh, I snore.
(12:13:49 AM) dkap: No perchance about it.
(12:14:14 AM) ChanServ left the room (quit: *.net *.split).
(12:14:26 AM) Cagliostro: hm. weird split.
(12:14:30 AM) Cagliostro: I can go on for a little bit.
(12:14:30 AM) Hegara: lol
(12:14:34 AM) dkap: Excellent.
(12:15:25 AM) Cagliostro: so, yes. Cagliostro was going to wipe the trauma loop from the woman's mind
(12:15:33 AM) Cagliostro: and try to read what was left before that, if anything
Unknown command.
(12:15:44 AM) Cagliostro: then get Cemen, and have Cemen try to restore any non-traumatic bits that got wiped
(12:15:46 AM) current topic is: Game as usual, logs at: ; wiki-wiki at:
(12:15:49 AM) Cagliostro: but Cemen restore, not Cemen remove
(12:16:13 AM) dkap: Indeed, and he did try to restore, and ended up with ... problems.
(12:16:27 AM) Hegara: sleep well all
(12:16:29 AM) dkap: Mostly because she is shadow, and not substance.
(12:17:02 AM) dkap: Sleep well.
(12:17:04 AM) Cagliostro: well, it was an experiment
(12:17:12 AM) Cagliostro: did I get anything from her after the wipe?
(12:17:23 AM) dkap: It was an experiment, not a very good one, in terms of results, but ... an experiment.
(12:18:08 AM) dkap: Just that she was a stow-away, and the man (who lost his arm) was ... important to her, for some reason. Could be husband, lover, stalker-relationship, father, brother, son ... it's unknown what the relationship was, but it was important to her.
(12:18:31 AM) Hegara left the room (quit: Quit).
(12:18:39 AM) Meiglan left the room (quit: Read error: EOF from client).
(12:19:04 AM) Cagliostro: so the memories were basically gone already except for feelings?
(12:19:18 AM) ChanServ [] entered the room.
(12:19:18 AM) mode (+o ChanServ) by
(12:19:45 AM) mode (+o dkap) by ChanServ
(12:19:52 AM) dkap: That was ... odd.
(12:20:44 AM) dkap: Well ... most of the memories contained are about her fixating on him.
(12:20:56 AM) dkap: Sneaking into Inara's shuttle.
(12:21:07 AM) dkap: Hiding so neither would suspect she was there.
(12:25:05 AM) dkap: Does that give you a picture?
(12:26:05 AM) Cagliostro: possibly.
(12:26:16 AM) Cagliostro: what I'm establishing is that she was broken before the experiment
(12:26:21 AM) Cagliostro: although she may be broken differently now
(12:26:28 AM) Cagliostro: Can I try to raise her mystic inertia?
(12:27:50 AM) dkap: You can, both try and succeed.
(12:28:03 AM) Cagliostro: excellent.
(12:28:05 AM) dkap: Are you going to do so for the man and Inara, as well?
(12:28:08 AM) Cagliostro: does that change things at all?
(12:28:17 AM) Cagliostro: sure, after checking to see if it changes her situation.
(12:28:21 AM) dkap: No, alas, the damage is done.
(12:28:28 AM) Cagliostro: I don't want to miss anything.
(12:28:36 AM) Cagliostro: well, she was broken before, hopefully she can be fixed now.
(12:28:43 AM) Cagliostro: can I tell what the damage is?
(12:29:10 AM) dkap: It seems, now, more wetware in nature, rather than hardware.
(12:29:39 AM) dkap: Inara's memory, however contain no record of her. Of the gentleman, yes, but of her? No.
(12:30:56 AM) Cagliostro: hm
(12:31:01 AM) Cagliostro: I should be able to fix wetware
(12:31:43 AM) dkap: There is ... something not right with the whole circumstance.
(12:31:58 AM) Cagliostro: try to figure out the not-rightness
(12:32:14 AM) Cagliostro: do I need to go back and look at what Cagliostro knows about unmaking?
(12:32:59 AM) dkap: Nope. That doesn't feel like the right direction for the wrongness.
(12:33:07 AM) Cagliostro: okay.
(12:33:18 AM) Cagliostro: so is the wrongness because Cemen put in a connection to himself?
(12:33:33 AM) Cagliostro: or is part of the brain missing? Just nonhuman? is it currently altering itself?
(12:34:23 AM) dkap: It's as if the brain was forced into a different configuration really recently, but before Cemen was involved.
