Malachai's Journal vol. 1 Hello, journal. I've never kept a diary before, but the damned Hendrakes have given me writing materials and I have nothing else to do in this hell-hole but watch my cilia wiggle. Maybe they think they can get something out of me by reading this that I haven't already told them. But there is nothing more. They have taken everything. Perhaps I should introduce myself. I am Captain Malachai Tamberlin of His Majesty's Own 2nd Imperial Lancers. Perhaps formerly of the Lancers--even if I were to escape and somehow make my way back to Amber, I don't think they would accept an officer with tentacles. Is there still an Amber? I think that bitch Dulnea said Amber had been conquered, but that may have been an hallucination. I haven't been thinking clearly, what with the drugs and the torture and the mind probes and the sleep deprivation and who knows what else they do when I am unconscious or raving. I must apologize for this rambling. I am not entirely myself, in more ways than one. But I shall do a proper job and start at the beginning. As a babe I was apparently dropped at the doorstep of a Unicorn Temple in Amber by an anonymous donor. I grew up in St. Cymnea's orphanage. They gave me a decent education and a lot of discipline. At seventeen, with no better prospects, I joined the army. I was a big, healthy lad with good reflexes, so I got along well enough. After six months and a rather tire- some campaign in Shadow I made corporal. I began thinking about my career and noticed that cavalry troopers got to ride instead of slogging in mud, wore interesting uniforms, and appeared to be very popular with women. That was for me. I cultivated a few friends in the cavalry, including a sergeant name Dodd. He was a friendly fellow with a severe case of halitosis. I bought Dodd drinks, listened to his rambling stories, recommended a certain brand of mouth wash, and introduced him to several lady friends. In return, he taught me to ride and to fence. When Dodd came up with what he thought was his own idea of sponsoring me to the Lancers, I could only agree that it would be a good career move. Once in the cavalry, I spent the next forty years in a series of campaigns and cadre billets in various Golden Circle kingdoms. I spent relatively little time in Amber, but got to experience many people and places. Gradually, I worked my way from trooper through NCO. After a particularly nasty battle at Salamis where I found myself choosing chancy heroism over certain slaughter, I received an officer's commission and an award of arms. For my device I chose azure a bend sinister argent between two eagles stooping or. After another forty years, I had advanced to my present rank of Captain. By then I had acquired a certain reputation of which I am not entirely proud. I gambled rather more than I should, although I did generally manage to at least break even. I was popular with ladies and several times made the mistake of being caught in compro- mising circumstances with married women. This led to the third characteristic of my reputation--as a duelist. I must assure you that I am an even-tempered person who does not easily take offense. Unfortunately, I cannot say the same of certain others who have been less than charitable in accepting my explanations for the innocent but perhaps excessively friendly flirtations that I engaged in with certain respectable ladies. It is fortunate that I am blessed with strength and quickness, for without such talents I might have found my career cut quickly short. Following a particularly harrowing affair of honor with a gentleman who simply would not accept my protestations that a gift to his wife was platonic in nature, I decided to pursue formal training in swordsmanship. After I had tried and rejected several inferior teachers, my good friend Sergeant Dodd directed me to Master Ottaviano. It was rumored that, as a young man, Otto had been a member of Prince Benedict's personal guard. When I met him he was blind in one eye and lame in one leg, but he knew the strengths and weaknesses of every style of fencing known in Amber, a city with the best fencers of any dimension. He was a hard teacher, and he charged exorbitantly, but he was worth it. Every time I saw him I learned something that I could think about and practice for weeks. Whenever I was in Amber and solvent I spent the bulk of my time training with Otto, who eventually admitted that I was as talented a swordsman as he had ever seen outside the Royal family. By my hundred and fiftieth year I believe I had the respect of the whole regiment and was beginning to be known in the Court. The cavalry squadron I commanded consis- tently won awards both on the parade ground and in battle. The regimental com- mander, Colonel Prospero, regularly accepted my advice regarding troop disposition, promotions, tactics, and logistics. I was looking forward to what looked like an in- evitable promotion to Colonel when I had my unfortunate run-in with Prince Eric. * * * Excuse me, journal, for the pause in writing. I would guess the delay to be several days, if this place had days. I don't know how long I have been in this prison, but it feels like a year at least. Perhaps this is a place where time runs quickly and not so long has passed in Amber. Anyway, they took me from my cell and brought me before Dulnea, the icy warrior- sorceress who captured me. She again asked me questions about my origins, and I again insisted that I never knew my parents. She began to wave her arms and some telekinetic spell lifted me into the air. I felt my left side, the side with the tentacles and cilia, twist and squirm in modulation with her motions. At her command, a thing that is not my arm wrapped itself around my throat and squeezed. "Enough lies," she spat. "You are not of Shadow; you are real, though without the imprint of Pattern. What do you know of Oberon?" "I can't breathe!" I said. Actually, what I said was "Urk!" but I think my meaning was clear. The tentacle loosened and I could breathe a little. What had she meant by, `not of Shadow?' I felt her bore again into my head, ripping the structure of my mind apart in an appar- ently fruitless search for something that was not there. "What are you hiding?" she demanded. "Noth...Urk!" The tentacle tightened again, and I lost consciousness. I remember a series of dreams or hallucinations. Perhaps real. Strange tubes inserted into me, fluids drawn and others injected, leering demon faces, peculiar devices poking and observing me. I awoke in my cell several hours ago, a quivering mass. Do you know what it is like to awaken, feverish, with a slimy, wriggling thing crawling across your face, and then realize that the thing is part of you? I am amazed that, so far as I can tell, I am only somewhat mad. `You are not of Shadow; you are real,' she said. That explains their interest in me. The only way I know of to be truly not of Shadow is to be a descendant of King Oberon. Like anyone of uncertain parentage in Amber, I have always rather hoped it were so. After all, like the Royals, I am blessed with excellent strength, quickness, and consti- tution. Probably she was lying. But if it were so, then whose son am I? I am tall, with dark hair and blue eyes. Deirdre? It seems unlikely that a Princess would bear a child and then abandon it. Eric? I hope not! Corwin? Perhaps Corwin. He disappeared from Amber sometime around the time of my birth. I have admired his tenacity in fighting his way up Kolvir, his defiance in crowning himself before his enemies, and his resourcefulness in escaping from the castle after having his eyes burned from his head. If you are my father, Corwin, I hope to meet you one day. Hell, I hope to meet anyone not of this foul place. * * * I have strayed excessively from recounting the past in favor of dwelling upon the pre- sent. I was about to describe my nearly fatal encounter with Prince Eric. At that time Oberon had been gone from Amber more than thirty years, and there was much specu- lation that he was dead. When last I was in Amber he was still missing. I wonder what became of him? I managed an invitation to a party at the Castle. This was quite important as I would need some sort of positive notice by the Royal family in order to make good my ambi- tion to be promoted despite my humble background. I had been studying the children of Oberon for some time, in an effort to leverage myself into a position of patronage. My date for the evening was a lovely widow who was the ambassador from Jamin, a Golden Circle kingdom known for its meat exports. I had been seeing rather much of her lately. Her name was Serena and she had the most gorgeous red hair, falling in elaborately coiffured braids to the small of her back. Exquisite. I comported myself well throughout dinner, conversing intelligently with the guests and being introduced to Princess Llwella and Prince Gerard. The dancing after dinner also went well at first. Serena had been tutoring me for several months in courtly dancing and I was moving competently. After several dances with her I found myself before Princess Fiona just as the next dance was beginning. With some trepidation I smiled, bowed, and offered her my arm. She curtsied and accepted. "Captain ... Malachai, I believe?" she asked as we began the first turn. We were a bit awkward as partners, since her head did not quite come to my shoulder. Her waist was incredibly slender and her hair was a color two shades darker than Serena's. "Yes, your Highness," I replied cleverly. "How are you enjoying the party?" As the dance progressed, we made small talk. She soon led the conversation to my background. I told her briefly of the orphanage and went on to my career. "So you have no idea of whom your parents might be?" she interrupted. "No, your Highness. I have often wondered." At that point, the dance ended. We bowed to each other, and we both passed on to other partners. I had the sense that more had gone on in our innocent little conversation than I had understood. Soon I was dancing with Serena again, this time to a country waltz with a fairly quick tempo. I was enjoying the feeling of swirling her in my arms when it happened. Prince Eric was drunk. I don't know how much liquor it takes to overcome the leg- endary capacity of an Amberite Royal, but he had exceeded his limit. Most of the guests had been trying to ignore his behavior, while a few flatterers were following him about and tittering at his obnoxious comments. He decided that he wanted to dance and forced himself upon Countess Morwen, cutting in on Prince Julian, who was not pleased. As the dance proceeded Serena and I passed near Eric and Morwen. We tried to avoid them but Eric stumbled and tripped over my saber. Although I knew the fault was his I apologized. He would have none of it. The musicians stopped and the dancers came to a halt as he cursed at me. "Ignorant cur!" he shouted. "You dance like a baboon, with two club feet!" I apologized once more, biting down on the anger that would, if expressed, destroy me. He growled and pushed me with one hand flat on my chest. I fell backward. Unicorn, he was strong! "Outside," he said, jerking a thumb toward the door. "I demand satisfaction. Your feeble apologies cannot begin to make up for this insult." Serena stepped up and whispered fearfully in my ear, "Malachai, you have to get out of this. He'll kill you." "I know," I whispered back, "but there isn't any way out." I fumed at my ill fortune. Although Eric was rumored to be surpassed by several of his brothers in skill, I had no illusions that my own abilities gave me any chance against him. Even if by some strange fortune I were to defeat him, surely his siblings would never suffer me to live. Resigned to my fate, I nodded to him. "Very well, Your Highness. If there is no other way." Gerard stepped up and placed a beefy hand on Eric's shoulder. "Brother, please," he said. "He meant no offense. He has apologized. Let it be enough." "No," said Eric, throwing off the hand. "It is done, Gerard." He smiled and looked at me with the piercing gaze of death. "Outside, Captain." I nodded. I bowed to Gerard, then turned to Serena. Crying, she threw her arms around me. I kissed her and pushed her gently away. "Thank you, my lady, for a lovely dance," I told her. My voice was not so steady as I might have wished. I found her hand, pulled it briefly to my lips, then walked past Eric and out the door to the courtyard. Quite a few guests followed, giving Eric a wide berth. As his second he chose Prince Julian, who looked bored. I chose Colonel Prospero, who was horrified at my predica- ment but could offer no better solution than Serena had. It was late autumn. I remem- ber that the night was clear and chilly, and the moon was about three-quarters full. Around the curve of Mount Kolvir, I glimpsed Tir Na Nog'th glinting balefully like a cluster of snowflakes in the sky. In the crowd I saw Princess Fiona, a faint smile upon her lips. Seven torches were brought and placed in a circle ten paces across. Eric stood across from me, his frosty breath visible in the cold autumn air, and he smiled again. We both drew our weapons and the seconds called lay-on. His sword was of some odd metal with a bright, almost hypnotic sheen. Might it have strange powers from some distant shadow? Otto had always told me that if you know that your opponent is better than you, then an aggressive approach can even the odds slightly. All right. I stepped forward, point out and edge up in a stance that Otto called "Spanish." Eric parried my thrust and I brought the tip around to cut at his head in quarte, then back in after his parry with a fancy feint-disengage-overhand thrust maneuver with which I had actually tagged Otto twice. No joy. Eric pretended to fall for the feint, then ducked down low under my thrust, which pierced only his cloak. This left me out of line and him in an excellent position to thrust straight in. I barely stopped it by bringing my point vertically down to the ground so that I was even further out of line. Eric, too close now for a good thrust, pushed my shoulder with his left hand, knocking me off balance as I tried to pivot my sword in a moulinette straight down. He stepped easily around my clumsy chop and cut for my head. I managed to get my weapon up in time to partially deflect his blow as I stumbled back, but it cut like liquid ice into my right shoulder. It didn't hurt yet, but I could feel the arm jerk slightly as the muscle around the cut seized. Eric laughed, enjoying himself, and allowed me to regain my balance before stepping forward. I circled back and around, parrying a few cuts he flicked lazily toward me. I knew I was dead. What I wanted then was a piece of him in trade. My fear was that he would kill me without getting a scratch. Now I smiled back at him, and I saw a touch of something in his eye--not fear, of course, but perhaps respect. I went in again with a point attack, this time low. He parried it down, as I knew he must, and thrust in for my heart. I stepped in closer, turning aside so that his thrust slipped close along my chest, leaving what I knew would become a nasty scar if I lived long enough for it to heal. His sword went up and around for a close-in cut at my head. I parried, my sword striking sparks against his. I tried to punch him with my hilt but he ducked below it and slid his blade down toward my chest. Without any other options I grabbed his blade near the hilt with my left hand. I felt it slice through my glove and my hand like it wasn't there as I desperately brought my sword around for a wrapping blow over his head. I felt my sword cut once more into his cloak and then strike flesh. I felt a moment of elation before he shoved a shoulder into my chest, knocking me back into a torch. I tried to roll back to my feet but my sword was caught under me and my hand slipped in my own blood so that for a moment I was immobile. Panic gave way to horror as I saw his point thrust home toward my heart. This is it, I thought, as I looked up into my killer's dancing eyes. It is enough... But somehow, through no action of mine, the thrust went awry. It pierced my chest on the right side, running me straight through. He cursed and withdrew the sword for the coup de grace. I had no strength to move as he began an overhead cut that would surely take off my head. Before it could reach me his blade, unaccountably, shattered in his hand. He stood there for a moment in shock and rage, then Gerard stepped in and pulled him away. Serena came to me as I lay there. She tore the hem from her dress and used it to staunch the bleeding. I could feel my lung collapsing and knew that if I tried to speak I would cough up blood. I saw Fiona standing a few paces away, at the forefront of the crowd. She winked at me and, despite the noise and my fading consciousness I quite clearly heard her speak to me. "It would be a pity to waste such a fine dancer," she said as all else faded away. When next I awoke I opened my eyes and saw Gerard's beefy face break into a smile. I was in the castle infirmary, he said, and he had dropped by to check in on me. I asked weakly after Serena. He told me she had been here by my side for most of the two days since the duel, and would be back soon. I tried to sit up but he pushed me back, telling me to rest. I fell asleep before Serena returned, but she was there when I again awoke. When I was finally well enough, a few weeks later, we had quite a celebration. Although I had lost the small and ring fingers of my left hand and gained some impressive scars, I considered myself lucky. The duel both helped and hindered my career. While I was not in favor with Eric, he made no overt attempts to sabotage me. I was told later that I had put a nasty cut across his left shoulder blade; perhaps that had earned me a measure of tolerance. Some of the others, particularly Gerard, seemed to admire the spirit with which I had met my fate and the hardiness I had shown in surviving it. Gerard in fact asked if I wanted to transfer to the navy, as he had uses for men such as myself. Flattered, I declined, telling him that I had a duty to my men. I tried to keep a low profile in court, but a month later I received a message from Princess Fiona, asking me to meet her the next day at the castle. I spent the intervening time wondering what she wanted of me. Did she think me handsome and want a liai- son? Did she wish to ensure that I not tell Eric who had destroyed his sword? Was there some dangerous mission she wished me to undertake? With no little trepidation I arrived at the castle the next day and told the steward that I had an appointment with her. She appeared shortly, greeted me, and asked me to follow her. When I tried to ask what this was about she shushed me. Soon we came to a suite on the second floor of the castle, obviously her personal rooms. It was comfort- ably and informally decorated, with many objects that I did not recognize. The walls were covered in bookshelves. (When later I was able to glance at the titles of the books I found that they were on many subjects and in many languages.) "Captain, let me explain why I have asked you here," she said. "Please do," I replied, "for I am most curious, your Highness." "I do not like to see a man of your caliber killed in so pointless a manner as nearly hap- pened a month ago. I daresay that without my intervention--as we both know it was I who saved you--you would certainly have died." "And I must express my extreme gratitude that you have done me the honor of saving my life," I said. "And you are most welcome. I am happy that I was able to assist you. However, I will not always be available to effect a last-minute rescue. Thus I have determined that it is necessary to teach you a few things that may assist you in similar dire circumstances in the future." "I am sorry, but I do not understand Your Highness' meaning. I have studied fencing for many years ... " "I do not refer to fencing, Captain, but to magic," she said. I did not know what to say. I had seen magicians on the streets of Amber and in other places, and I had heard that there are shadows where magic is part of the normal congress of everyday life, but I had never considered myself a potential practitioner. "I propose to teach you a few simple spells that you may find useful in the profession of arms that you have chosen for yourself," she continued. "These spells will by no means turn you into a master sorcerer--that would take many years and perhaps more talent than you have-- but they may provide you with an advantage in the perilous times that no doubt lie ahead for us all." I admit that I was not, initially, keen on the idea. "And what does your Highness ask in return?" I inquired. She smiled. "I wish us to be friends, Captain. I admire your spirit, and I sense that there is more to you than meets the eye. This is a favor I wish to do for you. In the future, there may be a favor you can do for me." "Very well, Your Highness. I agree." Over the next two months, amid rumors that she and I were engaged in a dalliance, Fiona proceeded to teach me a few simple magics, in the form of Words of Power. She made it clear that the words themselves were not the source of magic, but instead acted as foci for my own will. I learned to produce a small and uncontrollable shiver in another person's body, to provide myself with a momentary bit of useful luck, to throw bright spots before a person's eyes, to disrupt magical spells, and to deflect an oncoming object. Fiona warned me not to depend on these abilities excessively, since a prepared opponent can take countermeasures. She also cautioned that there were some shadows where such magic would not work at all. I thanked her for her kind assistance. Soon thereafter, my squadron was ordered into the field, away from Amber and her messy politics. By that time Eric was in full control of Amber, having cemented an alliance with Julian, Caine, and Gerard. Benedict had been absent for some time. Corwin, who had reappeared, was rumored to have allied with Bleys, with whom he was said to be