Conversation with #dkap_amber

Conversation with #dkap_amber on Tue 12 Oct 2010 08:09:41 PM EDT:
(08:09:41 PM) The topic for #dkap_amber is: Game as usual, logs at: ; wiki-wiki at:
(08:10:12 PM) Cagliostro: hello, Spot and dkap
(08:10:43 PM) Mistress_Janice: Yay!
(08:10:45 PM) dkap: Hello.
(08:10:51 PM) dkap: Am I late?
(08:10:54 PM) Spot: oh wow gm sign
(08:11:34 PM) Mistress_Janice: It's remarks like that that remind one you're playing a Lupine. :D
(08:13:24 PM) dkap: I thought Lupine tried to steal from the Count ...
(08:13:43 PM) mode (+o dkap) by ChanServ
(08:13:49 PM) ***Mistress_Janice bites the 'e' off for that one.
(08:13:55 PM) ***Spot howls and then scratches his neck.
(08:14:53 PM) Cagliostro: Turning a Lupine... into a Lupin
(08:15:39 PM) dkap: Or at least, one third of one.
(08:15:40 PM) dkap: *grin*
(08:22:47 PM) Cagliostro: so where did we leave off?
(08:22:59 PM) Cagliostro: surrounded by a secret society, and with a copy of The Book
(08:23:34 PM) Spot: And spot was bored 'cause he can't read it. ;)
(08:24:25 PM) dkap: Bored enough to start causing trouble?
(08:24:38 PM) Spot: No not quite that bored
(08:25:12 PM) dkap: Good good.
(08:26:48 PM) Mistress_Janice: And pretty sure they're going to receive neither back-up, nor opposition, as we seem to have locked up whatever was that thing was. "Father, perhaps we should go, and let these gentlefolk get on with defending..." She looks around, and continues, "...this playground, from the forces of eeee-vil?"
(08:27:29 PM) ***Spot perks up slightly.
(08:30:03 PM) Mistress_Janice: "Not you, Spot."
(08:30:35 PM) Spot: /me sighs and settles back down. If he were in Crinos or Lupus, his ears would droop.
(08:32:03 PM) Cagliostro: "Perhaps so. But go where?"
(08:32:37 PM) Cagliostro: "This is as good a place as any to search for clues as to what is behind this place, or find a faster way of discovering other trapped spirits."
(08:34:12 PM) ***Mistress_Janice gestures toward the Magus the Count brought with him, stating, "Somewhere we could experiment, perhaps?" At his comments, however, she deflates again, and shrugs. "I should think we'd want a bit more privacy for that sort of thing, is all. Somehow I doubt an ancient sect of fanatics are going to be our best choices for witnesses t our comings and goings."
(08:34:44 PM) Cagliostro: "Well, we'll be going one way or the other."
(08:34:50 PM) ***Spot says softly, "I could eat them."
(08:34:55 PM) ***Cagliostro considers the sword and the ring, and what they have in common.
(08:35:13 PM) ***Cagliostro says absentmindedly "I'm sure you could."
(08:38:59 PM) ***Mistress_Janice tells Spot, "There's no reason to antagonize them, they're here to fight something we've already put away. I just hope they aren't too disillusioned..."
(08:39:13 PM) ***Spot shrugs.
(08:40:28 PM) Mistress_Janice: GM, did we get a name for said Magus?
(08:44:19 PM) dkap: Umm ... I think we did, but I cannot recall it at the moment.
(08:44:28 PM) dkap: SHall I comb the logs, or just presume "name" here.
(08:44:56 PM) Spot: I don't remember a name
(08:44:58 PM) Mistress_Janice: I guess I'm more asking if introductions were performed, I didn't think so, given when they came in and what's gone on since, but I could be wrong.
(08:45:17 PM) Cagliostro: introductions would have been performed
(08:45:21 PM) Cagliostro: but I don't recall the name
(08:45:45 PM) dkap: I recall the introductions, although they were ... of necessity, brief.
(08:49:33 PM) Cagliostro: gm: any progress in finding a common magical frequency or rhyme between the ring and the sword?
(08:50:23 PM) dkap: Well ... they were bound with the same style of magic, into created items ...
(08:50:38 PM) dkap: So any real similarity would probably be tainted by what you did, in the capture.
(08:50:59 PM) Cagliostro: reasonable.
(08:51:02 PM) Cagliostro: so, plan C.
(08:51:17 PM) Cagliostro: find a discreet way of extracting ourselves to the Umbra
(08:51:33 PM) Cagliostro: this may involve borrowing one of their tents for a private consultation and then vanishing
(08:51:48 PM) ***Spot hmms a moment.
(08:52:00 PM) dkap: Tents?
(08:52:03 PM) Spot: 'I need to shift.'
(08:52:17 PM) Cagliostro: they were setting up latrines etc for a long siege
(08:52:34 PM) dkap: Pits, and cots.
(08:52:37 PM) Cagliostro: if they don't have one, then we'll go off to the side and pull out a large tent kit they hadn't seen before and set it up, off to the side of the center
(08:52:39 PM) dkap: No tents, or coverings.
(08:53:20 PM) Spot: "I might be able to smell something."
(08:53:35 PM) Cagliostro: gm: I can conjure a tent kit ;)
(08:53:46 PM) Cagliostro: I just want to do it in a way that is semi-plausible that they just didn't see it
(08:53:47 PM) dkap: Ahh ... what type of tent-kit? Military issue? Civilian camping tent? Pavillion?
(08:54:08 PM) Cagliostro: probably pavillion-style.
(08:54:20 PM) dkap: The "No tents or coverings" were what they had, not in reference to you. Sorry.
(08:54:21 PM) Cagliostro: something large enough for us, not easily seen into, but fairly light and easy to set up
(08:54:23 PM) Cagliostro: k
(08:54:44 PM) dkap: Nice high side-walls, fairly fast to go up ...
(08:56:04 PM) dkap: How about a spoke-tent then? That should suit.
(08:56:28 PM) Cagliostro: sure
(08:56:34 PM) Cagliostro: but not a spokestent
(08:57:56 PM) dkap: You put those up by setting the hub on the ground, inserting all the spokes, draping the cloth over the (now put together, long) center pole, inserting the poll in the center of the hub, sliding the hub up the cloth, until you reach the right hight, pegging it in place, and then seating the spokes in the pockets of the cloth, and staking down the edge of the cloth.
