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Cedrick Greene, Drashir Blitzen
Ryan, Drae's Teams Alpha and Bravo in person, Charlie on magician's assistant, Delta on exfil options, and Kringle on supplies and staging, Thumper, a bevy of prisoners, about 25 tangos.
[10:07 PM] GM: background conversation between Drae and Cedrick.
[10:11 PM] GM: So, the year is 1773 (I wish I was in Sherborn now ...) no, wait, wrong story.
[10:12 PM] GM: So, the year is 2006, and Ryan has put Drae in touch with Cedrick for a guidance mission.
[10:39 PM] Cedrick: Relaxes comfortably in the secluded meet point waiting for the high speed operators to make their appearance. He was dressed for the occasion with dark greys and blues that would let him blend more naturally in with the darkness. His long hair bound back and his feet up he could almost be confused for a tourist in this random part of Albania.
[12:51 PM] Drae Blitzen: Walks up to the location dressed but comfortably in black on black. Zips up jacket and waves at the new guy casually.
[2:27 PM] Cedrick: Waves casually and gets to his feet lightly dusting himself off. Hey! Good evening, are you here for the guided night trek? Cedrick puts on a casual smile and a relaxed posture that Drae likely would recognize that left his hands close to several common conceal and carry locations.
[2:33 PM] Drae Blitzen: Why yes I am. Have you heard anything about the weather tonight?
[2:45 PM] Cedrick: As luck would have it, there's no rain. Shame about the cloud cover though, won't be able to see the stars.
[3:30 PM] Drae Blitzen: Aww. Well, we can make making it work. I have an extremely booked schedule, and I just have to get this walk in tonight, or it won't even matter.
[3:47 PM] Cedrick: Nods. Well, once the rest of your group arrives we'll be good to go.
[5:12 PM] GM: Group arrives in small, casual sections until all are present.
[5:13 PM] GM: All having taken the time to bury their jump equipment, gear up, and make sure they aren’t moving in a way that would light up heat sensors.
[5:37 PM] Drae Blitzen: Excellent, lets take a trip.
[5:41 PM] Cedrick: Smiles and gestures for the team to follow him and sets off along his preplanned route, almost absentmindedly he hands Drae a folded up piece of paper. Here I drew up the planned route as well as the positions of all of the sentries. They change daily but I popped over earlier for a look. Once Drae looks at the note he will find that the notations and the details of the route are very easy to follow and even as they walked he'd be able to easily see the landmarks that were noted on the paper.
[5:44 PM] Drae Blitzen: Smirks and nods at the through intel.
[5:47 PM] Drae Blitzen: Been doing the outdoors-y thing for a while?
[5:55 PM] Cedrick: Scratches at his beard lightly while still keeping an eye on his surroundings. You could say that. I've always felt at home out and about. I usually help with survival classes but this sounded a bit more interesting. Besides, I was in the neighborhood. How about you? Been doing the dark figure in the dark night thing for awhile?
[6:00 PM] Drae Blitzen: Grins and adjusts glasses. You could say that. I also help with survival classes. This one is just a bit more... unique than the others. But I do promise it will be interesting.
[6:10 PM] Cedrick: I guess we will see. Though if we both do our jobs well then it should be pretty straight forward. I wasn't given the specifics of your task but I have little doubt. Though hey, I'd like to be in the sequel so lets hope it's not too interesting.
[6:13 PM] Drae Blitzen: All endgame variables on this play, including possible sequels, are actually quite interesting. Even the one where this is done and complete silence and we walk out of here with all our ammo.
[6:14 PM] Drae Blitzen: But as far as intros go, you're on good streak here. I'm sure the fans will want to see more.
[6:16 PM] GM: I presume this conversation is had while the 12 of you are easing your way along, in your heat-reflective suits, making as little other noise as possible?
[6:18 PM] Drae Blitzen: Yup.
[6:20 PM] Cedrick: This conversation is happening while we are still outside of the danger area but otherwise, a quite conversation all the same. As we approach the larger objective area Cedrick would signal for silence. Then, almost as an afterthought he turns to Drea and uses ASL: First impressions are important. speaking of which, you should be able to see your target in about 6 hours.
[6:21 PM] GM: But yes, once the distance is covered, that can happen.
[6:21 PM] GM: And it's probably the battle-hand talk rather than ASL, siince you both would be familiar with that.
[6:22 PM] Cedrick: I'd argue that as a civilian, while I do know it, my defult would be ASL for a broader conversation.
[6:23 PM] GM: You do know both, but your guess that he would know the military one might be something you would think to test, on your journey.
[6:24 PM] GM: When you are, indeed, about in range of the target when you have moved to hand-talk (whichever you choose) about half the folks split off (5 of them) and start circling wide. Leaving the 7 of you (Drae, Cedrick, and 5 others) to infiltrate.
