[20:06] | === | Highest connection count: 2 (1 clients) |
| === | on 1 ca 1(4) ft 10(10) |
| =-= | User mode for dkap-1 is now +iw |
| *Global* | ------------- MESSAGE(S) OF THE DAY -------------- |
| [users] Notice from Teddy`, posted 03:53 PM, 04/30/2011: |
| The
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| [users] Notice from feigling, posted 05:24 PM, 07/17/2008: |
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you are interested in learning more about it read http://www.gamesurge.net/cms/SpamServ |
| [users] Notice from GameSurge, posted 09:44 AM, 03/24/2008: |
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to anyone. Network staff will not ask you for your password, and network
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| [users] Notice from GameSurge, posted 09:27 AM, 01/20/2007: |
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| ---------- END OF MESSAGE(S) OF THE DAY ---------- |
| -->| | YOU (dkap-1) have joined #dkap_amber |
| =-= | Topic for #dkap_amber is “Game as usual, logs at: https://www.train-wreck.org/~dkap/Amber/logs/ ; wiki-wiki at: https://www.rebel.org/wiki/” |
| =-= | Topic for #dkap_amber was set by ChanServ on Tue 07 Jun 2011 11:00:00 AM EDT |
| *ChanServ* | (#dkap_amber) "Hello, and welcome to dkap's Amber campaign. If you were not expecting to be here, check your destination." |
| <dkap-1> | Greetings, |
| <dkap-1> | I apologize for being a ghost in here ... |
| I seem to have left myself connected while still at work. |
| <Rayeth> | No worries. I have myself to keep me company. |
[20:07] | I'm Ray, a friend of Kaylia. |
| She told me about the game and got me interested. |
| <dkap-1> | Greetings, I believe you are the individual that Kaylia's character is the familiar of? |
| <Rayeth> | So if I offend anyone by my presence, it is her fault and she should be properly ostracised. |
| Yes that would be me. |
[20:08] | <dkap-1> | I don't believe you would either be offensive, nor cause of her being cast out. |
| <Rayeth> | Well damn. I'm going to have to work harder... |
[20:09] | <dkap-1> | *grin* That's the spirit. |
[20:10] | <Rayeth> | Anyway,
do you have an e-mail? I have been playing around with creating a
character and I have a rough idea though I also had some questions. |
| <dkap-1> | I have a number of email addresses. |
[20:12] | >Rayeth< | Although, being where I am at the moment, and how much I prefer interactive discourse ... why not chatter here? |
| =-= | YOU are now known as dkap-1_comp-0 |
[20:36] | <dkap-1_comp-0> | We are. |
| If you could poke the Count ... *grin*
All I have is IRC tonight. I (unfortunately) left myself logged in at
work, and that screws a bunch of things up if I log in more than once. |
| <dkap-1_comp-0> | Apparently the Plant Lady is packing, and will not be joining us. |
| And I don't know where Auricle is. |
[20:38] | <dkap-1_comp-0> | Via whatever back-channel you have to reach him. |
| <dkap-1_comp-0> | Excellent. |
[20:39] | Al (phonse) is sitting at the table here, and so is Ariel. |
[20:40] | <Mistress_Janice> | Those poor, poor people... do extend them my sympathies. |
[20:43] | -->| | Auricle (~chatzilla@c-75-69-12-225.hsd1.vt.comcast.net) has joined #dkap_amber |
| <Auricle> | whoa people |
| sorry I forgot |
[20:45] | <dkap-1_comp-0> | Ahh ... good good. |
| Welcome! |
[20:46] | We have two live, and a handful on line. |
| <Auricle> | I see reality has not been kind to you tonight, dkap |
| <dkap-1_comp-0> | Oh? |
| <Auricle> | there's two of you |
| <dkap-1_comp-0> | Yeah, but one is silent. |
[20:47] | (I left myself logged in at work, alas, had to run out to make my bus.) |
[20:51] | <Auricle> | ah |
[21:03] | <dkap-1_comp-0> | So ... when last we left our intrepid heroes ... |
[21:06] | <dkap-1_comp-0> | More or less. |
[21:08] | <Auricle> | Most likely |
