Conversation with stephien2099
(09:48:47 PM) stephien2099: hi Percy! heard you are RPing tonight? :)
(09:49:24 PM) Percy@AIM: Greetings, sweet lady!
(09:49:26 PM) Percy@AIM: Indeed we are!
(09:49:39 PM) Percy@AIM: And I would, if you don't mind to horribly, seduce you into it.
(09:49:41 PM) Percy@AIM: *grin*
(09:49:58 PM) stephien2099: :"> i would love to join!
(09:50:43 PM) Percy@AIM: Excellent! WOOT!
(09:50:51 PM) ***Percy@AIM is doing the happy hedge-hog dance.
(09:51:22 PM) stephien2099: hahah; awwww! <3 kyle gave me the irc channel but my aim client crashed right after. what's the plan? where (and when?) do i join?
(09:53:01 PM) Percy@AIM: Well ... it is presently in progress.
(09:53:49 PM) Percy@AIM: What I would like to do, if I may, is give you a walk-on character ... someone that you don't get too attached to, but integrated enough in the system that you can see how much you enjoy (or not enjoy) the game, that way, you don't end up feeling obliged to keep running if you don't like it.
(09:54:46 PM) stephien2099: that sounds perfect; otherwise i'd be taking forever in character creation anyway
(09:55:26 PM) Percy@AIM: Indeed.
(09:55:53 PM) Percy@AIM: So ... do you have an archtype you enjoy playing?
(09:56:51 PM) stephien2099: i typically go for arcane spell casters, or rangers, depending on how the system interprets their roles
(09:57:09 PM) Percy@AIM: Ranger works perfectly.
(09:57:29 PM) stephien2099: great!
(09:57:51 PM) Percy@AIM: Might I start you as one such, who is assigned an area of land to guard, and found someone not authorized sneaking through?
(09:58:28 PM) Percy@AIM: Your opponent seemed intent in killing you as quickly and silently as possible, but you are managing to hold your own.
(09:58:28 PM) stephien2099: absolutely! that should give me enough character motivation to jump right in
(09:58:36 PM) stephien2099: hrm, ok
(09:59:31 PM) Percy@AIM: You know they are much more powerful than you, you are hoping to, at least, get a message off to get reinforcements (which aren't far) of one type or another, so that your superior numbers can overwhelm where your individual skills are not quite as up to the task as you would like.
(09:59:38 PM) Percy@AIM: Does that sound like a reasonable place?
(09:59:46 PM) stephien2099: yes, absolutely
(10:01:24 PM) Percy@AIM: Excellent!
(10:01:41 PM) Percy@AIM: Let me give you a touch more background ...
(10:01:52 PM) stephien2099: is the channel in-character only, or is there a protocol for out of character chat?
(10:01:54 PM) Percy@AIM: Just so you have information when it becomes desirable ...
(10:01:56 PM) stephien2099: sure!
(10:02:34 PM) Percy@AIM: We usually put ooc in parens, private messages use /msg and we do talk in the third person as well as the first.
(10:02:48 PM) stephien2099: ok, got it
(10:04:49 PM) Percy@AIM: So ... let me see ... you are a Ranger of a family of Rangers, your family has been nominally loyal to the variety of kings that have come and gone, except those that disrespect the land or those that they are supposed to be ruling.
(10:05:20 PM) stephien2099: does the family all reside in the area i'm guarding?
(10:05:32 PM) Percy@AIM: Many generations ago, your family received the charge from one named Julian.
(10:06:14 PM) Percy@AIM: Well ... most of them have or do, some have married out, and, for some reason, those who marry in, are as loyal to the land as your family is.
(10:06:27 PM) stephien2099: hm, ok
(10:07:13 PM) Percy@AIM: It was said that this was his private preserve, and, it is even whispered that he might have been some sort of god, because he has shown up again and again, across the years, always looking the same.
(10:08:07 PM) stephien2099: wow, ok. this is known to everyone?
(10:08:33 PM) Percy@AIM: Everyone in the family, yes.
(10:08:49 PM) Percy@AIM: His picture hangs in your family's hall.
(10:09:05 PM) stephien2099: ok, not necessarily to the other players though
(10:09:23 PM) Percy@AIM: The other players will know exactly what that means, though ...
(10:10:26 PM) Percy@AIM: Although, it hangs covered by a tapestry, so that those who might visit, do not see his image, so it remains a test of authenticity.
(10:10:50 PM) stephien2099: ahh, interesting
(10:13:10 PM) Percy@AIM: There is also the hunting hounds, unlike any other animal (and not cross fertile with) that any of your family has been able to discover. The pack that you keep breeds slowly, lives long lives (over a hundred years, and even you humans don't have that span) and are very vicious to outsiders (another test of authenticity).
(10:13:52 PM) stephien2099: awesome :3 i love animal familiars
(10:14:46 PM) Percy@AIM: Indeed.
(10:15:11 PM) Percy@AIM: There was a third test, but that is eluding me at the moment ...
(10:15:54 PM) stephien2099: what do you mean by tests, exactly?
