| <dkap> | Sorry about that ... my machine just wouldn't bring up my normal irc client. |
| <dkap> | I especially wanted this to be a good game, since I'm not here for the next two. |
| <dkap> | (Not that the rest of you can't gather ... but ... ) |
| <Cagliostro> | but harder to make progress, yes. |
[20:22] | =-= | Mode #dkap_amber +o dkap by ChanServ |
| <dkap> | Indeed. |
| <dkap> | Now, where were we? |
[20:23] | <Mistress_Janice> | Out of the umbra, talking to the blue and brown kids, right? |
[20:25] | <dkap> | RIght ... right ... |
| <dkap> | Although the blue is now all listless and not moving. |
[20:27] | So,
just the brown at the moment, and the time interval was perfect so you
folks could think of what you wanted to talk about ... right? |
[20:28] | <dkap> | indeed |
[20:29] | <Cagliostro> | hm, no longs, so I'm not sure what happened |
| *logs |
| But Delna or Spot can lead and I'll figure it out |
[20:30] | <dkap> | No logs? Hrm ... |
| A moment and I'll see about that ... |
| <Delna> | not from last, I was trying to see about refreshing too |
[20:32] | We'd
stopped the two kids from fighting by bringing the dragonfly into the
real world where the twins were. Then we started to talk to the brown
twin since the blue twin/dragonfly was unconscious. |
| <dkap> | Right ... it's now up. |
| <Delna> | woot |
| <dkap> | Sorry about that ... checked in, but not checked back out again. |
| <Cagliostro> | hm, about the dragonfly |
| what happened to the dragonfly when the blue twin passed out? |
[20:35] | <Spot> | i think I'm still holding it |
| <dkap> | The blue twin got listless when the dragonfly was brought, by spot, out of the umbra. |
[20:36] | * Cagliostro | hms. |
| <Delna> | And the brown boy wouldn't say who he was..said it was a secret |
| <dkap> | Indeed. |
| <dkap> | Abandoned, like it has been, for years. |
| <Cagliostro> | gm: any access to the memories of the blue guy? |
| <dkap> | And the count noticed that there is no metal in the construction of the old playground equipment, just wood pegs and the like. |
[20:38] | Sure, a standard gem of his memories goes back ... to him fighting ... for a long time. |
[20:39] | * Cagliostro | hms. |
| <Cagliostro> | Can I get a feel for how long they've been close to finishing each other off? |
| <Delna> | To the brown boy, "why is it a secret?" |
| <dkap> | Count: Delna might be able to tell you that. |
[20:40] | Brown boy, thinking for a moment: No, that's a secret too. |
[20:41] | <Delna> | "Is there anything that you know that is not a secret?" |
| <Cagliostro> | possibly, but I don't want to distract her yet, so I'll just move back in his memories |
| <dkap> | Brown boy: I won, that's not a secret. |
| <Delna> | GM: I can? I don't remember getting a distinction of how long they have been fighting |
| <Cagliostro> | start at the earliest memory of the previous gem and keep working |
[20:42] | <Delna> | "When did you when?" |
| *win :P |
| <dkap> | Delna, not how long, but how close they were to finishing each-other off ... |
| Brown boy: Just now! |
| <Cagliostro> | gm: right, but I was curious how long they'd been that close. |
| <dkap> | Ahh ... that she couldn't tell you. |
[20:43] | Memories get thinner and thinner going back, one could say that all the blue boy remembers is being in combat. |
| <Delna> | "What did you win?" |
| <Cagliostro> | hm. |
[20:44] | <dkap> | Brown boy: The fight, of course, silly. |
| <Cagliostro> | do they seem to be conjured or otherwise created? |
| gm: or does this seem to be a Cemen-style situation? |
| <dkap> | They are both about as real as the other spirits you've been dealing with. |
| Not old-lord real. |
[20:45] | * Cagliostro | doesn't know enough to be sure what that means ;) |
[20:46] | <dkap> | Not Cemen real, nor Your Enemy real, nor Son of Gerard real. |
[20:47] | <Delna> | "If we let him go, he will begin fighting you again. Will you be in danger of losing?" |
[20:48] | <dkap> | Brown boy: I won once, I'll can win again. |
