Conversation with #dkap_amber

Conversation with #dkap_amber on Tue 30 Mar 2010 11:12:17 AM EDT:
(11:12:17 AM) mode (+o dkap) by ChanServ
(06:42:30 PM) dkap has changed the topic to: GM wading home ... busses rerouted, difficulties ensuing. But soon it will be game as usual, logs at: ; wiki-wiki at:
(07:35:10 PM) The account has disconnected and you are no longer in this chat. You will be automatically rejoined in the chat when the account reconnects.

(08:24:02 PM) The topic for #dkap_amber is: GM wading home ... busses rerouted, difficulties ensuing. But soon it will be game as usual, logs at: ; wiki-wiki at:
(08:24:03 PM) mode (+o dkap) by ChanServ
(08:24:31 PM) Cagliostro: woo hoo,gm sign
(08:25:07 PM) Auricle: yay!
(08:25:17 PM) Raziel: woot
(08:25:27 PM) Auricle: We need to help Raz create a character
(08:25:36 PM) Auricle: This lurking thing has to stop. ;)
(08:26:26 PM) dkap: Sure. I'm good with it.
(08:26:46 PM) dkap: Raziel: how do you feel about it? Are you intimidated? Delighted? Raring to go? Wanting to feel your way through more?
(08:27:16 PM) Raziel: Well, I'm starting to get a feel of where things are, just trying to figure out, um, stuff and what I'm in the mood to play
(08:27:43 PM) dkap: Ahh ... good good.
(08:29:46 PM) Cagliostro: is there stuff you want to ask us about?
(08:29:53 PM) Cagliostro: there is an overwhelming amount of game lore at this point.
(08:30:17 PM) dkap: There is. Thankfully more and more of it is online, as Mike digitizes the old taped game-logs.
(08:31:00 PM) Raziel: I'm digging through those logs, so I'm really um, still getting the hang of it
(08:31:42 PM) dkap: Perfectly reasonable. I wouldn't want someone to jump in, unprepared.
(08:32:10 PM) dkap: Like reading the logs of the game, and realizing several months in, that the logs they are reading are from the history of the game they are actively playing in. (Caelin)
(08:32:52 PM) Auricle: lol
(08:32:58 PM) dkap: So, due to the rain, I don't expect Meiglan at all, she is flooded out, and might not even have power at this point.
(08:33:14 PM) dkap: And I've yet to hear from Delna ...
(08:34:24 PM) dkap: So those at the Deserted Carnival are going to be ... sleeping the day away, as it arrives.
(08:34:50 PM) dkap: And those at the rapidly darkening, are dealing with the entity, trapped within a space.
(08:35:01 PM) Auricle: leaving us back at summoning central
(08:35:05 PM) Auricle is now known as Spot
(08:35:06 PM) Cagliostro: yep
(08:36:00 PM) dkap: With Spot carefully babysitting the scrying pool, and the Count discussing things with his daughter.
(08:39:01 PM) Spot: I thought we were discussing binding, which is why I now have a nice sword?
(08:39:14 PM) Cagliostro: yep
(08:39:28 PM) Cagliostro: but there's no reason not to discuss other options while we prepare
(08:41:31 PM) Spot: all righty
(08:41:48 PM) Cagliostro: we don't really understand this creature,so we want to be as prepared as we can before we risk getting its attention
(08:42:07 PM) Rane1 [~rane@] entered the room.
(08:42:14 PM) dkap: And, besides, talking as you paint the sigils on the sword in the umbra ... is a good thing.
(08:42:18 PM) dkap: Hello Rane!
(08:42:23 PM) Rane1: Heylo!
(08:42:26 PM) Rane1: Raziel?
(08:42:52 PM) dkap: Raziel is also in the peanut gallery, Rane.
(08:42:59 PM) Rane1: *blink*
(08:43:21 PM) Rane1: Well, thank you for inviting me to enjoy your gamespace. *curtsy*
(08:43:24 PM) Raziel: Yup, I'm a lurker that'll eventually play when I figure out just where to actually play
(08:44:29 PM) dkap: Rane, meet the Count Calgiostro, and Spot, more often known as Auricle.
