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Amelia Johnson, Cedrick Greene, Chumley Metrodora, Drae Blitzen, Kiara Umbrielle
Beth, Jenny, Dr. Hans Blix, Secretary Ash Carter, Drae's Alpha team (Horrorshow, team lead), Drae's Bravo team (especially Bravo Leader, Millie), Drae's Charlie team, Drae's Delta team, Drae's Kringle? team, ? - Team member, shadowing James Earlson, Ryan, Martin Stewart - Possible big bad, James Earlson - Possible ally, previous ties, Major Spinaker - Office of the Secretary of Defense, Eir the raven
[10:32 AM] GM: When last we left Amelia, she was hurrying forth to an amazing location, that Drae works out of.
[10:33 AM] GM: The Bravo team (and especially Millie), who has become fast friends with Jenny, is running the extraction from the hospital to his building.
[10:34 AM] GM: Dr. Blix has promised to take as good care of Beth as he can manage. The clothing and load-outs that everyone got is similar to what Jenny got for Amelia as well.
[10:35 AM] Amelia: weapons and body armor included?
[10:36 AM] GM: Indeed.
[10:37 AM] GM: And clothing, since yours was ... irradiated, and probably not a good choice.
[10:39 AM] Amelia: It will do for now. I might need to do a shopping trip soon.
[10:40 AM] GM: Probably, only having one change of clothing is limiting. Although, if the teams have cleared your apartment (which they did) you could probably do your "shopping" in your own closet.
[10:41 AM] GM: But staying there is probably contra-indicated, until this is all clear. Just in case.
[11:38 AM] GM: Is there anything else you want or need to do before leaving the hospital? Any other supplies or the like you want to grab?
[11:40 AM] Amelia: She does want to keep her notebooks with her. They could be placed in a sealed package if there’s a radiation concern.
[11:42 AM] Amelia: She’ll also clean up the quarantine space so we’re not leaving evidence of our actions behind. Blix of course has a say in what he keeps.
[11:42 AM] GM: There is a radiation concern, but yes, lead packaging is available.
[11:43 AM] GM: There .. would be a lot of evidence to clean up, and Dr. Blix is still studying bits and pieces of some of it. But tidying away much of the traces of you folks is easy, except for the blood samples, skin samples, etc, that he took for comparison reasons.
[11:44 AM] Amelia: Also trash that landline connection. There was no Jenny here.
[11:45 AM] GM: Easy enough to pocket it and take it with you. It's hanging from the wires in the wall.
[11:45 AM] GM: And it might be useful in the future.
[11:47 AM] Amelia: I know you will do everything you can for Beth. Thank you for helping her.
[11:49 AM] GM: Dr. Blix: I will do my best. It is not hopeful, but ... there is some possible paths I will explore, and see.
[11:49 AM] Amelia: Yes, we’ll pocket the connector.
[11:50 AM] Amelia: Is there anything else we could do to help?
[11:52 AM] GM: Dr. Blix: I have all the resources here I could need. But, thank you. I know this means a lot to you. Which is why I won't lie to you, and give you false hope.
[11:53 AM] Amelia: Nods.
[11:53 AM] Amelia: I’ll be on my way, then. Good luck.
[11:54 AM] GM: Dr. Blix: Thank you, and godspeed.
[11:57 AM] Amelia: Whispers. Goodbye, my friend…
[12:00 PM] Amelia: Leaves to meet up with Bravo team outside.
[12:02 PM] GM: The have Jenny and the new power supply in a rolling pelican case, well padded, and armored up.
[12:03 PM] GM: Millie unlocks and pops the top, so you can see how things are situated. Then hands you the keys.
[12:03 PM] Amelia: Smiles. Excellent. You guys have been fantastic through all of this. Thank you.
[12:09 PM] Amelia: Closes the lid, locks, and hands the key back to Millie. I trust you will keep both of us safe on the way.
[12:10 PM] GM: Millie: Jenny said she wanted you to hang onto the key.
[12:10 PM] Amelia: Oh? Alright, then. Pockets the key.
[12:19 PM] GM: You do notice that there are some soft spots, possibly camera spots, on the pelican case. So Jenny doesn't feel entirely cut off while she is in transit. Maybe even a microphone spot as well.
[12:22 PM] Amelia: I assume you asked for this too Jenny. It’s smart to stay alert, but you’re just looking at the inside of a car for now.
[12:22 PM] GM: No actual response from Jenny, as far as you can tell, at the moment.
[12:23 PM] Amelia: Pats the case gently.
[12:25 PM] Amelia: When leaving the hospital, Amelia is mostly silent. She looks out the windows and casually tracks the route taken, taking mental notes of anything unusual outside.
[12:28 PM] GM: The SUV is heavy, possibly armored, the windows are tinted darkly, except the front ones. There is a name on the side of the vehicle "BMI Supply - Technical Theater Supplies and Service"
[12:29 PM] GM: Traffic getting to midtown is ... well NYC traffic. Nothing unusual in it to your eyes.
[12:31 PM] GM: You pull up to a building much like many of the buildings, on a block, much like many of the blocks. You double-park, like many of the trucks in NYC when unloading, because some idiot has parked in the loading zone.