readying an attack. My unit patrolled the borders of Garnath to meet them. When the expected invasion came, we were ordered to fall back and harass the enemy. We did so, minimizing our casualties and working to cut lines of supply and communication. Bleys and Corwin finally penetrated to the castle with a fraction of the force they had begun with. While they performed their doomed fight up the steps of Kolvir, my men and I were harrying their rear. By the time Bleys had fallen and Corwin had cut his way to the top, my squadron had pushed to the foot of the stairs, dismounted, and begun following their rear guard upward. We helped butcher what remained of Corwin's men. I watched as they netted him and pulled the fabled Greyswandir from his grasp, then carried him cursing to his cell. We spent the next morning searching for Eric's body among those who had fallen from Kolvir. All that we found was a set of portraits of the royal family on cards, prompting rumors that he had used some magi- cal means to escape. The 2nd Lancers were ordered out of Amber soon thereafter. We joined with Julian's Rangers in searching for any sign of a second invasion from Bleys, although none came from that quarter. I heard later that Corwin, when brought before Eric in chains and told to place the crown of Amber upon his brother's head, had crowned himself instead. For his defiance he was blinded and thrown in prison. I have been told that the Royal family does not kill its own, and in this matter Eric showed a certain hard clemency. On my rare leaves I returned to Amber, finding Serena a fine companion. We shared many long walks and gentle embraces. I remember in particular one dazzling June day, when she and I walked through the magnificent flower gardens of the First Unicorn Temple. Later we saw a play presented by Princess Flora's Emerald Company and danced endlessly at a ball hosted by Count Ingvar of Northmarch. Such times became increasingly infrequent as further menaces arose to threaten Amber. It was said that the monsters who began to appear in Arden and Garnath soon after Corwin's imprisonment were drawn to Amber by his curse. They were horrid creatures who came mostly by night. They seemed to us like fiends from hell, and I now know that they were. I spent two years hunting them. At first they were rare, but soon it seemed that the more we killed, the more would come the next night. By the second year they came day and night, and they worked together with deadly cunning. I became very skilled at hunting demons. One moonless night, a few days after I heard of Corwin's strange escape from the Amber dungeon, I led fifty troopers through Eastern Garnath near the Black Road. We were following a group of demons who had attacked a manor house a few miles south, killing the family and their servants. Three of Julian's Rangers were acting as scouts ahead of us. We were following the trail in single file, riding through open forest, when I heard a warning call from one of the scouts. I quietly ordered the column to halt and spread them out into a combat formation. There was no further sound from the scouts, but then we heard wings flapping above us. The first rule for coping with an ambush is to pick a direction and go. Never stay in the place the ambushers have picked out for you. Choosing 45 degrees to the left at random, I told my men to lower their lances and charge through. As we began the charge, javelins and other projectiles began to fall on us from the front and sides. Something clanged off my breastplate, and I saw a large horned figure loom ahead of me. I drove my spear through the demon's chest and heard it scream in agony as I rode past. I failed to recover the lance from the creature, so I drew my sword, rode past a clump of the hell-creatures clustered around some dark banner, and called my men to me. As I turned my horse, five of my men rallied with me. I saw that, while we had done some damage on the way through, many of my men were down or engaged with winged creatures which had dropped from the trees. We circled, looking for a way clear of the enemy, then spotted a line of cavalry approaching from our rear. At first I thought they were our men, but then I saw the skeletal horses they rode. As I peered closer in the darkness, I saw that they were white-haired women, dressed in extrav- agant armor. There were perhaps fifty of them. Choosing the better part of valor, I was about to order my men to retreat when a small glowing green sphere emerged from the group of horsewomen and flew toward us. Foul sorcery! We had no time to react before it was upon us. It flew between two of my men, Harrick and Neton, then burst like a bubble. At first I thought it had had no effect, but in a moment the troopers and their horses screamed in terror. I saw their bodies rip apart, as if something were eating them from the inside. "Save yourselves!" I screamed, and in desperation the rest of us fled. The women on their demon horses followed us. In horror I watched another ball of light float quickly toward us. It burst next to me as I leapt from my horse, terrified. In an instant the horse and another of my men withered away and faded into dust as they succumbed to the awful effects of the spell. Although I was in the apparent radius of its magic, I felt only a strange tingling in my left hand where Eric's blade had taken two fingers. When I landed I rolled to my feet, sword out, and readied myself for the onrushing demons. As the first spear sought my heart, I dodged to one side and the demon rode past me. The next one came up and tried to cleave me with a sword. I stepped aside and thrust upward, stabbing toward the hellmaiden's visor. My point slipped past her gorget and pierced her throat as she leaned down, missing her swing. Her momentum and the urgency of my thrust carried the whole blade through her neck. She fell for- ward from the horse, her helm clattering loudly into the darkness as we were knocked together to the ground. She landed atop me, clawing spasmodically at me as I labored to regain my breath. Her ashen skin and hair were now bestained with blood that was not red. Where it touched me I felt it burning my skin. She gnashed fanged teeth weakly at me and expired. I rolled her twitching body off me, put a boot to her chest, and withdrew my bloody sword from her neck. As a rule I try never to harm women, but I felt only loathing for this foul creature I had slain. I noticed that the last foot of my sword had broken off when it pierced her and that her blood was so caustic that the metal was now black- ened and pitted. As I stood I saw ten or twelve of the hellmaidens sitting astride their horses, regarding me from a distance of perhaps twenty yards. One in the center appeared to be the leader. She wore a winged helm and bore a mace instead of a lance. I saw her speaking to her compatriots, but could not make out her words. Figuring I had nothing to lose, I pointed my sword in the direction of her heart and ran at her. She smiled, obviously thinking me rather pitiful, and raised her mace in my direction. She mouthed some strange words and I saw another glowing spell emerge from the tip of her weapon. I tried to dodge to the side as it came to meet me, but it followed. I uttered a Word of Power, to no apparent effect. It burst above my head with a faint popping sound. Expecting to feel my insides bursting, at first I felt only weakness and a strong tingling sensation throughout my left arm. The tingling spread to encompass most of the left side of my torso and neck. I fell weakly to my knees and watched in horror as the skin in the affected areas began to erupt. Worm-like tendrils burst forth and began to wriggle back and forth under my armor. My left arm writhed uncontrollably as I felt the bones melt away with a dreadful sucking sound. My hand fused into a single pseudopodia, and I in a few seconds I regarded with loathing three black tentacles that had taken the place of my arm. They laughed at me when I screamed in horror. Three of them rode up and knocked me unconscious. I don't think any of my men were captured as I was; a few of them may have escaped, but I am sure that most of them died. I remember an endless time of travel through desolate and blackened landscapes. I am not proud of the weakness I showed in my reaction to my transformation, but despite my disgust at my own behavior I will not attempt to whitewash it. I was indeed piti- ful. They kept me naked and securely bound. Between bouts of madness I remember becoming vaguely accustomed to my new appendage. I have never learned to control it fully; still it writhes and grasps whenever I do not give it my full concentration. At first I had no control over it whatsoever. The warrior maidens rarely spoke to me, al- though they seemed to find my horror at what had happened to my arm quite amusing. I did discover that the leader of this band was called Dulnea, and that they were Hendrakes, whatever that may be. As we traveled the land became more and more strange. I must admit that I often re- gressed into catatonia, so I am unsure of whether my memories represent observation or hallucination. Finally we came to the foul place in which I currently reside--a great black fortress atop a jagged mountain beneath a kaleidoscope sky. I think I heard one of them call it Gantu. I was brought to this cell through shifting corridors and across stinking pits of slime. They left me here, naked. After a few hours or days I was brought out, hosed down, and brought in chains before Dulnea. She began asking me questions. I answered most of them truthfully, having little to hide. Whenever she didn't like an answer pain was applied by one means or another. I discovered that she could, when she wished, control my tentacles, and it amused her to cause them to slap or choke me whenever I was less than perfectly cooperative. The questioning sessions were repeated, over and over, in interminable sessions over many days. Eventually there were different questioners--sometimes humans or mostly humans, other times demons. A few times I saw them change their shape from one form to another. Perhaps they were all Dulnea in different guises. I was starved, deprived of sleep, and tortured. I was allowed to sleep, but awoke drowning in mag- gots. The questions repeated, over and over, about who I was and what I had done. Small details about Amber. Troop dispositions and tactics. I tried to keep the latter from them, but I fear that in my mad ravings I let all slip. Finally Dulnea used her magic to probe my mind, pushing and tearing painfully at the fabric of my conscious- ness. The interrogation sessions finally stopped, and I was left to wait for a considerable time-- months or years? Time has lost its meaning in this place. Then the recent session that I described earlier. Who knows what it all means? I am not sure that I care anymore. * * * Journal, it has been a long time since I last wrote. Nothing has happened, and I have had nothing to say. They have left me here to rot. There have been no interrogations or anything besides food and water for a very long time. I don't know how long I have been here, or even whether time has any meaning in this place. Certainly it has been years. The area of my body changed by the spell is expanding. Now it covers all of my left side, up my neck, and onto my face. Yesterday, I noticed another tentacle growing below the other three. I think sometimes of Serena. Does she still live? Perhaps Amber was conquered long ago. Perhaps Oberon has come back, as the stories say, with an army to defeat these creatures and come rescue me. I wonder. * * * It has been long again. Very long. The blight has taken most of me. I now have eight tentacles, growing in two clusters at my shoulder and hip. My left leg is turning into another cluster. The cilia cover most of my torso and face. On the left side my ear has disappeared, and I can feel that the skull is dissolving. The eye on that side has changed, so that what I see with it is blurry and strange. Sometimes I see things with it I that I cannot see with the other. My mind is going. I can feel it changing. I am slow, and my dreams are full of things I do not understand. I have thought about killing myself, but I don't think I can. Serena, I do still think of you. * * * gone all gone * * * Freedom. It is so strange a thing, to be out of the cell, to be a semblance of myself again, to be free. I want to dance. I want to cry. I want to go back to my cell and fade away again so that I will be safe and no one will know what I became. No, I don't want that. If this is a dream and I still abide in my cell let me not awaken. For my first coherent thought in--how long?--I realized that I was thirsty. I opened my eyes and realized that I could see again as I once had. I looked around. I was laying on a cot in a tent. There was a man seated with his boots propped up on a table, reading a book. It was a large tent and the flap was open, letting in light and a warm breeze. The man looked over at me and sat up. "Awake," he said. He had a long dark beard and was dressed in a loose robe. At his side was a long sword in a well-worn scabbard. I would have recognized him instantly were I not so confused. I tried to speak, but I didn't remember how it went. It had something to do with the mouth, I knew. After a few seconds I managed a moaning sound. "Don't bother trying to talk yet," he said. He turned to the tent entrance. "Soup," he shouted, and soon it was brought. As I ate he had me practice speaking, first repeating a few syllables, then words. My memories began to clear, and I was able to ask for more. More was brought. Suddenly, his identity dawned upon me. "Oberon ... " I blurted. "Ma ... Majesty ... " Unable to get out of bed and kneel, I did my best to bow my head and appear appropriately humble. "Enough," he said. "I have no time for that. You shall rest now, Captain, and I will see you later." He left me with the soup after making sure I was still able to feed myself. Actually, by that time I was quite sleepy. I managed a few more spoonfuls, then drifted off. I awoke briefly several times over what I was later told was seven days. I contracted a fever and a doctor gave me a bitter tea to choke down. I could hear the familiar sounds of a large military encampment outside. Finally my fever broke and His Majesty again visited me. He told me that the war was over and that this camp was near Chaos, the capital of our enemy. Amber had been victorious and Chaos had surrendered. I had been released from captivity in an almost completely transformed state. Oberon had been told of my origins and had used his own methods to transform me most of the way back into my original form. He showed me this journal, which had been handed over with me. He had apparently had no compunctions about perusing it. "This is interesting reading," he said. "They did not lie when they said you are real. I think the most likely explanation is that you are my grandson. We won't know that for sure until you attempt to walk the Pattern, and we may never know which of my children is your genitor." He did not mention that if I was not his grandson, and I tried to walk the Pattern, I would die. "You will stay here for another week," he continued. "Assuming that you are strong enough, you will travel back to Amber with Bleys and his troops." So Bleys was alive, and apparently again in good standing with the King. It would not be unlike him to emerge from a civil war on favorable terms. "I have some business to attend to. I will meet you in Amber in about a month, your time." With that he stood up and made ready to leave. "Your Majesty, when may I assay the Pattern?" I asked him. "That will not be for some time," he said. "You will require considerable coaching if you are to succeed. Your generation finds it quite difficult." With that he left me. Within a few days I was able to stand by myself and walk for short distances. A week later I was basically healthy. I have begun again to write in this journal as I find that it has helped me to clarify my thoughts. There is one thing I have not mentioned yet because I find it painful to discuss. Oberon did not fully return me to human form. Much of my left side, including my face and part of my scalp, is covered in blisters, sores, and greyish bumps that are the remains of the cilia that once consumed me. My left leg does not function fully, so that I have a noticeable limp and poor balance. When I asked him whether full restoration would be possible, he said, "That would be difficult. Walking the Pattern should fix things, and that will happen soon enough." Difficult? I am grateful to His Majesty for restoring most of my proper form. I even have back the two fingers I lost in my duel with Prince Eric (who, I am told, is dead). However, I cannot keep from resenting his unwillingness to finish the job. I am reluc- tant to let anyone see me like this. Captain Prospero came by yesterday, having heard of my release, but I told the doctor that I felt very tired and asked him to spare me visitors. Is this only vanity? How can I be so ungrateful as to be angry that I am not perfectly repaired? But there is, I think, more to it. Every time I see myself or see another's dis- turbed reaction to my visage I am brought back to the years I spent in Gantu. Oberon told me that, with the time differential, I was in prison for about one hundred and twenty subjective years. I have spent nearly half my life in prison. If I could be whole, without these scars, it would be much easier for me to return to my old life. As it is, my disfigurement will present a constant reminder of the ordeal that I so desire to for- get. If Oberon is trying to provide me with sufficient motivation to try a walk on the Pattern, he is doing an admirable job. Indeed, I find myself eager. Tomorrow I begin the journey back to Amber. I am told that only a few years have passed there. I won- der if back pay is given based on my time or on Amber time? * * * Once again I am in Amber. She is still beautiful, touched little by the war. For now I am housed in the barracks of the 2nd Lancers. I have met with some of my former comrades. They try to hide their response to my appearance, but I can tell that they are horrified. Perhaps they think it would have been kinder had I been cleanly slain on the battlefield. Perhaps it would have. They do try to present a brave facade and show that they are glad of my return. It has been such a long time for me, but only a few years for them. Many of my friends were lost in the war, including the noble Sergeant Dodd, and I see many new faces. Brave lads, all. I am told that the regiment distinguished itself at the battle of Patternfall in a series of charges which broke the enemy left wing. The troops have told me many stories of bold deeds. I wish I had been there to see them. Yesterday I met with Colonel Prospero and with Captain Benito, who assumed my post when I was lost. A good man, Benito; he would have been my choice as a replacement. Unfortunately, my reappearance presents a difficulty, as there are four battalions in the regiment and, with me, five captains to command them. I have told them that, for now, there is no conflict as I have decided to take a leave of absence. Although they hid it, it was clear that they were relieved at my decision. Nevertheless, they assure me that I have a place whenever I decide to resume my commission. Tomorrow I am summoned into the presence of His Majesty. We shall see how that will turn out. In the meantime I have avoided sending word of my return to Serena. I am sure that she has taken another lover; we never made any commitments and I was thought to be certainly dead. And of course there is the matter of my appearance. I don't think I can stand to see pity in her eyes. I have been in Amber for a week now and each day I say, tomorrow I will send her a note. It is very hard. I fear I am not the man I once was. Something has died and left me, and I do not know how to live with- out it. * * * Years! Two years I must wait before I may try the Pattern. After a delay of three hours I was ushered into His Majesty's presence. This was not a formal court; Oberon was seated at a desk with a stack of papers that assistants brought for him to peruse and that they carried away after he had taken action upon them. I waited perhaps ten minutes before he took notice of me. "Ah, Malachai," he said, "I see that you are looking much better. How do you feel?" "I am well, Your Majesty," I replied. "Thank you for asking." "Good. I am enrolling you in a course on Pattern studies. You will be placed on indef- inite leave from the Lancers. The course will be taught primarily by myself, but also by other members of the family, including Fiona, with whom I understand you are ... ah ... acquainted." He looked stern. "You must understand that any fraternizing with family members is now strictly forbidden." "Your Majesty," I replied, "to my knowledge I have never engaged in sexual relations of any kind with any member of the Amber Royal family." "Well, perhaps I am misinformed. Regardless; any such behavior is now out of the question. I will not abide incest." "Yes, Your Majesty." "Now then," he continued, "this course will involve perhaps five years of rather intense study. There will be several other students who are probably your cousins. Once you have completed your initial studies to my satisfaction you will be guided through your first Pattern walk." "Do I understand Your Majesty to say that I will not be able to walk the Pattern for five years?" I asked. "No, you should be able to walk it after two or three years. The rest of the course will be practice in how to use Pattern once you have it." "Then is it possible for Your Majesty to completely restore my form?" "You mean those blemishes? I don't have time for such cosmetic work. I'm sorry but you will just have to wait until the Pattern can straighten things out." "I see." "I have assigned you quarters in the castle; you can move in immediately. Your studies will begin tomorrow." "Very