Conversation with #dkap_amber

Conversation with #dkap_amber on Tue 21 Dec 2010 09:51:21 AM EST:
(09:51:22 AM) mode (+o dkap) by ChanServ

(08:12:24 PM) mode (+o dkap) by ChanServ
(08:12:33 PM) Mistress_Janice: Boo!
(08:12:48 PM) Mistress_Janice: I got my comp back today! They called at 4:30, said it had just come in.
(08:12:56 PM) ***Mistress_Janice does a little dance.
(08:13:24 PM) dkap: Yay!
(08:13:43 PM) dkap: Now I need to decreate the information on Carpe.
(08:14:22 PM) Cagliostro [] entered the room.
(08:14:30 PM) Cagliostro: ahoyhoy
(08:14:40 PM) Auricle: peoples!
(08:14:43 PM) Mistress_Janice: Hi, Daddy!
(08:15:07 PM) dkap: So, now we are all gathered here, on this auspicious occasion ...
(08:15:16 PM) dkap: Shall the game happen?
(08:15:22 PM) Mistress_Janice: Game on!
(08:15:24 PM) dkap: (Still no word from Mike)
(08:15:56 PM) Cagliostro: sure
(08:17:56 PM) Cagliostro: where did we leave off?
(08:18:21 PM) dkap: I don't remember
(08:18:30 PM) dkap: Anyone? Drumming?
(08:19:21 PM) Auricle: I believe we were drumming people free.
(08:19:30 PM) Cagliostro: (11:01:55 PM) dkap: Martin starts drumming, then, at the time was right, he indicates it's time for the sword ...
(08:19:41 PM) Auricle: (sorry, I'm in rush crafting mode to get presents done, my responses will be slowish)
(08:19:51 PM) Cagliostro: as to the pattern of the containers: (10:51:25 PM) Auricle: I'm going to imagine the pattern overlaid in the box, and open the bottles as if walking the pattern
(08:20:00 PM) Auricle: (and am BACK on antibiotics)
(08:20:03 PM) Cagliostro: and Mistress janice and Cagliostro are considering the thorns
(08:20:28 PM) dkap: Thorns?
(08:20:44 PM) Mistress_Janice: Oh, so I arrived.
(08:20:45 PM) dkap: (Back on Antibiotics? That's not a good thing, what happeend? Lungs?)
(08:21:32 PM) Auricle: (worse, jaw. I had a root canal today too. It's a fun holiday)
(08:21:39 PM) Cagliostro: the thorns from the army in Arden; the ones that destroy life
(08:21:44 PM) Cagliostro: (ow. sympathies.)
(08:22:40 PM) Auricle: (heh, and need a second one, and then a cyst removed from my upper jaw. It's alllllll fun)
(08:22:58 PM) Cagliostro: (for fairly unfun values of fun.)
(08:23:05 PM) dkap: (Are you eating applesauce and icecream?)
(08:23:49 PM) Auricle: (fortunately not, I can have regular food at least.)
(08:23:51 PM) Cagliostro: we were trying to figure out how the darts worked, on multiple leves. this was janice's first exposure to them.
(08:25:03 PM) dkap: Right. As well as having moved away (with the Jager) from the attack spot, in case it was the location, and not the army that called them.
(08:25:10 PM) dkap: And the particular lack of magic now present.
(08:26:22 PM) ***Mistress_Janice will try not to be overexposed. Ahem.
(08:26:41 PM) Mistress_Janice: (Feel better, Gleep! And soon!)
(08:28:48 PM) Auricle: (working on it. :) )
(08:30:18 PM) dkap: So, thorns first, so Gleep can wrap.
(08:31:39 PM) Mistress_Janice: I... examine the thorns? don't let them touch me in a bad way.
(08:32:42 PM) dkap: You should probably not touch them at all, even with your magic.
(08:32:53 PM) Mistress_Janice: Erm.
(08:33:10 PM) Mistress_Janice: Can I look at them via magic, or is that touching?
(08:33:19 PM) ***Mistress_Janice doesn't have a lot of other options.
(08:35:11 PM) dkap: That would probably be touching, unless you can devise a way to write a spell that is divorced from you before it interacts with them.
