Conversation with #dkap_amber
Conversation with #dkap_amber on Tue 20 Apr 2010 08:07:51 PM EDT:
(08:07:53 PM) mode (+o dkap) by ChanServ
(08:08:48 PM) dkap: Good evening.
(08:09:10 PM) Delna: evenin
(08:12:37 PM) Spot: hiya!
(08:13:48 PM) Cagliostro [~sgorton@] entered the room.
(08:14:05 PM) Cagliostro: Summoned, I arrive.
(08:14:06 PM) dkap: And then there were three.
(08:14:12 PM) ***dkap twitches.
(08:14:27 PM) Spot: Three is a nice number
(08:14:47 PM) Cagliostro: so, I think we were about to turn our back on the bad thing
(08:15:47 PM) dkap: Indeed, I believe you are all looking away from the Sigil, but keeping in each-other's eye-line.
(08:16:49 PM) dkap: Sort of like a corpse at a tea party. It's gouche to notice it, since no one has yet mentioned it, and, of course, you were never introduced ...
(08:20:03 PM) Cagliostro: basically.
(08:20:11 PM) Spot: yup
(08:20:59 PM) dkap: Right ... give me a few minutes to confirm with the other folks, who are, of course, not responding at the moment ... *sigh*
(08:22:33 PM) Spot: okies
(08:31:09 PM) dkap: Right then. There is a bang-ing noise, and then almost continuous thrumming noise. Spot, the walls of the sigil are vibrating all around you, closing it now would probably be a good thing.
(08:33:13 PM) Spot: OOC: The thing is in the sword now, just needs the proper binding?
(08:33:52 PM) dkap: The thing is within the painting on the ground. You need to transfer it/bind it to the sword.
(08:34:30 PM) Spot: Okay, so...close off the painting, and start the Rite of Binding so it gets trapped into the sword.
(08:35:51 PM) dkap: The banging against the confines of the painting are ... quite loud.
(08:36:12 PM) Spot: I will chant.
(08:36:15 PM) dkap: And getting both faster and more regular.
(08:36:25 PM) Spot: And chant.
(08:37:42 PM) Cagliostro: gm: everything holding, sigil-wise?
(08:37:48 PM) Cagliostro: I don't turn around.
(08:39:23 PM) dkap: It might not hold indefinitely, but its holding at the moment, and this ... strange blue light has begin to glow from it, though.
(08:40:05 PM) Spot: I will continue to chant.
(08:40:09 PM) Cagliostro: gm: can I put more power into stabilizing it?
(08:40:14 PM) Cagliostro: or would that screw anything up?
(08:40:19 PM) dkap: It would probably be a very good idea.
(08:40:45 PM) dkap: Can you do so without looking at it?
(08:41:10 PM) Cagliostro: The sigil swirls around
(08:41:19 PM) Cagliostro: if I need to look at it, I can look at part in front of me
(08:41:30 PM) Cagliostro: we would be in a slightly protected part
(08:41:37 PM) dkap: Spot, you have the oddest sensation, like you are in a tanning booth ...
(08:41:46 PM) Cagliostro: I can also try to boost the mystic inertia of the sigil
(08:41:57 PM) dkap: So does the other member of the pack.
(08:42:20 PM) dkap: Sorry the other two members of the pack.
(08:43:51 PM) Spot: I hand Cagliostro the bowl of blood while I'm chanting
(08:44:01 PM) dkap: The binding works, it's now the sword that is glowing brighter and brighter blue, feels really hot to the touch and is vibrating almost invisibly fast.
(08:44:10 PM) dkap: The blood pours into the binding.
(08:44:35 PM) dkap: (It was part of it, if I recall correctly.)
(08:44:42 PM) Cagliostro: it was
(08:45:18 PM) dkap: The gong-like sound has gone up in pitch.
(08:45:44 PM) dkap: Count, are you now looking at the empty sigil?
(08:47:42 PM) Cagliostro left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
(08:47:43 PM) Cagliostro1 [~sgorton@] entered the room.
(08:47:58 PM) Cagliostro1: someone else can turn into a pillar of salt ;)
(08:47:59 PM) dkap: dkap: The gong-like sound has gone up in pitch
(08:48:06 PM) dkap: dkap: Count, are you now looking at the empty sigil?
(08:48:16 PM) Cagliostro1: as long as things are holding, I won't look
(08:48:28 PM) Cagliostro1: (things are holding and the process is ongoing)
(08:48:31 PM) dkap: Gotcha. It is no longer pressing against the sigil, but the sword.
(08:48:35 PM) Cagliostro1 is now known as Cagliostro
(08:48:45 PM) dkap: And the bind to the sword is done.
(08:50:22 PM) Cagliostro: things are quiet now?
(08:51:59 PM) ***Spot stops and looks at everyone.
(08:52:05 PM) Spot: "I think that's done it."
(08:52:42 PM) Cagliostro: "Excellent."
(08:52:43 PM) dkap: The sword is bound, but it is still vibrating, getting hotter, and glowing with that really odd blue light.
(08:52:48 PM) ***Cagliostro turns and looks around.
(08:53:08 PM) Cagliostro: gm: does that look like it should be at the bottom of some sort of nuclear cooling pool?
(08:53:40 PM) Spot: Spot turns to examine it.
(08:53:49 PM) Spot: "Oh...that's...well...strong."
(08:54:04 PM) dkap: Cagliostro: Very much so.
(08:54:25 PM) Cagliostro: "Hm. That's not really... safe."
(08:54:46 PM) dkap: The sigil is much larger than you drew it, and almost completely ... well ... for lack of other description, pounded circular, on the inside.
(08:55:11 PM) Spot: "No i don't think that's very staff."
