Conversation with #dkap_amber
Conversation with #dkap_amber on Tue 23 Feb 2010 10:36:02 AM EST:
(10:40:50 AM) mode (+o dkap) by ChanServ
(08:07:07 PM) Auricle: Hey Dkap
(08:07:15 PM) Auricle: Jean says he won't be here
(08:09:16 PM) mode (+o dkap) by ChanServ
(08:09:30 PM) dkap: Right ... and Delan will be very late, if at all ...
(08:11:02 PM) Auricle: And I'm watching Olympics. ;)
(08:13:14 PM) Caelin [] entered the room.
(08:13:23 PM) Auricle: but there is a caelin
(08:14:06 PM) Caelin: Si senor. Rehearsal let out way early. will be back at mom's house in about 20.
(08:14:35 PM) dkap: Cool.
(08:14:41 PM) dkap: Maybe I can get some caelin run done ...
(08:14:49 PM) dkap: Everyone else is mostly hung on other people ...
(08:16:40 PM) Caelin: good!
(08:16:52 PM) dkap: *grin*
(08:38:13 PM) Caelin: Home now! will switch over in a sec, but feel free to fire when ready!
(08:40:17 PM) Delna [] entered the room.
(08:40:32 PM) Delna: Hola
(08:44:18 PM) Auricle: ghiya
(08:44:21 PM) Auricle: er hiya
(08:44:52 PM) dkap: You made it!
(08:44:55 PM) dkap: Yay.
(08:44:59 PM) dkap: How was the work thing?
(08:45:13 PM) Delna: Went well. Got out early, which is nice.
(08:45:27 PM) Delna: Hope I didn't miss much..
(08:47:12 PM) dkap: Nope. Nothing, in fact.
(08:47:21 PM) Delna: Heh, well good.
(08:47:26 PM) dkap: The Count won't be here, tonight, and I was about to start in on Caelin.
(08:47:28 PM) Caelin: So...
(08:47:36 PM) Caelin: Muaha.
(08:47:38 PM) dkap: Auricle/Spot is distracted by Olympics.
(08:47:50 PM) dkap: Have you switched over?
(08:47:59 PM) Delna: Aha. Understandable.
(08:48:17 PM) Caelin: Notbyet. but you can still hit me.
(08:50:22 PM) Delna: Just so you know, I'm feeling under the weather tonight so if'n it be possible, I might cut out early to get my much needed rest. Maybe around 10 or so
(08:50:24 PM) Caelin left the room (quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer).
(08:50:37 PM) Delna: if that ends up working out
(08:50:39 PM) Caelin [] entered the room.
(08:50:50 PM) Caelin: For some reason my phone can reach the irc channel but my laptop cannot. Will switch in a sec...
(08:52:34 PM) dkap: Right. I don't want to lose the thread, once we get going.
(08:52:41 PM) dkap: Delna, perfectly understandable.
(08:56:07 PM) Caelin [] entered the room.
(08:56:13 PM) Caelin: THERE!
(08:56:19 PM) Caelin: Rather, HERE.
(08:56:26 PM) Caelin left the room (quit: Quit: 1.6.6).
(08:56:52 PM) Caelin: Lappie is live.
(08:57:35 PM) Caelin: Don't ask me why that required a reboot. Of course, the system is 3 years old and I had four bajillion apps open and lots of ram unaccounted for. :)
(08:58:41 PM) dkap: That would do it. What was it's uptime?
(08:58:45 PM) dkap: Or shouldn't I ask?
(08:58:47 PM) dkap: Right ...
(08:59:16 PM) Caelin: Erm...Since I came down here in early February? So, the 8th.
(08:59:17 PM) dkap: Where were we. Caelin was .. of course ... hiding from the devastation that might, or might not, be caused by his head people.
(08:59:37 PM) dkap: Oh, I figured it for an uptime in years ...
(08:59:39 PM) Caelin: Yes, and momentarily coming out to perform favors asked of him, but otherwise hiding.
(08:59:58 PM) Caelin: Oh, it would have been, had I NOT been moving around the country consistently.
(09:03:36 PM) dkap: That makes sense.
(09:03:51 PM) dkap: Oh, typing of which ... is there good news?
(09:04:07 PM) Caelin: Oh YES. She said YES. :)
(09:05:28 PM) dkap: WOOT! YAY! FELICITATIONS!
(09:05:44 PM) dkap: (Happy hedgie bouncing occurs)
(09:05:44 PM) Auricle: Oooooer
(09:05:50 PM) Caelin: :)
(09:05:53 PM) Auricle: Awesomeness
(09:06:38 PM) Delna: Yays
(09:06:58 PM) Meiglan [~chatzilla@] entered the room.
