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Amelia Johnson, Chumley Metrodora, Drae Blitzen, Kiara Umbrielle
Beth, Jenny, Dr. Hans Blix, Secretary Ash Carter, Flight Attendant, Copilot, Drae's Bravo Team - Millie as Lead, Mr. Albert, Ryan
[6:59 PM] Amelia: Had an auxiliary lab set up with safety gear, some scanning equipment and PPE so she could open the mysterious packages without exposing anyone to further radiation.
[6:59 PM] GM: When last we left our intrepid heroes ...
[7:00 PM] GM: Amelia, you are not feeling 100%, by the way, not as bad as Beth, but still not great.
[7:00 PM] GM: Your safety measures are protecting you from getting worse, though.
[7:03 PM] GM: The package opens. There are several sample bags, and etched metal plate, and what seems to be some wood-based, possibly paper ashes. Some of the ashes are electrostaticly clinging to the etched metal plate.
[7:04 PM] Amelia The ashes and metal plate are the only things outside of sample bags?
[7:08 PM] Amelia Sorts the package contents, separating the ashes from the metal plate and sample bags, gathers the ashes into a separate container, and then takes readings to confirm the metal plate is the source of emissions.
[7:08 PM] GM: There are various powders in the sample bags, but the bags are mylar, so, you would have to open them to find out more about the powders, since they aren't transparent.
[7:09 PM] GM: The metal plate, the ashes and the sample bags are all radiating at this time, but what the original source might be is ... unclear.
[7:09 PM] GM: Any one of them might have contaminated the others.
[7:10 PM] Amelia: What kind of etchings are on the plate? also, how big is it?
[7:10 PM] GM: And, I believe you have both sets, right? You grabbed Beth's set from her pocket when she was taken away by the ambulance, right?
[7:11 PM] Amelia: Yes, she has both.
[7:11 PM] GM: Both packages are functionally identical. Each etched plate is about the size of a post-card.
[7:13 PM] GM: The plate moves, in your experience, as if it is some iron alloy. The sample bags are heavier than you would expect, for the amount of material in them.
[7:15 PM] Amelia: Studies the sample bags without opening them yet. Are they a mineral or metal, perhaps?
[7:15 PM] GM: How are you examining the etchings on the plate?
[7:16 PM] GM: And for a mineral or metal they, again, in your experience, are heavier that you would expect. Maybe gold dust?
[7:16 PM] Amelia: What do the etching look like? Are they just scratches, some applied texture, or some kind of writing?
[7:17 PM] GM: How are you looking at them? Cameras are fuzzed out due to the level of radiation, and you probably don't want to use your eyeballs, or your fingertips.
[7:18 PM] Amelia: I might be able to use a dumb camera and get a still picture...
[7:19 PM] GM: Anything that would pick up light (even a dumb camera) would be blurred due to the radiation, unfortunately.
[7:20 PM] Amelia: Out loud, to self:hmm...
[7:21 PM] Amelia: These ashes are curious, but maybe they can help...
[7:22 PM] Amelia: With gloved hands, of course, picks up a few of the ashes from the container she placed them in and sprinkles them lightly watching as they drop.
[7:24 PM] GM: There is still some electrostatic charge to them, they stick to the gloves.
[7:25 PM] Amelia: With gloves, rubs the ashes into the groves of the metal plate.
[7:25 PM] GM: You can do that.
[7:26 PM] Amelia: Does this allow the etching to stand out color-wise from the rest of the metal?
[7:26 PM] GM: Not enough to overcome the blur, unfortunately.
[7:28 PM] Amelia: Well then, might as well see if it is paper after all.
[7:29 PM] Amelia: Retrieves a sheet of paper and covers the plate with it.
[7:30 PM] GM: The plate is now covered by a sheet of paper.
[7:30 PM] Amelia: No reaction... okay.
[7:31 PM] GM: It is probably beginning to warm up, but the rest of the sensing around it, that is difficult to tell.
[7:31 PM] Amelia: Grabs a charcoal pencil and takes a rubbing of the etchings.
[7:31 PM] GM: Rubbing achieved.
[7:32 PM] GM: There is a definite pattern to the etching, and it is more likely that the minimal exposure of the rubbing will allow photography.
[7:35 PM] Amelia: Takes enough rubbing samples to obtain marks from both sides of the plate (if any), removes the papers from the rest of the items and captures photos of the rubbings before placing them in a new container.
[7:35 PM] GM: You discover that the etching is only on one side of each plate.
[7:36 PM] Amelia: Sorry, I did mean to say both plates.
[7:36 PM] GM: The photos are still slightly blurred, but by comparing/overlaying the images you have a definite sense of the words.
[7:37 PM] Amelia: Reads the words to herself.
[7:44 PM] GM: It seems to be in a mix of languages, but basically translates to:
[7:44 PM] GM: Friend of Jenny: Help, bound in slavery to those who would wipe out Jenny, using these things. Protect our mutual friend.
[7:48 PM] Amelia: Quickly packs up the items, papers, pencils, cameras and puts them away somewhere secure under lead, then leaves the room to retrieve her phone...
[7:48 PM] Amelia: Jenny, what's happening right now?
[7:48 PM] GM: Jenny: Can you be more specific?
[7:50 PM] Amelia: Check the apartment. Is there anything out of place? I'll tell you more info in a moment.