(08:44:41 PM) dkap: (Spot is a secondary character.)
(08:44:47 PM) Spot: hiya!
(08:44:51 PM) Spot is now known as Auricle
(08:44:54 PM) Auricle: Hiya!
(08:44:57 PM) Cagliostro: Technically, so is Cagliostro ;)
(08:44:59 PM) Auricle: nick Spot
(08:45:00 PM) Cagliostro: hello, Rane.
(08:45:03 PM) Auricle is now known as Spot
(08:45:15 PM) dkap: Isn't the Count a tertiary character? Jean is still the primary, though ...
(08:45:19 PM) Cagliostro: are we prepping in the Umbra?
(08:45:27 PM) Spot: I believe so
(08:45:30 PM) Spot: you were painting
(08:45:30 PM) Cagliostro: I think just secondary, unless Jean counts as more than one character.
(08:45:34 PM) Cagliostro: oh, right
(08:45:44 PM) Cagliostro: I forgot I was trying to bind it from the umbra
(08:45:53 PM) dkap: If I recall correctly, you all had stepped through, to the umbra to do the sigils on the sword.
(08:46:01 PM) Cagliostro: I think not just on the sword
(08:46:09 PM) Cagliostro: a binding sigil on the ground in the umbra
(08:46:20 PM) Cagliostro: that the entity would at some point cross over
(08:46:25 PM) Spot: I'
(08:46:27 PM) Cagliostro: but if it makes sense to combine that with the sword,then sure,we'll do that
(08:46:36 PM) dkap: Ahh? Near where you are, so it would be trapped there? Or a bit away from the traveled paths.
(08:46:36 PM) Cagliostro: I'm not sure paint is really proper for the sword, though
(08:46:50 PM) Cagliostro: far away from the travelled paths
(08:46:59 PM) Spot: I can draw some nice BSD binding sigils for summoning and binding on the sword
(08:47:04 PM) Cagliostro: it would seem you'd want blood, or engraving tools
(08:47:05 PM) dkap: So, approximately in the woods, where the first Woof got chopped.
(08:47:09 PM) Cagliostro: sure
(08:47:15 PM) Spot: okay
(08:47:28 PM) ***Spot has no problems bleeding on the sword in pretty symbols
(08:47:54 PM) dkap: And has BSD blood, if not sys-V blood.
(08:48:01 PM) Spot: yeah
(08:48:12 PM) Spot: The Wyrm creature will like that better, probably
(08:49:26 PM) dkap: Although, the Wyrm here is in balance with the Weaver and the Wyld.
(08:49:37 PM) dkap: So having all three might be more potent.
(08:49:50 PM) Spot: .....Who do we have for Weaver and Wyld?
(08:50:45 PM) dkap: Well ... you have a bunch of mages, and those weaver-lines ...
(08:51:00 PM) dkap: As for the Wyld, you have a whole colony of Woofs ...
(08:51:18 PM) Cagliostro: and a mage -did- conjure the sword in the first place
(08:51:34 PM) dkap: Who are currently partying it down across the world-analog.
(08:52:09 PM) Spot: I'll go collecting blood, then.
(08:52:11 PM) Spot: :)
(08:54:02 PM) dkap: Going for the Get? Or maybe a Red Talon?
(08:54:13 PM) Spot: Red Talon is best for Wyld.
(08:54:22 PM) dkap: True enough.
(08:54:28 PM) Spot: Bet the nice Doctor from Serenity would be GREAT for weaver
(08:54:37 PM) dkap: Very much so.
(08:54:52 PM) dkap: I'm sure he would volunteer a pint or two, simply for the asking ... *grin*
(08:54:59 PM) dkap: Simon is generous that way.
(08:55:16 PM) Spot: Yeah, I'll start with Simon, Plus, nice bags to hold the blood
(08:55:40 PM) dkap: And, since it's now night, he's probably drowsy, and more ... easily convinced. *grin*
(08:56:07 PM) ***Spot goes looking for the Doctor.
(08:56:45 PM) dkap: He's right by the Serenity Shack.
(08:57:29 PM) Spot: "Hey Doc."