[12:33 PM] GM: Your vehicle, along with another one are all unloading pelican cases, and rolling them up the ramp to the freight elevator.
[12:33 PM] GM: Millie puts his hand on your arm when you are about to go in, and says "Wait for the third run in, then we can be sure there isn't someone watching."
[12:34 PM] Amelia: Nods silently.
[12:37 PM] GM: Millie heads out in the second run.
[12:38 PM] GM: When it's time another person dressed almost exactly as the rest of you, but you've lost track of who is on the team, and who isn't, especially since all you can see is the strip of the eyes, and height ... catches your eye and nods.
[12:40 PM] Amelia: Heads out with the third run as instructed.
[12:41 PM] GM: Rolling those pelican cases isn't hard, once you get used to the fact that they seem to weigh much more than you would expect, from the outside.
[12:44 PM] GM: In the elevator, and up to the fourth floor. The elevator is a freight elevator, with padded walls. Doors open on both ends of it, and each floor and the "r" button has a key-way next to them, the only key-ways that are parallel to the ground are "LR" and "4" There is a B1, B1R, B2, and B2R as well below the L and LR buttons.
[12:46 PM] GM: At the forth floor, you all roll into what is obviously a being re-purposed room. The electrical panel is open, the wiring is being reworked, and what looks like a command center is being set up here. All new screens and computers, and Jenny's box is sitting in the center of the room, awaiting your key.
[12:47 PM] Amelia: Glances around looking for Millie.
[12:48 PM] GM: Lots of moving bodies. You don't see Millie immediately.
[12:50 PM] Amelia: Sigh. I’m not used to doing this part of setup.
[12:51 PM] Amelia: Checks the command center for where Jenny might be installed.
[12:51 PM] GM: No, you aren't and there are a lot of moving parts all around you. Like a ballet but ... you don't know your steps.
[12:52 PM] GM: There is a marked off section that has power and net and the like laid to it.
[12:53 PM] Amelia: Do I recognize anyone here? Are they all still masked?
[12:56 PM] GM: Everyone is wearing the same, and the tactical gear (including yours) involves a lower-face shield, which has the microphone in it, with the speaker part of the radio in the helmet. So you could turn it in and try to find him that way?
[12:59 PM] Amelia: Turns on the radio. Hey Millie, I’m sorry to bother you, but I’m feeling a little lost here.
[1:01 PM] GM: Radio responds with Millie's voice after a moment of cross chatter: Sorry. A moment. Moving parts.
[1:02 PM] Amelia: Okay. Is it alright if I start connecting Jenny?
[1:05 PM] GM: Millie over the radio: It's a good idea. Pop the top, and the connection ports should be right there. No need to even get her out of her new case.
[1:06 PM] Amelia: Convenient. Thanks.
[1:07 PM] Amelia: Takes Jenny to the marked space, opens the case, and starting hooking up cables.
[1:10 PM] GM: Takes you about 10 minutes to get everything hooked up. Someone had fun with a label maker.
[1:11 PM] GM: Once Jenny is up and running, and you have screen and keyboard with her, she comments to you that she really likes the new radio interface that Millie put together for her.
[1:12 PM] Amelia: You’re on the radio with Millie? That’s nice.
[1:14 PM] GM: Jenny: I'm listening to all the different radio channels, both broadcast and the teams radios at once. It's not as full a feed as all the cameras in the city, but it's still something I had never considered before.
[1:15 PM] Amelia: Oh, you’re on all the radios. Hmm. Now you can hear even more things.
[1:16 PM] Amelia: Let’s see what we’ve missed while not connected. Do you have access to your friends across the internet from here?
[1:16 PM] GM: The room is taking shape around you. There are screens, white-boards, and now sound-dampening and electronics dampening walls going up all around you. The last tiles are being put in place in the raised floor, and the ceiling drops are being tied off.
[1:21 PM] GM: Jenny: I was still in touch. This wireless modem isn't as robust as I would like, but I never lost touch.
[1:21 PM] GM: The resin 3d printer in one of the fume-hoods starts printing a diorama.
[1:22 PM] GM: This is where the conversation around Drae's shot happens, time-wise.
[1:25 PM] Amelia: Jenny, you have to be careful using a wireless modem. It’s not as secure, and the signal could be used to track you.
[1:26 PM] GM: Jenny: I know. Millie said the same thing. I used it very sparingly.
[1:27 PM] GM: Jenny: And I turned it off one cell-change before we got to this block, just in case.
[1:28 PM] Amelia: That’s good to know. This is a safe house. We should be safer here than at home, but we also need to help them keep it hidden.
[1:29 PM] Amelia: Still using keyboard, BTW.
[1:30 PM] GM: And Jenny is putting words on the screen, just like you are used to.
[1:30 PM] GM: Jenny: Maybe we should send a sim out, with the same ID, for someone to wander around the city with, for the next little while? Intermittently turning on and off?
[1:32 PM] Amelia: That’s a good idea. I’ll get someone to do that when they’re done building things here.
[1:34 PM] GM: They are almost done. Someone approaches you and says "I'll be the stalking goat." and puts out their hand.