[7:51 PM] GM: Jenny: Nothing has changed since you were last here.
[7:52 PM] Amelia: Now please see if you can find out what's happening with Beth now. She was taken away in an ambulance because of those packages.
[7:54 PM] Amelia: Jenny, I asked earlier if we would be a target. I just got confirmation that you are the target. Assailants unknown, but this was on purpose. The package was meant for you. We should re-analyze.
[7:55 PM] Amelia: While sending messages, returns to her office.
[7:56 PM] GM: Jenny: Beth's condition is currently unavailable to me. Hospital has not uploaded any records.
[7:57 PM] Amelia: Checks the office again to see if anyone might have been there while she was away, then logs into the work computer to see if she's received any other messages.
[7:58 PM] GM: Nothing out of the ordinary in your message stack (the usual correspondence appears to be .. well ... normal.)
[7:59 PM] GM: You are still feeling unwell, probably the effects of your initial exposure to the radiation.
[8:00 PM] Amelia: Outloud to self: Whoever this was, they know Beth and Jenny. I don't think I can call on any of our usual friends for help here...
[8:00 PM] GM: They know Beth, Jenny, and you.
[8:01 PM] Amelia: Dials Chumley's number.
[8:02 PM] Chumley Metrodora: We are at the airport?
[8:02 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Or has time passed?
[8:03 PM] GM: You have left the airport at this point in time, I believe you are driving Kiara to the hospital treatment center.
[8:03 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Answers Phone: Hello?
[8:05 PM] Amelia: Hi there. I hope I'm not calling at a bad time. This is Amelia. You remember the fun investigation we did a few months ago? Well, I have a new kind of puzzle. Maybe we can help me a bit?
[8:06 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Sure, let me put you on Speaker, I am driving, and I have a very dear friend of mine in the car with me. She loves puzzles too.
[8:06 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Kiara -- Amelia ... Amelia --- Kiara
[8:07 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Speaker phone on.
[8:07 PM] GM: Your vehicle is happy to play speakerphone for you.
[8:08 PM] Amelia: Amelia is speaking in her usual chipper voice, but there's a clear edge to it, hinting at her current anxiety.
[8:08 PM] Kiara Umbrielle: Grumbles loudly. I'm currently puzzling on how chocolate cake feels repulsive to me at the moment.
[8:08 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Kiara, Amilia and I went to a Civil War Site together a few months ago.
[8:09 PM] Chumley Metrodora: What's cooking?
[8:09 PM] Amelia: Great! I'll give you some more details in person. Can you meet me at the hospital? I'm on my way to visit a friend there.
[8:09 PM] Amelia: Is also getting herself checked in.
[8:09 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Umm ... as it happens we are also going to the hospital ... which one?
[8:10 PM] GM: (You are all heading to Mt Sinai BTW)
[8:10 PM] Kiara Umbrielle: The best music is playing at Mt Sinai - its where the cool kids are at.
[8:11 PM] Amelia: Yes, I'm going to Mt Sinai too!
[8:11 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Why is this starting to look like not so much of a coincidence?
[8:12 PM] Kiara Umbrielle: Turns her attention to Amelia's voice. Amelia, you sound very familiar .... have we met before?
[8:13 PM] Amelia: Texts Jenny: I'm going to check on Beth myself. I need to know you're not being attacked while I'm away. Please send me a health message every 30 minutes.
[8:13 PM] GM: Jenny: Will do.
[8:14 PM] Amelia: Kiara? I know someone with that name, but we've never met in person, I think.
[8:16 PM] Amelia: Before leaving the museum, Amelia will take a single sample bag with her in a sealed and lead-lined container. I'm assuming during her lab prep she found an appropriate box for this.
[8:17 PM] GM: Yes, such a box could be either found or put together, so you have one of the sample pouches in said lead-lined box with you.
[8:20 PM] Kiara Umbrielle: Answers back to Amelia over the speakerphone. Well either way, its a pleasure to meet you Amelia and looks intently at Chumley I don't believe in coincidences, do you?
[8:20 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Who did you learn that from?
[8:21 PM] Kiara Umbrielle: Smirks. Many, many life lessons. I believe you taught me one of them long ago.
[8:22 PM] Kiara Umbrielle: Is Amelia still on the speakerphone?
[8:23 PM] GM: Yes.
[8:23 PM] Amelia: I assume yes, though it's switched to speaker phone in her car too.
[8:25 PM] Kiara Umbrielle: Speaks to Amelia: If you are heading to Mt Sinai, do you mind sharing the reason why?
[8:26 PM] Amelia: A friend of mine had an accident. She went ahead in an ambulance, and I'm going to see her now.
[8:27 PM] Amelia: Only... it wasn't really accidental, if you know what I mean.
[8:28 PM] Chumley Metrodora: I assume we are arriving shortly
[8:29 PM] GM: You will be, was there more to the conversation you wanted to have, before you arrived, on anybody's part?
[8:30 PM] Kiara Umbrielle: Consider whether all of these items are truly a coincidence or if they are interrelated. Chumley, Do you think that could be connected to... everything else?
[8:31 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Amilia, we will be there shortly, I will search you out.
[8:31 PM] Amelia: You didn't tell me why you two were going there?
[8:32 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Lets say there was an accident.
[8:32 PM] Chumley Metrodora: And we will talk in person.