(10:15:57 PM) Percy@AIM: Oh, right ... there is a suit of armor that fits the Julian, all white and shiny, and, if any of it is put on by someone else, it turns black, and begins to smoulder and heat up.
(10:16:12 PM) stephien2099: oh my
(10:17:05 PM) Percy@AIM: As a child, you, your siblings, (and every generation before, and after) have tried on a piece of it (the piece being your choice, but often it's a gauntlet) just so the negative effect can be witnessed (and felt) personally, and in a way that will stick in your memory.
(10:17:28 PM) stephien2099: ouch! where was i burned?
(10:17:33 PM) Percy@AIM: Tests to prove that if someone shows up and claims to be the Julian, you can tell if he really is.
(10:17:40 PM) stephien2099: ahh, ok
(10:17:54 PM) Percy@AIM: Oh, you took it off long before the burn happened, but you got to see it turn black, and feel the heat begin to build.
(10:18:26 PM) stephien2099: that's a lot less cruel than i imagined :)
(10:19:06 PM) Percy@AIM: A few generations ago, there was a story about a pair of siblings, who kept trying to keep pieces on longer and longer, until one of them died when his skin fused to the armor, and he ... well ... not so much burned but melted from the intense heat.
(10:20:06 PM) stephien2099: that's horrible!
(10:21:08 PM) Percy@AIM: Indeed. The armor is (at least according to story) indestructible and was used at one point in time as part of the home defense by being dropped on the enemy from above the gate ...
(10:21:43 PM) stephien2099: haha, that's an interesting way to treat the possessions of your god
(10:23:26 PM) Percy@AIM: Well ... it worked because it crushed some of them, who then burned, and the others couldn't shift it out of the way to continue battering down the gates. It came out completely unscathed.
(10:23:48 PM) Percy@AIM: The army of the ... less than polite King at the time, however ... didn't fare so well.
(10:23:50 PM) Percy@AIM: *grin*
(10:24:53 PM) stephien2099: a-ha :)
(10:26:32 PM) stephien2099: a solid plan, then!
(10:27:07 PM) Percy@AIM: Indeed.
(10:28:28 PM) stephien2099: well i'm excited :D
(10:28:51 PM) Percy@AIM: Excellent!
(10:29:41 PM) Percy@AIM: So ... the tech level of where you live is pre-gunpowder.
(10:30:10 PM) Percy@AIM: But post-printing press.
(10:30:49 PM) Percy@AIM: Although, for whatever cultural reason, it's etched plates, rather than movable type.
(10:31:17 PM) Percy@AIM: And the etching of plates is a high art. Movable type is considered ... well ... very low-brow.
(10:31:18 PM) stephien2099: got it, ok. that's a fun anachronism
(10:32:06 PM) stephien2099: my ranger would protect the area with a longbow then? crossbow?
(10:32:16 PM) Percy@AIM: Indeed, things just tend to not explode. They burn, but burn more slowly, so you don't get that delightful pressure, necessary for gunpowder or black powder or the like.
(10:32:35 PM) Percy@AIM: Long bow, crossbow, sure.
(10:33:08 PM) Percy@AIM: A variety of forged weapons are also quite familiar to you (as with everyone in your family).
(10:33:11 PM) stephien2099: haha, "tending not to explode," ok.
(10:34:06 PM) Percy@AIM: But you have also studied wood-craft, herbalism, the understandings of the patterns of the forest ...
(10:35:12 PM) stephien2099: so a true warden, rather than just a hunter
(10:37:59 PM) Percy@AIM: Indeed.
(10:39:04 PM) Percy@AIM: Indeed, you were simply replanting a grove that was in last-year's harvest spot when he surprised you.
(10:39:14 PM) Percy@AIM: Thankfully you are never far from your weapons of defence.
(10:39:18 PM) Percy@AIM: defense even.
(10:39:31 PM) Percy@AIM: Also do you wish to have some command of the local magics?
(10:40:09 PM) stephien2099: absolutely! yes please
(10:43:00 PM) Percy@AIM: Excellent. Within the magic system, there is something called "Words of Power" that allow you to speak them and have a (albeit small) effect. Things like "light" or "slip" or "roar" or the like.
(10:43:18 PM) stephien2099: interesting, ok
(10:43:49 PM) Percy@AIM: You can pick 5.
(10:44:06 PM) Percy@AIM: And they happen quite immediately after you speak the word and focus your will.
(10:44:15 PM) stephien2099: they can be any kind of command?
(10:45:28 PM) Percy@AIM: Well ... the word matches the effect, you can't say "bob" and get roar ...
(10:46:06 PM) stephien2099: right
(10:46:41 PM) Percy@AIM: And they are of limited effect, like you can't say "Bored Now" and rip all the skin off your opponent.
(10:46:52 PM) stephien2099: so i could have something like "grow" to rapidly expand plant life? or is that too powerful?
(10:47:48 PM) Percy@AIM: Well, you could have something like "grow" but what that would do would be to expand the edges of whatever it is, probably to it's detriment.
(10:48:39 PM) Percy@AIM: But, you could, say have "loam" that would turn the dirt in your hand into rich loam, or "drink" that would give you a double-palm full of water ...