[1:35 PM] Amelia: Thank you, sir.
[1:36 PM] Amelia: Hands the aforementioned device to the ‘stalking goat’.
[1:36 PM] GM: Off they go, into the night. The room begins to quiet down. The large scale printer in the corner is chattering to itself, and the 3d printers are also building dioramas.
[1:38 PM] GM: There are two other folks in the room. One armed, moving about, in a guard-like fashion, the other moving in a regular pattern between all the setups and work-stations, doing a bit here, configuring something there, last minute touches, as it were.
[1:39 PM] GM: There is that slight "tension before a storm" feeling to the place.
[1:40 PM] GM: As the last adjustment piece happens, the person walks up to Amelia, and hands her a print-out of where the bathroom, and break-rooms are on this floor. Including a note that she has a private room with a bed (and really not much more than a bed) in it for her use.
[1:41 PM] GM: And a lanyard with a key-card on it. No picture, or name on the key-card though. Just a number.
[1:44 PM] Amelia: Wears the key-card, but decides to stay with Jenny for the time being. Break-room and sleeping room can be explored later.
[1:45 PM] GM: Indeed, and there is excitement going on on the channels in your ear.. If you choose to take off the helmet, you can just have the radio itself chattering away to you.
[1:47 PM] Amelia: Yes. Helmet off and listening to radio.
[1:50 PM] Amelia: Pays attention to the radio chatter of the team’s infiltration and capture of the rabbit and his team. She and Jenny compare notes on the tactics used by both sides while the action resolves.
[6:03 PM] GM: Amelia and Jenny did help with the interrogation bits, as desired?
[6:06 PM] Amelia: Yes. Any requests they made to Jenny were responded to. They all seemed like reasonable searches, but Amelia cautioned Jenny to be sneaky about it.
[6:17 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Getting a Beverage after the interrogations.
[6:17 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Standing by for what comes next.
[6:20 PM] Drae Blitzen: Here and looking over the intel from the interrogations.
[6:21 PM] Kiara Umbrielle: Calling Ryan to provide him with additional intel from the interrogations.
[6:22 PM] GM: And the three of you are in the safe-house/warehouse/detention center space, right?
[6:23 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Yes.
[6:24 PM] Drae Blitzen: Nods.
[6:24 PM] Kiara Umbrielle: Si senor.
[6:25 PM] GM: Good good. Next steps?
[6:27 PM] Kiara Umbrielle: Does Ryan have any additional insight?
[6:28 PM] GM: Just that you might have to go and ask this "Uncle" fellow, in person.
[6:28 PM] GM: He might be one of the few threads back, still alive.
[6:29 PM] Kiara Umbrielle: Goes and finds Drae and Chumley and relays this information.
[6:30 PM] Drae Blitzen: Is sitting at a desk reading files.
[6:31 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Joins Kiara and Drae.
[6:31 PM] Chumley Metrodora: I have this urge to go and visit Uncle... in Albania
[6:33 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Of course I also have this urge to delete the region from the map.
[6:34 PM] Drae Blitzen: Looks over the maps and info of the town and growls: As there are women and children in that region being attacked by the same men as our targets, you'll understand if we look at a different approach.
[6:35 PM] Drae Blitzen: But a visit... a visit could be possible.
[6:35 PM] Kiara Umbrielle: Do we have any idea on the number of women and children?
[6:35 PM] Amelia: Is this really the only lead we have left? This 'uncle' is a bit player. We're looking for the puppet-master.
[6:36 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Of course... deleting the region would be much too simple for him.
[6:36 PM] Chumley Metrodora: We should go visit... and have a chat.
[6:36 PM] Drae Blitzen: Bit players are dying pretty fast, and this one isn't... that might be special enough.
[6:37 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Amelia, does Jenny have any other ideas or leads?
[6:37 PM]Athena: Does she?
[6:39 PM] Kiara Umbrielle: He is exceptional enough.
[6:39 PM] Kiara Umbrielle: The uncle is.
[6:39 PM] Kiara Umbrielle: That we should pay a visit.
[6:39 PM] Kiara Umbrielle: Perhaps there are some contacts at the state department you could leverage Chumley?
[6:40 PM] GM: It is a living village, so ... the elders probably have a few wives each, the younger ones probably only one or two. Who knows how many children.
[6:42 PM] GM: Jenny's opinion of that part of the world is blank. They don't have enough of an electronic footprint for her to have any information on them.
[6:42 PM] Chumley Metrodora: It was a more general question to Jenny... about other possible leads... before we get on a plane and chase half way across the globe.
[6:45 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Drae, do you have any associates in that part of the world, who could package, and send us Uncle?
[6:46 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Or would it be better for us to go and knock on the door?
[6:48 PM] Drae Blitzen: Package? Maybe. But I don't know if we can cover shipping and handling.
[6:48 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Kiara, if Drae can package Uncle, do you have a carrier that can ship?
[6:48 PM] Drae Blitzen: That said, I can probably get a team of people over there. Albania isn't foreign to me.
[6:49 PM] Chumley Metrodora: This might be a good time for me to get in touch with James in the state department.