[8:32 PM] Kiara Umbrielle: I can't shake this feeling... a feeling that everything is connected somehow. Call it a disturbance in the force.
[8:33 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Hangs up phone.
[8:33 PM] GM: Any conversations that want to be had not over a broadcast medium?
[8:33 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Something does not feel right.
[8:33 PM] GM: Or shall I just wave-hand and say you are arriving at said hospital?
[8:34 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Do you have a sidearm? And appropriate paper for it?
[8:34 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Maybe I am twitchy after the airport ... but ... better safe?
[8:34 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Kiara?
[8:35 PM] GM: Having just got off of an international flight, and not able to retrieve baggage, probably not, actually.
[8:37 PM] Kiara Umbrielle: Eyes narrow slightly at Chumley's question. Not at the moment. But that doesn't mean I am currently unarmed.
[8:38 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Do you want a Glock, or something less noisy?
[8:40 PM] Kiara Umbrielle: Something less noisy, I am well equipped if anything up close happens. Pulls out a sharpened hair stick that is holding her hair up in a twist. This is much more effective than a knife.
[8:42 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Fair enough. As I touch both guns in my under arm holsters, and make sure the silencer is on one of them.
[8:42 PM] Chumley Metrodora: And make sure there are a few extra magazines in there as well.
[8:43 PM] Chumley Metrodora: OK ... ready for that. Hand wave.
[8:43 PM] Kiara Umbrielle: Slides the gun into a hidden pocket in her black leather jacket and casually twines her hair back up.
[8:45 PM] GM: Arrival happens. As always, in a crowded busy hospital there are some barriers before you get where you need to be, but there is a section that was somewhat hastily turned into a radiation triage center. Silkwood showers are the first order of business.
[8:45 PM] Kiara Umbrielle: Never underestimate a well-placed jab, Chumley. Besides, silent and unexpected can be a lot more effective than loud and flashy in close quarters. Another life lesson taught to me by a dark haired stranger with striking green eyes.
[8:47 PM] GM: The folks there are the radiation expert, and, in order of levels of exposure: Beth, Kiara, Amelia, Drae, and Chumley.
[8:48 PM] GM: Beth has yet to regain consciousness, Kiara, you still feel very nauseated, and unwell, Amelia, you are somewhat unwell. Drae, you are not showing many physical signs beyond the chatter of the Geiger counter.
[8:49 PM] GM: Chumley, they had some small issue finding scrubs big enough for you.
[8:50 PM] Kiara Umbrielle: Looks the radiation expert: Who sent you?
[8:50 PM] GM: His only response is "I go where I'm needed."
[8:51 PM] Kiara Umbrielle: Considers his response and whether she should reach out to Ryan for confirmation.
[8:51 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Easy Kiara ... our friend indicating Drae has many interesting friends.
[8:51 PM] Amelia: As we learn more details at the hospital, Amelia will send messages to Jenny to keep her up to date too as much as she can.
[8:51 PM] GM: He does have his IAEA badge, if that helps.
[8:52 PM] GM: The phones don't seem to have any signal in here. And, if you bring them too close to Beth, they might not ever again.
[8:54 PM] Kiara Umbrielle: Amelia is sick too... is it the same thing that's affecting me?
[8:54 PM] Amelia: Phones kept outside is one of the gates, then? Okay.
[8:54 PM] Kiara Umbrielle: Looks like we're in for a decontamination shower. Let's get this over with.
[8:55 PM] GM: No, you have them, it's just that in this particular section of the hospital, the radiation shielding is such that the phone's radiation is also shielded, so ...
[8:55 PM] Chumley Metrodora: I assume there is an armed security checkpoint, I can check in my firearms, with someone I can trust. Maybe some of Drae's People?
[8:56 PM] Amelia: To Kiara: From the look of it, I would guess we've been exposed to the same.... thing.
[8:57 PM] GM: Interestingly enough, in the hustle to get everything irradiated in one place, all your things are still with you. They might not be on your person, but they are in a section of the room, so that they are not, possibly, irradiating anyone else.
[8:58 PM] Kiara Umbrielle: Eyes narrow slightly: "Exposed to the same thing? Amelia, what do you mean? Do you know what caused this?"
[8:58 PM] GM: Drae's Alpha team went off to decontaminate and rest. Drae's Bravo team, have melted into the hustle and bustle of a working hospital, as it were.
[8:59 PM] Amelia: Looks to the expert: Radiation poisoning, right?
[8:59 PM] GM: He nods.
[9:00 PM] Chumley Metrodora: The only exposure I got was from Kiara, so my things should be damn near background levels.
[9:00 PM] Amelia: I agree with you. This timing probably isn't a coincidence. All of us exposed to radiation at the same time? How did it happen to you, by the way?
[9:03 PM] Chumley Metrodora: We were at an event, what about you?
[9:04 PM] GM: I apologize, I forgot, there are two others with you, both still unconscious, the Flight Attendant, and the Copilot as well.
[9:04 PM] GM: And they seem to be in about as good condition as Beth is.
[9:04 PM] Amelia: Picks up her little lead box and displays it to the others in her hands.
[9:05 PM] GM: Yes, Chumley, that's why you are the least exposed.
[9:05 PM] Amelia: I'm afraid I can't open it and show you. Or else we'd start looking like my dear friend over there.
[9:06 PM] Amelia: It just... showed up on my desk this morning.