(08:58:22 PM) dkap: It gives you fairly straight-up walls, to the height of the spokes, and storage space above.
(08:58:24 PM) Cagliostro: that sounds pretty straightforward, and something that other people can help with.
(08:58:43 PM) dkap: And can pick up, fairly quickly, as if they had done it before, as a team. *grin*
(08:59:01 PM) dkap: And is not quite usual enough that the other folks would have recognized it, when you unveiled it.
(09:00:55 PM) dkap: So, you have erected the tent.
(09:01:19 PM) Cagliostro: I will wander over to the leader
(09:01:32 PM) Cagliostro: return the Book to him, and thank him for the loan.
(09:01:33 PM) dkap: One of the order looks at it, and strikes his head. He goes hieing off talking about "weather" to many of the other folks.
(09:01:47 PM) Cagliostro: then we will enter the tent
(09:01:50 PM) Cagliostro: and from there, the Umbra
(09:02:01 PM) Cagliostro: Spot may have to stoop a little in the tent, but hopefully not overly much
(09:02:02 PM) dkap: He starts thumbing through the book, looking for references to weather that he might have missed.
(09:02:19 PM) dkap: You could quite easily have made it large enough for no stooping.
(09:02:25 PM) Mistress_Janice: Oh, I'd handed Father a C-tuned tuning fork he'd asked for, just before these folk showed up. something about checking for resonances. And I've found a curtsey, but no names being exchanged in the logs.
(09:02:26 PM) dkap: Are the Ifrit staying in the tree-tops?
(09:02:27 PM) Spot: I go nto the tent and shift to lupus to smell, see what I can pick up before I go into the umbra
(09:02:28 PM) Cagliostro: sounds prudent, then.
(09:02:47 PM) Cagliostro: Ifrit can get gated into the tent once I'm in it
(09:02:53 PM) Spot: I want to smell if there's anything ... unexpected... in the playground.
(09:03:03 PM) Spot: That might explain the spirits
(09:04:40 PM) dkap: There is much unexpected, including very little decay, and the smell of strife over a long, long period of time, with only the two smells of the two children and very little else pervading the place.
(09:05:04 PM) dkap: Of course, overlayed on that is all the new smells, but you can eliminate them from your search, fairly easily.
(09:07:09 PM) ***Spot hmmms again.
(09:08:50 PM) Spot: "Interesting. Okay. Umbra?"
(09:09:14 PM) dkap: Umbrawards you go.
(09:09:32 PM) dkap: The Ifrit have gated in, it's ... a little full, with crenos, and ifrit.
(09:09:34 PM) Cagliostro: "Indeed."
(09:09:46 PM) Cagliostro: But there is just enough room. ;)
(09:09:59 PM) dkap: And a little to spare, but ... not a lot.
(09:10:49 PM) dkap: Do I recall from white-wolf, that the change isn't necessarily guarenteed?
(09:11:23 PM) Cagliostro: the form change?
(09:11:38 PM) dkap: Yes.
(09:11:44 PM) Cagliostro: it's a stamina roll, but not a difficult one. sometimes it can fail, but if you take some time at it, it's rare to get stuck in a particular form.
(09:11:53 PM) Cagliostro: easiest to get stuck in a low-stamina form, if memory serves.
(09:12:42 PM) Spot: generally speaking it's very rare to fail
(09:12:50 PM) Spot: the higher ranked you are the stronger you are
(09:13:20 PM) dkap: I'm just wondering if the Count is going to have to boost your energy again, after all the shifting, and shuttling Umbraward and back.
(09:13:26 PM) Spot: and usually even if you fail you can spend a rage point, course then I'd eat ppl.
(09:13:50 PM) Spot: umbra travel isn't usually tiring, although might be here
(09:13:56 PM) Mistress_Janice: Good thing we're not people, then.
(09:14:03 PM) dkap: Although, isn't Crenos the default form for a Metis?
(09:14:13 PM) Spot: yes
(09:14:16 PM) Spot: but I can shift
(09:14:30 PM) Spot: That's not my metis flaw, I have wings, that's my flaw
(09:14:31 PM) Mistress_Janice: Crinos.
(09:14:32 PM) Spot: :P
(09:15:16 PM) dkap: Right ... Crinos
(09:16:06 PM) Spot: but scent was better in lupus
(09:16:38 PM) Spot: then back to crinos so i can carry my sword and get eveyrone into the umbra
(09:16:47 PM) Mistress_Janice: Who's got the ring?
(09:16:49 PM) Spot: then I'll sit down and rest
(09:16:52 PM) dkap: Hi HO!
(09:17:46 PM) Cagliostro: I think you do, Janice
(09:18:12 PM) Mistress_Janice: Forget me own head, next.
(09:18:43 PM) Mistress_Janice: Did you want it, or the tuning fork, Father?
(09:18:52 PM) Cagliostro: "Not at present, no."
(09:19:28 PM) Cagliostro: "Now that we're in the Umbra, this might be a chance for this fine gentleman" (indicating the magus) " to demonstrate his technique at magic in the Umbra."
(09:19:39 PM) ***Cagliostro looks around "...perhaps at a safe distance from this site, though."
(09:19:45 PM) dkap: It's wrapped in the Alumnet(sp?) glove.
(09:19:50 PM) Cagliostro: (oh, introductions to the gorgon for the new people)
(09:20:30 PM) dkap: Stheno is delighted to meet the mage (the only one she hasn't met yet, as far as I know.)
(09:20:45 PM) Mistress_Janice: (and intros to the mage as well, who I don't think got names)
(09:21:20 PM) dkap: And Diego de la Croix is delighted to meet her.
(09:21:54 PM) dkap: Also, Spot, while the mage was eager to transit to the umbra, pulling him there was ... more effort than expected.
(09:22:09 PM) Spot: 'kay
(09:22:17 PM) Spot: do i have any idea why?
(09:22:28 PM) Spot: not that we normally like to let them into the umbra anyways ;)
(09:22:49 PM) dkap: No idea why, no.
(09:22:56 PM) Spot: k
(09:23:00 PM) dkap: And indeed, the umbra doesn't seem to want him there, either.
(09:24:04 PM) dkap: Almost as if it is puckering around him to expel him. Spot is the only one to notice.
(09:24:38 PM) dkap: The Mage pulls out his notebook and says: "Let's start with a simple, fool-proof spell, just to test to see if I can work magic at all."