[6:26 PM] Cedrick: Cedrick motions Drae forward and takes up a position in the middle of the group to be as out of the way as he could be and let the professionals work.
[6:28 PM] Drae Blitzen: Signals for Alpha to protect the guide, Moves quietly to the target location.
[6:30 PM] GM: Town borders are a bit loose, so you can penetrate that with little effort. The citadel at the center is more of an European keep, rather than the traditional maze that nomadic tribes usually build, higher walls, less accommodations for animals, and somewhat better guarded.
[6:31 PM] GM: Padded grapnels to the wall, one of the team up and over. Two of the guards were taken out, silently, with barely a burble. Knife work. Hand signal that the rest are clear to ascend.
[6:34 PM] GM: You all have achieved the wall.
[6:35 PM] GM: At this point it becomes more of a hunt, and watching to make sure your exfil path is clear.
[6:37 PM] GM: One of the team stays to try and either pretend to be one of the guards, or make sure that they aren't aware of your penetration.
[6:37 PM] Drae Blitzen: I sign to one of the Alphas to keep an eye on that exfil path.
[6:37 PM] Drae Blitzen: lol... or that.
[6:37 PM] GM: Best guess as to where the targets are kept?
[6:38 PM] GM: Bedroom level? Storage/possibly interrogation level? Stables?
[6:41 PM] Drae Blitzen: Signal Bravo to check storage level. Takes Alpha to bedroom level.
[6:42 PM] GM: Bravo is outside the walls, ready to create an exfil, if things go sideways, you would have to split Alpha.
[6:42 PM] Cedrick: Follows along as silently as a ghost doing his level best to be just as noticed as one.
[6:42 PM] GM: Which is not too bad, two two-man teams, and you.
[6:43 PM] GM: And Cedrick.
[6:43 PM] GM: And for someone who is not in the team, he isn't doing that bad of a job.
[6:44 PM] Drae Blitzen: Then I do. I take Cedrick with me we go to the bedroom.
[6:47 PM] GM: And, indeed, you found that at least some of those being trafficed are in the midst of being defiled. Some have red belts on, some have white belts on. Many of them are quite dishevled. Only the red-belts are being sexually used.
[6:49 PM] GM: One of the white belts does match the image given.
[6:52 PM] Drae Blitzen: ... What would it take to make these gentlemen ... desist permanently?
[6:52 PM] GM: There are 2 (now dead) guards, and about 12 "busy" males, and about 20 total women.
[6:54 PM] Cedrick: Freezes for a moment when he sees what is being done and why they are here. Guns are out since there would be guards. Four friendlies, twelve walking corpses. Cedrick takes the moment that they have not yet been discovered to pull two knives and looks to Drae.
[6:59 PM] Drae Blitzen: I have Charlie squelch the communications in this area, pull my own knife, and reach for the gentleman in the act, with the intent of pulling him out of view of the poor girl and end him quietly.
[6:59 PM] GM: There are 12 "in the act" just the nearest one?
[7:00 PM] GM: Or are you going in a particular order, least distracted to most distracted?
[7:00 PM] Drae Blitzen: Oh... then I give the order, and let the boys work, while recalling the rest of Alpha to my position.
[7:01 PM] Drae Blitzen: The one on Ms red-belt is first.
[7:02 PM] GM: The four of you manage to ... disengage those who are active, it us unfortunate but no real way to shield those in the red belts (they are red leather belts, with leather cuffs for their hands, so they can't interfere) from the deaths.
[7:03 PM] GM: The ones in the white belts can be shielded, however. Their hands are similarly attached to their belts.
[7:03 PM] GM: One of the girls is currently repeatedly kicking the corpse of the one who was "busy" with her.
[7:03 PM] GM: The rest are mostly just sobbing, or being other forms of relief.
[7:05 PM] GM: The white-belts are still somewhat non-responsive, probably drugged.
[7:05 PM] GM: Including the one you were sent for.
[7:05 PM] Drae Blitzen: I motion to bring all the ladies together, best we can.
[7:05 PM] GM: (There are 4 white belts, the rest are all red belts)
[7:06 PM] Cedrick: Goes to the girl kicking the dead man and offers her a knife with a nod to the other girls and in passible Albanian Free them And moves to cut the restraints on the rest. If any shy away from him he'll move on to the next. No need to add to the trauma.
[7:07 PM] GM: Did you leave her in her bonds? Because it might be tricky for her to free herself.
[7:08 PM] GM: Of course, even if you did leave her in, she might ... become creative and make an artwork for you.
[7:09 PM] Cedrick: He would cut the restraints on her before handing her the knife.
[7:09 PM] Drae Blitzen: Quietly tells the women: We are leaving. come with us. Quietly.