[9:06 PM] Kiara Umbrielle: Do you have any theories about the source of the radiation exposure? Do you suspect a deliberate act, or something else altogether?
[9:07 PM] Amelia Frowns. It's deliberate.
[9:08 PM] Kiara Umbrielle: Looks at the radiation expert: Will the shielding protect us if we open this box? Or can you use your knowledge to determine what the risk level is in opening with the current shielding?
[9:08 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Hey Doc ... can you tell if the radiation affecting Amelia, is the same one affecting Kiara?
[9:12 PM] GM: Dr: Blix: I can tell you that the emission of alpha and beta particles seems to be at about the same pattern, so it is likely, but not definite that the same type of exposure happened.
[9:13 PM] GM: Dr. Blix: Would you like to see the spectrographic analysis?
[9:14 PM] Amelia: Yes
[9:14 PM] GM: Dr. Blix: If some of the contaminant is in that box, I can isolate it, and we can look at it, with the tools we have here.
[9:16 PM] Amelia: Idly twirls a lock of her hair. I don't know for sure if this is the contaminant. I think it is, though. It is like nothing I've ever seen.
[9:16 PM] Kiara Umbrielle: Is considering what the doctor says. Did Drae have the samples of the radioactive bottles from the plane sent over? We should compare the two.
[9:17 PM] GM: Albert is probably still clearing the site, so ... his priority was not, exactly sending anything along.
[9:18 PM] GM: Remember he was just arriving as you folks were leaving.
[9:18 PM] Kiara Umbrielle: Given I am saturated in this, can you use me as a sample for comparison? I would like to confirm that this is not a coincidence.
[9:19 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Or the co-pilot
[9:19 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Or the flight attendant
[9:19 PM] GM: The unconscious Flight Attendant is the most saturated, if that helps.
[9:20 PM] GM: Dr. Blix: But that is all secondary exposure, so ... wouldn't tell any more than the background scan, unless she has some of the source specifically on her.
[9:23 PM] GM: Dr. Blix has taken the box, and put it in a hood-like contraption, with layers of leaded crystal between you folks and the manipulating arms, allowing some blurred sight, but not anything precise. Inside the box is a small mylar sample bag. Inside the sample bag is some fine powder.
[9:24 PM] GM: Chumley, you have that itch in the back of your brain that it looks really similar to ... some other powder that you saw at a distance, not that long ago.
[9:25 PM] GM: Dr Blix is weighing it, and trying to analyze it.
[9:25 PM] Amelia: Is also watching the screens intently.
[9:26 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Amelia ... is there more of this somewhere?
[9:26 PM] Drae Blitzen: There is.
[9:26 PM] Amelia: Waves a hand dismissively.Yes.
[9:27 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Is someone working to secure it?
[9:28 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Can we back trace it, to understand where this pouch came from?
[9:28 PM] Amelia: Drae? Do you also have more, or do you somehow know where my sample came from?
[9:30 PM] Drae Blitzen: That I do.
[9:30 PM] GM: Dr. Blix: May I also examine it, please?
[9:31 PM] Drae Blitzen: Offers it to the Doctor.
[9:31 PM] GM: He opens it in a second similar hood, so there is no cross-contamination.
[9:32 PM] GM: One of the nurses or doctors (it's hard to tell, in their radiation suits) is bringing in some IV stands.
[9:32 PM] GM: After some examination, Dr. Blix confirms that they are the same substance.
[9:33 PM] Amelia glances at the nurse/doctor for a just a moment. Does anything look suspicious about them?
[9:34 PM] GM: Dr. Blix: I am familiar with most forms of radioactive substances, especially those that have been weaponized over the years, but ... this specific formulation ... this is new to me.
[9:35 PM] GM: They are just delivering the IVs to the interface room, one of you would have to go and get them.
[9:36 PM] GM: The (wired) phone in the room begins to ring.
[9:36 PM] Chumley Metrodora: I answer the phone.
[9:37 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Hello?
[9:37 PM] GM: It is not a familiar voice, but they are saying that they have delivered some IV solutions that should help with flushing some of the radiation out of the tissues in the body.
[9:37 PM] Chumley Metrodora: OK
[9:37 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Hangs up phone, and goes and gets IVs.
[9:38 PM] GM: They are a dark liquid.
[9:38 PM] GM: There is one for everyone in the room, but one. They probably they didn't figure Dr. Blix needed one.
[9:39 PM] Amelia: Dr. Blix, you say you know of many weaponized substances. Does this appear to be manufactured in a similar way? Do you think someone made this as a weapon?
[9:41 PM] Drae Blitzen: Gets and IV and listens.
[9:42 PM] GM: Were this a dice-based game I'd ask all who got back from the airfield to roll against snorting at Amelia's question.
[9:43 PM] Amelia: Notably, no one has actually told Amelia about the plane yet.
[9:44 PM] GM: Dr. Blix looks at the IVs and then at the folks. While I am a doctor, I'm not that sort of a doctor. Anyone here less rusty than I am about IV hookups?
[9:44 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Amelia ... consider that we did not get exposed at your place ... and you did not get exposed at our event.
[9:45 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Hi Doc, I got it
[9:45 PM] Chumley Metrodora: And start setting up the IVs.
[9:45 PM] Amelia: nods Natural substances can be weaponized. I'm asking if this was created for this purpose, or could it have been... somehow... natural?