[21:09] | It is amber |
| <dkap-1_comp-0> | Let
me see, we had Al, back with the Bear Mage, Pei Mei is impressing
people at the top of the hill. Ariel is going back to the priest. |
[21:10] | * Mistress_Janice | is
with Father, still chasing whoever the hell it was that led troops with
nasty thorny things to Amber. Nathan is, I believe, still with the
others at the bar, although I think we were about to leave. |
| <dkap-1_comp-0> | Nate, what are you doing? |
| <Mistress_Janice> | Nathan's been going with Ariel, who thus far seems his best bet to get home. |
| <dkap-1_comp-0> | You do remember the place with the cubes. |
| <Auricle> | and I think I'm still holding audiences/slaughter opportunities |
[21:11] | <Mistress_Janice> | Ah, right. I'm with the Bear Mage and the (time) machine. | | I think the priest is in here, too. |
[21:12] | <dkap-1_comp-0> | Indeed, he is. |
[21:16] | Nate ... Ariel wants you to fix the machine to get everyone out. |
[21:17] | <Mistress_Janice> | As
far as I know, the only fix it really requires is the replacement of
that tube. I'll reinstall it. Are the cubes down? If not, we may still
be unable to leave... |
| -->| | Cagliostro (~sgorton@ has joined #dkap_amber |
| <Cagliostro> | hello, all |
[21:18] | <dkap-1_comp-0> | Greetings Count. |
| <dkap-1_comp-0> | Count, Auricle, both of you have similar memory issues to Rayeth, you might want to chatter about such ... |
[21:19] | <Auricle> | I have memory issues? |
| <Cagliostro> | Is being an unreliable narrator of my own life really a memory issue? |
| * Auricle | checks the gargoyle and then nods slowly. |
| <Auricle> | "I don't, but I have it all backed up." |
[21:23] | <dkap-1_comp-0> | Nate, are you willing to take a hand at fixing the machine? |
[21:25] | <dkap-1_comp-0> | Right then. |
[21:29] | Nate, you have succeeded in fixing the machine. |
[21:30] | <dkap-1_comp-0> | You
manage to hit just the right thing, at just the right time, while Al,
the priest, the ornithol, Ariel, the Bear Mage, and the crazy pilot of
the damnable thing are all clustered around, and are caught in it's
field. |
[21:32] | Leaving Pei Mei behind, fortunately or unfortunately as the case may be. |
| <Mistress_Janice> | And Great Teacher Pai-Mei? | | Ah, hokay. | [21:33] | So, in theory we're headed wherever said pilot had wanted to go in the first place. |
| <dkap-1_comp-0> | Well ... maybe ... |
[21:38] | <dkap-1_comp-0> | There is a whirr, a flash, and then, you are about 600 feet up, and falling. |
[21:39] | <Mistress_Janice> | Spread for wind resistance, and try to reach the ornithal. |
[21:42] | <dkap-1_comp-0> | Al becomes parachute attached to the ship, Ariel grabs Nate and the Priest, Ariel's ornithol grabs the Bear Mage, and the pilot. |
| You all land, comfortably on the grassy mesa. |
[21:43] | <Mistress_Janice> | Nate
will remark on the way down, "Somehow, this seems to be an ill-fated
trip. That's twice..." While still in the air, he'll have a look around
as best he can. Landmarks? |
[21:44] | <dkap-1_comp-0> | Large. Lots of grass. |
[21:46] | Rayeth, you are lying on the grass, looking up at the clouds. |
[21:47] | BAMF, there appears a bunch of people in the air, a parachute pops open, and the others get pulled by the birds. |
| <Rayeth> | That mean I see a strange machine suddenly appear and start falling out of the sky? |
| <dkap-1_comp-0> | Exactly. |
[21:48] | <Rayeth> | Where in relation to me are these people? Off in the distance a ways, or directly overhead? |
[21:49] | <dkap-1_comp-0> | Pretty much overhead. |
| He's pretty much beneath you. |
[21:50] | <Rayeth> | I blink twice, grab hold of my staff, and try to get out of the way. |
[21:51] | <dkap-1_comp-0> | Not directly on top of you, but enough, and they do vector so you don't go squish. |