(12:34:58 AM) Cagliostro: kinetic trauma?
(12:36:08 AM) dkap: You aren't sure it's necessarily physical in nature.
(12:36:15 AM) dkap: There are strange ... echos, almost.
(12:36:29 AM) Cagliostro: can I figure out what the original configuration was?
(12:37:38 AM) dkap: Possibly, given enough time to baseline the change, if it is continuing to change at a measurable, and consistent rate you could probably run it backward.
(12:38:20 AM) Cagliostro: I'll wait a couple of minutes and see what I can see
(12:38:29 AM) Cagliostro: I'll go ahead and increase the mystic inertia for Inara and the guy
(12:39:04 AM) dkap: It speeds up both their healing.
(12:39:26 AM) dkap: What/how are you observing the anomolous lady?
(12:39:55 AM) Cagliostro: probably a basic binding circle, first of all
(12:40:07 AM) Cagliostro: and presumably just monitoring her the way I scanned her initially
(12:40:17 AM) Cagliostro: I would check her out through the lens after a few minutes, though
(12:40:52 AM) Cagliostro: (I can't recall whether the Gil changing thing has happened yet or not.)
(12:41:11 AM) dkap: With the lens, and with more leisure-time at the moment, you find that there is ... a similar cast to her, as to the cause of this section of the ship being blown off, almost a magical signature residue, but very, very, very crude.
(12:41:24 AM) dkap: I don't believe so.
(12:41:56 AM) Cagliostro: I didn't think so either.
(12:42:16 AM) Cagliostro: can I use that to work back to a baseline?
(12:42:49 AM) dkap: You have no idea what it is, much less how to baseline it.
(12:44:45 AM) Cagliostro: okay
(12:44:59 AM) Cagliostro: presume that it's a magical signature somehow, and try to work from that
(12:45:18 AM) Cagliostro: perhaps it's coming through, or blurred, or partly occluded, or a mirror-afterimage from the explosion...
(12:45:22 AM) Cagliostro: a magical indentation, as it were
(12:45:30 AM) dkap: It could be.
(12:46:07 AM) dkap: In your examination of the piece of wreckage, it looks, after all you can put together, like someone just took raw power and hurled it at the rest of the shuttle, breaking off this piece of it.
(12:46:39 AM) dkap: Such crude method couldn't help but cause such wanton destruction. But might explain why the arm was fused so nicely.
(12:47:18 AM) Cagliostro: huh.
(12:47:39 AM) Cagliostro: from having seen the ship and the shuttle, can I tell whether the power hit happened before or after the separation?
(12:48:00 AM) dkap: It seems to have caused the separation.
(12:49:00 AM) dkap: And it's force might account for the inaccuracy of your first gate. A push of that force, while not having a lot of time to act, would indeed, have moved it from the decent you tracked from the radar pictures.
(12:49:33 AM) Cagliostro: hm.
(12:49:40 AM) dkap: Which means, you aren't loosing your touch with the placement of gates, probably to some small measure of relief.
(12:49:57 AM) Cagliostro: so is there anything I know about in the line from the impact site to the first gate, measured back?
(12:50:05 AM) Cagliostro: that does seem to be the direction the push came from, then.
(12:50:27 AM) dkap: It seemed to originate from within the structure, yes.
(12:51:33 AM) Cagliostro: which structure?
(12:52:19 AM) dkap: The pod.
(12:53:06 AM) Cagliostro: oh, so it was a blow -out- from the pod that pushed it away from the ship?
(12:53:13 AM) Cagliostro: interesting. not what I had been guessin.
(12:53:19 AM) dkap: Hrm ... no, I wasn't clear.
(12:54:05 AM) dkap: The pod detached itself from the ship. After it dropped below your walls, there was some sort of push, from within the pod, that pushed it off of where you were expecting it, and blew this piece of it over to where you found it.
(12:54:31 AM) Cagliostro: okay, I gotcha.
(12:54:34 AM) dkap: This piece having less mass by quite a bit, was effected by the thrust much more than the main piece.
(12:54:54 AM) Cagliostro: can I find anything else with a magical aura in the wreckage?
(12:55:36 AM) dkap: Just the edges of it, and ... it makes Calen level-crude use of power seem, almost delicate.
(12:56:01 AM) dkap: Not that it's anywhere near the force he could negligently bring to bear, of course, but ... for style points?
(12:56:51 AM) dkap: Wow, it's crude.