(08:55:15 PM) Spot: er safe
(08:55:39 PM) Cagliostro: gm: is it possible to tweak the sword so that the radiation charges some sort of battery rather than going off into space?
(08:55:43 PM) Cagliostro: possibly a mystic battery.
(08:56:20 PM) dkap: You'd need to encase the sword in the charging element.
(08:56:32 PM) dkap: And probably would have to be outside the umbra to even create it.
(08:56:44 PM) dkap: But, yes, you think that's doable.
(08:57:04 PM) Cagliostro: hm...
(08:57:14 PM) Cagliostro: "We should get out of the Umbra so I can create a lead box for that."
(08:57:27 PM) Cagliostro: "Although.... hm. But yes, out of the Umbra."
(08:58:13 PM) Spot: "Can we safely leave that here?"
(08:58:40 PM) Spot: "I think maybe one of the pack had better take you out, and we all stay here to watch it."
(08:58:43 PM) Cagliostro: "no, no, bring it with. I can fix the radiation damage."
(08:59:16 PM) Spot: GM: Do I think it is safe to touch it?
(09:00:08 PM) dkap: Well ... you _are_ holding it ... it might not be safe to put down ... it might just up and vibrate away.
(09:03:01 PM) Spot: GM: Ah okay. Then ow.
(09:03:10 PM) Spot: "All right everyone out of the Umbra!"
(09:03:27 PM) ***Spot grabs the Count and steps back to the world again.
(09:04:44 PM) ***Cagliostro creates a yellowish crystalline material around the glowing parts of the sword, to act as the charging material for a magical battery
(09:05:15 PM) Cagliostro: the battery will also be a gem, probably at the pommel to balance out the additional weight on the sword
(09:05:23 PM) Cagliostro: and probably something red, for contrast
(09:05:40 PM) dkap: The blue light makes the yellow, green.
(09:05:58 PM) dkap: And it's much more powerful, out of the umbra.
(09:07:09 PM) dkap: In fact, everyone around is currently got quite a high dose, between the moment you came out, and the moment the crystaline covered it.
(09:07:09 PM) Cagliostro: in that case, I'll probably go diamond or blue again for the batterys tone
(09:07:13 PM) Cagliostro: whichever looks better
(09:07:22 PM) Cagliostro: okay, work on healing the radiation poisoning
(09:07:34 PM) dkap: And it will have to be BIG. And perhaps, drained often.
(09:07:36 PM) Cagliostro: hopefully I don't need to download & rebuild people
(09:07:46 PM) dkap: Perhaps a pommel-cover?
(09:07:52 PM) ***Spot basks a moment. Ahhh. Radiation. Yay being a BSD.
(09:08:02 PM) Cagliostro: sure, about the pommel-cover
(09:08:04 PM) dkap: No, you've cleaned radiation out before, you just have to do it again.
(09:08:14 PM) Cagliostro: yeah, I do have a -lot- of practice
(09:08:21 PM) Cagliostro: heck, there might still be radiation-eating nanites around
(09:08:26 PM) Cagliostro: but probably not the same kind of radiation.
(09:08:37 PM) dkap: Spot, you are pretty crispy on the outside, and feel, well ... somewhat cooked on the inside. It smells like someone who likes their food cooked.
(09:08:39 PM) Cagliostro: (oh, that wacky son of Gerard)
(09:09:03 PM) dkap: This is just simple acceleration radiation. Chenerkov effect.
(09:10:16 PM) Cagliostro: yay.
(09:10:29 PM) Cagliostro: "So, the good news is that the sword's a giant battery now."
(09:10:34 PM) Cagliostro: "The bad news is ow."
(09:10:39 PM) Cagliostro: "The good news is I can fix this ow."
(09:10:53 PM) ***Cagliostro fixes the ow.
(09:10:53 PM) dkap: Indeed, you can.
(09:11:00 PM) Spot: "Yes, ow."
(09:11:11 PM) Spot: "I could howl it if we'd like."
(09:11:21 PM) Spot: "But, a somewhat pleasing ow. But very ow."
(09:11:35 PM) dkap: Oh, and the sword is vibrating even more, now. You might need shock-absorbers added to the handle, simply to hang onto it.
(09:11:58 PM) ***Spot hangs onto it.
(09:12:07 PM) Spot: "This is a very unhappy spirit."
(09:12:26 PM) Cagliostro: "Good."
(09:13:50 PM) Cagliostro: gm: everyone fixed yet?
(09:15:47 PM) dkap: Yes, took a few moments, and some needed more repairs than others, but ... it was damage from radiation, not continuous radiation like M's.
(09:15:58 PM) dkap: It's not a gift that kept giving.
(09:17:19 PM) Cagliostro: excellent.
(09:17:28 PM) Cagliostro: "Shall we head back to the castle?"
(09:17:49 PM) Cagliostro: Cagliostro's plan: send an Ifrit through a gate to tell the Ifrit with Delna & Meiglan that they can come back safely, and start fixing people
(09:17:57 PM) Cagliostro: and reconstituting that guy who was with Inara
(09:18:07 PM) Spot: Sure, let's go
(09:18:34 PM) dkap: Inara guy last, right?
(09:18:50 PM) Cagliostro: yep
(09:18:57 PM) Cagliostro: since he is currently feeling no pain
(09:19:10 PM) dkap: And are you leaving Simon conscious or around for the fixing? (He _is_ a doctor, and I know your opinion of them ...)
(09:21:11 PM) Cagliostro: oh, of course
(09:21:35 PM) Cagliostro: Ideally, I'll just be walking around putting the torn apart people back together
(09:21:45 PM) Cagliostro: or picking the largest part and regrowing the rest, if that's easier
(09:23:10 PM) dkap: They are all, still attached, you just have to graft them back together, at the same time detaching the blue tendrils (remember the blue tendrils) which might mean a visit back to the tower ...
