2024-08-02 Inzalo Run Summary
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In game date: Friday, March 6th 2015 overnight into Saturday, March 7th 2015
Major Events:
Player Characters:
Amelia Johnson, Chumley Metrodora, Drae Blitzen, Kiara Umbrielle
Named NPCs:
Beth, Jenny, Dr. Hans Blix, Secretary Ash Carter, Drae's Bravo team (especially Bravo Leader, Millie), ? - Team member, shadowing James Earlson, Flight Attendant, Copilot, Ryan, Martin Stewart - Possible big bad, James Earlson - Possible ally, previous ties.
- Emotes (little things, body things, conveying of somatic activities)
- Actions (doing things, describing things being done, the like)
- Out of character statements, questions, commentary
- Bad formatting tag, fix please
Radiation lockdown in the Hospital
Things done: communications to the outside about several things
- some sleep was had
- who sent the packages
- what quantity they might have
- where were the other canisters sent - Cheyenne Mountain
- what the downstream consequences might be, in combination with
NOAH. - 5 days Colorado wiped out, then the mass die off
- what the cleanup might be
- who to watch - Martin Stewart - with bounty
- delay of outgoing flights to keep Martin in play
- who else to watch - James Earlson - two folks, one obvious,
one hidden.
- gently collect the passengers
- follow up on Jenny’s friend
- fire sale in Reston backup site
- follow up on Iran power outage
- outing of Kiara as a possible assassin
- follow up on Kiara’s activities
- follow up on who offered Kiara this particular contract
- follow up on the bike messenger - dead
- Jenny creates an encrypted channel, so communications with
Ryan can happen in both directions