Conversation with #dkap_amber

Conversation with #dkap_amber on Tue 23 Aug 2011 08:09:41 PM EDT:
(08:09:41 PM) mode (+o dkap) by ChanServ
(08:11:03 PM) jimblanchette [] entered the room.
(08:11:11 PM) jimblanchette: hello
(08:16:11 PM) Cagliostro [~sgorton@] entered the room.
(08:16:18 PM) Cagliostro: ahoyhoy.
(08:16:38 PM) dkap: Greetings, and they begin to gather.
(08:18:50 PM) dkap: Of course, we might not have enough of a quorum ...
(08:30:28 PM) Cagliostro: we might not.
(08:30:32 PM) Cagliostro: I can't see from here. ;)
(08:34:00 PM) dkap: Only Jim here ...
(08:34:05 PM) dkap: And he's online, as well.
(08:34:14 PM) dkap: Stormy has a broken car somewhere ...
(08:34:18 PM) dkap: I've not seen Auricle ...
(08:34:31 PM) dkap: Ariel is doing Yoga.
(08:56:02 PM) Cagliostro: shall we call it a rain check week then?
(08:57:04 PM) dkap: Indeed, I'm inducting a new player, instead ... *grin* This one might even have staying power.
(08:57:09 PM) dkap: Not a Pillow Boy ...
(08:57:44 PM) Cagliostro: I am not sure I want to know what that means.
(08:58:33 PM) dkap: Historically, someone we picked up showed up for one game, and the, for the next several, his chair had a pillow on it, to represent him.
(08:58:47 PM) dkap: Hence, a one-shot wonder is now referred to as "Pillow Boy."
(09:00:06 PM) Cagliostro: I see.
(09:03:43 PM) Cagliostro: so, see you next week
(09:03:53 PM) dkap: Indeed.
(09:03:56 PM) Cagliostro left the room (quit: Quit: Leaving.).
(09:10:09 PM) bannon [] entered the room.
(09:10:45 PM) ***bannon waves!
(09:30:57 PM) jimblanchette left the room (quit: Quit).
(10:21:28 PM) The account has disconnected and you are no longer in this chat. You will be automatically rejoined in the chat when the account reconnects.

(08:27:04 PM) mode (+o dkap) by ChanServ
(08:27:42 PM) dkap: Greetings!
(08:27:53 PM) dkap: Sorry I'm late, but all is now well in the world.
(08:28:32 PM) jimblanchette [] entered the room.
(08:28:46 PM) jimblanchette: hello!
(08:28:52 PM) dkap: Greetings.
(08:34:47 PM) Cagliostro [] entered the room.
(08:35:00 PM) Cagliostro: ahoyhoy.
(08:35:09 PM) Cagliostro: Delna! Long time no see. Hope things are well.
(08:35:44 PM) dkap: I think she went to make dinner ...
(08:35:51 PM) dkap: Greetings, good sir!
(08:36:11 PM) dkap: Are you getting enough sleep what with all that you are doing at the moment?
(08:36:47 PM) Cagliostro: I suspect so, at least out of character.
(08:40:32 PM) dkap: Good good.
(08:44:56 PM) Cagliostro: I had hoped to make it over there in person but schedule didn't permit. perhaps next week.
(09:25:32 PM) Delna: Hi!!
(09:25:39 PM) Delna: There are people here now =)
(09:26:20 PM) Delna: Things are well with me. How are you?
(09:30:05 PM) Cagliostro: Hopefully good. Still up in the air. Lost power for 29 hours during Irene and had to throw out a bunch of stuff in the fridge & freezer. Not as bad as it could have been.
(09:31:31 PM) Delna: :( I only vaguely heard about all the chaos Irene caused up there. Sorry to here it hit you. I figured in FL we would for sure end up with a bit of storm...but strangely no more than our normal rainy afternoons.
(09:31:59 PM) Cagliostro: yeah, it was a wacky storm. left Vermont in very bad shape, from what I can see.
(09:34:14 PM) Delna: Yeah, I heard some about that. Weird how those things work. Glad you got power back finally.
(09:36:15 PM) Cagliostro: so were we. I think it took about two hours for my wife to get bored. ;)
(09:36:34 PM) dkap: Only 2 hours? Hrm ...
(09:36:40 PM) jimblanchette: hola!