well, Your Majesty. Is there anything else?" "See the Steward about your room and make any requests through him. I understand that you have considerable back pay coming to you. I have seen to it that you will be paid for all of your time as a prisoner. You will also have a stipend to support you during your studies. Good day, Captain." Since I was clearly dismissed, I saluted and left. Cosmetic work? I am a monster! * * * It has been some time since I have written, as I have been quite busy. My room in the castle is reasonably spacious. The back pay I drew for 120 years was a sizable lump sum, most of which I placed in various investments. I have been taking classes with various instructors for about a month now. There is indeed much to learn about con- tinuum theory, shadow mechanics, path visualization, Trump usage, Amber history, and related topics. I feel like I am a child back at the orphanage. His Majesty teaches most of the course. He is more patient than I would have expected. Princess Fiona also provides instruction on occasion. She continues to treat me in a friendly manner, though somewhat distant compared to the more personal instruction I had previously received from her. Recently she was called away on some mission for His Majesty; she was not sure when she would be back. I have kept myself basically separate from the other students, although some of them have tried to be friendly. I fear that my sensitivity over my appearance and the effects of captivity have left me rather difficult to cope with. Rather than be unpleasant I do not socialize at all. I have been drinking a bit too much lately, but I am careful to ensure that it does not interfere with my studies. I am not sure whether I will be able to hold myself together for the full two years. I have considered the possibility of disobeying His Majesty and attempting a Pattern walk without his sanction. I am, however, afraid to invoke his wrath, of which I have heard much. I have heard also that at least one grandchild of Oberon has died on the Pattern. I expect that I will need all of this preparation, difficult as it is to be patient. Gerard visited the other day. He was quite friendly. He told me that next summer we students would be learning about Shadow paths by traversing them with the fleet. He invited me to join him, and I told him I would be glad to. Gerard is a good sort. I have heard nothing from Serena since returning to Amber, nor have I attempted to approach her. It is possible that she is no longer even in Amber; she may have returned to her own shadow. If she is in the city, she may not have heard of my release. I spend little time out of the castle these days and I do not attend affairs of state, so a chance encounter is unlikely. I believe that I will allow things to stay this way for now. * * * It is hard to believe that it has been 18 months since my return to Amber. Yesterday I returned from a voyage with the fleet, following the shadow paths that have created trade routes among the Golden Circle kingdoms. Gerard showed me the manner in which he strengthens a shadow path. He also took the ship away from the established pathway so that I could see how a new route through shadow could be created. Without the imprint of Pattern I felt like a blind man being told about color, but I begin to understand what is meant by shifting shadow. Each change must be so minus- cule that it does not clash with the surroundings, yet many such shifts can produce a complete change in environment. I am blind, and yet almost I see. * * * Just a few more days. Princess Flora sought me out this morning. Morose as I have been these days, it is impossible not to enjoy a conversation with a lady so beautiful and well-mannered, even if she is my aunt. After we had exchanged some simple pleasantries about the weather, she said, "What I have come to talk to you about is this. Whenever anyone successfully traverses the Pattern, it is customary that a party be held in celebration. I'm the one who usually organizes these parties, because no one else really cares to. In order to properly prepare, I must know when it shall be held. "Now there are two possibilities, Malachai." I thought she referred to survival or death, but I was mistaken. She was granting, possibly out of politeness, that I would succeed. "As you know, when you finish walking the Pattern, you shall be able to command it to send you anywhere you desire. You might, as some others have done, choose to simply go back upstairs. In such a case the party can be held as soon as you have recovered from the ordeal of the walk. You might also choose to send yourself to someplace in Shadow. In that case, you will have to inform me a day or two in advance of when you will be returning." "I shall be happy to comply," I told her. "I'll tell you by tomorrow whether I intend to go forth into Shadow immediately or wait a while." "Excellent." Flora has a reputation as being something of a foolish chatterbox. But she looked at me very seriously then and said, "Malachai, I wish you the best of luck. I shall be glad when you have walked the Pattern and it has restored your proper form." I began to speak but she held a slender finger to my lips. "I know how Oberon's refusal to heal your scars has made it impossible to recover from your ordeal. I did not know you before your capture, but I have heard that you were a much more confident and pleasant fellow. I hope the Pattern allows you to become the person you want to be." I took her hand and kissed it. "Thank you," I said. She smiled her dazzling smile and got up to leave. "Good day, Malachai." "Good day, Your Highness." "Oh, do call me Flora, if we're to be related." "Flora." There is more to Princess Florimel than meets the eye. * * * Tomorrow is the appointed day for my try at the Pattern. I have decided that, if I suc- ceed, I shall use the Pattern to transport me out into Shadow immediately. I will bring this journal with me. Although I haven't really kept up with it this last couple of years, I find it has become a part of me. If I do not succeed, then this shall be my last entry. I would like anyone reading this to know that I went gladly to do this thing. Either I succeed, or there is nothing more for me in this life. The hope of attaining Pattern has kept me living for these last two years. Without it the scars are too broad and too deep. * * * Well, I made it; I have the prize. I do not know my parentage, but I do know that I am of royal blood. And finally, I am healed. I got up early and dressed once again in my Captain's uniform, with a sabre and a belt pouch containing a few supplies. I also brought this journal and materials with which to write. Oberon presided over the affair, bringing me downstairs and giving last- minute instructions that were repetitions of what I have been told over the last two years. Also in attendance were Fiona, Flora, and Gerard, along with Colonel Prospero and a few other friends from the Lancers. I wish Dodd had been alive to see it. I miss the old fellow. I looked for a few minutes at the Pattern, lighting us all with its spectral glow. It seemed alien, at once welcoming and malevolent His Majesty took me by the shoulders and gave me a few final words, which I cannot for the life of me remember. Fiona gave me a pleasant smile and Flora kissed me for luck. The others shook my hand and wished me the best. Without further delay I took a deep breath, walked over to the beginning, and took my last first step. I felt a shock run though my body and a dull tingling in my fingers and toes. Distantly, I heard a round of applause and shouted words of encouragement as I failed to burst into flames. I won't describe the walk step by step; my relatives have done so repeatedly, in excru- ciating detail, in various writings in the Amber library. My account would not differ materially from theirs. Suffice it to say that it was harder than anything I have ever done. After the First Veil I mostly lost my sense of embodiment and instead began to perceive myself almost as a ball of energy proceeding down some vast conduit. I felt a sense of redefinition, as if the old me had been destroyed and a new Malachai, similar but not quite equivalent, were taking his place. Then that me was destroyed in turn and yet another was formed. This process repeated many times, with each copy re- sulting in a self somehow more removed from the man who first set foot upon the thing. At points there were memories and events like dreams, more intense but with the feeling that they were happening to someone else. At last I stood at the center, rediscovering the experience of being one person, myself, in a single body, at a single moment of time. The walk was rather like a dream in that my memories of it are elusive and transitory. I realized that I was bathed in sweat and shaking with exhaustion. I waved weakly to my relatives and friends, then concen- trated on the place I had decided to go. With no sense of transition, I was there. It was a secluded beach in a nameless and pleasant shadow. I took a sip of watered brandy from my canteen and found a shady spot beneath a palm tree. I put a hand to my face--and found it unblemished! I took off my jacket, shirt, and breeches, finding myself whole in every regard. For some time I wept like a child who has been beaten. Finally, exhausted, I fell asleep. Upon waking, much refreshed, I re-checked to make sure I was still whole. Then I took out the journal and made this entry. I plan to find something to eat and then try this shadow-walking I have heard so much about. * * * It works. I am like a god. I can create worlds with but a thought. The sheer power of it staggers me. For several days I traveled from place to place, experimenting with different ways to shift shadow. I found myself a horse--a big dappled charger with extraordinary stamina named Bucephalus--who accustomed himself quickly to shadow walking. Being able to ride again with proper balance and with both legs working correctly is more joyous than I can describe. Bucephalus galloped at top speed through Shadow for nearly a day before we both tired. Later I tried hellriding and found it unpleasant for myself and terrifying for my horse. We practiced at it until we could both stand a full- speed hellride. I played with the laws of probability and found that I can manipulate my clothing and possessions as I move. I can just "happen" to find local currency in my pocket or the right papers to placate a guard. Three days ago I found myself a friendly brothel called the Crimson Palace. After demonstrating to Madame Justine that I possessed considerable wealth and could afford any charges I might incur, I selected a dark-haired lady named Ariadne. It had been a long time. During my captivity in Chaos I had no opportunity for sex and after my release I had remained celibate, mostly out of depression and sensitivity about my appearance. All in all I had not had sex in more than one hundred and twenty years. I have always had excellent endurance and staying power, as one would expect from my heritage, and I spent several hours with Ariadne. When she com- plained of exhaustion I called for another, a dusky blonde named Lissandra. When she was tired I rested for a bit, had an excellent dinner, and then got to work with twins, Selena and Ariken. They worked in shifts through the night (I found that in addition to their other skills, they gave an excellent massage), but by morning they asked for relief. I spent the next day with Janine, then Hana. I slept for a few hours, had another go around with Selena and Ariken, then proceeded on to Betina. Madame Justine, intrigued, came out of retirement just for me. I tipped them all very well. It's good to be a god. * * * With that out of my system, for now, I bade a fond farewell to the ladies of the Crimson Palace, mounted Bucephalus, and set out on business. I had no illusions that "godhood" granted me any invulnerability and I knew that in traveling through Shadow it was best to be prepared for hostile locals. I had brought a sabre with me but it was nothing special--I wanted a superior weapon. In a shadow named Tulaine, near the desert city of Kosan, lives the best sword smith in a thousand worlds. Her name is Tazik. She is an inch taller than me, with sinewy arms like the cables of a ship. Her skin is the darkest ebony and her hair is shaved into a thin mohawk dyed a deep purple. Strange tattoos cover her face, breasts, and belly. Her eyes are a striking yellow. She has lived there for many years and the locals are terrified of her. I came to her and told her my requirements. I wanted a sabre, only slightly curved, with a back-blade along about a third of its length. The hilt should be a simple basket of golden bars interlaced about my coat of arms, with a single blue stone set into the pommel. It should weigh about six pounds, be forty-two inches long, and have a bal- ance point about eight inches from the hilt. It should be razor-sharp and virtually unbreakable. Tazik pressed for more details, which I provided after due consideration. We traded sketches back and forth. She brought in a several fencers and had them fight me using different styles while she watched and took notes. She measured my shoulder, arm, hand, and fingers meticulously and had me swing a variety of weapons about, telling her how each felt to me. Finally, she named an exorbitant price. Without attempting to dicker, I gave her half as a down payment and she told me to come back in a month. I played with time, riding to a shadow where a day in Tulaine passed in a local hour. There I made the acquaintance of a lovely young woman named Miko and passed a few pleasant hours with her. I got the timing right and returned just as Tazik was providing the sword with its final quenching. I watched as she sharpened and polished it to a mirror finish and her assistant completed the hilt. The next day the weapon was fitted together. As I held the sword and took a stance I knew she was mine. She could cut through an ordinary cuirass or helmet easily, and with a strong thrust I could punch through a half inch of steel. Yet she moved fluidly, like an extension of my arm. I complimented Tazik and paid her half again the agreed price. I named her Galantine. * * * Since then I have spent perhaps three months traveling in Shadow, exploring different places and different aspects of my abilities. For the past few days I have been working my way closer to Amber. This morning I called to myself a grey hawk. To its leg I attached a note to Flora, informing her that I would be returning in a day or two. I released it, knowing that it would find its way to her. I am ready to return. I feel like some part of my soul has been restored to me. I will return to Amber, take my rightful place as a member of the family, and find Lady Serena. If she has not married, perhaps we can go off and explore Shadow together. * * * I am again in Amber. Upon my return to the castle I was met by Flora, who told me that my Patternwalk party had commenced several hours earlier, as the participants had not wanted to wait for the guest of honor. I saw Bucephalus stabled, took a quick shower, dressed, and made my appearance. There was a heartwarming cheer as I entered; then I was welcomed by the family that was now confirmed to be mine. Gerard nearly broke my back when he hugged me, and even Benedict welcomed me quietly and shook my hand. It was an excellent party. Later Fiona took me aside and had me pose for my Trump portrait. I wore my best uniform and stood against one wall of the castle. It was near dawn when we began, so in the Trump the sun is rising out of reddening clouds in the background. I am standing, holding Galantine sheathed and looking at the viewer with a confident smile. Later, Oberon presented me with my own Trump deck, containing the whole family. It will be quite helpful to have a deck of my own. * * * It has been almost three years; I have gotten out of the habit of writing in this journal. In the future I shall try to be better about that. Shortly after my Patternwalk party I got in touch with Serena. She was glad to see me, although it was clear that she had not held herself aloof from other men while I was away. I could understand this, since everyone had thought me dead. We still see each other often, though there is no firm commitment and each of us is free to see others. For now, this arrangement is satisfactory to both of us. Walking the Pattern has not excused me from Oberon's class. I am now able to com- prehend much more of his teaching. We spend considerable time out in Shadow, trav- eling through different environments and practicing various manipulations. Since regaining my proper form I have made friends with my other cousins in the class: Valeria, Zack, Connor, and Alastair. Another cousin, K'rin, sometimes joins us. Of the class, only Alastair has yet to walk the Pattern, and he is due to make a try at it soon. * * * Yesterday Oberon told us that Flora had not been able to reach Caine to invite him to Alastair's upcoming Patternwalk Party. No one else had been able to get him either. Rhiannon had, however, detected someone "real" in a slow time area where Trump were ineffective. Oberon thought it would be a good practical exercise for the class (which currently consisted of Valeria, Zack, and myself) to go and investigate. If Caine was there, we should give him the invitation. If we found Dworkin or the Jewel of Judgment (Caine was out looking for both) we should attempt to retrieve them. Oberon gave additional instructions which were basically just common sense. I thought this an excellent opportunity for a bit of excitement after being cooped up in class for the past couple of years. An hour later we were back in the classroom, pre- pared to go. I wore my uniform and carried Galantine. I decided not to bring Bucephalus along--a wise course of action, as things turned out. Fiona concentrated for a moment and a shimmering gateway opened before us. It seemed a much more convenient method of travel than shadow walking, but who am I to judge? Through the gate was what appeared to be a beige disk about a quarter mile in diameter. The disk seemed to be flying over an open desert. Connor stepped through, then me. When I stepped on it, it sounded hollow. I wandered around it as the others came through. It seemed basically featureless, with a few nondescript bumps here and there. I took out my sword and tried to pierce the surface, but there seemed to be some sort of magic protecting it, as the sword could not quite come in contact with it. It was the first thing I've found that Galantine cannot cut, although I assume that Julian's armor might also fall into that category. Connor, through some mystical means or another, said that he had seen that there were many rooms and corridors below us. How surprising. We went over to the edge, which curved gradually downward. Zack produced a rope ladder from his bag. Valeria held it while he lowered himself down. Soon he called up that there was a door near him and could Valeria please move twenty feet to the right. He did so and then managed to open the door. He went in to explore while Connor went down after. I held the rope for Valeria. Once inside she was kind enough to find a ramp which she secured so that it protruded from the doorway like a plank from a ship. Feeling foolhardy, I let myself slide down the side of the vessel. Fortunately, I managed to land on the ramp. We pulled it in, secured it, and entered the vessel. Inside was a large room which smelled unaccountably like camels, although none were in evidence. As we were looking about, we all began to sense that the sky ship was shifting through shadow. Then Connor said, "There's something real coming." We discussed the implications of this for a few moments and decided that we would be friendly. Apparently we were overheard, as a voice said, "So you're all in agreement, then?" A man stepped out of a doorway. He was of medium height, with red hair and blue eyes. He was a well-built fellow with quite a tan, wearing a sleeveless shirt with blousy pants. He seemed to find no threat in the entry of a party of armed Amberites into his ship. We all said hello and introduced ourselves. He insisted on being told our names before he would identify himself, as we were the guests here. A reasonable pre- caution, I thought. "I am your Uncle Mikail," he said with a friendly smile after we had told him our names. We have all been taught a good deal of family genealogy in the last few years, but none of us recognized anyone of that name. He asked us our parentage; we told him. He seemed particularly interested that Connor was Fiona's child. It was easy to surmise that Mikail was Connor's full uncle, what with the red hair and all. He quickly confirmed this, declaring that he was the son of Oberon and Clarissa. He invited us to go with him to the control room of this vessel, where, incidentally, things smelled less of camel. We accepted. Soon we were tramping along through seemingly endless rooms and corridors. When asked about the smell, he said that the skyship had once been used as a transport for many camels. "Have you seen Caine recently?" I asked, mindful of our mission. "No," he replied. "Dworkin?" "No." "The Jewel of Judgment?" "No." So much for duty. Valeria asked, "What is your relationship to Amber?" "I am not one to be much at court," he replied. Soon we arrived at the control room. In it, besides various..ur...controls, were a man, a young girl, a picnic basket, and a stuffed bunny. Mikail introduced the man as Paolo, his half brother; the girl as Cassandra, daughter of Corwin; and the bunny as Darhyse, a friend of Cassandra. Paolo seemed competent, but without the blithe confidence of Mikail. He appeared dark, slender, and dangerous. Cassandra looked to be about 12 years old. She had black hair and green eyes, matching the colors of her dress. In features, she looked rather like a young, female version of me. "Who is your mother, Cassandra?" I asked, interested in her family. "I don't know," she