(09:24:54 PM) ***Cagliostro nods.
(09:25:09 PM) dkap: He pulls out a small lump of what looks like steel.
(09:26:39 PM) dkap: Notes the state of it in his notebook, and then with some incantation that sounds suspiciously like "how long have you been left out in the rain?" it almost entirely becomes a lump of rust.
(09:26:55 PM) dkap: He drops it alarmingly, and waits, expecting the universe to have notices, and close in on him.
(09:27:00 PM) ***Cagliostro observes, without the Lens and with.
(09:27:03 PM) Cagliostro: (calmly)
(09:27:12 PM) ***Mistress_Janice blinks mildly.
(09:27:28 PM) ***Spot looks around hopefully a moment,
(09:27:44 PM) dkap: Spot: the puckering is greater, but no damage yet.
(09:28:02 PM) ***Spot whimpers soothingly at the Umbra.
(09:28:03 PM) dkap: Diego: Umm ... that was unexpected ... to say the least.
(09:28:15 PM) dkap: I had thought ... well ...
(09:28:17 PM) dkap: Perhaps ...
(09:28:26 PM) dkap: Does anyone have a scale?
(09:29:19 PM) dkap: Diego: Nevermindnevermind. (while brushing away all of the rust he can)
(09:29:27 PM) Mistress_Janice: Like a reptile scale, or something to weigh and measure?
(09:29:29 PM) dkap: He is left with a much smaller, very orange lump.
(09:29:59 PM) dkap: And is writing copious notes in his notebook.
(09:30:24 PM) dkap: After he stops, he looks at the count, and says: "Harder you said? i believe it to be in the other direction ..."
(09:30:33 PM) Cagliostro: "Interesting."
(09:30:53 PM) Cagliostro: "I will attempt my own demonstration..."
(09:30:56 PM) Spot: "Told you. Different magics. Or you're doing something different."
(09:30:57 PM) Cagliostro: gm: conjure a scale.
(09:31:00 PM) Cagliostro: or attempt to, and fail.
(09:31:16 PM) dkap: Spot, no puckering around the Count.
(09:31:25 PM) dkap: And the scale is not conjured.
(09:31:27 PM) Cagliostro: (darn tootin')
(09:31:30 PM) Spot: 'It's why we don't like to let mages in the Umbra." He grins toothily at the mage.
(09:31:30 PM) dkap: Diego waits.
(09:31:35 PM) Cagliostro: "Behold the results."
(09:31:56 PM) dkap: Diego: Too subtle for me, I missed what you did.
(09:31:56 PM) Spot: "The umbra ain't reacting to you, Count, like it is to him."
(09:32:05 PM) Cagliostro: "I tried to conjure something, and failed."
(09:32:28 PM) Cagliostro: gm: do I think I could reproduce what he did, or is it too individual?
(09:32:37 PM) Spot: (afik)
(09:32:51 PM) ***Mistress_Janice asks Spot, "How is it reacting?"
(09:33:21 PM) dkap: He simply seemed to increase the entropy in that spot ... nothing all that complex.
(09:33:50 PM) Cagliostro: gm: pick up a handful of soil, and try to do the same thing to the soil.
(09:35:00 PM) dkap: Diego: Do you want to try the same lump, or a similar one? I carry several, for testing purposes.
(09:35:43 PM) dkap: (The ground is the Umbra's imagining of it ... it might be aging and you would never be able to tell ...
(09:36:32 PM) Cagliostro: "A similar lump would be excellent."
(09:37:05 PM) dkap: He hands you one from his pack.
(09:37:16 PM) Cagliostro: gm: attempt to do what he did, onto the similar lump.
(09:37:35 PM) dkap: After your concentration, and strong effort, it is a touch more pitted, maybe a hint of oxidation.
(09:37:50 PM) Cagliostro: "Hm."
(09:38:04 PM) Cagliostro: "There is some effect, but if we're doing something different, I don't see it."
(09:38:30 PM) dkap: Diego: "Ahh yes, exactly the expected result. You understand the spell."
(09:39:16 PM) dkap: Now, if I could simply do what you did ... was all the extra power to keep it in check?
(09:40:08 PM) Cagliostro: "The extra power was to accomplish what I did."
(09:40:32 PM) Cagliostro: gm: quietly attempt to increase the entropy in the stone as weakly as I can.
(09:40:34 PM) Cagliostro: just in case.
(09:40:50 PM) dkap: Nothing.
(09:40:58 PM) Cagliostro: that's what I thought, but worth a try.
(09:41:10 PM) dkap: Indeed.
(09:41:30 PM) Cagliostro: "You see my confusion. This place seems like it would be quite magically receptive. And yet for me, it .... isn't."
(09:42:08 PM) dkap: Diego: Let me try something from a different Riyu ...
(09:43:19 PM) dkap: There is a flash of light so bright that everyone is blinded for a moment. Spot, just before you passed out, you had the distinct impression of the umbra smacking something and hitting you simply due to proximity.
(09:43:22 PM) ***Spot says to Janice, "It's...puckering around Diego, but not around either of you. Or me. But I'm *supposed* to be here."
(09:43:34 PM) ***Spot then passes out in the light
(09:44:15 PM) Mistress_Janice: Any effects to the rest of us? I presume Diego is nowhere to be seen...
(09:44:38 PM) dkap: The gorgon is unconscious, the Ifrit are as well. Mistress Janice, you have a wall-banger of a headache, and the Count is somewhat staggered, but everyone else is out.
(09:44:52 PM) dkap: When senses return Diego is, indeed, gone.
(09:44:58 PM) Cagliostro: "Ow."
(09:45:18 PM) Cagliostro: the vampires are also knocked out?
(09:45:43 PM) ***Mistress_Janice tries to peer around blearily. "Did we lose him? Did he pop out of the Umbra? Puckering... did it *eat* him?"
(09:46:16 PM) dkap: Delna has gone, but Meiglan is, indeed unconscious.
(09:46:29 PM) Cagliostro: Delna went where? Back to the castle?
(09:49:12 PM) dkap: Yes, there was something she needed to deal with, just before the folks showed up. You gated her there.
(09:49:32 PM) Cagliostro: I thought so. Had slipped my mind.
(09:49:37 PM) Cagliostro: I didn't realize vampires could get knocked out.
(09:49:53 PM) Cagliostro: No one seems in serious distress, except possibly Diego, who is in an undisclosed location?