(12:57:09 AM) Cagliostro: hm.
(12:57:18 AM) Cagliostro: possibly a spontaneous use of power?
(12:57:28 AM) Cagliostro: by someone untrained?
(12:57:35 AM) Cagliostro: or just manifesting their power?
(12:58:51 AM) dkap: Possibly.
(01:00:41 AM) Cagliostro: hm.
(01:00:48 AM) Cagliostro: could she have broken her own brain that way?
(01:01:05 AM) Cagliostro: any sign of Talent in Inara or the guy, or can I not see that sort of thing, even with the lens?
(01:02:10 AM) dkap: Well ... no sign of talent, and the only very, very, very crude signature is on her, and the ship.
(01:02:18 AM) dkap: So, yes, she could have broken her own brain.
(01:02:50 AM) Cagliostro: huh.
(01:02:56 AM) Cagliostro: do I have any idea what to do in that situation?
(01:03:48 AM) dkap: You have never seen something so crude. Really.
(01:04:34 AM) Cagliostro: hm.
(01:04:45 AM) Cagliostro: how is Inara doing?
(01:05:22 AM) dkap: She's ok, With the boost of upping her mystical inertia, she's simply resting, not unconcious.
(01:06:15 AM) Cagliostro: okay, thank Cemen.
(01:06:29 AM) dkap: Cemen is happy to try some more, if you think it would be useful.
(01:06:47 AM) dkap: Even though he is discomforted at the results of the first try.
(01:06:48 AM) Cagliostro: Give him a brief synopsis of what I think happened, opine that I want to track the drift before trying again
(01:07:09 AM) dkap: He seems confused at the mechanics of it, and then shrugs.
(01:07:53 AM) dkap: You have a brief realization that he might have been contemplating ab-initio-ing gravity ... because that might help prevent these things in the future.
(01:08:40 AM) Cagliostro: yikes.
(01:08:56 AM) Cagliostro: I don't want to think very hard about unmaking abstract things.
(01:09:08 AM) Cagliostro: Especially since I have a theory that thinking about unmaking is what causes it to spread.
(01:10:38 AM) dkap: Indeed.
(01:11:39 AM) Cagliostro: okay, send Cemen back to where he was before
(01:11:46 AM) Cagliostro: then go looking for River
(01:12:04 AM) Cagliostro: starting with "He's gone now, you can come back out."
(01:14:56 AM) dkap: River comes out of hiding.
(01:15:29 AM) Cagliostro: nod to her.
(01:15:35 AM) Cagliostro: "That was a perceptive reaction."
(01:15:55 AM) Cagliostro: "He is trying to improve, though."
(01:16:13 AM) dkap: River: He is the end of things.
(01:16:23 AM) dkap: River: No place to even lie down.
(01:16:34 AM) Cagliostro: "Worse than that, I think."
(01:17:56 AM) Cagliostro: "Your friend Inara is doing all right. Would you like to come back with me to help her wake up?"
(01:19:55 AM) Cagliostro: we can wrap,ifyou
(01:19:57 AM) Cagliostro: d like
(01:20:42 AM) dkap: Nope ... just conversing with River's player.
(01:20:44 AM) dkap: *grin*
(01:21:13 AM) dkap: It's a little slower, since she didn't expect to get attention, so we are limited to 160 characters at the moment, and I hate typing on my phone.
(01:21:43 AM) dkap: River: "Yes, she would be more comfortable with a familiar face."
(01:22:02 AM) Cagliostro: huh. time zones.
(01:22:04 AM) Cagliostro: or vampires.
(01:22:05 AM) Cagliostro: ;)
(01:22:21 AM) Cagliostro: go with River over to Inara and awaken her, gently
(01:22:27 AM) Cagliostro: then step back so that River is the first person she sees
(01:27:44 AM) dkap: Inara wakens, looks at River, looks around, and the first words out of her mouth is "Mal?"
(01:28:04 AM) dkap: River: "He's ... well ... fine. Elsewhere. Medical care."
(01:28:24 AM) dkap: Inara nods, sits up, and looks around.
(01:28:34 AM) dkap: Inara: "Do I even want to know what happened?"
(01:28:47 AM) dkap: River: "No."
(01:29:07 AM) dkap: Inara: "Umm ... "
(01:29:43 AM) dkap: River: "All the places went away, so we came to this place that didn't, or not yet, because it hasn't bothered the scary-man enough."