[9:46 PM] GM: Chumley: Who do you pick first? Triage order? Beth, and the flight attendant are the two worst-off ones.
[9:46 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Let me start with the copilot, and fligth attendant. It has been a minute since I did this, and they will not complain if I have to stick them a few times
[9:47 PM] GM: You hook up the flight attendant, and, while you are hooking up the co-pilot, the Flight Attendant starts convulsing, and manages to rip out the IV on her way to the floor.
[9:47 PM] Kiara Umbrielle: You might want to restrain the flight attendant and the copilot. Says in a dry voice. I had to fight them down.
[9:48 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Doc, are there restraints?
[9:48 PM] GM: Dr Blix has, instead, grabbed one of the IVs and extracted a few drops, to examine.
[9:49 PM] GM: And now the co-pilot is also convulsing.
[9:49 PM] GM: Though not as badly.
[9:50 PM] GM: Dr. Blix: Hmm ... this is the standard formulation for emergency internal anti-radiation cocktail. I'm very familiar with this. Nothing added, nothing missing.
[9:51 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Do we go on, and set up Beth?
[9:51 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Or wait?
[9:51 PM] GM: The flight attendant has now apparently stopped breathing entirely, and is swelling up in an anaphylaxis reaction.
[9:52 PM] Amelia: So far they don't look better.
[9:52 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Do we have a Kit?
[9:52 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Drug Box?
[9:52 PM] GM: There is a very complete one on the wall.
[9:53 PM] GM: Labels in blue, of course.
[9:53 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Grab an epi from the kit. Doc ... with your permission?
[9:53 PM] GM: Dr. Blix is absorbed in whatever he is looking at in the microscope.
[9:53 PM] Chumley Metrodora: 3
[9:53 PM] Chumley Metrodora: 2
[9:53 PM] Chumley Metrodora: 1
[9:54 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Inject epi into flight attendant.
[9:54 PM] GM: You will probably also have to intubate.
[9:54 PM] GM: And the copilot is also starting to show swelling and the like.
[9:54 PM] Chumley Metrodora: And start moving to intubate.
[9:55 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Grab another epi for the co-pilot.
[9:55 PM] Chumley Metrodora: DOC?
[9:55 PM] GM: You are having trouble prying her jaws open to put the tube in place.
[9:55 PM] GM: Dr Blix makes a sound like a very disturbed cat.
[9:56 PM] Chumley Metrodora: COMMAND VOICE: DOC ... NEED YOUR ATTENTION ... NOW
[9:57 PM] GM: He looks up, and says, Um ... it is unlikely that they can be saved at this point. Apparently whomever formulated this ... well ... when combined with the standard antidote it ... gets a lot more active. Like there is some sort of coating on the outside of the dust that is reacting.
[9:57 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Inject co-pilot with the second epi.
[9:57 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Stop mid movement.
[9:58 PM] GM: Dr. Blix: I ... need to make a phone call.
[9:58 PM] GM: Dr. Blix goes over to the phone.
[9:58 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Retrieve my sidearms ... from the corner.
[9:59 PM] Chumley Metrodora: And other weapons, knife, etc. from MY kit.
[9:59 PM] Chumley Metrodora: distribute to Drae and Kiara.
[10:00 PM] Chumley Metrodora: keeping pistol with silencer for myself
[10:00 PM] GM: Dr Blix, on the phone. Hello, General Carter? Yes. This is Hans Blix. Yes. It's worse than we thought.
[10:00 PM] Kiara Umbrielle: I don't think we can attack the radiation with weapons Chumley.
[10:00 PM] Drae Blitzen: Goes to phone, text for a check for calls being made from room.
[10:00 PM] GM: Drae, no signal in this room. Text goes nowhere.
[10:00 PM] Drae Blitzen: Takes sidearm.
[10:01 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Kiara, While it is true, there is also more going on here. and when it goes pear shaped what did I teach you happens.
[10:01 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Passes Drae a few extra clips as well.
[10:01 PM] Chumley Metrodora: And tucks a few in my pocket.
[10:01 PM] Amelia: Gets out of the line of fire.
[10:03 PM] GM: Dr Blix: Yes, the standard measures would have made things much worse, anyone who survived and would be treated would end up ... well ... dead as well.
[10:04 PM] GM: Dr. Blix: Yes sir ... Yes sir. ... If this is loose anywhere ... Yes sir. ... I'll write up my findings, for any cleanup team.
[10:04 PM] Kiara Umbrielle: What about all of the other passengers on the plane that were exposed?
[10:06 PM] GM: Dr Blix: Who knows what other booby-traps are included sir. Yes sir, I'll keep looking. I suggest a stronger quarant ... I know maybe make up a new level? Yes sir. ... Thank you sir, I'll get back to work on it, and update you as I know more.
[10:07 PM] GM: Dr Blix looks up from the phone and seeing the armed state of the company slowly raises his hands away from his body making no sudden moves.
[10:07 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Time to talk Doc.
[10:09 PM] GM: Dr. Blix: If you were trying to keep this information out of US hands, it's too late. I've let the highest people know already.
[10:10 PM] Chumley Metrodora: You better start making some sense fast.
[10:11 PM] Drae Blitzen: Rolls eyes.
[10:11 PM] Chumley Metrodora: OK ... what am I missing?
[10:12 PM] Drae Blitzen: ...Because if that was the case, we would come to Mt Sinai and give you samples...