(09:50:12 PM) Spot: (how long am I out cold?)
(09:51:06 PM) dkap: A few moments.
(09:51:29 PM) ***Spot comes to with a snarl and looks around to see if the Umbra's hurt.
(09:51:54 PM) dkap: The umbra seems ... much better now.
(09:52:15 PM) ***Spot looks around. "Whatever that was, was unwise."
(09:52:51 PM) ***Mistress_Janice asks Spot, "Is he just out in the material world again, or did he disintegrate?"
(09:52:57 PM) Cagliostro: "Apparently so."
(09:53:06 PM) Spot: GM: Can I even tell?
(09:53:46 PM) dkap: Nope ... but he's not here ...
(09:54:51 PM) Cagliostro: "Would you mind taking a gander on the other side?"
(09:54:52 PM) Spot: "I have no idea."
(09:55:11 PM) Mistress_Janice: Oh, I thought she could just look across.
(09:55:16 PM) ***Spot shrugs. "I can look."
(09:55:29 PM) Mistress_Janice: How long were we out?
(09:55:30 PM) ***Spot pokes his head through the umbra to see if the mage is in the tent.
(09:55:50 PM) Cagliostro: (we moved a bit so that we didn't experiment where the kids had been)
(09:56:43 PM) Spot: oh right
(09:56:54 PM) Spot: then I'll just poke my head through
(09:57:03 PM) dkap: Count, Mistress_Janice, you were just dazed, not out.
(09:57:19 PM) Cagliostro: I will confirm to Janice that as far I know, she wasn't knocked out
(09:57:27 PM) Mistress_Janice: Oh, good. Take something for my headache.
(09:58:41 PM) Cagliostro: okay, I need to turn into a pumpkin
(09:58:47 PM) Cagliostro: feel free to continue without me
(09:58:51 PM) dkap: Right ... pumpkin away.
(09:58:54 PM) Cagliostro: dkap, you can puppet Cagliostro as seems appropriate
(09:59:19 PM) Cagliostro left the room (quit: Quit: Leaving.).
(09:59:31 PM) Spot: anything there on the other side, or is the mage just gone?
(09:59:46 PM) dkap: Mage is gone, and there is a crater where your tent used to be.
(10:00:04 PM) dkap: Puppeting commencing ... *grin*
(10:00:07 PM) Mistress_Janice: I thought we'd moved away from the tent?
(10:00:41 PM) Spot: yeah we moved away remember?
(10:00:45 PM) Spot: there's a crater somewhere else
(10:01:20 PM) Mistress_Janice: Unless they blew up the tent while we weren't looking, hoping to catch us inside... :D
(10:01:20 PM) dkap: No, the "poke the head through" is somewhere else, the crater is right where the tent used to be.
(10:01:38 PM) Spot: how could I see it then?
(10:01:40 PM) Mistress_Janice: Ooo, maybe they did.
(10:01:45 PM) Spot: I'm confused
(10:01:46 PM) dkap: The offensive piece came through there ... it might have gone back, there ...
(10:01:55 PM) dkap: You are a little distance off.
(10:03:26 PM) Spot: I pull my head back
(10:03:34 PM) Spot: "There's been an explosion."
(10:03:36 PM) dkap: Otherwise it would be all smokey and ashy where you poked your head out.
(10:03:39 PM) Spot: "The tent's gone."
(10:04:13 PM) ***Mistress_Janice blinks again. "Well... That was... emphatic."
(10:04:32 PM) Spot: "I think the Umbra was upset."
(10:04:49 PM) dkap: Count: (Note to self, don't piss off the Umbra.)
(10:04:57 PM) Spot: "He's possibly disintegrated. Elsewise he's somewhere very disgruntled."
(10:06:05 PM) dkap: Something "dis" anyway.
(10:07:28 PM) Mistress_Janice: "I don't think he had time to head elsewhere. You say the tent's gone? It was close to those soldier boys... are they all right?"
(10:07:47 PM) Spot: " was a sizable crater but I didn't see them."
(10:08:19 PM) dkap: They don't seem to be moving around much, at the moment. They might have ducked and covered, or got blown to bits, but ... your peek didn't show them doing much.
(10:09:22 PM) ***Mistress_Janice rubs at her forehead. "Lovely. This is all going so well..."
(10:09:49 PM) Spot: "They might be dead. I'm not really sure."
(10:10:17 PM) ***Spot glances at Janice a moment. "Headache?"
(10:10:30 PM) Delna [] entered the room.
(10:10:32 PM) ***Mistress_Janice nods. "The flash was quite something."
(10:10:57 PM) Spot: "I don't think I could heal you. Not sure. Healing's not my strongest Gift."
(10:12:23 PM) ***Mistress_Janice shakes her head, albeit only very slightly. "I've taken some aspirin, it will sort itself out. He didn't say anything about what he was trying, so we've very little to go on. Somehow I doubt there's a steady supply of those Magi to try these experiments with. We have *got* to get on some other tack. This isn't working..."
(10:13:03 PM) arkhonI1 [] entered the room.
(10:13:22 PM) Mistress_Janice: Welcome, Delna and Arkhon...
(10:13:48 PM) Delna: Hello!
(10:13:59 PM) ***Spot likes the idea of a steady supply of exploding mages, but doesn't say it out loud.
(10:14:05 PM) Spot: hi there you two
(10:14:40 PM) dkap: Hey, if you hook a power-generator to it, you could probably solve the energy crisis ...
(10:14:42 PM) dkap: *grin*
(10:15:53 PM) Delna: I had a massive brain fart today, sorry so late. I was watching a new play, and during some part of the day forgot entirely about game tonight!
(10:16:13 PM) dkap: Ahh ... I have you on a hook ... still.
(10:17:32 PM) Delna: well, brilliant!
(10:18:24 PM) dkap: Indeed.
(10:19:21 PM) Mistress_Janice: If you wanna bring Delna up to speed at her locale, I've no objection.
(10:19:37 PM) Spot: I could actually do with pumpkining
(10:20:39 PM) Mistress_Janice: Sleep well, Spot!
(10:20:45 PM) Spot: hight folks
(10:20:48 PM) Spot left the room (quit: Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.86 [SeaMonkey 2.0.8/20100914140239]).
(10:21:12 PM) dkap: Perhaps we should pumpkin here then?
(10:21:25 PM) dkap: Without spot, Count, Meiglan, etc ...