(09:23:36 PM) Cagliostro: I figure the tendrils will detach as the people are fixed and stable
(09:23:39 PM) dkap: Perhaps, even taking the bodies with you to the tower, because the bodies "think" they are still all together.
(09:23:43 PM) Cagliostro: if I'm wrong, then a tower visit is in order
(09:24:10 PM) dkap: Nervine information is flowing, and so is nutrients, and waste collection.
(09:24:22 PM) dkap: As far as the body can tell, it _is_ still together.
(09:24:26 PM) Delna: (I may have to cut out for a minute while I relocate)
(09:24:28 PM) dkap: Just ... with some delays.
(09:26:08 PM) dkap: So, you could graft on an "extra" arm, but ... you would have to reroute quite a bit to make it work.
(09:26:12 PM) Cagliostro: you are talking about pre-grafing, right?
(09:26:20 PM) Cagliostro: gotcha, a regrow won't work
(09:26:28 PM) Cagliostro: but I can take the pieces and graft them back together?
(09:28:35 PM) dkap: They "think" they have not been severed. Simon has stitched and glued them but they are still operating with the delay, and, Ammon is pointing out to him that everything is still running through the tendrils.
(09:29:26 PM) Cagliostro: ah
(09:29:31 PM) Cagliostro: then yes, gate them back to the tower
(09:29:33 PM) Cagliostro: with Simon
(09:29:34 PM) Cagliostro: ;)
(09:29:43 PM) Cagliostro: and someone competent.
(09:29:49 PM) Cagliostro: maybe Ammon, if he's inclined.
(09:32:47 PM) dkap: Ammon is inclined.
(09:32:54 PM) dkap: Spot might need a rest.
(09:33:12 PM) dkap: And you might want to bring Delna and Meiglan, simply because they were there, last round.
(09:34:10 PM) Cagliostro: true, but I would probably need to wake them up again
(09:34:19 PM) Cagliostro: but it's easier than going myself ;)
(09:34:28 PM) Cagliostro: so sure, Cagliostro would teleport over to wake them up again
(09:35:02 PM) Delna left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
(09:39:38 PM) Cagliostro: so Spot has a few free minutes to play around with the sword ;)
(09:40:00 PM) Spot: I'm mostly just trying to hang onto it.
(09:40:05 PM) Spot: It is a worrisome object.
(09:40:23 PM) dkap: It is.
(09:40:47 PM) dkap: And I'm catching up Meiglan in another window, because she's having troubles logging in.
(09:42:24 PM) Delna [] entered the room.
(09:43:04 PM) dkap: Delna, you and Meiglan were just going into the House of Mirrors, IIRC?
(09:43:16 PM) Delna: Yes
(09:43:37 PM) Delna: I believe Meiglan had walked in and I was following her
(09:44:33 PM) dkap: Indeed. And it's very disconcerting, because you don't show up in the mirrors, and the glass is very clear, and doesn't seem to take marks.
(09:46:37 PM) Delna: mmm, touch a mirror?
(09:47:38 PM) dkap: The only difference between the mirrors and the glass, is that the mirrors have reflections behind them, whereas the glass just shows you the section of the maze behind them.
(09:48:45 PM) Delna: Ahh, it was the glass I meant to touch then, see if it is solid.
(09:49:40 PM) dkap: Yes, it's solid and hurts when you bump either a mirror, or a glass by mistake.
(09:50:22 PM) Delna: hurts how? stinging, burning..?
(09:50:56 PM) dkap: Nope, just ... very solid.
(09:50:57 PM) Meiglan [~chatzilla@] entered the room.
(09:51:02 PM) dkap: Yay!
(09:51:16 PM) dkap: (netstat -an | grep 6667 worked)
(09:51:39 PM) Cagliostro: (excellent)
(09:51:42 PM) Meiglan: that was exhausting. *lol
(09:51:56 PM) dkap: Delna, you and Meiglan were just going into the House of Mirrors, IIRC?
(09:52:01 PM) dkap: Delna: Yes
(09:52:05 PM) dkap: Delna: I believe Meiglan had walked in and I was following her
(09:52:12 PM) dkap: kap: Indeed. And it's very disconcerting, because you don't show up in the mirrors, and the glass is very clear, and doesn't seem to take marks.
(09:52:42 PM) dkap: That's probably all the sum-up you need. *grin*
(09:52:54 PM) dkap: You are somewhere in the depth of the mirrors/glass/maze
(09:53:33 PM) Delna: Do I hear any noises?
(09:54:18 PM) dkap: Just Meiglan somewhere in the maze ahead of you ...
(09:54:48 PM) Meiglan: Can I see Delna?
(09:55:17 PM) Delna: Follow her sounds to try to catch up to her
(09:57:08 PM) dkap: Nope, but you can hear her behind you, somewhere.
(09:57:47 PM) dkap: Meiglan: are you going to wait for her?
(09:58:02 PM) dkap: Or head deeper, toward where you remember seeing the shadowy form?
(09:58:35 PM) Meiglan: I will wait for her as soon as I realize I can't see her. She can't be TOO far behind.
(10:00:00 PM) dkap: After a few moments, you see an occasional darkening of the light from behind/in front of you, and then, you see each-other.
(10:01:03 PM) Delna: "Lets make sure we stay together. I don't like the looks of this place"
(10:01:54 PM) Meiglan: "Good idea. There's someone," or something, "up ahead. I kind of feel like a fly..but I still want to investigate."
