Someone comes up to Cagliostro with a bed and a meal, offering a break. Cagliostro asks to be sent back - everyone is waiting on the Serpent's Apprentice to give them their release orders. He pulled stuff out of nothingness. Cagliostro asks Colin about where 'this' came from. Colin references the formless void, and the Serpent's Apprentice that caused there to be a firmament, and a night and a day. "Is that like conjuration?" "No." "Okay." Cagliostro sleeps. Colin shakes Cagliostro awake, and says that Andron has a projection of the view - approaching Chaos, which stretches out into Shadow , and sits on the back of... whoa. Apparently the world really -does- sit on the back of something - a big snake, not a turtle, but still... Colin and Cagliostro head out a different way than everyone else. They arrive in Cagliostro uses a card, cold to the touch, to contact his daughter. To her, he's been gone five minutes. Cagliostro and Colin are pulled through to their location. Marial and Princess Chandra are still missing, everyone else is here. Cagliostro's daughter is working on a trainer path - pure images, of fighters and conflict. Cagliostro suggests a meditative approach to martial arts, much to the horror of the combat-minded Amberites.