Shadow has fallen into the Sea. Jean is not diminished in form, because while Max was wielding Mjolnir, Jean had enough warfare to realize what was going to happen and set up a list of contingencies. Jean has evacuated Shadow, either by ways or by Verra. Verra, warned that Shadow was failing, collected her followers at her temples - destroying them at the last minute for the greater good of Verra, and also evacuating the local Jeans. Jean told Amaranth, who was thankful that her stuff was already moved. Jean warns Neville and Osric of the impending doom. Somewhere 4 and 8 Jeans ended up in the Sea, with melty effects reminiscent of Random's good drugs rather than anything more dramatic, permanent, or gunshippy. Most of the Golden Circle remains, as it was on the slopes of Kolvir. Some of the Golden Circle went away, but there is much destruction from the snap caused by the reality quake. Pools of the Sea of Chance washed across Kolvir and its attendant kingdoms. Randomness ensues. Neville is busy trying to cope with said randomness, organizing disaster relief, and rebuilding trade alliances. The Gray zone is somewhat damaged or gone, the Black Zone is damaged in places.