(09:07:12 PM) Caelin: Currently eyeing an October 11th Wedding date. 2011. Not this year. :)
(09:07:59 PM) dkap: Yippie!
(09:10:13 PM) Caelin: So, what other hell is Caelin being admitted to???
(09:11:25 PM) dkap: Sorry, I was distracted disseminating your news!
(09:11:36 PM) Caelin: Aha! Well, that's not a bad thing!
(09:11:42 PM) dkap: Not in the slightest.
(09:11:54 PM) dkap: Let's see ... paging back through history ...
(09:12:00 PM) Caelin: *snort*
(09:12:05 PM) Caelin: Oh dear.
(09:12:06 PM) dkap: The mists of time part, and ... out pops your name!
(09:12:15 PM) dkap: No shit, there you were.
(09:12:40 PM) Caelin: Tell Pharaban his children are all just as frightening as he is.
(09:12:41 PM) dkap: There was a dead giant on your lawn, with an even larger hand-hole through his chest.
(09:13:22 PM) dkap: There was a room full of glass jars that you and ... some other folks were trying to rescue people from.
(09:13:31 PM) Caelin: Hm! Yes. Had we determined forensically what(or who had killed him)? And do i still have the Ifrit with me?
(09:13:43 PM) Caelin: Oh! We gated there, then?
(09:13:53 PM) Auricle: Oh I'm in one of those jars aren't I?
(09:14:36 PM) ***Caelin (seems to recall having MET Auricle this way the first time, in the G-person's lab)
(09:14:56 PM) Auricle: (Yes I have a habit of getting stuck in things)
(09:15:04 PM) dkap: Indeed, you do, and, indeed, you were.
(09:15:18 PM) dkap: There were some Ifrit there, yes, they helped you folks get out of the first jar.
(09:15:28 PM) dkap: And Martin was rescued from one of the jars as well.
(09:15:54 PM) Auricle: Yes yes, we drummed
(09:15:57 PM) dkap: Something about systematic vibrations.
(09:15:59 PM) dkap: Indeed.
(09:16:11 PM) Caelin: What methods were used to rupture the first jar?
(09:16:28 PM) Caelin: Ask the Ifrit if it wasn't entirely clear to Caelin.
(09:16:51 PM) Auricle: One was drummed open
(09:17:06 PM) Auricle: One was ripped open with the Sword of State, which I believe I still have
(09:17:18 PM) dkap: The methods were, I believe some of the more warfare-enhanced individuals figuring out the weak-points, and forcing the one you folks were in, open.
(09:17:22 PM) dkap: Right.
(09:17:25 PM) Caelin: Ahh, so Martin found the root frequency?
(09:17:45 PM) dkap: The other, so far was a combination of Auricle and Martin, drumming from both sides.
(09:18:15 PM) dkap: And it was interesting that the container seemed to be adapting, but not as fast as Martin and Auricle could change their beats.
(09:18:38 PM) Auricle: (technically, the Gargoyle)
(09:19:14 PM) Caelin: *nod* Got it. Might I be able to incorporate that into a spell? Just theorizing in Caelin's head, rather, instead of attempting to execute.
(09:20:20 PM) dkap: Well ... probably not, because it was probably a spell that was reacting, just not fast enough.
(09:20:28 PM) dkap: Remember, She does know you like music ...
(09:20:33 PM) Caelin: Gotcha. Just a thought.
(09:20:43 PM) Caelin: Hm!
(09:21:03 PM) Caelin: Where is Martin at present?
(09:21:33 PM) Caelin: And Auricle, for that matter?
(09:21:42 PM) Caelin: Assuming they're in the same jar...
(09:21:45 PM) Auricle: (is very tiny as I recall)
(09:22:02 PM) dkap: Well ... only tiny compared to the jars ...
(09:22:03 PM) Caelin: Caelin probably only perceives Martin.
(09:22:23 PM) Auricle: (oh nm then)
(09:22:27 PM) dkap: And all of you have gotten out of the jars, so far, although, you suspect that Tate is in one of them.
(09:22:42 PM) Caelin: *sigh* "Of course.
(09:23:16 PM) Caelin: Have a good look at the remainder of the jars, and ask all assembled if there's anyone unaccounted for, like, oh say BENEDICT...
(09:23:49 PM) dkap: Benedict _is_ unaccounted for.
(09:24:05 PM) Caelin: Zorro?