(08:57:29 PM) dkap: Still poking at the various folks, trying to figure out what caused Inara's paramor to die, while everyone else sliced seems to continue living, while disconnected.
(08:58:06 PM) dkap: (And, of course, Mal is still trying to climb through the wreakage, to see if he can find Inara's body, because no one has told him that she is outside, yet.)
(08:58:17 PM) Spot: "I need a bit of a favor."
(08:58:22 PM) dkap: Simon: "Umm ... yes? What was your name again?"
(08:58:34 PM) dkap: Simon: "Bat-something?"
(08:58:38 PM) ***Spot grins. "Spot."
(08:58:55 PM) dkap: Simon: Right. Spot. I should remember that.
(08:59:14 PM) Spot: "It's not a hard name. Easy to yell."
(08:59:47 PM) dkap: Simon: "And I don't know many ... umm ... people named 'Spot' so I don't know why I keep forgetting."
(09:00:47 PM) dkap: Simon: "But, you had a favor to ask?"
(09:01:22 PM) Spot: "Yeah. Any chance you feel up to donating some blood?"
(09:01:34 PM) Meiglan [~chatzilla@] entered the room.
(09:01:58 PM) dkap: Simon: "Umm ... I'll tell you the same thing I told those other ... folks. I'm most definitely using it at the moment, thank you very much."
Meiglan meiglan
(09:02:06 PM) dkap: meiglan! Welcome!
(09:02:18 PM) dkap: Wasn't sure if you were too water-logged to make it.
(09:02:42 PM) Meiglan: (thanks, keep fingers crossed, we've lost power periodically through out the day.)
(09:02:59 PM) Spot: "Yeah, but I don't need a lot. And it could help stop that thing that's slicing and dicing."
(09:03:01 PM) dkap: Will do.
(09:03:28 PM) dkap: Simon: "Really? How will some of my blood stop some insane murdering maniac?"
(09:03:59 PM) caelin [] entered the room.
(09:04:21 PM) dkap: Caelin, your timing is amazing. The last thing said was:
(09:04:26 PM) caelin: tenuous sigal
(09:04:30 PM) dkap: Simon: "Really? How will some of my blood stop some insane murdering maniac?"
(09:04:43 PM) caelin: er signal
(09:04:48 PM) dkap: And we all thought fondly of you.
(09:05:11 PM) Spot: "See, your blood is nice and Weavery, and I gots some wolves who are pretty Wyld, and I've got the Wyrm. We're gonna combine 'em together, build a summoning, and bind the creature into this here nice sword I'm carrying."
(09:06:08 PM) caelin left the room (quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer).
(09:06:23 PM) caelin [] entered the room.
(09:07:25 PM) dkap: Simon: "Could I have that in ... whatever language we are speaking at the moment?"
(09:08:01 PM) ***Spot laughs. "I'm pretty sure it don't translate over to your way of thinking."
(09:08:12 PM) ***Spot tries to think of a better way to make it make sense.
(09:09:02 PM) Spot: "No, there's no other good way. It's a magic spell. We need special types of blood, you are the best for one of them."
(09:09:47 PM) Raziel: (we're gonna do stuff and make a bad thing go away. That work? :) )
(09:09:49 PM) dkap: Simon: "Umm ... magic spell? Like witches?"
(09:10:37 PM) ***Spot shrugs. "If that works for you. More like...shamans."
(09:11:33 PM) dkap: Simon: "They accused my sister of being a witch. I don't like that, at all."
(09:12:43 PM) ***Spot sighs for a moment.
(09:13:04 PM) Spot: "all righ. Think of the big nasty creature as a diseas, and your blood can help kill it."
(09:14:09 PM) dkap: Simon: "Mixing blood just allows pathogens to spread. What's special about my blood? And will this mean the cutty-thing will be seeking me, having a taste for my blood to begin with?"
(09:15:16 PM) Spot: "Nyah. It's more likely to come after me or the Count, we'll be the ones binding it."
(09:16:14 PM) Delna [] entered the room.
(09:16:20 PM) dkap: Simon: "So ... not saying that I'm agreeing to this, but ... how much blood do you need?"
