Conversation with #dkap_amber

Conversation with #dkap_amber on Tue 19 Jan 2010 08:19:03 PM EST:
(08:19:03 PM) The topic for #dkap_amber is: Game as usual, logs at: ; wiki-wiki at:
(08:19:18 PM) Hegara: evening all
(08:21:01 PM) mode (+o dkap) by ChanServ
(08:21:35 PM) dkap: Good evening.
(08:21:43 PM) dkap: Sorry about the delay. Had to go and vote.
(08:21:58 PM) dkap: By-election to replace the Deceased Teddy Kennedy.
(08:23:34 PM) Spot [] entered the room.
(08:26:20 PM) Caelin [] entered the room.
(08:26:23 PM) dkap: Excellent! We are all here!
(08:26:28 PM) dkap: Let there be game.
(08:26:34 PM) Caelin: THAT took bloody long enough.
(08:27:08 PM) dkap: (And there was game, and it was good. There was evening, there was morning, the 3rd day.)
(08:27:11 PM) ***Spot waves!
(08:27:22 PM) ***Caelin waves.
(08:28:18 PM) ***Delna does the wave
(08:28:31 PM) Hegara: Wave
(08:28:34 PM) ***dkap gets done (in) by the wave.
(08:28:44 PM) dkap: Hrm ... Google Wave.
(08:31:42 PM) dkap: When last we left our intreped heros ...
(08:32:12 PM) Caelin [] entered the room.
(08:32:39 PM) Caelin: just Caelin again
(08:33:23 PM) dkap: Double Caelin? Aren't one of you supposed to be on Princess Chandra's desk as a backup copy?
(08:34:40 PM) Caelin: last I recall, yes. :)
(08:35:13 PM) dkap: Just making sure.
(08:35:16 PM) dkap: Which is which?
(08:37:01 PM) Caelin: The marbled Caelin has no idea just how long he has been out of the loop.
(08:37:11 PM) dkap: *grin*
(08:37:19 PM) dkap: Should we call him Donatello?
(08:37:23 PM) dkap: The Marbled Faun?
(08:37:40 PM) Caelin: Oh dear.
(08:37:53 PM) dkap: Yes?
(08:40:37 PM) Caelin: 'still out of the loop' how about that?
(08:41:09 PM) dkap: That works.
(08:41:28 PM) dkap: I believe the intrepid heroes were about to dash off into the woods ... looking for Spot.
(08:41:36 PM) Spot: Arroooooooooo!
(08:43:47 PM) Caelin: lol
(08:45:17 PM) Delna: Yes, following our pup friend
(08:46:01 PM) dkap: Into the woods we go tonight.
(08:47:11 PM) Hegara: following in with lumbering steps
(08:48:12 PM) dkap: The brush gets pushed out of the way, Eddie (the bone Gnawer) is bouncing ahead somewhere. Marching order?
(08:48:20 PM) Hegara: last
(08:48:28 PM) dkap: (not that I'm setting up miniatures or anything .... *grin*)
(08:54:30 PM) Delna: First
(08:56:28 PM) dkap: Right ... forward into the woods.
(08:56:33 PM) dkap: Spot, where have you holed up?
(08:56:42 PM) Spot: Ummmmmm
(08:57:03 PM) Delna_ [] entered the room.
(08:57:05 PM) Spot: someplace in the woods, nice clearing, nearby stream, campfire, etc
(08:57:30 PM) Delna left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
(08:57:30 PM) Delna_ is now known as Delna
(08:57:46 PM) Delna: Wee, internet cut out
(08:58:00 PM) Delna: Whaddid I miss?
(08:58:00 PM) Caelin: Oof
(08:58:16 PM) dkap: Spot, being in the woods, waiting for your arrival.
(08:58:27 PM) Spot: with the others in the pack
(09:01:19 PM) Delna: Did you get the message that I said I would take first in line?
(09:01:39 PM) Delna: I head into the woods
(09:03:14 PM) dkap: And, eventually, with no other wandering monster encounter ... there is Spot!
(09:03:45 PM) Spot: batwings and all.
(09:04:57 PM) dkap: Indeed.
(09:06:04 PM) Delna: Spot in bat-form then? And we recognize her?
(09:06:13 PM) Spot: Him
(09:06:16 PM) Spot: Spot's a He
(09:06:24 PM) Spot: Metis
(09:06:32 PM) Spot: Has big giant bat wings
(09:07:07 PM) Delna: (Sry!)
(09:07:13 PM) dkap: S'ok.
(09:07:16 PM) dkap: *grin*
(09:08:10 PM) ***Spot grins. "Well, hello there pretty."
(09:09:57 PM) dkap: (I believe that's in Delna's direction?)
(09:11:20 PM) Delna: To Spot: "Hello Spot. We wish to speak with you. An interesting proposal has been brought my way regarding your pack that I would like to speak to you about."