(08:36:06 PM) Mistress_Janice: Yah, then I've got to get the data back out. Can I do that, some sort of 'remote probe', go gather info and report to me?
(08:37:27 PM) dkap: Somehow, I'm picturing a tinker-toy ...
(08:37:34 PM) Mistress_Janice: Veddy much so.
(08:37:36 PM) dkap: *grin* Yay fringeworthy.
(08:37:57 PM) ***Mistress_Janice banishes the mental 'VGer' picture she had going.
(08:39:28 PM) dkap: You would have to specify the tests and data beforehand, but, yes, you could come up with it. You would probably have to conjour some (0-point) structure to hang it on.
(08:39:30 PM) ***Mistress_Janice hmmms, considering it. "Father, I'm not sure I should even touch these magically. Where did they come from, do you know?"
(08:39:56 PM) Mistress_Janice: GM: We're in a forest. Can't I just use a small rock, or a stick?
(08:40:28 PM) Cagliostro: "They were carried in vast array by a rather capable invading army"
(08:41:02 PM) ***Mistress_Janice hmmms some more. "Can I get a look at some of them? Any casualties around? Perhaps I could determine how *they* carried them safely, and work from there."
(08:42:13 PM) dkap: You could use some sticks and bind them together, or you could just make something that would walk over it, and then walk off again.
(08:42:25 PM) Cagliostro: "They were blown up with great vigor after being defeated. Dalkantyr-scale shields were required to block the explosion."
(08:43:02 PM) Cagliostro: gm: I did see how they were carried, though?
(08:43:29 PM) dkap: Inside their weapons.
(08:43:53 PM) Cagliostro: including the siege weapons?
(08:44:27 PM) ***Mistress_Janice blinks mildly. "So, their... 'masters' destroyed them for failure? And rather thoroughly at that. That's... quite a bit of power. How were the troops stopped in the first place?"
(08:45:12 PM) Cagliostro: "Zack, Auricle, rangers, and myself."
(08:45:32 PM) Cagliostro: "With Auricle's assistance, I was able to remove the darts from the equation."
(08:45:49 PM) Cagliostro: "Basically, I deconjured them."
(08:46:42 PM) Mistress_Janice: "So, *you* could touch them magically."
(08:47:18 PM) Mistress_Janice: "Or did that require Auricle's help?"
(08:47:33 PM) Mistress_Janice: GM/Gleep: Has Janice ever met Auricle?
(08:48:03 PM) Auricle: (You need to ask GM, auricle would never remember. But i do think we have.)
(08:48:14 PM) Cagliostro: "I did touch them with conjuration, but I was overwhelming them at the time. There may have been a brief negative interaction."
(08:48:15 PM) dkap: Yes, you have.
(08:49:29 PM) Cagliostro: "As far as I can tell, Auricle was just making them morer unrealer faster. Somehow. She may have been doing other things. I have no idea what was going on there."
(08:49:51 PM) ***Mistress_Janice considers this. "Could you deconjure one of these, and let me watch? Perhaps I can pull some data from their dissolution."
(08:50:18 PM) ***Cagliostro shrugs
(08:50:21 PM) Cagliostro: gm: deconjure a dart
(08:50:56 PM) dkap: It's much harder without Auricle's help.
(08:52:12 PM) Cagliostro: I figured.
(08:52:24 PM) ***Mistress_Janice sets up observation spells, looking for things like Shadow of Origin, method behind and nature of the necrotic power, and anything like a vulnerability.
(08:54:08 PM) dkap: It's physical matrix seems to be a vulnerability.
(08:54:22 PM) dkap: The vessel would stand out in just about any environment.
(08:55:32 PM) Mistress_Janice: It's not much of a vulnerability if it can't even be touched safely, though.
(08:56:43 PM) dkap: Well, in terms of it being detectable, it is, very.
(08:57:10 PM) dkap: It is a most unique, quasi-living thing, going necrotic, even as you are observing it.
(08:57:11 PM) Mistress_Janice: Detected by what? I seem to have the feeling that even magically observing it would be dangerous.
(08:58:19 PM) Mistress_Janice: GM Norton is the Undead power, who's in charge of Death these days?
(08:59:00 PM) dkap: Simply by feeling the reality or mystic inertia of those things around you.