(09:16:36 PM) dkap: (Yay! Welcome Delna!)
(09:16:59 PM) Delna: (Hi's)
(09:18:04 PM) Spot: "I'm painting the sword, I don't need a lot, really. Enough to fill a small bowl like this big," mimes a bowl with his hands.
(09:18:35 PM) dkap: I'm figuring about a pint.
(09:18:53 PM) dkap: Simon: "Riiight ... does it have to be fresh?"
(09:20:26 PM) ***Spot grins again. "Fresh is best, but if you've got it stored, that's fine too. .Actually, from you, in a nice blood bag's probably best, that'd just add to the Weaver-scent."
(09:21:03 PM) dkap: Simon: "Well, that started as something I understood. Can you ... umm ... fly with those wings?"
(09:21:23 PM) ***Spot nods. "Yup. It's pretty fun."
(09:22:48 PM) dkap: Simon: "Then, I propose a trade. The sick-bay of the ship is currently ... difficult to get to, unless one flies. I've got several things in there, including some stored blood, in case of emergency. You get what I need, and you can have up to 2 bags of the blood."
(09:24:05 PM) Spot: "You wanna ride with, or just tell me where to go and what to get?" spot looks him over. "I can probably carry you a short enough distance."
(09:24:39 PM) dkap: Simon: "Umm ... how about I just give you a list?"
(09:25:07 PM) Spot: "And a map, maps are good."
(09:25:43 PM) dkap: Simon: "Of course. Everything is put away properly. I expect the ship to get shook up quite a bit, so, I keep everything secured."
(09:25:52 PM) Spot: "smart."
(09:27:38 PM) dkap: Simon pulls out a ... gizmo, touches it, shakes it, sighs, puts it back away, and pulls out a notebook and a pen.
(09:28:05 PM) dkap: He draws quite an intricate map, showing you where everything he needs is, and gives you a carryall to put it in.
(09:28:27 PM) dkap: Reminds you that you want the blood marked "Simon" and not any of the other blood.
(09:28:39 PM) ***Spot looks it over for a bit. "Cool." and hands him the sword. "Hang onto that for me."
(09:28:44 PM) Meiglan left the room (quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer).
(09:29:06 PM) dkap: I thought the sword was in the umbra with the Count?
(09:29:35 PM) Spot: ...could be
(09:29:40 PM) Spot: I might be wrong
(09:29:55 PM) dkap: Cagliostro: Do you have the sword in the umbra with you?
(09:29:59 PM) Cagliostro: probably not
(09:30:09 PM) Cagliostro: I have my sword, but I am working on a sigil
(09:30:27 PM) Cagliostro: although, technically, this is probably pre
(09:30:34 PM) Cagliostro: while Cagliostro is discussing options with his daughter
(09:30:50 PM) Cagliostro: since it would be unwise to stick him in the Umbra without an escape route. So he'd wait for Spot to prep.
(09:31:58 PM) Spot: So I have the sword?
(09:31:59 PM) Delna left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
(09:32:09 PM) Spot: Because I think it is funny to give it to Simon.
(09:32:19 PM) Cagliostro: sure
(09:32:26 PM) Cagliostro: Cagliostro already gave you the sword to prep with
(09:32:30 PM) Cagliostro: and he's not going to micromanage Spot ;)
(09:32:36 PM) Meiglan [~chatzilla@] entered the room.
(09:32:43 PM) Spot: excellent
(09:33:46 PM) dkap: Simon carefully takes the sword, and lays it down near his patient.
(09:34:08 PM) dkap: Were he a little more urbane, he might mutter something about "Stone knives and bear-claws".
(09:34:17 PM) caelin left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
(09:34:23 PM) caelin_ [] entered the room.
(09:34:33 PM) Spot: nod
(09:34:34 PM) Delna [] entered the room.
(09:34:45 PM) ***Spot checks the map and flies off to raid medical.
(09:35:31 PM) caelin [] entered the room.
(09:35:33 PM) caelin_ left the room (quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer).
(09:36:55 PM) dkap: The map is quite accurate, and complete, for a hand-drawing.