[10:14 PM] GM: Dr. Blix: You might not have expected discovery so quickly? Or you might not have expected me to be so highly connected?
[10:17 PM] Drae Blitzen: Wow... this is a paranoid day for you Blix, isn't it?
[10:18 PM] Drae Blitzen: We're in New York, and there was an airline related problem. Of course folks would get this across.
[10:19 PM] Drae Blitzen: No one is trying to keep you from reaching out. but we don't like the dark much.
[10:19 PM] GM: Dr. Blix: I was in semi-retirement, when I was called to show up here, with very little briefing.
[10:21 PM] GM: Dr. Blix: And I've been on the side of protecting humanity for most of my life.
[10:22 PM] GM: Dr. Blix: You might remember me as the individual who got the world through the Chernobyl disaster?
[10:24 PM] GM: Dr. Blix: After that is when I became the head of the (and he taps his badge) IAEA?
[10:26 PM] Amelia: Right, so you clearly haven't finished yet. Everyone still needs to know how bad this thing is. Are we okay with putting guns down and getting back to it?
[10:27 PM] GM: Dr Blix has made no further moves, waiting to find out what is next.
[10:28 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Look Doc ... its been a long day for everyone, we are not looking to do you any harm...
[10:28 PM] Chumley Metrodora: But, we are looking at two distinct incidents with some radioactive material ... in the course of a few hours.
[10:28 PM] Chumley Metrodora: The gun, is for our defense, when and if that door opens, and its not your friends from IAEA.
[10:29 PM] Chumley Metrodora: So far, your standard IV, had killed two people that no one in this room is going to miss.
[10:29 PM] GM: Dr Blix: That door should not be opening any time soon. We are under complete quarantine now, sub voche I hope.
[10:29 PM] Chumley Metrodora: The next person will be missed.
[10:30 PM] Amelia: Mutters under her breath.
[10:30 PM] Chumley Metrodora: As long as the door stays closed, and reasonable materials are moving in to help us, we are going to do just fine.
[10:31 PM] Chumley Metrodora: My weapon is in its holster, and not in my hand.
[10:31 PM] Drae Blitzen: Puts the gun down so it can be seen.
[10:32 PM] Drae Blitzen: Who did you call Doc. I have no intention of letting anyone mess up my city... or the country it is connected to.
[10:32 PM] GM: Chumley, just as a check, you only used the epinephrine on the flight attendant, right?
[10:33 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Correct, I was moving to hit the co-pilot, but stopped before pushing the needle in, and plunger down.
[10:33 PM] GM: Thank you. That's what I recalled as well. Good good.
[10:33 PM] Chumley Metrodora: I have since put the second epi back.
[10:34 PM] GM: Dr. Blix: I called the individual who pulled me out of retirement a few hours ago. General Ash Carter. I'd be happy to give you the number to call him and check.
[10:38 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Drae, we good? Or do you want to touch base with someone?
[10:38 PM] Drae Blitzen: We good. we can go with that.
[10:39 PM] Drae Blitzen: I'd like to talk to Mr Carter, though.
[10:39 PM] GM: Dr Blix, without lowering his hands moves away from the phone so Drae has clear access to it.
[10:40 PM] GM: Dr. Blix: I'm happy to give you the number ...
[10:42 PM] Amelia: Aside to Chumley: This isn't why I called you. I can't be stuck in here.
[10:43 PM] Drae Blitzen: Walks to the phone.
[10:43 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Quietly to Athena: We are all stuck here now. And this is bigger than you think it is.
[10:44 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Secretary of Defense Ash Carter?
[10:46 PM] Amelia: Whispers to Chumley: I think it's pretty clear how serious it is. Don't you think there's a reason I was involved? It was not my choice. It's about Jenny. She's important to whoever did this, and she's not safe.
[10:47 PM] Drae Blitzen: Calls Carter.
[10:49 PM] Chumley Metrodora: I tell Amelia about the plane.
[10:49 PM] GM: Drae also doesn't seem to need to look up, or get from Dr. Blix, Carter's number.
[10:50 PM] GM: Voice on Phone: Hello?
[10:55 PM] Drae Blitzen: Hello, Mr Secretary?
[10:55 PM] Drae Blitzen: May we have a few moments of your time?
[10:55 PM] GM: Ash Carter: Yes, this is Secretary Carter. You are calling from the situation center in Mt. Sinai, you have as much of my time as you need. May I have your name?
[10:59 PM] Drae Blitzen: Drae Blitzen, Sir
[11:00 PM] GM: Ash Carter: A pleasure to meet you Mr. Blitzen. How can I help the situation there?
[11:00 PM] Drae Blitzen: We'd appreciate any sitreps from on high that you have, Sir.
[11:03 PM] GM: Ash Carter: I believe the cleanup on the tarmac is being handled, as is the other issue, and we have had no other chatter about anything else coming in. This seems to be, currently, the only two shots fired. Hopefully they were gambling on that to cripple, if not kill us. But we have people tracking things back to their source as we speak.
[11:05 PM] Drae Blitzen: If anything comes to light from that track, may we be informed?
[11:05 PM] GM: Ash Carter: Do you have any more information on the contaminant that would aid the people on Mr. Albert's team?