(10:03:43 PM) dkap: The sound is ... not quite right, like there might be a mirror, or glass between you, except you don't reflect in the mirrors, so it must be glass.
(10:05:21 PM) Delna: This is the end of the maze I take it, a 'wall' in front of us where the sound is coming from?
(10:05:47 PM) dkap: Nope, you are both deep in the maze, and it might be that your paths have yet to intersect.
(10:06:05 PM) Meiglan: If I reach out to w here I think she is do I hit the glass barrier?
(10:06:20 PM) dkap: Yes.
(10:07:06 PM) dkap: And that's fairly disconcerting, because you came through that juncture ... at least, you are pretty sure you did.
(10:08:00 PM) Delna: "Great. It's closing in on us."
(10:08:24 PM) Meiglan: "Ok, this is freaky. I kinda like it. It would be a really useful trick for the Warren. "
(10:08:48 PM) Meiglan: "Not closing in..separating us, I think."
(10:09:14 PM) Delna: "The two of us, or us from what we are trying to find?"
(10:09:41 PM) Delna: GM: Take my claws to the glass and scrape them along the surface. What happens?
(10:09:55 PM) dkap: The glass doesn't mark.
(10:10:13 PM) dkap: But your claws feel like they are grabbing purchase.
(10:10:35 PM) Delna: Hmm, ok
(10:11:15 PM) dkap: The air seems to be still moving, and there are still openings around you, the sourceless light is still lit.
(10:11:19 PM) Meiglan: "Both, neither..but I saw a shape up ahead and I think I should investigate."
(10:11:49 PM) dkap: The low moan happens again, as if on cue.
(10:12:18 PM) Delna: How far away does it sound? Closer or no change?
(10:12:23 PM) dkap: Closer.
(10:12:44 PM) dkap: Delna, it seems to be from your left, Meiglan, it seems to be from your right.
(10:13:15 PM) dkap: You can tell that it's different for each of you, because of the direction you each turned your heads to listen better.
(10:13:33 PM) Meiglan: "Alright..I'm going to check it out." Is a curious NOS after all. Heads to the right.
(10:13:47 PM) Delna: Follow meiglan
(10:14:28 PM) Delna: "I think it is trying to draw us apart. And I think it is trying to trap us."
(10:14:45 PM) Delna: "Why else would we hear it from different directions?"
(10:15:01 PM) dkap: Both of your paths to the right diverge, and Delna, you run into a dead end.
(10:15:33 PM) Delna: Away from meiglan..? I assume I can't see her anymore.
(10:16:22 PM) dkap: Yes, you have lost sight of each other.
(10:16:45 PM) Delna: Can i hear her?
(10:17:43 PM) Delna: "Meiglan?"
(10:17:51 PM) Delna: "Can you hear me?"
(10:18:08 PM) Meiglan: "Delna, I can't see you anymore, can you hear me?" Still continues after the moaning sound though. Curiousity kills the NOS and all that.
(10:18:14 PM) dkap: Yes, you can hear each other.
(10:18:43 PM) dkap: Delna, Meiglan's voice seems to be coming from the direction of the moaning, though.
(10:19:06 PM) Delna: I will try to head that direction
(10:19:40 PM) dkap: You can pass that way, and it takes you around the spot that you think Meiglan should have been in.
(10:20:02 PM) Delna: And she's not
(10:20:36 PM) dkap: Delna, out of the corner of your eye, you see ... something ... change behind you. When you turn around to look, there is definitely a mirror in the juncture you just passed through.
(10:20:50 PM) dkap: Meiglan: you now see Delna ahead of you.
(10:21:03 PM) Delna: Do I see meiglan?
(10:21:08 PM) dkap: As if the maze either has multiple paths, or the change has gotten her ahead of you.
(10:21:15 PM) Meiglan: "Delna, look behind you."
(10:21:20 PM) dkap: Not in the direction you expect, but, yes, you see her, behind you.
(10:21:21 PM) Meiglan: Waves.
(10:23:17 PM) dkap: And, of course, the way toward each-other seems blocked, but you can both travel toward the low moan.
(10:24:02 PM) Delna: Slash at the piece between meiglan and I, trying to do damage to the glass/mirror between
(10:24:34 PM) dkap: It feels like you have scored it, but it doesn't look any different.
(10:24:42 PM) Meiglan: "Let's keep moving". Continues towards the moaning.
(10:24:55 PM) Delna: "wait.."
(10:25:07 PM) Delna: Slash at it harder in the same place
(10:25:27 PM) Delna: trying to break through it
(10:26:28 PM) dkap: You don't feel the scoring from last time, but you feel like you have scored it anew.
(10:26:36 PM) dkap: And .. .the air-pressure feels different now.
(10:26:43 PM) dkap: A little more ... stuffy, perhaps.
(10:27:21 PM) Delna: Continue to try and do damage to the mirror/glass, at a repeated, faster rate
(10:27:49 PM) dkap: The low moan is now louder, and more intense.
(10:27:58 PM) Delna: "Mieglan, can you do damage to it from your side?"
(10:30:05 PM) Meiglan: "Well, maybe..but I'd really rather be moving forward. I want to see what's making that noise."
(10:31:07 PM) Delna: "The maze is. It's alive, or something. This maze is probably why the park is deserted..and why there is a security guard outside of it trying to keep people out.."
(10:31:53 PM) Delna: "And I don't trust it."
(10:32:25 PM) Delna: GM: What does Meiglan's aura look like?
(10:32:53 PM) Meiglan: "Well, neither do I..but that's no reason not to investigate. I'm moving forward."
(10:33:37 PM) dkap: Meiglan will live for some time yet.
(10:34:49 PM) ***Delna mutters while heading in the direction of the moan and trying to keep an eye on Meiglan, "ugh, I really don't like walking into traps willingly.."