(01:30:42 AM) dkap: River: "We can't go home. Ever. Saving Miranda was wasted."
(01:31:12 AM) dkap: River: "The long-plan from the Earth-that-Was is now, just us."
(01:31:44 AM) dkap: River: "We are all that's left."
(01:34:34 AM) dkap: Inara: Poor Zoe.
(01:35:07 AM) dkap: River: "Perhaps it is for the best. We seem to want to destroy with what is most beautiful."
(01:35:39 AM) dkap: River: "Come on Inara. Lets go somewhere wet."
(01:36:25 AM) dkap: River: "Kaylee needs you."
(01:36:47 AM) dkap: Inara: "Umm ... I believe I had a client ..."
(01:37:08 AM) dkap: River: "We'll bring him and his ... friend ... too."
(01:37:19 AM) dkap: Inara: "What? What friend?"
(01:37:33 AM) Cagliostro: "Yes... about that. A friend of his stowed away."
(01:37:35 AM) dkap: River turns to the Count: "Can you tell her about Kaylee?"
(01:37:58 AM) Cagliostro: "Kaylee is distraught at the damage to your ship."
(01:38:11 AM) Cagliostro: "And does not seem to be recovering quickly."
(01:38:21 AM) dkap: River: "Stronger words. Make with the telling."
(01:38:48 AM) dkap: And she leaps up in the air, spins around herself several times, and lands lightly in the sand.
(01:39:17 AM) Cagliostro: "First things first, River."
(01:39:33 AM) Cagliostro: to Inara: "What can you tell me about your client? Do you recognize his friend?"
(01:39:48 AM) dkap: River: "Kaylee is more important. Kaylee is a friend."
(01:41:26 AM) dkap: River: "Kaylee needs your touch, Simon wants to make her brain stop."
(01:41:43 AM) Cagliostro: "He only has one friend left in this world or any other, and that friend has broken herself."
(01:43:11 AM) dkap: River shrugs: "Doesn't feel like a friend. Kaylee is one, and needs. If you can't walk ..."
(01:43:32 AM) dkap: Inara: "That bad?"
(01:43:36 AM) dkap: River: "That bad."
(01:43:55 AM) dkap: Inara to the Count: "How do I get back to her?"
(01:44:04 AM) ***Cagliostro opens a gate.
(01:44:12 AM) Cagliostro: "Step forward, and you will be there."
(01:44:19 AM) dkap: Direct, to the engine room?
(01:44:22 AM) Cagliostro: "River, you may be there or here, as you choose."
(01:44:27 AM) Cagliostro: She's not in the engine room
(01:44:34 AM) Cagliostro: Kaylee's outside the ship with the rest of them now, I think
(01:44:41 AM) Cagliostro: not that it's improved her mood any
(01:44:49 AM) dkap: Kaylee is still clinging to the engine, if I recall correctly, guarded by an Ifrit or two, to make sure nothing else collapses on her.
(01:44:57 AM) Cagliostro: sure.
(01:45:05 AM) Cagliostro: then yes, to the engine room, so that Mal doesn't screw this up
(01:45:07 AM) dkap: And still wailing like a banshee.
(01:45:24 AM) dkap: *grin* I had forgotten about that. Good choice.
(01:46:01 AM) dkap: River: "Inara will fix Kaylee. I can stay with you."
(01:46:45 AM) ***Cagliostro nods.
(01:46:49 AM) Cagliostro: shall we wrap, then?
(01:46:50 AM) dkap: Inara goes through, to Kaylee.
(01:47:27 AM) dkap: River apparently at random: "Do you not like redheads, or just not trust them?"
(01:47:35 AM) dkap: Ahh ... we can wrap.
(01:48:49 AM) Cagliostro: I can hang around for a few if there are any questions
(01:48:55 AM) Cagliostro: I wasn't expecting that ;)
(01:49:13 AM) Cagliostro: "I quite like some, less so others. Why do you ask?"
(01:58:25 AM) dkap: Sorry ... I went to hang with River.
(01:58:37 AM) dkap: We can pick up here, next week.
(01:58:38 AM) dkap: *grin*
(01:58:54 AM) Cagliostro: sure
(01:58:59 AM) Cagliostro: I should b able to make next week
(01:59:08 AM) Cagliostro: but will be on travel, so am not 100% confirmed
(01:59:48 AM) Cagliostro: see ya!
(02:00:14 AM) Cagliostro left the room (quit: Quit: Leaving.).