[11:06 PM] GM: Any more information on the contaminant will, of course, be called here. It might not be me who is calling, of course, I have to brief the President soon, but ... me or a member of my staff will keep you up to date. I'm sure Dr. Blix will also be passing on anything that will help on our end as well.
[11:08 PM] Drae Blitzen: I quickly update him on the full situation.
[11:09 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Jenny may need protection.
[11:09 PM] Drae Blitzen: Where is this Jenny at?
[11:10 PM] Amelia: It's complicated.
[11:11 PM] Amelia: Looks at the phone. Let's talk, and then you can call back.
[11:11 PM] GM: He doesn't ask questions, just accepts the knowledge.
[11:12 PM] GM: Ash Carter: Thank you Mr. Blitzen, I or my office will update you as we know things.
[11:13 PM] Amelia: Sighs. So... that event you were talking about was actually this weapon being fired at a crowd. And we're all lucky to be alive thanks to Kiara and your friend Drae. Is that about right?
[11:13 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Yeah ... like that
[11:14 PM] Amelia: At the same time this was happening, my friend Beth and I received packages full of this material. It was strong enough to do that to her and to kill most of my electronic equipment.
[11:15 PM] Drae Blitzen: Thank you as well, Sir.
[11:15 PM] Drae Blitzen: Looks at others. So this came from all sides, but we also still have no real clue of from where.
[11:16 PM] Amelia: We're just a couple of academics. There's no reason to pinpoint attack people like us, unless we have something that could stop this.
[11:17 PM] GM: About 30 seconds after the handset is back in the cradle there starts to be a hissing noise coming from the corpse of the Flight Attendant.
[11:17 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Doc ... is that normal ?
[11:17 PM] Amelia: Goes quiet and stares at corpse.
[11:17 PM] GM: Dr Blix: Not ... as far as I know?
[11:17 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Do we have a body bag?
[11:17 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Make that two?
[11:18 PM] Chumley Metrodora: with seal?
[11:18 PM] GM: Yes, there are some in the room.
[11:18 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Drae give me a hand.
[11:18 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Lets get them into bags ... before we learn something else is trying to kill us.
[11:18 PM] Drae Blitzen: Assists Immediately.
[11:19 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Flight attendant and Copilot into bags sealed as fast as we can.
[11:19 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Doc is there a way to vent this bag, which is filling, without exposing us to the gas?
[11:20 PM] GM: About another 30 seconds after the flight attendant's corpse is sealed into the bag, there is a muffled report, and the bag expands suddenly, but holds the contents in.
[11:20 PM] GM: There is no hissing or exploding from the second bag.
[11:21 PM] Drae Blitzen: So there was something different about them?
[11:21 PM] GM: Dr. Blix, looking at the epipen, and at Chumley, and at the epipen ...
[11:21 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Doc, are there air sensors, looking for ANY Anomaly?
[11:22 PM] GM: Dr. Blix (hands back in the air, not making any sudden moves after the boom from the corpse) gestures at the air scrubbers that are recirculating the air in this room.
[11:23 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Also, I assume we are in a Negative Pressure room...
[11:23 PM] Chumley Metrodora: It's not us doc ... I think we are all on the same side.
[11:24 PM] Chumley Metrodora: I just want to stay on this side of the grass.
[11:24 PM] GM: Dr Blix: We are on our own air supply, since nuclear cannot be safely filtered out of the air.
[11:24 PM] Drae Blitzen: Looks at epipen. So, that's the difference?
[11:25 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Yeah, two with IV, one with epi.
[11:25 PM] GM: Dr Blix: I think so, we can test it, with the dust.
[11:25 PM] Amelia: More chemical reactions... fascinating.
[11:26 PM] GM: Dr. Blix: Well ... I'd say the third stage is chemical, the second was definitely biological.
[11:26 PM] GM: Mr. Blitzen, would you be willing to update Secretary Carter on the ... latest?
[11:26 PM] Chumley Metrodora: You did say something about other boobietraps?
[11:27 PM] GM: Dr. Blix: I'm a suspicious old man.
[11:28 PM] Drae Blitzen: Nods, calls the number again, updates the Secretary on the situation... assures will update on Dr's findings
[11:28 PM] Chumley Metrodora: At this point its not paranoia,
[11:28 PM] GM: Dr. Blix: It's like whomever designed this knew our standard responses, and set up to cause the maximum damage, using our own methods against us.
[11:30 PM] GM: Drae: Before you hang up you hear Secretary Carter's voice as if his hand was over the phone shouting at someone "Epinephrine is out, for those who needed the IV! Update everyone."
[11:30 PM] Drae Blitzen: Damn.
[11:32 PM] Amelia: The packages we got had more than just the contaminant.
[11:33 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Drae, there is more back in Amelia and Beth's office.
[11:33 PM] Chumley Metrodora: We need to let Albert know.
[11:33 PM] Amelia: I don't have it with me, since we're stuck in quarantine, but someone on the inside snuck a message into the package. It said we needed to protect Jenny. It even called her Jenny.
[11:33 PM] Amelia: That's how I know she's involved.
[11:34 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Amelia ... so where is Jenny?
[11:34 PM] Chumley Metrodora: You said its complicated.
[11:35 PM] Amelia: pouts Jenny's not real.
[11:35 PM] Amelia: It's just a pet name I call my computer.
[11:38 PM] GM: Dr Blix: Do you think the third unconscious individual would mind donating some blood for testing? It might show if the same contaminants are present? Or if she was just suffering from radiation sickness?