said. Mikail, clearly leading her for our benefit, asked "And where are you from, Cassandra?" "From Pearl," she replied, as if the answer was obvious. I'm sure that, to her, it was. "How long has it been since you saw your father?" I asked. "A couple of days," she said. "How did you get here?" "We were sent by Fiona," replied Connor, which was technically true. "Why?" "We are trying to find Caine," he replied. She looked at him blankly, suggesting that she had never heard of Caine. Connor took us aside for a moment and said, "Since Caine isn't here, we should leave. After all, for every minute we spend here, much more time is passing in Amber." "Does Dad know where I am?" Mikail asked. We looked at one another. "Not to our knowledge," I said. The others nodded. Connor, apparently with the idea of leaving, pulled out a Trump card. Apparently it didn't work, as he frowned, then wandered off to try it someplace else. Paolo went with him, probably to keep an eye on him. "So why do you avoid Amber?" I asked Mikail. "I don't like the political infighting." We all nodded in understanding. We continued to chat. When asked about the desti- nation of this craft, he explained that they were following an object that was traveling in shadow called an obelisk. They pursued it because it they were curious about its powers. They had been following it for several hours. At that point a control device made a beeping sound. Mikail went and spoke too it, too quietly for us to hear. Suddenly, he appeared nervous. "Father is here," he declared. Apparently, Connor had succeeded in Trumping Oberon, who had decided to investigate for himself. Soon Oberon appeared with Connor and Paolo. He did not look pleased. "Hello, Dad," said Mikail. "Hello, son." replied Oberon. "I guess Mom never told you." "No. What is your name?" "Mikail." "I'll have to speak with your mother about this." "Say hello for me if you see her." Oberon looked at Cassandra. She smiled at him. The stuffed bunny suddenly smiled, reached into the picnic basket, took out a pastry, and took a bite. This was getting rather strange. "This is Cassandra," Mikail said, "daughter of Corwin. And this," he said, indicating the bunny, "is Darhyse." Cassandra said hello. The bunny didn't respond. "Well," said Oberon, "I would like to invite all three of you to visit Amber." "Four of us, you mean," said Cassandra, holding up the bunny. "Yes," said Oberon. "Four of you." "Cassandra," Mikail explained to her quietly, "when he said three he meant me, Paolo, and you and Darhyse together." "I see," she said, unconvinced. Oberon turned to Mikail. "Am I interrupting, or can you accept my invitation now?" he asked. "Yes, but there is the obelisk we are following." Mikail described it in terms I did not understand. It seemed to be some sort of big stone. Oberon seemed familiar with the phenomenon. "Ah, yes," he said. "I will show it to you later, if you wish." "In that case," said Mikail, "we shall be happy to accept." Oberon pulled out a Trump and looked at it. Then he frowned. "We must be out of the ship for this to work." Then he led us unerringly through a set of corridors to another set of doors leading outside the ship. From there, he Trumped through to Fiona. He spoke to her for a moment and told us to go through. I went first, then Mikail. When Fiona saw him, a look of horror crossed her face and then her expression went entirely blank. He kissed her on the cheek. She greeted him blandly, seeming almost in shock. Then the others stepped through. Mikail chatted with Oberon for a while about family matters. Oberon said he would try to gather the others together soon, so that he could get to know them. Mikail thanked him. Then Oberon excused himself, sorted through his deck of Trump, pulled one out, and made contact. Soon he pulled another redhead through. From her portraits throughout the castle, I recognized Clarissa. At her appearance, a look of even greater terror crossed Fiona's face. She backed away. "Hello, Mom," said Mikail. Clarissa kissed him, then turned to Oberon. "I present to you our youngest son. Since you screwed up with the last one I thought I'd see to him myself." We all winced. I thought that Oberon would surely display his legendary temper at that remark, but he merely raised an eyebrow. Clarissa asked that her son be formally recognized. Oberon agreed, suggesting the upcoming Patternwalk party for Alastair. When Mikail asked what that was, he explained. "How marvelous," said Mikail. "You've never had one? We shall have to hold one for you, then." Then he spoke quietly with Fiona for a moment, and she seemed to calm a bit. Clarissa greeted her and she appeared almost calm. Oberon then explained about the class he was teaching and sug- gested that Mikail might wish to join it. Mikail replied that his mother had given him lessons, but that a fresh viewpoint was always appreciated. Clarissa wandered off and we all proceeded to the classroom. Oberon began to lecture about the lessons learned from this exercise. Paolo seemed lost, so Zack and I quietly gave him assistance with some of the obscure terminology. After Oberon's lecture I chatted with Paolo. We decided to take a stroll into the city so I could show him a couple of my favorite bars. We ended up at the Fire and Brimstone, a favorite hangout of the Lancers and other members of the Amber military. I intro- duced him around. It soon became apparent that Paolo was quite a good teller of stories. He entertained the lot of us with tales of various adventures in Shadow. I don't think many of his stories were actually true, but that did not detract from their enter- tainment value. Others broke in with their stories, all of which seemed especially clever when told to an audience which included Paolo. When several troopers asked me to again tell of the charge at the Third Battle of Ak-Nesh, I related the tale, in which I played a small but not insignificant part. Soon our stories became less coherent as the effects of serious drinking came on. I have an excellent capacity for liquor (since finding out my heritage, my brother Lancers no longer attempt to keep up with me), but Paolo was my match. I did not really intend to become drunk, but then I don't usually have a drinking partner with Paolo's toler- ance. Some hours later (I'm not sure quite how many, but I believe that by then we had missed dinner), a sailor stumbled into the bar. His gait was hardly unusual, but I noticed that he was sopping wet. I stood up as the men at my table were singing "When the Boys Came Home," very badly, and went over to investigate. The sailor was wounded in several places. As I came up to him, he said to the barkeep, "Gerard's fleet is under attack. They sunk my ship. I'll have a drink!" Then he fell off his stool and onto the floor, unconscious. Several sailors also heard his statement. They gathered up their companions and raced out of the bar. I was not thinking clearly and I fear that I embarrassed myself. Fearing for the safety of Amber, I decided to Trump the King. Fumbling through my deck, I pulled out his card and concentrated on it hazily. Eventually, I made contact. "Yes?" he asked, beginning to notice my unsavory condition. "Your Majesty, it has come to my attention that Gerard's fleet is under attack." Unfortunately, in my inebriated condition my pronunciation was less than precise. "I am well aware of that," he said, sounding rather unconcerned. "Do you have any orders, Sir?" I asked. "Yes. Get some breath mints." With that, he cut the connection. As he had stated it as an order, I felt obliged to obtain some breath mints despite the undoubtedly rhetorical nature of his command. The bartender had none, but he did offer me something called "monkey chips." They looked vile. Paolo leaned past me to grab one and ate it. "I wouldn't eat one of these if I were drunk," he said. "But I'm eating them. Something's wrong here." "Someone is attacking Gerard's fleet," I told him. "Good," he said. "Who's Gerard?" "One of the Princes," I replied. "My friend. I'm going to jog down to the harbor to see if there is anything I can do." I thought a jog would help clear my head. "You look like you could use someone to keep an eye on you." In my current state I could not counter his logic. "I'll come along." As I put my cards away he went over to the Lancers. Soon it became apparent that all of them--about 25--were coming with us. We stumbled out into the night and began to jog toward the harbor. After a few minutes I spotted a pharmacist's shop that was open (fortunately, shops in Amber tend to keep late hours). Mindful of Oberon's order, I went in. Paolo and the others followed. As I made my needs known to the shopkeeper, Paolo came up handed me a bag containing a fine white powder and a small metal box labeled "Altoids." "These should do for you," he said. I paid for the two items as Paolo explained that the box contained breath mints and that the powder, when mixed with water, was an excellent hangover remedy. I ate a couple of altoids, finding them curiously strong. Looking around the shop, I noticed that the Lancers were beginning to make consider- able mischief; several were even playing a game of coin toss from one end of the shop to another, with a bedpan as the target. I marched unsteadily to the door and called, "Lancers, follow me!" With that, we again charged out blearily into the night. Soon we spotted a burning ship in the distance. We ran toward it. When we got to the water's edge we found that, alas, the burning ship was still a considerable distance away. We could make out other ships beyond the mouth of the harbor; some of them appeared to be engaged in battle. I looked around and spotted a good-sized sailboat tied up at a nearby dock. Paolo and I retrieved two Lancers who had fallen into the harbor and we all trotted over to the boat, which was named "Lucy." After a bit of explaining, the crew of the boat agreed to sail us out into the harbor. I think in retrospect that they were terrified of us, as they refused an offer of recompense. We all swarmed aboard. As we helped the sailors cast off, Paolo climbed the mast. "Tally ho!" he cried. "That's the spirit!" I shouted. "To the battle!" The sailors looked worried, but once we were free of the dock they began to tack Lucy in the direction of the combatant vessels. Still feeling woozy, I decided that it might help clear my head if I made use of Paolo's hangover remedy now. I asked a sailor if there was any drinking water. "Grog," he replied. "Only grog." I had him bring me a mug of the stuff. Hanging off the side, I diluted it with seawater. I poured the white powder into the mug and mixed it into a solution. Then I gulped the horrid concoction down. After perhaps half an hour my head began to hurt. Then it began to hurt some more. Soon it felt as if a vice was clamped onto my skull and was in the process of cracking it open. At about that time, Paolo shouted, "Ship! Over there!" We all looked in the direction he pointed. There was, in fact, a large black warship with black sails bearing quickly down upon us. It's flag was sable a skull over crossed bones gules. (These fellows clearly know nothing of heraldry, as demonstrated by the incorrectness and poor contrast of red on black.) "Excellent!" I proclaimed loudly. "That is a much better ship. We shall take it and trans- fer our command." Still, a modicum of worry penetrated my befogged brain. With con- siderable effort I managed to climb up near Paolo's perch. "So, Paolo. How would you suggest that we take that ship?" "A concerted rush, of course. We are the Lancers!" Apparently he considered himself an honorary member. Or perhaps the others had enlisted him while I wasn't looking. Soon the ship was close enough to hail us. "Ahoy the boat," the captain shouted. "Do you surrender?" "No!" I replied. "Do you?" The pirates laughed, damn them. Their ship quickly pulled up alongside and dropped a ramp from their deck onto our rigging (their deck was much higher than that of the Lucy). Paolo, shouting, "Tally ho!" jumped toward the ramp. He managed to grab it with one hand. At the same time he dropped his sword, which landed quivering point-first in the deck of the Lucy next to one of the Lancers, who promptly fainted. Three pirates ran out onto the ramp and, looking rather amused, began to stomp at Paolo's hand. Somehow, he managed to change his grip so that they missed. Then he began working his way along the ramp, holding with one or both hands while the pirates tried to stomp them. I began to suspect that Paolo was less intoxicated than he had appeared. A few of the pirates climbed down onto the deck of our ship. The crew of the Lucy promptly surrendered, begging for mercy. Meanwhile, I had gotten together most of the Lancers and we climbed into the rigging toward the ramp. At one point I was so overwhelmed by the pain in my skull that I had to pause for a moment. Several others climbed past me while I recovered. They climbed up to the ramp and engaged two of the pirates. In their inebriated state my men, although outnumbering the enemy locally, could no more than hold the two pirates off. One Lancer named Vastak tried to give me a hand up. Unfortunately, when he took my hand he lost his balance and fell. I held him dangling, but was unable to lift him back to his perch. "Don't worry," I told him. "I'll swing you over to the mast." With a firm heave, I got him moving in the right direction. He let go my hand to grab the mast, but missed, falling instead to the deck. This was not going as well as I had hoped. Meanwhile, Paolo had pulled himself to the other side of the ramp. He swung himself up onto it and confronted the nearest pirate, who tried to skewer him with a cutlass. Paolo stepped to one side, grabbed him by the wrist, and punched him in the jaw. The pirate fell into the sea like a clubbed ox as Paolo took his sword. The Lancers, enchanted by his success, began to chant, "Paolo! Paolo! Paolo!" Paolo, shouting, "Tally ho!" ran onto the deck of the black pirate ship, heading for their flag. At about that time, I reached the ramp. I drew Galantine and swung at the nearest pirate. He parried and retreated. I followed. We had traded only a few blows when the pirate captain began shouting orders to his crew. "Disengage!" he yelled. "They're on our side!" The pirates stopped fighting. There was a pause in which no one said anything. I walked over to the pirate captain. "All right," I said. "Just what is going on?" He explained that he had just received a command from the flagship of his fleet, ordering him to stop fighting and assist us. My head was finally clearing. "Very well, Captain," I said. "Please head us toward the fighting." I got all my men on board the pirate vessel just before the crew of the Lucy cast off and began sailing back toward Amber. Although I told them that they should keep their guard up, the Lancers concluded that the pirates had surrendered and the battle was over. They began wandering the ship, looking for loot. I walked over to Paolo, still standing by the flag. "Do you know what's going on?" "We have joined the attackers. They are the winning side," he said. He pointed to the pirate flagship we were quickly approaching. "See those three on the poop deck-- the two in armor and the other wearing a mask? They are family." "Perhaps you have joined the attackers. I still support Gerard. If this ruse you have somehow arranged will get us closer to the action, then I'll go along with it." Paolo shrugged. Soon we, along with the other large pirate vessel, were approaching Gerard's flagship. As we came near they began firing on us. I could not see Gerard. I shouted his name several times, but he did not appear. Soon it became clear that his ship contained only a token crew; Gerard had apparently abandoned the fight. Damn. We came alongside the pirate flagship, which bore a flag of plain sable with a tiny inescucheon in one corner that I could not read. Sheathing Galantine in disgust, I climbed over to the other ship's deck and walked over to the three Paolo had pointed out to me. "So, what's going on?" I asked them. Mikail, who was wearing an elaborate armor in the shape of a dragon, pushed up his visor. "Not much," he replied, looking bored. "Gerard isn't on that ship?" "No. Of course not." "Has anyone Trumped him?" "No. I don't have his Trump." "Allow me." I took out my Trumps and pulled his out. I concentrated on it but found that he was already engaged in a Trump call. I sighed in disgust and put away my cards. I'll never be good at this political crap. I listened to them discuss the situation. The other one in armor was Bleys; Mikail was trying to tease him into shaving his beard but he would have none of it. Soon it became clear that this whole affair had been arranged by Oberon as a means of testing Oberon's defenses. At that point I noticed that the tiny crest on the pirate flag was, in fact, the king's personal device--vert a unicorn facing sinister rampant argent. I turned to the third person--the unarmored one wearing a mask. She was giving orders to the crew. "Do I know you?" I asked. My cousin K'rin pulled off her mask. I complimented her on the performance of her fleet; she seemed pleased. "Why this attack?" I asked. "Gerard should not have beaten me at chess," she replied. "Besides, Oberon thought it would be a good idea." Bleys and Mikail, who it seemed, had come aboard Erika's craft only a short while before myself, discussed whether there was anything interesting they could do now that the embarrassment of their brother Gerard was mostly complete. Bleys mentioned that there were two Golden Circle kingdoms that were being invaded by an unknown but powerful outside force. We discussed the logistics of intervening on the side of Amber's allies. K'rin was not sure whether her captains would agree to a land battle, but she could certainly transport us there. Bleys pointed out that we would have to accomplish the job in time for Alastair's party tomorrow night. "We should certainly be able to manage that," said Mikail. He Trumped his Majesty, who brushed him off without actually forbidding our venture. "It's agreed, then," said Bleys. Lacking anything better to do, and wishing to delay my return to the royal presence after my mortifying display of drunkenness, I accepted their invitation to join them. Paolo, not surprisingly, also elected to join our company. I brought my Lancers onto the pirate flagship. They wanted to celebrate the mission by drinking with the pirates, but I forbade it. We had shamed our regiment, I told them, with our recent disreputable performance and would need to be sober if we were to avoid further disgrace on the morrow. I had to be stern, but within a few minutes I had confiscated their remaining liquor, or at least most of it, and saw them bunked down on deck. Unable to sleep with the remains of my headache, I have taken journal and lantern in hand and described this day's misadventures. If my performance tomorrow is as dam- aging to my reputation as today's botch, I might as well run out into Shadow and not come back. Alas, if this is the effect that strong liquor has upon me, I shall have to give it up. Or, at least, give up drinking with Paolo. Good night. * * * After sleeping on the deck I awoke rather stiff. I walked about, working a cramp out of my leg, and encountered Bleys. He looked as if he had spend the night on a feather bed and dressed with the aid of ten servants. His clothing was perfectly pressed and all I could smell of him was a subtle cologne. With him was Mikail, who seemed to have taken up heckling his brother as a hobby. "So, Bleys," I said. "Tell me about these two shadows and those who are attacking them." "The shadows are called Shakra and Tinolo," he said, displaying his perfect teeth in a smile. "I'm not really sure about the attackers; the person who told me about this busi- ness died in mid-exposition." Mikail snorted. "Perhaps you should acquire more reliable sources." Bleys shrugged. "Get your men up," he told me. "We'll soon be in Shakra." "Isn't Shakra completely landlocked?" I asked, having been there once. "We will be shifting into a lake," he said. "K'rin has been called away to see about some other business, but she was kind enough to leave this ship at our disposal." With that, I went to see to the Lancers. They were in surprisingly good condition after their night of debauchery. Although complaining of hangover and seasickness I knew that once on dry land they would comport themselves as the competent soldiers I knew them to be. I told them the plan, such as it was. Once assured that it had His Majesty's approval, they were all for it. Soon Bleys had shifted our vessel into what he assured us was the largest body of water in central Shakra. Unfortunately, central Shakra is quite dry; the lake he had promised was more of a pond. The ship was, in fact, scraping bottom in the deepest part of it, and I could not imagine it moving far enough to shadow-shift it back out. Fortunately, that was not my problem. The pirates, on the other hand, seemed none too pleased. Around the pond the land was dry, hilly, and lightly wooded. In the distance, to the North, were a castle and a burning town. Closer to us, to the East, was a military encampment flying the flag of Tinolo, a nearby Golden Circle kingdom. Near the camp was a good-sized army performing battle drills. At the head of the army I recognized a thin, long-haired figure: Benedict. To the Northeast a battle was going on, which Benedict's army was ignoring completely. The battle was between a human army, bearing Shakra standards, and a force of grey insectoids. We all disembarked while taking in the scenery. Bleys took out his deck of Trumps and contacted Benedict. After conversing briefly he terminated the contact and explained the situation to us. Benedict had apparently been sent by Oberon to act as an advisor and observer. He had a reserve of troops to use in the event that the situation turned out to be worse than expected, but was not cur- rently anticipating a need to commit them. Benedict had no objections, however, to