(10:35:53 PM) Meiglan: "I do, it's the sense of anticipation. Like waiting for ketchup to fall from the bottle." Walking, walking, walking.
(10:37:14 PM) Delna: "Heh, you're somethin' else." Delna says with a smirk
(10:38:25 PM) Meiglan: "C'mon..isn't curiousity eating you up? It's eating me up. I really gotta know."
(10:39:38 PM) Delna: "Eh, well, hopefully we'll know soon."
(10:40:48 PM) dkap: Meiglan, you see the shadow, ahead of you again.
(10:41:47 PM) Meiglan: Picks up the pace a bit, trying to get a better look of what's ahead of me. Which WAS Delna just a few moments earlier...freaky that.
(10:41:58 PM) dkap: Indeed.
(10:42:18 PM) dkap: Delna, you've lost sight of Meiglan, but there is still a way forward, even if there isn't a way back anymore.
(10:44:35 PM) Delna: ...*sigh* Continue forward
(10:45:04 PM) Delna: ready to attack the shit out of something of course
(10:45:23 PM) dkap: Indeed.
(10:45:47 PM) dkap: Both of you reach a ... space, room of sorts, from opposite directions at the same time.
(10:46:07 PM) Delna: Anything in it?
(10:46:07 PM) dkap: There is a smokey, grey ... thing ... undulating in the center of the room.
(10:46:19 PM) dkap: Delna, it is alive, but barely.
(10:46:37 PM) dkap: The moan is not coming from the smoke
(10:46:41 PM) dkap: But from the room.
(10:47:25 PM) Delna: "Who are you? What do you want from us?"
(10:47:31 PM) Meiglan: Moves a bit closer to the smokey thing, trying to get a better look at it.
(10:48:02 PM) Delna: To meiglan, "It's dying."
(10:48:28 PM) Meiglan: "Well, what can we do to make it better."
(10:49:34 PM) dkap: A moment, I have to deal with a splinter.
(10:49:38 PM) Delna: "I don't know. We don't even know what it is." To the grey thing, "Can you speak? We can try to help you if you do not harm us."
(10:50:45 PM) dkap: The grey thing undulates ... perhaps meaningfully?
(10:50:55 PM) dkap: The moan seems to be circling the room.
(10:51:18 PM) Delna: gm, is there anything else around the room? I look up and around the walls
(10:51:27 PM) dkap: Just ... more mirrors and glass.
(10:51:40 PM) dkap: The room is hexagonal.
(10:52:00 PM) dkap: The smoke is in the exact center.
(10:52:28 PM) dkap: It seems to be trying to move toward each of you in turn, and failing to get out of the area it is in.
(10:53:00 PM) Meiglan: Holds out a hand to the creature meaning to touch it. "This COULD be stupid..but what the hell."
(10:53:34 PM) Delna: "I really don't trust this meiglan. What if it has been trapped here magically by someone?"
(10:54:09 PM) Delna: I remain on the sidelines waiting to pounce
(10:55:13 PM) dkap: You notice no change in Meiglan's long-term survival rate.
(10:55:59 PM) Meiglan: "Could be, but we won't know until we try different things. Figure out what's going on here."
(10:56:09 PM) dkap: Meiglan: You reach the grey smoky-thing, and it doesn't feel like anything, but you cannot withdraw your hand.
(10:56:35 PM) dkap: You can feel the glass around your hand, from the inside, but not from the outside.
(10:56:46 PM) dkap: As if the glass is only there, in one direction.
(10:56:50 PM) Delna: "Meiglan, are you ok?"
(10:57:10 PM) Meiglan: Does my hand feel different..weird, tingly, getting gray and smokey? "errrr...I can't move my hand..weird. " Can I wiggle my fingers?
(10:59:06 PM) Delna: Take my sabre out, head to the grey blob to try and cut it with the blade
(10:59:20 PM) dkap: You can wiggle your fingers, your hand feels no different than it did before. It does look smoky, though.
(11:01:45 PM) Spot left the room (quit: Read error: EOF from client).
(11:04:38 PM) Cagliostro: okay, I need to turn into a pumpkin
(11:04:43 PM) Cagliostro: see you next week!
(11:04:51 PM) Cagliostro left the room (quit: Quit: Leaving.).
(11:04:52 PM) dkap: See you next week.
(11:05:00 PM) Meiglan: (later tater!)
(11:05:45 PM) Delna: Does anything happen if I try to stick my sword into the grey blob? I'll start by more poking than trying to kill..
(11:06:39 PM) dkap: Your sword slides in, but once in, does not move, Similar to Brer Rabbit, and the Tar Baby.
(11:07:42 PM) Delna: Walk to the walls and try to slash them
(11:07:56 PM) Meiglan: "Well this is a problem, isn't it? Ahhhh, can you get any vibes from the room?"
(11:08:03 PM) dkap: As you let go of your sword, it simply hangs there.
(11:08:22 PM) dkap: The two doorways you came in are still open.
(11:08:32 PM) dkap: The moan seems to be circling the walls.
(11:08:40 PM) dkap: And, noticing the time, perhaps, we should hang it here?
(11:09:08 PM) dkap: Give you two a bit to think about over the next week? Perhaps even a plan might be conceived of ...
(11:09:19 PM) Delna: probably..haven't had me any foods yet
(11:09:35 PM) dkap: Indeed.
(11:09:40 PM) dkap: A good thing to do.
(11:09:58 PM) Delna: h'okay. planning and eating.
(11:10:01 PM) dkap: And yes, if you have questions during the week, feel free to ask ... *grin
(11:10:05 PM) Meiglan: (alright, sleepy time would be a good thing.)