(09:24:18 PM) dkap: And probably in one of the jars, or elsewhere, raising hell, or an army, or ... whatever else Benedict does when he's not happy with someone.
(09:24:42 PM) dkap: Zorro is missing, and presumed un-jarred, although the mute boy, and the green-stuff might be jarred somewhere here.
(09:25:27 PM) ***Caelin suddenly remembers that Tate was never properly FREED from the !@#$%^&green stuff.
(09:26:00 PM) Caelin: To all assembled, "Has anyone seen a jar containing general Benedict???"
(09:26:17 PM) ***Auricle shakes her head. "You can't see in the jars."
(09:26:24 PM) Auricle: "Unless you can. We couldn't."
(09:26:37 PM) Caelin: (I'm assuming I cannot?)
(09:27:15 PM) Caelin: (Opaque jars of all Amberites! Collect the whole set! Gotta catch 'em all!)
(09:28:32 PM) Meiglan left the room (quit: *.net *.split).
(09:29:46 PM) dkap: Indeed. No, you cannot see into the jars.
(09:29:49 PM) Meiglan [~chatzilla@] entered the room.
(09:30:23 PM) Caelin: "What other tactics have worked to open the jars, if any?"
(09:32:23 PM) Caelin: (And have other forms of music been tried on the jars?)
(09:33:10 PM) Auricle: "Well, the Sword of State works."
(09:33:13 PM) ***Auricle grins.
(09:33:49 PM) ***Caelin snorts. "We need to keep opening jars, but I know at least one of them will be a sort of...trap. Sadly, we HAVE to open it."
(09:34:57 PM) Auricle: "Well, should we spring the trap last or first?"
(09:35:56 PM) dkap: Which trap?
(09:36:29 PM) Caelin: (The Tate trap, I believe she means...)
(09:36:29 PM) Auricle: The one caelin's worried about
(09:36:38 PM) Caelin: (yep...THAT one)
(09:37:12 PM) Caelin: "There's no way to know where it is."
(09:37:18 PM) Caelin: "Martin!"
(09:38:05 PM) ***Auricle shakes her head. "Caelin, I just figure whichever jar you want to open, at the worst moment, will be the trap. The question therefore remains: spring it earlier, or later?"
(09:39:19 PM) dkap: *grin* Dowsing with Caelin.
(09:39:28 PM) Caelin: "We need Benedict back, and we need Tate. Let's just start cracking jars. I'm assuming we'll find Tate first."
(09:39:43 PM) Cagliostro [] entered the room.
(09:39:53 PM) Cagliostro: hellos
(09:39:55 PM) ***Caelin smiles. "I'll take the lead."
(09:39:56 PM) ***Auricle nods. "My reasoning is earlier, we have less with which to contain the ....well."
(09:40:00 PM) ***Caelin (waves)
(09:40:10 PM) dkap: Hey there! I thought you weren't going to make it.
(09:40:19 PM) ***Auricle gestures at jars. "Go ahead Caelin. Pick the one you think has Benedict in it."
(09:40:30 PM) ***Auricle hefts the Sword of State.
(09:41:14 PM) ***Delna hellos
(09:41:32 PM) ***Caelin looks annoyed for only a second at Auricle, but smiles, and points to whatever jar is second closest to him.
(09:42:00 PM) Cagliostro: So did I, but I got out of work around 8:15 and had leftovers.
(09:42:11 PM) ***Auricle blinks at Caelin and looks around. "Anyone else want to find me the weakest spot?"
(09:42:21 PM) Caelin: (Awesome!)
(09:44:14 PM) Auricle: (I don't remember who all was here. Auricle would as they are in front of her. Hey Cagliostro. And :P to you, Caelin, the reasoning is perfectly sound when one is a mad scientist.)
(09:45:09 PM) Caelin: "Wait...Benedict was captured early on...did there appear to be any order in relation to proximity when you all were captured?"
(09:45:35 PM) Caelin: (Oh, out of game I was cracking up, Auricle. ;-) )
(09:46:19 PM) ***Auricle shrugs. " I don't know. We got joustled around a lot when we tried escaping. I don't think the jars are in their original placements. ....Gargoyle? Analysis?"
(09:47:22 PM) Caelin: "Martin, I'll need you to use the same tactic versus the next jar *points to jar third most distant from the group*."
(09:47:40 PM) Auricle: "What do you think that jar is, Caelin?"
(09:47:46 PM) ***Auricle just looks curious.
(09:48:25 PM) Caelin: "If only my luck worked that way, Auricle, I'd have put it to good use a long time ago."
