The assembled crowd in the Badgerverse works on the whagons. Step 1: survival without a water bubble. In Chaos, Hamster Corwin asks Jean to get in touch with Ilk and let him know that something is in Chaos that may require his attention, as the Savior of it. Johnny, riding in a Barcalounger, asks Jean about the Egg Place because of a note from Osric. Osric hints that Johnny needs to go back to 'where he belongs'; Johnny wants to know how to get to the Egg Place so that he can get to the Fringe. Johnny gets thrown into the Egg Place, where he plummets until Jean realizes he can't fly. Jean lowers him to the ground, where the dragons are re-sodding. Johnny goes into the gate, vanishes, and reappears. He asks Jean for firepower in case he runs into evil baddies on the Fringe. Jean considers the issue, remembers Hamster Benedict, and checks the Hamsterites. Hamster Bleys and Hamster Brand are free, and interested, so Jean brings them both. Johnny is less than impressed, and the Hamsters are not Fringeworthy. Johnny asks Jean, who passes the note to Osric, who makes the hamsters temporarily Fringeworthy.