[6:53 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Or considering he is in a cargo hold, we should leave him be, so he is not discovered.
[6:57 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Calls James' sat phone.
[6:58 PM] GM: It rings for a bit, but no answer. No way to tell if the set is off or not, there is no voicemail or routing set up on it.
[6:58 PM] Chumley Metrodora: How long ago was the adventure at the airport?
[7:00 PM] Chumley Metrodora: and does James still work for State, and would I have his number?
[7:01 PM] Amelia: If Drae has a team nearby, that might be our quickest option to talk with 'Uncle'. They could hold the package and give us a line to chat remotely.
[7:03 PM] GM: Drae, Cedrick was in that area last you checked ...
[7:03 PM] GM: He was most definitely competent enough to either hold, or at least track Uncle for you.
[7:04 PM] Drae Blitzen: I had an asset in that area. I can see if they are still around.
[7:05 PM] Kiara Umbrielle: Lets see if we can utilize your operative.
[7:05 PM] Drae Blitzen: Picks up phone: Hey, get me the performer from the Albanian job. See if he's down for an encore.
[7:06 PM] Drae Blitzen: Has our people reach out to Cedrick via the channels he expects.
[7:07 PM] Cedrick: Answers the line: Go for Greene. The phone would hear the distinct sound of spray paint as Cedrick puts the final touches on his last work.
[7:09 PM] Drae Blitzen: Hello, good sir. I had a wonderful night tour of Albania a while ago. And my tour guide was phenomenal. I was hoping for an encore performance.
[7:10 PM] Cedrick: Laughs as he puts his cans back into his backpack: If I recall things got interesting last time we went on a moonlit stroll. What's your time line?
[7:12 PM] Drae Blitzen: This one's pretty rush. 24-48 hours tops. There is a celebrity in your neck of the woods and my people are literally dying to meet him. I was hoping you might be able to help us get some face time.
[7:14 PM] Cedrick: Ooo, that one might be a bit tight depending on hazards and specific location. Drop me a pin and I'll let you know.
[7:15 PM] Drae Blitzen: Can do, You'll have it and relevant info in 30.
[7:17 PM] Cedrick: Sounds good! Ends the call and moves to secure transport to head in the general direction of Albania.
[7:18 PM] Drae Blitzen: Amass all data acquired by interrogations including when the insurgent team left Albania, location from satellite imagery, pictures of nephew for "family resemblance" image reconstruction, and the current count of women and children in the town, including relations to team members, ie: family. nothing deeper as we don't know.
[7:19 PM] Drae Blitzen: Sends it all to Cedrick.
[7:20 PM] GM: Cedrick: Your secure connection starts begin a buzz of information.
[7:21 PM] Cedrick: Pulls out his tablet and begins to review the information on the meeting.
[7:21 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Sounds like this is a good time to get some food and rack time. While your guy does his thing.
[7:21 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Kiara, food ?
[7:26 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Are we going to meet your guy?
[7:28 PM] Cedrick: Shoulders his backpack and heads to his jeep getting in to make his way to the village.
[7:29 PM] Cedrick: It takes several hours to get to the location and using satellite imagery he approaches from a direction that would cover his approach and leave him a place to stash the jeep, close the distance on foot and have overlook of the village to see if he can find the elder using his binoculars.
[7:30 PM] Cedrick: All of this done as stealthily as possible.
[7:32 PM] Drae Blitzen: That we are, which entails a field trip. Calls Millie, Can I send you, your team, and the rest of Alpha with our new friends back to Albania?
[7:33 PM] GM: Millie: We can sleep on the flight?
[7:34 PM] Drae Blitzen: Of course. I'll even get you those gummies you like.
[7:34 PM] Kiara Umbrielle: Wanders back with her mouth full.
[7:36 PM] Kiara Umbrielle: Swallows quickly. Too late man.
[7:36 PM] Kiara Umbrielle: I'm game for whatever I just want some sleep.
[7:37 PM] GM: Who's going to call Carter, and let him know?
[7:38 PM] Chumley Metrodora: You want me to make that call to Carter?
[7:40 PM] Chumley Metrodora: I will take that as a yes, is there a house phone or should I use the sat phone?
[7:40 PM] Drae Blitzen: Hands Chumley a phone.
[7:41 PM] Chumley Metrodora: How many are we going to be 20, 30, more?
[7:41 PM] GM: Two teams of 5, plus you and Kiara, so a total of 12.
[7:42 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Calls Carter.
[7:43 PM] GM: Unknown voice on the phone: "OSD - Major Spinaker speaking. How may I help you?"
[7:44 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Major, I have an update for the General, and I need transit for 20.
[7:45 PM] GM: Major Spinaker: May I have your operational number?
[7:45 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Blix.
[7:46 PM] GM: Major Spinaker: I'll connect you. One moment please.
[7:46 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Thank you.
[7:47 PM] GM: Carter: Hello?
[7:47 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Hello, Sir.
[7:47 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Its Chumley.
[7:47 PM] Chumley Metrodora: The hospital was compromised... so we left.
[7:47 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Neutralizing much of the incoming force.
[7:47 PM] Chumley Metrodora: We have since collected a rabbit, from that force, turns out to be the state side leader.