(08:59:44 PM) Cagliostro: he's in charge of undeath, not death
(08:59:48 PM) Cagliostro: death is a different department
(09:00:01 PM) Mistress_Janice: Right, that's what I was asking.
(09:00:18 PM) Cagliostro: nobody's in charge of death, except maybe the Serpent. Depends on who you ask.
(09:00:26 PM) Mistress_Janice: GM How would one feel such reality? Isn't that an Advanced Pattern power?
(09:02:09 PM) Mistress_Janice: Oh, do the thorns seem to have been conjured in the first place? Or did they grow? Is the necrosis intrinsic, or was it added?
(09:02:32 PM) dkap: Necrosis is added.
(09:03:12 PM) dkap: They might have grown, but it's not probable.
(09:03:38 PM) Mistress_Janice: Is there any reason in particular (that I can tell or infer) that they're thorn shaped?
(09:04:18 PM) dkap: Umm ... because they are? They look like thorns carefully harvested.
(09:05:59 PM) Mistress_Janice: Yes, but it seems unlikely they grew, so it's also unlikely they were harvested. Is there some aerodynamic reason perhaps? I guess what I'm wondering is, is there any particular reason (that I might be able to tell) that this ammunition is shaped like this? Are they all alike, or do they vary as would natural thorns?
(09:07:01 PM) dkap: They vary as natural thorns would.
(09:07:14 PM) dkap: It might be that they need to be something that was once live to carry the necrosis.
(09:08:01 PM) Mistress_Janice: Ah!
(09:08:41 PM) Mistress_Janice: Can I come up with some (probably a spell) way to make the thorn itself inhospitable to the power invested in it?
(09:12:47 PM) dkap: You can come up with a speculation of a spell, but would probably need your father's assistance to pull it off, along the lines of his advanced conjuration.
(09:14:50 PM) ***Cagliostro is happy to provide said assistance.
(09:16:20 PM) Mistress_Janice: "Father, what do you want to accomplish here? I think the thorns are actually living, albeit likely conjured, matrices on which the necrotic power has been imposed, which leads me to think that they require some sort of, pardon the expression, life support. I *might* be able to come up with something to separate the two, but I thought I'd see if that was what you were after."
(09:17:00 PM) Mistress_Janice: "Do you want a counter-weapon, or a source for these, or some antidote to their effects, or something else entirely?"
(09:17:03 PM) Cagliostro: "I'd like to be able to understand against the necrotic power, this permanent conjuration aura trick, and also to be able to easily detect and defend against it. Ideally."
(09:17:17 PM) Cagliostro: "An antidote would also be appreciated."
(09:18:21 PM) Mistress_Janice: "They seem eminently detectable. As an aura... I'm afraid my understanding of conjuration must fall short. I thought most such enchantments are in effect auras, as they're additions to the basic item, not alterations."
(09:19:41 PM) Mistress_Janice: "A defense... is not going to be easy. I'm not even sure I could define a one-time spell to separate them without your help, and help of your calibre is not widely available."
(09:19:52 PM) Cagliostro: "What would separating them accomplish?"
(09:20:51 PM) Cagliostro: "Conjuration - or deconjuration - is fundamentally a matter of applied will on the world. The item is somehow radiating an aura of deconjuring life, or so I believe. I had not experienced this before."
(09:22:18 PM) Mistress_Janice: "It should make the thorns themselves harmless, and dissipate the necrosis, as it seems to require a matrix on which to 'hang' much as a spell in abeyance does. Perhaps these are somehow hung spells of conjuration? Though that argues they wouldn't persist - once a target was dead, they'd be expended, like a shell casing."
(09:22:53 PM) Mistress_Janice: GM Are there any 'dead' ammunition? Or is all the evidence 'live' ordnance?
(09:23:33 PM) dkap: There might have been, but they might have been destroyed in your and Auricle's sweep of them.
(09:25:07 PM) Mistress_Janice: That should be easy enough to test. Find a live, unattached branch, and see if a thorn touched to it denatures when it kills the branch.
(09:25:45 PM) dkap: Are you going to so test?
(09:26:36 PM) ***Mistress_Janice proposes such a thing to Father, unless he's already aware of the results.
(09:26:37 PM) Cagliostro: sounds reasonable.