(10:22:15 PM) Mistress_Janice: Well, there's no reason NOT to bring Delna up to speed, if she's up for it.
(10:22:33 PM) Delna: I'm up for that. I would love to know what I am doing ;P
(10:23:12 PM) Delna: Or at least what I will want to know later about what I have not been doing
(10:24:38 PM) dkap: That should be done, in character. I can run you what you've been doing on your hook ...
(10:26:12 PM) Delna: I'm up for that for the next half hour if you are. Else-wise we could do it via email if that works better.
(10:26:31 PM) dkap: Either way!
(10:27:05 PM) Mistress_Janice: Here! Inquiring minds want to read!
(10:27:16 PM) Delna: ready set go
(10:28:34 PM) dkap: When last we left, I believe you had gated back to the Castle to deal with the beginning of the night-shift there, and the "town meeting" and the feeding time/schedule.
(10:29:46 PM) dkap: Scene opens, castle in the background, sun just ... well ... "set" is wrong, but close enough.
(10:29:56 PM) Delna: Yes, I had gated back to the castle, but was unsure of what I was facing there. How much time has passed here since I left previously?
(10:30:32 PM) dkap: About a day cycle and a half.
(10:30:46 PM) Delna: wow, ok.
(10:30:52 PM) dkap: It was just dawn when you left, and there has been another dawn since then, and it is now dusk.
(10:30:56 PM) Delna: So town meeting and feeding schedule
(10:31:23 PM) dkap: Indeed.
(10:32:22 PM) arkhonI1 left the room (quit: EOF from client).
(10:32:25 PM) Delna: Which has not happened to this time. I am certain we will begin the meeting with the passing of vitae seeing as it will be needed
(10:34:30 PM) dkap: Cupful after cupful, yes.,
(10:37:24 PM) dkap: After it's been passed around (in what is starting to feel more and more like a religious ceremony.)
(10:39:15 PM) Delna: We had had a meeting with towns people and my advisors to draw up times and rules that would suit everyone well enough I believe
(10:39:51 PM) Delna: So this is the information that would be disseminated to the group tonight
(10:42:15 PM) dkap: Indeed, it does spark some arguments, especially about having the "cattle" be in control of the feeding schedule.
(10:46:04 PM) dkap: A moment, the phone.
(10:57:33 PM) Delna: I will remind dissenters that the humans here are volunteering, and that this is the agreement of our new home. We have a haven here because of the Count and Eric (Eric is the Hamster, yes?), and this haven remains upon the condition that we live in peace with these villagers. Is there anyone who truly wishes to go against them..or to clear a land of vengeful, dismembering spirits on their own?
(10:58:16 PM) Mistress_Janice: Yes, Hamster Eric.
(10:58:25 PM) Delna: merci
(10:59:15 PM) Mistress_Janice: bien sur
(11:02:31 PM) dkap: Sorry about that ...
(11:02:57 PM) Delna: s'okay
(11:03:04 PM) dkap: There is actually a small group that want to go back to their glory-days of being in charge of all the local peasants, and having whatever they want, whenever they want.
(11:03:18 PM) dkap: They are somewhat vocal, and you can tell there is a ... temptation in that direction.
(11:03:27 PM) dkap: Many have lived that way, or wanted to live that way, for a very long time.
(11:04:52 PM) dkap: There seems to be ... some support for it.
(11:05:39 PM) Delna: gm: of what we know of these people, since they are vampire cultists of some kind...did I get any impression from them during any of the meetings that some of them might choose a life style as such?... ..stranger things could happen..and of course, have
(11:05:56 PM) dkap: And you notice that those in support are all gathered together, conveniently, perhaps, near one of the exits ...
(11:07:12 PM) dkap: Your main interface was with the Mayor (who is somewhat milqtoast, but expects to be in charge) and the girls who would probably do anything to be seen as "gothier-than-thou" but ... not much beyond that.
(11:07:35 PM) Delna: gm: motion to my advisors, possibly some body guards as I hope we have around for this, and have them stand close over there to stop anything that might rise up.
(11:08:29 PM) Delna: how big is the dissenting group currently?
(11:08:37 PM) Delna: the outspoken dissenting group
(11:08:58 PM) dkap: A double handful seem to be solid, another score or so seem to be able to be swayable.
(11:13:57 PM) dkap: So, not an inconsiderate group.
(11:15:58 PM) dkap: Did I lose you?
(11:16:13 PM) Delna: no..typing
(11:16:15 PM) Delna: sorry!
(11:16:39 PM) dkap: S'ok.
(11:16:43 PM) dkap: Just wasn't sure.
(11:20:36 PM) Delna: "A moment *motion for quiet and calm*. I understand your desires, and I must also think of our long term ability to stay here. It is possible that something might be able to be arranged, but I need some time to work this out. For the time being, the schedule will remain. I will look into other arrangements over the next few days. Is there a Ventrue among you who wishes to work with me on...
(11:20:38 PM) Delna: ...this matter?"
(11:21:01 PM) Delna: (the elipses were put in my the computer, not
(11:21:19 PM) Delna: 8by
(11:21:25 PM) Delna: **by
(11:21:31 PM) dkap: I know the program ... *grin*
(11:22:23 PM) dkap: There is some discussion, and a Toreodor is willing to work with you, from their number.
(11:24:11 PM) dkap: And now I'm falling asleep.
(11:25:21 PM) Delna: mmhmm, I should also get to bed. Thank you!
(11:26:13 PM) Delna: I will try to email you this week with some things for this plotline
(11:27:43 PM) dkap: Excellent.
(11:27:54 PM) Delna: Otherwise wrap up by saying that if there is anything they want considered, they should submit something in writing to their representative, the Toreador
(11:28:02 PM) Delna: Have a good sleep!
(11:30:49 PM) Delna left the room (quit: Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.5.13/20100914130356]).
(11:42:09 PM) The account has disconnected and you are no longer in this chat. You will be automatically rejoined in the chat when the account reconnects.

(08:09:57 PM) The topic for #dkap_amber is: Game as usual, logs at: ; wiki-wiki at:
(08:10:16 PM) Cagliostro: aha, GM sign
(08:13:12 PM) dkap: Indeed.
(08:17:21 PM) dkap: And in a moment or two this thing should Auth me.
(08:17:26 PM) dkap: *sigh* or not.
(08:19:13 PM) Mistress_Janice [] entered the room.