[7:48 PM] Chumley Metrodora: We have secured the rabbit, and several associates.
[7:48 PM] Chumley Metrodora: And are chasing a lead.
[7:48 PM] GM: You hear Carter under his breath: "Ah ... worth it."
[7:49 PM] Chumley Metrodora: We need transit for 20 to Albania, presumably round trip, ASAP.
[7:49 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Can you assist.
[7:49 PM] Chumley Metrodora: We will be going heavy.
[7:50 PM] Chumley Metrodora: And silent.
[7:50 PM] GM: Carter: We have several military planes nearby, and ready to fly. We just need a direction.
[7:50 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Albania.
[7:50 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Possibly Greece. Depending on current ground force success.
[7:50 PM] Chumley Metrodora: We will know for sure when we are closer.
[7:51 PM] GM: Carter: Albania? That one wasn't even in the pool. OK then. We can start fueling now, and be ready to take off in ... probably about a half-hour.
[7:52 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Kennedy is probably the right choice.
[7:54 PM] Drae Blitzen: Probably Military.
[7:55 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Drae, we should grab a change, and some hammocks, everyone needs some rack time.
[7:57 PM] Chumley Metrodora: And if I can, I will hold onto the weapons you lent me for the rabbit collection.
[7:59 PM] Drae Blitzen: Hold on to them? You can keep them.
[7:59 PM] Chumley Metrodora: TY
[7:59 PM] GM: Chumley, Kiara, and Alpha and Bravo head off.
[8:00 PM] Chumley Metrodora: And off we go.
[8:01 PM] GM: You get bundled onto a Gulfstream 650, that was borrowed from the Criminal Minds team.
[8:02 PM] GM: Cedrick: About 2 hours later, and one set of bribed border guards, you are in the vicinity of the village.
[8:02 PM] GM: The flight will be about 7.2 hours. With the 6 hour time-zone shift, that will be 13 hours, since you are taking off late afternoon on March 7th, you land early morning on March 8th local time.
[8:02 PM] Kiara Umbrielle: Sounds like time for a nap.
[8:04 PM] Drae Blitzen: I let one of Charlie and one of Delta go into the rabbit's cell as good cop/bad cop to see if he acts in any way similar to how he did when I was in there.
[8:06 PM] GM: Drae: Delta isn't there, it will have to be two Charlie members.
[8:07 PM] GM: Drae: Not much of a different response.
[8:09 PM] Drae Blitzen: Good to know. I work on compiling the information to see if there is anything we've missed, and start seeing up a command center to give support to my teams when they touchdown.
[8:10 PM] Cedrick: I stash my jeep far enough from the village as to not attract attention but close enough to not be more than ten minutes walk away and I do my best to disguise the vehicle. I make my way in on foot using the cover of night and the topography to disguise my approach making sure that all of my com gear is running into my bone conduction headset so that no sound is made. I find a location that overlooks the village making sure that I don't position myself towards the east since the whole village will look there at first light.
[8:10 PM] GM: Drae: Most excellent. I suggest two of them, one in Greece, and one in Albania, just in case a fall-back position is necessary.
[8:11 PM] Drae Blitzen: Noted and taken.
[8:12 PM] GM: Cedrick: Unexpectedly, there is no minaret in town, but a church steeple with a large cross on the top of the bell-tower.
[8:13 PM] Amelia: Jenny, let's compile the info from the hostages. We can cross reference their stories. I'd like to see them side-by-side perhaps to compare body language too. I doubt we'll find anything new, but it might be good practice.
[8:13 PM] GM: Jenny starts taking over a few of the screens in the room, running the videos side by side.
[8:14 PM] Cedrick: Well that's interesting but not too odd. I think to myself I observe the town. While it is still dark a large black raven circles over the village eyeing the position of any sentries and buildings.
[8:17 PM] GM: Sentries in the bell tower, being the highest building in town.
[8:17 PM] Cedrick: As the sun begins to rise the raven, Eir, turns her wing away from the village and circles out of sight before landing near Cedrick, hiding alongside him.
[8:17 PM] Cedrick: I wait and observe, looking for the target.
[8:18 PM] GM: The night wildlife is giving way to the daytime. Cockerels crow, and the day begins.
[8:19 PM] GM: There are three possible houses that are grand enough to house the town leader.
[8:20 PM] Chumley Metrodora: After getting some shuteye on the plane, for a few hours. Maybe 6 hours into 7.2 hour trip.
[8:21 PM] Chumley Metrodora: I approach Alpha / Bravo Leaders, being Horrorshow and Millie respectively.
[8:21 PM] GM: Who are also getting shuteye?
[8:22 PM] Chumley Metrodora: leave them be for the time being
[8:22 PM] GM: Cedrick: The village starts it's day. Boring to watch. At about hour 4 of your observation, you can eliminate one of the houses, because no one has gone in or out at all, and it might be standing empty at the moment.
[8:23 PM] GM: Maybe a guest house or the like.
[8:23 PM] Cedrick: I look for tell tale signs of where the leader might be. I know I have at least 24 hours and it has only been seven hours at most. I observe and wait. Speaking quietly to Eir: Keep an eye on the jeep, if anyone finds it let me know.