(11:10:15 PM) dkap: Then, it's a game!
(11:10:21 PM) Delna: nights all!
(11:11:06 PM) Meiglan: sleep sweet!
(11:12:20 PM) dkap: Sleep well.
(11:12:24 PM) Delna left the room (quit: Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.6.3/20100401080539]).
(11:13:45 PM) Meiglan left the room (quit: Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.5.2/20090729225027]).
(08:02:33 PM) mode (+o dkap) by ChanServ
(08:03:22 PM) Delna [] entered the room.
(08:03:35 PM) dkap: Woot! One!
(08:03:56 PM) Delna: haha
(08:04:11 PM) Cagliostro [] entered the room.
(08:04:19 PM) Cagliostro: hello hello
(08:04:35 PM) dkap: Two!
(08:04:42 PM) dkap: Two players. Bwahahahahah!
(08:32:12 PM) Spot [] entered the room.
(08:32:22 PM) Meiglan [~chatzilla@] entered the room.
(08:32:30 PM) Spot: hi! sorry was out walking
(08:33:23 PM) Meiglan: made it in..and on the first time. Usually my computer is hinky.
(08:34:35 PM) Cagliostro: excellent
(08:34:45 PM) Cagliostro: I think some of the server aliases are broken
(08:35:06 PM) Cagliostro: so you may have to hit refresh or quit & restart the chat program to get a new alias to connect to
(08:35:13 PM) Cagliostro: (or connect straight to a server that works)
(08:36:23 PM) Meiglan left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
(08:36:53 PM) Meiglan [~chatzilla@] entered the room.
(08:41:24 PM) dkap: That does work.
(08:41:25 PM) dkap: *grin*
(08:41:33 PM) Delna: well, i managed to lock myself into my own house..woot!
(08:41:45 PM) dkap: Lock yourself in?
(08:41:51 PM) dkap: Firecodes?
(08:42:48 PM) Delna: nope. trying to change the locks on my doors. didn't open the door first : P
(08:42:55 PM) Delna: ...I'll be back
(08:43:09 PM) dkap: Ahh.
(08:45:42 PM) dkap: So ... where were we?
(08:46:44 PM) dkap: I believe it was with Delna and Meiglan, right?
(08:48:05 PM) Cagliostro: in the maze of mirrors
(08:48:50 PM) dkap: Right.
(08:48:58 PM) dkap: And Delna is trying to break into her house ... *grin*
(08:48:59 PM) Meiglan: I had a hand caught in the twisty moany ghosty thing.
(08:51:57 PM) Delna: Right. And I have a sword stuck in it
(08:52:21 PM) Delna: I don't believe I had tried slashing at the walls in here yet
(08:52:27 PM) Delna: And I think that was my next step
(08:53:09 PM) dkap: Right!
(08:59:16 PM) dkap: Slashing, with claw?
(09:00:11 PM) Delna: Yes. as before
(09:03:04 PM) Delna: Does this cause any change in the grey blob or the circling wailing
(09:03:49 PM) dkap: Again, you feel like you scored, but after the scoring there is no visible or touch difference.
(09:05:33 PM) dkap: The grey blob wails a bit more when you are checking the marks, afterward.
(09:06:50 PM) Meiglan: Does my engulfed hand feel any different when she strikes wht wall?
(09:07:08 PM) dkap: Nope.
(09:07:50 PM) Meiglan: I'll relay this information to Delna.
(09:16:48 PM) dkap: Delna?
(09:19:21 PM) caelin [] entered the room.
(09:19:44 PM) dkap: So, next step?
(09:22:10 PM) caelin: listening. Rehearsal currently happening.
(09:22:13 PM) Meiglan: I'm going to see if she can strike at the wall again, and then I'm going to try to pull my hand out at the same moment.
(09:33:43 PM) dkap: Hrm ...
(09:40:19 PM) Meiglan: (yes?)
(09:44:33 PM) Delna: Sorry! My mom came to rescue me.
(09:44:48 PM) Delna: I will strike again and continue to try to do damage to it
(09:44:59 PM) Delna: Listening to the wails to see if they change again as well
(09:45:31 PM) dkap: Your hand, when you pull on it at that moment ... it squeezes more.
(09:47:28 PM) Meiglan: "Delna, it squeezed harder when I tried to pull away at the same time." Not a real painful squeeze, I'm figuring?
(09:47:58 PM) Delna: (trying to remember the rules for agg damage - can I burn potence to do aggravated damage with my claws or something like that?)
(09:49:00 PM) dkap: Ag-damage depends on the target, as well as what you burn.
(09:49:16 PM) Cagliostro: (I think claws generally do agg, at least against vampires)
(09:49:43 PM) dkap: Indeed.
(09:50:33 PM) Delna: If there is something I can burn to do more damage with my claws I will do so (may have to go get my character sheet..)
(09:50:47 PM) Delna: And I will keep slashing at the same spot
(09:52:38 PM) dkap: (Since the "thing" might not be something that can take ag"
(09:54:15 PM) dkap: The spot feels the same each time you hit it.
(09:55:08 PM) Delna: And nothing more with the blob..Is the wailing sound still circling the room by the walls?
(09:55:59 PM) dkap: Yes, it is.
(09:56:05 PM) dkap: The blob is slowly dissapating.
(09:56:09 PM) dkap: It is not long for the world.
(09:58:28 PM) Meiglan: As it dissipates can I pull my hand free?
(09:59:05 PM) dkap: Nope. It actually is pulling tighter.
(10:00:47 PM) Delna: "We need spot. I can't do anything with the spirit world. That's not my plane.."
(10:01:16 PM) Delna: gm: did the ifrit stay with us on this world?