[21:52] | <Rayeth> | Ah. In that case I sit up and look about, watching them to see how fast they are falling and if they may need assistance. |
| <dkap-1_comp-0> | The two giant birds land pretty quickly. |
[21:53] | The machine plummets more slowly. |
| <Mistress_Janice> | Two - oh, is Ariel in Ornithal form? I think it's the first time I've seen it. |
| <dkap-1_comp-0> | But it's only about 600 feet, so not that long, about 5 or 6 heart-beats until the birds land. |
| Yes, she is. |
[21:54] | <Mistress_Janice> | Nate will drop from her claws as we near the ground so she can land more easily. |
[21:56] | <Rayeth> | Oh, here is a picture of myself, sans wings. |
| <dkap-1_comp-0> | One of the people dropped from the claws turns to the ... individual and says: "Great, any ruminants about?" |
| <Rayeth> | http://www.furaffinity.net/view/1010277/ |
| Is the individual me? |
| <dkap-1_comp-0> | Indeed, it is. |
| <Rayeth> | Not in this instance. Too gaudy. |
| <dkap-1_comp-0> | No wings, and a vest, IIRC? |
[21:58] | <Rayeth> | Yeah. |
| <dkap-1_comp-0> | The ship lands, and the parachute forms itself into ... an albino humanoid. |
[21:59] | The bird unbirds, into a young lady. |
| Shapeshifters abound, apparently. |
| <Mistress_Janice> | Nathan heads for the ship, semi-grumbling, "Well, I *thought* I fixed it..." |
| <Rayeth> | Rayeth looks to the person speaking, "Any what?" he asks, tilting his head to the side. |
[22:00] | <dkap-1_comp-0> | Priest: "Ruminants. Large, hoofs, multiple stomaches, eats grass?" |
| <Rayeth> | Rayeth ahs and nods his head, "Oh, Cows. No, I haven't seen any around here." |
[22:01] | <dkap-1_comp-0> | Ariel: "Hi, I'm Ariel, what's your name?" |
[22:02] | Al: "Why are we looking for cows?" |
| Ariel: "He can read certain information out of their entrails, that I need to know at the moment." |
[22:03] | <Rayeth> | Rayeth
blinks, "Oh, I am Rayeth...I think...at least that is what this note I
have says..." he pulls a piece of paper out of his vest pocket. |
| <Mistress_Janice> | "Presumably
for some better coordinates, as our present means of travel doesn't
seem to be getting us where we're supposed to be." |
| <dkap-1_comp-0> | Al: "Really? I've not had dealings with someone who can do that successfully in a while." |
[22:04] | <Auricle> | (paper? Oh dear. That's really bad. paper can be lost.) |
| <dkap-1_comp-0> | Ariel: "Really? You don't know who you are?" |
| Al: "I suffer from that, as well ... constantly." |
[22:05] | <Rayeth> | Rayeth frowns, "Don't be rediculous. Of course I know who I am." |
[22:06] | <dkap-1_comp-0> | Ariel: "But then why are you reading the paper, if you don't know your own name. |
[22:07] | <Rayeth> | "Well, obviously because I forgot. I do that every now and again. It helps to keep things fresh." |
| <dkap-1_comp-0> | Ariel: "Cool." |
[22:08] | <Rayeth> | Rayeth nods, "Yes quite. At least that is what my note says. Also says I should try to find someone named Bannon." |
[22:09] | <Mistress_Janice> | Nathan busies himself with the machine, letting the others sort things out locally. |
[22:12] | <dkap-1_comp-0> | Al: "I don't believe I know a Bannon." |
| Ariel: "I have no idea." |
| Al: "But this note told you to do this? I could use notes like that." |
| Bear Mage: "What shape is this Bannon?" |
[22:13] | <Rayeth> | Rayeth
nods, pocketing the note, "Well I'm in no hurry. The note also said
that she would be very upset with me for making myself forget again, and
that I should expect a long talking to when I find her, and I'm in no
mood for that." |
| <dkap-1_comp-0> | Al:
"Bannon-shaped? ... Why are you looking for this Bannon, if you don't
mind me asking, oh person I just met a little while ago, O person who's
entire life can be encapsulated in a single note?" |
[22:16] | <Rayeth> | "Well,
the note said to. I presume I wrote it since it is in my handwriting.