(09:36:46 PM) dkap: We didn't loose power, although several of my friends did.
(09:37:21 PM) dkap: And the folks a little further inland didn't even get the heavy rains.
(09:37:53 PM) Cagliostro: it was just heavy rain with some wind gusts here. One of those wind gusts happened to take down a big tree branch right on a power line.
(09:38:14 PM) Delna: that'll do it
(09:39:41 PM) dkap: Which is why I like underground lines, that way only the gophers can take them out.
(09:41:12 PM) Cagliostro: or landsharks.
(09:44:11 PM) Cagliostro left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
(09:44:13 PM) Cagliostro [] entered the room.
(09:49:26 PM) dkap: So, the intrepid Heroes ride into the town.
(09:50:16 PM) Cagliostro: sad town.
(09:53:18 PM) dkap: Indeed.
(09:54:04 PM) Delna: they'd run and hide if they knew what's best for them
(09:54:45 PM) dkap: Very much so, so it's a pity that they started cheering, and throwing confetti when you showed up.
(09:55:46 PM) Cagliostro: so which quote unquote heroes, and which town?
(09:57:12 PM) dkap: The Zach-Cagliostro party, most probably.
(09:57:19 PM) Cagliostro: ah, okay.
(09:57:25 PM) Cagliostro: that will catch us by surprise, then.
(09:57:31 PM) Cagliostro: since usually we've been getting ambushed.
(09:57:53 PM) dkap: This might be one ...
(09:59:33 PM) Cagliostro: it's *possible*, but if so it would show an unexpected amount of creativity and panache
(09:59:47 PM) Cagliostro: I will defer to Zach-as-hero and will just keep an eye out for ambushes
(10:01:45 PM) dkap: I presume that your wards are still up, right?
(10:01:51 PM) Cagliostro: of course.
(10:02:11 PM) Cagliostro: this whole scene might be an illusion and we're about to walk into an acid pit or Scientology recruitment center.
(10:02:15 PM) dkap: Good good, then none of the confetti is on you when it starts smoking and bursting into flames.
(10:02:41 PM) Cagliostro: hm. are the townsfolk horrified?
(10:03:00 PM) Cagliostro: I'm wondering if he spiked the confetti or did something more elaborate.
(10:03:10 PM) dkap: No, they have pulled weapons out and are advancing.
(10:03:22 PM) Cagliostro: gotcha. 'more elaborate'.
(10:03:36 PM) Cagliostro: conjure knockout gas on the outside of the wards.
(10:03:47 PM) Cagliostro: try not to burn the attacking townsfolk on their own confetti.
(10:04:32 PM) dkap: They seem unaffected by the smoke or flame and have an unfortunate taste in dentation ....
(10:04:44 PM) Cagliostro: interesting...
(10:04:49 PM) Cagliostro: do they look familiar at all?
(10:05:02 PM) Cagliostro: I have some small experience in demonology.
(10:05:07 PM) dkap: But, sure enough, the knock-out gas is effective before too long, and they have trundled off to their dreams.
(10:05:26 PM) dkap: Not really demons, nor Jager, but ... perhaps a shadow of a shadow ...
(10:05:48 PM) Cagliostro: interesting.
(10:05:56 PM) Cagliostro: Zach will presumably make a note, and we will continue along.
(10:05:57 PM) dkap: Their skin is much more normal skin colours than Jager or Demon colors, even the sun-burnt ones.
(10:06:26 PM) dkap: You have to get a bit of height to get over their sleeping bodies, but that is not a problem, your daughter handles it nicely.
(10:09:13 PM) dkap: At the edge of town, there is another individual, just sitting on a mid-sized rock in the middle of the path, sword in hand, looking somewhat depressed.
(10:09:18 PM) Nathan [] entered the room.
(10:09:27 PM) Nathan: Bad me, no biscuit!
(10:09:49 PM) dkap: You made it!
(10:09:52 PM) dkap: Yay.
(10:09:59 PM) Cagliostro: gm: not the individual we're looking for, I presume?
(10:10:12 PM) dkap: Not the individual you are looking for, no.
(10:10:56 PM) Nathan is now known as Mistress_Janice
(10:11:07 PM) Mistress_Janice: There. Sorry, didn't realize the time.
(10:11:39 PM) dkap: He looks up at your approach, and says, in a very dispirited voice: "None shall pass, while I draw breath."