(10:01:56 PM) Delna: I am going to try and contact the Count so as to speak with Spot
(10:02:57 PM) dkap: The Ifrit are outside the maze.
(10:03:15 PM) dkap: How are you going to contact the Count? I believe he gave you a radio ...
(10:03:53 PM) Meiglan: "I think that's a good idea. Besides, I'd hate to kill something that didn't deserve it."
(10:06:13 PM) Delna: I will try the radio. If that doesn't work I will have to try to get outside to the ifrit....which could be a little more than difficult
(10:07:45 PM) dkap: Cagliostro: your Radio crackles. It's just after you have gotten out of the umbra.
(10:10:35 PM) ***Cagliostro answers it
(10:10:48 PM) Cagliostro: "Hello?"
(10:11:46 PM) dkap: (Encrypted? Clear channel?)
(10:12:31 PM) Delna: "Count, we need yours and spot's help over here. Quickly. We have a spirit that seems to be trapped and dying and it is taking meiglan with it"
(10:12:51 PM) Delna: "Can you make it here with Spot?"
(10:12:57 PM) Meiglan: "I'm not dead yet." Muttered.
(10:14:09 PM) dkap: "I think I'll go for a walk ..."
(10:14:13 PM) Cagliostro: (standard encryption built in, not coded)
(10:14:20 PM) dkap: Good good.
(10:14:27 PM) Cagliostro: "Spot? Shall we go for a w... find Delna?"
(10:14:48 PM) Spot: "ahhh....Okay. I like her."
(10:15:28 PM) ***Cagliostro gates to near where I left Delna
(10:15:36 PM) Cagliostro: bringing Spot, a couple of swords, and a couple of Ifrit
(10:15:55 PM) dkap: There is an Ifrit, just about where you gate in.
(10:16:00 PM) dkap: He is waiting for you.
(10:16:25 PM) dkap: He points toward the "House Of Mirrors" with an ... unfortunate, but eloquent expression on his face.
(10:16:54 PM) Spot: Spot hmms.
(10:17:19 PM) ***Cagliostro raises an eyebrow.
(10:17:42 PM) Cagliostro: "Anything we should know, besides a trapped spirt?" he asks the Ifrit, as he walks toward the house of mirrors.
(10:18:35 PM) dkap: Ifrit: "Trapped spirit? They just went in there, and I figured you were here to rescue them."
(10:20:20 PM) Cagliostro: "Yes, but it got more complicated, apparently. Stay here, then, in case anyone comes along to rescue us."
(10:20:27 PM) Cagliostro: and the group will enter the house of mirrors.
(10:20:33 PM) Spot: "We;ll need rescuing?"
(10:20:41 PM) ***Spot looks derisive.
(10:21:58 PM) dkap: *grin*
(10:23:08 PM) Cagliostro: so what's inside?
(10:23:16 PM) dkap: In you go. How close are you two? 4? etc are staying to each-other?
(10:23:27 PM) dkap: Are you getting intel (over the radio) before going in?
(10:26:17 PM) Delna: If the radio to the Count still works I will page him to tell him that we are in the house of mirrors, at the end of it
(10:26:20 PM) Cagliostro: probably fairly close, 3-5 feet
(10:26:30 PM) Cagliostro: we'll try to keep in touch over the radio
(10:26:36 PM) Cagliostro: things like "Entering the house now..."
(10:26:39 PM) Delna: And that the mirrors may or may not move...just keep going and follow the wailing sound
(10:27:13 PM) dkap: The radio has no problem working.
(10:27:16 PM) Cagliostro: gm: does Cagliostro know whether these vampires reflect in mirrors? He has been around them while Spot's been going into and out of shinies.
(10:27:34 PM) dkap: The vampires reflect, yes.
(10:27:56 PM) dkap: In the house of mirrors, the Ifrit and Spot don't reflect, but you do.
(10:29:14 PM) Cagliostro: "So... did you all reflect in these mirrors?"
(10:29:26 PM) Cagliostro: gm: do I hear a wailing sound?
(10:29:31 PM) Cagliostro: (or a whaling sound, just in case)
(10:30:31 PM) dkap: No Whaling.
(10:30:37 PM) dkap: And no you don't hear the wailing.
(10:30:54 PM) Delna: "no, we did not. The walls seemed to be tied to this spirit somehow. When I do damage to them the thing that has meiglan seems to dissipate more"
(10:30:59 PM) dkap: And you are now in the know that the mirrors might move ... are you doing anything to connect the people going in ...
(10:31:20 PM) dkap: And are you taking the other Ifrit in with you>
(10:31:31 PM) Cagliostro: I already told the resident Ifrit to stay put
(10:31:37 PM) Cagliostro: only bringing with us the two I brought originally
(10:31:53 PM) ***Cagliostro feels a bit singled out by the mirrors.
(10:32:43 PM) Meiglan: "Tell him it's also squeezing harder...ooh like it's trying to hold on. I wonder if that's a good thing or a bad thing...."
(10:32:52 PM) Cagliostro: I can't think of anything that would work connection-wise that wouldn't be a huge liability
(10:32:58 PM) Cagliostro: so we'll stay really close
(10:33:00 PM) Cagliostro: and move in
(10:33:21 PM) Cagliostro: and get ready to push back if the mirrors rotate to block or separate us
(10:33:27 PM) dkap: Arms on shoulders? A bit of rope ...
(10:34:54 PM) Cagliostro: arms on shoulders removes hands from defense or balance
(10:35:07 PM) Cagliostro: rope can be trapped beneath or between mirrors
(10:35:28 PM) Cagliostro: if there's some sort of mechanical system in here, the -last- thing you want is to get some sort of rope caught in it that's attached to you
(10:36:18 PM) dkap: True.