our intervening in the current fray. Upon completing his explanation, Bleys whistled. Within moments, a beautiful white horse galloped up. Nice trick, that. He mounted and spoke for a short while with the pirates. They were not pleased to be landbound, but were cheered at the prospect of a battle. They began to jog toward it. Bleys, in turn, charged past them. Mikail followed on foot, soon speeding ahead and overtaking Bleys by some means I do not under- stand. I nudged Paolo. "We Lancers had best find some horses, eh?" A look of delight came over his face. "Horses!" he shouted. "Tally ho!" Paolo immediately began to jog toward Benedict's encampment, where he had spotted a corral full of horses. With a shrug, I called for the Lancers to follow me and trotted after him. When we arrived at the corral, Paolo had knocked a guard unconscious, saddled a horse, and mounted it. We all selected mounts and readied them. As one, we headed toward the battle. By that time Bleys and Mikail had worked their way through the Chakran army and hit the enemy center. The pirates were headed toward the left flank, so we went to the right. Circling `round, we looked for some command center or group that the bugs might be protecting. Nothing. They were a uniform mass, pressing efficiently toward the enemy front. As we came closer, I observed that they each had six arms and four legs. Covered in grey chitin, they carried a sword or other weapon in each hand. We charged along the enemy rear, engaging clumps of the enemy forces as we went. The insects turned out to be rather a minor threat. They were clumsy and slow to react to our movement. Also, they were weaker than they looked and more fragile. Their blood was a yellowish green substance that was quite disgusting. Still, there were quite a few of them and it was some time before we killed them all. Mikail, it turned out, could fly, or at least levitate. He buzzed along above their heads in his dragon armor, wielding two curved sabres with lethal efficiency. Bleys, not to be outdone by his little brother, got his horse up into the air also, riding along and picking off bugs without getting any of their mess on him or his mount. Paolo, screaming "tally ho!" like a mad- man, engaged in absurd feats of acrobatics as he leaped and twirled over their heads. It seems that the laws of physics have given up entirely on enforcing themselves upon my brethren. Once they were mostly dead and the Chakran army was cheering us and mopping up the remaining bugs, I rode over to Bleys. "Don't you know of any interesting wars?" I asked. He pointed toward the crest of a nearby ridge. Over it was pouring a huge army of Chaos demons. In the sky were hundreds of wyverns ridden by humanoid monsters. "Oh," I said. "That will do very nicely, thanks." "I believe we should consider asking for assistance," said Bleys. "You call Benedict," I told him. "I'll call His Majesty." Recalling my most recent Trump conversation with the King and the embarrassment I had brought upon myself, I pulled out my deck. With considerable trepidation I sorted out his card and concentrated upon it. He answered quickly. "Well?" "Majesty, there appears to be a Chaos army invading the Golden Circle, moving toward Amber." "I'm aware of that. Where are you?" "Near Benedict's army with Bleys, Mikail, and Paolo." "Good. I'll send troops elsewhere, then." By that I supposed he meant that there were other places, more threatened, in need of troops. This could be a problem. "Do you have any specific orders?" "Yes. Deal with them, Sir." Oberon cut the contact. Pleased at not having made an idiot out of myself (and that he called me, "Sir"), I turned to Bleys. He had dismounted and was just finishing his conversation. Paolo had jumped on Bleys' horse and was trying to make him go. I can only surmise that Paolo wanted to fly up to fight the wyverns. Bleys' horse was having none of it. Cursing, Paolo got back onto his own horse. Bleys pulled Benedict through. "Orders, Your Highness?" I asked him. "I'll take that side," he said, looking grim as he pointed to the enemy left flank. "You take the other side." He started trotting toward the enemy army. His own force was still perhaps a mile away. "Lancers, we have the right flank," I announced. A bit fatigued from the recent fight, still they drew steel and prepared to charge. "I will join you," said Bleys. "Your Highness, we would be most honored," I told him. Then we rode forth to confront our enemies in open battle. I must admit that I was fearful. When last I had engaged the forces of Chaos things had not gone well for me. Their army was huge, covering a dense frontage of perhaps a mile and of unknown but considerable depth. Once Benedict's full force arrived, we would have no more than ten or twelve thousand men, many of them still disordered from their recent combat with the insectoids. On the other hand, we had four members of the royal family of Amber, as well as Paolo--whatever he was, exactly. The battle was fierce. To our right, I saw Benedict walking calmly back and forth through the Chaos line, slaying everything that came near. All attacks against him seem to miss without his having to notice them, and his deadly strikes appeared almost lazy. I must admit that I am perplexed. In the battles today I have seen various of my rela- tives wade into huge masses of fairly competent troops as if they were facing unarmed children. I understand that Benedict, Bleys, and others have studied the arts of war and personal combat for thousands of years. Yet I don't understand how they can do that. I remember seeing Bleys fight his way up the steps of Kolvir. We could only come at him one at a time, and he killed hundreds of us. Finally, he was pulled off the steps by a dying man. Corwin fought his way up the rest of the way. Then, after we killed his troops, he was one man against several hundred, out in the open. We were hampered by orders not to kill him, but under those circumstances it was fairly easy to take him down, although he did kill some brave men in the process. If we could defeat Corwin without much trouble (and I have heard rumor that Corwin beat even Benedict in an encounter on the Black Road), then how could Benedict stroll among a horde of Chaosites like he was taking a walk in the park? How can Paulo accomplish ridiculous acrobatic feats amid hundreds of enemies who are doing their best to skewer him? Am I the only one who risked his life today? Was this a pleasant little diversion cooked up by Oberon for the amusement of his family? I know that the enemy was not without skill, because I fought them. They were not the best I have ever faced, but they were not the worst by any means. It makes no sense to me. Anyway, it happened whether I can explain it or not. Paulo seemed very familiar with the enemy. Twice I even heard him call one of them by name as he slew them. Mikail flew through the sky, trailing fire from his dragon armor and killing squadrons of Chaos warriors on griffins. Then he dove toward the enemy center, where the com- manders were, and rained fire down upon them. Something happened then that I didn't get a clear picture of at the time. Paulo explained it to me afterward. Apparently, once Paulo had penetrated near the enemy center, he Trumped in Oberon, Clarissa, Zack, some others I did not recognize, and some of Clarissa's troops. Most of the Chaos army immediately concentrated on attacking them. Out at the front line, we had an easy time of it, as the enemy line sud- denly turned their backs on us. We pressed them hard, slaying many from behind. Meanwhile, Oberon and his forces withstood the onslaught long enough to cast some vast, dark spell. In an instant, all of the enemy leaders, with most of their reserve forces, ceased to exist. Gone. Oberon and most of his people then Trumped out to deal with some other attack. The remaining enemy army, demoralized, proved an easy target. Within about an hour, all of them were dead or fled from the battlefield. While I was organizing a pursuit of the scattered enemy forces, I received a Trump call from His Majesty. "I need help defending Arden," he said. "Do you have any troops?" "Not many," I said, "but those I have are yours." "Good," he said, seeming a bit tired. "Not everyone has been as successful as you seem to have been." I called out to my men--those who remained--that His Majesty had further need of our services. Brave lads, all of them. Although they were all dead tired and some were wounded, they got back on their horses and came over to me. I passed them through the Trump, then came through myself. We were in Forest Arden, where, apparently, thousands of Chaos troops were scattered about in no clear order. Most of my regiment was there, along with other units. I gathered together a goodly force and we went hunting demons. It was just like old times in Garnath, only this time they were the hunted. Soon Connor arrived, beset by thirty or so demons. We dispatched them. He seemed to attract them like moths to a flame, so we stayed to protect him. He threw attack spells here and there while we fended off their charges. After perhaps twenty minutes of hot fighting, a large contingent of Lancers arrived to reinforce us. We slew all of the nearby enemy, formed into an organized unit, and began roving through Arden. Within an hour, there were no more demons to be found; in fact, we argued twice with other forces over who got to chase down one or another defiant clump of them. Finally, we heard that Oberon wanted family members and unit commanders to go to his command post. As I fell into both of those categories, I made arrangements for the disposition of the troops and made my way to where he had his throne set up in front of a tent. I heard a rumor that he, apparently angry that a Chaos army had penetrated into Arden, had personally attacked Julian and injured him. I arrived near the tent as a Oberon oversaw the execution of a group of prisoners. Although I have every reason to hate them, I was still uncomfortable with killing prisoners. Perhaps it would look dif- ferent if I sat in His Majesty's seat. Soon Oberon called everyone to order, as a large and rambunctious crowd had gath- ered. He introduced Martin, Random's son, who was the Ambassador to Chaos. Martin told of the demotion of House Hendrake to commoner status. The leaders of Hendrake, figuring they had nothing to lose, had decided to attack Amber in a desperate gamble. They had failed, and all of Hendrake was dead. He wondered how we should speak of this to the Lords of Chaos. "Any opinions?" asked Oberon. "Shall we just say it was nothing?" There ensued a discussion in which some, myself included, wanted to pretend that nothing had happened. Others, led by Zack, were afraid that they would be insulted by our brashness in ignoring the attack. May the Unicorn save us from diplomats. Finally, it was decided that Martin would not mention the attack and that, if asked, he would give as little information as possible. Then he Trumped out. "It looks like we've sustained some losses," said Oberon, "but I believe a victory party is in order." There was a cheer and most everyone went back toward Kolvir. Bleys headed off through Arden with some troops, no doubt pursuing some plot, while Julian stayed to organize the cleanup. He seemed wrathful; no one wanted to be in range of his vin- dictive temper just then, so no one stayed. I rode back to the castle and went straight to my room. After disposing of my ruined uniform, I scraped off layers of ichor and gore. I got a medic to stitch up a couple of nasty cuts, then took a long, hot bath. While I soaked I counted the losses. Of twenty- five Lancers who embarked on the drunken sailing expedition, fourteen were dead: Hans, Narven, Salaris, Thikajok, Njal, Edward, Komoko, Elaine, Chai Ko, Dalime, Boriven, Harista, and Izhik. I had known several of them well, especially Njal, who had a wife, Francesca, and two twin boys. I remember their wedding, and I remember the night his sons were born. Others I had known not at all. I know they were brave and they followed me and they fought well and I got them killed. Without me they would have been in the fighting, and perhaps some of them would have died anyway. I sat in my bath for a long time and drank cognac and remembered. Then I got up and dressed in my best uniform for the party. I had a message sent to Serena, requesting the honor of accompanying her to this event. A note returned saying that she had had a date, but that she would break it. When she arrived her dress was a perfect match for the crimson shade of my uniform. It was an elegant gown in several shades of red and russet, with quite a low neckline. Her hair was up and decorated with pearls, as were her neck and ears. She was stunning. When we made our entrance we found that many of the guests had already arrived. Oberon and Clarissa looked relaxed and comfortable together. Benedict stood behind them, a glow of warm confidence upon his long, usually dour countenance. I heard later that he had single-handedly stopped three separate attacks. Flora had clearly been giving Fiona fashion advice, as she was attired with much greater panache than was her usual wont. Flora herself was, naturally, radiant, in a crimson gown that displayed just the right amount of cleavage. Paolo looked dashing in a Lancer's uniform. Perhaps he had joined the regiment after all. I noticed K'rin laughing loudly with a man who looked much like her father. They were dressed in matching sable and emerald green. Perhaps she has some sort of thing for her daddy. Gerard came in, not dressed in his customary admiral's uniform. Looking grim, he marched up to K'rin and tried to give her a bundle, presumably containing said uniform. I didn't hear the conversation but it appeared that she was unwilling to accept it. We danced for some time before dinner, looking, I am sure, quite fine together. I remember little of dinner conversation as the food was delicious and I was famished. Afterward, while Serene conducted some of her dreary diplomatic business, I went over to high table and chatted with Cassandra. Pearl, I learned from her, is a kingdom. There is a castle at the center, although Cassandra did not know its name. There are many duchies and baronies. There are other shadows and some sort of inter-shadow commerce of the sort that Amber prac- tices with the Golden Circle. Darhyse, her "pet cat" is a type of creature called a Sha'um; they are pack animals that communicate telepathically and have the ability to walk in Shadow. Corwin had sent Cassandra with Darhyse to Amber, but she had met with Mikail on the way. Soon thereafter, they encountered us on our failed expedition to find Caine. We discussed the possibility of going to Pearl, and soon decided that we would travel there in a few days. I wanted to meet Corwin, who could be my father. Serena came by and I introduced her to Cassandra, who liked her immediately. We brought Cassandra over to meet her brother Merlin. He was sitting in a corner with a thin woman, whom he introduced as the princess of something or other. They both seemed rather distant; Merlin hardly spoke to his sister. I said we were planning on traveling to Pearl and asked if he had any message for his father. "There is a barrier," he said. "It prevents entry to Pearl." "Have you crossed this barrier?" I asked. "No. That was a risk I have not been willing to endure." "Have you spoken with him lately?" asked Cassandra. "No." "So you can Trump him?" I asked. Corwin had not responded to anyone else's Trump calls in a very long time. "No. Trump can't reach Pearl, but I have a means of communication." He would not elaborate further, and it became clear that Merlin and his lady would rather be alone together. We left them so. Serena whispered to me that she really can't stand him. Cassandra said that she was tired and wanted to go to bed. We bid her goodnight. Later, Serena and I went for a walk in the garden. After stumbling past several secluded spots that were already occupied, we found a dark niche of our own. I found that it was easier to remove her dress than it appeared. The next morning we slept late in my room. Around eleven Serena left, saying she had an appointment that she could not miss. I ordered a cup of cocoa and caught up on this journal. * * * After breakfast I went to the upper town to speak with Njal's wife Francesca. She had already been told of his death. She was quietly distraught, clearly trying to be brave for her boys. I said what little that I could and tried to comfort her. If she or the boys needed anything, I told her, I would be pleased to help. She thanked me hollowly. Soon, feeling uncomfortable and guilty, I left. Later I rode back to the castle. I inquired of the servants regarding the whereabouts of Valeria, and they told me she was at the archery range. I went there and watched her shoot for awhile, noting her impressive skill. When she was done, I applauded. She smiled. We exchanged pleasantries. "I heard that you are known as a composer," I told her, "and I would like to ask a favor." "Yes?" "I would like to commission a song for some of my friends who died in the recent battle." "I see. What do you offer in return?" "My lady cousin, I would owe you a great favor." "Done," she said. "Who are the people I am to write about?" I told her the story of the last two days, from the revelry at the Fire and Brimstone tavern to the battle in Arden. I told her the names of the fallen and asked her to memorialize them in song. She told me it would take her some time, but that she would see what she could come up with. I thanked her and left. Lunch was, at first, unremarkable. Oberon was absent, but Clarissa assumed her now- accustomed seat beside his. Then she stood and made an announcement. "I have decided," she said when she had gotten everyone's attention, "that I do not wish to be queen. Therefore, it will be necessary to find a replacement. I will be interviewing candidates for the position after lunch. Thank you." I had some difficulty controlling my laughter long enough to make my exit (I am sure that she would have no tolerance for my amusement and might turn me into some- thing awful if she witnessed it). When I made it a safe distance I spent several minutes convulsed with laughter. How utterly ridiculous! When I was fully composed I returned and finished my lunch. The hall was abuzz with rumors regarding Clarissa's intentions and the chances of various candidates. I didn't listen. Later I went and had a sauna. Then I wandered the castle, lost in thought, and happened to go into one of the libraries. I spotted Merlin engaged in some research. After the snub last night I tried to ignore him, but he called out to me. "Malachai, last night you said you were interested in sending Corwin a message," he said. "No," I replied. "I said that I would be going to Pearl with Cassandra and asked if you had a message for him." "Well, that sounds interesting," he said. "Would you mind if I came along?" "No. I have no objection. I'll talk with Cassandra about it and get back to you." "Good. I will talk to you later, then." He stood, shelved the book he had been reading, and left. I dithered about for the rest of the afternoon. I looked for Cassandra, but could not find her. Later on, I went to dinner. I noticed a group of insipid-looking women sitting around a table and trying to catch the attention of the Clarissa. These must be the applicants. Clarissa ignored them. I sat with Merlin, who was considerably friendlier than he had been the night before. We discussed the vapid applicants, whom we soon began referring to as VA's, specu- lating upon what they might be willing to do in order to win Clarissa's approval. We wandered about and spread some wicked rumors. After dinner, I chatted with Cassandra. "I spoke with Merlin today," I said. "He's inter- ested in coming with us to Pearl." "I don't think he really likes me," she said. "He was distracted, I think. He can be much nicer than that." "I guess..." "I'll ask him to talk with you sometime." "OK," she said, uncertainly. "So when would you like to leave?" I asked. "Well, I'm having fun here..." "A couple of days? A week? A month?" "Can I let you know?" "Sure," I said. "What have you been doing in Amber?" "Exploring the castle. There are lots of places behind the walls." "I know. There are some places that seem to be different every time you go there." "Wow." We chatted for awhile longer, then she said she had to find Darhyse, who was off playing with K'rin and Raven. I don't want to think about what they might consider "playing." I retired fairly early. I took another bath, then sat down and caught up on this journal. I am finding it an excellent way to clarify my thoughts on the complicated maneu- verings that have characterized the scene here in Amber of late. * * * The next morning I got a note from Serena. She said that she had a small problem and asked if I could help her with a local matter of politics. Politics, pfooie. I finished my breakfast and got dressed. It seemed that I must give all in service to my lady. I dressed comfortably in loose dark-red trousers with riding boots, a purple cotton shirt, and a wide-brimmed felt hat with red feather in the brim. I pocketed an apple left over from breakfast and made my way to the stables. There I met Bucephalus, who reminded me that I had been neglecting him recently. I apologized and gave him the apple. He seemed mollified, but made it clear that he would not be so forgiving were I to repeat my offense in the future. I saddled him and we made our way down into the city. I reflected on the weather, which was, as always, pleasant. I wish there were real weather here--storms and snow, heat and cold, sleet and hail. Then a day like this would be remarkable and thereby more enjoyable. We arrived at Serena's house and I placed Bucephalus in the care of a servant. They looked at each other warily and decided that they could, at least, have a professional relationship. While they continued negotiations, I made my way into the foyer. Through