(09:26:42 PM) Mistress_Janice: We test!
(09:26:45 PM) Cagliostro: I don't think I am, no.
(09:27:13 PM) Mistress_Janice: I think you're very reasonable, Daddy. :D
(09:27:28 PM) dkap: Count, the resutls aren't quite as expected ... the branch is dead, and the "vibrancy" of the spell is less, but not entirely quashed.
(09:28:11 PM) Mistress_Janice: Might it be something of a rack with a number of charges, or a single charge that only expends as much as it must to kill a target? Try to compare that thorn with the 'charge' on another.
(09:28:17 PM) Cagliostro: so there is a 'charge' of not-life.
(09:29:22 PM) dkap: There seems to be.
(09:30:08 PM) dkap: Although, if it is a destruction of life, as opposed to simply death ... they might not be becoming Kraken-sap or Wyrm-scale.
(09:31:50 PM) Mistress_Janice: Would there be any other difference, between death and 'a destruction of life'?
(09:32:42 PM) dkap: Possibly? How are you going to test for it?
(09:33:16 PM) ***Mistress_Janice didn't have any clue there was any difference, much less how to test for it.
(09:37:22 PM) ***Cagliostro has a soul in his pocket, but no idea how to test for or detect same.
(09:37:27 PM) Cagliostro: this looks lik ea job for... princess chandra!
(09:37:31 PM) Cagliostro: is her highness free?
(09:38:50 PM) Cagliostro: Cagliostro would ask the bodiless voice, but Jean would hear and pass it along to ilk and/or princess chandra.
(09:39:09 PM) Cagliostro: Cagliostro would phrase it that we have come across a puzzling creation that has raised more puzzling questions.
(09:40:08 PM) dkap: You would have to pass on a few more details than that to get her attention, but, yes, she might be curious, and might investigate if she can find a ... babysitter for Camen.
(09:41:11 PM) Cagliostro: if she's babysitting cemen, then we can come to her, as long as we have a babysitter for Zach's army.
(09:42:19 PM) Mistress_Janice: The army needs a babysitter?
(09:42:35 PM) dkap: Well ... her daughter by him might be willing to Babysit.
(09:43:16 PM) Cagliostro: It's rude to an army to leave it leaderless. And al ittle dangerous.
(09:43:19 PM) Cagliostro: that's how coups happen.
(09:43:32 PM) dkap: Indeed.
(09:43:45 PM) Cagliostro: (isnt' zach's daughter mysteriously missing after going with auricle and zach?)
(09:43:48 PM) dkap: Her daughter might be willing to babysit on either side.
(09:44:13 PM) Auricle: (yes she is)
(09:44:26 PM) dkap: Not Zach's daughter, but Cemen's and the Princess' daughter.
(09:44:28 PM) ***Mistress_Janice will ask where Zach and company went?
(09:45:33 PM) dkap: You know ... the one who retired from Guildmaster of the Wariors' Guild, to become the Warlord of Chaos?
(09:45:36 PM) dkap: Marial?
(09:47:44 PM) Cagliostro: oh, -her- daughter, not zach's.
(09:47:54 PM) Cagliostro: yes, Marial would be more than acceptable.
(09:48:37 PM) Cagliostro: gm: can you refresh me/Janice's memory?
(09:48:56 PM) Cagliostro: was it any more complicated than big hand came in and grabbed someone - Zach? out of a portal, and everyone else jumped through?
(09:48:57 PM) dkap: About?
(09:49:09 PM) dkap: Nope, that's the extent of your knowledge.
(09:49:21 PM) dkap: Zach jumped in as an attack, though.
(09:50:25 PM) Mistress_Janice: Any sign of said portal left behind?
(09:51:51 PM) dkap: Nope.
(09:53:17 PM) Mistress_Janice: Hokay.
(09:56:25 PM) dkap: So Marial is willing to Babysit on either side. Which path do you think is better, to drag these things through to the pink place, through your magic, to this place which seems to be living membranes everywhere, or have Princess Chandra come here?
(09:57:23 PM) Mistress_Janice: The first option sounds frought with peril.
(09:59:38 PM) dkap: So, inviting her to you, then? She knows where, she gave you (Mistress_Janice) a helping hand through, last time.