(09:11:33 PM) Spot: ((usually))
(09:11:56 PM) ***Spot spreads his arms wide. "Welcome to our humble abode."
(09:12:09 PM) Spot: "Proposal?"
(09:14:57 PM) Hegara: ok
(09:15:19 PM) Delna: "Yes, and thank you. Do you have a place where we could discuss the proposal a bit more privately?"
(09:15:55 PM) ***Spot looks around.
(09:16:08 PM) Spot: "Pick a tree?"

(09:29:52 PM) The topic for #dkap_amber is: Game as usual, logs at: ; wiki-wiki at:
(09:31:16 PM) Spot: what was last you saw, dkap?
(09:32:00 PM) dkap: I saw "Pick a tree"
(09:32:04 PM) dkap: Sorry about that.
(09:32:33 PM) Spot: Delna looks around as well, "I would prefer some place a bit more neutral. Perhaps somewhere just outside of the woods between your current home and mine? With a couple of your own trusted pack-mates of course."
(09:32:35 PM) Spot: * Spot shrugs.
(09:32:37 PM) Spot: <Spot> "Sure." gestures for a couple of the pack to follow. "Lead on."
(09:32:57 PM) Delna: Delna will lead to a place on the edge of the woods between her current location with Spot and her home, preferrably a place where Spot (should he chose) and I could sit to talk.
(09:33:10 PM) dkap: Excellent.
(09:37:07 PM) Delna: When we arrive I will sit (on a stump or some such thing if available) and wait for Spot to make himself comfortable in whichever form he prefers.
(09:37:28 PM) ***Spot will pull up a nice spot of grass.
(09:37:44 PM) Hegara: I sit on the ground
(09:39:17 PM) dkap: Sounds like a good setup all around.
(09:39:34 PM) Delna: "Do you and your pack still desire to live on this land with us?"
(09:40:17 PM) Spot: "We do. It's a good place. And it's where we came."
(09:40:49 PM) Caelin_ [] entered the room.
(09:43:29 PM) Caelin left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
(09:45:53 PM) Delna: "I would like to see if we can find a compromise for this then if you and your pack can agree to a mutual truce between our people."
(09:46:58 PM) Spot: "Yer the ones who don't want us. We're happy staying. You're the folks who want us gone."
(09:48:08 PM) Caelin_: (did I die and get reborn to the channel)
(09:48:53 PM) dkap: You are reborn.
(09:51:08 PM) Delna: "We want peace. We came to this place to be free of the wars that ended our previous world. We don't wish to carry on those wars here. But after this evening's events I believe there may be a way for us to find a truce between us."
(09:51:31 PM) Spot: "What happened?"
(09:53:24 PM) Delna: "One of our people was attacked during the day.. In a very brutal manner that none of us has ever seen before. He was dismembered and disemboweled, yet remained alive. And the incisions on his body were of no creature we might be able to place."
(09:55:03 PM) ***Spot hmmmms. "And you think this will bring us a truce?"
(09:55:41 PM) Caelin_ left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
(09:56:56 PM) dkap: There is a snicking noise, and then a scream from one of spot's pack ...
(09:57:34 PM) Hegara: "What happened to our friend may happen to one of your pack members, finding the one that did this before it attacks again may bring us together and prevent what happened on our home."
(09:57:37 PM) ***Spot turns and runs towards the sound
(09:58:14 PM) dkap: One of the wolves is growling at something in the underbrush, and spurting blood.
(09:58:47 PM) ***Spot goes to circle to trap it
(09:59:20 PM) ***Delna kicks in celerity (if necessary) and follows to the sound, gesturing for Hegara and Meiglan to go with me
(09:59:38 PM) Hegara: follows
(10:01:24 PM) dkap: No sound left.
(10:01:30 PM) dkap: Just the growl at something unknown.
(10:01:53 PM) dkap: It's a surgical-level cut. Nice even edges. Nothing removed, just deep and fast.
(10:03:38 PM) dkap: And gone.
(10:03:53 PM) dkap: No spore, no trail.
(10:04:52 PM) Spot: spirits?
(10:04:55 PM) Delna: Head in the direction of the growl then.
(10:06:35 PM) dkap: He's growling at an empty bush at this point. He's right there, hence why you can see the spurt.
(10:06:56 PM) dkap: Seems to have been able to manipulate a physical object, so ... probably not a spirit ...
(10:07:09 PM) Delna: ok. Wasn't sure
(10:07:15 PM) Spot: traces of umbral intrusion?
(10:07:33 PM) dkap: No traces of umbral intrusion detectable.
(10:07:49 PM) dkap: Although, you might want to peak into the umbra to see if anything is fleeing from that point of view?
(10:08:24 PM) ***Spot looks for something shiny
(10:08:55 PM) dkap: Unless someone has something in their pockets ... or a canteen of water or the like ...