the doors of Serena's study, I heard a heated argument in progress. Entering, I discovered two men in the dress of wealthy merchants engaged in a stormy discussion related to grapes and wine. How tiresome. Serena sat at her desk before them, looking monumentally bored. At my appearance, she smiled and said, "Welcome, Prince Malachai." Upon hearing my title, they looked at me and the pace of their argument slowed somewhat. "What is this?" I asked her. "It seems that these two gentlemen have a dispute over some wine." "A pastime in which I too have been known to indulge." "Disputes over wine? No, these gentlemen have a disagreement over selling wine. You see, this fellow planted vines on this other fellow's land. Now that the grapes have been harvested, producing a remarkable vintage, each claims the right to the wine." Both began correcting her, presenting their own sides of the story. I shushed them and they quieted. "They are waiting for my father," she continued, "as they are both natives of my home shadow. When he returns, they want him to give them a judgment on the matter." "So they do not accept your authority to make a ruling in your father's stead?" Serena had recently told me that her father's death was not known in her home shadow. She had delayed telling the authorities of his demise because she despised the man who would replace him. "No. I am only my father's assistant." "Then what are they doing here arguing in your house?" "Waiting for my father. I have explain that he will not be returning for several days, but they insist on staying until he arrives." She got a little sparkle in her eye. "However, I might point out that the law allows a member of the Amber royal family, such as yourself, to step in and make a ruling on any civil dispute of this nature." At this, the disputants fell silent. "In fact," she continued, "you may make any decision you wish regarding the contested property, even to confiscating it yourself." She winked at me. Each of the vintners protested vehemently, but Serena quickly recited a list of applica- ble laws and legal precedents. "In that case," I said, "would you find it convenient if I offered my services as an im- partial arbitrator?" Over the continued protests of the vintners, she said, "It would be most convenient, Your Highness." "Very well, I think I can clear this up rather quickly. Do you have any device by which we can measure a duration of about five minutes?" An egg timer was produced. I flipped a coin and pointed to the landowner. "You're first. You have five minutes to present your case." Looking fearful, he told me how he had, by long-standing family tradition, kept a cer- tain plot of land fallow for a decade. Recently, he discovered that the other fellow had grown grapes on this land and made it into wine. Since the land was his, he said, he should have the wine. I cut him off when the timer went off, then listened to his opponent. He told me how he, noticing an unused chunk of land, had spent several years ploughing and fertilizing it. Several years' grapes had been dismal failures, but he had persevered. When the grapes had finally turned up good, he had carefully har- vested them and... Time was up. They both started talking again; I told them to be silent. Then I thought for a moment. My course was clear. "Since both of you have contributed to this product, one through labor and the other through property, you shall share in the benefits. All profits will be divided between you equally. Good day, gentlemen." They wanted to argue some more, but I made it clear that if they did not consider the matter closed, then I would have to confiscate the wine myself. That shut them up. Serena summoned an official, who agreed to preside over the division of the wine in exchange for a small percentage. The two vintners, transferring the object of their harangue to him, left. "Thank you, Malachai." "It was my pleasure to be of service, Madame." "What are your plans for the rest of the day?" she asked. "Why, my lady, I have none." She got that gleam in her eye again. "Then what say you to a walk in the garden?" This was a garden we had walked before. It had several comfortable and secluded spots where we had made scientific studies of a biological nature. "I say yes, for there is nothing I would rather do. After our walk, perhaps we might go riding in Garnath." "A fine idea. I shall have a picnic lunch packed. If you would be so kind as to wait while I change out of these clothes." She was dressed fetchingly, if uncomfortably, in a formal dress from her native shadow. "But of course." Serena left and soon returned in more practical garb. Her hair was braided and she wore knee-length riding boots and back riding pants. A blousy shirt of white silk, a blue vest, and an opal brooch completed her outfit. I gazed upon her admiringly for a moment before offering her my arm. We strolled slowly out to the garden where we willed away an hour with continued attention to our studies. Later, we took Bucephalus and her tan mare on a tour of southeast Garnath. We stopped by the river, ate lunch, and had a swim. We had just dressed when a trooper in the uniform of the 1st Lancers rode up. He identified himself as a messenger from Captain Prospero, and handed me a note. More politics. The note concerned events at lunch in the Castle. It seemed that Clarissa had told Oberon about her plan for selecting the next queen. He had shown no clear reaction. Then Llwella had introduced Romar, King of a shadow called Awol, which was newly admitted to the Golden Circle. Romar would take charge of Amber's maritime defenses. Prospero had thought I'd be interested in these developments. I was pleased by neither bit of news. That His Majesty would continue to allow Clarissa to so blatantly direct the affairs of state was quite disturbing. That he would entrust the defenses of Amber to a shadow-dweller from an unknown kingdom seemed absurd. There did not seem to be anything I could do at this time, however. I thanked the messenger and sent him off without a reply. We sat by the river for another hour, then made our way back in a leisurely manner. Once back at the castle I inquired as to Cassandra's whereabouts, since I wanted to talk with her about our expedition to Pearl. A servant told me that a large cat had been spotted somewhere up Kolvir toward the Grove of the Unicorn. I thanked her and Serena and I made our way up the path in that direction. It was eventide, just after sunset, when we spotted Darhyse with a small person and a man obscured by shadows at the side of the path. As we rode closer, it became clear that the person of small stature was Cassandra, but our view of the man was blocked, perhaps by magic. "Were you sent to look for us?" asked Cassandra. "No," I told her, "we were looking for you because I wanted to talk to you. Who is your companion?" "Merlin." He stepped out from his shadow. "Hello Malachai. Serena." "I'm glad we met you," said Cassandra. "Merlin and I were talking about going to Pearl and I was wondering if the two of you wanted to come along?" The two of us? I hadn't considered taking Serena. I wasn't sure that I would be com- fortable exposing her to that kind of danger. "What do you think, Serena?" "I'd like to go." Drat. "It could be very dangerous." "I'm sure that you would protect me," she said. Merlin snickered almost imperceptibly. Accepting defeat, I said, "Well, if you want to come, and Cassandra and Merlin agree, then I cannot object." We chatted for a bit. It appeared that Cassandra and Merlin had worked out their dif- ferences. Soon we were met by Zack and two ladies, strolling up the path. We exchanged pleasantries and court gossip, then the three of them continued on their way, perhaps in pursuit of more private conversation. "So," I asked, "when shall we leave? Tomorrow?" "How about the day after," said Cassandra. "I have an appointment." "Suits me," Merlin said. "Fine," Serena said. "Then it's settled." Serena, Cassandra, and I decided to go down to the castle for dinner. Merlin wanted to stay and enjoy the night air. As we prepared to leave, he bowed low to Serena. We rode down the hill. Soon we encountered a person at the crossroads leading to the Grove of the Unicorn. He was so large that at first I thought him to be Gerard, but as we came closer he turned out to be Oberon. "Good evening, my family," he said, "and possible family to be." He winked at Serena. We greeted him. Just what I need, I thought: Oberon deciding to run my life the way Clarissa was apparently running his. "I had been on my way to gain the counsel of the Unicorn, but it seems counsel has been handed me. I have been very busy, and I just got to the scroll given me by Cassandra. I must go quickly to Pearl, as it seems Corwin has found Caine and is in need of assistance. I do not have time to go myself, however. I would like you to make the journey for me. Once there, you can Trump me through." "Merlin believes that Trump do not work between here and Pearl," I said. "There is some sort of barrier." "Then you may need to Trump me before you pass it," he said. "Where in Pearl do you need to go?" asked Cassandra. "I believe I need to be at Corwin's Pattern." "Then perhaps you should speak with my father." "It was he who invited me." "Oh." "As you may know, we had planned on going there ourselves," I said. "Our intention was to leave the day after tomorrow." "Sooner would be better," he said. "In that case," I asked," may we leave tomorrow morning, or is it necessary that we leave tonight?" "I believe I have wasted enough time that a night's further delay won't matter," he said. "Very well," I said, we will leave in the morning. If you will give us your leave to depart, we shall go and make preparations." "I'll go talk to Merlin," said Cassandra. "I'll meet you at dinner." Serena and I bade farewell to Oberon and Cassandra. After they were out of earshot, she said, "Given the urgency of the mission, perhaps I shouldn't go." I was unsure of how to reply. On the one hand, the mission might be dangerous and I might not be able to protect her. On the other hand, I would like to have her go and did not want to insult her by telling her that I didn't think she could take care of her- self. "I will leave that to your judgment," I said. "Well, I would like to stay in your company, but Oberon may not want me to go." "He didn't forbid it," I told her. "If you would like to go, then you are welcome." "Very well, " she said, "I will go." "All right," I said. "This must seem very sudden. Are there preparations you should make? Your staff..." "I'm sure they can handle things. In fact, I will tell them that we are leaving tonight and meet you at your rooms later. That would be simpler." We leered at each other. "Very well," I said. "It shall be as you say." By then we had arrived at the castle. We said farewell and she headed down to the city. I stabled Bucephalus, promising him that we would go on a trip tomorrow. Then I went to dinner. When I entered the dining hall Mikail called me over. He said that he was going off with K'rin, Zack, Rivka, Valeria, and Paolo on an expedition to look for Caine. Suddenly my Amberite instincts, long dormant, came to the fore. I did not tell him that we also would be looking for Caine. Nor did I inquire why he was taking Rivka, who, so far as anyone knew, was just a servant girl. "Is this your idea or is someone sending you on this mission?" I asked. "Oberon's. I offered to provide some lessons for the others and Caine seemed like a good destination. I hear you are off on some other excursion?" "Yes," I said. "Merlin, Cassandra, Serena, and I are going to Pearl." "Very good. I've never been there, myself." "So where are you planning to look for Caine?" "I figured that Caine might be beyond Shadow. So that's where we'll go." "Beyond Shadow? What could be beyond Shadow?" He told me of a place called the Sea of Chance. It was, he said, a vast place, constantly shifting. One must be careful to avoid being caught in the constant changes that occur there. An Amberite might possibly survive due to the influence of the Pattern, but he wasn't sure. "I do not volunteer myself as an experimental subject," I said. He chuckled. We continued to chat. The first step, he said, would be to acquire a vessel, such as the one in which we had first encountered him. If possible, he would borrow a better one, called Dalkontyr, from his mother. Cassandra and Darhyse came into the room. She waved at us and went over to talk to Fiona and Darkstar. She must have said something hilarious, because Fiona was soon on the floor, convulsed with laughter. Soon she and Darhyse came over to visit us. "What was so funny?" I asked. "Oh," said Cassandra, looking embarrassed. "Fiona thought I was talking about some- thing, but I was really talking about something else." Mikail snorted. "Redheads have dirty minds." K'rin made her entrance at that point. I usually find her brash but bearable, but tonight she was obnoxious. When Mikail started to tell Cassandra that purpose of his trip would be to help train the others, she thought it ridiculous that he might have anything to teach her. "I am older than you, you know," she sneered. Cassandra was quite offended. "Are you getting stupid in your old age?" she asked K'rin. I don't think K'rin knew how to deal with an insult from a child. She walked off in a huff. Valeria came over and said hello. She had a sheaf of papers that, apparently, were a section of Paolo's journal. He had given them to Oberon, who had allowed the others who were going with Mikail to read it. I asked if I might look it over, and Valeria gave it to me. Since Mikail wanted to take it with him (they were to leave an hour after dinner), I read it there. It was about 30 pages long, documenting a "lesson" in shadow provided by Clarissa to Paolo and Mikail. It sounded quite nasty; I'm glad she's not my mother. Later, Cassandra and I met them at the stables to see them off. Mikail explained that their first destination was the Courts of Chaos, where they would acquire Dalkontyr. One of Clarissa's vapid applicants arrived, then shapeshifted into Paolo. He had, appar- ently, been amusing himself among them. He seems to absorb the identity of those around him; first a lancer, now one of those foolish women. Cassandra arrived with Darhyse, who was again in the shape of a small stuffed bunny. Cassandra carried a bottle of wine, which she presented to Mikail as a going-away present. Mikail thanked her solemnly. "I too have a present for each of you," he said. Then he passed out amulets of black obsidian on silver chains. I examined mine and found it, unsurprisingly, to be quite a nice piece. Mikail showed that he wore one also. "They are protective devices," he said. "Worn in contact with the skin, they afford a significant degree of invulnerability." "Against what?" I asked. "Many things," he said vaguely. "Then perhaps it would be better to say that they give resistance, not invulnerability." Maybe I was splitting hairs. "As you say," he said. He demonstrated that if one turned the jewel in a certain manner, a large black cloak formed around the wearer that could protect two or three people. I pulled out my dagger and found that, while wearing the pendant, I could not cut myself with it. I pulled out Galantine and, cutting myself on the arm, was pleased to find that I was not proof against her superior steel. I noticed Mikail appraising my sword and thought that it might have been wiser if I had performed my experiment in private, since he now had a better idea of my capabilities. Oh, well, I am not yet as paranoid as most of my family. I thanked him for the present. "You're welcome." He held out another. "This one is for your lady." "Good. Then I won't have to give her mine. Thanks again." Mikail offered one to Darhyse, but she didn't seem interested. Then two winged balls appeared out of the night. "Those are Clarissa's eyes and ears," Mikail said wearily. "They will follow and keep tabs on us." Paolo produced a net and threw it over one; it fell to the ground. "If we anger Clarissa, then Dalkontyr might not be there when we try to pick him up," Mikail pointed out. Paolo shrugged. He clapped and the net sprang back into his hand. A neat trick. "We'll get rid of them after we have Dalkontyr," he said. Mikail agreed. Then they were off. We waved goodbye as they made their way off into the night, then headed back to the castle ourselves. "Goodnight, Malachai," Cassandra said. "Come to my rooms in the morning. We can all have breakfast before we leave." "All right," I said. "Goodnight." I went to my rooms. While waiting for Serena to arrive, I have caught up on this jour- nal. I hope she gets here soon. * * * That evening, as I wrote in this journal, I heard a knock at the door. Opening it, I saw a servant boy. "I'm here with clean linen, sir," he said. "Just put it in the closet," I told him, turning back to my writing. He came in and headed toward the bed. "I said just..." There before me was Serena, dressed as the boy had been. "How did you...?" I asked dumbly. She smiled, took a ring out of her pocket, and put it on her finger. Instantly, she transformed into a boy. He had Serena's general features and coloring, but with a defi- nite masculine cast. "That's quite a trick," I said. "What is that." "A magic ring," she said. "It's a family heirloom." "Does it shapeshift you or cast some sort of glamour?" "Shapeshift," she said. "Does it have other forms?" "It doesn't work like that. It changes you into what you would look like if you were the opposite gender. I got it from an uncle who's female form is quite an imposing old woman." "Interesting," I said. "Care to try?" she said, proffering the ring. "All right." I took the ring from her and put it on. There was a momentary feeling of oddness, as if my skin were infested with cobwebs, and then I had changed. My body felt different; I was smaller and could feel curves I was unfamiliar with. It was very strange. I found it intriguing and disturbing, but unlike the changes I experienced when I was captured by the Hendrakes. Although, I thought, I would like to experi- ment with this later, for now it was rather too much. I took the ring off. "Do you have any other little tricks I should be aware of?" I asked. She smiled lasciviously. "I mean magical items." "Oh." She dimpled. "Well, there is this." She reached into her bag and pulled out a wineskin. "Try some." I sampled it. "Not a bad vintage, but nothing special," I said. "How much wine is in the skin?" she asked. "Why it's...completely full." "Yes. It stays full no matter how much you drink." "That could prove useful on a long journey. I have something for you." I said. "Oh, really. How thoughtful." "Actually, it's a present from Mikail." I showed her the pendant he had given me for her and the matching piece that I wore. "Very nice work," she said, examining hers. "I didn't know he was such a craftsman." "There is more to it than that. It provides a magical protection from physical harm." I took out my dagger and demonstrated its inability to cut me. "How wonderful," she said. She borrowed my dagger and tried on herself. "The protection is not universal. Galantine can cut through it, for example, as she is an extraordinary blade." "I'm sure you will protect me," she said. When I explained that I couldn't protect her from everything, she wouldn't hear of it. I hope that attitude doesn't get her killed. I also showed her how, when the stone was given a one-quarter turn widdershins, it created a voluminous black cloak that could provide protection to two or three people. I wrote a note to Colonel Prospero informing him that my duties for the foreseeable future would be even more detached from the regiment than they normally were. I spent the rest of the evening packing and talking with Serena. She had much less knowledge of the Patternfall War than I would have thought. Having heard the his- tory from my relatives, I had never considered the possibility that the facts were not well known. She had no idea what Pearl was or how it came to be. I spent a couple of hours telling her about the war and the parts played by various members of the royal family while I was imprisoned. We went to bed late, quite tired, and just slept. The next day, we woke up early, got dressed, and went over to Cassandra's room. I carried the saddlebags I had packed the night before. Cassandra was up and Merlin was there already. She had arranged for a saddlebags to be packed for each of us. We decided to take them all. After a full breakfast, we headed down to the stables with our equipment. I saddled Bucephalus while Merlin picked out an experienced horse (apparently one of Eric's) and Serena got a horse from her family's stock. Cassandra rode Darhyse. We headed out into Arden. We met a patrol shortly after entering the forest. They asked us our business, warned us about manticores, and wished us a pleasant journey. After about an hour of easy riding, we heard horns being blown in the distance. Julian was hunting today. Soon they became louder and it became clear that the hunt was headed in our direction. Merlin, who was leading the group, changed our course to avoid them. Soon we heard the baying of hounds and it became apparent that at least some of Julian's dogs had picked up our scent. I noticed that Darhyse seemed to be getting larger, probably as part of her shapeshifting abilities. In a few moments one hellhound bounded into the clearing we were crossing. I maneuvered so that Bucephalus and I were between the dog and Serena. It bounded past us, straight toward Darhyse, who had by then grown to almost twice her normally large size. They snapped at each other once or twice, then Darhyse leapt forward and snatched the hound up in her mouth, biting it across the torso. The hound screamed as Darhyse pulled it off its feet and held it almost gently. It struggled for a few moments, then gave up. Other hounds circled, baying and snarling. I drew Galantine and guarded Serena, but none came close. Darhyse held the now-terrified hound in her huge