(10:00:05 PM) ***Mistress_Janice thinks it's Father's call.
(10:00:47 PM) Cagliostro: yeah, princess chandra come here
(10:00:56 PM) Cagliostro: it's possible that these could be used by the enemy as tracking points
(10:01:08 PM) dkap: Indeed, it is possible.
(10:01:22 PM) Cagliostro: (gm: do we know that the hand also grabbed benedict, or ist hat not local knowledge?)
(10:02:25 PM) dkap: That is local knowledge, which is why Zach attacked it.
(10:02:55 PM) Cagliostro: ah, okay. then I will make sure that Janice knows that the hand had previously abducted non-hamster Benedict.
(10:03:44 PM) Mistress_Janice: Damn, more Zelazny. GM, have any of us ever heard of Baran of the Third Hand?
(10:04:04 PM) dkap: Nor of Dilvesh.
(10:04:22 PM) dkap: (Nor of his fear of starwells.)
(10:04:27 PM) Mistress_Janice: Hokay, just checking.
(10:05:22 PM) dkap: Although ... it might be one of Pharaban's descendants (maybe when the Big C mated with Kali?) that is the one in that castle.
(10:07:21 PM) dkap: Not that I have any idea what you are talking about ...
(10:07:34 PM) dkap: This hand, however was definitely visible.
(10:08:31 PM) dkap: And, while quite large, not out of scale to itself.
(10:10:01 PM) Mistress_Janice: Hokay.
(10:11:02 PM) dkap: So, Princess Chandra arrives. You are not sure of the moment of her arrival, just that, you realize she is there, and she has been there for a bit.
(10:12:00 PM) Cagliostro: bow, appropriately and respectfully.
(10:12:11 PM) ***Mistress_Janice bows as well. "Thank you for helping me get here. I admit, had I understood the magnitude of the problem, I would have asked you to come with me."
(10:12:40 PM) Cagliostro: "Your Highness, I don't know if you're familiar with what was going on in this place, before Zach, Auricle, and Julianna's departure?"
(10:14:11 PM) dkap: Princess Chandra: Treat me as if I was unbriefed, please. I might have misunderstood something, and it's good to get a fresh picture.
(10:15:02 PM) ***Cagliostro briefs Princess Chandra
(10:15:59 PM) Cagliostro: starting with the army's arrival, the battle, mentions the thorns, deconjuring the thorns with Auricle's help, the defeat of the army, the grabbing slash attacking of the people in charge, followed by what could have been but wasn't an earthshattering kaboom
(10:16:21 PM) Cagliostro: and I can't recall if one of Shiryu's apprentices dropped by to tell me to keep it down in here after the kaboom. If so, mention their presence.
(10:16:32 PM) Cagliostro: and the kaboomplace is over there, shielded, and here's a dart.
(10:16:55 PM) dkap: Yes, one of them did.
(10:17:07 PM) Cagliostro: and go through our dart safety briefing ("Mom! Dad! Don't touch it! It's necrotic! And evil!")
(10:17:37 PM) ***Cagliostro is careful to only provide facts and observations, not speculation.
(10:17:51 PM) dkap: Ahh ... good good. Mistress Janice, anything to add?
(10:19:06 PM) ***Mistress_Janice will cover the few tests we've managed, and also provide the 'somewhat tapped' dart from the last test.
(10:20:33 PM) dkap: Princess Chandra looks at it quite closely, but not touching, and examines the branch as well.
(10:21:29 PM) dkap: She reaches through space, brings out a book from ... somewhere, and thumbs through it.
(10:22:01 PM) Cagliostro: gm: I will also indicate any trees that were struck by the darts before the darts were deconjured.
(10:22:10 PM) dkap: After a few moments she pardons herself, walks a few paces away, opens a gate, and grabs through the gate the individual on the other side.
(10:22:15 PM) Cagliostro: I don't believe any rangers were struck by the darts, because I just warded them.
(10:22:29 PM) ***Cagliostro fails to get involved.
(10:22:38 PM) dkap: He is ... at the moment, mostly macroni-art shaped.
(10:22:48 PM) ***Mistress_Janice observes.