(10:48:52 PM) stephien2099: ahh, ok
(10:49:33 PM) Percy@AIM: Does that help with the scope of it?
(10:50:08 PM) stephien2099: absolutely; and i like those two, especially "drink." i'm also thinking "flame," to create just enough of a spark to light a campfire; something flint-and-steel sized
(10:51:38 PM) Percy@AIM: Often called "spark" in fact. But it's always good to carry flint and steel as well, since, most of the folks outside of your family don't have the gift of power words, and it's less likely for you to get in trouble by using the standard method.
(10:52:20 PM) stephien2099: oh so not everyone in this world has these words, or even knows of them
(10:53:18 PM) Percy@AIM: Indeed.
(10:53:59 PM) stephien2099: how about "call," to bring the hunting dog(s) to me?
(10:54:27 PM) Percy@AIM: I would also recommend "path" which leaves a gently glowing trail where you have walked, so you can either follow it back, or have others follow it.
(10:55:27 PM) stephien2099: that's a great idea
(10:55:43 PM) Percy@AIM: Well ... the hunting dogs don't tend to really obey folks much, it's more of a mutual respect and symbiosis rather than what we would normally consider a dog/human interaction.
(10:55:57 PM) stephien2099: ahhh, i see
(10:56:50 PM) Percy@AIM: You can have befriended several of them, although there has been a long debate, every generation of kids, if you kids pick the dogs as "pets/friends" or the dogs pick the kids as "pets/friends" ...
(10:57:45 PM) stephien2099: haha, i like it, that's cute :)
(11:00:54 PM) Percy@AIM: So, you might be able to call out to them, and they do have good hearing, but it would be a friend in need calling to a friend for help, rather than summoning 600 pounds of lean, fighting, hunting machine.
(11:02:43 PM) stephien2099: right. slightly less weaponized, but could still be useful
(11:10:31 PM) Percy@AIM: Indeed.
(11:15:40 PM) Percy@AIM: So, there you were, quietly planting and cultivating, possibly humming to yourself, when you hear/sense something out of place, whip around, and manage your first parry of the blade that would have quietly slit your throat.
(11:18:10 PM) stephien2099: i would take a few quick steps back, lower myself into a defensive position, and gain as much visual information as i could about my attacker
(11:19:35 PM) Percy@AIM: He's unarmored, wearing a large carved or forged metal sigil around his neck that he seems particularly protective of.
(11:20:40 PM) Percy@AIM: He isn't dressed that strangely for your area, leggings, tunic, cloak, hood, all in forest colours so he would blend in quite well were that his intent.
(11:21:06 PM) Percy@AIM: He's pulled his sword (he was using a dagger to try and slit your throat).
(11:21:30 PM) stephien2099: I call out to him, "Who are you? What is the meaning of this?" while staying poised to strike if he makes another attack
(11:21:38 PM) Percy@AIM: His sword seems quite solid and the hilt well-worn, so you are sure of his skill with it.
(11:22:18 PM) stephien2099: he must be skillful, to sneak up on me as he did
(11:22:21 PM) Percy@AIM: As you are calling out, he has carried the attack to you, striking hard and fast, trying to overwhelm you quickly before you can make much noise or cause too much attention to be drawn.
(11:23:22 PM) Percy@AIM: He moves quite well, better than any you've faced before. He could easily give your family's weapons-master a run for the money.
(11:23:59 PM) Percy@AIM: But, in any offensive attack, retreat and defense can often prolong a battle, even though it isn't a winning strategy.
(11:24:20 PM) stephien2099: Does my knowledge of the area provide any advantage? are there any strong positions or defenses I can use nearby?
(11:24:37 PM) Percy@AIM: When his blows land, he has significant strength.
(11:25:27 PM) Percy@AIM: You are using your knowledge of the area to the best of your ability (and to move him away from the newly planted seedlings, which are much too easily churned underfoot, should one be careless in that direction.)
(11:28:15 PM) Percy@AIM: *sigh* My players are glacial, sometimes. They are "just about" to interrupt your engagement, but ... they have been for over an hour, and ... theoretically my game-run ended half an hour ago. We might actually need to pick this up next weel.
(11:28:44 PM) stephien2099: That's fine, my girlfriend here wants to play Magic the Gathering. I'm intrigued though! I'd love to join you folks next week!
(11:29:00 PM) stephien2099: I'm really thankful you reached out to me again to join you; i'd been meaning to but I get distracted really easily
(11:29:34 PM) Percy@AIM: Excellent!
(11:30:00 PM) Percy@AIM: We start at about 8 east-coast time, and Kyle told me you aren't available then, but as soon as you can join us, it would be delightful.
(11:30:09 PM) Percy@AIM: Oh, and you should ruminate on a name ... *grin*
(11:31:59 PM) stephien2099: i actually will be, now
(11:32:02 PM) stephien2099: i've changed my work schedule
(11:32:06 PM) stephien2099: i'll start thinking of one!
(11:32:41 PM) Percy@AIM: Excellent!
(11:33:10 PM) Percy@AIM: Until next week, then!