(09:38:48 PM) Spot: Excellent.
(09:39:06 PM) Spot: I will grab the blood marked Simon, and whatever else he requested on his map.
(09:39:11 PM) dkap: Good good.
(09:39:11 PM) Delna_ [] entered the room.
(09:39:46 PM) dkap: In there, you hear Mal still knocking about, leaving blood-spoor trails behind him, consistently calling for Inara.
(09:40:10 PM) Delna__ [] entered the room.
(09:40:20 PM) dkap: (It seems we all are having a parcel of connection problems tonight ...)
(09:40:24 PM) Delna left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
(09:41:09 PM) Delna [] entered the room.
(09:42:20 PM) dkap: Mal might even be delirious at this point.
(09:42:27 PM) Delna_ left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
(09:42:33 PM) dkap: He, at least, is not making much sense.
(09:42:40 PM) dkap: Either in words or actions.
(09:43:23 PM) Spot: Awesome. Insanity is a blessing if you're wyrm, he's going on well there.
(09:43:25 PM) Delna__ left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
(09:44:51 PM) dkap: Not that his blood would outweigh a Red Talon's ...
(09:45:13 PM) Spot: Nyah, the woof is better than the smuggler
(09:45:16 PM) Spot: on a spaceship
(09:45:20 PM) Spot: too much weaver
(09:45:33 PM) dkap: True enough.
(09:45:43 PM) Spot: But once I've got everything on my map and list, I'll fly on back
(09:46:09 PM) dkap: You return without incident.
(09:46:19 PM) dkap: The carryall is just big enough.
Meiglan meiglan
(09:47:50 PM) dkap: meiglan, Delna, you both are bedding down for the night, in a secure spot, guarded by the Ifrit, who carried the message to you that the cutty-thing was constrained, and you were well beyond it's reach.
(09:51:36 PM) Meiglan: "Well that's a relief...can we return to the others soon? I'd rather be with my Gaggle. No offense."
(09:52:07 PM) dkap: Ifrit: "Perhaps, once the threat is better dealt with."
(09:53:35 PM) Delna: The Count mentioned that we may need to see if this place would be habitable for us should we need to relocate
(09:53:48 PM) dkap: Indeed, he did.
(09:54:15 PM) dkap: But sunrise is imminent.
(09:55:01 PM) Delna: Sleeping through the day first
(09:55:50 PM) Meiglan: "good point. Well, if there's an ready food source, and a place to bunk during the day without some door-to-door salesman coming might be alright..and it IS an amusement park..."
(09:56:04 PM) dkap: It is, indeed.
(09:56:21 PM) dkap: You curl up in a dark corner of the House of Horror ...
(09:58:11 PM) dkap: And the sun rises.
(09:58:20 PM) dkap: Well ... the disk shifts.
(09:58:27 PM) dkap: And ... nothing happens. You don't fall to sleep.
(09:59:59 PM) Meiglan: "Well, this could be a problem. Whoever heard of a vamp with Insomnia." Grumbling. "Delna, you awake?"
(10:00:20 PM) dkap: You both are.
(10:00:55 PM) Delna: Yeah. This can't be good. I wonder if that means that the light won't hurt us too?
(10:01:07 PM) Delna: Of course, I'm not sure I
(10:01:19 PM) Delna: *I'm keen on testing it
(10:01:40 PM) dkap: (And yet, the light didn't hurt you when you were in the desert, under the triple sun, with no filters.)
(10:01:52 PM) dkap: (When you went to the tower ...)
(10:02:44 PM) Delna: Is it possible that whatever was protecting us when we were going to the tower is still in place?
(10:03:47 PM) Meiglan: "only one way to find out, I suppose. If I start smoking,yell at me to stop, drop and roll, OK?" Edges towards a lighter part of the House of Horror and sticks a hand out to see if she's burny.
(10:04:07 PM) dkap: No burny here.
(10:06:34 PM) dkap: It's just pleasantly warm, with a touch of zephyr.
(10:07:29 PM) Meiglan: "Ok..."Sidles out a little farther, makes sure no one is looking there way first.