(10:26:26 PM) dkap: She sits him down and explains to him that he has not discharged his debt to the guild. A death was contracted for, and provided, and he has yet to fulfill his end of the agreement.
(10:26:35 PM) ***Mistress_Janice blinks.
(10:27:04 PM) ***Cagliostro quietly suggests that mistress janice prepare her monitoring spells again.
(10:27:06 PM) dkap: And, he has the effrontery to not acknowledge those sent to inquire about the debt.
(10:27:55 PM) dkap: So, she has a simple, expedient path to settle the debt that has been too long outstanding.
(10:28:08 PM) dkap: He's leaking alfredo-sauce everywhere.
(10:28:33 PM) ***Mistress_Janice will set up what spells she can think of to watch.
(10:29:42 PM) dkap: She's been gesturing at him with a dagger the entire conversation, and then she "casually" tosses the dagger, which just happens to hit the thorn that was used on the branch.
(10:31:57 PM) dkap: It somehow, coincidentally, flipped up and struck him. And he was alive no more.
(10:32:08 PM) dkap: And there is just a bit of the energy left in the thorn.
(10:32:17 PM) Cagliostro: gm: was I also able to look with my lense?
(10:32:22 PM) Cagliostro: having known that it was coming?
(10:32:39 PM) dkap: And Princess Chandra is somewhat upset, because, according to her, he didn't end up in a scale.
(10:32:49 PM) dkap: Sure, if you wished to be.
(10:33:22 PM) Cagliostro: I did wish to be.
(10:33:28 PM) Mistress_Janice: GM Do I know why she'd be upset, rather than, say, intrigued? Does she have some sort of scale-quota?
(10:34:06 PM) dkap: I don't believe you know much about scales, actually.
(10:34:08 PM) dkap: If anything.
(10:34:13 PM) dkap: So ... nope.
(10:34:44 PM) dkap: When you were looking through the lens, it was like a matter-antimater collision, except, no boom.
(10:34:49 PM) Cagliostro: gm: I suspect I know what she's talking about, yes?
(10:35:01 PM) Cagliostro: so life-anti-life is a reasonable supposition?
(10:35:05 PM) dkap: Just the anhiliation of life.
(10:35:22 PM) Cagliostro: okay, so not a stored battery of antilife, just a stored battery of deconjuring life?
(10:35:46 PM) dkap: Count, you do have some vague idea, after hanging with the crowd, but, you are still not entirely clear.
(10:35:56 PM) dkap: Indeed.
(10:36:13 PM) dkap: No opposite pole reaction, really.
(10:36:54 PM) dkap: Well, the temperature did drop some, but that might have simply been the chill from the lack of life-force that was there a moment ago.
(10:37:00 PM) Cagliostro: that's what I thought, since I have a scale/ninja soul in my pocket.
(10:37:06 PM) Cagliostro: hm.
(10:37:45 PM) dkap: After a bit of thought, Princess Chandra declares that she thinks the thorns are a _really_ bad idea. And whomever is propagating them should be made to stop, at once.
(10:38:34 PM) ***Cagliostro fails to disagree.
(10:38:44 PM) Mistress_Janice: "Unfortunately, it takes an inordinate amount of power to deal with them, and we're not sure where the delivery boys came from, let alone their ammunition."
(10:38:45 PM) Cagliostro: "I'm sure Zach and Auricle would agree."
(10:39:18 PM) Cagliostro: "Nor, I think, do we know where the 'delivery boys' were going."
(10:39:35 PM) Auricle: (would agree, but is a little busy opening jars)
(10:40:32 PM) dkap: (Ahh ... indeed, but such a pronouncement might be able to be felt by you, especially since she is standing on your soil and you are holding the Sword of State at the time ...)
(10:41:05 PM) Auricle: (not to mention I'm 'walking' the Pattern. Sure. Auricle agrees.)
(10:41:07 PM) ***Mistress_Janice blinks. "Is there any indication they *weren't* headed here? I thought this was the target," and she looks around again.
(10:41:33 PM) Cagliostro: "They weren't headed -here-, they were ambushed. They may have been heading someplace very close. Or not."
(10:42:46 PM) ***Mistress_Janice ahhhs. "I thought they'd gated in here. So, they were walking?"