(09:48:54 PM) Caelin: "Whatever I want it to be, or whatever I need it to be, it won't be."
(09:49:02 PM) ***Auricle grins. "You forgot. I might be lucky enough to make it happen.
(09:49:45 PM) ***Caelin looks back at Auricle. "I've not seen a luck in this reality OR the next that trumps my luck in spades."
(09:50:01 PM) ***Auricle just grins.
(09:50:43 PM) ***Caelin stops and points at the jar assigned to Auricle. "That one...I Benedict."
(09:50:45 PM) ***Auricle suspects opposite lucks attract, else Caelin would never keep showing up when she's captured.
(09:51:36 PM) Auricle: "Okay, why?"
(09:51:50 PM) Caelin: "Because I wanted it to be Tate."
(09:52:21 PM) ***Auricle nods. "All right."
(09:52:38 PM) ***Caelin (is laughing so hard he's having a hard time typing)
(09:53:07 PM) Auricle: "We need either to set up the resonance, or someone to point out the weakest spots for me; either way, so I can strike it open properly."
(09:53:29 PM) Auricle: (at this point I think we've muddled the proprosed reasoning well enough that anythging could happen))
(09:53:56 PM) Cagliostro: (never vivisect a Sicilian when death is on the line!)
(09:54:03 PM) Caelin: (LOL)
(09:54:17 PM) Auricle: (OOOOH I haven't vivisected anything in AGES))
(09:54:43 PM) Caelin: (I vivisect things by complete accident. In my sleep.)
(09:55:05 PM) Caelin: (Oh, and for breakfast)
(09:55:37 PM) Auricle: GM?
(09:55:47 PM) Caelin: Did we lose him?
(09:55:52 PM) Auricle: I don't know.
(09:55:57 PM) Auricle: He might be laughing as well
(09:56:25 PM) Auricle: Caelin/Auricle: Clash of the Stuffs.
(09:56:38 PM) Caelin: Indeed!
(09:58:26 PM) Auricle: I'm going to have to invest in more good stuff, you keep showing up ;)
(09:58:55 PM) Caelin: Ha! Lot of good that did Jean...
(09:59:48 PM) Auricle: But I am an absent-minded, prone to distraction, mad scientist with amnesia. Who gets captured by people like the G-person, and I'm not dead yet. That's definitely good stuff.
(10:00:03 PM) dkap: I was laughing so hard I was coughing.
(10:00:09 PM) Auricle: LOL
(10:00:17 PM) Caelin: ROTFL
(10:00:19 PM) Auricle: I'm so sorry dkap
(10:00:20 PM) Hegara: lolz
(10:00:35 PM) dkap: Perfectly fine. They say it's good for me.
(10:00:55 PM) Caelin: Good call, Auricle!
(10:01:04 PM) ***Auricle suspects that if Caelin and Auricle spend any length of time together they will have a perfectly ordinary day.
(10:01:44 PM) Caelin: Oh, I'm guessing Natasha also hasn't been found either, yes?
(10:02:01 PM) Auricle: No hasn't to my knowledge
(10:02:32 PM) Auricle: We have Martin, Zach, J......whatever her name is, me, some birdlike thing, a hamster, .....
(10:02:44 PM) Auricle: The guy who shows up with the Sword of state
(10:02:53 PM) Auricle: but he wasn't trapped to begin with
(10:03:02 PM) Auricle: some weird jellomoldacid thing
(10:03:12 PM) Auricle: iirc
(10:04:19 PM) dkap: Natasha has not been found.
(10:05:00 PM) dkap: Sounds about right.
(10:05:04 PM) Hegara left the room (quit: Quit).
(10:06:00 PM) ***Delna is off to crash and forget her sniffles. Night!
(10:06:11 PM) Caelin: Good night!
(10:06:46 PM) dkap: Good night Delna.
(10:07:24 PM) Auricle: night delna
(10:07:36 PM) Delna left the room.
(10:07:40 PM) Auricle: GM: Anyone gonna help weaken the jar so I can open it up?
(10:07:52 PM) ***Caelin to Martin and Auricle, "Well the two of you seemed to find a means of defeating the jar you were in...mind using it on that jar there?"
(10:08:05 PM) Caelin: "Martin, you start."
(10:08:46 PM) dkap: They? Martin? starts drumming on the jar.
(10:08:59 PM) ***Caelin has another idea in the meanwhile. (GEbuz...even _I'M_ scared, and I'm his PLAYER)
(10:09:15 PM) Auricle: I'll drum as the gargoyle directs, with an extra arm, so I can keep the sword ready
(10:10:17 PM) ***Caelin turns away from everyone while the drumming ensues, and puts on his Don Serioli disguise.