(10:09:21 PM) dkap: It's deserted.
(10:09:31 PM) dkap: And the sunlight is ... just sunlight.
(10:11:24 PM) Delna: Well, I suppose we have much more time to look around now
(10:11:58 PM) Delna: Delna edge to the light as well just to double check
(10:13:51 PM) Delna: *edges
(10:14:31 PM) dkap: No problem for you, either.
(10:15:14 PM) Meiglan: Still finds this whole thing unnatural, sunlight and vampires don't go together, it's like saying Vampires sparkle...just not right. "Yeah, one problem, though, I do tend to stick out. Let me see if I can do something about that." Obfuscate is a wonderful thing, if she can use it here. (Mask of a Thousand Faces, I believe is the name. )
(10:16:43 PM) dkap: You stand still and try to blend in, so that no observer would see you.
Meiglan meiglan
(10:16:54 PM) dkap: Delna, you still see meiglan.
(10:22:15 PM) Delna: (Is it actually supposed to change for me? Since I know her and am currently looking at her?)
(10:24:26 PM) dkap: You don't even know what she was planning to do, just that she thought she could do something about it.
(10:27:14 PM) Delna: True.
(10:27:34 PM) Delna: "Meiglan, what were you planning on doing?"
(10:29:37 PM) Meiglan: "Trying to be as unnoticeable as possible. I take it you can't tell. That's not really unusual."
(10:30:37 PM) Delna: "Ok. Well, if that is not unusual, then should we continue to search around?"
(10:32:14 PM) Meiglan: "Yeah, we should. Unless everyone else is like us and our companions they probably won't even notice me. If they do they'll probably run screaming..and then we'll know. Either way let's go take a looksey around."
(10:32:59 PM) Raziel left the room (quit: Read error: EOF from client).
(10:33:16 PM) dkap: The park is still empty. Not even birds and squirrels around.
(10:34:12 PM) Delna: Perfect for us then
(10:36:30 PM) Meiglan: Good time to see what's there beyond the bounderies of the amusement park. IE in the middle of the city, in the country, etc, etc.
(10:37:11 PM) dkap: Mostly suburban. There are houses, in their ticky-tacky rows not far from the park.
(10:37:38 PM) dkap: There is lots of debris in the parking lot, but none inside the fence where you are.
(10:38:00 PM) dkap: And its not even that sturdy a fence. A simple picket-fence, about shoulder-high.
(10:38:24 PM) caelin_ [] entered the room.
Meiglan meiglan
(10:38:29 PM) caelin left the room (quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer).
(10:38:30 PM) dkap: (Well, not quite shoulder high for meiglan, but ...
(10:40:41 PM) Meiglan: Shakes the fence experimentally. "Well, that's poor excuse for a fence." good location though, people around, sucks on a fang, contemplating dinner that doesn't come from a cup.
(10:42:06 PM) caelin_ left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
(10:42:21 PM) dkap: It doesn't move much, but it doesn't seem to be much of a barrier, either.
(10:43:36 PM) caelin [] entered the room.
(10:43:45 PM) Delna: We should possibly explore further to see what this small town connects to. Feeding on the locals might not be too possible in a town this quiet.
(10:44:54 PM) Delna: Also, GM - how many vampires could we fit here and still be able to hide our presence easily..I'm thinking not many
(10:45:33 PM) Meiglan: "you just have to be subtle, and careful. But yes, we should definately explore some more."
(10:46:03 PM) dkap: Hrm ... about 6, maybe 8.
(10:49:53 PM) Delna: Yeah, we couldn't relocate everyone into this exact location. We would have to see if there is another spot that would allow a lot of us to hide more easily
(10:53:03 PM) Meiglan: Well, what we have to see if there is a larger population not too nearby. A good sewer system or old public transit and my crew would be comfortable."
(10:53:52 PM) dkap: There is a slow, low noise from the House of Mirrors.
(10:55:35 PM) Meiglan: Looks over there to see if she can see anything.
(10:55:59 PM) Delna: Sounds like something coming out or something happening inside?
(10:56:10 PM) dkap: Happening inside.
(10:57:25 PM) Delna: Look to Meiglan. "Should we check it out?"