[7:10 PM] Cedrick: Repeats Draes words in Albanian just as quietly.
[7:10 PM] GM: Most of them, are willing to be freed, some are too hysterical, the white-belts are too drugged to respond.
[7:11 PM] GM: They range in age from just pre-pubecent to what looks like about 20. The kicking girl looks to be the oldest of the set.
[7:12 PM] Cedrick: Sheaths his knife, finds a relatively clean sheet to cover one of the girls in the white belt and gently picks her up in a hero carry.
[7:13 PM] GM: You can do that. Just one, or two of them?
[7:14 PM] Cedrick: Just one, being careful with them.
[7:14 PM] Drae Blitzen: I pick up the primary target and guide the rest of Alpha to pick up the others.
[7:15 PM] Cedrick: Lets continue this later, I don't want to distract either of you from the main game.
[7:16 PM] GM: Reasonable.
[9:44 PM] GM: Just as a check, did they all get freed from their restraint belts?
[10:23 PM] Drae Blitzen: Just as check, yes.
[10:27 PM] GM: Excellent.
[10:28 PM] GM: The kicking girl picks up one of the hysterical red-belted women, and is soothing her as you are getting to move out. She mentions something about the others, downstairs.
[10:31 PM] GM: Kicking girl's native language is, apparently, French. And she says that her friends call her "Thumper" after the rabbit from Bambi. Something about her innocence and joy in life.
[10:33 PM] Drae Blitzen: Smiling at the little warrior, I ask her: Can you help us keep your friends safe and moving?
[10:36 PM] GM: She really doesn't know them, they were all drugged until they were brought up here, and the white belts were dosed again, but the red belts were allowed to waken, because, apparently they liked the participation of the helpless girls. It's just her adrenals seem to have kicked in, for some reason.
[10:36 PM] GM: Seeing this, you can take advantage of it, until she drops.
[10:39 PM] Drae Blitzen: I ask her: How many are downstairs?
[10:40 PM] GM: Thumper still in French: I don't know, I was drugged, and upside down over someone's shoulder, but ... I think most of them were boys.
[11:22 AM] Cedrick: Looks around to make sure all of the captives are freed and moving or is otherwise assisted so we can get moving. Switching to English: I think it's time to get going, don't you?
[2:08 PM] GM: (Note, current kill count 16, Cedrick’s initial staffing estimate 25.)
[11:00 PM] Drae Blitzen: Puts up "One second" finger to Cedrick, then in French: Young boys? Prisoners, like you?
[11:09 PM] GM: Thumper still in French: In chains, yes.
[11:10 PM] GM: Thumper has gotten some of the hysterical girls to be herded along by the less hysterical ones, besides the one she is carrying.
[11:30 PM] Drae Blitzen: In French: Thank you. We have to get you out of here first, And then I will come back.
[11:31 PM] Drae Blitzen: I nod to Cedrick and lead the team out.
[11:43 PM] Drae Blitzen: Over Comms: Bravo, we need a second run. Delta, get in position for the first round. Kringle, this might go south. be ready and in position to protect the second run.
[6:34 AM] GM: Your exfiltration happens mostly without a hitch. Alpha had to take out one more roving guard (kill count now at 17, no shots fired) during the lowering of all the rescued folks over the wall. One of the girls is still hysterical and Thumper is doing her best, because she starts screaming anytime a male gets close.
[6:43 AM] GM: Bravo has left a cache of food (mostly personal snacks, like chocolate, crackers, trail mix, whatever the team had on them) at the rally position 5 minutes out of town and Alpha Three has taken off her headgear, to show she is female, and is also trying to comfort the hysterical one.
[6:44 AM] GM: Alpha Three is also fidgeting with some of her personal supply of det cord she wears as a belt.
[6:47 AM] GM: Alpha Three sticks a spare earwig in her ear, so at least she can hear even if she can’t broadcast, since the com set being part of the headgear, of course. She hand signals that she will be on oversight for the new arrivals.
[6:49 AM] GM: Bravo is redeployed in and amongst the houses, mostly on roofs, because those are the highest positions, since there are not many trees.
[6:51 AM] GM: You could pull one (or more) from Bravo, to fill the rank. You could pull two in to the wall to be eyes there, and guard your exit. You could just go in with the 6 of you.
[5:49 PM] Drae Blitzen: Once these kids are safe enough, I pull that one more from Bravo, quietly explain the priority of our actual mission objective, and putting her in Millie's, (Bravo Leader) arms, and head on back in to finish this.
[5:49 PM] Drae Blitzen: Cedrick, I know you didn't sign on for two shows in one night, but are you good to go back on stage? We got one more group to find.
[6:21 PM] GM: Thumper offers to go back in with you and show you where she thinks they might be.