(10:43:42 PM) Cagliostro: gm: I think it's time to call a ranger over, introduce them to Princess Chandra, and politely ask them what was known about the army's path and objective.
(10:44:49 PM) dkap: A ranked one, I presume?
(10:44:56 PM) dkap: Any of the Jager?
(10:45:03 PM) Mistress_Janice: No, we want one that's bathed... :D
(10:45:40 PM) dkap: Well, they are all just from battle, so a freshly bathed one would probably not know anything ... just sayin'
(10:46:52 PM) Cagliostro: yes, ranked
(10:47:02 PM) Cagliostro: sure, jager too
(10:47:20 PM) Cagliostro: treat them as equal partners in this
(10:47:47 PM) Cagliostro: (Ah, English. the difference between having rank and being rank.)
(10:49:40 PM) dkap: As the Jager approaches Princess Chandra pulls on her tiara. It seems to expand a bit and get more sparkly.
(10:49:55 PM) ***Mistress_Janice straightens her hat.
(10:50:05 PM) dkap: The Ranger bows deeply with reverence.
(10:50:22 PM) dkap: The Jagar says: That looks like an very important hat.
(10:50:51 PM) dkap: Princess Chandra acknowledges the bow, and comments that her hat is bigger than the Jager before her's hat is.
(10:51:28 PM) dkap: Jager: Dey vos goink ver ve no vant dem to.
(10:51:51 PM) dkap: Jager: Ve schtopp dem. But some loss der chats.
(10:52:17 PM) Mistress_Janice: But no lost Jager?
(10:52:44 PM) dkap: Jager: Big man make little schtingy-schtopp-verking dingys not hit no mo'.
(10:53:37 PM) Mistress_Janice: But no losses before that, either?
(10:53:51 PM) ***Mistress_Janice is trying to figure out if the Jager were somehow immune.
(10:54:13 PM) dkap: Ranger: Indeed, as my college has said. We gave them as good as we got, possibly better. They were tracked entering the lands en-masse, and we picked a likely spot to stop their advance. Unfortunately they seemed well-trained, and were able to resist us for a while, as well as use their terror weapon on us.
(10:54:33 PM) dkap: (There are deactivated Jager around, yes.)
(10:55:25 PM) dkap: They are awaiting Auricle's touch to fix them.
(10:57:05 PM) Mistress_Janice: If they were tracked, can you at least extrapolate their direction? any idea where they were headed?
(10:57:28 PM) Cagliostro: gm: they appeared to be crossing realms, yes?
(10:57:50 PM) dkap: Ranger: Across and inward It's exactly the thing us rangers ... and our ... colleagues ... are supposed to stop.
(10:57:58 PM) dkap: Count, yes.
(10:58:53 PM) Cagliostro: "Does that pathway lead anywhere notable, in this realm or otherwise?"
(11:00:02 PM) dkap: Ranger: Toward the center of things. I've not been there, but that is one of our specific charges our Commander Zach has laid upon us to prevent.
(11:00:15 PM) dkap: We did wait a little to make sure they weren't simply crossing, and would be gone ...
(11:00:50 PM) ***Cagliostro figures that what the 'center of things' is, is outside his baliwick, and nods.
(11:02:25 PM) dkap: Should we pick it up here, next week? Or will people not be around next week?
(11:02:47 PM) Cagliostro: I will probably be around next week, and I'll let you know if not.
(11:02:48 PM) Mistress_Janice: ...might be?
(11:03:02 PM) Auricle: I should be, and more capable of partaking
(11:03:17 PM) Mistress_Janice: I hope everyone had delightful holidays!
(11:03:23 PM) Mistress_Janice: Errr... has.
(11:03:26 PM) Auricle: lol
(11:03:30 PM) dkap: Excellent. Then, until next week. Auricle, heal!
(11:03:38 PM) Auricle: Had is right for David, anyways.
(11:03:42 PM) Mistress_Janice: Later, all!
(11:03:53 PM) Mistress_Janice left the room (quit: Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.6.13/20101203075014]).
(11:03:56 PM) Auricle: Bye! Merry christmas!
(11:04:00 PM) Auricle left the room (quit: Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.86 [SeaMonkey 2.0.11/20101123124820]).
(11:04:09 PM) Cagliostro left the room (quit: Quit: Leaving.).