| <Delna> | "But you won with our interference. Have you ever won before this?" |
[20:49] | <Cagliostro> | no, I mean, Cagliostro knows enough to know that people that walk out of the sea get stomped on |
| and this doesn't quite fit that paradigm, but it rhyes |
| *rhymes |
[20:50] | * Spot | ponders if the dragonfly might be tasty |
| <dkap> | Brown boy: I won on my own. You weren't here when I won. _I_ won. You didn't help! |
| <Cagliostro> | gm: can I access blue guy's memories without him noticing? one way to find out. I'll try. ;) |
[20:51] | <Delna> | "Do you know if either of you are supposed to win?" |
| <dkap> | The Brown Boy doesn't seem to notice. |
| Brown boy: Supposed to? Isn't that what fighting is all about? |
[20:52] | <Cagliostro> | gm: same as before? |
| <dkap> | Count:
The brown boy's memories are all about the fighting, except the really
recent ones, which is him hiding his lack of memory by calling it a
secret. |
| <Cagliostro> | fighting all the way back, I mean. |
| <dkap> | And his complete jubulation at winning, which he's wanted to do for time out of memory. |
[20:53] | <Delna> | To
Spot, "Perhaps someone should look on the other side. See what is going
on while the fighting is stopped?" (if we didn't do that already...?) |
[20:54] | <dkap> | Several of your team are still on the other side, IIRC, watching. |
[20:55] | <Delna> | Have we gotten any information from them? |
[20:59] | <dkap> | Not yet. |
| <Cagliostro> | to
the brown guy: "We have need of a powerful warrior; we are travelling
the spirit realms to free trapped beings. Would you do us the honor of
joining our quest?" |
[21:00] | * Spot | looks up somewhat indignant. |
[21:02] | * Delna | is a lot a bit worried about this changing the order of something we don't yet know about |
| <dkap> | Brown boy: Umm ... can I rest first? I'm ... tired of fighting at the moment. |
[21:04] | <Cagliostro> | "That is reasonable. We shall tend to your fallen opponent, as is traditional." |
| <Delna> | "Count..I'm not sure we should take him with us without knowing what affect their cease in fighting has caused elsewhere.." |
[21:05] | * Cagliostro | conjures a comfy chair for the brown boy, a small open-sided tent over top, and various refreshments next to the chair. |
| <dkap> | All conjured without even a bobble. |
| <Cagliostro> | to Delna: "I believe we have the same goal in mind, but my methods are more active and meddlesome." |
[21:06] | <dkap> | He seems to like his chair, and actually falls asleep, almost immediately, if his snoring is any guide. |
[21:07] | <Cagliostro> | "I suspect that is the first time he has ever sat down. Or slept. At least in quite some time." |
| gm: is "tens of thousands of years" a reasonable subjective measure? |
[21:08] | <dkap> | Thousand, possibly, not tends of thousands. |
| Maybe not as long as over 300 ... but ... for quite some time. |
[21:10] | <Cagliostro> | gm:
okay, so he's probably just recording more sensory data or more
fine-grained sensory data than Cagliostro? I was getting tens of
thousands of years on the killer thing I scanned for princess chandra. |
| to the group: "Centuries, at the least." |
[21:11] | gm: quick check of his mind to make sure brown guy is actually asleep? |
[21:12] | <dkap> | Well ... he's not even dreaming. His mind is relaxed for the first time in many, many years. It's gone offline ... |
| The limbic system is still working, but ... that's about it. |
[21:13] | <Cagliostro> | good enough, then. |
| "I checked both of their memories all the way back... what we saw, them fighting, is all they both remember." |
| <dkap> | The killer thing had diversity in his memories. |
[21:14] | <Spot> | "That's weird, isn't it?" |
| <Cagliostro> | "Either they've forgotten everything before that, or they were created for this purpose." |
| <dkap> | The Brown boy, not so much. |
| <Cagliostro> | "I agree." |
| <Cagliostro> | "As far as they can remember." |
| <dkap> | There seems to be ... something ... gathering from the equipment ... |
[21:15] | * Cagliostro | directs people's attention there. |
| * Mistress_Janice | looks around, as if to emphasize the nearby emptiness. "I wonder if there've been other witnesses." |
| <Cagliostro> | and looks at it with the lens. |
[21:17] | <dkap> | It seems to be a someone, not a something., |
[21:19] | <dkap> | The playground equipment. |
[21:24] | <Delna> | What someone coalesces? |
| <dkap> | It's not (yet) clear. |
[21:26] | <Cagliostro> | ah,right, we're in a suburban playground. |
| gm: where is the nearest living creature, that isn't us, the kids, or the creature manifesting? |
[21:27] | and are we in a desert, or a surburban environment? can we see other structures? |
| (and we are in the outer world, not the inner, correct?) |
| <dkap> | Suburban, abandoned, many years ago. There might be some grubs in a dead tree about a mile and a half away. |
| Inner world, not outer world. |
[21:28] | <Cagliostro> | hm. then it's my problem, not Faythe's. |
| whereabouts, geographically? |
| <dkap> | Indeed. |
[21:29] | Somewhere not far from the Urals, on the eastern side of them. |
[21:30] | A little north of Georgia. |
| <dkap> | No sign. |
| But _really_ abandoned. |
| <Cagliostro> | hm. so more werewolf country than anything else. |
| but that only very recently. |
[21:33] | <dkap> | No, further away from the hills than that. |
[21:34] | This is flattish ground, not even the foothills. |
[21:36] | <Cagliostro> | k. not an area I particularly frequent. |
[21:38] | <dkap> | Look for "Rossiya, Omskaya oblast', Isaevka" in google maps for an idea. |
[21:40] | <Cagliostro> | hm. abandoned suburban area.... weird creatures battling... great. we've found silent hillsky. |
| hillski? hm. |
| so, gm: is the creature manifesting with any particular speed? |
[21:41] | <dkap> | Slowly. Molasses, on a cold day in January. |
[21:45] | <Delna> | Ready myself to fight if needed |
[21:46] | <Cagliostro> | "Well, I'm curious who is behind this. And what I see doesn't alarm me." |
| gm: magical manifestation? |
| to
Spot: "Perhaps you could examine the spirit world, to see what is going
on there? If the dragonfly is still doing well, it would be simpler
left here." |
[21:47] | * Spot | looks at the dragonfly. |
| <Spot> | "Well I doubt I can carry it and this sword." |
| * Cagliostro | holds out a hand for the dragonfly. |
[21:48] | * Spot | hands the dragonfly over to the Count and then dives through the mirror to see what's on the other side now. |
[21:49] | <dkap> | Meiglan and the Ifrit are watching the rocks. |
| <Spot> | "Hi." *looks around* "Boring?" |
| <dkap> | They have gathered into a vaguely human shape, and have settled down. |
[21:50] | Meiglan: Yep. Nothin' doing. |
| <Spot> | "All right then pretty. I'll be back." |
| * Spot | steps back to the other side. "Nothing really." |
[21:51] | <Cagliostro> | "Well, good that there doesn't seem to be an impending boom there." |
[21:52] | gm: is the molasses manifestation magical? |
[21:54] | <dkap> | No, more ... spiritual. |
[21:55] | <Cagliostro> | hm. |
| gm: Faythey? |
[21:56] | <dkap> | No, but it does remind you of the mist in the center of the mirror-maze that ended up being the Gorgon. |
[21:57] | * Cagliostro | hm.s |
| <Cagliostro> | is the Gorgon on this side? |
[21:58] | <dkap> | Nope, the other, with the Ifrit, and Meiglan. |
[21:59] | <Cagliostro> | "Spot,
would you mind bringing the Gorgon over to take a look at this
manifestation? It reminds me of the mist at the center of the mirror
maze where we found her." |
[22:00] | <Spot> | "no problem. |
| * Spot | steps sideways again and looks for the gorgon. "Mind a trip to the other side?" |
[22:01] | <dkap> | Gorgon: Not at all. |
| * Mistress_Janice | suggests
the timing is suspect - stop the fight, and this starts emerging. Might
it have been responsible? Or feeding from the constant conflict? |
[22:04] | <Cagliostro> | "I suspect they are related, and that is an interesting theory as to why someone would set this up." |
| "I am interested in having a conversation with whoever is responsible." |
| <dkap> | Gorgon: Hrm ... yes ... that looks a lot like I felt. I wonder who it is, and why they are having trouble coalescing? |
[22:06] | <Cagliostro> | "Possibly because they have not done so for some time, as if awakening from sleep." |
[22:07] | * Mistress_Janice | tilts an eyebrow. "Or perhaps the constant aggression was to keep... whoever this is, locked up?" |
| <Cagliostro> | "And possibly because the blue boy's spirit and body are on this side." |
| "Oho, quite possible." |
| gm: Call Jodo, and have someone look up whatever records we have on this place. |
[22:08] | <dkap> | Jodo will look, but he is doubtful, because the name is meaningless to him. |
[22:11] | <Delna> | "If
it is having trouble because the blue boy's spirit and body are here
together, what can we do about that without starting the fight all over
again before we see what is coalescing?" |
[22:13] | <Cagliostro> | "That should work, but I don't know what we would tell him. He is likely to be extremely disappointed to lose." |
[22:14] | <Delna> | "Unless he sees himself as winning as well" |
| <Mistress_Janice> | Is there someone you're annoyed at, who you could pit him against? |
[22:16] | <Cagliostro> | "The problem with convincing him that he's won is that eventually he will meet his counterpart again." |
| "There are some people I'm annoyed at, but most of them aren't in the inner world... hmmm." |
[22:17] | "I wonder if I could convince Mal to fight the blue kid and throw the fight, if necessary." |
[22:18] | <Delna> | "Yeah, I guess 'to the death' is pretty inextricable this fight." |
[22:19] | <dkap> | Mal might be willing to have a good fight, but he _hates_ to loose. |
| lose even. |
[22:20] | <Cagliostro> | gm: check my memories. were they fighting to the death, or if one yielded would the other have accepted? |
| or never came up, so who knows? |
[22:21] | <Spot> | never came up |
| <Cagliostro> | I
would imagine that there would be a lot of "Why won't he go
unconscious/give up/die" thoughts over a few centuries of slugfests,
though. |
[22:22] | <Delna> | unless there were no particular thoughts besides the goal |
| <dkap> | No thoughts but the goals. |
| <Cagliostro> | also possible. |
| blah. |
| "Not
clear. I suspect that they would respond to environmental cues; if
everyone around them celebrated their victory, they would agree." |
[22:23] | "However,
although Malcolm Reynolds can be difficult, I think even he would be
hard pressed to eclipse a centuries-long vendetta." |
| <dkap> | *grin* |
| <Cagliostro> | "Well, yes. We might as well see how the blue boy takes the news." |
| gm: have things progressed enought hat I have an ETA on the manifestation? |
[22:25] | <dkap> | Possibly a day. |
| <Cagliostro> | yikes. |
[22:26] | "Hm. This may take a day to manifest, at the current rate." |
| <Delna> | "Should we try to wake the blue boy to see if that has any effect?" |
| <Cagliostro> | "We should, but not here." |
| * Cagliostro | opens a gate to the top of the ramp to the outer desert. |
[22:27] | <Cagliostro> | "Shall we step through and try to awaken him?" |
[22:29] | "Hm... now that I think of it..." |
| * Cagliostro | also picks up the blue boy. |
| <Cagliostro> | "It is not good for one's spirit to be too separated from a body." |
| <dkap> | Carrying them both is ... less than comfortable. |
| You might want to hand one over to another of the group. |
[22:31] | <Cagliostro> | I would prefer to carry them through the gate simultaneously, then hand the boy over. |
| I don't want there to be a period with the spirit & body on separate sides of the gate. |
[22:34] | <dkap> | You can do that. |
| It's just ... uncomfortable. |
| * Cagliostro | is uncomfortable. But carries the boy and the butterfly through the gate. |
| <Cagliostro> | gm: physically, or metaphysically uncomfortable? |
| <dkap> | You do so. Do the rest of the party follow? |
[22:35] | <Spot> | yes |
| <dkap> | Metaphysically uncomfortable. |
| Very little would physically discomfort you. |
| * Cagliostro | hms. |
[22:38] | <dkap> | Delna? |
| <Delna> | Does anyone need to stay here you think? |
| <Cagliostro> | "I wouldn't say so. Best to stick together." |
| <dkap> | Do you want to bring the remaining crowd through from the Umbra? |
| And, if so, will leaving the rocks unwatched be OK? |
[22:40] | <Cagliostro> | I wasn't going to - I was going to leave them watching the spirit world |
| the manifestation is on our side, so they should be fine if it speeds up |
| <Delna> | "Ok" I will go if that is the consensus |
[22:42] | <dkap> | Through you go. |
| No bobble. |
| Gate still open? Or closed? |
| If open, is it open to everything? Sound? Light? |
| <Cagliostro> | open, open to everything |
[22:43] | hand over the boy to janice on the other side |
| and the dragonfly to Spot, when he comes through |
| * Mistress_Janice | holds him by one ankle, and dips him in the river... oh, wait, wrong story. |
| * Spot | takes the dragonfly |
[22:45] | <dkap> | You dip him quite tendonly ... I mean tenderly ... |
[22:47] | <dkap> | Still functioning, though barely. |
[22:48] | <Mistress_Janice> | Lower life signs than where we just were? Did the transition drain/hurt him? |
| <dkap> | Nope. |
| Same level. |
[22:52] | Hrm ... have we run out of steam? |
| <Cagliostro> | perhaps so |
[22:53] | <Cagliostro> | it'll still need saving next week |
| <dkap> | Remember,
this won't pick up again until after 2 weeks, so, if folks want to
leave notes for themselves in the logs, now would be a good time ... |
| <Cagliostro> | rather, in three weeks. |
| <Mistress_Janice> | Note to self = come up with some notes to self. Preferably amusing. |
| <Cagliostro> | so we'll start off next episode with Spot stepping into the Umbra with the dragonfly. |
| <Spot> | wooot |
| <Delna> | mm, yeah. Sorry, my migraine is getting the better of me |
[22:54] | <Cagliostro> | youch. |
| yeah, that's an easy battle to lose. |
| * Mistress_Janice | goes after the migraine with a railroad spike and a mallet. |
| <Spot> | And I'm deaded from work |
| :( |
[22:55] | <dkap> | So, we will all emerge, well-rested, after Pennsic *grin* |
| <Delna> | Umm, me thinks that will be counter to helping in this matter, but thanks for the valiant thoughts! |
| <Mistress_Janice> | Feel better Delna, enjoy Pennsic them as is goin', and I'll see folk in three weeks. |
| <dkap> | Something about gnomes, and Marc Remilard? |
[22:56] | Never mind, wrong game. |
| *grin* |
| <Delna> | Thanks, and yes, enjoy Pennsic. I shall miss it this year, and very sad to do so |
| * Mistress_Janice | errrrrs... No, don't ask me about that. GodBall? Never heard of it. No such animal. |
[22:57] | <--| | Spot has left #dkap_amber |
| <dkap> | Right .. no such thing. |
| <Cagliostro> | Janice
- did you have any more character questions that I might be able to
help with? Dkap is probably a better person to ask, but I saw in the
logs you were looking for characterization and hooks. |
| <dkap> | Thanks! We shall, and we will miss you. |
[22:58] | <Mistress_Janice> | And goals. I'm unclear on what Janice wants now, now that's she's found her father and seems to be getting along with him. |
| <Cagliostro> | my understanding is that she was, too |
| <Delna> | Good night all. Til after Pennsic |
| <Cagliostro> | she worked toward the goal with a single-minded obsession, and then succeeded |
[22:59] | |<-- | Delna has left irc.gamesurge.net (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.6.6/20100625231939]) |
| <Cagliostro> | and it wasn't what she expected, at all. then she got some perspective. |
| and I believe she is wondering what to do with herself now. |
| though she is trying to spend some quality time with Dad. |
[23:00] | <Cagliostro> | quality, quantity... |
| we aren't in Hell, so it's a step forward. |
| Hell sucked. |
| <dkap> | Hell did suck. |
| <Cagliostro> | Someone's idea of a prison promontory. |
[23:01] | <Mistress_Janice> | Okay, that explains the 'tagging along' bit, anyway. |
| <dkap> | Oh, and for Stormy's edification, Hell was designed by Andrew. |
| <Cagliostro> | I wondered who was responsible for that. |
[23:02] | <Cagliostro> | the Hamsterites aren't your fault. They're mine. ;) |
| * Mistress_Janice | just
covered a log where it was mentioned that Ilk was working on a spell to
get others to say Mikail's name. That cracked me up. |
| <dkap> | *grin* |
[23:05] | <Cagliostro> | Mikail definitely left his mark on the world. |
| <Mistress_Janice> | Hmmm... Count, based on what you know of your daughter to date, what directions might you expect her to explore? Or *not* to venture down. I know the possibility of learning conjuration was on her list of 'things to do'. Any interest in warfare? | [23:06] | Mikail was only trying to leave his mark on his mother. Haaa-AAA-aaaate her.... |
| <Cagliostro> | I think probably enough to stay out of trouble, and that's it. |
| conjuration, maybe life. Working with Faythe. |
| I don't know how much she knows about godhood and the local powers, and how much she wants to know. |
| * Mistress_Janice | thinks she could stay out of trouble by returning to the library. "What is her relationship with Faythe?" |
[23:07] | <Cagliostro> | friendly but minimal, I think. Contact mostly goes through Cagliostro. |
| But I don't know what happens outside my perceptions. ;) |
| But how would Mikail react to a world where someone else finished off Clarissa permanently? |
| <Mistress_Janice> | Faythe is... the spirit of Darkover? | [23:08] | Mikail would have spent some time verifying said feat... and then taking over the IDSG. | [23:10] | Probably a lot of pleasure sailing on Dalkantyr. |
| <dkap> | Dalk is loose, and a provisional ally of the Count and his folks. |
[23:11] | <Cagliostro> | Faythe is the new Clarissa |
| Clarissa's granddaughter, through Celeste. She took over Darkover when Shiryu unmade Clarissa. |
| * Mistress_Janice | saw all kinds of things Mikail had apparently done to Dalkantyr. A pity, liked the ship. |
| <Mistress_Janice> | I really don't want one, but... in what ways do you mean, 'the new Clarissa'? |
| <Cagliostro> | I don't think Mikail envisoned a world where he wasn't around to finish what he'd started. |
[23:12] | Clarissa was the primary ... wielder? of the Matrix |
| blue crystalline life energy, centered in the promontory (real place in the sea, natch) known as Darkover |
| <Cagliostro> | Faythe assumed the role as primary wielder/guardian of the Matrix |
[23:13] | <Mistress_Janice> | Okay, is that what all the references to 'blucite' in the logs were about? |
| <Cagliostro> | kind of analagous to Dworkin and the Pattern, or Shiryu and the Logrus |
| no, that's something else |
| <Cagliostro> | we're pretty sure bluecite is time-stopped water |
| <Cagliostro> | *blucite |
| well, Rebman water |
| it was a Llewella thing |
| Gwen figured out how to duplicate it |
| and other people figured out how to create it using Gwen's notes |
| (yay computer hacking) |
[23:15] | <dkap> | But Llewella held the trump, she, alone, knew how to make it go away, without chipping at it with congealed Fringe. |
| <Cagliostro> | it's a material that's both a perfect insulator and a perfect reflector |
| <Mistress_Janice> | Never
intended Gwen to be anything other than an artificer Clarissa
collected. But that's what happens with fiction. Remind me to get you
the story, DKap, so it can go up on the site. |
| <Cagliostro> | except that it reacted with Fringe energy in a pattern/logrus explosion |
[23:16] | at least locally, Gwen was Dworkin and Clarissa's child. |
| <Cagliostro> | Clarissa working her way back up the family tree from Benedict. |
| Are you familiar with the Fringeworthy game? |
| <Cagliostro> | http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fringeworthy |
[23:17] | It's the energy that powers the Fringe / is stored in the Fringe / is generated when you throw something off a fringe path into the event horizon |
| <dkap> | Stormy is _very_ familiar with Fringe. |
| <Cagliostro> | ah, excellent. |
| <dkap> | *grin* |
| <Cagliostro> | Osric was the master of the Fringe |
| the Chaosian Osris; the one the Amberite was named after. |
| *Osric |
| Andrew's primary character. |
| * Mistress_Janice | was
puzzled to find out the gate sizes are apparently switched, but
otherwise it seems to be the same. Ah, never knew there was a
difference - thanks, another key to deciphering the logs |
[23:18] | <Cagliostro> | later Osric, Hero of Chanicut, and later Osric, King of Chaos, and now, alas, the gate Osric. |
| *alas, the late Osric |
| <dkap> | Yeah, I got it wrong from memory, but I stuck with it, once declared. |
[23:19] | <Cagliostro> | Osric used Fringe energy as a shield a lot, when he travelled outside the Fringe. |
| it was pretty much immune to everything |
| but at some point we figured out that Fringe in contact with Blucite created a Pattern/Logrus style explosion of opposing Powers |
| <Mistress_Janice> | Okay,
we're way off topic. Given that I was incorrect, what is the 'blue
crystalline life energy'? And if you say 'the Matrix,' I'ma gonna hafta
hurtcha. |
[23:20] | <dkap> | Life. |
| <Cagliostro> | and so you could use small bits of Fringe to chisel out people trapped in Blucite. |
| that's about as far as we know. There are no PC wielders of the Matrix. |
| It's something like Pattern, but where Pattern is order, the Matrix is life. |
[23:21] | and there are glowing blue crystals in the mage towers in Darkover |
| <dkap> | It's life, Jim, but not as we know it ... |
| <Cagliostro> | which are how they manipulate life energy |
| <dkap> | And contact it, and be contacted by Faythe. |
| And apparently go through mirror-doors. |
| <Mistress_Janice> | Are the powers exclusive? I know Jan's got Pattern. Can she learn this Matrix thingie? |
[23:22] | <Cagliostro> | it is quite possible to learn opposing powers |
| <dkap> | Powers are not exclusive, just ... costly. |
| <Cagliostro> | it also means it's easier to screw up |
| as I recall, we managed to use Logrus, Fringe, and Trump to destroy Corwin's part of reality |
| <Cagliostro> | we were experimenting. |
| <Cagliostro> | we managed to bring Logrus to a promontory that had been defined as the abscence of Logrus |
| like tea and no tea |
| we were there at the time |
| <Cagliostro> | really, it's Corwin's fault for being a dick about Logrus. |
| <Mistress_Janice> | He drew his when Chaos was winning, far as he knew. Can you blame him? |
[23:24] | <Cagliostro> | Melchisidek, the Chaosian Realms Lord of Time, rolled back time and told Ilk not to do that again for the first time. |
| one should be careful with absolutes. |
[23:25] | <Cagliostro> | indeed. |
| Let's see... we were keeping track of powers for a while. |
[23:26] | I can't find my notes. But let's see... |
| Pattern/Logrus |
| Fringe/Blucite (or whatever causes Blucite) |
| Trump/Bibliomancy |
[23:27] | Faerie/Matrix opposed for a while, but now (at least theoretically) are balanced |
| *sorry, that was wrong. |
| I mean, Magic/Bibliomancy |
[23:28] | <Mistress_Janice> | Dunno what bibliomancy is, other than fortune-telling via books. |
| <Cagliostro> | Bibliomancy is a power from another Amberverse that involves writing things to make them True |
| <dkap> | Trump hangs on other powers, and is not a stand-alone power on it's own. |
| <Cagliostro> | Jean gave up reading for his own safety thanks to Bibliomancy |
[23:29] | at his request, his head was frobbed and now he sees a blurry blue dot instead of written text |
| <dkap> | The phrase "Even the clouds are bibliomantic" gave him nightmares. |
| <Cagliostro> | yes. Gwen, IIRC. |
[23:30] | Caelin, Mike Belle's PC, knows Bibliomancy. He learned it from an alternate-amberverse Caelin, who in turn learned it from an alternate-universe Laetatio. |
| <dkap> | Resurrection Contingency Number (something-or-other) |
| <Cagliostro> | and Caelin also knows magic, so he can create huge kabooms by using magic on bibliomancy and vice versa |
| That particular technique blew the stairs off of Kolvir. |
[23:31] | we put them back, but we didn't get the angle right, so Tir came back at an angle. |
| The moon went red. Not good. |
| our theory at the time was that Oberon cut himself shaving. We never figured out what happened. |
| <dkap> | Gwen's reanimation. |
| <dkap> | Resurrection Contingency Number (something-or-other) |
| The bibliomantic clouds, and landscape and ... |
[23:33] | <Cagliostro> | yeah, Gwen was a scary example of what happens when the PCs ignore the plot for a decade. |
[23:34] | We were actually one last try away from giving up |
| <dkap> | Indeed. |
| <Cagliostro> | and fleeing to an alternate reality |
| fortunately that last try worked |
| <dkap> | Here, take the bat and ball, we are going home! |
| <Mistress_Janice> | That
whole story was only to make Mikail bleed a lot, so I could demonstrate
a conjuration gone wrong in his earlier days. Funny, the things that
come back to bite your head off... |
[23:35] | <Cagliostro> | yeah, that I can believe. |
[23:36] | My first exposure to the game was as a walk-on character just after Gwen had walked the Pattern |
| there were white marble statues of a winged woman wearing sunglasses that had appeared all over the golden circle |
| I suspect that was Arisia in 1997 |
| <dkap> | Sounds about right. |
| It was the Arisia in the Vista |
| <dkap> | If I recall correctly. |
[23:39] | <Cagliostro> | that is interesting, about the print. |
| it was tricksy, the next year, when I was looking for dkap again. |
| I was looking for the heavyset guy in a beard, wearing glasses. |
| at Arisia. |
| <dkap> | Indeed. |
[23:40] | Oh
... hrm ... it might be that the year you found me again was at the
Vista ... they are all sort of running together in my head now ... alas. |
| <Cagliostro> | found again was in Waltham |
| I don't recall before. |
[23:41] | any more universal questions, or things that look like keys to unlock the logs? |
| there
are real places, there is shadow. real places are promontories, and are
built on top of serpents or krakens. all is contained within the sea of
chance. For a while, probably because of unbalances between powers,
there were cracks between the multiverse that allowed travel between
amberverses. |
[23:42] | <dkap> | Yes,
97 is when it ran in the Park Plaza, and Mark and Riki had their
explosion, and 98 is when you found me, again, at the Vista, the year
of Richard Stallman wearing Jesus robes, and a hard disk platter as a
halo. |
| <Cagliostro> | I
believe the theory is that there were a clutch of dragons born at the
same time, and who became serpents around the same time, and spawned
similar universes. |
[23:43] | <dkap> | Indeed, and those similar dragons were ... encouraged ... into being serpents, before their time, IIRC. |
| <dkap> | And those encouraging it, had something to do with the similarity. |
[23:44] | <Cagliostro> | interesting, about the print |
| <Mistress_Janice> | I
started to get the lowdown on dragons/krakens from Dkap, and I heard of
Mark and Riki getting a divorce, fortunately beFORE Jet's last game... |
[23:45] | <dkap> | Indeed, but they've had a rocky time the whole time. |
| <Cagliostro> | there's definitely been a lot of real-life bleedover into the game. |
| <Mistress_Janice> | I had no idea they weren't still married. I've been VERY out of touch... |
| <Cagliostro> | and alas at least two people who didn't make it out alive. |
[23:46] | three, I mean. |
| not counting any remote players. |
| <dkap> | Indeed. |
| I'm hoping not to lose any more, any time soon, though. |
[23:47] | <dkap> | But, on that happy note, I'm going to go to the lovely lady who is complaining the bed isn't as full as it might be. |