jaws and lashed out with her claws at any others that darted near. Soon Julian rode Morgenstern into the clearing, calling his hounds back. He rode up to Cassandra and Darhyse. "Well," he said, looking us over. "It seems we have caught some rabbits who turned out to have fangs." He gave Cassandra a look of mock contrition. "May I have my hound back, please?" Darhyse, giving Morgenstern a meaningful look, put the animal down across the horn of his saddle. It had a neat pattern of teeth marks across its body, bleeding only slightly. Darhyse looked meaningfully at Morgenstern and licked his face before backing away slightly. Morgenstern seemed distraught. Julian traded his usual sharp witticisms with us for a moment before the rest of his party arrived. It contained Clarissa and a coterie of her vapid applicants trying uncom- fortably to stay upon their horses. She rode up and gave greeting to us all, seemingly amused at Julian's catch. "Poor puppies," she said, gesturing to the hellhounds. "Too stupid not to bite things bigger than them." She asked our destination and we explained. Smiling as if to say she had known it all along (and I am sure she had), she reached into her saddlebags and retrieved a small package. Handing it to Cassandra, she asked that she give it to Corwin. Cassandra agreed to do so. Then Clarissa looked at Serena. "What a lovely lady you have," she said to me. "I think so, too." I replied, nervous at the thought that Clarissa had taken notice of Serena. "Didn't you want to be queen of Amber?" she asked Serena. "No," she said. "That would be either above or below my station. Above for you, below for some others." She looked pointedly at the vapids. While they were talking, I noticed that Merlin had quietly killed three hellhounds with his blade. Another came sniffing too close to Darhyse and she caught it up in her mouth, this time holding its entire head within her jaws. It struggled for a few moments and began to cry mournfully. Julian asked for that one back also, and at a word from Cassandra Darhyse laid it, whimpering, across Morgenstern's back. At that we bid them goodbye and they wished us a good journey. My family is quite astounding sometimes in their shameless perversion of manners. Our journey was basically uneventful. Merlin led the whole way, since he had been their before and could apparently travel in Shadow much more quickly than Darhyse. We stopped several times to eat and stretch our legs (Merlin exhibiting the typical endurance and appetite of and Amberite). On one stop we went for a swim (except Serena, who wanted to take a nap, and Darhyse, who hated to get wet). When we took off our clothes, it became apparent that Cassandra was considerably more, well, devel- oped than the 11- or 12-year old we had thought her to be. She looked more like 18 or so, but short enough to pass for 12 in the loose clothing she had worn in Amber. When I asked her about it afterward, she confessed that she had allowed everyone to think she was a child because she thought she might be safer that way. I allowed that it may have been a prudent decision. Finally, Merlin said we had gone as far as he could take us. Cassandra asked Darhyse to lead us to where we can contact her father. Darhyse walked four paces further, then sat down. "I think this is it," said Cassandra. She pulled out her deck of Trump and selected Corwin's. She made contact, spoke with him for a moment, then ended the conversation. Then she got out Oberon's Trump. She achieved contact, apparently found him busy, and waited a few moments. When she pulled him through he was clutching a huge leg of lamb, of which he promptly took a bite. He greeted us while Cassandra again Trumped her father. She spoke with him, then passed Oberon through. A few minutes later, the man I had last seen a captive of Eric's troops appeared. He looked tired. Haggard even. Weakly, he hugged Cassandra, said hello to Merlin, and was introduced to Serena and me. He was dressed in his usual black and silver. I shook his hand and said, "I have heard that you've found Caine." "Actually, he found my Pattern." "How so?" I asked. "He decided that what he seeks is on the other side of my Pattern. So with his usual arrogance he decided to walk it. He got almost halfway along before he realized he couldn't make it and got scared, I think, for the first time in his life. He tried to turn around and get off." "And he's still alive after that?" I asked. "I've been feeding him strength to keep him alive. He has been stuck there, in a state of paralysis, since then. Now Oberon is dealing with it. By the way, do you have anything to eat? It's been quite exhausting." "Of course," I said. We all dug into our supplies and gave him various things to eat and drink. He ate like he had not eaten in days. Perhaps he hadn't. "Can't you Trump him off?" I asked. "No," he said. "My Pattern seems to want to keep him." He finished his meal. "I should warn you that you will not find it pleasant on the other side of the barrier. Those who have walked Amber's Pattern lose all of their powers within my realm. It is quite disconcerting." He looked at Merlin. "It will affect you, too, although you can still walk it if you want." "I'm not sure what that will do, Perhaps some other time." "I have but recently walked the Pattern," I said. "I am sure that it won't bother me to be without it for awhile." "There's more to it than that," Corwin said. "There is a feeling of mental static that comes over you. It induces headaches and a certain amount of confusion." He turned to Serena. "You, of course, will have no difficulty, my Lady." She smiled. "When we go, each of you must be touching me or be touching someone who is touching me. It has something to do with conductance." We created a chain, flesh to flesh, including the horses, and walked forward. There was a feeling of disorientation, a bit like losing one's balance. Or like being wrapped in cotton. It didn't go away. Shadows shifted rapidly, and soon we were standing on a barren plane. Ahead of us was a large tree, almost leafless. Before it lay a Pattern. It looked familiar and alien at the same time; it was hard to look at. Oberon stood at the tree, and someone, presumably Caine, stood wreathed in flame about halfway along the Pattern. Corwin spoke to Cassandra for a moment and she walked over to a spot that seemed no different than any other nearby spot. She knocked, as if at a door, and a door opened. It hung in midair, a smallish fellow peered out. Cassandra seemed to be placing an order. Chairs and a table appeared. Apparently self-animated, they walked by themselves over to us. I pointed to a spot, and a chair walked over and stopped there. Serena followed suit, and got another chair. A third chair stopped before Bucephalus and rocked back and forth, apparently waiting for a command. The table arranged itself before us, covered in a variety of foods. Cassandra sat down with us while Corwin and Merlin went over to talk with Oberon. The food was all right but the wine was terrible. Serena pulled out her magic wineskin and we shared its contents with Cassandra. Serena, apparently concerned that she was in the presence of royalty in travel clothes, pulled a more formal ensemble from her bags. She caused her pendant to produce a black cloak and changed underneath it. I told her it was unnecessary, since she looked wonderful in anything, and she hushed me. I walked over to where Oberon, Merlin, and Corwin were talking. They were using some sort of mathematical language that I could not decipher. After a moment I realized that the tree was also participating in the discussion. I listened for a few min- utes, then headed back to the ladies. They had decided to go explore. There didn't seem to be much to see, but I agreed to take a walk with them. We picked a direction at random and walked. There seemed to be nothing but sand for miles. We walked in a wide loop around the Pattern. As we got further from the Pattern, the fuzzy feeling induced by this place got stronger. Eventually, we heard a "halloo!" from out in the dunes. It was an unkempt fellow named Seth who was, apparently bringing supplies to Corwin by pulling a sleigh across the sand. Cassandra knew him and they chatted about home. He mentioned something about "the war" before continuing on toward Corwin. I asked Cassandra about it, but she wouldn't talk. We decided that there probably wasn't anything inter- esting out here and went back to the Pattern. Cassandra remembered the package Clarissa had given her and presented to Corwin. He opened it, looked at the card it contained, and cursed. He went off for a moment and came back with Darkstar, Fiona's demonic friend. They seemed to know each other. Darkstar also seemed to know Merlin, at least by reputation. He greeted Merlin with a string of titles that I would not attempt to reproduce even were I able to remember them. Merlin returned the compliment with another endless string of titles. Having demonstrated that they were both vastly important back in Chaos, they joined the others, who had resumed their technical discussion of Pattern mechanics. I laid out a folded blanket under my head and dozed while Serena chatted with Cassandra and Seth. After perhaps an hour, they achieved some sort of solution. Caine disappeared. Everyone shook hands all around and partook of the banquet arranged on the table. Oberon drank what must have been several gallons in one toss of Serena's magic wineskin. "Perhaps I missed something," I said. "Where exactly is Caine?" "Recovering," said Oberon, without further explanation. "Who would like to come to Pearl?" said Corwin, brandishing a Trump depicting a castle. All of us agreed except Oberon, who said he had to look after Caine. Soon we had all Trumped through. The castle at Pearl was less a fortification than a palace styled like a castle. It looked comfortable and pretty, if not protective. We stood about halfway up a gentle slope leading to it. Within moments, a lovely young lady appeared and hugged Cassandra, who introduced her as Alyss. She was apparently the castle chate- laine. She asked about our preferred accommodations and room setup. While we were discussing arrangements, we spotted a group (pride?) of about thirty Sha'um headed our way. They were all smaller than Darhyse, but still quite large. They were of many different colors--browns, reds, oranges, and greens. Some were multicol- ored. Cassandra didn't seem worried, but I stood before Serena anyway. We became engulfed in a wave of huge and affectionate creatures. They nudged and rubbed us, sniffed and nuzzled. They seemed particularly happy to see Cassandra. One, however, seemed fascinated with Serena. It stared at her and she stared back, looking shocked. I tapped her shoulder and got no response. "Serena?" Nothing. I caught Cassandra's attention. "What's happening to Serena?" I asked. Cassandra looked at the pair. "It looks like that one has imprinted on her," she said. "What does that mean?" "Sometimes a Sha'um selects a particular human to be her partner. They establish a telepathic bond, just as Darhyse has with me." "Can it harm her?" "Of course not. But they will both be in a state of shock for awhile until the imprinting sets." "How long will that take?" "Anywhere from a couple of hours to a couple of days." "Maybe we'd better get them to a private room, then." Alyss led us to a comfortable suite which included a bedroom, a sitting room, and a bathroom. She explained to me how to use the various bathroom fixtures, which were much more elegant and comfortable than those in Castle Amber. Serena and her new friend sat and stared into her eyes. Periodically she would speak with it out loud, oblivious to the telepathic nature of their communication. I took a long, comfortable bath. I admit that I was a bit hurt by this turn of events; would this creature displace me in Serena's affections? I sat in the tub and moped for some time. Shortly before turning into a wrinkled prune I got out, dried myself, and went out to check on the besotted pair. Serena was more responsive by then. She spoke with me excitedly about the experience, and I had to explain to her that no, I could not hear what the Sha'um was saying to her. She had never experienced telepathic commu- nication before. It was all quite enthralling for her, and her enthusiasm was infectious. I asked her what the Sha'um's name was, and Serena told me that she wanted Serena to name her. She had not yet decided. Later, we took a nap on the bed. We were awakened perhaps an hour later by a knock at the door. It was Cassandra with a handsome, one-legged fellow named Benjamin. Apparently, they were lovers. Cassandra said that dinner would be in about an hour and that, via the servants, we should let the chef know what we would like. Serena and I decided to leave it up to him. They left to go harass Merlin while Serena and I freshened up. At dinner, we were seated at high table with Cassandra (her friend was not there), some important officials, and Merlin. Corwin was not there. The food was strange but quite good. I could not understand what was said by most of the people around me, as Thari was not commonly spoken in Pearl. Alyss, Cassandra, and a few servants knew the tongue. As we chatted Cassandra called over a thin, hawk-like fellow with grey hair named Deth. He seemed some kind of shadow sorcerer who also claimed to be a musi- cian. "May I hear your work sometime?" I asked. "I would like that," he said, "but music is forbidden in this place." "That seems strange to me," I said, "as Corwin is known as a great musician and com- poser in Amber." "Perhaps that is why he forbids music here," Cassandra said. Deth excused himself to go sit at his own table. Later I noticed that the voices around me, which I had been experiencing as an incomprehensible babble, had begun to sound like Thari. I could understand them. Serena had the same experience. I asked Cassandra whether people had changed tongues. At first, she seemed puzzled, as everyone was clearly speaking the language called Common. Then she understood. Deth, she said, had cast a spell upon us permitting us to understand any language we heard. It was permanent. I raised my glass to him, and he smiled. With my new understanding I heard much talk of the current war. I asked Cassandra about it. She confirmed that Pearl was at war with forces from local Shadow, but would give few details. Benjamin, she said, had lost his leg in battle, protecting her. Later, she got a message brought to her by a tired-looking man named Ingold. She read it and looked disturbed. "It's from my father," she said to Merlin, Serena, and me. "He wants me to go to the front. I am afraid that I will have to leave you tomorrow." "Perhaps we could accompany you," I said. "You might find it helpful to have some extra protection." "Yes," agreed Merlin. "I haven't been in a good war for some time." "This is not your fight," Cassandra said. "I have no right to involve you in it." "You are not," I said. "We are involving ourselves." "What about you, Serena?" she asked. Before Serena could assure everyone that I would protect her, I broke in. "You could stay here and get to know your new friend." I indicated the Sha'um sitting at her side. "It would only be a couple of days, I'm sure." "I suppose that might be all right," she said. "Then it's agreed. We shall leave in the morning," I said. I was most relieved that I would not have to try to protect Serena in a war zone. Serena and I, fatigued from our journey, retired early. I caught up on this journal and shall now go to bed. * * * The next morning, early, Ingold came to me with a message from Cassandra. There was an emergency, he said, and she had found it necessary to go to her father a few hours before. Ingold would escort Merlin and me to the army. I got up, said goodbye to Serena, and got dressed. I got Bucephalus and met Merlin and Ingold in the castle courtyard. Ingold cast some sort of spell, and we were transported to a military encampment of good size and professional arrangement. Ingold led us to a tent where we met with Cassandra. "What's up?" Merlin asked. "My father is ill. I believe he was poisoned," she said. "How did it happen?" I asked. "We had just concluded a peace treaty with the enemy. They had surrendered. Then my father fell ill last night after drinking a cup of wine." "Why would he drink wine provided by his enemies?" Merlin asked. "They drank the same wine first. It is even possible that a normal component of their wine, which they are used to, caused him to fall ill. I was there just after he was stricken and overheard their leaders speaking in their own tongue, which I understand. They said the treaty was just a ruse and they would attack when we let our guard down." "That was stupid of them," I said. "Yes, very stupid. Anyway, I believe they tried to poison me also, but I had taken a counteragent. I left with my father. Now I am not sure what to do. Will you join my Council of War?" "Sure," Merlin said. "Certainly," I said. "With your father ill, I take it that you are the commander?" "Yes," she said. "I have been his second in command throughout this war." "If they have just surrendered," I asked, "then they must be weak. How do their forces compare with ours?" "Their military has always been very weak. Their troops are a joke; our men find it boring to fight them and we take almost no casualties in battle. They have powerful mages, however, and they have caused considerable difficulties with magical attacks. Recently, their chief sorcerer was slain by Ingold, our own chief sorcerer. Soon there- after, they offered to surrender." "What would be the consequences of simply abrogating the treaty on the grounds of what you overheard?" I asked "Would you be believed?" "Our side would certainly believe me, but I am concerned about their side. I want us to be perceived not only as the victors, but as those in the right. Part of what we are trying to do is teach them that we are not their enemies. One of the terms of the treaty was that we would be in charge of educating their children. Their women have no rights. They are kept in chains. If the enemy believes that we are traitors, they won't listen to us and we won't be able to change their ways." "Perhaps I am overly pessimistic," I said, "but since history is written by the victors, then after we win, we will be the ones who write the history. When we do, we will tell the truth about what happened. That may be sufficient justification." "All right," she said after a moment's thought, "then we will attack." I asked about the military situation. The war, she said, had been going on for a year. While their ground forces have been ineffectual, their magical attacks have been pow- erful. Corwin has been the prime target. In one attack, they had sent an assassin for him in Cassandra's guise. Since Ingold turned their greatest mage into a stone statue, Cassandra was unsure of their capabilities. They might have other powerful mages. There were spies in the enemy camp who were now trying to gather that information. While we were speaking, Madir, a sorceress I had met at dinner the previous night, came in with one of our spies, a birdlike fellow whose name I never caught. Their core force was a group of religious fanatics, led by priests in black robes. Some of them were thought to be mages. The discussion turned to ways to catch the leaders with their guard down without having to slaughter their army. "We could poison their food," said Madir. "We have `friends' who could accomplish that easily." "That would be fitting, considering what they did to my father," Merlin said. "I don't want to kill them all," Cassandra said, "only defeat them." "I know an herb that wouldn't kill them," Madir said, "but it would give them all a ter- rible case of diarrhea." We all laughed at the idea. "We would need quite a lot of it, though," Madir said. "Give me a sample and I'll get you all you need," Merlin said. Suddenly we realized that this might be a workable plan. Madir produced a small amount from his pouch and described the plant that produced it. Merlin reached out and pulled some out of midair. Madir cast a spell, and the raw herb became a white powder. Cassandra produced a bucket to capture it in and rolls of paper with which to package it. Soon we had a production line running, and I spent the next couple of hours rolling the powder into paper packages. While we were working, a small furry creature arrived. His name was Hilo. He chatted with Cassandra in a strange singsong language. She explained about the white powder and how it should be snuck into every cooking pot in the enemy camp. Soon more of the creatures showed up. They sat under tables and played incessantly at some kind of gambling game with rocks. When we were done, they lined up, hundreds of them, and took the packets we had created. Then they scampered off. By then it was late after- noon. We decided to attack at dawn. I spent the remainder of the day chatting with Cassandra and her soldiers. They seemed like good chaps, although I'm not sure they were quite so competent as they seemed to think they were. As far as I could tell, they had never encountered truly challenging opponents. I didn't tell them that, however. I slept very well that night, although I missed Serena. It had been a long time since I'd spent the night in a large military camp on campaign. It seemed like home. I woke up very early and made my way to the latrine. On the way back I discovered that the camp had excellent bathing facilities. In some ways this was more like a vaca- tion than a war. Not that I'm complaining, mind you. Actual wars are quite uncom- fortable. As I came back to my tent, the birdlike spy whose name I never did learn spotted me and came over. "They all have the runs," he squawked. "The whole army!" "Good work!" I told him. "If you would tell Cassandra," he said, "I have other tasks to do." When I agreed, he walked off. I dressed quickly, made my way to Cassandra's tent, and told her the news "Well," she asked, "shall we go visiting?" "I