Cagliostro is sitting on the rock, watching the bare planet next door. The first experience of the Realms Historian - as the first thing, he had to fight for his life - matches his memories of the person he helped. Can't tell how he was attacked, or by who, but can tell he was attacked. Darkstar turns to Cagliostro and indicates the destroyed area - 'the value of destruction'. They discuss things - Darkstar indicates that one of his acquaintances left a place like that out of pique. An individual asks Cagliostro's help in resolving a problem along a political axis - someone is trying to activate a device for petty reasons, and it would upset him tremendously. He doesn't want to take official notice to avoid giving the actions weight - Cagliostro is out of the political loop, can he take care of it? Cagliostro agrees, modulo his promise to Darkstar, and is offered access to the individual's magic library. "Who was that?" "The biggest mage of the different magical realms - by definition. By office - not just by power." Darkstar declines the offer to join, because he has a tendency to accidentally set off mechanical devices. Two individuals arguing next to the device - one throws Cagliostro across the place a couple of times. Darkstar pulls Cagliostro back via the card and namedrops Princess Chandra's name at the jerk. The jerk apologizes profusely, Cagliostro accepts his departure as an apology and fails to restore his bow. Purpose - collect souls into the device so that they can be restored. Only one other technie involved in the project - who doesn't want it destroyed, because it's his machine. Created the Great Machine that the Great Ilkandacian - farmer, grabbed again, made him create a machine that was similar but different, he's afraid that Ilkandacian will kill him out of hand for failure. If he makes the wrong choice, Ilkandacian will kill him (and his family!) out of spite - he's seen it happen! (Of course, they tried to kill and enslave everything in sight when they were following their religion?) Cagliostro intervenes with Ilk - Ilk is satisfied, is quite firm that the builder should refrain from building, did a poor job informing and reassuring the builder. Cagliostro plays therapist for a while, and manages to engage his mechanical brain. Huge chunks of the machine are either purposeless or entirely tangential, but were put in because he expected them to be there. Caglistro's basis in engineering and physics is taking a hell of a shellacking, but alchemy (the mother of science) is carrying him through. Going back to first principles often helps. We work through the components until we get to a bit that tweaks Geryon - apparently this is the bit connected to his soul. Experimentation happens, the Serpent's Apprentice is called in - don't touch those bits, work around them. Working around happens - it's difficult, but gets easier. Get to another component which was never triggered - injection process seems to be unnecessarily cruel, both to the souls and the receipients. Work around that, too. Several hours, and several Darkstar-catered food breaks later, we're down to the soul components and the injector. Cagliostro reports progress to the eyeball. Discussion happens about what to do next. Cagliostro suggests building new machines to inject the bits - this breaks the tech, who goes for a liedown. Cagliostro builds a machine to inject the parts of the soul that are in the machine, one chunk at a time. He tests the machine on Geryon - success! Ilk sends the other watchers elsewhere for the privacy of the other individuals, and Cagliostro injects soul bits into a series of mostly amorphous individuals and the mage. Dismantling the components is easy once the souls are gone, and the injector is the last bit to go.