(10:09:58 PM) Delna: no water. I might have a coin on me.
(10:10:00 PM) Delna: ?
(10:10:24 PM) Spot: Anyone got jewelry on?
(10:11:03 PM) Delna: I do not. Hegara?
(10:13:31 PM) dkap: Hrm ... do you think the cup filled might be shiny enough? Or maybe empty?
(10:14:17 PM) Delna: Pull it out. Will it be shiny enough empty?
(10:14:24 PM) Hegara: I pull out a metal necklace from my shirt, "This is all I have."
(10:14:39 PM) ***Spot grins and dives through the necklace.
(10:15:06 PM) Hegara: "I want it back in one piece if you would be so kind."
(10:15:13 PM) dkap: On the Umbra side, everything is covered by the weaver, but nothing is constrained.
(10:15:30 PM) dkap: Hegara, you are still holding it, Spot just dove _through_ it.
(10:15:39 PM) Hegara: oh
(10:15:53 PM) ***Spot snarls at all the weaver-sign.
(10:16:22 PM) Spot: Any sign of an attacker?
(10:17:23 PM) dkap: Nope. But the web seems to be trying to draw his wound closed and is being umbral connective tissue, so that the cut can heal.
(10:19:47 PM) Spot: Hunh.
(10:19:50 PM) Spot: Weird.
(10:20:27 PM) ***Spot pops back out on the tellurian through the necklace
(10:20:49 PM) dkap: *pop*
(10:21:27 PM) Delna: "Did you find the attacker?"
(10:21:51 PM) Spot: "Nothing but Weaver-strands everywhere."
(10:22:43 PM) ***Delna creases her eyebrows momentarily, then nods
(10:23:25 PM) Delna: Is the body of the attacked wolf still alive?
(10:23:58 PM) ***Spot checks on the packmate.
(10:25:25 PM) dkap: Very much so.
(10:27:24 PM) Spot: "Healing well. We are tough to kill." *grins*
(10:28:25 PM) Delna: GM, does the injured appear to be healing himself? Or does it appear the same as the attack on us?
(10:29:34 PM) dkap: Same as the attack on you folks. Healing at his normal rate, but ... somehow, regardless of the circumstance, still going fine.
(10:32:30 PM) dkap: Do you want to tell him about your vamp?
(10:35:27 PM) ***Delna turns to Spot. "This is the same as what attacked us. I don't know what else this enemy could do if it wanted to. And without being able to catch it... I think perhaps there was a reason you ended up here."
(10:36:05 PM) ***Spot doesn't say "I told you so" though he plainly wants to.
(10:36:24 PM) ***Spot gives in. "I did say that at one point."
(10:36:45 PM) Spot: "Pretty, listened to your leeches and not to fate."
(10:42:34 PM) Delna: Delna noticing Spot's unspoken words, "I listened to the past and the present. And now the present gives me this. In this matter we both have reason to keep peace between us. So that we might protect each other against this foe. I will not allow war to simply walk through our doors. But neither will I allow my people to be crippled in such a way while they sleep."
(10:43:19 PM) Delna: "What do you say? Will you stay here under a truce?"
(10:43:38 PM) ***Spot nods slowly. "Everyone sleeps sometime. We watch your folks slumber and you watch ours, that it?"
(10:47:54 PM) Delna: "And during this time of truce we are not to fight with each other. A feud between us would undermine any ability for us to protect each other. Any attack against your pack by one of my people will be treated as a crime against our own blood. And the same for attacks against us."
(10:49:22 PM) ***Spot thinks for a moment. "Agreed."
(10:50:02 PM) dkap: Spot: are you going to poll your pack?
(10:51:12 PM) Spot: Am I? It's a pack, there's obviously something hunting us, therefore it's time of war, they don't agree, they still can't challenge me
(10:52:11 PM) dkap: Indeed. So mote it be.
(10:52:55 PM) ***Delna nods. "Good. Let us make this truce official for both of our groups then."
(10:53:22 PM) ***Spot laughs. "Pretty, you need to lighten up some." Grins.
(10:54:17 PM) dkap: This sounds like a good point to hang.
(10:54:28 PM) ***Delna smiles
(10:54:40 PM) Hegara: :)
(10:55:25 PM) dkap: So moot it be. I mean, so mote it be.
(10:55:38 PM) Delna: yay. Thanks!
(10:55:44 PM) Spot: lol
(10:55:47 PM) Spot: okay
(10:55:50 PM) Spot: thank you!
(10:56:24 PM) Delna: night everyone
(10:56:27 PM) dkap: Good night!
(10:56:31 PM) Spot: njight!
(10:56:37 PM) Spot left the room.
(10:56:39 PM) Hegara: night
(10:56:44 PM) Hegara left the room (quit: Quit).
(10:56:47 PM) Delna left the room (quit: Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.5.7/20091221164558]).