(10:13:32 PM) dkap: Hrm ... Don Serioli really doesn't want to be here. Impending doom everywhere.
(10:13:58 PM) ***Caelin sighs, removes the disguise.
(10:15:46 PM) ***Caelin turns back around and observes the progress of Martin & Auricle on the jar.
(10:16:11 PM) Meiglan left the room (quit: Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.5.2/20090729225027]).
(10:16:18 PM) dkap: Martin and Auricle have a beat, and are grooving on it.
(10:19:26 PM) Caelin: Do I think I can learn what Martin is doing and copy? Or is my warfare not high enough to anticipate the root frequency change?
(10:21:42 PM) dkap: You can try.
(10:21:51 PM) dkap: It _is_ music, in which you find great delight, and skill.
(10:22:00 PM) dkap: And has very little to do with luck.
(10:27:36 PM) Caelin: Well, watch them progress, and then I will tap Zach and try the same.
(10:31:43 PM) dkap: Zach, on the other hand, doesn't seem to get the rhythm.
(10:31:58 PM) dkap: But the triad might set up some really powerful reinforcing waves ...
(10:32:57 PM) Caelin: Myself, Martin and AUricle?
(10:36:41 PM) Caelin: GM?
(10:36:43 PM) dkap: Indeed.
(10:37:03 PM) Caelin: "Auricle, prepare yourself...and your be joined."
(10:37:29 PM) Auricle: "This is math, not luck."
(10:38:05 PM) ***Caelin steps up and and starts to add a drumming beat.
(10:39:56 PM) dkap: The surface starts rippling.
(10:41:25 PM) ***Auricle will drum until someone thinks it's time to slice, or the thing dissolves, whichever works
(10:42:09 PM) dkap: The moment comes, the slice happens.
(10:42:29 PM) Auricle: What do we get?
(10:42:41 PM) Caelin: E: None of the above.
(10:42:52 PM) Auricle: That's my guess too
(10:43:58 PM) dkap: Found it.
(10:44:22 PM) Caelin: it=WHAT?
(10:44:27 PM) Auricle: found what??
(10:44:35 PM) dkap: It being my map.
(10:44:43 PM) ***Auricle facepalms.
(10:44:58 PM) Auricle: I think Caelin and I just had a heart attack
(10:44:59 PM) ***Caelin (falls over on his noggin from the suspense letdown)
(10:45:28 PM) dkap: The jar you crack open has, inside it, a small man, gently cradling his head in his hands.
(10:45:49 PM) Caelin: Nameless faceless?
(10:45:58 PM) Caelin: Insignia-less?
(10:46:02 PM) Auricle: "Hunh. Iiiinteresting."
(10:46:24 PM) ***Auricle adds the data to the column marked "Caelin" in her mental projects.
(10:46:52 PM) Auricle: ...mental LIST of projects
(10:47:07 PM) ***Caelin (You realize you risk corrupting all reason, now, yes?)
(10:47:14 PM) Auricle: ....although mental projects, now...
(10:47:28 PM) ***Auricle is vaguely lost in thought, which she almost looks all the time anyways.
(10:48:12 PM) dkap: He looks up from his hands, and looks somewhat familiar to you, Caelin.
(10:50:23 PM) Caelin: Erm...familiar in what sense? My House Second? Sparrowhawk?
(10:53:26 PM) dkap: Closer to Sparrowhawk, possibly, you knew him from back home ...
(10:53:30 PM) dkap: Back your birth home.
(10:53:58 PM) dkap: I'm sorry my responses are getting delayed, I'm actually falling asleep at the keyboard as well.
(10:54:01 PM) Caelin: Ogion?
(10:54:03 PM) Caelin: D'oh!
(10:54:09 PM) Auricle: game call is good
(10:54:18 PM) Caelin: Yeah, if you're falling over...
(10:54:19 PM) dkap: Ogion, indeed.
(10:54:22 PM) dkap: *grin*
(10:54:32 PM) dkap: (I expected you to hit Jasper first ...)
(10:54:33 PM) Caelin: Glad I figured it out BEFORE call.
(10:54:35 PM) Caelin: LOL
(10:55:51 PM) dkap: Indeed.
(10:55:53 PM) dkap: Game then.
(10:56:46 PM) dkap: See you all next week!
(10:56:50 PM) Caelin: Later!
(10:57:07 PM) Auricle left the room.