[8:24 PM] GM: Eir is happy to hang by the jeep and eat brave rodents who have never seen her like.
[8:25 PM] Chumley Metrodora: About 6.5 hours into the flight, I go to the galley, and start the coffee.
[8:25 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Check for other provisions which might be available for the team.
[8:25 PM] GM: The subtle smell of black gold starts waking the folks.
[8:26 PM] Chumley Metrodora: I grab a coffee, and approach Horrorshow and Millie.
[8:26 PM] GM: There is snack food on board. someone snagged a box of "feed the reporter" supplies, and threw it in the galley.
[8:26 PM] Chumley Metrodora: We are going to be landing in the next half-hour or so.
[8:26 PM] Chumley Metrodora: There is coffee.
[8:26 PM] Chumley Metrodora: And some snacks.
[8:26 PM] Cedrick: I start keeping track of how many weapon carrying people I see, how many non combatants, as well as working out the general schedule of the guards. I take notes in my journal staying in my hide.
[8:27 PM] Chumley Metrodora: With Drae not here, we need to identify chain of command,
[8:27 PM] GM: Cedrick, either the Uncle is a really late riser, or people are coming to him, rather than him going out and about.
[8:28 PM] GM: Chumley: They look at each other, and you and say, almost in unison: "Rock paper scissors lizard Spock?"
[8:29 PM] Cedrick: I try to identify the house with the highest traffic, that's guarded, and is being visited by people that walk with a sense of importance.
[8:30 PM] GM: Cedrick: It's a coin-flip at this point.
[8:30 PM] Chumley Metrodora: For the time being, run your teams, and I will coordinate between the two, Kiara will report to me.
[8:30 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Does that work ?
[8:30 PM] Cedrick: I wait for morning mass to begin, seeing as a church that big would inspire morning mass more often than not.
[8:31 PM] GM: Horrorshow and Millie exchange glances that speak volumes, and say, in unison: "Yes, for now."
[8:32 PM] Chumley Metrodora: OK, lets get the folks up, and ready. We are not yet sure what we are walking into.
[8:32 PM] GM: Cedrick: Morning mass was called, and people did file through, and it was, from what you heard, a standard Lenten mass.
[8:34 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Over the team channel on the equipment you kept: Cedrick, we are getting close, where do you need us? We can come to you, or wait at the airport, or on the other side of the boarder
[8:34 PM] GM: Cedrick: Just before and just after mass the guards in the tower changed.
[8:36 PM] Cedrick: I sigh as my radio buzzes and answer it to hear someone on the team channel. I speak sub vocally so the mic can pick it up but my cover is maintained. You're fourteen hours early, observation in progress, danger close, unconfirmed target location.
[8:38 PM] Chumley Metrodora: We will stay out of sight, and available to come and support if needed.
[8:40 PM] GM: Kiara, Chumley, Alpha and Bravo, are cleared for landing in Albania.
[8:40 PM] Cedrick: I pull out my phone and text the net, longitude and latitude of where my jeep is.
[8:41 PM] Cedrick: Location of vehicle, hidden, staging, ten minute walk, be ghosts.
[8:41 PM] Chumley Metrodora: I turn back to the two Team Leaders. Have either of you been here before?
[8:41 PM] Chumley Metrodora: We are going to need transportation.
[8:43 PM] Cedrick: I move to reposition to get a better eye-line on one of the two houses I've identified to see if I can get a line of sight through the windows to ID the target.
[8:46 PM] GM: Both team leaders have been in Albania before, and know how to get equipment. Especially since this is a joint UN/US base. And Drae has had 7 hours to make sure arrangements were made.
[8:49 PM] GM: Cedrick's text would go to Jenny, who would bring it to Amelia's attention.
[8:50 PM] Amelia: Switches to join comms with Chumley and Kiara.
[8:53 PM] GM: Do you pass on the coordinates? And/or how you got them?
[8:54 PM] Amelia: Yes.
[8:55 PM] GM: Just about now, the satellite images of the village are coming in. And they match the coordinates that the "local asset" gave.
[8:56 PM] GM: Oh, did the "Local Asset" ever get named? Did anyone notice?
[8:56 PM] Drae Blitzen: Nope.
[8:56 PM] GM: Jenny and Drae are the ones who are getting the take from the satellite at the moment.
[8:57 PM] GM: One of the 3d printers kicks on, and starts building that diorama.
[8:58 PM] GM: Oh, and the diorama of Drae's shot is beautiful. As are the flip-books that Kiara wanted.
[8:58 PM] Amelia: Jenny, can you tell where the target would be from that image?
[8:58 PM] Drae Blitzen: waitwut?
[8:58 PM] Amelia: Definitely a keepsake, but maybe Drae would want to keep it?
[8:59 PM] GM: The satellite take is a 20 minute film, every 4 hours. basically.
[8:59 PM] GM: The only benefit is that it is also IR and UV as well, so some of the people in the buildings are visible that aren't to Cedrick directly.
[9:00 PM] GM: Drae, it's from the conversation at 1:21pm this afternoon.