(08:19:46 PM) dkap: Greetings.
(08:19:53 PM) dkap: I believe the gang is mostly here?
(08:20:00 PM) dkap: Where did we leave off?
(08:20:10 PM) Mistress_Janice: Big boom, I think. The mage exploded...
(08:21:27 PM) Mistress_Janice: Or something did. Tent's a crater, mage is nowhere to be found.
(08:22:20 PM) dkap: And there was the puckering of the umbra, as well.
(08:23:34 PM) Cagliostro: yes
(08:23:43 PM) Mistress_Janice: Which only Spot noticed, though.
(08:24:15 PM) Cagliostro: and people are recovering
(08:24:26 PM) Cagliostro: from the umbraquaking kaboom
(08:25:06 PM) Cagliostro: I don't have last week's logs immediately handy, though
(08:25:17 PM) Cagliostro: but I thought that Spot was going to check for the mage soonish
(08:25:28 PM) Cagliostro: on the other side of the gauntlet
(08:28:00 PM) dkap: We might need Spot to continue through ...
(08:28:05 PM) dkap: I've pinged Gleep.
(08:50:16 PM) Delna: Would Delna be present in all of this action..or would she be back at the castle for this? I know time works funny between the two locations..
(08:53:12 PM) dkap: You are, as far as I know, still back at the castle. We have to bring you up to time.
(08:53:24 PM) dkap: I'm sure the others wouldn't mind overhearing what goes on there ...
(08:53:37 PM) Cagliostro: no worries
(08:53:38 PM) Mistress_Janice: And it would mean we're not *just* waiting for Gleep. :)
(08:58:47 PM) Delna: h'okay.
(09:01:25 PM) Delna: Is Hamster Eric still around the castle and able to be contacted, or did he go elsewhere?
(09:01:36 PM) Mistress_Janice: Eric is with me.
(09:02:24 PM) Meiglan [] entered the room.
(09:02:27 PM) Delna: Hmm, ok.
(09:04:01 PM) Spot [] entered the room.
(09:04:10 PM) Mistress_Janice: Yay!
(09:04:18 PM) dkap: And they all go down together.
(09:04:26 PM) dkap: Was there a time-shift that I missed?
(09:04:29 PM) Spot: omg sorry folks
(09:04:38 PM) Spot: I like totally spaced and was reading
(09:05:00 PM) dkap: *grin*
(09:05:04 PM) dkap: It happens to the best of us.
(09:05:19 PM) dkap: Right ... Delna was exploring the possibilities of a rebellion.
(09:06:20 PM) dkap: The mage is gone, possibly boom, possibly simply squirted out of the Umbra.
(09:07:31 PM) Spot: Spot is hoping for the deaded. Just on general principle.
(09:07:43 PM) dkap: *grin*
(09:10:14 PM) Meiglan left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
(09:10:55 PM) Mistress_Janice: Why *is* Spot putting up with all these goody-two-shoes, anyway?
(09:11:28 PM) Spot: I got a cool sword out of it so far.
(09:11:40 PM) Spot: And the girls are pretty.
(09:11:51 PM) Delna: I want to explore possible options for those who refuse to give up the privileges previously had in our former world. If I can get a hold of the Count, Janice and/or Hamster Eric to discuss this that would be ideal since they know more about how we were brought here. If not, we will have to come up with local options.
(09:14:03 PM) Meiglan [] entered the room.
(09:14:31 PM) ***Mistress_Janice staples Meiglan down.
(09:15:34 PM) Meiglan: OUCH!
(09:16:20 PM) Mistress_Janice: That'll teach y't'jus' blow away inna wind...
(09:17:50 PM) dkap: Especially since we saw staples this weekend. And braces.
(09:19:35 PM) Meiglan: now I feel like the poor, unfortunate sailor who was pegged to the ship in Yellow Beard.
(09:21:16 PM) dkap: I thought it was someone else who was being pegged?
(09:21:31 PM) dkap: Not that that individual is sitting not 4 feet from me, completely oblivious to our conversation.
(09:21:35 PM) dkap: Do you think I should tell him?
(09:21:37 PM) dkap: *grin*
(09:21:43 PM) Cagliostro: I suspect that is a different game
(09:21:46 PM) Cagliostro: though also diceless
(09:22:03 PM) dkap: It was diceless, yes.
(09:22:07 PM) Mistress_Janice: Play nice!
(09:22:16 PM) Meiglan: Yes, yes you should.
(09:23:47 PM) Cagliostro: and we consented to run Amber, so...
(09:23:58 PM) dkap: Right ... game, run.
(09:23:59 PM) dkap: Sorry.
(09:24:00 PM) Cagliostro: is there another Hamster in the Castle?
(09:24:04 PM) Mistress_Janice: ...all right, you don't have to play nice.
(09:24:12 PM) Cagliostro: Hamster Brand was around the Firefly crew for a while
(09:25:32 PM) dkap: I believe he checked with Eric, saw that he had everything in ... paw? and went off to try and figure out what happened to shadow.
(09:26:28 PM) Cagliostro: so, no Eric, Brand, Janice, or Cagliostro, but a contact path to Cagliostro's people, who would probably not be terribly helpful to Delna in this matter.
(09:27:18 PM) Mistress_Janice: What the heck... I just got a warning.
(09:27:24 PM) You're not channel operator
(09:27:34 PM) Mistress_Janice: OpServ* WARNING: You have connected the maximum permitted number of clients from one IP address (clones). If you connect any more, your host will be temporarily banned from the network.
(09:27:43 PM) dkap: Yes, I know ... *sigh*
(09:27:47 PM) dkap: Stupid software.
(09:28:09 PM) Mistress_Janice: Oh, okay, good. I was worried *I* had sdone something stupid.
(09:28:40 PM) dkap: Not yet.
(09:28:53 PM) Spot: Give it time?
(09:30:13 PM) Delna: Heheh, indeed
(09:30:22 PM) ***Mistress_Janice thpppbts. But politely.
(09:30:23 PM) dkap: So, you are looking for a connection to the Count?
(09:30:41 PM) PolloRaro [] entered the room.
(09:30:55 PM) dkap: Ut-oh, summoned, he appears.
(09:30:58 PM) Delna: Yes. I believe we had a radio connection? True or was this for something else?
(09:31:08 PM) Cagliostro: yes, radio connection.
(09:31:11 PM) PolloRaro: so,what's all this about pegging?