(10:58:10 PM) Meiglan: "Definately." Heads towards the House of Mirrors, all sneaky-like.
(10:58:26 PM) dkap: You sneak up on the gazebo.
(10:58:32 PM) dkap: I mean, the house of mirrors.
(10:59:07 PM) Delna: (Shoot an arrow at the gazebo!)
(10:59:25 PM) Meiglan: (whahhhhahahahaha!)
Topic changed from:
GM wading home ... busses rerouted, difficulties ensuing. But soon it will be game as usual, logs at: ; wiki-wiki at:
Game as usual, logs at: ; wiki-wiki at:
(11:00:01 PM) ChanServ has changed the topic to: Game as usual, logs at: ; wiki-wiki at:
(11:00:55 PM) Delna: I will head toward the dreaded gazebo--house of mirrors-- as well. Stealthy and ready to attack
(11:04:39 PM) dkap: You reach there, there seems to be a shadowy form deep in the mirrored center.
(11:04:44 PM) Spot left the room.
(11:07:05 PM) Meiglan: "Come out, come out whoever you are.."
(11:07:46 PM) Rane1 left the room.
(11:09:03 PM) dkap: Nothing responds.
(11:09:56 PM) Delna: Can I tell anything about it with my hightened senses? does it smell of human? Anything else?
(11:10:52 PM) dkap: It smells vaguely of human, yes.
(11:11:03 PM) dkap: But the whole park does.
(11:11:32 PM) Delna: Can I tell anything about its aura?
(11:12:25 PM) dkap: You can't even tell if there is something alive or mechanical in there ...
(11:12:28 PM) dkap: Unfortunately.
(11:12:35 PM) dkap: You would have to go in to investigate.
(11:13:14 PM) Meiglan: "I'll go in first." And does.
(11:14:03 PM) dkap: The mirrors and glass are ... somewhat deceptive, because you don't reflect in either.
(11:14:16 PM) dkap: And the glass is very clean, very clear, and so are the mirrors.
(11:14:22 PM) dkap: Somewhat annoyingly so.
(11:15:41 PM) Meiglan: But they are mirrors, right. Touches one to make sure.
(11:15:50 PM) ***Delna claws ready
(11:17:13 PM) dkap: They are glass panes.
(11:18:12 PM) dkap: This is somewhat ... unsettling, because, up until now, you _did_ reflect in mirrors.
(11:18:52 PM) Delna: hmm
(11:19:04 PM) Meiglan: Curiouser and Curiouser. Deeper into the house of mirrors.
Meiglan meiglan
(11:19:40 PM) dkap: Delna, you had sight of meiglan for some time, but now, you can no longer see her.
(11:20:24 PM) Delna: "Meiglan, are you still here?"
(11:20:34 PM) Delna: *whispers
(11:20:38 PM) Meiglan: (can I hear her?)
(11:21:22 PM) dkap: Yes.
(11:22:31 PM) dkap: Oh, bloody hell. I just noticed the time.
(11:22:43 PM) dkap: We should probably hang here, or quite soon.
(11:23:08 PM) Meiglan: (yeah, we should hold here,)
(11:23:16 PM) Delna: yeah, probably a good idea
Meiglan meiglan
(11:24:41 PM) Cagliostro: sure
(11:24:50 PM) dkap: Right then. Stay tuned, true believers! Will meiglan survive the house of mirrors? Will Delna follow her in to its diabolical insides? Will Mal ever realize that Inara is right outside? Will Spot and the Count capture the elusive spectre?
(11:25:00 PM) dkap: All this and more, next week!
(11:25:00 PM) Cagliostro: tune in next week ;)
(11:25:07 PM) Cagliostro left the room (quit: Quit: Leaving.).
(11:25:18 PM) Meiglan: same bat time, same bat channel.
(11:25:20 PM) Meiglan: night all
(11:25:25 PM) dkap: Good night!
(11:25:46 PM) Delna: good night!
(11:25:58 PM) Delna left the room (quit: Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.6/20100115144158]).
(11:26:05 PM) Meiglan left the room (quit: Read error: EOF from client).