[11:39 PM] GM: Dr. Blix: And ... we should probably test everyone's blood, to see, if it is just radiation or if you have the ... greater exposure.
[11:39 PM] Drae Blitzen: So, as a question... Who's protecting Jenny right now?
[11:39 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Also Where is Jenny right now?
[11:39 PM] Amelia: Nods. I think it would be okay to take some of her blood.
[11:40 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Doc, are there blood draw bottles somewhere?
[11:40 PM] Chumley Metrodora: They would not be in the blue med kit.
[11:40 PM] Drae Blitzen: Keeps politely waiting for answers and rolls up sleeve.
[11:41 PM] GM: Chumley: Probably in the pill cart. You might have to disable the combo-lock though.
[11:41 PM] Amelia: It's at my home. I have an aggressive security system, but no one is protecting her with us stuck in here.
[11:42 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Rummage in my EDC things, and come up with my multi-tool, and a small knife.
[11:42 PM] Drae Blitzen: So, they sent you a thing that could kill you... That may imply that they believed they had the means to out-maneuver whatever aggression your security system has.
[11:42 PM] Amelia: Nods.
[11:43 PM] Amelia: I don't know what we have, but it must be something we saved there.
[11:43 PM] Chumley Metrodora: And have a less than kind conversation at the pill cart, removing the lock, rather than trying to find the combination.
[11:43 PM] GM: Chumley: Your EDC is more than up to the task. And the wonders of the cart (including blood-draw and a number of meds, including some scheduled ones) are at your finger-tips.
[11:44 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Find an appropriate draw bottle, and needles. Get blood from everyone. Starting with Beth, ending with Self.
[11:44 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Clearly marking names on the bottles as I go.
[11:44 PM] Chumley Metrodora: And sharing with Doc.
[11:44 PM] Amelia: If anyone does go there... don't take the samples. It could kill the computer too.
[11:46 PM] GM: Dr. Blix offers up his blood as well, as a control. Beth's blood responds to both the IV and the epinephrine, so ... other therapies are going to have to be used. Kiara's blood is the only other sample that responds.
[11:47 PM] GM: Although Kiara's blood's response is more muted than Beth's.
[11:50 PM] Amelia: Dr Blix... is she stable or getting worse?
[11:53 PM] GM: Dr. Blix: She definitely has been irradiated, and that will need to be treated ... somehow. Currently it is eating away at her body. I don’t know how much time she has. Under standard protocols, we would put her on the IV for a bit, and then put clean blood and blood plasma in her until it washed out of her system. I’d say we would know in a week or so if we had flushed enough for her to live. Under these circumstances? I really don’t know.
[11:56 PM] GM: Dr Blix’s direct test of a very small bit of the dust and epinephrine doesn’t do anything, but, add the catalyst of blood (even uninfected blood) and it is a fuse that takes about two hours to go off. Putting this here, so it doesn’t get lost.
[11:59 PM] Drae Blitzen: So we can see this was planned as a weapon that would completely eliminate an area's population, including our known medical countermeasures. Devious. But why?
[11:59 PM] GM: Dr. Blix speculates that that would scatter not only body parts and the like at high velocity, which is usually contra-indicated in an emergency setting, but also any of the contaminant in the body, thus infecting any of the rescue staff, assistance, or emergency personnel giving humanitarian aid.
[12:00 AM] Chumley Metrodora: The gift that just keeps giving. frowning
[12:00 AM] Drae Blitzen: So... like Zombie Bombs.
[12:01 AM] Chumley Metrodora: Which leaves us at, what is the next step?
[12:01 AM] Chumley Metrodora: Ours, theirs?
[12:02 AM] Amelia: Their attack failed. They surely know it by now. If it were me, I'd already be switching to plan B.
[12:02 AM] Drae Blitzen: And Jenny needed protecting in the middle of a Zombie Bombpocalyspe... To me, that sounds like she might have the only countermeasure?
[12:02 AM] Drae Blitzen: Agreed on Plan B.
[12:02 AM] GM: And currently, you have two with the pins pulled, but the spoon still in place, in your company.
[12:03 AM] Chumley Metrodora: Thought one went off, but in a bag?
[12:04 AM] GM: Well, one that had both spoons go, one that only had one spoon go. And two with the pins pulled, but both spoons intact, being Beth and Kiara.
[12:05 AM] GM: The rest of you have just been irradiated, and not dusted as well.
[12:06 AM] Drae Blitzen: How long until we are decontaminated enough to leave here?
[12:09 AM] Chumley Metrodora: Walks the room and tests everyone, including self, with the dosimeter.
[12:09 AM] Chumley Metrodora: Reports findings.
[12:14 AM] GM: Under normal circumstances, you would all (but Chumley) need radiation therapy before you were "treated and released". But currently, under the quarantine, and being that normal radiation therapy could cause some of you to ... respond badly? It might be tough to talk your way out.
[12:15 AM] Chumley Metrodora: Drae or Kiara? Do either of you have trusted folks to get Jenny, and secure her somewhere safe?
[12:16 AM] Amelia: Even if they did, our phones don't work. Do you trust the wired phone?
[12:17 AM] Drae Blitzen: Depends. Will this aggressive security kill my people?
[12:17 AM] GM: We should leave that for next run. Any final actions for this run?