(10:36:55 PM) dkap: So, in you go.
(10:37:30 PM) Spot: sorry had tp be afk for a moment there
(10:38:57 PM) dkap: S'ok.
(10:39:00 PM) dkap: So, in you go.
(10:39:16 PM) dkap: Count, there is a _lot_ of magic here.
(10:39:30 PM) dkap: Your magic-sucker buttons are quite happy.
(10:39:42 PM) Cagliostro: magic-detector, really
(10:39:51 PM) Cagliostro: it would be counterproductive to wear magic suckers
(10:39:54 PM) Cagliostro: as a mage
(10:40:08 PM) Cagliostro: so it's high but still on the scale, and nothing broke, detector-wise?
(10:41:30 PM) dkap: Nowhere near Caelin level.
(10:41:31 PM) Cagliostro: and does it seem high for my world, normal for the outside world, high for the outside world, or just high for anywhere Caelin isn't?
(10:42:01 PM) dkap: Not even you working full out.
(10:42:28 PM) dkap: High for your world, but not very high.
(10:42:34 PM) Cagliostro: Gotcha.
(10:42:42 PM) Cagliostro: Continue along toward the back, listening for wailing
(10:42:43 PM) Cagliostro: and whaling
(10:42:55 PM) Cagliostro: "Can you hear us at all?"
(10:43:03 PM) Cagliostro: "We don't hear any wailing."
(10:43:23 PM) Spot: "What are we supposed to hear?"
(10:43:26 PM) dkap: As you go, your image, as I said, is reflecting. Spot is not, neither is the Ifrit.
(10:43:33 PM) dkap: There is an occasional wail.
(10:43:39 PM) dkap: The radio is working.
(10:43:40 PM) Cagliostro: "That, I suppose."
(10:43:51 PM) Cagliostro: gm: the "Can you hear us at all?" was over the radio. sorry, unclear
(10:44:34 PM) Delna: gm, can we hear them in the maze, not over the radio?
(10:44:35 PM) Cagliostro: gm: move towards the wailing
(10:48:30 PM) dkap: Over the radio, not through the maze.
(10:48:35 PM) dkap: Inward works.
(10:48:53 PM) dkap: At one point the tail-most ifrit suddenly finds the way in front blocked.
(10:49:04 PM) dkap: Count, you notice immediately.
(10:50:37 PM) ***Cagliostro stops
(10:50:52 PM) Cagliostro: do I reflect in the thing blocking her?
(10:51:14 PM) dkap: Yes.
(10:52:01 PM) ***Cagliostro hms.
(10:52:22 PM) Cagliostro: is it possible to find a way for her to step around it and still follow us?
(10:53:58 PM) dkap: Rerouting is possible.
(10:54:21 PM) dkap: But the path no longer seems to connect.
(10:56:13 PM) ***Cagliostro hms.
(10:56:25 PM) Cagliostro: no longer seems to connect to the wailing?
(10:57:42 PM) dkap: Well ... you don't know, the Ifrit can't tell you.
(10:58:00 PM) Cagliostro: okay
(10:58:14 PM) Cagliostro: so the issue is that there may be a way to reroute, but that the Ifrit can't immediately find it?
(10:58:27 PM) Cagliostro: as in, it's not a matter of stepping a few feet to one side or the other?
(10:58:59 PM) dkap: Indeed.
(10:59:38 PM) Cagliostro: okay
(10:59:47 PM) Cagliostro: open a gate to the other side of the barrier
(10:59:50 PM) Cagliostro: so the Ifrit can step through
(11:00:11 PM) dkap: Done.
(11:00:20 PM) dkap: Ifrit steps through.
(11:00:58 PM) ***Cagliostro closes the gate, and we continue
(11:01:36 PM) dkap: This happens a few more times, on your way in. The hack continues to work.
(11:01:51 PM) Cagliostro: k
(11:01:56 PM) Cagliostro: (ha!)
(11:03:59 PM) ***Cagliostro continues.
(11:04:45 PM) dkap: You (eventually) get to the hexagonal room at the center.
(11:04:58 PM) dkap: Meiglan is stuck, arm first in something in the center.
(11:05:04 PM) dkap: Delna is ... what?
(11:05:14 PM) Spot left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
(11:05:57 PM) ***Cagliostro examines the room and the 'something' with the lens
(11:06:04 PM) Delna: waiting mostly. ready to cut off meiglan's hand if need be to keep her from dying with this thing
(11:06:21 PM) Delna: I am not caught however. only my sword is
(11:07:21 PM) Meiglan: I'm feeling better!
(11:07:27 PM) dkap: Yes, but what are you doing Delna?
(11:08:03 PM) Spot [] entered the room.
(11:08:44 PM) Delna: unless something changes with the condition of things I will have been waiting, not wanting to damage the spirit anymore for fear that I kill the spirit that has meiglan trapped
(11:08:48 PM) dkap: And, you have your lens to try and puzzle things out ...
(11:08:58 PM) dkap: Makes sense.
(11:13:20 PM) dkap: It's past 11, and we don't seem to be getting very far. Perhaps we should call it for the night, and try again tomorrow?
(11:13:46 PM) Spot: all sleepy
(11:13:52 PM) Spot: Calling is good
(11:14:01 PM) Meiglan: I second that thought.
(11:14:05 PM) Delna: yar
(11:14:11 PM) dkap: Right then. It's a game!
(11:14:19 PM) Delna: Night!
(11:14:45 PM) Meiglan: ngiht all, sleep sweet
(11:14:45 PM) Spot: night!
(11:14:49 PM) Spot left the room (quit: Read error: EOF from client).