(09:31:23 PM) Cagliostro: it's not Amber, is what it is.
(09:31:31 PM) Meiglan: Mistress Janice has been baaaaadddd.
(09:31:42 PM) Mistress_Janice: I have not!
(09:31:57 PM) Mistress_Janice: I was stapling down the last person who VANished, when she returned!
(09:32:46 PM) Spot: Do I need to be Auricle and reorder reality again?
(09:33:20 PM) dkap: Always, why should this be different from any other game run?
(09:33:31 PM) Spot is now known as Auricle
(09:33:37 PM) Cagliostro: don't we need to actually run for it to be a game run?
(09:33:47 PM) ***Auricle rewrites reality so the GM runs his game.
(09:33:49 PM) Cagliostro: I don't think we've qualified yet.
(09:34:27 PM) dkap: So, Delna, are you radioing the Count?
(09:34:30 PM) Auricle is now known as Spot
(09:34:33 PM) dkap: (Wow ... it worked ...)
(09:35:53 PM) Delna: Yes, I will radio the count.
(09:36:40 PM) Cagliostro: at what time do I get the message (If I do?)
(09:36:56 PM) Delna: I will ask what our options might be for relocating rebellious vamps who do not wish to play nicely with others.
(09:37:13 PM) dkap: Well ... let's see ... time for the meeting, the feeding, the rebellion ... I'd say it's about 10 minutes in your future.
(09:37:34 PM) dkap: So, to catch up to that point, what, exactly are we doing about the missing mage, the crater, and the boom?
(09:37:51 PM) Cagliostro: well, Spot is checking the other side
(09:37:57 PM) Cagliostro: to see if the mage was kicked out of the Umbra
(09:38:08 PM) Cagliostro: and he can go ahead and drag Cagliostro with him, should he so choose
(09:39:11 PM) Spot: Sure I'll do that
(09:40:01 PM) dkap: Spot had put a head through, reported the hole where the tent was, some distance away, and ...
(09:40:48 PM) Spot: and that was as much as we knew
(09:40:50 PM) Spot: iirc
(09:41:06 PM) Mistress_Janice: Current state of the deployed military folk?
(09:41:27 PM) dkap: In disarray.
(09:41:41 PM) dkap: Right, that's where we left the action, the reaction was all on you folks ...
(09:43:11 PM) Spot: "So there's a big crater, and the soldiers are all in disarray."
(09:43:25 PM) Cagliostro: "Hm."
(09:43:40 PM) Cagliostro: "Where's the crater? Where we are?"
(09:44:15 PM) dkap: Crater is a bit away, where you _were_ where you entered the umbra.
(09:44:36 PM) Spot: "Back at what used to be a tent."
(09:44:56 PM) Cagliostro: "Huh. Any sign of the mage?"
(09:45:20 PM) Spot: "Nope."
(09:45:46 PM) mode (+o dkap) by ChanServ
(09:46:30 PM) ***Cagliostro hms.
(09:46:40 PM) Cagliostro: "Bring me through?"
(09:47:33 PM) ***Spot transpots the Count through back to the 'real' world
(09:47:53 PM) Cagliostro: gm: try to scry for the mage or his location.
(09:48:05 PM) Cagliostro: and also: odds of a resurrection without parts or a backup?
(09:48:35 PM) dkap: You are some distance away from the tent, but still within the ring of folks, do you want to move outside that, or stay within it?
(09:48:48 PM) dkap: And, do you want to look somewhat disheveled from the explosion?
(09:49:22 PM) Cagliostro: I want to do a quick check where I am
(09:49:35 PM) Cagliostro: and no to disheveled; I don't want them to rush over to offer medical attention
(09:50:56 PM) dkap: Are you just going to lens around for him? Or actually attempt, with your ... to date ... wonderful track record, to actually scry for him?
(09:53:01 PM) Cagliostro: lens first, for fragments and impressions
(09:53:42 PM) Cagliostro: I have to succeed sooner or later at scrying! But yes, I'll put it off.
(09:53:49 PM) Cagliostro: I have a better chance at succeeding here than in the Umbra.
(09:54:42 PM) dkap: True enough.
(09:55:27 PM) dkap: There is a living bit of carbon block that doesn't belong here, and definitely wasn't here before, somewhat embedded in the side of one of the trees.
(09:55:45 PM) ***Spot hunkers down and looks a bit tired.
(09:55:55 PM) Cagliostro: excellent!
(09:56:01 PM) Cagliostro: for fairly tragic values of excellent.
(09:56:04 PM) Cagliostro: extract the carbon.
(09:56:50 PM) dkap: You'd have to go over to it, and that would definitely involve being noticed by the ... gathered folks.
(09:57:53 PM) Cagliostro: I'm really going to have to learn an invisibility spell. I'll add that to my to-do list.
(09:58:17 PM) Cagliostro: nothing to be done, go over to the carbon block.
(09:58:26 PM) ***Cagliostro starts mentally working on a story.
(10:00:19 PM) Cagliostro: I think bizarre, unflappable overconfidence is the way to go here.
(10:00:26 PM) Cagliostro: gm: are the soldiers injured or just freaked out?
(10:00:58 PM) dkap: Some of them are injured, you are sure that others are going to be more than freaked, thinking you were in the tent that blew so badly.
(10:01:30 PM) dkap: But they were preparing for an unknown disaster, and, look, here was an unknown disaster, right on schedule.
(10:01:39 PM) Spot: (I'll eat those. That'll work.)
(10:02:34 PM) Cagliostro: gm: tighten the ward, go in.
(10:02:43 PM) Cagliostro: and make sure Spot isn't in crinos form.
(10:02:59 PM) Cagliostro: by *ahem*ing, if necessary.
(10:05:28 PM) dkap: Spot? He's eyeing the soldiers as if they were food, and is, most definitely in crinos.
(10:05:50 PM) Cagliostro: "Spot? Would you mind waiting right here? I'll be right back."
(10:12:15 PM) Spot: "I guess"
(10:12:54 PM) Cagliostro: "Thank you kindly."
(10:13:36 PM) Cagliostro: gm: go over, congratulate them on their role in the plan, explain that the decoy was apparently successful, and that more information will follow from the next group.
(10:13:54 PM) Cagliostro: Then grab the carbon bit and head back to Spot.
(10:14:32 PM) dkap: They seem to be completely confused by you, and yet, accept your story, and start tidying up for "the next one".