But like I just said, I'm in no hurry to be scolded. Now how about
yourself and that strange contraption over yonder." |
[22:19] | <dkap-1_comp-0> | Which Nate is prodding. |
[22:20] | <dkap-1_comp-0> | Al: Logrus-grabs a ruminant. |
[22:21] | Priest: "Ahh ... thanks." |
| <Rayeth> | "Oh look! A cow!" |
[22:22] | <dkap-1_comp-0> | Ruminant is red and brown striped, 8 legged, 4 eyed, and about as large as a great dane. |
| Al: "You are welcome. Happy to help." |
[22:23] | Ariel: "So, Rayeth, where _is_ this place, anyway?" |
[22:24] | <Mistress_Janice> | Nate
recruits the pilot. "Any idea where, or when we were supposed to be
going? Only it seems as if Ariel's gates might be a better choice -
this," a pat of the machine, "doesn't seem to be working out so well." |
[22:25] | <dkap-1_comp-0> | The
priest does his chanting, his cutting, his reading and says: "Well ... I
have the next set of coordinates, and everyone living has to come with
us ... right now." |
| <Rayeth> | Rayeth
taps his chin and looks around. "Hmm...good question. I only arrived
here about a day ago myself. I presume I walked here from somewhere else
right before I made myself forget..." |
[22:26] | <dkap-1_comp-0> | Al grabs the ship, Ariel opens the gate, anyone grabbing the ruminant-remains? |
[22:27] | <Rayeth> | Rayeth looks about, "Where are we going?" |
| <Mistress_Janice> | Al is carrying the ship? Okay, that's pretty strong. So noted. |
| <dkap-1_comp-0> | There is a magical gate open. |
[22:28] | Ariel and Al: Chorus of why you need to come with, and some heavy flirting mixed in. |
[22:29] | <Mistress_Janice> | Nate snickers. "We're going elsewhere. I'd imagine there's local danger, given the 'right now'." |
[22:30] | <dkap-1_comp-0> | There is an ominous rumble, the skies go dark. |
| All head through the gate? |
[22:31] | <Rayeth> | Rayeth
nods before walking towards the gate, he pauses a moment, "Oh how silly
of me..." he runs back to where he had been laying and grabs his staff
and then heads to the gate, "Can't go anywhere without my lucky walking
stick." |
[22:32] | <dkap-1_comp-0> | Through the gate. To a familiar place to Nate. |
| (Al
checks, and finds that the stick does not, indeed, bear any
relationship to the sticks of the Death Mages that you all just
escaped.) |
[22:33] | Nate,
this is the practice fields on campus. Or a close enough
approximation, that on first glance you are quite sure of your location. |
| Ariel closes the gate behind, as soon as all are through. |
| Ariel: "Is this your school?" |
[22:35] | Al: "So, why did we have to leave, so quickly from the other place, what did the gizzard say?" |
[22:36] | <Mistress_Janice> | Nate laughs, and nods. "Yes, this looks like it. Thank you!" which latter is aimed at both Ariel and Ahm. |
| <dkap-1_comp-0> | Priest: "They don't leave enough leeway for me to use judgment, they just tell me what to do." |
[22:37] | <Mistress_Janice> | Nate looks around for any sign of people. Will head for the dorms, if no one's about. |
| <Rayeth> | Rayeth looks about before turning to Priest, "Interesting way of getting directions." |
| <dkap-1_comp-0> | Middle of the day. |
| Ariel: "Does this look any different from when you left?" |
| <Mistress_Janice> | Nate also wants to find out what day it is. Exams are soon. |
| <dkap-1_comp-0> | Nate: There are people in the distance. |
[22:39] | <Mistress_Janice> | "Looks mostly the same - and there are some folk over there. Let's go ask." |