think that's a splendid idea." A very large fellow--almost Gerard's size--came up to the tent. He complained to Cassandra that no one would bet on the upcoming contest since the odds were too greatly in our favor. Cassandra introduced him as her brother, Commander Berkolder. In Amber, the rank of Commander is used only in the navy, but they appear to do things differently here. "Actually, he's my foster brother, the son of the general you met at dinner the night before last." "Corwin took me as something as a pet when I was younger," Berkolder explained. He looked to the East, where the sun was peeking over the horizon. "I should go form the troops." We had decided on a company of cavalry with magical support for the initial attack, with a larger force held in reserve to commit when we needed them. When told that they would be in reserve, the Sha'um began to yowl. Cassandra soon relented and told them they could be in on the attack. This confirmed my opinion that these were undisciplined amateurs who thought themselves elite because they had incompetent enemies. The very idea of changing a battle plan because a bunch of cats want to be in on the fun is absurd. Again, however, I held my tongue. Merlin came in, not looking good. "Good morning, Merlin," I said, cheerfully. "It comes so early around here." "Not a morning person, Merlin?" I asked. "Not at all." "Who's idea was it to do this at dawn?" asked Cassandra. "You don't have to go if you don't want to," I said. "Actually," Merlin said, "I was up until a couple of hours ago talking to Madir. Fascinating person. After discussing the enemy with, her, I believe I can handle any- thing they throw at us. Here, take these." He handed out fist-sized steel balls to each of us. "If you need to," he said "throw these at the enemy. They'll explode." Berkolder and many of his men bore drinking mugs labeled `W.O.C.' When asked, he told me that this stood for `Weapon of Choice.' Many of the men were apparently going to wield these in the attack. At that point I began to think that the enemy might have a chance against us after all, as we seemed to be doing our best to achieve defeat. The company of horse and the company of Sha'um moved out in fairly good order. I rode Bucephalus. We went right past the enemy sentries, who lay stricken on the ground. Then we rode right through the enemy camp. Thousands lay covered in filth. Many more lined ditches and latrines, emptying their bowels. The stench was horrible. For the most part they ignored us. We rode virtually unopposed to their command center, which was a large wooden building. There were some guards around the building; these were easily taken down by the Sha'um. I rode through them up to the entrance, which had two guards. I cut them down easily and rode Bucephalus right through the doorway and into the building. As I went in I saw the Sha'um jumping on the roof and clawing their way through the walls. Inside were more defenders. I killed several of them before I saw Cassandra and others come in. We killed them all. Cassandra and I noticed that there was a map table with scrolls on it that were disappearing, one by one. We tried to grab them or skewer them with our weapons, but they disappeared anyway. I felt a tapping at the corner of my mind. I answered the Trump call; it was Merlin. "Their mages have escaped to another place," he said. "but I think I can trace them." "Then please do so," I told him. "Pull Madir and me through." I complied. Merlin spent a few minutes inscribing magical circles of some kind on the floor. Then he uttered a Word, and a gate appeared before him. "Hurry," he said. "Go through before they can escape again!" Bucephalus and I jumped through the gate. We found ourselves in a large cavern lit by torches. There were perhaps fifty men in the cave, most in black robes, some in the uniforms of enemy officers. They looked at me in shock and began to gather weapons. Knowing better than to waste surprise, I shouted "tally ho!" and charged into their midst. I was followed moments later by Cassandra and the rest of our force. A group of them in the center began to teleport out, one by one, so we headed in their direction. Those around them had cast some kind of magical protection spell; cutting them was like chopping cold molasses. I noticed that the other soldiers were unable to affect them at all, but with Galantine they were not hard to take down. Cassandra was also able to affect them with her sword. As we came toward them, they began to throw spells. They popped in multicolored explosions around us. I thought we might be in trouble, but Merlin and Madir threw counterspells that stopped them. More of them began to appear, using the gate Merlin had established. I later found out that Merlin had cast a spell that redirected their tele- portation back to this place. Clever. Within about ten minutes, it was over. Most of them were dead. A few of their more powerful mages had escaped Merlin's redirection using more sophisticated teleportation spells, but we had caught the majority of their high command. We also had a large stack of documents: battle plans, codes, logistical records, personnel records, and so on. These we sent back through the gate for analysis. I went over to where Merlin was resting. "Can't you follow them again?" I asked. "No. I was too busy protecting you from their spells and I was not able to trace their teleports." "I see. Then can you determine their location from here without tracing the spells?" "Give me a minute. I'll talk it over with Madir and see what I can come up with." Most of our troops returned through the gate, then Merlin let it drop to conserve his energy. He and Madir consulted for awhile, then Merlin sat down and concentrated. "They are putting up disruptive energies that Merlin is trying to break through," Madir said. "I'm lending him strength." The itchy, cottony feeling of Corwin's worlds became stronger, as if in reaction to Merlin's outpouring of power. Then Merlin opened his eyes in shock, and slowly keeled over. I ran over and checked his vital signs. He was alive, but very unconscious. His pulse and breathing were strong and slow. Madir looked shaky. "Are you all right?" Cassandra asked. Madir nodded and took out a cheroot. "Yeah. Got a light?" "No, I don't." "That's OK," she said, and a flame sprang from her finger. "What happened?" "I'm just the backup. I'm not sure what happened." "We should get him out of here," Cassandra said. "How?" I asked. "My Pattern doesn't work here and you don't have Pattern yet." "Madir, can you get us back?" Cassandra asked. "No, I don't think so. This place is blocked off somehow." We tried a couple of Trump cards, but they didn't seem to work in this place. "Darhyse can take us through Shadow," Cassandra said. She pulled out her sword and addressed it. "Darhyse, it's time to turn into a cat now." Nothing happened. Cassandra started to curse. "I'm gonna beat her silly afterwards." "The sword is one of Darhyse's shapes?" I asked. "Yes, but either she's not listening or her shapeshift doesn't work here." I looked closely at the sword. It was of black metal. The blade had a tracery of Pattern; presumably Corwin's, as it was not that of Amber. Cassandra held up the blade and asked it to lead us. Nothing happened. We all looked at each other. "Malachai," Cassandra said, "you have more experience with this. How does one travel through Shadow without a Shadow path?" "Unless one has Pattern or Trump or some other ability, which I don't have in this place and neither do any of you, then one does not." "Then shall we pick a direction and at least get out of this cavern?" "I have no better solution," I said. We took a couple of torches and got Merlin up on Bucephalus. Picking one of the cav- ern's exits at random, we made our way to it. Cassandra, in the lead, bumped into an invisible barrier at the exit. I felt the barrier; it was smooth and glassy. I walked around the cavern and checked the other exits. They were all barred in the same manner. This was not looking good. Cassandra got out Darhyse and hit the barrier with her. No effect. I tried the same with Galantine. It sunk in slightly and stuck, like striking hardened molasses. I pulled it free, tried again with more force, and did no better. I pushed Galantine in point first and discovered that the barrier was only about two inches thick. Although I could push the sword through and then move the blade slowly around, the barrier filled in rather than cutting. No amount of moving the blade around could open a hole. Cassandra tried the same thing with Darhyse, but then had trouble pulling her back out. "There is some kind of force pulling at the sword." By that time Darhyse was imbedded up to the hilt. After some discussion we decided to let Darhyse go through, in the hope that she could shapeshift beyond the barrier. I had to push her the final distance with the point of my sword, but she finally popped through. As we had hoped, she changed into her Sha'um form. Darhyse looked at us and seemed to be making noise, but the barrier blocked us from hearing. She tried to dig through the barrier, managing to get the tips of her claws through but no more. Cassandra touched her claw and spoke with her silently. We agreed that Darhyse would explore the other end of the corridor. While she was away I felt around the cavern. As I feared, we seemed to have no source of fresh air. It was a large cave and I thought we would have enough for at least one or two days, but things seemed bleak. Cassandra looked like a scared little girl, and I gave her a hug. A few minutes later Darhyse came back, shaking her head. We took this to mean that she had encountered a dead end. Then Darhyse tried something that should have been obvious at the beginning. She began to dig at the rock beside the corridor. Within a few minutes she had pushed a claw through to us. "Well, that's a lesson for us," Cassandra said. I agreed. Within a few minutes more of digging, we had enlarged the hole enough for Darhyse to climb through. "Never bring me anyplace where I can't change shape," she said. Cassandra hugged her. "You can talk," I said stupidly. "Of course I can talk," she replied. A few minutes later we began digging around the next barrier to our left. We got through it and found that it, too, led to a dead end. Upon opening the third exit, we felt a faint breeze. Darhyse pushed through and went exploring while we used Galantine to enlarge the hole enough for Bucephalus to get through. Darhyse came back with a flower in her mouth and helped us finish. We emerged on a grassy hillside. The country looked rough and, so far as we could tell, uninhabited. "Darhyse, can you find the camp from here?" asked Cassandra. "If I knew where it was," she said. "Can you find my father?" "Probably. But I want some food first." We decided to camp out for the night and rest before trying to get back. Darhyse came back with a sort of woolly antelope in her teeth, apparently having eaten another already. It cooked up nicely. Madir, recovering from her stupor, used its bones to create a magical palisade. I took the first watch, catching up this journal in the fading light. I may find it difficult to sleep with the interference from Corwin's Pattern in this place. I keep wanting to scratch inside my head. * * * The next morning we decided not to use Trump to get back unless we had to. The only one we had that would be likely to work was Corwin's. If he was unconscious, it would be useless. If he was awake, we would prefer to walk home rather than bother him. The trip back took about twelve hours. Merlin stayed unconscious throughout, but his breathing and pulse seemed stronger than they had the day before. The manner in which Darhyse led us through Shadow was strange. Unlike the gradual shifts common to Pattern travel, we would travel for up to an hour through one shadow and then make an abrupt change to a very different place. Finally, we rode into the encampment of Corwin's army. As we rode in, we saw Commander Berkolder. He told us we had been gone three days. Corwin was apparently awake, recovered, and very angry over the loss of his daughter. He had been planning an attack. We looked at each other and wished we had tried his Trump. Oh well. Is Ingold available?" Cassandra asked. "Why?" "Because Merlin was injured while conducting a magical probe and we think he may be able to help." "I see." He turned to a passing soldier. "You," he said. "Get me a chirurgeon." Merlin was soon placed on a stretcher and brought off toward his own tent. Ingold and the camp's chief physician would meet him there. The rest of us decided that we had done what we could for him. Cassandra said she was going to her tent to Trump her father. "I'm going to my tent to get cleaned up," I said. "If you like," Berkolder said, "I can take your horse and see that he is properly groomed." "I'm sure he would like that," I told him. "Thank you." I went to my tent, washed up, and changed clothes. Then I went to Merlin's tent. There I found Madir and Ingold sitting and chatting. "How is he?" I asked. "Well, he tried to follow a bunch of old trails and hit some kind of trigger, which not only drained him but used his power to set up a magical barrier. He'll be all right." "How long until he's awake?" "He's just sleeping now. He should be awake in twenty or thirty minutes." Cassandra and Corwin showed up soon afterward and got the same report on Merlin's status. We discussed the further prosecution of the war against the remaining enemy leaders. "Actually," Corwin said," I've decided to simply put a price on their heads. I think it will be more demeaning to have us ignore them. And with that nasty business settled I think we should all go someplace more civilized. I need a vacation." "Malachai?" asked Cassandra. "Lead on," I said. "Not quite yet," he said, "but soon." We chatted for awhile longer before Corwin decided that Merlin had been asleep long enough. He got up, went into the tent, and poked him in the ribs. Merlin swatted his hand away. "Don't do that!" he said. "How are you feeling?" Corwin asked. "Not good, but I'll live." Merlin sat up. "That was the worst blunder I've ever made." "Good," Corwin said. "I hope you've learned a lesson." Merlin grunted. He peered around at all of us looking expectantly at him. "What's up?" "We're going someplace to relax," Corwin said. "I'm hip," Merlin said. I sent an orderly to fetch Bucephalus, who returned looking happy and very nicely groomed. Corwin produced a Trump depicting the courtyard of his castle. I noticed that the back of the Trump bore an abstract smiling face in three dimensions. Curious. He made con- tact and we all went through. Upon our arrival, runners sped off to announce our arrival. Alyss showed up a few minutes later, followed closely by Serena with her Sha'um. We hugged and I told her briefly about my recent misadventures. "How long have we been away?" I asked her. "A week." "And how have you been?" I asked. "Actually I've been rather bored." She showed me some needlework she had been doing, depicting her, myself, Bucephalus, and her Sha'um. "Is your cat all right?" "She's wonderful." The Sha'um rubbed against her and purred loudly. A misty expres- sion came over her face and I felt a twinge of jealousy. "Have you come up with a name for her yet?" "Yes. Dapple." Dapple butted my hip gently and I scratched behind her ears. Corwin broke away from the report on kingdom affairs Alyss was trying to give him and came over. "So, how have you been coping with the interference effects from my Pattern?" he asked me. I thought of the cottony feeling in my head. "It's been bad, off and on," I told him. "Well, we can do something about that." He took out another Trump and powered it up. "Let's get out of here." We stepped through to the field where we had entered Corwin's realm. Instantly, the awful feeling of having a head full of molasses stopped. Corwin gestured, and a table laden with food and drink appeared. We noticed a pavilion standing at the other end of the field. It's banner bore the Unicorn of Amber. Oberon came from the pavilion and greeted us all. Hungry, we sat down to eat. Oberon addressed Corwin: "So, now that you have accomplished whatever it was you accomplished, and you can see that my intentions were not to invade your kingdom, I was hoping that you could look after the rest of the motley crew I sent off." "I'd love to," Corwin said. "I had lots of fun raising my daughter and I think it would be entertaining to meet some of my other nieces and nephews." "They are not all so well-behaved," Cassandra said. Corwin put a hand on my shoulder. "This one seems all right," he said. "Not all of them are like him," she said. "Then perhaps I can whip them into shape," he told her. An image came to mind of Corwin giving K'rin a well-deserved spanking. I chuckled. "I believe Caine would also like to go" Oberon said, "although I'm not sure he's up to it." "All right," Corwin said. "Where have these miscreants gone to?" "They have traveled beyond Shadow." "Beyond Shadow?" Corwin said. "I've never heard of such a place." "They have gone past the Dueling Grounds?" asked Merlin. "Yes," said Oberon. "Into the Sea of Chance itself." "I would like to go," Serena told me. "It sounds very dangerous," I began. "You will protect me," she said. "You're my knight in shining armor." "Dapple can protect her also," Cassandra said. Serena picked that moment to be very annoying. "So, Your Majesty," she said, "how does one arrange to marry one of your grandsons?" I kicked her under the table. "Bucephalus thinks it's a good idea," she said. "Dapple told me so." "We'll talk about this later," I whispered emphatically. Oberon, fortunately, chose not to acknowledge her question. "So Cassandra," he said, "do you have any other siblings?" "Malachai may possibly be my brother. I don't know of any others besides Merlin." Corwin looked startled and I explained what I know of my origins. He admitted that it was possible. He and Oberon began a technical discussion of ways to determine my parentage. Much of the talk was in the mathematical language they had used when figuring out how to rescue Caine. Finally, they decided that there are two ways to tell: I could walk Corwin's Pattern, and if I survive then I am his son. Oh, joy. The other way is to walk the Amber Pattern at the same time as Cassandra or Merlin. If we establish a close telepathic link while on the Pattern, then that would indicate that we are siblings. "I don't think I'll try either of those experiments quite yet," I said. "When can I walk the Pattern?" Cassandra asked Corwin. "When you're ready, which won't be for some years," he told her. "You must be very careful." "Which of my sons was the youngest to walk the Pattern, against my instructions?" Oberon asked him. "I was," he admitted, "but I was twenty-five. She isn't." He looked at Cassandra threat- eningly. Oberon took out a package and held it out to Cassandra. "This is for Mikail. Would you deliver it to him for me?" Cassandra took the package. "Of course." She looked at it curiously, but did not ask. "Thank you. It's two Trump decks. He asked for them and I haven't been able to get them for him before now." Oberon then excused himself and went into his tent. He returned a few minutes later. "Caine is not feeling up to a journey just yet. He gave me this message for his daughter K'rin. Will anyone deliver it?" I volunteered, and he gave it to me. I tucked it into my pouch for safekeeping. "All right," said Corwin. "If everyone has had quite enough to eat, I think we should get going." He turned to Oberon. " do we get there?" "I have a friend who can get you there. Give me a moment and I will open a gateway to him." While Oberon worked on casting his spell, Corwin and Merlin selected two horses from several he had pastured by his tent. Oberon nodded permission as he finished his incantation. A glowing gate appeared before us. We said goodbye, then stepped through it. We found ourselves in a confusing polychromatic place. Before us was a very tall per- son with strange features and a bluish cast to his skin. His hair was perfect. "I am Shiryu. Oberon tells me you wish to reach Mikail's party in the Sea of Chance. I will try to get you there." He, in turn, spent some time establishing a gate. In a few minutes it was complete and he said that we could continue our journey. We thanked him and did so. This time, we entered a large space that looked like a control room. The walls were decorated in contrasting sections of many different styles. There was a view screen projecting strange patterns that were somehow difficult to look at. At the center, seemingly locked into some sort of control chair, was Mikail. The others in the room were K'rin, Rivka, Paolo, Valeria, and Zack. We exchanged greetings, and Cassandra introduced Corwin to his brother Mikail. Mikail said hello and introduced Dalkontyr, the vessel in which we traveled. A voice appeared from midair and said hello. We greeted it back. I went over to K'rin. "I have a message for you. It's from your father." "You've seen him? Is he all right? Where is he?" "Yes," I said. "He has been injured, but he's recovering and will be fine. When I last saw him he was with Oberon near Pearl." I handed her the note. "Thanks," she said. She reached into her pouch and retrieved a Trump of her father. "That won't work here," Mikail said. K'rin ignored him and tried it anyway. She met with no success. "If you'll excuse me, I'd like to go read this in private." She left, returning a few minutes with a somber look. On the view screen, I noticed various strange pieces of debris float by--a shoe, a thigh- bone, a winged snake with chrome scales. "We may soon arrive at a relatively solid place where we might get out," Mikail said. Eventually, we were given quarters. After spending some time privately with Serena, discussing the issue of public announcements of our private affairs, I caught up on this journal. I have completed this volume and will be starting another. I'm sure it will be as interesting as this one.