(10:19:56 PM) Cagliostro: excellent. so I get the chunk?
(10:20:32 PM) dkap: You have the chunk, yes.
(10:20:57 PM) Spot: "back to the Umbra?"
(10:22:30 PM) Cagliostro: "briefly, at least. We should probably return to the castle, so I can reconstitute the mage."
(10:23:00 PM) Spot: "Re...constitute?" He shakes his head. "Sounds painful."
(10:23:08 PM) dkap: And that's when the radio goes off.
(10:23:15 PM) ***Spot pops back into the Umbra with the count.
(10:24:13 PM) Cagliostro: "Shall we move on? I believe that a rest break back at the castle is called for."
(10:25:27 PM) ***Spot nods. "I could seriously sleep. And eat."
(10:27:12 PM) Cagliostro: gm: shift through the Umbra briefly, back to the real world, then gate to the castle
(10:27:45 PM) dkap: Everyone? Blue boy's dragonfly?
(10:27:49 PM) dkap: Gorgon?
(10:27:54 PM) Cagliostro: is everyone up to it?
(10:27:57 PM) Cagliostro: gorgon yes
(10:28:02 PM) Cagliostro: I didn't think we still had the dragonfly
(10:28:04 PM) Cagliostro: but if we do, sure
(10:28:10 PM) Spot: I think we do
(10:28:30 PM) Mistress_Janice: Sure.
(10:29:05 PM) Cagliostro: then we do. sure, we'll bring that along too.
(10:29:29 PM) Cagliostro: and so Delna, Cagliostro, and Eric return to the castle!
(10:29:42 PM) Cagliostro: without ever actually returning the radio message ;)
(10:29:46 PM) Mistress_Janice: ...and the rest of us, too.
(10:29:53 PM) Cagliostro: heh
(10:30:02 PM) Cagliostro: I meant Janice, Cagliostro, and Eric, who were looked for earlier.
(10:30:16 PM) Cagliostro: But yes, everyone else too. No offense meant to anyone I left out.
(10:30:24 PM) Spot: I ferry a lot of people o the castle, then curl up in a corner with my sword and sleep warily. but sleep. Because I've been busy.
(10:30:58 PM) Cagliostro:
(10:31:28 PM) Cagliostro: whoops. wrong window. but hey.
(10:31:47 PM) Meiglan left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
(10:33:29 PM) Cagliostro: so, back at the castle: can I start regrowing the mage?
(10:33:35 PM) Cagliostro: I'll create a new bacta tank for him
(10:37:02 PM) dkap: You aren't sure you can re-grow him, but ... he's definitely alive in the block ...
(10:37:40 PM) Cagliostro: Hm.
(10:37:43 PM) Cagliostro: how large is the block?
(10:37:48 PM) Cagliostro: I guess I thought he'd fragmented.
(10:43:01 PM) dkap: He's pretty much just in there.
(10:43:09 PM) dkap: Its about 7 inches on a side.
(10:43:30 PM) Mistress_Janice: Still alive? Okay, that's impressive.
(10:44:09 PM) Cagliostro: Hm.
(10:44:11 PM) Cagliostro: "puzzling."
(10:44:23 PM) ***Cagliostro studies the block with the lens.
(10:45:52 PM) dkap: It's definitely made up of him ...
(10:47:24 PM) Cagliostro: so it's a 7x7 chunk of him, or it's him somehow trapped and resized?
(10:48:23 PM) dkap: Trapped, compressed, and resized. It's very dense.
(10:48:30 PM) PolloRaro left the room (quit: Quit: Leaving).
(10:50:28 PM) Cagliostro: hm. Like nothing I'd seen before?
(10:51:14 PM) ***Mistress_Janice goes to see what Delna wanted. Oh, shit - I can't, I don't know she wants anything. :/
(10:53:29 PM) Cagliostro: well, we do know she was calling the count, so you could go check that out
(10:53:38 PM) Cagliostro: while I study the box'o'mage
(10:54:25 PM) dkap: Or, we could notice the time, and call it a game?
(10:54:31 PM) Cagliostro: also true
(10:54:47 PM) Cagliostro: so we'll start next week with a mage box, and janice and eric talking to delna
(10:54:48 PM) Mistress_Janice: I think you got the radio call on the other side.
(10:55:00 PM) Cagliostro: I got the radio call just as Spot pulled me through, I thought
(10:55:01 PM) Spot: kk
(10:55:04 PM) Spot: yes
(10:55:05 PM) Cagliostro: or just befor
(10:55:06 PM) Cagliostro: *e
(10:55:08 PM) Spot: you did
(10:55:14 PM) Cagliostro: So I heard the call, but couldn't respond till we got back to the castle
(10:56:06 PM) Mistress_Janice: Right, but I'm pretty sure we can't take radio calls in the Umbra. Janice can be told rather easily, though, and go see what she wants.
(10:57:53 PM) Delna: Or perhaps delna runs into someone who has returned. I'm sure we'll find a way of furthering the rebellion plans
(10:58:14 PM) Mistress_Janice: Oh, I thought we wanted to nip them in the bud.
(10:58:21 PM) Delna: or counter-rebellion plans
(10:58:24 PM) Delna: that one
(10:58:29 PM) Cagliostro: janice: what we mean is that dkap said the radio call came through when Spot and I were standing at the entry point.
(10:58:39 PM) Cagliostro: and Spot responded to that by pulling Cagliostro into the Umbra
(10:58:49 PM) dkap: Right.
(10:58:54 PM) Cagliostro: we'll decide next week whether to rebel or counter-rebel, then
(10:59:08 PM) dkap: Indeed. Until next week, true believers, stay tuned!
(10:59:19 PM) Mistress_Janice: Wait, we have to stay here all week?
(10:59:22 PM) dkap: Shakespear himself would have to ask AC Doyle.
(10:59:25 PM) Spot left the room (quit: Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.86 [SeaMonkey 2.0.8/20100914140239]).
(11:00:06 PM) Delna: haha, good night!
(11:00:14 PM) dkap: Good night!
(11:00:23 PM) Delna left the room (quit: Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.6.10/20100914125854]).
(11:00:48 PM) Cagliostro left the room.
(11:03:56 PM) The account has disconnected and you are no longer in this chat. You will be automatically rejoined in the chat when the account reconnects.
(11:04:33 PM) The topic for #dkap_amber is: Game as usual, logs at: ; wiki-wiki at: