Get to the next breakpoint - an indeterminate amount of time later. Take a breather. There is someone standing right before Cagliostro for just a second - and then they're gone. (No one that Cagliostro has seen before. He saw them, but other senses - and the feel of presence - was not there.) Cagliostro performs some mental cleansing, then continues on. During the next break, Absalom says "I have watched. I have seen." Cagliostro gives a speech about internalizing the pilgrimage, now is the time to experience, not to analyze. Cagliostro talks to Janus about taking a circuitious route, in case they were being followed. Janus says "I saw it too - your death. Not sure whether it was part of the ritual." "May I ask what form it took?" "Age. Not sure how to steer us around that." Cagliostro continues the ritual; he takes a break to create a stash of elixir of youth. He realizes that the last time he made this, it was for the wife he no longer remembers. Cagliostro angsts. The ritual continues; more pain, more anguish. Cagliostro comes to the next break point. Absalom says "I have seen, and I am sorry." Cagliostro gives another speech about the centrality of thought to the universe's past and future. "But wow. I'm sorry." Cagliostro goes back into the ritual; he has one more bit before the next liedown. Janus's blade pierced through something that looks a lot like one of the folks from the demon house. Congealed smoke around the blade wound is making it difficult to see exactly who it is. It seems to have happened a long time ago; no one is particularly paying attention. Cagliostro acknowledges it, and realizes that he's going to need a break. Colin is missing, Absalom is missing, Janus is bleeding out of a nasty looking shoulder gash. At some point, Cagliostro's ninja has vanished. Cagliostro gives a speech about breaks to meditate and ponder the experience. Cagliostro asks about a place to have a lie-down. Janus suggests Princess Chandra. Princess Chandra creates a portal of rippling blackness, Cagliostro steps through. An old hand takes Cagliostro's hand; the skin is paper-thin, the bones feel fragile. Cagliostro carefully takes the hand, which sort of moves Cagliostro, who then steps out through something else. Cagliostro is sitting in a nice sitting room. No windows, no doors, no corners (everything is rounded). No one else is in the room. Cagliostro sits in a reclining chair, wipes the bad memories. Cagliostro has one or two things left to do before he sleeps, probably for a couple of years. Cagliostro gets up to have a snack - there is a small spread of food, which constantly regenerates when eaten. He ponders whether or not it's worth creating a bodyguard - and realizes that he doesn't know anything, so it -might- help. Cagliostro creates a ninja, but realize it's -very- hard. The table is mostly depleted - but is now growing back. Shaken awake by old hand. Skeletally thin, dessicated corpse of ninja in a comfortable position right by the table. Dried out leavings Food on the table - but nothing to drink. Cagliostro feels unwise. The decanter tastes somewhat brackish - or that may be the taste in his mouth. The water is pure, must be something else. Cagliostro washes that taste out. He checks the book - 35 years of tickmarks, two days in the middle with different handwriting, after which the hierogylphs become much more complex. Cagliostro leaves the decanter, and asks to leave. The hand reaches out to his shoulder, pushes him in a direction. Cagliostro steps out from under Princess Chandra's outstretched arm, as Janus finishes the word he was on when Cagliostro left. Princess Chandra asks Cagliostro if he believes that those he creates have souls - he replies in the affirmative, expressing sorrow for the one who died. Princess Chandra hands Cagliostro what looks like a small fish scale. "Then this yours." Standing in Colin's place, is Marial - though she looks different. Cagliostro speaks of the importance of recognizing sound counsel, wherever it may come from. Princess Chandra pauses the ritual, talks to Marial. Marial looks taken aback, they chat more, then bow as equals. Cagliostro restarts the ritual. A good 150 years in, hit with turbulence - unsettlement. Something that was going on. Cagliostro notices that it ended with a major bloodbath - hundreds of sentients all being pushed into the sandstorm. Sentients are not humanoid, but showing fear and moving in a coordinated fashion. They are being pushed in by someone who vaguely resembles the hunchbacked dwarf named Dworkin. Cagliostro creates a few images and passes them around as examples of being used as an object, even when you try to disengage. (Janus: "That rat bastard.") The torment is less, now that all those souls have been pulled out. Cagliostro feels something tugging him toward the real world - it looks crowded. Less space than we had before, just lots of little scales - as many new scales as Cagliostro saw coming out. Although each is a small scale, they take as much space as the sentient they were made from. Going is easier until Cagliostro sees someone who looks a -lot- like Cagliostro thrown in, the same individual who chased the others in.. Cagliostro never saw himself go in. Cagliostro pauses momentarily to ponder possibilities, and checks for a scale - no new scale. That individual shows up several more times. Not all the others do, but most of them do. Reached another demarcation point, do another purge. Save memories of people dying (backwards, quickly) and the thrower. Absalom and Colin return, and are shown the pictures to catch up. Colin notices that Cagliostro-ish's appearance is missing, and asks Cagliostro if there is one missing. "Yes." Absalom: "Rat bastard... If he wasn't already dead, he would need killing." Marial talks with Colin and cedes her place; she goes over to Princess Chandra and sits near her feet. Cagliostro fails to get involved, and continues on. During the process, there is an earth-shattering kaboom in reverse. Cagliostro is knocked of his reverie. The image from before stands physically before Cagliostro - and the former image. The person talks to Cagliostro, and acknowledges Princess Chandra as the person he sinned against by creating the Eaters, the Unmakers, the Unsayers. Cagliostro talks the individual into trying to stop his own creation, even though they - and his redemption - are doomed to failure. Cagliostro reforms the mental connection after horrifying the individual - by mentioning that he's already been in mental contact throughout the sandstorm process. The entity first tries to shock Cagliostro - "I ate your brother." They confirm it was the incident in question - the brother died, but forgave the entity - but cursed that which threw him in. They discuss the end result of the process - bringing him back to a formative stage. "But then I will not know how I created the unmakers" - we'll archive that which you were, and tell Marial how you did that. "My daughter does not deserve this." You can discuss this with her, it is her choice. Cagliostro offers to The entity brings back one of Cagliostro's oldest memories, of being a small child looking up at his mother with un-ending devotion. it's a matter, Cagliostro explains, of respecting the boundaries of your parole - to avoid making those mistakes. Cagliostro works on a plan. The entity Something other than Cagliostro shut down those systems - they really should last longer than that. Demon was unmade - he never was, nothing he discovered existed. Janus has no memory of the demon. Cagliostro regains control. He gently chides the entity, who says he can't _help_ unmaking things. Proceed through the wreck and horror that is this gentleman's soul. Cagliostro notices that he's getting tired. He takes a break, and notices an extra pile of jewels - the entity has figured out the technique, and has been using Cagliostro to perform it. The entity disentagles from Cagliostro, and goes over to talk to Marial and Princess Chandra while Cagliostro takes a breather. Cagliostro stands in line for attention; Colin comes over next to talk to him. Colin warns Cagliostro that the demons feel the compact was broken, and Cagliostro had initially instructed them to kill him if it failed. The binding works both ways - even Cobalt, or places like it, aren't far enough. Don't leave your back unguarded for a few millenia, advises Colin. But he does know this guy who has a very safe place - if not a very comfortable one. Just use a contact card to get in touch with him... Colin throws a stone to disrupt the conversation - it is cleaved, grabbed, and unmade. "It's a pity Melkezedik isn't around - he's good at fixing things. I wonder if his apprentice is still around..." Someone appears with unfocused eyes - looks like the old paintings of Corwin, but female. They discuss falling over, and how the gems of memories are evil. Coral slows down Cagliostro, introduces herself, unravels out. Cagliostro sleeps, wakes up as sound and movement return to normal. The ritual restarts, now that Cagliostro is rested. The entity is shedding a crystal a second, Cagliostro leads him along the path of the Sephiroh and alchemy toward redemption. Reach a section of memory where he was fighting with Princess Chandra; between the two of them, they laid quite a bit to waste. She destroyed his upper body just before he unmade the Serpent - but he survived, but distracted. Causing a loop - unmaking something that was required for you to learn unmaking - creates a 'paradox spirit': a free-range unmaking entity. Continue back; Princess Chandra is Marial's mother. Continue further back to their courting and falling in love, before Marial's birth. Get to see them born of the sea after a rewiping, a few times. He's very young - he unmade his nurse. Before that, something twisted - he went from being very old to being very young. A little farther - standing on the edge of what was a set of mystical realms, watching them all dissolve as he steps away. This has recurred in the past. Each time, he's gotten fed up and wiped it. Only once was he stopped. Each time, he feels regret, but doesn't see how he could have taken any other past. He only loved once - Princess Chandra - and only had one child - Marial. First memory - stepping onto an edge, getting attacked by a bunch of people and unmaking them. Cagliostro stitches together some memories with Princess Chandra and Marial. Cagliostro supplements that with a pastiche of other memories to guide him in a non-unmaking direction, including bodyguard training 1.0. As we walk on sand before the end, Cagliostro asks people to offer a memory to help guide him. Mistress Janice gives a memory of her mother singing a lullaby. (Cagliostro keeps a copy.) Princess Chandra gives a pertinent set of memories (edited). Marial gives memories of Wyndam, her apprentice - the joys of watching her apprentice deal with things just a little beyond her each time. Absalom gives the memory of the first time he discovered the joy of a simple rain on an open field after a long campaign. Gil gives the memory of dusty research - hunting down a bit of esoteric research deep in the stacks, and the flash of joy of understanding. Colin passes along the memory of watching Cagliostro make changes to Castle Cagliostro to make it untrumpable - putting that much work in rather than just killing the person who could make the trump. (Including the view from the corner of the fountain where nothing change.) Janus gives the series of times he has enjoyed knowing the success of his descendants. *al-Nasr's memory goes here* Nasr al-Din gives the loooong series of memories just lying there, in his tent, hearing his dancing, and the drumming, and the joy of whatever encampment he was in. Cagliostro gives his memory of the discussion of their voluntary limitations. The border of the elements - a beach at sunrise, with a bonfire We can redefine our past by changing our interpretations of it commands: be free of the constraints of your past be free of your preconceptions be free of all bindings and constraints "What do you call yourself?" He responds "Cemen". He bows to the air, bows to the fire - the fire bows back. He bows to the sea. The sea manifests to a form, bows, and manifests back down. Janus explains that the air is Ilkandacian, the water is undead philosophers, but who is the fire? They boggle quietly. He sits near the fire. Marial worms her way under his arms and puts her head on his shoulder. Princess Chandra entrusts something precious to her to his care, and then heads off to where she is needed. Cagliostro talks to Absalom and Mistress Janice about the demon house attacking him for a few millenia. The sea offers the advice of being busy - hiding means that they're controlling your life. Ilk teaches demon melt - Fairly elegant spell - but won't work on anyone who has more mystic inertia than he does.