[9:02 PM] Amelia: Hmm... Would Amelia be able to tell where a village leader would be housed based on the village layout?
[9:03 PM] GM: Note I missed, from above, that you are already en route to Cedrick's position. arrival time ~1.5 hours.
[9:04 PM] GM: Athena: You can narrow it down to one of three houses, but one of the houses has no heat signatures in it, at all.
[9:04 PM] Amelia: And the others?
[9:04 PM] GM: It is a coin toss.
[9:06 PM] GM: Amelia: Even if you snuck a peek into the houses themselves, unless you had an actual face, instead of a guess, you wouldn't be able to tell.
[9:10 PM] GM: Time passes, and you folks arrive. The last bit done at a slow crawl, to make sure dust isn't kicked up.
[9:10 PM] Amelia: I don't know who you have on the ground there, but if he's looking for the target, he might have two.
[9:12 PM] Amelia: We finally have satellite image of the village, and there are clearly two potential "leaders". One might be an honored guest or a family member who is equally important to them.
[9:12 PM] GM: Amelia's voice, over the team-leader channel is as clear as if she was in radio range.
[9:13 PM] Chumley Metrodora: What time is it? Or how bright is it?
[9:30 PM] GM: Sunrise was at 6ish in the morning, it's now about 7:30 in the morning.
[9:13 PM] Amelia: Since we're looking for 'Uncle' we might actually want the guest star.
[9:13 PM] Kiara Umbrielle: Do we have a weather report?
[9:14 PM] GM: And on that channel, currently is Amelia, Drae, Cedrick (currently unnamed) Kiara, Chumley, Millie, and Horrorshow.
[9:14 PM] GM: Kiara: Bright and clear.. No chance of dust storm today.
[9:15 PM] Chumley Metrodora: We are at your Jeep.
[9:15 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Let us know how we can help?
[9:16 PM] Cedrick: I look to see if I can pin down where the two leaders are briefly before disengaging from my over watch to head back to the jeep. On my way to you with the report.
[9:18 PM] GM: As the viking approaches out of the morning light, a raven launches upward from the jeep and lands on his shoulder.
[9:19 PM] Cedrick: Moving carefully I use the terrain to mask my movements and feeling a little cheeky I use my connection with Eir to move through the gaps in coverage due to them not having a chance to really scope the place out for a proper perimeter to seemingly appear next to the jeep. Pausing for GM input.
[9:22 PM] Cedrick: I look up at the Jotun sent to collect the asset. Well hello there big guy, You the guy on comms?
[9:24 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Greetings, I am Chumley. And extend my hand.
[9:25 PM] GM: Cedrick: Of the folks here, you know all of Alpha and Bravo team from the last go-round, but the person introducing himself as Chumley, and the other lady you are unfamiliar with.
[9:25 PM] GM: Alpha and Bravo are doing the "nod of familiarity" to the viking.
[9:25 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Guessing you already know Horrorshow and Millie, and this is Kiara.
[9:26 PM] Kiara Umbrielle: Cocks her head up to Cedrick: Apparently Drae is a size queen.
[9:26 PM] Kiara Umbrielle: I'm Kiara.
[9:27 PM] Cedrick: I nod and shake his hand before turning to the jeep hood to pull out my notebook, flipping it open to the back pages several extremely lifelike drawing of the village from several angles. Hey gang, perhaps not Albania next time, eh? Greece has some lovely sea breezes this time of year. I laugh at Kiara's comment. Well, you know, us big boys gotta stick together!
[9:27 PM] Kiara Umbrielle: Ooo another mouthy one, I like this one.
[9:31 PM] Cedrick: Is wearing comfortable clothing, not out of place in the streets of Greece but the keen observer will note that the blues of the outfit blend into the dark extremely well. All the military people would no doubt clock the concealed pistol in the waistband and he has a well worn canvas backpack. The raven on his shoulder is a large female. This is Eir by the way, you can call me Cedrick. I gesture to the pictures. Here is the village, I've narrowed it down to either this house or this one. Pointing to the relevant drawings. Also here is the guard schedule so far. Points to it.
[9:34 PM] Amelia: It's going to be both houses. You've got enough people there and two teams. You should take them both.
[9:34 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Is there reasonable cover to get inside both houses without being detected?
[9:34 PM] Kiara Umbrielle: So Amelia are you suggesting a DP?
[9:34 PM] Amelia: Also Chumley, I'll have Jenny send you the infrareds.
[9:35 PM] Chumley Metrodora: We do not have the electronics to see infrareds, or other electronic maps.
[9:35 PM] Chumley Metrodora: You can tell me about them.
[9:36 PM] Amelia: Still image then. It will show the guard positions indoors.
[9:37 PM] Kiara Umbrielle: Pulls out laptop.
[9:37 PM] Kiara Umbrielle: Like this screen?
[9:39 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Alpha, you have this house.
[9:39 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Bravo, this one.
[9:39 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Opinions, do we wait for dark, or go now ?
[9:39 PM] Chumley Metrodora: I would like to be quiet, and stealthy.
[9:39 PM] Chumley Metrodora: And everyone comes home.
[9:39 PM] GM: Jenny is polite and doesn't take over Kiara's computer, and just sends the image stream.