(10:12:05 PM) ***Mistress_Janice Could you hold your breath and let us by?
(10:12:43 PM) Cagliostro: gm: can I tell how much mystic interia this guy has?
(10:13:08 PM) dkap: About as much as most of the shadows you have been going through, nothing that stands out.
(10:13:20 PM) Cagliostro: can I modify him so he no longer needs to breathe?
(10:13:35 PM) Mistress_Janice: <snicker>
(10:14:37 PM) dkap: Sad man: "Nothing so precise, alas, I am obligated to lay down my life stopping you, and since you are actually probably at least competent, it's not even going to be a challenge. I'm nowhere near the swordsman my father and brothers were."
(10:15:21 PM) Cagliostro: "It is possible your obligation was obtained under false pretenses. That has been a pattern."
(10:15:41 PM) Mistress_Janice: "Well, would you mind terribly if we just knocked you out? We're... trying to avoid casualties. At least, the ones we can."
(10:17:53 PM) dkap: Sad man: "I believe my family is obliged, and since I'm the last one left, after the plague, I must do what I must do. I'd much rather challenge you to a duel of illumination, or, perhaps discourse on the Holy Writ, but ... I don't believe that would either solve your problem or match the family obligation."
(10:18:55 PM) Cagliostro: gm: stop me if I don't think this will work, but...
(10:19:06 PM) Cagliostro: "Well, far be it from me to stand in the way of family obligation..."
(10:19:09 PM) Mistress_Janice: "...Holy Writ? I might be able to manage. What's a 'duel of illumination'?"
(10:19:23 PM) Cagliostro: to mistress janice: "We're short on time."
(10:19:37 PM) Cagliostro: gm: kill him, quickly and painlessly. wait a minute, then revivify him.
(10:19:53 PM) ***Mistress_Janice sighs, and nods.
(10:20:13 PM) Cagliostro: probably something impressive like deconjuring the skin & outside of the jugular veins.
(10:20:25 PM) Cagliostro: the ward will keep us from getting splashed.
(10:21:28 PM) dkap: When he dies, there is a clear essence that departs him, very rapidly.
(10:21:40 PM) Cagliostro: craaaap.
(10:21:45 PM) dkap: And the revivification only provides you with an animate body.
(10:21:45 PM) Cagliostro: can I trap it?
(10:22:08 PM) Cagliostro: or figure out where it went?
(10:24:11 PM) dkap: It seems to have departed the vicinity ... you might be able to track it, should you have the time ...
(10:24:49 PM) dkap: By the way, the body was riddled with disease.
(10:25:04 PM) Cagliostro: huh. a local plague.
(10:25:08 PM) Cagliostro: aaaaargh.
(10:25:09 PM) Mistress_Janice: Nasty.
(10:25:19 PM) Cagliostro: I presume the wards are disease-proof?
(10:25:33 PM) Cagliostro: this-specific-one, I mean?
(10:27:02 PM) dkap: Yes. The contageon is big enough to be blocked by the ward, yes.
(10:27:17 PM) dkap: Otherwise you would have been much more alarmed when it happened.
(10:27:20 PM) Cagliostro: all right. bah.
(10:27:45 PM) Cagliostro: can I figure out an antidote for the disease?
(10:28:07 PM) Cagliostro: either a disease that attacks the disease, or preferably something that seeds immunogens in nearby animals?
(10:28:17 PM) Cagliostro: this may take time, which is what I fear.
(10:31:29 PM) dkap: Disease that attacks the disease is probably the easiest. Take you about 10 minutes.
(10:32:17 PM) Cagliostro: aaaaaaaargh.
(10:32:25 PM) Cagliostro: to Zach: "Can we spare ten minutes?"
(10:33:03 PM) dkap: Zach: "I think we can, why do you ask?"
(10:33:38 PM) Cagliostro: "I'd like to fix the plague, to make up for my slight bout of overconfidence with yon illuminator, whose spirit has passed on."
(10:34:11 PM) dkap: Zach: "Excellent. The rest of us will take the opportunity to rest and relax, and perhaps grab a bite."
(10:34:28 PM) dkap: Zach: "This is as good a spot as any."
(10:34:48 PM) Cagliostro: gm: make a disease to attack the disease. try to put in the usual safeguards to keep it from mutating, becoming self-aware, that sort of thing.