[22:40] | <dkap-1_comp-0> | As you wander in that direction, one of the people recognizes you, says "Hi Nate." and waves. |
| One of your classmates. |
| <Mistress_Janice> | "Hi, Mike. I've been away for a bit - did I miss anything entertaining?" |
[22:41] | <dkap-1_comp-0> | Mike: "Not much, unless you've not been studying, finals are tomorrow, and the dance is this weekend." |
[22:42] | Professor Cameau-Lautren: "Have you brought new students?" |
[22:43] | <Mistress_Janice> | "Then
I've got catching up to do tonight. Catch you later!" Nate turns back
to the group. "Well, it appears I am back, and before finals, so I won't
flunk out, and before the dance, so my girlfriend won't kill me." He
turns to the professor. "I... don't think so. We've been thrown together
by chance and prophecy, and I think everyone's trying to get to their
own definition of 'home'." |
| <dkap-1_comp-0> | They claim to be past student age. |
| Al: "We are just trying to get everyone back whence they came." |
[22:44] | The Pilot seems to have run off. |
| <Auricle> | (lol, I read that as 'the plot seems to have run off) |
[22:45] | <dkap-1_comp-0> | Ariel: "You will be here? So I know where to reach you, if necessary?" |
[22:46] | <Mistress_Janice> | Nate
tells Ahm, "We couldn't have done it without you." He tells Ariel,
"Thanks for everything - do you want a meal, perhaps, before everyone
heads wherever you're going next?" And he tells the Bear Mage, "It's
been a pleasure. I'll practice, in case I run across anyone else who
speaks this 'Thari'." He nods to Ariel. "I should be - though it's
almost end of term. Someone here should know... | | ...where to find me, if need be. Ask at the building over there," a handwave, "that's Admin." |
[22:48] | <dkap-1_comp-0> | Ariel describes Bast to Al, to Logrus-pull those left. The Bear Mage indicates that he wishes to stay at the school for a bit. |
| Ariel describes and names her home, to Nate, in case he ever wants to visit. |
[22:50] | Al Logrus pulls the Ornithol, the Priest, Ariel, and Rayeth. |
| <Mistress_Janice> | Nate listens carefully, but admits that, "Without a ride, I don't think I could make it. Good to know, though... Take care!" |
[22:51] | <dkap-1_comp-0> | Ariel: "The invitation stands open." |
| <Mistress_Janice> | "Then I'll keep it in mind. I hope you get everyone home! Thanks again." |
[22:53] | <dkap-1_comp-0> | The anthropomorphised Cat greets Ariel enthusiastically, as "Daughter." |
[22:55] | Ariel introduces her mother as "Bast". |
| These are my friends, please keep them from harm as much as possible. |
[22:56] | Bast: "Daughter, you smell like you've been around someone ... familiar." |
[22:57] | Ariel offers to show you around, and feed you. |
| <Rayeth> | Rayeth agrees to that offer. |
[22:58] | <dkap-1_comp-0> | Al becomes similar to Bast, but colourless. |
| Shall we hang there, then? |
[22:59] | They didn |
| 't quite get as far as I expected, but ... |
[23:00] | <Cagliostro> | good night! |
[23:01] | |<-- | Cagliostro has left irc.gamesurge.net (Quit: Leaving.) |
| <dkap-1_comp-0> | Good night all! |
| <Mistress_Janice> | And pass our good nights on to the live players. | | Good night! |
| |<-- | Mistress_Janice has left irc.gamesurge.net (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.87 [Firefox 4.0.1/20110413222027]) |
| <Rayeth> | bai |
| <--| | Rayeth has left #dkap_amber |