[9:39 PM] Cedrick: Points to the drawing There is some cover but it'd be best to wait till dark. They didn't have search lights or anything. Guards in the bell tower. Anyway, this is where I stand aside and let the pros work.
[9:40 PM] Cedrick: With that he moves out of the center of attention and posts up out of the way pulling another notebook out of his bag along with a pencil.
[9:41 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Kiara, when the time comes, can you take the towers out silently, at distance?
[9:41 PM] GM: Millie: Not buying your modesty this time around, Cedrick.
[9:42 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Do we have a long gun for Kiara with silencer?
[9:44 PM] Cedrick: Smiles at Millie. Gotta stay humble, besides, you guys live for this. Someone has to watch the Jeeps after all. Besides! I hold up my notebook I just got a fantastic drawing idea that I don't want to forget.
[9:46 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Feelings ... do we hit them during dinner, or overnight?
[9:46 PM] Kiara Umbrielle: Snort I'll use my mouth, thank you very much.
[9:46 PM] Kiara Umbrielle: Much quieter.
[9:48 PM] Chumley Metrodora: OK
[9:50 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Lets set this for midnight, most the town should be sleeping, and the bells will cover much of our sounds.
[9:50 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Thoughts, questions, objections?
[9:53 PM] Kiara Umbrielle: I'm all in favor.
[9:53 PM] GM: Millie, Horrorshow switch to team channel, and then come back with a thumbs up.
[9:54 PM] GM: Also everyone is keen on getting in another nap beforehand. 15 hours, even if watch rotation has to happen. Most sleep they've gotten in days.
[9:55 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Cedric You seem to blend the best around here. Can you keep watch, which the rest of us get a bit more sleep, before our activity this evening.
[9:57 PM] Cedrick: Puts his thumb up and closes one eye as he is looking at Chumley as if getting the scale right. Gotcha boss. With that the raven flaps her wings and gets to a higher perch.
[9:59 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Thank you. For the rest of us, get some shuteye as you can.
[10:00 PM] GM: Time passes.
[10:00 PM] GM: Cedrick notes the movements of the folks in town. Jenny builds up an comprehensive movement patter, based on the 20 minutes every 4 hours of the video take.
[10:02 PM] GM: Approximate labels get added to the various folks in the various houses.
[10:03 PM] GM: Nothing sets this day apart from usual to the town-folk apparently.
[10:03 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Any of these details jarring from what we knew before?
[10:03 PM] GM: Everyone on the teams starts stirring at 11pm, to get ready for the infiltration at midnight.
[10:05 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Amelia, please have Jenny look at the last thermal, which of the 2 will have more resistance?
[10:05 PM] GM: No jarring details. Also, the lights at night, if there are any, are not electrical lights.
[10:06 PM] GM: Kiara is already gone by the time everyone else is waking up.
[10:07 PM] Amelia: The two houses are nearly the same. Neither one will have more resistance.
[10:08 PM] Chumley Metrodora: I will go with Alpha Team.
[10:10 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Kiara will hit the watchtower on the first bell. We should be in place to hit the door on the second bell. So we have time to neutralize any opposition, before the 12th and final bell.
[10:13 PM] GM: Millie, Horrorshow: Roger that.
[10:16 PM] Chumley Metrodora: This is capture excursive. Others are expendable.
[10:17 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Keep it silent, kill what you need to.
[10:18 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Silencers all around.
[10:21 PM] GM: Positions are taken. Everyone gets in without being seen or bothered. Doors are rigged and ready to blow at the second bell.
[10:21 PM] GM: Kiara you are successful in your plan.
[10:22 PM] GM: The bell goes off, no warning from the lookouts.
[10:24 PM] GM: Infiltration happens. Each house is taken, Cedrick and Jenny's maps prove accurate, and the head of both of the houses are grabbed. One wounded other person (Bravo team's target's wife.) One dead other person (Alpha team, had to cut a guard''s throat. Silent.)
[10:25 PM] GM: Exfiltration happens.
[10:26 PM] GM: No undo noises or issues.
[10:26 PM] GM: Kiara is already back at the vehicles, by the time you get there.
[10:26 PM] GM: Cedrick, what is your plan?
[10:27 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Any Injuries to the teams?
[10:27 PM] GM: None.
[10:28 PM] Cedrick: I wait till the team returns successful from their mission. Welcome back. Will we be running now or am I good to travel carefree?
[10:30 PM] Chumley Metrodora: Lets all go back to the hanger ...
[10:30 PM] Chumley Metrodora: And we will fill you in on what has prompted us to do this.
[10:33 PM] Cedrick: I shrug and hop into my jeep. Onwards towards the next adventure, Drae needs to pay me anyway. I start up the jeep. Lead the way giant man.
[10:34 PM] GM: So, when the two individuals were grabbed, they were both hit with a shot of rohypnol to keep them quiet.
[10:34 PM] GM: And we should hang here.
[10:34 PM] Chumley Metrodora: I hop in with Cedrick, since the we have two not one, and the team will need a seat for the second one.
[10:35 PM] GM: That makes sense, and then the two of you can chatter, with all the comms off and such.