(10:35:08 PM) dkap: Not a problem, you have done this before.
(10:35:58 PM) Cagliostro: good point.
(10:38:15 PM) dkap: Zach sits, eats, and stretches out his legs.
(10:38:30 PM) dkap: The ranger fusses over Zach.
(10:38:36 PM) dkap: Mistress_Janice?
(10:38:46 PM) Mistress_Janice: Yah?
(10:38:53 PM) dkap: What do you do?
(10:39:02 PM) Mistress_Janice: I suppose I can try to get a meal together.
(10:40:25 PM) dkap: Or pull out supplies, and fruit that you have been carrying, and nosh on that. I'm just wondering if there is anything in specific that you are doing.
(10:41:44 PM) Mistress_Janice: Not really.
(10:41:56 PM) Mistress_Janice: Unless there's something father wants me to work on?
(10:42:57 PM) Cagliostro: not that he can think of.
(10:43:25 PM) dkap: Then, 10 minutes pass, and the secondary disease is released.
(10:43:31 PM) Cagliostro: yay.
(10:43:42 PM) Cagliostro: does it work as designed ont he test subject, the animated corpse?
(10:44:12 PM) dkap: It does.
(10:44:28 PM) dkap: Very soon, it is now the carrier of the anti-disease.
(10:44:57 PM) Cagliostro: excellent.
(10:45:11 PM) Cagliostro: can I create some birds that will spread the anti-disease around?
(10:45:20 PM) dkap: Yes, easily.
(10:45:34 PM) Cagliostro: okay, do that.
(10:45:40 PM) Cagliostro: make them look like Caelin's birds.
(10:46:14 PM) dkap: The wind-up, bronze ones?
(10:46:48 PM) Cagliostro: living versions of them, yes
(10:46:59 PM) Cagliostro: but not bronze. more lifelike, so they'll fly casual.
(10:47:01 PM) dkap: Yes, you can.
(10:47:04 PM) Cagliostro: but so they look like Caelin's.
(10:47:32 PM) dkap: Umm ... so they aren't obviously mechanical, and made of bronze, so they are, indeed nothing at all like Caelin's birds?
(10:47:34 PM) Cagliostro: okay, after doing that with 40 or so birds, flying in different directions
(10:47:44 PM) Cagliostro: it depends on how you look at them ;)
(10:48:41 PM) dkap: True enough.
(10:49:00 PM) Cagliostro: so, continue on.
(10:50:14 PM) Mistress_Janice: Track, trail, track...
(10:50:38 PM) dkap: Further up and in you go.
(10:50:45 PM) jimblanchette left the room.
(10:54:17 PM) Delna: good night all. Nice to see you again =)
(10:54:56 PM) Cagliostro: good night, Delna.
(10:55:48 PM) Cagliostro: shall we call it a night?
(10:56:33 PM) Delna left the room (quit: Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.87 [Firefox 5.0/20110615151330]).
(10:57:30 PM) dkap: Sounds like the appropriate time ...
(10:59:05 PM) Cagliostro: indeed. good night.
(10:59:14 PM) Cagliostro left the room (quit: Quit: Leaving.).
(10:59:22 PM) Mistress_Janice: Okay, later!
(10:59:41 PM) Mistress_Janice: David, I should prolly be home sometime late night/early morning. Glad to ehar this morning wasn't an issue.
(11:00:23 PM) dkap: All things worked out.
(11:00:34 PM) dkap: I might be over at Katherine's ...
(11:01:15 PM) Mistress_Janice: Have fun! Give her my best.
(11:01:49 PM) dkap: Will do.
(11:07:46 PM) Mistress_Janice left the room (quit: Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.87 [Firefox 6.0/20110811165603]).
(11:27:10 PM) dkap: Background on the Bear Mage and Al.
(11:28:13 PM) dkap: Dish, "help me" underneith to the cavern, in, rescue the aged dragon, passed by the rest, take on the torn-wing shape, (with the tears as an illusion) and go toward the beastmasterish glow.
(08/31/2011 12:00:23 AM) Day changed to 31 Aug 2011
(12:04:33 AM) dkap: Banter between the existing dragons, off to a hole, distraction then grab, gate to the Carniverous Plant promentory, Bear Mage follows after, drop the rock into a carniverous plant, and head off to research what it might be, in the Mage-guild library.